World Tree MUSH

Fields of meeting

Raven arrives in the land of Hyrule and meets a cat demon by the name of Asato, and a pokemon trainer by the name of Luke. Some information is shared before they part ways.
Character Pose
Raven appeared in... The most... Over the top fashion. A massive black raven appeared, made of shadows and darkness, letting out a caw that echoed through the valley. 

The massive bird then wrapped itself up, dissipating into little motes of darkness, like smoke fading on the wind. From the bird fell a young girl in a dark cloak, crashing to the ground a bit roughly and bouncing a little. She laid there for a few minutes before slowly opening her eyes.

Bright. Sunny. It wss very... Sunny. She was in a field? She wrapped her cloak tightly around herself and stared up, before shakily getting to her feet. Well. It wasn't azeroth. That meant she succeeded, she supposed. "H-hello?" She called out. But where was she? And... Was that a castle off in the distance?
Birds? Birds mean food, right? And that's an awful big bird. That could be food for days! Maybe even weeks, depending on how he conserved it. So, needless to say, Asato is on the hunt! He's sticking to trees as much as possible, but when the pursuit heads over a field, Asato's forced to pursue on the ground. He really needs to get back into the trees to keep the element of surprise. Maybe he can herd it back to the forest and... huh?

Suddenly the bird bursts into dark sparkles and appears to disgorge a figure. Asato pauses in his pursuit, to view this with a tilted head. That fall looked like it might have hurt a little bit. Besides, maybe that person knows where the big bird went. So he heads over to where Raven fell. He stands up properly, on two legs, and approaches that way, rather than trying to approach like a predator. He's hesitant in his approach too, not trying to sneak up on her.

Though uh. There IS something distinctly demonic about this cat-guy that's approaching, even if he does look like nothing more than a lost, confused cat-boy. He's not approaching with claws out, at least. He actually approaches scrunched down, with his ears folded down. Still, he smells slightly of demon.
Luke Gray
Hyrule! a realm of fantasy!. Being... well the adventurous kind that he is, Luke was intrigued about it since he met Zelda, and thus, finally decided to take a trip to check that region of the world tree. So far it certainly seemed pleasant!, he even allowed Dynamo to walk around with him, making sure to avoid scaring the locals, not that Dynamo really looked... menacing.

    The casual trip seems to come to a halt as he witnesses something that he is quite sure is not normal, if the reaction of wildlife and Dynamo to the black raven is a sign. "Dynamo, let's come and check that out." he calls to the spooked ball shaped tiger, and the pair begin to rush towards the landing point. The fact that it dissipates only adds to their curiosity!.

    Dynamo is the first to spot the two figures, perhaps from the scents in the air, and goes a bit ahead of Luke, approaching Asato openly, to avoid startling either of them. Luke lags a bit behind, waving a hand towards them.
Raven wobbled just a bit. Her legs frlt unsteady. The air smelled... Odd. Of course it did, she told herself. This wasn't azarath. She'd read dozens, hundreds of books about the outside world, she'd never actually seen it before.

Still. She felt uneasy. Something just... Felt wrong. Felt awful. What--

DEMON! A presence not completely unlike her father, her head whipped around towards the cat. And he could see it, the fear. Her hand reached put and... "Azarath metrion zinthos!" She called. Black energy wrapped around a tree and, with a startling crunch, tore it out before sending it hurtling at him. How had he found her already?! Was it one of her--

And then she finally SAW him. He didn't look... She yelped and lifted both hands. The tree then flew over his head, rather than directly at him. "I-i.... I'm sorry. I panicked." It wasn't her father. There was NOTHING like him. And that... Faint feeling. It wasn't much different from her own. "I'm sorry. I didn't hit you, did i?"

Then her eyes... Turned towards the cat. She stared at it. It... Was adorable. Not that she could, or would, admit it. She definitely did not want to pick it up and gently stroke its head. Nope. Definitely not.(She totally wanted to.)

" Err..." She said softly as its owner came closer. She didn't... Sense hostility from any of them. That was... slightly comforting.
Hearing someone else approach, Asato turns his head to see who it is. And when he sees who it is, he raises a hand to wave to Luke and his Pokemon in greeting, with a happy smile, his tail raising up into a u-shaped bend. Kind of like what happens when a real cat greets someone it knows. He does take his eyes off of Raven to do this... which turns out to have been a mistake! He looks back to her in confusion as he hears the strange words she yells out, and his eyes open wide in shock as he sees the tree hurtling at him!

