World Tree MUSH

Fishing on the Cheep Cheep.

Character Pose
After the chastisement of Ash and Raven, Ash was taking Miwa on a tour of where he's been within the mushroom kingdom. It was colorful, tended towards being happy, and with pretty nice weather. Since Ash was still an emotional mess? He wanted to show Miwa what the local water ways were like.
Miwa follows along, floating along on a bubble because it was easier than walking long distances, and at a casual walking pace, didn't even require her to sing constantly to keep the bubble going, particularly as a breeze is helpfully blowing in the direction they are walking. "I'm glad to find you're not dead or being held somewhere. I really should start checking up on you when I don't hear from you for a while. I know you can take care of yourself, but no one is invincible." SHe says with a smile as she looks over toward Ash.
Ash smiled as he walked, his mood lifting at least momentarily. "Got careless. I mean... it wasn't even really when 'working' so much as right after Ikinda was relaxing when something got hairy and i stepped in." He gestured as he spoke. "Then it just kinda kept snowballing because it was some kind of magic spirit wolf girl thing with antlers and," His head shook as he looked at local sinage telling them a beach was near. "Huh. I know they have fish, but only these little round things that are maybe the size of my head." Wait that wasn't actually that little was it? "Not sure if they need processing but there's a nice fish and chip place in town we can swing by if you don't find anything you like. Sound good?"

Ash was of course deflecting from his more extended leave, and the fact his warframe got rather thoroughly chewed apart, quite literally if one wished to look at it a certain way. Hence why he was glad a beach was nearby. Maybe it was natural. Mabe it was constructed. He had no idea. He didn't know how this world worked.
Miwa grins. "Round head sized fish? They're probably kinda cute judging by this place. I guess if we can catch one or two and cook them, might be good. Definitely not eating one whole if it's that big. Anyway you know you can always ask for help if things get hairy. I'm happy to have your back any day." She says with a grin, looking up at the sign for the beach. "Well, I guess I'll feel right at home. Wasn't sure we were that close to the ocean, or if we'd have to settle for a river."
Ash again wasn't sure if this was fresh or salty. Likely this beach was constructed and a freshwater body. "I wonder..." He stepped towards the water, sliding boots off to feel the beach on his bare feet before wading to his knees into the water. "Feels like fresh water. Fair bit chillier than Alola, so I dunno. Your call." In fact he liked how the water felt.
Miwa chuckles as she pops her bubble and joins Ash in the water. "You're right, it is a bit cooler, but it's not uncomfortably cold, even for an island native like me." She says before kicking off with her tail and going into deeper water. She's happy to swim around for a bit before they worry too much about food, though she is already keeping an eye out for the fish around.
Ash himself kept to the shallows, prefering to just float along and enjoy the day as Miwa went about in her more natural enviroment.

The Primarina would see fish, round red and white fish amongst others swimming along eating whatever fit in their mouths. They were not predatory per-se as they didn't seem togravitate towards other fish so much as 'does it fit in my mouth yes/no and if yes, try to eat.' Even then, if Miwa were observant this wasn't a constant mindless feeding frenzy of fish eating whatever getting eaten by something bigger. If anything it was all a very relaxed sedate pace. Little squidlike things drifted along bothering plant-like anemone things that would elease spores, or perhaps little stinging pods of some sort that seemed dangerous to touch. It was probably more like being in a carefully currated aquarium than a true ecosystem.
Miwa does notice there isn't a terribly wide variety of life in the water, so it did seem a bit like an extra large aquarium. She didn't think too much of it though, she swims around a bit more and then back over toward where Ash is relaxing, floating next to him for a spell. "It's nice to have a chance to just relax with you for a bit. Seems like we get that chance less and less often."
"Well... even if me and Raven seem to go along about as well as oil and water? She's been good for helping me try sorting out a few diffrent things." Ash's voice was soft as he floated along the surface of the water. "Anything new going on in Alola? I really should visit the islands more since... well I did promise to help with your shows." He enjoyedthis nice slow floating along. there wasn't the chop or wave of ocean waves.
Raven did arrive! differently, this time. Instead of teleporting in, there'd be a darkness off in the distance, with a bird flying towards them... It landed on the beach and... Then Raven stepped out of the bird, making it disappear. She walked out to the water and... Didn't step into it.

