World Tree MUSH

Sharpening Claws

Character Pose
The first stars glimmer to life as dusk falls over the desert. Winter can be savage in such a harsh environment, but the day has been mild. Warmth still radiates from the sands, and a gentle breeze whispers over the dunes.

The princess is not in her room.

Zelda's belongings are always tidy, and everything in its place. Her bloodstained robe had been taken to the oasis and burnt days ago, and her royal dress had been thrown to the pyre. As the ashes of her garments drifted skyward, she had been silent; melancholy and thoughtful. She's found a new one in its stead, a black hooded robe from the markets. It smells faintly of spices. The embroideries on her old mourning robe have been reproduced by her hand in exacting detail, worked in grey thread. It must have been important to her.

There wasn't much to do about that royal dress, though. An acceptable loss. A painful one, and she had been silent and stone-faced while it had burned, but an acceptable one. Better that than any loss of life.

Her unstrung bow and quiver both lie up against the rucksack.

Her sword is gone.

Looking for her will reveal that she's gone out back, dressed in simple travelling clothes, managing to make even a common tunic and trousers look regal. Her hair's been drawn back in a simple braid, plenty of it still fallen out nonetheless, hanging limply before her face.

The Hylian is practising with her sword, drawing the ornate rapier through movements so slow as to seem as though movement is a trick of the eye. She advances each position as slowly and gracefully as she can manage, which she does with impressive precision and steadfastness. The end result is an almost spiritual-looking experience. Her summer-blue eyes are razor-focused, and yet there is a tranquility in them so profound that it seems almost like a holy trance.

The light of the inn's oil lamps dances red-gold fire in her hair and her eyes; in the gleaming stripe of her sword's blade. Her focus is absolute... though some part of her still seems to be keeping a pointed ear out for trouble.
    It's Rydia's first winter outside the valley of Mist. For seven years she had been accustomed to the valley's ever pervasive chill as the eternal mist brought by the Mist Dragon never lifted. These desert nights are warmer by comparison.
    But not warm enough that the Summoner wouldn't worry about her royal guest's health, and that's why she had stopped by Zelda's room at the inn. Finding both princess AND her sword missing raised a flare of annoyance in the green-haired girl's temper, and she immediately began a search- nay a HUNT- for the Hylian royal deliberately disobeying her orders to rest.
    She searches the inn, high and low, before heading out to the back and... Pausing.
    The slow and practiced movements steal her attention. They don't look... Strenuous, and Zelda doesn't appear to be pushing herself. And that is why Rydia doesn't immediately put a halt to the proceedings. This is why she waits, observing the near trance-like state, patiently watching until it seems the princess finishes.
    "... Well. I'm glad to see you're getting your strength back."
    That's how she choses to announce her presence.
She finishes her dreamlike manoeuvres with hands clasped before her and a formal bow. Turning to face Rydia, her head tilts slightly to one side, and the princess arches a brow.

"I am, yes, by the grace of the goddesses." Zelda inclines her head slightly in greeting. "Day by day, I can feel my strength returning to me. And it could not happen sooner."

She looks away. "You know that I pray to my goddesses to seek their guidance, yes? That they speak to me and guide me, that I might guide my people... I spoke to them last night, when the moon was high. They granted me a vision. It will be time for me to return to Hyrule very soon. I must secure a foothold... and make what preparations I must to challenge the Twilight King."

She's silent for a moment, studying the girl with a scrutiny that might border on unnerving, summer-blue eyes intense as a hawk's.

"A spirit whose word I am inclined to trust suggested that it may be time to gather six wise men and women. These Sages will lend their power to mine, and together we will cast the Twilight King from my throne..." Zelda drops into a crouch to regard Rydia from eye level. "I would extend you the option, Rydia of Mist, to travel with me for a time, if you have wish of it. I have it on good authority that you are, perhaps, one of these Six Sages... or capable of acting in their stead."

She rises back to her feet, clasping her hands before her and bowing; more shallowly than before, but still elegant nonetheless. "If you need more time to decide, I will understand that, too. I am willing to delay for a few days' time."
    Only once Zelda is finished and the blade is no longer in motion does Rydia draw nearer. Not out of fear, but of a healthy respect and caution for any sword, as should be expected for a girl from a world where the blade is the main means of battle.
    "I didn't know that." She admits. Aside from heckling Zelda to remain at rest, Rydia has not stopped in during her times of communing with the spirits. She's about to do the curious thing that all children do in which they ask 'so what did they say?' but finds herself curtailed by Zelda answering before she can even ask the question.
    Her eyes meet Zelda's in that moment of scrutiny. They hunger with curiosity natural of the young, but there's something else in them as well; a harder steel that should not develop until most people reach adulthood.
    "Me?" She asks, both dubious and shocked, as Zelda gets on her level. "This spirit thinks *I'm* some sage- or able to replace one?"
    It's natural there would be doubt on hearing such a thing, but the girl's lips purse. It's almost mind blowing that she has a princess bowing to /her/ in the moment, and in a sheepish fit of realization Rydia, like the back water valley dwelling commoner she is, has not once shown Zelda an ounce of formality.
    Well it's probably too late, now, she thinks and simply decides to work on rallying a response.
    "Mn. I said I'd try and help you, before, didn't I? I'll talk with Cecil, too. I don't think he's the type to really say 'no'."
"I am a priestess as much as a princess." Zelda balances the scabbarded rapier in the crook of an elbow, and a slight motion of her arm suggests a shrug. "You had no way to know, in any case. I am expected to seek the goddesses' guidance and blessings on behalf of my people, and lead ceremonies on the days of the goddesses. It is a duty I rather enjoy," she adds, thoughtfully.

"I prayed to Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom. As a daughter of the royal line of Hyrule she is my patron goddess. I humbled myself before her, and sought the blessing of her wisdom." Zelda frowns slightly. "She made it clear to me that the time to act is nearly upon me. To delay would be to invite disaster."

In answer to Rydia's doubt, she tilts her head a little, eyes melancholy. "Yes," she says softly. "Not that you are the Sage, precisely, but that you can fill their role in Hyrule's hour of need." There's a gravity to her expression and tone of voice that suggest she's not just messing with Rydia. "If it is anything like past eras... there will be a great evil, once we have exposed it. I know not where it lurks, in these days of the Twilight, but I know that it is somehow involved."

"It will be my duty to confine it and seal it, with the aid of the Six Sages. Only then will Hyrule return to the same peace of my grandmother's time, and my mother before her." Zelda's mouth twists into a thin hard line. She has the dubious honour of being the first queen to ever surrender Hyrule to a conquering force.

She sighs, softly, releasing her bitterness.

Things are slowly being made right. Even so, she expects the girl to refuse. Maybe some important business ties her to this inn, or maybe she's afraid to play a part in the destiny of an entire realm. She could hardly be blamed in that case. So when Rydia agrees to go, and even get Cecil to help, the princess stares uncomprehendingly for a few minutes. And then she tilts her head up and sighs, eyes closing.

"Author of Law, this daughter of Hylia humbly thanks You."

Her eyes open and she looks to Rydia, with a slightly unsteady smile. "Thank you. I cannot promise that it will not be dangerous... in fact, I know that it will be so. But know that you have my gratitude, and the gratitude of all Hyrule's people. I will tell Link of this, and we will leave at first light. The road to Eldin Province will be long; the road to Snowpeak's trailhead, longer still. We will secure warm clothing along the way; winter is savage on the mountain."
    It's interesting, to hear the dual role of Hyrule's princesses. For a moment of wonder, Rydia attempts to imagine Zelda at the head of some ceremony or another, but pushes the thought from her mind as she returns to the conversation at hand. Zelda is so certain Rydia could fit a role that the girl herself is only just finding out about, but... Well the fact of the matter is, Rydia of Mist has already given her word. What kind of person would she be if she were to go back on it now.
    "I don't know a lot..." She readily admits. "But..."
    But what else is there for her here? What could keep her bound to the Kaipo inn, doing small things and favors for the proprietor to earn her keep like a common inkeeper girl?
    "So what if it's dangerous?" She asks, not fearlessly, but for another reason altogether. "I have nothing left here. My home is gone, everyone I loved and knew are all dead. I am the last Summoner of Mist. That's a weight and responsibility all its own, and I can't just spend the rest of my life doing beds and sweeping. I think if I was spared, there might have been a reason for it, either on this world or somewhere else. I don't care if it's dangerous, my life here is dangerous as it is. A nation wanted my village burned to the ground. I'm in just as much danger here as I would be anywhere else. So I may as well so something instead of sit and wait for an inevitable death, I can go towards a chance of life."
    She pauses there and fidgets.
    "I should probably get something warm for the chocobos."
The princess says nothing in response to the girl's explanation, although the protective and maternal part of her instincts want to argue that a girl her age shouldn't need to know so much; that someone so young should never have suffered as Rydia has.

Zelda maintains her silence. The stillness in her eyes betrays no hint of her thoughts. It's almost unsettling to some, how fundamentally quiet she can become.

Instead, her head tilts, studying the girl carefully. "I can think of many for whom that would be every reason not to venture out into the wide world, yet you would leap at the opportunity. I respect that."

Get something warm for the chocobos? "Yes. I would do so. I will be riding Link's horse, Epona. He cannot make use of her, nor care for her as he is now, so I will look after her in his stead. I will find warmer gear for her when we have reached Eldin Province. There are a few settlements a short ways from Kakariko Village." She manages a faint half-smile. "Ah, I am sorry. Your chocobos are fascinating creatures, and I should like to learn to ride them properly, but the ascent to Snowpeak is no place for me to do so. Perhaps after we reach the stronghold?"

Optimistic thinking, there. Or, maybe it's just a way to keep morale up. It's hard to say whether the shrewd princess actually believes that they'll successfully take the stronghold or not.

Shifting her sheathed sword to lean in the crook of the other elbow, Zelda inclines her head deeply in a gesture of respect. "Thank you, Rydia. Speak with your friend. I will make ready, and when you are both ready to leave, we will begin our journey."

"In the meantime, I will rest. The mountain is savage. I will have need of every ounce of my strength." The princess smiles, faintly. "Good night, Rydia. May the goddesses watch over you."

Only then does she pad back towards her room, once it's clear the Summoner no longer needs her.
    But Rydia HAS suffered. And it has been that suffering that has not made her more selfish but more willing to help. Zelda may stay silent, but the way jade eyes lock to summer blue says that short of Cecil saying no- which she thinks is unlikely- she will not be changing her mind on the matter.
    "I have nothing left here." She does re-iterate, on the topic of leaping out into the wide, wild, universe beyond her world.
    But the conversation shifts. Rydia will need to get something warm for the chocobo, singular, not plural. "Oh."
    She has a horse now.
    She has Link's horse now.
    "Well I guess I can see why he can't ride her, with how he is right now. Being a wolf and all." With four legs he kind of doesn't NEED a mount. Whether it's just plain optimism or not, though, the girl nods. "I've... Never been inside a fort before. Will there be enough space to ride, inside?" Genuine childish curiosity there. But it looks like Zelda is getting ready to go. "I'm going to be a little busy with chores for the night but if you want I can send Whyt to check on you later if you need anything?" Rydia does offer.
The princess looks on in silence, something both sad and understanding in her eyes. She studies the girl for a few moments. Jade meets summer-blue. Finally, she gives the barest hint of a nod, as though in acknowledgement of Rydia's determination.

"I will not stop you." Then, in a softer tone, "Yes. You do. Um... that is to say, when it is liberated, you will have a place in Hyrule. So you are not wholly left with nothing." The barest flicker of a half-smile. Almost shy. "If you wish it."

To the matter of mounts, the princess shakes her head. "I understand why he decided to bring his horse to me. If he has no one to tend to her, it would be a shame to leave such a quality animal to its fate. He assumed, correctly, that I am familiar with how to care for horses." She smiles, bittersweet; a flicker of fond memory and sorrow. "I loved to ride Hyrule Field in the evenings, in the hour before sunset."

