Fionn Nichols

Fionn Nichols
World: Star Fox-2


Fionn is an anthropomorphic fennec fox from the Lylat System. Originally born on a desert planet, his family's career led him to spend his adolescence in the urban heart of the galaxy. After his sister purportedly perished in a disastrous experiment, he dropped out of military academy to pursue personal interests. Wanting revenge for his sullied family name, the electromechanical engineering prodigy joined the mercenary group Star Wolf. He serves first and foremost as their chief engineer, maintaining their outposts and servicing their members' ships. Although often acting in a support role, he is capable of piloting his own craft and acting as a combatant. His warm, if professional demeanor hides a cold resolve for revenge and desire to see the Nichols name restored at any cost. The fox will not bring about conflict needlessly, but those who stand between him and his goals will find themselves facing both blaster and wrench.


Chief Engineer: Can build, maintain, and use space-faring technologies.
Fionn is a master in the art of design, maintenance and operation of military grade space technologies. He has a strong grasp of how complicated electromechanical systems function, as well as the power plants and other sources driving them. Trained by both the military academy and his home system's premier engineering program, he is quick to grasp the intricacies of complex machine structures. This includes electrical, mechanical, and some computer engineering. His specialties are the inner workings of combat vehicles and space stations-from the structure and aerodynamics, to fusion cores and other futuristic energy sources. His engineering expertise is strictly in the realm of the physical and mechanical, and he cannot work well with magic or similar phenomena. He can build incredibly complicated structures, but such tasks would require the proper materials and tools, as well as a capable crew and enough time.
Boot Camp: Trained in hand to hand and small laser arms, with a soldier's discipline.
Fionn underwent rigorous military training in his home system, including the basics of combat. Although not possessing great physical strength, he can defend himself using close-quarters combat techniques and armaments such as laser pistols and rifles. He also understands and believes strongly in the chain of command and can integrate well into organizations, but is also capable of improvising in chaotic and disorganized situations.
Khamsin: Prized possession and fighter jet, custom built.
The Khamsin is a small personal fighter craft with retractable wings. It's a heavily modified Cornerian Fighter that has been built, destroyed, and rebuilt a dozen times. The design trades shielding and armor for speed and stealth. It also sacrifices some of its weapons payload, having only a single laser cannon and limited missile bay. In exchange, it offers more cargo space and can travel longer, further, faster than most combat-capable vessels.
Scavenger: Fionn knows where to go find food, water, and even spare parts.
A life of hardship has taught Fionn to live and thrive off of his environment. In a desert, he knows where to find food and water. When supply lines are cut, he can still manage to find salvagable equipment and parts. He might recognize strategic hiding spots and identify ideal caching locations, but cannot necessarily detect concealed objects and cannot find what is simply not there.
Like Water off a Fox: (Almost) nothing can break Fionn's cool.
Fionn will brush off a bullet just as easily as an insult. He is polite, professional, and warm to a fault. Attempts to goad him are just as likely to get him to smile. Even life-or-death situations don't quite penetrate his skin, and he is even resistant to empathic manipulation. Of course, once something lights his fuse, there's not a thing in the world that can put it out.
     (See Complication: No Fury)
Tool Belt: Fionn carries his tools, protective gear, and a light firearm.
An engineer is never anywhere without his tools. At minimum, he carries the basic hammer, wrench, portable welder, and a multitool. He also carries a portable shield generator that can block radiation for up to sixty minutes before failing. He also carries a light laser pistol. Finally, he is rare to be seen without a pair of clip-on earphones and a personal hygiene kit. It never hurts to smell nice.
Pilot: Fionn can fly spaceborne fighter jets, carriers, and some ground vehicles.
Fionn trained in the Cornerian military and is capable of operating space and atmospheric fighter jets, as long as the control schemes somewhat resemble those from his world. He can also drive ground vehicles like APCs and tanks. While he has seen combat, he never achieved a rank beyond cadet and lacks refined experience. His performance is higher than the average pilot, but is not likely to win a confrontation with aces or known veterans.


No Fury: When Fionn gets angry, there's no going back.
Two things will set off Fionn: praising or aiding the Toad family, or outperforming him as an engineer. This could be a matter of an enemy ship destroying a ship he worked on, or a tinkerer coming up with a more innovative design than him. His esteem is entirely tied up in his identity as 'the best engineer,' and he still hasn't forgiven the Toads for what happened to the Nichols. Such transgressions will get on his bad side, and too much will push him to a righteous fury. In this state he becomes sloppy, error-prone, and aggressive to the point of self-destruction.
Me Against the World: Fionn doesn't completely trust anyone.
At the end of the day, Fionn believes that we are all alone. No matter how noble, others will betray him, disappoint him, or otherwise fail him. If something needs done, he will insist on doing it himself and does not count on others to complete the job. It is difficult for him to build sincere relationships with others, and those that do he guards carefully. There are a rare few who earn his trust, but a part of him still secretly fears the day they turn against him.
Double Fox Dare: Easily goaded into doing stupid things.
Fionn thinks very highly of himself, and wants others to think highly of him, too. He will accept any contest or challenge his way that he believes he can win. He won't arm-wrestle a thousand pound alien, but he'll still try to drink them under the table. While he won't put bystanders at risk, he also won't hesitate to place himself in mortal danger to prove a point.
The Moment that Shapes You: Losing his sister gave him a fear of the unknown.
Part of Fionn still lives in the moment where his sister disappeared in a Cosmic Gate accident. On top of his revenge complex, he's developed several phobias. He can't bear the thought of catastrophe and will go out of his way to eliminate them as a possibility to the point of mania. He's also developed a fear of the unknown. Portals, unnatural spaces, and things of an aberrational nature terrify him.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1159 When the Past is a Slippery Slope May 15 2023
601 Angels Fall First Nov 25 2019
557 Sky High Company Sep 20 2019
554 A night out in Lylat Sep 08 2019
473 A Wolf, Two Foxes and a Tenno walk into a Bar... Apr 25 2019
437 The (Exo-) Suit Makes the Man Apr 04 2020
388 Visiting Again for the First Time Jan 20 2019
303 The Angel you don't know (May be a Devil in Disguise) Oct 23 2018
234 The Other Safari Zone Sep 29 2018
219 Fun In the Sun (at a Comfortable Distance) Aug 30 2018
See All 12 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.