Because she didn't really... She wasn't the best at swimming. That and it felt a bit rude. Okay she just didn't have a bathing suit and she hadn't been invited okay?!

She coughed and then... "Ash? I ummmm.... I want to apologize for... over reacting to what you said before... You were just trying to help..."
Without even bothering to open his eyes Ash shrugged as he floated in the same clothes he wore while walking with only his boots at the sandy shore of the currated water feature. "I imagine everyone aware growing up just who and what yu are would have everyone either literally trying to kill you, or acting like every outburst is the last straw before hell breaks loose." Beat. "Also Miwa's.

This is when a quite large Cheep Cheep decided to join the party. How large? Large enough that it opening its mouth sucked in enough water to pull ash in before it decided to start swimming back down.

Given Ash can't breath underwater and has no real way to get out on his own? THis... this could be bad.
Miwa nods to Ash. "I'm glad she's able to help you. You can be a bit... impulsive sometimes." She says honestly, but happily moves on to the subject of Alola. "As for back home, mostly it's the same old thing, though I did do a charity concert a couple weeks back for the Aether House, it's a sort of orphanage for humans and pokemon, run by the Aether Foundation." She looks back as she hears Raven approach, and smiles, happy to see she's had time to calm down. But then she feels a current flowing past her and hears Ash slip beneath the water and looks back with a panicked expression washing over her face. "Oh my a giant fish is trying to eat Ash!" She cries as she swims after it and begins charging a Moonblast attack, soon sending a large orb of pinkish white energy toward the giant cheep cheep.
Raven blinked a few times and sighed. "Yeah... A few people tried that... thing. When I was one..." she mumbled. "He... no one tried after him." and there was a LOT of guilt when she said that. "I didn't mean to, I wasn't even aware then..." she mumbled.

And wait, he was gone? Why would-- CRUD!

A giant fish? Why? She flew into the water after him, flying through the air and then flying underwater, the water stung a bit but...

Things went bad when she held out her hands to... "Aza-- glurbble glurbl!" Oh yeah, she can't CHANT UNDERWATER! She had no choice but to kind of awkwardly flail about before coming back up, hacking and coughing out water, tears in her eyes. Well. Now she was soaked AND useless. Yay!
>> GAME >> Ash spends an Edge for: I AM NOT FISH FOOD!
Well hey suddenly everything got dark, and. Well. There was a distinct lack of breathable air. THat was not good. The whole 'encroaching insidesof a giant gupy wasn't heling Ash's sense of comfort and or wellbeing either. Welp only one thing to do!

Raven would feel... Something most likely. By this point she's seen him Void Beam things. However this? If what ash did was normally turn a faucet this was like smashing a fire hydrant.

The lake would suddenly get brighter when the void beam erupted from the poor fish. Apparently Ash had aimed down as the fish was rocketing back to the surface, slamming into Miwa's attack on the way out, and then finally Ash flopped onto the beach when he managed to turn the tap off. He lay there on his back gasping, his handsshook as hsi fingers trembled. To any arcane senses he wouldp ositively REEK of the void.

"Stupid fish... Owe."
Miwa's eyes go wide as the void beam rockets the fish toward her attack and she quickly swims out of the way to avoid it crashing into her as well. After that she follows as Ash ends up back on the beach, and not long after she surfaces and makes her way to shore, the giant cheep cheep lands on the beach as well with a loud flop, obviously dead now. "Well, who likes sushi?"
Raven coughed, sputtered and.... rose out of the water. Well, that was embarassing. She took off the cloak for... Well. Actually the first time ANY of them had seen her without it.