"I would spur my horses and give my royal entourage the slip. We would race the fields, as fast as we could go, over wild wheat and barley. I felt free, then; a moment's respite from the responsibility of my people. I did not hold the crown, in those days, but that did not mean I was without my duties," she adds, by way of explanation.

Will there be enough space to ride inside the fortress? Zelda half-turns, already headed for the inn, thoughtful for a moment. "In Snowpeak? I expect so. It has a large courtyard, and thick curtain walls, though I've no notion of what kind of condition the structure is in. It may necessitate a few repairs... but yes, there should be room. There should be a stable, as well."

"Snowpeak's stronghold was built by an eccentric noble, generations ago. When he left no heir, the estate fell into decline, neglected over the years. I can only assume now that it has been infested by monsters."

She inclines her head, with a flickering half-smile. "All right. If there is anything you need help with, let me know. I will not be sleeping yet. Yes, please send Whyt. I would not mind the opportunity to see more of the creature." There's a short pause, and Zelda looks a little uncertain. "I vaguely remember seeing something white, a few times, but never too closely." She was unconscious or falling asleep at the time, so a lack of perception can probably be excused.
    Rydia's course is pretty set. 'Anywhere that isn't this boondock hole in the desert that is Kaipo'. Anywhere far away from the burning of Mist, and anywhere far away from Baron, where the king wants her dead. For the time being, anyway. There will come a day when Rydia will demand answers from that man, she'll demand to know why her home had to burn on his royal whim, but assailing the king of Baron will not come today, nor will it come tomorrow. She will wait for that day.
    In the meantime she can only journey forth and build her strength. Work up to it in baby steps, and if gallivanting off to help save Hyrule isn't an opportunity she doesn't know what is. And it may even earn her a new home. "I'd... I might like that." She does consider it.
    On to the matter of horses though. And riding. Rydia nods slowly. "I... Don't think I've ever seen a horse." She muses. Chocobos are far more common on the blue planet and serve all the same purposes. "But my mother taught me how to call a chocobo and ride them when I was very little." She pauses. "Maybe I can show you in the courtyard, then." Mused on the topic of Zelda trying to ride the big yellow pack birds.
    "... After we get rid of the monsters."
    But Rydia nods. "I'll send him. He's um..." Rydia trails off when she realizes Zelda hasn't gotten a proper look at her summoned creature. Two fingers press to pursed lips and Rydia lets out a sharp whistle. There seems to be no reponse at first. No sign of any creature coming. Just a thin mist that seems to roll in from around the inn. A mist that floats and lingers by the girl before swirling- coalescing into a more coherent and solid form of the dragon hatchiling that Zelda has only seen glimpses of. There's a rustle of leathery white wings as he looks from Rydia to Zelda, cooing curiously as to the reason for his summons.
    "That would be Whyt you saw. He's my Eidolon, just like his mother was my mother's."
"Really?" Zelda arches a brow when Rydia says she's never seen a horse, but she smiles faintly. Of course not. She hasn't seen a horse here, even from travellers beyond the realm's bounds, so how would the people of this world recognise one? If Kaipo is anything to go by, they only use these large birds; these 'chocobos.' "Well, we will have to introduce you to Link's horse, in that case."

"She's very gentle," Zelda adds. "Link asked her to... what was the phrase? To 'play nice' while in my care." There's a flicker of amusement at the words, as though he were sending his steed to a complete novice. Yeah right. Still, her attenion flits back to Rydia's statement about the chocobos. "I would like that..." And a hint of a smile. "After the monsters are driven out, yes."

Or killed. Monsters are monsters. At best, most of them are an annoyance, and at worst they think Hylians taste delicious and hunt the unwary.

She flinches back at the surprisingly loud whistle, but keeps watch, tilting her head a little at the mist that wanders in from the inn. At first she ignores it, but when it swirls and rolls around the girl, it starts acting in ways a light fog shouldn't.


Zelda stares at the creature in wonder. Her summer-blue eyes are wide as she takes a half-step forward, filing away every detail of his appearance. Dragons are a rarity in Hyrule, and the ones that do tend to be found are usually not much better than monsters. Hadn't her grandmother mentioned something about a dragon or two? Just stories, most likely. Nothing like this cute little guy.

She smiles, reaching up a hand and offering it to Whyt. Does something made of mist even have olfactory organs? Well, whatever. It's what you do with an unfamiliar animal, most of the time, although most of the time that animal isn't actually made of water vapour...

"He is magnificent." Zelda glances back to Rydia, although any movement from Whyt will yank her attention back around. "What exactly is an Eidolon...? I do not think I ever had the opportunity to ask."
    Chocobos are the norm, it's as simple as that. Though Rydia will have to meet Link's horse at some point, but for now she settles on simply asking: "What's her name?" In regards to the steed that is still loyal to a wolf.
    Nevertheless, dealing with monsters will be of primary concern before any chocobo riding lessons can begin, so Rydia slides that topic onto the backburner as Whyt arrives on her call.
    The dragon is still a hatchling; small in size, not much larger than Rydia herself, and he's staring right back at Zelda, silvery eyes meeting to blue. The Eidolon's jaw twitches slightly, a curious warble rising from his throat as he looks from Rydia to Zelda and back again. It's not the first time he's seen the princess, but it is a much more proper meeting, and with a gentle nudge from the Summoner, Whyt tilts his head up and nudges snout against the offered palm. The dragon is cool to the touch, and of a strange density somewhere between semi-solid and 'a firm gust of wind' against the princess' hand. Whether her draws in her scent or not is a mystery as Whyt begins a soft cooing sound.
    "Mm." Rydia can explain Eidolons though. "Mother taught me that the Eidolons are beings from a world that's a part of ours but isn't. The Feymarch. They live there separated from humans because of how powerful some of them get, becoming almost elemental forces on their own. Like Leviathan, lord of the seas, or Titan, mover of the earth. ... Or Ifrit, master over fire."
    She lingers on that last one briefly before regaining her focus. "Summoners, in the past, would make pacts with them. As long as we provide the Eidolons with the magical energy they need, they come into our world and give us their strength. It's usually very brief unless a Summoner and Eidolon form a lifelong pact; like my mother and her dragon, or Whyt and I. Then they can stay longer, but it's because our lives are directly tied to each other."
  "Oh. Yes. Her name is Epona," Zelda supplies. "She is a very fine horse, and gentle, so she should not be afraid of you or your companions. Horses are not like chocobos, though. They have four feet instead of two, so riding a chocobo is not the same as riding a horse, at least not for me."

She quiets, eyes settling on Whyt again, studying the creature in detail. Legends speak of dragons in Hyrule, but none quite so small, and most are aloof towards people... or so the stories say. The princess has never seen a dragon before. Neither have a great many of her people.

She watches as Whyt is nudged towards her, letting him examine her to his heart's content. The sensation of touch is curious, like mist, but there's an odd solidity to it. It's like touching a cloud--

The princess' expression flickers, but she affects that gentle smile again as though it had never wavered.

"Hyrule is no stranger to other realms connected to it. I suppose that was why the Tree was not so difficult to accept," Zelda muses. "So. You are bound to Whyt, and he to you..." She's still holding her hand out for him to poke at with his nose. It's unreasonably cute. "I can think of no such pact-beasts in Hyrule, but it would not surprise me if such has happened in the past."

She shifts her grip on the rapier leaning against the crook of her elbow. "He is a fitting protector for you, I think," she observes softly. "He may be small, but... he helped me, didn't he?" When she was attacked. She doesn't really mention that part outright, though. Zelda trails a hand over the curve of the dragon's neck, gently. "Even so small, you are brave... both of you."

"That is good." Her expression smooths, eyes a little melancholy again. "We will all have need of it, but it will be worth the struggle and sacrifice. Hyrule is a beautiful land. I think you will like it, when the light is restored to it... and you shall always have a place within Hyrule." There's a pause, and she gives the dragon a pat. "Both of you."
    Whyt is young, a hatchling even, Rydia had said. This small size is only temporary for certain. But for now he displays as much curiosity in the princess of Hyrule as she does in him; nosing at her palm, clicking his jaws and fluttering leathery white wings while watching her with intelligent silvery eyes.
    "Yes," Rydia replies. "Bound together for as long as we live. If one of us... Dies... So does the other." But the next question prompts a nod from the girl.
    "I can't exactly lift you onto a chocobo, myself." She does point out, earning a little warble from the dragon- which somehow manages to affect a self-important and pleased expression when touted for bravery. The stroke along the neck is the last touch Zelda gets before he sees the look in her eyes. Then there's nothing but thin air; dropping his semi-corporeal form and dissipating into a thin mist once again- before swirling in slow circles around the princess, lingering much like he does about Rydia when the two are together much of the time.
    "Mn. I can't wait to see it restored to how it was, then." Rydia murmurs. She had seen Hyrule's, but much of the beauty Zelda speaks of was dampened by the ever present twilight when she had gone. "Soon."
  "They are a little taller than a horse. Not so much that I could not climb onto a saddle without aid, but enough that I would not risk it on Snowpeak's trailhead, and not..." Zelda tries to think back to her last ride, but the memories are a hopeless blur. She pushes them aside. There's a chance she isn't at her full strength to be making this trip, but she isn't inclined to care about that. The portents were clear. "Travellers must proceed in single file at many points. It is cold, but Snowpeak is said to be the roof of the world itself, the place where the snows touch the stars. A harsh place, but a beautiful one."

"Some say a dragon lives in those mountains, but no one has ever seen one in the current age. Even the day of my royal grandmother, no one in living memory had ever seen a dragon." The princess smiles, turning a half-circle as Whyt abruptly dissipates around her. The sensation is strange, but somehow heartening. "Except for Whyt."

She shakes her head a little. "I cannot wait to show you. The sunset over Hyrule Field, or sunrise from the castle's battlements... Zora's Domain and its beautiful waterfalls, or Goron City, and the skill of its Goron metalsmiths and its mineral springs."

Most of that beauty is lost in the growing pall of Twilight. The rate of its spread is worrying.

Zelda looks away.

"I wonder if Snowpeak might be too much time wasted, and if I should put my efforts into finding a way to lift the Twilight... but it would make sense to establish a base of operations." The Princess sighs, rubbing at the back of her neck in a gesture that isn't very regal. "I know only that I can wait no longer to act. It is time to right Hyrule's wrongs. It is time to begin the liberation of my people."

Absently rubbing her hands together, the princess smiles, a little uncertainly. "I only wish I knew where to begin. Hyrule has never encountered anything quite like the Twilight, before..."
    Whyt dissipates but remains. A silent presence now, keeping a watchful eye over both the princess and his Summoner. Rydia remains silent for a moment as the Queen-Regent details the terrain of Snowpeak and the inherent dangers the treacherous mountain passes could provide at any given moment.
    "Mm. Danger and beauty often go hand in hand, I hear. A place like that sounds much like lady Shiva's domain more than a dragon's." She does think aloud. At least before flashing a tiny grin. "Well now *you've* seen a dragon, yeah."
    It's a rarer sight, lately. Rydia smiling. But she managed one. Yet reminiscing on the sights of Hyrule only seems to make it fade.
    "... I miss the way the mists used to roll into the valley under the light of the moon."
    She says it without thinking, and when she realizes it, one hand claps over her mouth, jade eyes wide at her failure to keep it repressed. "A-ah, sorry. I mean I'd love to see them." She recovers, before shaking her head. "You can't just run in and expect to solve the problem without a bit of setup first. If you have nowhere safe to turn to in Hyrule what's the point of even trying to fix it without having somewhere to retreat to? A base is a good start, then fix the twilight. Don't worry about waiting and take it in baby steps, right?"
  Half a glance is cast back toward the darkening sky, and then back to where the mist dragon swirls about them both. Although Zelda can't make out anything suggestive of features, she can still feel the creature's presence. It's oddly comforting. It's easy to see why he's such a close companion to Rydia.

Zelda looks back toward the horizon, as though she could see the jagged range from here. "Often they do, but not always. There are springs and small pools that dot the beautiful rolling greens of Hyrule Field; some of these are sacred to my goddesses. Those are safe to visit even at night, and I sometimes did." A flicker of a half-smile. "Against the better judgement of my royal guardsmen. Or, for that matter, my royal mother. I think she thought me too pious, at times..."