Immediately his tail fluffs up, and he dives to hit the ground. The tree wouldn't have hit him anyway, but he's a cat, and thus kind of jumpy. So he's going to react anyway, even though Raven steered the tree away from him. The apology gets him to cautiously poke his head up again, and he looks in her direction, his ears flattened down -- not back, mind. Down, in the fearful position. "...No," he answers when she asks him if he was hit. "...Why did a tree come flying?" He seems less concerned with the 'how' and more 'why'.

No indeed, Asato's not displaying any hostility. He's curious, though probably a little scared, maybe not of her, since he didn't actually see her being the one that 'threw' it. He's VERY MUCH staying hunkered down now, if there's to be flying trees!
Luke Gray
Luke Gray waves happily to Asato, certainly looks like a friendly, normal young teen, followed by a large, ball shaped tiger (with an lighting shaped mark on it's chest, it's like someone dyed the fur to make it!). He approaches quickly, "Hey Asato!" he manages, before noticing some movement behind the cat person. Now, he is an experienced trainer, has seen pokemon do similar stuff, but... never seen that DARK glow doing that, hitting the ground a bit after Asato did, "Careful!" he says, a bit too late. 

    Dynamo meanwhile, growls and jumps in front of its trainer, ears back and hissing at the flying projectile. The apology seems to somehow pacify the big tiger, relaxing somewhat, as if it understood what the girl said. Luke quickly moves to help pacify the round feline, before glancing at Raven, "It's fine... no harm done, just... be careful."
Raven stared. Why did it? Her cheeks turned a bit red and she took another small step back. Because she panicked? Because she messed up? Because she was the child of a monstrous demon who could only bring pain and destruction in her wake?

"I don't... Know? I just... Panicked a little. You startled me..." She mumbled. Her cheeks burning even more with shame. He seemed very... Catty. And the more she watched him, the more certain she was that he COULDN'T be with her father... And the guiltier she felt. Ugh. Why was she so... Stupid? She could have hurt him. He seemed more like he needed pets than... He didn't seem dangerous. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again..." And now he was scared. And curious. Of her. She really was her father's daughter...

She nodded at the other two. Was... This some strange cat dimension? The cat... Demon. Then the adorable round fluffy kitten she wanted to hug. She tightened her cloak around herself and steeled herself. She ran away. For a reason. She didn't know if these were the people, or even the kind of people she was looking for...

But she had to try. "I... Am Raven. Who are you?" She asked... She moved back a bit from them, wishing she could disappear inside her cloak.
"Hello," Asato offers in greeting to Luke, the smile back. Oh yes, he definitely does have fangs. Now, the Pokemon gets a different greeting -- it's a cat, so it gets a feline one. Not a verbal one, but Asato crouches enough to lightly headbutt the tiger's shoulder, with a purr. Or like. As close as he can manage to figure where his shoulder is, Dynamo's a pretty round kitty!

The mention of having startled Raven gets Asato to look back up at her from where he's crouched. "Sorry," he offers honestly. "It's all right. If you weren't trying to." His words sound like they're difficult to make. Though it doesn't sound like it's because he's having any trouble making the sounds. And his face looks more or less human, so whatever the reason is, it's not that.

The introduction gets a nod, and the cat-man replies, "Asato." Then he seems to remember something. "Good to meet you." That's right. Gotta be polite.
Luke Gray
Luke smiles and lets out a sigh of relief, glad that there was no conflict. "Are you some kind of wizard?" he asks curiously, he met a few 'humans' that did things like that, and most seemed to be wizards of some kind, or have some weird tech stuff. The greeting gets a nod from him, "I'm Luke, and the big round fluffball is Dynamo.". 

    The cat replies to the greeting in kind, purring loudly and calming down further, brushing against Asato's side, tilting his head a bit, sniffing the air. The explanation of 'startled' gets a nod from him too, huh, smart cat, it mrows something in response and stretches.

    Luke decides to be more friendly, moving closer to Raven, when something happens!, there is a loud 'click' from his belt, and a burst of red light coming from his belt, a small panda... wearing a costume? seems to materialize, glancing curiously at Raven and walking (on two legs) closer to the goth girl, quickly approaching with a smile. "Pangshi! don't bother her!".
Raven couldn't help but stare at the little kitty greeting. Oh. My gosh. That was ADORABLE. Were she less nervous, she would have sqwee'd. Just a bit. 