Woo, them legs! But she started ringing her cloak out and trying to squish some of the water out of her suit. "What is sushi?" she asked as she sighed. "This is why I don't swim..." she grumbled. "So hard to use magic under there..." 'Hard' aka 'Impossible'. "Is... he okay?"
Ash slowly rolled over, still breathing heavily but now in a more controlled manner as he struggled to his feet. "M'fine..." He flexed his fingers, unsure how he managedthat other than 'I am getting eaten by a giant fish I didn ot give my permission for this activity."

He would then walk over to the giant fish and lift part of it up, actually managing to get most of it off the ground in spite of it literally being bigger than he was. "Hey Miwa can your phone get pictures?" He was... Happy? But he almsot got- no wait he DID get eaten, and he's happy?

Then Ash would look to Raven. "Some fish varieties are safe to eat raw. Not sure if this is one of them." A pause then, "Hey Ordis think you can send the lander down to pick this thing up? I wanna see how much he goes for if we sell him to the Alolaians."

A laugh from Ash's ear piece. "Now go make sure Raven's alright. She's soaked to the skin."

"Oh.. .Right." Ash would pause, perhaps giving Miwa time enough to take a picture before glancing t Raven. Welp. THAT was a normal mental response from teenage boys aroundgirls, except that emotional mash of 'holy cow she's pretty!' is aimed at Raven. Outwardly Ash simply held a hand out for her cloak. "I'd offer a coat but," He shrugged. uriously he only quirkedan eyebrow at Raven's unitard. "Not much more than the skin suits we wore in long duration sleep. I can see practicality there but... man... I'd hate to have t ogive pockets up again."
Miwa's chuckles at the discussion of whether this fish was safe to eat raw. "I was mostly kidding, think we'd want to cook it first, but if Ash wants to sell it on the exotic off world fish market, be my guest. Oh right, picture..." She says as she moves to get into a good position. "Camera." She commands, activating that mode on her poketch, then tries her best to aim it at the fish, then says a final command to take the shot. "Snap." Then a pause as she begins to walk over toward Ash and Raven. "I think I've got it. You alright Raven? You didn't really have to dive in, even if Ash hadn't blasted the thing to the moon, I'm pretty sure I'd have been able to save him." She says with a grin directed at Ash.
Raven blinked and shrugged. "Raw... fish. That makes sense. We do that,' she mumbled.

And then her eyes shot up. And judging by the look on her face, the red cheeks, she DEFINITELY FELT WHAT HE WAS FEELING! "It's... f-fine." She let him take the cloak so she could focus on her bodysuit. IGNORE HIS THOUGHTS AND MAYBE THEY'LL GO AWAY! At least that's the plan.

"Yeah, I know it was stupid," she mumbled. "I just... reacted. I guess. Even if Ash is... dumb sometimes he is still a... friend," she mumbled. Her cheeks still glowed and it was obvious she was still embarrassed by all of it. But... it wasn't so bad. "I do not like the idea of losing one of the few friends I have..." she mumbled.

"But yes. Jumping into the water is... not something I'll likely do again... ugh... Perhaps I should try and get one of those... bathing suits..." Well, she DID have some money now. In lysat...
As Ash turned to focus on wringing Raven's cloak out he was trying very hard to think of something because when you're aroundan empath you are wearing every emotion on your sleeve in neon day glo paint whiel screaming about it with a megaphone. Fortunately there was enough woodscattered about for a small fire, which is what Ash wanted. As he gathered branches and other bitso f this and that. "COuldn't you have just used your magic to make a bubble around yourself?" He wasn't sure exactly what Raven's telekenisis was like, "Or would 'make sphere of air around me' be like having to manipulate an infinite number of points as opposed to 'OK I'm shoving but only this hard and no harder'?" THat got his mind off the fact Raven was quite attractive. 