She looks to the girl when Rydia pops out with that reminiscence, expression clouding. Sometimes it's easy to forget that that girl's lost everything, but the reminders are painful. No one should have to endure that kind of suffering.

"I know." This, to the sagacious advice of a seven-year-old girl. "Snowpeak will be a good base of operations. Its remoteness is a blessing; if the Twilight King should retaliate, we will be able to weather a siege if we can organise a supply chain... and I have a few ideas, on that," Zelda adds, thoughtfully. That girl, Tachibana Yumi, had offered her services in that capacity. "An acquaintance volunteered to help with logistics. I think they may be a good fit, when the time is come."

She glances back to the oasis, briefly remembering the slightly gritty feel of its water, and the way it traps the warmth just after sunset. Half a smile flickers across her face. "I saw the schematics of its construction, once, in a book in Hyrule Castle's library. I remember that it had a large courtyard, and a stable. It also had impressive defenses... it will be a fine place, once cared for."

"I would imagine it has fallen deep into neglect over the years," the princess offers, "but it was the home of an aristocrat who spared no expense for its extravagance. I care little for opulence, but that tells me that there will be hearths in its rooms, a decent kitchen and storeroom for the keeping of supplies, and insulation against the bitter cold."
The Divine Beast comes wandering in out of nowhere. There's no telling exactly where he's been, although judging by the vague redness of his muzzle he was probably out finding things to eat. There's plenty of it around here. He wanders right past to the edge of the water before engaging either of them, drinking a little but also taking the time to get all the... whatever that is off of his face. When he returns he's looking towards Rydia, or more specifically AROUND Rydia.

More specifically, he's looking at Whyt.

Since nobody is freaking out about it, he assumes that whatever it is is supposed to be there. All of his company is witchy women, and he has every reason to believe that they would notice some fel spirit lingering about if it was actually fel and not just benign.

He sits down off to the side of the both of them, and barks a greeting. Once again Link seems disinclined to exploit Zelda's witchy thoughtspeak while there are people present who can't take advantage of it. His head turns back and forth between them.

His eye catches the hilt of Zelda's blade. Link issues an exaggerated sigh, and looks over towards Rydia with what must pass for a canine grin.
    "Sacred pools?" Curiosity there, but the girl knows how to keep on topic in an important conversation. "And if he retaliates, what exactly do we do with just..." Rydia proceeds to count on her fingers... Zelda, Rydia, Whyt, Link, maybe Cecil... "Four or five of us locked up in a mountain fortress? Being hard to get to makes it great, but I think anything we do would have to leave no trail and keep the place as much of a secret as possible."
    It doesn't matter how defensible a location is if the manpower to defend it is lacking.
    Now, though, the girl's head tilts. "I remember Yumi. That makes six. An acquaintance?" She prompts just as Link arrives.
    The mist swirling around the Summoner and Princess goes still when the great wolf looks directly at it, but if a formless shapeless mass of water vapor were to have eyes, Whyt might just very well be staring right back at him.
    "Hello, Link." Rydia replies to the bark, after a briefly startled jolt, but she rallies fast at the familiar sight of the green canid, and follows his eyes to Zelda's blade.
    "She wasn't pushing herself, at least. So it's out of my hands."
  The sound of footsteps brings the princess to look over, but even with her senses tuned well into the paranoid register, she knows the difference between two feet and four on Kaipo's sands. The Divine Beast is given a nod of greeting, although the blood on his muzzle is eyed for a moment. Hopefully, he was whittling down the monster population, and decide they also tasted delicious.

Her eyes follow his, then, to the mist around them, but she offers no comment. He's deemed that it isn't a threat so there's nothing more to explain. The bark earns a flicker of a smile that never quite resolves itself into a full expression.

"Hero." Beat. "Link." Someday she's going to kick the habit of formality, but not today. It's just too much a part of who and what she is.

"Sacred pools," she agrees instead, to Rydia. "Water is sacred to the Goddess Nayru, so it is best for me to conduct my prayers in or near water."

She casts a brief look to Link, the meaning unclear. It's guarded. Had he seen her at her moonlit prayers, in the oasis? She might be on the humble side, for a princess, but she's still proud. The vulnerability of not knowing where to go next, of not knowing how to liberate her people and therefore fulfill her destiny as Hyrule's sovereign, that's a sting she prefers to keep private.

Chosen of the Goddess or no, she would prefer not to show him any more than she needed to. He is still one of her subjects. There's something likeable about his country practicality, and his lack of formalities is almost a breath of fresh air when it isn't subconsciously irritating, but he's still effectively a stranger. It's her duty to project strength and confidence.

...How was that he found her again? Oh, right, by following about half the blood in her body from Eldin Province to Kaipo Village.


Zelda sighs a quiet, distracted sigh and glances back to Rydia. "I know my own limits," she points out, tone just slightly brittle. "Nayru's Eyes. Have some faith in me. I know it may not seem it some days, but I do know what I'm doing."


Except when she's praying in earnest to silent Nayru for help, on behalf of her people.

...Goddesses, what a mess.
The Divine Beast nods at Rydia, though even as he does so he can't help but have a skeptical expression on his features. Which is quite an odd look on a wolf, that probably doesn't typically have the ability to be something as abstract as skeptical. He jerks his head in Rydia's direction and whines questioningly. That could be about any number of things, but since he's used to oddities it's probably something substantially noteworthy instead of just a general how-do-you-do.

He barks at Zelda when she calls him Hero, and then simply tilts a head in response to the look that she gives him. If Link saw anything he wasn't supposed to, he's apparently not even aware of it. Which shouldn't be comforting coming from a person like him, because his ideas of appropriate conduct are fairly fast-and-loose, especially when it comes to royal types.

Zelda's statement about knowing her own limits elicits another bark. It's impossible to tell whether he's agreeing or objecting to it. Knowing him it could be either, or both simultaneously. Link makes no attempt to clarify it, directly to Zelda or to Rydia.

It seems that the implications of Zelda's statements about water /do/ eventually click in Link's brain, because he looks back towards the oasis entirely unprompted after a moment of sitting there in silence.

But it's not as if he could say anything about it even so.
    It is a brazen lack of the instinctive human fear of wolves that Rydia detaches from Zelda and Whyt, letting the misty cloud remain with the princess. She doesn't NEED to lower herself to Link's level when he's so large that she's already on it *standing*. The questioning whine is answered with a brush of fingers through green fur as she listens to the princess.
    For all Zelda tries to convey strength and confidence, Rydia has seen Zelda at her worst. And she doesn't grudge that of Hyrule's princess. But she has not seen whatever Link has seen, she only hears just now that Zelda's prayers are best performed in water. "Like... A con... A conduit, then?" She ventures. Now though... NOW, when Zelda states the knowledge of her limits the Summoner shoots the princess a stern look.
    "What? Whaaat? I wasn't even going to scold you this time!" The girl replies tartly.
    There's a small huff when she motions a hand at the Queen-Regent. ... Or not at her, but at the mist surrounding her, which slips away to edge closer to the green-haired girl and wolf. "I suppose I should introduce you, too. That's Whyt, my Eidolon."
    Yes, she's introducing the wolf to a mass of unnatural mist. To an outside observer the child might seem touched in the head, but that mist *is* awfully witchy, ain't it?
  It seems the princess chooses to interpret that bark as annoyance at calling him by the title he never asked for. Zelda manages a fleeting hint of a sheepish half-smile. She says nothing, but he might feel the barest touch of her mind, no more than a wordless flicker of apology.

"Like a conduit," she answers Rydia, nodding faintly. Chestnut hair ghost her movement, and she reaches up to tuck an errant lock behind a pointed ear. There's a flicker of surprise. She hadn't expected a child to know the meaning of the word, but this damaged girl is full of surprises. "I can conduct my prayers elsewhere, but they lack meaning, away from the water. The Author of Law holds water sacred."

Hmph. Zelda lifts her chin in exaggerated regal disdain, though the way she's still watching Rydia from the corner of one summer-blue eye suggests amusement. "Is that so? We will see about that. I would not be surprised if the two of you were conspiring..." Her half-smile betrays the jest for what it is. "In all seriousness, I am feeling much stronger, of late. I must thank you both for that. All three of you," she adds, with a gracious dip of her head towards Whyt. He'd shoved her onto a chocobo, which is no small feat when a person is unconscious, even someone as lightweight as Zelda.

Her eyes settle on the swirling mist, and she offers a hand to the Eidolon. "Peace, Whyt," she offers, quietly. "Link is an ally. He can be trusted. Though he may look like a monster, this is not his true form. He is a Hylian, like me, although he hails from a place far away from Hyrule Castle."

It sure is witchy, talking to thin air. He's probably going to think she's touched in the head, too, but he probably already does think that. It wouldn't surprise her, anyway.
That's not what Link meant at all, but he's not nearly rude enough to snap at a young girl. He's not terribly pleased with the touching though, and just does his best to ignore it. It's not until the introductions that he really reacts much at all again, because all this witchy conduit stuff is way over his head.

His head rises to look at the mist-that-is-Whyt. The fact that it was a Being didn't elude him, but he wasn't really sure what to make of it just now. A series of quiet, growly vocalizations leave him. As it turns out, he's just addressing Whyt on the off chance that Whyt speaks animal instead of human.

"Nice ta meet ya."

This is of course utterly incomprehensible to everybody else, and quite possibly to Whyt as well. Either way, Link seems to get the idea well enough to respond to it the way a person WOULD respond to an introduction.

The Divine Beast surveys Zelda with glazed over expression when she's discussing conduits, until she speaks about water and the author of law. Link raises his head at this, barks once, and shakes his head vigorously. No, he says.

The assertion that he might be conspiring with Rydia gets a flat look, as if to ask, 'Seriously?'
    Rydia... Matches Link's expression pretty well when she looks back to the princess.
    "Well for your information, we're not. Yet." But there may come a day. It may not be tomorrow. It may not be the day after. "It's good that you feel stronger though. I was worried you were going to keel over and die for a while." As much as she sounds like she's joking, the edge in Rydia's voice says otherwise about just how serious that fear had been tolling on her.
    Nevertheless Zelda's reassuring prompt and Rydia's beckoning ushers the mist closer, before it reforms into the white dragon again; perhaps somewhat smaller than the great green wolf, Whyt meets his gaze with intelligent silvery eyes. The the cooing response might sound more like 'baby gibberish' than anything else back to the hero's growlings.
    Rydia did say he was just a hatchling.
  In spite of his dropping in and out when he feels like it, Zelda seems content to keep her distance from Link. He is essentially a stranger, so behaving with such familiarity is inappropriate, especially so in light of her status as royalty. She touched him only once, and she saw the way he looked at her when she did. The instincts of the wolf are never far from the surface.

The princess shifts her scabbarded sword to the crook of her other elbow, summer-blue eyes flicking between Summoner and Divine Beast. Her gaze slides back to Link when he barks at her mention of Nayru and the sacredness of water. Something dims in her eyes as she studies him, as though she were gauging him; trying to determine just how much he had seen. She hadn't been watching for him, so she hadn't known if he had been there with certainty.

"I suppose I should not have given you the idea." What little trace of amusement there had been fades from Zelda's voice. She looks away. "Yes," she says instead, softly. "I had thought I was going to die." But rather than try to verbally reassure Rydia, she merely reaches out and lays a hand on the girl's shoulder.

Rydia is different.

The Summoner has seen Zelda at her absolute worst, and helped to nurse her back to health from the brink of death. In exchange, she's seen a fragment of the girl's pain and loss, and sworn inwardly to do anything in her power to ease that pain. There's a bond, there, though Zelda couldn't name the nature of it. "I am sorry to have worried you. Thank you, Rydia, for caring for me." A faint smile, nonetheless. "I have that to thank for my swift recovery."