The question snapped her out of her thoughts. "A... Wizard?" She thought about those books she'd read. The stories she'd heard. Of great, mythical wizards like merlin or... Others. Then, slowly, she nodded. "Yes. I am a wizard... I... Have learned my magic through intense study." Definitely not through stidy and an innate talent from her father. Why ever would that be the case?

Then, tiny little ball of... Bear. Shs stared at it as it came closer and... Finally... She knelt down on her knees and, slowly, reached out to pet it on the head. If it allowed her, she would begin to gently scritch across its ears. "It's fine. It is not bothering me. Hello," she said. It was adorable... So cute. "Hello, Pangshi."
Asato's ears perk when Luke mentions a wizard. He seems to know the word, and the concept behind it. He doesn't seem scared about it, though. In fact there's actually kind of an encouraged look to his expression. Though... he doesn't say why.

Dynamo gets his attention then, though, with the feline greeting in return, and he smiles. He remains crouching where he is, next to Dynamo, when suddenly Pangshi appears! "Hello," he greets to the small panda in vampire's clothes. He doesn't know how pandas greet each other, hence he didn't go for the more animal greeting here.

Raven's words get a tilt of his head. "I know someone who is also." A wizard, that is. Here he pauses though. "Kind of. But not really." It would be hard for someone who was more able to express his feelings to explain; Asato has no hope of figuring it out. Though when Raven goes to try and pet the Pangshi, Asato does venture, "Luke's Pokemon are really nice." Or at least, the ones he's met are.
Luke Gray
Dynamo is adorable, and seems to notice the way Raven looks at him!, he simply sits down, and lets his tongue dangle a bit from his muzzle, closing his lips, there, more cute. He continues to purr as Asato remains near him, feeling quite relaxed, even if he does not stop paying attention to the 'wizard', leaning into the cat boy contently. 

    Pangshi seems to welcome the petting, leaning into the touch happily, 'wagging' the large, round fluffball it calls a tail. From that close, Raven can tell there is something unusual about this guy, certainly not a random fluffy creature! but it's hard to measure how 'ghost' type is truly ghost. The panda goes 'shi!' in reply to the greeting, and from up close, there is what looks like a spell tag on his chest, likely written in a language Raven might not understand, that or just scribbles. Luke grins as Asato says that, "Yes, they are all nice and enjoy being cuddled, except Stufful, she acts like she does not like that." he says, chuckling a bit. The confirmation of being a wizard gets a gasp, "That's really nice... back where I am from... wizards are just... fantasy, only pokemon are able to do things like pulling up trees without grabbing them, or other special things."
Raven glanced to the cat-man. "Either they are, or they are not a wizard. If you're not sure, then they are likely something else." Geez. Rude. She gave him a very flat, emotionless look. Then glanced back to the creature she was petting. "Poke...mon? Is it some summoned... Creature? A spirit bound to your command?" She asked, glancing to Luke. She then reached out and touchsd the spell tag. "Is... This how you bind it?" Odd. The adorable kitty doesn't have one. And she didn't recognize the writing which... Was really odd for her. She could read plenty of different texts. To not read this one made her suspect... It was just for looks. Maybe she was a little prideful.

If the panda eould allow her, she would pick it up in her off hand and keep petting it with the other, before walkong towards them.

"I am from... Another world. Or dimension. A place known as Azarath. I used a very powerful spell to come here but... I am not familiar with this place. Could you tell me where this is? And what i should expect here?"
"Stufful?" Asato asks, as Luke mentions a name he doesn't know. He hadn't met that one. Though he also comments, "Magic is rare. In my world." He doesn't think to mention it until just then, but he also notes, "I can't get back though." Well, the comment is useful for Raven, too -- wherever THIS world is, it's not the cat-boy's native one.