"Also Miwa... what was that thing you shot at the giant fish over there?" Ash was curious sounding, "I swore i Heard something go thud before it broke surface."
"If not, I could have made a bubble for you, but I guess that wouldn't have really helped with the whole acting on instinct at a moment's notice thing..." Miwa says with a grin. "As for what I shot at the fish, just a standard Moonblast, you've seen me use that before, though I'm a bit stronger than I used to be, so I'm able to make one a little bigger." She watches Ash build a fire, and wishes she could help, but fire was not really her forte, in any case, she figured Ash would have no trouble starting it with some sort of technology, even if it's as mundane as a normal lighter.
Raven actually stopped wringing out her suit. She blinked a few times. A bubble of... She could have... There wasn't any... "DAMN IT!" she yelled. Then eeped and covered her mouth with both hands. Wait. No. She wasn't going to get in trouble. No one here was... Well peach wasn't here and she'd certainly not approve.

"So yes. It would be something i could do but... again... I just kind of jumped in without thinking... Ugh... this is so annoying... Wet bodysuits feel away. I know I'm gonna get a rash..." she mumbled. "... I'm gonna go and change. Just... don't look. Okay?" she said before making her way behind the trees. Yay, now they had some privacy!
"Welcome to most of why I make what in hindsight are really poor decisions." Ash was't gloating. No, really he hoped Raven now understood 'why' he often did what he did. He was busy piling wood together for a few moments longer then patted his pockets.

"Well this is embarassing... Fish ate my liter." He frowned before aiming at the wood pile and fired a beam from his hands. Sure it wasn't technically heat energy, but everything degenerates into heat in the end doens't it. So eventually the wood would catch fire leaving ash oto ram a long branch onto the beach sand, then another before hanging Raven's cloak where it could dry.

He would then very deliberately walk to the shoreline and sit down in spite of that impish little impulse to peek. He was impulsive. Not Stupid. "So Miwa?"
Despite having no idea what it felt like to be in a wet bodysuit, she felt sorry for Raven, having to go through so much trouble just for getting wet. She chuckles as Ash makes a fire with his void beam since he lost his lighter to the fish. She wonders a moment if she could make fire with a moonblast, but knows that even if it worked, it would also send burning cinders flying everywhere, not the best idea. As Ash comes and sits by her, and seems to be trying to open up an opportunity to ask her something, she looks at him and smiles. "Yes Ash?"
Raven came out after a few minutes, wearing... Ummm... A robe. It looked more like a 'monk of a manastary' robe than her normal one. Hooded, of course. But more... Okay it was almost exactly like her other one, but bigger, wrapped around herself. Actually... it was a few sizes bigger. She put her bodysuit out by the fire and knelt down and...

She wondered if she was intruding. Should she leave? They didn't seem to want her gone, though... so maybe it was okay?

She rubbed her arms under the cloak, happy it hid the fact she was fairly cold right now....
One of Ash's arms would wrap around Miwa as he leaned against the Primarina. "I'm not sure how well Raven thinks i've been learning, but the change of pace I think has been helpful." Raven would have been able to feel Ash's emotions shifting around Miwa, a sort of mellowing and sofening of any rough edges. THen Ash would raise hsi voice, "When you've got somethign dry on mind sitting with us? I mean i know the hwole touching thing is bad, but it'd feel weird with you being all alone. You've been trying hard t ofigure out what from what you know has any bearing on how I do things. I don't want to leave you feeling alone."
Miwa leans back into Ash and puts an arm/flipper around him as well, smiling up at him. "I'm happy to hear it's helping you. It's good to have friends to help you grow. I know that all to well." She says with a wink at him. When ash raises his voice, she adds as well. "I'd love to meet Ash's new friend and trainer."
Raven probably would have felt silly, or awkward, or stupid about all of that... But then,... He mentioned all the help she'd been offering him. All the aid. Acknowledged her hard work.

So rather than walking away, she walked to sit by them and sat down. She huddled under her cloak and hugged her knees to her chest. Odd, she felt both cold and... warm at the same time? That was so.... weird.