Tilting her head, she watches as Whyt reforms, studying him with just as much raptness as she had before. Eidolons seem fascinating, much like the Great Fairies of Hyrule, or other spirits on their level. Is that what he is; some kind of spirit, at the heart of the matter? It seems that way. She falls quiet, though, thoughtful as she contemplates the nature of the Eidolons.

Trying to puzzle through the nature of a foreign being is much easier than courting her own fears and worries. Those are for another day, away from anyone else's eyes. The grasping terror of inadequacy in the face of insurmountable odds is hers and hers alone to face. As princess, and as eventual queen regnant, it's up to her to project confidence and strength... even if she has to convince herself to feel that same confidence and strength, from time to time.

Instead, Zelda hides her thoughts with a faint smile at Whyt's antics. "He really is young, isn't he...?"
Link momentarily distracts himself by attempting to scratch something into the dirt. It's Hylian. Really rough, really bad Hylian. Not bad because his writing is in general bad but because his tools to actually write are claws and a relative lack of fine control. Once he's done it reads:

I bet you can't read this.

It is obviously not meant for Zelda.

The Divine Beast nods his confirmation that he isn't conspiring with Rydia, underlined by the total lack of ability they have to communicate more deeply than generalities. Unless it turns out that Rydia CAN read that. That would undermine his point immensely.

The dim look that Zelda gives him is answered with... an annoyed one? The Divine Beast barks at Zelda again. He'll have to talk with her about this later, when it wouldn't be rude to just mind-beams back and forth.

He wonders if that's rude either way.

There is a sound of rattling chains and bones in the distance. The Hero's Shade observes from Kaipo's walls, his silhouette dim and difficult to see from here in the dark. That there are eyes upon them, however, is fairly obvious. It is a creeping feeling, though not an altogether threatening one.
    There is a slight tension when Zelda's hand finds way to Rydia's shoulder. Faint, but there. Though the girl doesn't shrug the princess' hand away, she slowly shakes her head. "I didn't do much in the end. I just dragged you into a bed and yelled at you to not move fore a few days." She downplays her role.
    "He's still just a hatchling. Grown Eidolons can talk, but he's not at that age yet." She does confirm for the princess, before Link catches her attention, scrawling wolf-scratch in the sand, the green-haired girl squints. The way the Tree connects worlds is strange and unknown to her, but she does know that says *something*.
    The poor 'hand' work of paws in the dust mkes the scratches difficult, and she has to turn and squint at the scratchings from a few different angles.
    "I... Bet you can't... ... I can barely make out that last part, your handwriting sucks." Paw-writing? She gives it a shot for half credit.
    Then she shudders. Rubbing at her arm, jade eyes turn up and search the oasis for a moment, before she shakes her head of the sensation. "Did either of you... Mn, no nevermind. I'd better get back to helping at the inn." She decides after a long enough beat. "Come, Whyt- and I'll try and let Cecil know for you, alright?"
    Oh look there she goes.
  The princess blinks, and her gaze slides down to the dust, where Link is busily scratching glyphs into the earth with his claws. Considering what he has to work with, the fact that they're legible to her is pretty impressive. She can't say she'd be able to do the same with a cursed body like his.

Hmmm. Would she actually turn into a wolf? She's never felt particularly wolf-like. The beast is sacred to Farore, who values courage, but she's never felt particularly courageous. Nayru is her patron goddess. Wisdom is her purview. An owl, maybe...?

...Not that it really matters. The Triforce of Wisdom protects her from any forces that would change her body or mind. She will always appear as herself, even in the midst of the Twilight.

Although Zelda seems to ignore Link's annoyed look and bark, it's more that her attention is taken by something else. At the sound of chains, she's turned on her heel and slid her rapier halfway out of its scabbard before realising what it is. The blade slides back into place, settling with a metallic click.

Instead, Zelda looks up, following the sound, picking out the spirit on the walls. That... must have been a very large man in life, though aside from arching a brow, she doesn't comment on it.

There's a fleeting thought spared in his direction, no more than a brief impression.

Thank you, Spirit.

By spurring her towards the correct action, his advice may have prevented future tragedy. Perhaps his opinion itself is Nayru's portent; the sign that Zelda had prayed for. He probably won't respond, nor care, but she's still moved to express her gratitude.

Summer-blue eyes flick back to the present company, minus the ghostly swordsman--

Oh. Minus green-haired Summoner, too. Rydia ducks out from under her hand, leaving Zelda to blink owlishly and awkwardly raise that same hand in a gesture of parting. "I see. Good night, Rydia, if I do not see you later." A faint smile. "Thank you."

The smile fades, and her attention turns back to Link, thoughtful. She doesn't say anything at first, merely studies him. He might feel the barest touch of her mind -- no more than a whisper of sensation, as though she were testing, probing; but it isn't him that she's examining. Not precisely. She's looking at that curse...

"Shall we go?" she finally says, gesturing for him to follow. "It will be colder out here before the night is through. I can bring you something to eat, if you are still hungry."
The Hero's Shade tilts his head slightly to regard Zelda directly. There is a vague feeling of disapproval at the half-drawing of her rapier. He nods, and then is gone once again.

Link is oblivious to all of this, because he's been too distracted by Rydia's ability to read his chickenscratch. It's not until the spirit has faded that he turns his attention back towards Zelda, and begins to voice his thoughts directly at her again. If you're gonna get all distant, at least be fun about it. Midna don't give anybody the time of day but she's still fun to talk to, an' that's an easier way than anything to get to know somebody than just watchin' at arm's length.

His tail swishes back and forth as he trots towards the entrance of the inn.

I'm hungry all the time, this body takes a lot of energy to keep goin'. Pain in my ass. Weird little spirit Rydia has hangin' around her, though. I guess all newborns are pretty weird tho.

Link waits at the entrance of the inn, and carries on his side of the 'conversation' without a care in the world, Are you naturally shy? Known a lot of folks like that. Not much good to badger 'em to get 'em out of their shells though, I s'pose. But I wouldn't think royalty would be like that. Gotta deal with people all the time. I figured you were just worn out by, uh

Everything plus one.
  Given what's happened to Hyrule, Zelda can hardly be expected to react to a strange sound with anything but alarm. At least she hadn't gotten her sword wholly out of its scabbard. She had checked herself in time, once she'd laid eyes on the familiar spirit.

The princess doesn't answer the wolf as she pads into the inn with purpose. Nobody attempts to stop her, at least not near the entrance. There comes the sound of voices inside, but there are always voices inside. Neither does she come out for a few long moments.

Link may hear the distinct sound of a window being opened, followed by the sound of a stoneware dish being set down on the stone floor.

The closer he gets to the princess' room the more he may smell juicy steak.

Really, it probably beats whatever he was chowing down on earlier. The steaks are so rare they're just on the other side of 'uncooked,' and light on the seasoning. It's some kind of unfamiliar meat, but it's edible, not green, and it doesn't smell atrocious, so that detail can be forgiven.

The princess is on the side of her bed, rapier leaned up against the wall by the rest of her gear, cloak hung on a peg (this one is new, and smells faintly of spices). She's changed into a sleeveless nightdress, the same kind as the one she'd worn to the oasis; in the light of the oil lamps, the wound Copen had left is visible. The scar is healing, but there's no question that it will leave a scar. It's not like any kind of weapon scarring one would ever see in Hyrule -- similar to the pucker of an arrowhead, but too clean, too spherical; too deep.

It probably hurt like a bitch, too.

She's combing out her hair, long and chestnut; almost coppery, but not quite. It's a pretty colour, but it looks common at first glance. Long fingers stop every so often to work at the occasional tangle.

"Eat," Zelda states by way of an invitation, gesturing with her comb at the plate. There's a generous heap of steaks on it, one flopped over the other, and they're still steaming. "I thought to empty the royal coffers before I fled the castle."

"My royal father, I hope, will forgive the trespass." The faint curl of a smile, almost more imagined than real, suggests it's a joke and that the king probably would approve of such a blindingly practical thing to do.

Hey, that robe had a lot of pockets. She might have added a bunch of them to the new one, too. Pockets are wonderful things.

"I... am not distant," Zelda insists, lamely. There's no real making this argument, because it seems he's hit the nail on the head. Her eyes flit away. Is she naturally shy? "No."

Zelda is a very bad liar.

She sighs, though she pauses to squeeze her eyes shut and work at a stubborn tangle. "I... alright. A little. When my royal father the king would host other families at the castle, the children would usually play together. I could usually be found in the library, reading some book or another." Her eyes flick open as she resumes running the comb through her hair. "I do not like loud noises."

Royalty. Zelda thins her lips. "In a manner of speaking. My duties included leading ceremonies dedicated to the goddesses, or praying to them for blessings for the people." Tilting her head to the other side, she patiently works the palm-wood comb through her hair again. "Since we bear the blood of the Goddess--" The most backwoods sorts might think this a poetic description more than a literal one, "--we are the best fit for seeking the goddesses' favour on behalf of the people... yes? So I did not necessarily 'deal with people.' I... always had the comfortable solitude of ritual, I suppose you could say."

She combs in silence for a few minutes, and doesn't seem to answer his comment on being worn out. At least, not right away. Instead she draws in a breath through her nose, and lets it go through her mouth.
  "I was worn out. And I am still." Her voice grows a little distant. "I have never seen a weapon like that before. Did you know? His weapon roared, but the thing it fired was not like an arrow... it had no shaft, and it was small. And it burned like Din's own fire."

There's a short pause.

"But I am perfectly fine at 'dealing with people.' As you so astutely pointed out, I must work with people on an alarmingly regular basis."

Zelda is still a really bad liar.
Oh, right.

The Divine Beast circles and climbs in through the window. He doesn't take to the meat immediately, glancing instead towards the rapier against the wall, and then towards Zelda herself. It's the still-healing scar that he eyes closely. It's not of any kind of weapon he has experience with. The closest thing he's seen was more of an explosive launcher than it was a handheld weapon. Nothing even remotely close to that small. Probably a bit more effective at plowing through a person decisively, though.

I s'pose money ain't doin' anybody any good in the twilight, but still... don't go too extravagant on my account.

Having been urged to eat, Link proceeds to do so. He doesn't need his mouth free to talk to her anyway. He decides to take his time tonight, because he doesn't usually have the opportunity to take his time and it smells really nice. He settles in, tearing carefully at the steak.

I'm not distant, says the horizon.

Link pauses at a knot of meat that's giving him a bit of trouble, tearing it messily while he's silent.

Ain't that many books in Ordon. Book seller comes by once every two or three months. Bought one once or twice, I s'pose some of the others prob'ly bought more than that.

People though, they ain't somethin' to be afraid of. Well, mostly. There may be a Zant every now and then, but most folks are easy enough to get along with if you just listen for a bit.

He finishes one steak and moves on to another.

Don't know. Got a bit of one of 'em stuck in me, and I don't think she cares none about ceremony or what-have-you. Or at least, not so much. But I bet that ain't true of all of them, anyhow.

It was a cannon, He explains, a real small one. Didn't know you could make 'em that small, but the shape of it's right.

The Divine Beast looks up at Zelda contemplatively. He finishes off another steak as his thoughts run their course, and replies, You're chilly as a mountaintop. Give ya a chance and you do nice things, but you're not what I'd call approachable. Midna is...

Midna is a bitey little shit, and she'll get under your skin and needle you. But she'll carry on and it ain't hard to tell she's pleased to be there. You, I d'no. Even when you're workin' towards where y'really want to be, y'don't seem to be into the journey at all. It ain't a good journey, lookin' at it real fair-like, but it's what y'got. It's important to enjoy yourself and the people around you when you're goin' through bad times, cause if you're all stuck in the worst of it all the time y'won't ever not be worn out.

Link's tail thumps against the floor, It's like eatin' for the soul, after a while if you haven't done enough of it anythin' oughta taste p r e t t y good.
  Practicality suggests the wolf is studying the wound, and not the person it belongs to, but the princess finds her gaze sliding away from him all the same, flushing a little under his scrutiny. What? Wolves have creepy eyes. Especially when they do that glowy thing.

In seriousness, though, she can't blame him for studying the wound. She had done the same thing, once the bandaging had been removed from it. The unfamiliar qualities of hte wound, and the depth and damage wrought, were enough of a horrifying reminder of how close to death she had really come.