Asato tilts his head at the mention from Raven. "Maybe not. I don't know." If it's rude, he doesn't seem to register it. Or maybe he's just used to others being rude to him? "I've never heard of Azarath," he admits. So maybe she's far away after all? "Sorry. I don't know where this is," he replies. "I'm new here too."
Luke Gray
    Luke continues to approach Raven, "I think this world is called... Hyrule?." he muses, rubbing his chin, "I am also from another world." he explains, "Traveled here via a vine." he says softly, hearing about the spell. "I don't really know that well how it works beyond the basics... in that many worlds are connected via special gateways called portals or vines.". The question over the nature of teh spell tag gives him pause, "I am not quite sure on... that, he had that spell tag since I found him, never tried to take it off." he says softly, "I think it might just be decorative, but been told the writing is similar to other spell tags." he says, "I am a pokemon trainer, pokemon choose to follow me, and I carry them in pokeballs." he says, pointing to his belt, "I consider them my friends, they help me when I need assistance." yes, that does sound a bit like bound spirits. Finally, he addresses Asato, "Oh, I caught a new pokemon, he is really cute but seems to not be fond of hugs or lots of affection of that sort, maybe he will relax after we spend more time together.". 

    Regarding the Pangshi? it seems delighted to be picked up, raising both forelimbs as the hand reached around for it, settling on that arm with a happy rumble, nuzzling into the friendly goth. "Seems he likes you, Raven."
Raven glanced to the cat again. She gave a small nod. "I. . am sorry. But i understand. I cannot return, either." She dare not. Risk bringing Trigon to then again? She... Could have destroyed them all with her foolishness.

Her eyes turned back to Luke. "High... Rule? That explains the castle, at least," she mumbled softly. "It seems nice. These... Vines. I've heard of them, and i believe my spell sent me through them. I'll need to learn to navigate them... Better. So magic is rare in both kf your worlds?" She asked softly. She didn't mention that her brand of magic was rare too, that she was more... Adopted. Sorta.

She smiled down at the pokemon. "It... I am... Fond of it as well. This... Pokemon. It is... Pleasant." Her supporting arm hugged it. Just a little.
Asato offers a nod to confirm what Luke has said about the portals and 'vines'. That's about the way he understands it too, and he doesn't know much more than that, so he doesn't add more. But he does address Luke's mention of the new Pokemon. "Probably. Adjustment time." And he smiles at Pangshi's happiness with being picked up by Raven.

He nods to Raven's mention of magic being rare. "There are sangas. But that's different." It's a weird word.

Though if Raven's curious she'll have to ask him next time. He stands. "Oh. I was hunting. Do you want some too?" Since Raven's just arrived, right? Maybe she's hungry. Once he's determined whether Raven or Luke want to partake of the spoils of his hunt, he'll head off to that planned hunt. He needs to bring something down for food.
Luke Gray
Luke finally gets close enough to offer Raven one hand, "I'm sorry to hear that, perhaps you will find a way to get back?", seems he misunderstood the situation as 'impossible' to return, rather than 'not wanting to'. "I am sure you can find someone more familiar with them to help you... I just know how that I can use them to travel to other worlds, I like exploring new places.". He nods slowly, "I don't think there is magic in my world... at least, never heard of anything besides stage magic, I know pokemon can do a lot of special things, especially legendary ones, but not people.". 

     Pangshi glances up when called pleasant, and raises one paw to 'pet' Raven's shoulder, sitting up and smiling back, tiny fangs poking from the critter's lips... that, combined with the red eyes kinda make it look like a vampire of some sort. "He likes being carried." he says with a chuckle, "He also likes showing off what he can do.". Luke glances back at Asato at the offer of hunting, "I appreciate the offer, but I think I will pass, I don't need food.". Dynamo seems to consider going in a hunt, even glancing back at Luke, but shaking its head when the trainer said no, headbumping Asato in a friendly way before the catboy heads off.
Raven glanced up and gave the boy a little nod. "Maybe I'll try to find those... Those. Sages... Things." She then shook her head. She was hungry but... She didn't know this guy enough. Didn't trust him enough to eat something he gave her. Even if he didn't mean hostility to her, she had no way of knowing what he ate was compatible with her own needs. "Thank you, but i am not hungry. Good luck." 

Of course... She still had a world to explore. To see. She glanced to Luke. "I... See. I appreciate the offer and you are likely right. Perhaps with... Help i will be able to return home." Then, gently, she gave tje small creature one last little pet, before holding it out to Luke. "It was delightful to meet you, Luke. But i should be going. I have... Much to think abput. And i must meditate before i continue."

Once the pokemon was out of her grasp, her eyes glowed back and a massive... Raven shadow rose up from the ground, enveloping her. A moment later she was gone, as the raven flew up, only to dissipate into the wind, heading... Towards civilization before then.