"It's... not really bad. I give him a hard time sometimes, but he isn't too bad. I have seen far worse. i think his biggest weakness is just how much he... reacts without thinking. But then... I guess after that I'm not one to talk," she muttered.

"His quick thinking is good, however. Useful. He just needs to train himself to react slower when he has time."
"We all have our faults and flaws." Ash chuckled in spite of himself as he sat with Miwa. Sure his clothes were soaked through and the fire was in the opposite direction, but he felt no inclination to move. "the goal is to polish out the flaws without wearing away everything else." 

And then the lander craft would start to uncloak. It was a large thig as large as a fighter jet yet rather quiet given how much bulk it had to keep in the air as it pulled the dead Bass Boss off the beach before flying away.

"Thing of it is Raven. We're both stubborn people. We've found methods that work for us... some days better than others, and neither of us like breaking hwhat has largely been a working formula." Another smile at Miwa. "THen again I've been wandering worlds for a good while now and have had the good fortune to make friends with folk that are more willing than not to both be a friend, but not let me walk all over them.."

Thien his head shook as he looked across the water. "Wolf'll probably want to know when or if I'll be getting back to work. Three daysseems like a good length of time. Sound good to you Raven?"
Miwa mostly falls quiet and lets Ash and Raven talk, her gaze following Ash's out to the water, though she is distracted for a moment as the lander craft comes and takes away the giant dead fish. At the topic of when Ash is getting back to work, Miwa does finally say something. "Three days huh? Think we can squeeze in another date?"
Raven listened and then.... nodded. "Three days, sure. I'm not sure how much help I can offer you aside from please try to think before you do things. Otherwise you're liable to get at least me killed." She then paused. "And while the universe may appreciate the attempt, I'd rather not add another body count. I have studied the five different styles of your tenno arts. I should be able to help you begin to grasp the basics. Perhaps that will help you and after you have studied them for a while, you can come back and I can help you again." 

She then glanced over and smiled. "Maybe... take her go karting?" she offered. "The castle has a lot of things people like to do. And... The princess is very gind and generous. Far too generous at times. I think she's lonely. She... loves everyone... It's... nice."
"Oh I'd love to try that out, though i'm... not sure how she'd handle vehicles deisgned for people with legs." Miwa's body plan was decidedly non-human. A shrug from Ash. "We'll figure something out, though on a more immediate concern saw a nice little fish and chips place going through town. Not Alola'an, but I imagine it'll still be nice." A glance to Raven and a smile. "I've got money from helping a few toad buildersout. Probably have enough to pay for you too. We can talk the basics of the whole void fighting thing over food since i"d like to know more, and if Miwa's been getting stronger I imagine she'd be at least a little curious."

Then a smile, "Also whatever else may be said Raven. Staying around me will be an active life." Amusement bubbled up to the surface, "Gotta keep those legs i nshape after all."
Miwa may not have ever been in a go-kart before, but she understood that they had pedals, like a car. "Well, I may not have legs, but I can still work my tail flippers still kind of like feet, so maybe it will work. Probably would have to strap my front flippers to the steering wheel so I can actually control the kart though. I don't think I have a chance of beating you in a race Ash, but it still sounds like fun." As Ash changes the subject to taking the two of them out to dinner at a local seafood place, she smiles and nods. "That's very kind of you Ash, and you know I would never turn down seafood when someone else is paying." She grins and gives him a wink.
Raven almost objected. Buy her dinner? That was-- Oh. He wanted to talk about void things. Well, okay. If he was going to have her help him, she could let him buy her dinner. She nodded. "I don't have the full information on it, and it seems very.... flowery. But I think I... like it. In its own way. It feels very regal. Refined. It--"

Huh, why were her legs-- And oh my gosh she was scarlet again. And just gave him a glare. "If I wasn't an empath I would shove... actually." Raised a finger and 'shoved' him. It was a playful shove with her magic. But it totally got her point across. That she wasn't really upset but she WAS a bit embarrassed.