Death in and of itself doesn't necessarily frighten her, not in theory, but the idea of dying so far from home is inexplicably terrifying.

Summer-blue eyes slide closed, and Zelda focuses on sliding the comb through her hair instead of the sound of tearing meat.

She doesn't comment on the nature of the weapon.

Her head is canted to work at a persistent tangle, so the look Zelda gives him probably loses a lot of its gravity. Her regard is somewhat cockeyed. Chilly as a mountaintop, is it? She doesn't look insulted. In fact, she almost looks a little wistful. Royalty is not expected to be approachable, and in fact rather more the opposite, but she is a little less aloof than some of her forebears. On some level, she craves company; has as much of a grasping terror of loneliness as she does of failure.

Zelda lets out a breath. It's not quite strong enough to pass as a proper sigh. "That... does sound like what I know of Midna. I have only spoken with her a few times, but that is... certainly an accurate impression."

"Is that so?" The princess arches a brow. "Actually, I will admit to some curiosity in regards to Snowpeak. As I told Rydia, I had a glimpse of the plans, once. It was built by an eccentric aristocrat... but the construction struck me as a garrison, not a private residence. It had barracks. I'm certain it has its fair share of secrets, too... I suppose they'll make for an interesting distraction from where to go next."

A few beats of silence.

The princess straightens, setting her comb aside and sighing.

"Am I really so transparently unhappy?" The princess rubs at a temple with slender fingers, and the gesture is one of inherent weariness. "I am sorry. Hardly a regal image to project, is it? I am tired, He--Link. So tired. I can scarcely sleep for the nightmares, some nights, and I would not even be telling you this if I did not know that you were aware." She might have accidentally kicked him from time to time. "I feel I've only just begun to regain my strength since my flight to Hyrule Castle, let alone the Adept-Slayer's attack."

She gestures to indicate the inn room around them. "I know part of it is being in such an unfamiliar place. Does the Triforce resent being outside of Hyrule, I wonder; is that why it has me on edge so badly?" Zelda shakes her head, dismissing her errant musing. "In any case... I believe returning to Snowpeak will help. If we are to fight back against Zant, we must have a base of operations to do that from. And from all that I have seen of the estate, it will be well-defended, both by its structures and its remoteness."
Folks act in pretty strange ways when things go too far south. I'm sure Midna ain't an exception to that. Another steak disappears, and Link slows down a little solely because he's getting too close to the end of the pile. He might also be getting legitimately full at this point, but it's hard to tell with how big he is. There's no telling how much he ate before actually coming back from the surrounding desert.

Sounds like somebody was a paranoid old git, or planning a rebellion. He comments on the subject of Snowpeak, a little off-handedly. Or maybe there was some legitimate strategic purpose of fortifying such a location, but he doesn't linger on the thought long enough to actually comment further.

Link fixes Zelda with a rather puzzled look. He shakes his head, Ain't sure I know what's s'posed to be regal. Don't think it matters that much, and anyhow trying too hard to puff yourself up really ain't all that impressive. Cat don't puff up 'cuz he's big, cat just wants to make itself look big enough to run y'off.

Don't do much good when the other guy's so big the difference don't matter. But yeah, you ain't really foolin' anyone. Ain't even really foolin' that little girl, I reckon.

Make-believe is pretty exhaustin', Zelda. If you feel like you gotta make-believe you're okay all the time you're not back where nobody can see ya, well... I think you're gonna stay worn out. As to the Triforce, can't say. I don't feel uncomfortable. Sure you ain't just scared all on your own? Got plenty of reasons t'be, like y'just said.
  "No, she is not." Zelda's voice is tired, but it carries a kernel of understanding. She had been told Midna's story, somewhat reluctantly; she had been unwilling to work with the imp without knowing why. After all, she had no way to know whether she was in league with Zant at the time. "She is no exception to that, and I forgive her any eccentricities on her part. With what she has told me, she is more than entitled."

Still a bitey little shit, though. It had needled the princess, though she had been good at hiding her vague annoyance.

The plate is eyed silently for a moment, as though calculating how much more meat she ought to bring back for him. He's probably still hungry just on size alone. She studies the rate at which he puts the food away, and twitches one shoulder in an almost-shrug. "A rebellion is doubtful, considering he was in part using royal funds to raise the structure. At the very least, he built it with the knowledge of the Crown. Its plans are in the castle library, though I suppose as a novelty more than anything else."

She pauses, and shoves away the knowledge that the plans, like everything else in the library, are now sifting ash. Zant had it put to the torch, along with the rest of the citadel.

Zelda forcibly shoves the topic out of her mind, and eyes the plate. "Are you still hungry...?"

Then, he says things that would probably get him thrown out of the castle if he ever visited. Fortunately, that's not a concern. Link earns a level look as he tells her things she would be in her right to get royally indignant over. Other royals might. She does not. She's calm all through his observations, silent and clearly paying attention to him. It's clear that she's actually listening to everything he has to say.

If she were a cat, though, the end of her tail might be twitching a little.

In fact, she turns her attention back to her hair, as though she were sorting out in her mind what to respond to that with, eyes sliding closed again as she goes back to sliding the comb through her hair. "I suppose you wouldn't." It could be taken as a catty observation, but there's more of tired resignation in it than anything else. "And I suppose you're telling me that I should trust you not to put on airs."

That makes sense. They may be working with one another for a long time. Zelda looks quietly thoughtful at this.

"Then I suppose you're right." Her gaze gradually turns down, to somewhere around the tiled floor. "I... do not really know how to do this. I have... never had friends, before." Not really. Her position had never really loaned itself to the casual and friendly acquaintance of others. There were always agendas. Politics. It was easier to keep them all at arm's length, especially the ones who obviously only wanted to cash in on knowing the princess. She had always been good at spotting those right away.

Zelda shifts her weight somewhat uncomfortably, warring for a moment with accepting his observation and arguing against it. For a moment she almost looks like she intends to speak, but doesn't; brow furrowing slightly.

That beast is obnoxiously astute.

She finds herself grateful for that, despite the mild annoyance. Perception is a valuable trait. Observation, even more so.

"I have the impression that not much fools that girl." Zelda shifts her weight again, this time to draw her feet under herself. Is he sure she isn't just scared all on her own?

She doesn't answer him in words, but the way she looks aside is a clearer answer than anything she could have said to him.

The princess is flat-ass scared.
Couldn't tell ya, then. Link replies on the subject of Snowpeak, with the mental equivalent of a shrug. He considers the question about how hungry he is extremely actively. He looks between Zelda and the plate several times, and then replies, Nah, not really. I just know how to be hungry. Got a lot in front of me so I don't mind mind gorging and packing on some weight, 'cause I know I'm going to end up needin' to be able to afford to drop the weight later when there ain't so much good food for me to deal with. If you put more in fronta me I'll eat it, but it ain't necessary.

The catty observation is met with a cheerful, Nope, not in the slightest.

Bestial instincts aside, Link doesn't seem at all easy to actually personally rile up. He devours another steak without a second thought, and carries on, Ain't no reason for me to sit here and bluff at you, but I can't say there won't ever be. But keepin' up a lie for long, well, that's too much energy spent and I ain't good at keepin' that sorta thing straight in my head anyhow. Anyhow I'm plenty big enough all on my own, and I guess the Goddesses decided I was s'posed to hit this problem until it goes away, so I reckon they agree.

Same's true of you, really.

Link looks at Zelda properly for, perhaps, the first time. He tilts his head slightly, ... Well, your magic oughta be big enough anyway.

The Divine Beast consumes the second-to-last steak, Y'might be surprised, but I ain't gonna pretend I know your life. If you're right though, I d'no... seems to me if y'can't even really live as a royal type, maybe it ain't right for there to be royal types at all. There's a whole lotta people out there. Don't gotta have one family take on the burden of it all forever.

Concerning Rydia, Link nods with half-lidded eyes, It bugged her, when y'touched her. Girls who ain't been through some pretty bad things don't react like that.

The last steak disappears, and the Divine Beast lies down on the floor.

I ain't gonna fawn all over ya about it. I don't think you'd like it. But I've been scared witless since the start, and when things this bad start happenin' you gotta keep your head. Courage ain't about not bein' scared, it's about being scared and pushing on anyway.

If you weren't scared, He points out, I don't reckon you'd be wise at'all.
  "The goddesses have their reasons for doing things." The princess sighs, reaching up to rub at the back of her neck. It's not a very regal gesture. It looks downright uncertain. "I suppose it's a little different, for you. Farore chooses her champion seemingly at random, and the same is true of Din, and he who bears the Triforce of Power. Nayru, though..."

"Nayru is meticulous in her consistency. The royal line has always borne the Triforce of Wisdom. It does not pass from mother to daughter sequentially, but instead manifests in all of the royal women. My royal grandmother, my royal mother, and I all bore the Triforce of Wisdom concurrently." Zelda lifts her right hand, studying the crest on it through hooded eyes.

She shakes her head, watching the steaks disappear into the beast's maw. Those really are some horrifyingly impressive teeth. Good thing he's on her side.

"I do not always understand the ways of the goddesses, but it is not for me to question them. I trust in Nayru's wisdom; I do not think such a system would have been established if it were a point of failure." Zelda swings her legs back to hang over the edge of the bed, absently reaching for her boots and pulling them back on. "I carry the blood of the Goddess in my veins. I give my prayers to sustain my people." Her mouth quirks in a faint half-smile as she pushes herself to her feet. "I am probably the least qualified to question the Author of Law's wisdom."

The smile is gone a moment later. "Rydia's suffering... it hurts me to see her in pain; someone so young, to have to grow so quickly. I am glad she has her Eidolon; at least she is not alone."

Taking her hooded robe from the peg, the princess shrugs into it, drawing the hood up and over her face. The empty plate she collects with her free hand. "A moment. Wait here, please." It's not like he'd go anywhere, but politeness is practically ingrained into her.

Zelda slips out with the plate, and a few moments pass in silence. Crickets buzz and chirp outside. Somewhere far across the sands, a coyote makes its weird, keening scream.

The door opens again, and the princess sets down the plate; three more steaks light on the seasoning and cooking.

Shrugging out of the robe, she hangs it on the peg, pulls off her boots, and sets to dimming and shuttering the oil lamps. If he's worth his salt as a beast, he won't need the light to see, especially if he's only stuffing his face. Which he'll hopefully be doing wiht what she's brought him.

That done, the princess crawls under the blankets; not necssarily because she's tired, but it's a little chilly out, now that the sun is down. "Mmm." Zelda gives a dubious sound in response to his observations on fear and courage.
  "You wish me to be honest? Then... I am terrified, Link." The observation is given quietly, as she turns her back to him, curling on her side and facing the wall, pulling the inn's threadbare blankets up to her chin. "Zant does not frighten me. It is the power that he wields. He cannot possibly have done all of this himself. He is power-hungry, and an ambitious coward, yet he had the strength to conquer both the Twilight Realm and Hyrule as well. How? What terrible strength does he wield, that he threw my royal guardsmen like a child's toys? That his creatures could reave through my men and women as wheat before a scythe? He even challenged my sorcery, and won. I could not resist his power, no matter how I strove; he threw me as he threw the others, and he laughed as he did, like a cruel boy pulling the wings from a fly. I saw what I was up against, and I saw my people had no hope of surviving a battle against this malignant force. I surrendered. I am," she reflects, in a tone of slight bitterness, "the very first of Hyrule's queens ever to surrender to a conquering force. A dubious honour, yes? But... it was the only way I could save them from that terrible power."

Zelda shudders, curling the blankets around herself. "Link." Her voice is even quieter now, as though someone other than the wolf might overhear. "I sense a great evil before us. There is something terribly wrong with the Twilight Realm, and something terribly wrong with the power that Zant wields. It is... wrong. Evil. I can only pray, and beseech the goddesses for the courage, guidance, and strength to challenge it. And I will do that, once I have gathered the Six Sages, as your spirit friend and the goddesses have ordained... I will not let that heartless, gutless basatrd sit /my/ throne and torment /my/ people." For a moment there's an echo of righteous, terrible, divine wrath in the words; a pale reminder of the shock and anger Hylia had vented on Demise, eons ago, before Hyrule ever had a name.

"But I will be terrified as I do it," Zelda agrees, in a small voice. At least she wears an uncertain smile, although he can't see it, facing the wall as she does, unless he decides to jump up to the foot of the bed. "I am glad Farore has chosen you for your courage. I... will... have need of it, in the days to come."
Don't know about that. Don't reckon there needs to be a reason for everything, either. Some things just happen, or just gotta happen, and I don't figure the Goddesses got much of a hand in it. If they did, d'you suppose that we would have pieces of their power at all? Link replies, again with a mental shrug appended because he can't actually physically shrug.

Anyhow, I don't reckon anybody ever said the Goddesses were perfect. All of 'em were just the handful of things, y'know? If they were perfect, they'd probably just be one Goddess. Even then, I d'no. Seems to me like things like this mark just bring trouble to the people who have 'em, no matter what side they happen ta be on.

I guess, He muses maybe it's more about bearin' the same burden they bore than it is about bein' all-powerful.

The Divine Beast has nothing else to add to Zelda's thoughts on Rydia. Witchy girls might be able to take care of themselves a little, but they really oughtn't have to.

He restrains himself from indulging the intense urge to bark at the coyote. It's only once Zelda returns that he communicates again, watching her in the dark over the extra steaks.

Ain't really that I need you t'be honest with me in particular, even if it's nice that you're tryin'. Mostly, I just don't think it's good for ya to spend so much energy pretendin' you're alright when you're not. Lyin's hard, and that's a form of lyin, even if it's not a bad one to carry on with every now and then. But when you're in a real bad way, best to just let it out.

Sick people oughta be cranky.

The Divine Beast snaps up another steak with nary a thought. He can't have had time to taste anything. On the subject of Zant, he replies, Don't gotta be strong if you've got a lever or a pulley. If you don't reckon he's strong, then you gotta reckon he has a real good lever or pulley. S'why I think that Midna's got the right idea, with her witchy doodad. Don't gotta get stronger than that guy to beat 'em.

Just gotta find a better lever.
"Oh... no. Probably not," the princess amends, on the topic of whether or not events are preordained. Her voice is muffled by the blankets, but it's nice to warm up for a few seconds. "That is to say... I think you're right. I think some things happen for a reason, but I'm not sure everything does... if the goddesses were omniscient, I don't think we would carry their essences. Not separately as we do; Farosh's courage, Nayru's wisdom, or Din's power," she muses, softly. "Or perhaps they really are omniscient, and there's a reason for all that they do."

Zelda manages a weary sound. She's too tired to pry into the mysteries of the divine, and as a priestess of sorts, she's not exactly qualified for the job. She believes in the goddesses absolutely, and every time duty compels her to beseech them for their blessings on behalf of her people, she gives of herself wholly.

In a way, that's always been an aspect that's made the loneliness tolerable. When she communes with the goddesses, it lends her peace.

"I suppose it does sound bleak, when you look at it like that. But we do serve a purpose, and that purpose is greater than ourselves. By the whole of us coming together, you and I and the Six Sages, and whatever other allies are willing to aid Hyrule in her hour of need, we are greater than our parts. We have the strength to repel invaders like Zant... or even the great evil the oldest legends speak of." Zelda sighs, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around herself like a robe. She's not tired enough to sleep. Instead, she leans her back against the wall, stretching her legs out and watching Link. "Or perhaps I'm only grasping at straws, trying in whatever way I can to ascribe meaning to all of this... this mess."

It's certainly messy.

"Maybe." Pretending and lying. Zelda tips one shoulder in an almost-shrug. "I would be a poor queen if I weren't honest, so it isn't as though this isn't something I shouldn't already be doing. I've spent so long trying to present an image people can place their trust and faith in... I suppose I was too invested in that image, and not enough in myself. In any case, I would be a poor queen if I weren't honest, least of all with myself. Farore chose you, just as Nayru chose me. I should trust in that decision, and... have the confidence to be myself, even as I fulfill the duties I was chosen for. Right?"

But she sounds like she's trying to convince herself more than anything else. Her eyes turn back to the door, hooding. It looks like the princess is finally starting to relax a little.

As long as she doesn't look at him, she can almost imagine she is fact having a conversation with some random goatherd from Ordon Village.
"Besides," she adds, in a low voice, tilting her head up and absently studying the ceiling. "I wouldn't mind having a friend."

There's a long pause, and his sharp eyes might note the colour that rises to her face, even with the lamps off.

"If... if that isn't presuming too much," she adds, softly. "I know you never asked for any of this, and I am as much a stranger to you as you are to me. But if we must face this, maybe... it's better to face it together... yes?"

He speaks of levers and pulleys.

"Leverage," the princess says, softly but clearly. "It's only a matter of finding the right leverage against Zant, and making use of it. I think in her own way, Midna was on the right track, with whatever relic she was after... but we must find something else. I couldn't use a thing touched by the magic of her people. We are too different." She shakes her head. "Magic like that, forces that use the darkness... they are anathema to me. I cannot abide the darkness, though whether I shy away because of my own instincts or for the blood I carry, I couldn't say."

She leans back against the wall, bowing her head until her chin nearly rests on her chest, shrugging the blanket more securely around herself. "I'm sure all of this has happened for a reason. At least... that's what I want to believe." It's a lot more depressing if there were no inherent reason at all. "All that's left is for us to survive the coming battle, and see it through to the end. I will play my part, as the Author of Law has ordained, for the sake of my people, but..."

"In a way..." Her voice drops, as though she didn't want to be overheard. "Apart from the blood and tragedy of this all... putting aside the destruction and loss... in a way, I'm glad this happened on my watch. At least my surrender spared more lives than it lost. And who knows?" The small Hylian woman looks to the wolf, brow furrowed in an expression of slight resignation. She looks rather more a quiet, humble young woman than a princess in that moment. "Maybe it was really for the best, after all. Maybe Hyrule needed this crisis, that it might come back even stronger."

There's a short pause, and she glances back to Link, looking for the tell-tale glow of his eyes in the darkness. "Have you really never seen a rose before?"
I d'no about bleak, Link replies, it don't bring me any particular comfort if everything is pre-ordained, and it don't bring me any particular comfort if it ain't. Either way we don't have a hell of a lot of control over our lives, and I'd say the average folks have even less at that. If you worry about either of those things, the worryin' will never end, and it don't make no difference no how. If it's one way, things still go down 'bout how you'd expect, and if it's the other things still go down 'bout how you expect, only you didn't really have a say in it. I don't think there's anything wrong with tryin' to find some meaning in it all, though. But I think it's best if people make their own meaning, because if you do that then it don't matter if nuthin' actually happens for a reason.

You find meaning, so even without a still-as-stones meaning, it's still valuable.

Another steak disappears. Link looks a little like he's having trouble now, and it may well be that this was overdoing it even for somebody who was deliberately trying to gain weight so they can afford to shed a lot of it later on. He lays his head down on the floor, staring balefully at what little remains.

He doesn't notice Zelda's embarrassment.

'Course you don't. Nobody does, not even cranky old goats who'll kick ya if you get too close. Nobody likes being lonely. Nobody likes not havin' anybody to talk ta. But you know, I really ain't the first friend you made.

The Divine Beast nibbles at the remaining steak.

That girl, well, people don't come drag your bleedin' carcass all 'cross forever if they aren't mighty friendly with you. 'Less they're gon' eat ya, but that girl ain't the type.

Zelda's probing about whether or not they're friends elicits a look of annoyance from Link.

Queenie, you are thick as a castle wall.

To the rest, he replies, Ain't nothin' wrong with the darkness. It's a part of us, a part of the world. Lets you rest, lets you sleep. Tells everybody to shut up and sit down for a while, 'cause what else are you gonna get done in the dead of night? Midna, she's practically made of the stuff. So don't feel too badly towards the darkness, feel badly towards the people who misuse it.

You gotta have light to live, but it'll burn a forest down if you let it.

The Divine Beast picks his head up a little at the question about roses. D'no. Mighta seen one and just not known the name. Hadn't been too far out of Ordona, 'fore all this.
Cecil Harvey
    Well, there's not much else to do when a Queen/Princess says she needs to talk to you, but go! Actually Cecil is curious anyway, and looking... considerably less threatening than usual. After all, without the armor he looks quite a lot more sociable, even if that Dark Knight aura still clings to him. Still no sign of Kain though, which is starting to worry him even more...

    A light rapping on the door interrupts his own thoughts, though he can't imagine who Zelda would be talking to. Just to be clear who it is, he lifts his voice enough to be heard. "Zelda?" Yes, her name, considering she seems to not want her nobility made public. "It's Cecil, Rydia said you wanted to talk to me?"
  The princess folds her arms under the her blankets, eyeing the Divine Beast somewhat speculatively, though she can't see much more of him than his glowing eyes. It must be nice to have so few concerns; to live in the simplicity of the moment. Part of her wishes she could look at things so simply.

"Maybe so," she murmurs to his observations. "It just doesn't make any sense. Seeing so many people in Hyrule suffering; so many wrongs that need to be set right..." The thought that all of this happened for absolutely no reason whatsoever is a thought that's a bit too bleak and depressing even for her. "All because one man craved power, at the expense of everyone and everything around him." Zelda shakes her head. "Foolish..."

At least she seems to be opening up a little. This is probably the most relaxed, the most casual, that he's seen her. She must be feeling better after all; finally resting and healing from her experiences.

Her eyes fall on the wolf as he balefully looks over the steak left on the plate in front of him, as though he were working up the resolve to eat what's left. The princess can feel her lips twitch in amusement.

"Don't force it, if you can't finish," she offers.

Cranky old goats. The metaphor earns the beginnings of a smile again. She's never spent too much time around them, but the breed of goat ubiquitous in Ordon Village was said to be a fine one, and excellent dairy producers. The smile turns a little softer when he says he isn't the first friend.

"You're right. Again." She glances over to one side, as though towards the room Rydia must even now be in. "I just hope I can help her, somehow. No one should have to go through that kind of ordeal, let alone someone so young... the least I can offer her when this is all over is a home. What's left of hers, I'm to understand, is in ruins." Rydia's helped her enough to earn it, that's for sure. "Maybe I can help her with her world. There are so many monsters here... it feels like something is amiss in this world, just as much as in Hyrule."

Zelda sighs, when he dings her intelligence yet again. She spares a faint smile for the wolf. "I suppose I earned that one..."

Darkness, and light. "Mm. Everything in moderation," she agrees. "And once again, you're right." Sigh. She still has a lot to learn, Triforce of Wisdom or no. It's hard not to be a little frustrated with herself at the goatherd's crudely-spoken but accurate insights.

Roses. She half-smiles. "Maybe not. I know of wild roses that grow in the forest, though. I'll point them out to you, if we pass by any... I imagine we will travel through Ordona Province in time. The Light Spirit needs our assistance, and--"

A knock at the door. Zelda instinctively reaches for the knife on the endtable, eyes flitting to Link in a moment of unguarded worry--

--but she recognises the voice, tension bleeding from her shoulders. She sets the knife aside. "Sir Cecil." The acknowledgement is relieved. "Please come in. The door is unlocked... do not mind the wolf."


The princess herself is seated on her bed with a few threadbare blankets thrown over herself, leaning up against the wall, legs splayed out before her. A knife rests on the endtable, within reach. She hardly looks the part of royalty at the moment -- hair loose and unadorned, wearing only the simple peasant clothing she's been able to find for herself here in Kaipo.

That darkness aura still makes her teeth itch, but it's not too strong. She can ignore it. "Good; Rydia found you and passed on my message. Will you stay a moment? I have something to ask of you."
The Divine Beast falls into mental silence when a knock and a voice come at the door. There's nothing particularly odd about this-- he's listening, and trying to decide how to react. But he's certainly not going to do the rudeness of talking that way behind somebody's back, right in front of them. He eyes Zelda as he finishes off the remaining steak, though he does so only slowly. There's a nonzero chance that he's doing it that way literally because she suggested that he might not be able to, and oughtn't make the attempt if he wasn't sure about it.

Since he's not communicating openly, there's no telling.

In answer to Zelda's warning about the wolf, Link barks for emphasis. This probably isn't all that helpful in convincing anybody not to mind him, though. He sounds loud. He noses the empty plate out of his way while he waits for Cecil to actually come in.

But he does offer one parting thought to Zelda: I'm sure you can help her, same as she can probably help us.
Cecil Harvey
    Opening the door, Cecil lets himself in and closes the door behind him. The warning of the wolf helps, but it is strange... a long look given to Link as if he's not sure how to handle that particular detail. Odd companions, he can get, but this doesn't seem to be a summoned beast.

    "You asked for me?" he prompts again. "I see you have... what I hope is a guardian." He looks for a seat now, seemingly nonplussed at the wolf beyond the initial sizing up. Not NOT dangerous, but not a threat to him he decides. Unless he does something stupid. "I can stay for a little while. Is this about the problems in your world you mentioned before?"
  If Zelda notices how slowly Link is nosing at what's left of the steak, she doesn't comment on it openly. He might notice the barest trace of amusement flicker across her features. Stubborn, isn't he?

Really, though, she has no room at all to argue.

She looks to the door.

Link's last parting thought doesn't earn an answer, though her gaze flits to him for a moment. She smiles, then; not the melancholy or worried expressions she's worn so much, but something genuinely warm -- like the sun coming out for a brief instant, warm and well pleased.

Just having that little bit of honest confidence in her seems to make all the difference; gives her the self-confidence she needs to see this mess through.

Thank you, Link.

She allows just a whisper of feeling behind the words; just a touch of the warmth and gratitude to brush his mind before fading away.

That pretty expression flickers and fades. They have a guest. Her mind goes silent to him, like a portcullis shutting.

"He is no threat," Zelda states, for Cecil's benefit. She gestures to the table and chairs. "Please. Sit. There is tea, if you please."

A brief look is cast to Link. I will speak for you, if you wish it. It would at least allow you to communicate with others, when you have need of it. There's a brief pause, no more than a heartbeat, and though her expression never changes, there's a whisper of amusement. ...I promise I will not 'mistranslate' as Midna had done. At least until we are able to lift this curse.

The Dark Knight asks if it's an issue with her world. The Hylian nods, reaching up to tuck loose chestnut hair behind one long, pointed ear.

"In a manner of speaking. I have already asked Rydia if she would be willing to lend Hyrule her aid. The short version is this: My kingdom has been usurped by the Twilight King, a being from a realm loosely connected with my own. My only option was to surrender to prevent my people from being slaughtered..." Zelda gestures, loosely. "I fled, once it was clear that there was nothing more that I could do by staying."

Even in a nightdress and without her royal trappings, the small Hylian woman manages to carry herself with dignity and elegance. Her summer-blue eyes are dark in the dim light of the room, but her gaze is nonetheless clear and purposeful as it lingers on Cecil.

She bobs her head faintly. "Rydia has agreed to travel north with me, to Peak Province. There is an old stronghold there that has most probably been infested by monsters... but it was a fortification, once, and would serve as an admirable base of operations. It is remote, and well hidden."

"The choice is yours. I will understand if you do not, for it seems your world must have crises of its own. I am also willing to help you in any way that I can in matters of your own world -- once I have established a foothold, and found a safe place to stay." For now. "As safe as Snowpeak can be, in any case."
The Divine Beast looks towards Zelda and nods in answer to her silent communication. Then he shakes his head in reply to her offer. Evidently, he'd rather just make do with what he has than use an interpreter. The more ways he could learn to get by, the less likely he would be to need somebody to interpret for him. Not, in truth, that it made a lot of sense. He just feels very strange thinking of doing things like this.

His gaze turns then to Cecil. Link meets the man's gaze, and tilts his head to one side questioningly. If he was to make a spot-assessment of Cecil, he would describe him as menacing in appearance but not so much in voice or demeanor.

Link nods at Cecil's presumption that he is a guardian. It's the best way he can communicate both a positive, and that he understands enough to be an actual participant in the conversation instead of merely a well-trained animal that will do as it's told.

An affirmative bark follows, concerning Zelda's offer to help locally.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil DOES drink tea. Cider is a different game. So tea is good. "Thank you..." he says, trailing off to listen to the whole situation. This makes him sigh. "Of course I will help you get there," he says without thought. "And even if I weren't willing for your sake, I promised that girl I'd take care of her. It isn't a promise I can ignore, so if I know she's going into danger I'll be there for her, too." Of course Rydia has wandered out ON HER OWN into danger, but Cecil doesn't approve of that, so says nothing about it.

    The bark, and Link's obvious intelligence, makes him lift an eyebrow. Still, the two offered - or well, Zelda offered and the wolf seems to agree - to help with his own problems. "I'm not certain what is going on with my world either," he admits. "Monsters just keep multiplying, getting stronger and more numerous. The King sent me on a mission to burn down a village without even telling me. My best friend is missing. And I know... nothing about why any of this is happening."
  Zelda looks at the great dark wolf thoughtfully when he shakes his head to her offer. It doesn't make much sense that he would refuse, but he must have his reasons. Maybe he prefers to do things on his own. If that's the case, it wouldn't be right to tread on his dignity, so the princess doesn't press the issue.

All right. The barest whisper of sensation; acceptance and, though her expression never changes, the suggestion of a smile. If you change your mind, let me know.

Her attention is quick to turn back to the Dark Knight. She isn't just considering his words, but everything about him. She studies his entire demeanour, his tone of voice, his mannerisms. The darkness that seems to shroud his presence is curious. It doesn't repulse her so much as she can feel the instincts of her blood whispering in the back of her mind.

Hylia's powers were tailor-made to confine and seal the darkness. The sensation is a little distracting when she's trying to carry a conversation, but the princess puts it out of her mind with a smile for Cecil. "Thank you. We would appreciate your help, Sir Cecil. If Rydia trusts you, then that is enough for me."

"Hm." The small woman tilts her head a little at the description of matters in this world. It doesn't sound wholly unlike Hyrule; monster attacks had been on the rise somewhat before Zant seized power, and most areas are downright infested. Her expression falls a little as Cecil relates his troubles. "I am sorry." There's a sincerity in her gentle voice that matches the fleeting sorrow in her eyes. "Truly. Your troubles are not unlike Hyrule's... if we can help you in any way, please, let us know."

She looks down, regarding the back of her right hand. There's a faint mark there, a triangular crest. "I cannot speak for Link." She gestures to indicate the wolf. "But my own abilities may be of some help. I have passable skill in archery and fencing, but my real strengths are the spiritual. I carry the blood of the Goddess. With it, I can mend wounds and shield my allies. I can also summon arrows of light. These are often effective against corrupt or darkness-infested creatures..."

There's a heartbeat of a pause. "Oh," she adds, raising a hand to her mouth. "I--I'm sorry, I did not mean to imply..."
The Divine Beast huffs loudly on the subject of monsters multiplying rapidly and becoming particularly aggressive. It's something that he's personally familiar with, more than most of the things that have gone on between them. He continues to survey Cecil for an awfully long time before he finally looks away, towards Zelda. It's times like this that he /does/ wish he could speak, because there's no way he can funnel apologies or explanations about her massive social problems through her.

He looks towards Cecil, and jerks his head towards Zelda. Another huff. It's very nonspecific, he supposes, but it ought to convey a general feeling of... exasperation? 'Look at this shit'? Link isn't really certain. He'd probably take it as 'look at this shit'.

Rising from his resting spot at the end of the spare bed, Link circles 'round to the middle of it. He seems to be responding to Zelda stating that she's unable to speak for him-- and maybe distracting from her little faux pas while he's at it. The wolf's head dips. Rather easily, he shoves the spare bed halfway down the length of the room towards the opposite wall.

Then, a little more carefully, circles about and shuffles it back into position before resuming his spot below the footboard of Zelda's bed. He's showing off a little to demonstrate, mostly non-harmfully, what he's broadly capable of.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil listens, but he doesn't react until the very end of what Zelda says. Shaking his head, the knight smiles, "No offense taken. Becoming a Dark Knight is a dangerous undertaking, because the darkness is a dangerous force. Bending it to use for good is... difficult, and always carries dangers. Rosa reminds me of that often." He laughs gently, then sighs in a whistful way. He doesn't take the time to explain who she is, but that should be implied. "It does have downsides. I was fighting undead not so long ago... the dark blade is useless against them."

    He pauses to watch Link, his eyebrow lifting again. "I see you are in good... paws, at least. Intelligent and judging by his size, capable. That's good. It also seems like danger is simply multiplied by touching these new worlds. I ran into our 'friend' Vivian again, along with a boy who was set on killing anything magical. He shot me, in fact." He touches his shoulder, not mentioning he was shot because he stepped in front of the bullet. "At least he seems to hate Vivian as much as he hates any of the rest of us."
  Social problems. It's not really a problem, it's just a purpose she was in part created towards. It isn't like the princess is set on smiting anything that shows a lick of darkness. In fact, Cecil seems like a pretty likeable guy, once she can get past Hylia's whisper of instinct.

All that to say, Zelda ignores the wolf and his judgemental huffing. He can huff and puff until the inn comes down around them. She'll ignore it. Mistakes happen; she isn't infallible.

Her eyes track over to watch him as he shoves the spare bed, before returning it to roughly where it was. She then glances back to Cecil.

"Is it? Fascinating. I... don't have much experience with things like that, myself. Such practises are generally frowned on, in Hyrule, though they aren't illegal." They should be. Bad things always happen when people mess around with the dark arts, and the next thing you know, some joker is trying to take over the whole kingdom. Oh, wait...

Zelda wraps the blanket more securely around herself, tilting her head as she considers the Dark Knight's explanation. "Vivian? Again? I suppose it was too much to hope that she would give up." The princess sighs. "And.." Oh. That boy, killing magical things.

Hopefully he doesn't see her shudder.

"The Adept-Slayer. Yes. I have experience with him." For a fleeting instant, Zelda lets a corner of the blanket drop. Her sleeveless nightdress shows the distinctive scar left by a bullet at her right shoulder. She pulls the blanket back into place, huddling into it, eyes troubled as she looks to Cecil. "I am to understand he is also aware of Rydia. When she came to my aid, he was watching. I thought you might want to know; she is at risk."

The princess makes a thoughtful sound, something approaching determination in her eyes. "Does he? Yes, that would make sense. If he is so opposed to the use of magic, then she would also be on his radar... we can use that, somehow. I'm sure of it."
Link sits back up to raise a paw into the air. He looks annoyed. A couple of swipes in the air later and he settles back into a sitting position. A part of him is considering briefly stealing Zelda's rapier to demonstrate that he has actual for-hands skills, but he doesn't have any hands with which to actually demonstrate any such thing, so it would mostly just wind up annoying the hell out of Zelda and looking stupid.

Bereft of any other meaningful reply to offer, he nods at Cecil. If they weren't standing on flooring that he'd be responsible for chewing up, he'd strongly consider just trying to scratch a message into the floor. Works better out in the dirt though, and he has a suspicion his claws would give out before the floor totally did.

His attention sways back and forth at mention of this lunatic who attacked both of them. Link still hasn't had the displeasure, but he isn't altogether certain he wants to. If magic was a part of what got his attention, would this adept slayer even care about him? He's about as magical as a tree stump. Strong, yes. But magical? Technically, a little. But not enough even to keep anything but his mind.

A few thoughtful moments pass. The Divine Beast turns 'round and meanders over to Zelda's belongings. There's a moment of shuffling before he comes back with a single rupee in his mouth, depositing it on Zelda's lap.

Use this, he seems to be suggesting.
Cecil Harvey
    While Cecil isn't totally clear on what Link is suggesting, Zelda's idea is very clear to him. Or at least, the thought she has. He nods slowly, "It's still worrying. Vivian also rescued a young girl from him, though. And up until that point she was helping us again. This time she didn't turn on us, either. This Adept-Slayer's motivation is pretty clear, but I'm still confused about the Swan's."

    He frowns more deeply though. "And after Rydia too? Yes, he did go after her there... I think this 'broadened world' has made some people snap." No, Cecil, Copen was like that before. The knight sighs, and just stares at Link. "I hope you can understand what he wants, I'm not sure. I'm better with a chocobo."
  Summer-blue eyes track the wolf as he tries to demonstrate something, but without any telepathic insights, Zelda is at a loss. There's no way for her to know that the wolf is a swordsman. He hasn't told her.

Is this some kind of weird Ordona Province ritual? She's never been there, so she might not have any way to know, but... no, probably not.

Her brow furrows as he goes rummaging through her pack, and the only thing that keeps her from snapping at him is curiosity to see what he's trying to do. When he pulls out a rupee and deposits it on her lap, she eyes it curiously.

"Maybe," she concedes, frowning and holding the rupee aloft. It's a bit dark in the dim light, but it still catches what little there is, throwing it back in pretty reflections. It looks like some kind of crystalline substance, and it feels faintly of magic.

Zelda glances back to Cecil. "I spoke with her, the day before we encountered her in those ruins. She was almost... pleasant, then. I had no idea. I'm not quite sure what to make of her, either. I suppose time will tell, hm?"

To Cecil's consternation, she shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I should have explained. He is not a beast, even though he may appear as one. He is a Hylian like myself, but he has been cursed. He cannot speak as he is now, but I can speak directly to one's mind." Zelda raises a delicate forefinger, tapping a temple. "I can understand him, though it's a bit... awkward; others cannot 'hear' us speaking so."

"Another legacy of my station, I suppose." She slides her gaze back to Link, thoughtful again. "That body has its uses... but he cannot communicate meaningfully with anyone but a select few. And it is quite easy for others to mistake him for a monster."

She glances to Link. "If you're open to the idea, perhaps I can see what I can do about that curse, once we reach Snowpeak. I feel much stronger."

He'll probably refuse that, too, but it's in her nature to make the offer.

"Oh. Sir Cecil." Zelda looks to the Dark Knight again. "You will want to bring warm clothing, and if you are riding one of those chocobos, a caparison for the beast as well. Snowpeak is savage, and especially so in winter... but that will work to our favour. The Twilight King will not be expecting me to return to Hyrule, let alone there. He will expect me to make a move on my own castle." She smiles, thinly. "But that would be unwise."
Link reacts to Cecil's sigh and remark with a flat stare of his own, and then he begins to vocalize. This is utter nonsense, because he's a wolf, but it's pretty clear that if he had the ability to actually speak human it would be perfectly comprehensible. Naturally, in this case it is simply a total waste of everyone's time. He finally just gives up and looks back at Zelda, You can use rupees as bait, they're a li'l bit magic so the old witchy types will occasionally throw 'em in brews. Let's the magic out of 'em, see

As for Snowpeak, he merely nods. Link doesnt' expect anything to come of it at all; if a piece of the Triforce could so protect him, then his own piece ought to have done so. Shy of literally lending her own fragment to him, he doesn't see Zelda being able to leverage enough power to turn him back to his regular shape.

Still, if she's going to insist on trying, he's going to stop telling her to quit worrying about it for the moment. If it works, fine. If it doesn't, then they're none the worse for wear. Unless Zelda decides to go to really stupid lengths to try to make it happen, but he doubts she'll do that on the cusp of invading a keep within the Twilight King's domain.
Cecil Harvey
    Scratching his head at Link's growling and attempt at speech, Cecil sighs again... this time because he listens to the explanation that clears up what's happened. "I can't imagine... then it looks like we have several goals. I suppose tackling them together will give us all a greater chance of victory against each threat. At least he isn't helpless, yes?" To be trapped as something like a pink bunny would be much worse, wouldn't it? Though also silly and nobody would ever imagine such a noble beast as a bunny.

    Warm clothing, eh? "With a name like that, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I'll see what I can find here in town to insulate my armor. It's in the shop being repaired anyway." He taps his own shoulder again, wincing... less from the pain than from knowing Zelda is in the same situation.

    "As for Vivian... and the Slayer... that's just one more thing we'll need to worry about taking care of," Cecil points out. "One thing at a time, though. I'll see what I can do about getting us prepared for winter travel. I may have to go offworld... Kaipo isn't the best place to buy snow gear, I have a feeling." Perceptive, isn't he?

    He looks back to Link and smiles, "I guess we'll need to learn how to fight together. I doubt the trip will be uneventful. This will be new for me."
  The princess raises a brow as the wolf starts yammering. None of it makes any sense. She blinks a little owlishly, giving him a flat look that needs no commentary to be understood: 'Are you quite finished?'

When nothing comes of that display, she shrugs her scarred shoulder, casting him the same kind of flat, exasperated look he'd fixed her with earlier. Yes, that accomplished a whole lot, didn't it?

"That might work," she agrees slowly. "They do have some inherent magic. However, the Adept-Slayer is a dragon I would sooner let lie, for the moment, if a confrontation can at all be avoided. Ambushing him will require careful preparation... I would prefer to leave that until Snowpeak is ours. We may be able to use the mountain to our advantage... I do not think he himself wields any particular powers of note."

Her eyes half-close as she thinks back, trying to scrounge up some detail from the night she had been ambushed. The memories are hazy, though. "Mm. I shot him with an arrow infused with divine light. I believe he bled as anyone else would... so he is not invulnerable."

Most of her memories are gone after that point. By then she'd been too busy trying not to bleed to death until Rydia could reach her. The details got a little fuzzy after that.

"Yes." Cecil's observation earns a slight nod, and the princess' mien is serious once more, something approaching quiet determination in her eyes. She inclines her head toward him, respectful. "Thank you for your willingness to help, Sir Cecil. It means a great deal to me, and to Hyrule."

"In the meantime, I will pray to my goddesses for guidance in helping you and Rydia with your world's problems." The princess inclines her head, once, in solemn gesture. She does manages a faint smile, though. "I have no reason not to try to help you two."

Those summer-blue eyes settle on Cecil, thoughtfully, when he indicates his shoulder. "You were fortunate to have armour, at the time." She didn't, and if not for Rydia's timely intervention, she wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation. That girl was goddess-sent.

"Yes." This, to Cecil's remark on having to take care of Copen and Vivian. "We will see to them, in due time. There is only so much I can do, though if my goddesses ordain that the time to strike is come, then we must simply do the best we can. He will require some strategy, though. We will only have one chance to ambush him. It may be that he is driven in all of the worst ways, but he is no fool, either."

Zelda leans back against the wall and sighs, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. Ordinarily she wouldn't, but she trusts Link to keep vigil, and act if anything happens. "Mmmm. I will send rupees with you. They are Hyrule's currency, and the glimmer of magic within them may make them valuable in other realms, too."

"I would accompany you, but it is better if I remain hidden as much as possible, and conserve my strength. I am still recovering after..." She shrugs faintly, gesturing to indicate her scarred shoulder, along with a flicker of a sardonic smile. "As I'm sure you've noticed, I am not exactly soldiering material."
Link nods an affirmative about not being helpless. He jerks his head towards the bed that he moved a moment ago, and seems to more-or-less settle down. The thought of being stuck in an /actual/ helpless form rankles a little. Fortunately he is not from the WORST END where one of his ancestors did something silly like die in the decisive battle, dooming the timeline to a hellish sequence of altered realities from some jackass getting his hands on the ultimate wishing machine.

At his offer to go and fetch some winter gear, the Divine Beast... bows? Yes, that was a bow, although a rather awkward one. More of the sort of play-bow that a dog might engage in, but still completely clear in its intent. A plain thank-you, though he doesn't strictly speaking need the winter gear for himself. That fur of his ought to do just fine.

A jacket might be nice, though.

After a moment's consideration, Link seems to decide that he's veering towards Done for the night. He jumps onto the end of the bed and settles there, laying down with his head turned so that he can keep an eye on Cecil. Another nod, concerning learning to fight together.

He opens his mouth wide and clicks his teeth together in an uncharacteristically human gesture that a wolf would simply not pointlessly indulge in. That's how I do it, seems to be what he's saying.

Made me feel better, Link asides to Zelda, even if there ain't much point to it at all. Anyhow, witchy types aren't supposeta be soldiery types. You still oughta get some armor, tho.
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil sets his teacup down, and smiles at the bow. "I am sure we can arrange something. You've been a great help to Rydia, as well, from what I have heard... and I think it only natural that we help one another out." Zelda seems to have a good heart, and Cecil approves of that. Too bad he can't 'hear' Link to agree she should wear something protective.

    He rises though, giving a slight bow of his own. "I had best see what I can do right away, which means an early morning. If you have no objections?"
  The princess watches as Link bows down, enough so to make it clear what his intent is. Even so, she's a little surprised, lifting a brow. Maybe she's just thinking about how weird it is to see a wolf do something so disconcertingly human.

"I have tried," Zelda concedes, quietly, with an uncertain half-smile. "She is a good person. I do not think that anything can ever erase her suffering, nor replace what was lost, but I will try to ease her pain and sorrow as much as I can. I cannot stand by and do nothing for her, not if I believe that there is some benefit to her by my support."

Her eyes flick back to the wolf when he settles down, but there's nothing more to it than simple acknowledgement. Resting is a good idea. She can feel herself slowing down a little, too.

"Forgive me if I do not rise to see you out," she murmurs, to the Dark Knight, but she does manage a half-smile, a little drowsy. "Thank you, Sir Cecil. Both of your support, yours and Rydia's... it means a lot to me." She'll lift a hand in parting, though once he's gone and closed the door, she rises just long enough to pad over, lock it securely, and shutter the few lanterns left burning. Only once that's done does she climb back into her bed, and under the blankets. They're threadbare but serviceable. It's better than no protection against the cold of the desert night.

Having a great big shaggy wolf at the foot of the bed doesn't hurt, either. She's not exactly curled up against him or anything -- like any sensible person, she likes having her blood inside of her body and her limbs intact -- but just him staying close provides a little residual warmth.

I suppose I can understand that. Sometimes you just have to make noise. Maybe she's too tired to talk, though, falling back on her own telepathy. The brush of her mind carries with it a little tiredness, but peace, too. No. Functionally... I am a priestess, not a soldier.

He might see just a flicker of the memories that surface with that. A calm ritual pool in the moonlight, a white silk dress, delicate golden armlets that bear the Triforce surrounded in rays. The sensation of someone-not-him inhaling deeply, and letting the breath out peaceably; taking one step, then another, deeper into the sacred spring.

There is a great age to the memory, enough to make it just a little hazy. Whoever that was, it wasn't Zelda. The memory is far too old for that. There is a great sense of age to it.

If Zelda notices the vision, she doesn't comment on it.

I intend to. If you have any suggestions, I would welcome them, though I was considering lamellar. It's light enough to give me freedom of movement, but strong enough to protect, too... but I... The princess yawns without even an attempt at royal dignity. Sleeping is the best thing she can do to marshall her strength. I had better think about it another day. Thank you, Link. Good night...

The sensation of her mind gradually withdraws, words growing small and distant. He's left alone in his own head, but not without a final touch; a wordless whisper of contentment and thanks.

Hyrule may be falling apart, but she's done all she can do, for the moment. She's safe, as safe as she can be right now, and she has friends and allies to help her in the battles to come.

What else can she be but grateful for what she has?
There is a stretch of silence in which the Divine Beast neither stirrs or directs thought towards Zelda. It may be that he already fell asleep, and that seems increasingly unlikely until... as she approaches the very edge of sleeping, his voice echoes: That's fine. Ain't everybody cut out to be a soldier, same way ain't everybody cut out to be a Priestess or a witchy type. You're fine the way you are, tho you do need to light a fire and get some armor sooner rather than later.

Another stretch of silence. Wearily: You're welcome. Sweet dreams, don't let the skullkids bite.

What the hell is a skullkid???