World Tree MUSH

Which Road is the Correct Road, Which Path Do You Take

Ash and Miwa meet up with Star Wolf on the border between kingdoms for what, on the surface, seems to be an unorthodox tourist stop. Selfie time! What's that blur in the background creeping about?
Character Pose
Wolf O'Donnell
     There is a road. This road. There are many roads just like it. This one is built the same as the others. This one looks just like the others. But this road... This road is different. It's not just that it's a different road, but this road is fundamentally different from any other road ever. Why? Because of a reason that has nothing to do with the road being a road. 

     The road is made for travel, but is paved with bricks and lined with sparse shrubbery. Go-karts would not fare well on this path. It is a road seldom used. The bricks have little wear to them aside from whatever the weather provides. There are no centers of civilization nearby. There is only a single hut large enough for two people to stand inside, yet only fits one comfortably. The hut is currently occupied by a single toad guard. It is not a prestigious job. It mostly boring. And stressful. The toad's red-spotted mushroom cap matches his uniform. A mustache even graces his face above his lips which adds a sense of age to the guard. A guard guarding the road.

     This road.

     Not too far away, three ships are on the ground, off the side this road, parked. Nobody seems to be near them. A cat-person lounges just outside the guard booth, leaning in against it, with little desire to venture too far beyond it. He seems to be waiting for something or somebody. Another figure is just down the path a bit and the glow of a cigarette cherry shows that it is likely a certain wolf. The third of the trio is nowhere visible.

     Down the road -- down this road -- lies the reason for it being so different from so many of the other nearby roads that are otherwise identical, though likely better worn from traffic and travel. Wolf smokes his tobacco and stares at the reason; he stares it right down.

     In contrast to the simple guard hut, just down the road sits a miniature fort. The road leads through its gates, which are open, yet none dare to enter them. Two figures guard the road -- this road -- at those gates: turtles. Atop the first level of this tiny fort, two other turtles patrol back and forth ceaselessly, only they wear helmets and have large hammers resting in their hands or on their shoulders.

     This road leads to another land entirely.
Apart from the trio of ships a fourth shaped like a sleek technological aquatic creature decended before a humanoid shape fell out of it and stared at the road before jogging towards where the others were.

By the time Ash had got to his feet his lander had shimmered into invisibility. Maybe it wasstill around? Maybe not. Regardless the warframe he piloted made the distance between himself and the others far faster than Ash would have otherwise. The whole point of this little excersion, at least to him, was to do a live test in a fairly low stress enviroment ot make sure everything was in working order.

He would nod to Panther. When he spoke his voice was calm, any lingering unease over the fact his employer hadto divert time and resources away from ongoing concerns for his sake were shelved. Now was not the time for such things. Now was time to try being professional.

Problem is he wasn't sure what the others wanted beyond his preasence. "Alright. What's the word on what we're dealing with?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     Slowly and in absolutely no hurry, Caluroso pushes from the wall of the guard hut with the foot lifted and pressed against it. His languid movements are a strong contrast to the jogging hurry the Frame has in closing distance to his position. "Easy there, tiger. Don't want to spook the guard in there, heh," comments Panther with that silver tongue of his and charming voice. "Now..." He brushes a rose over his nose with a dip of his snout downward before stepping in closer. His conversational volume is lower. 

     "I take it the focus of your girl trouble will not be joining us today? We aren't looking to invite war with the locals." Panther's face turns to peer down the road in the direction of his boss and beyond. "Just between us, when dynamite starts to sweat, it's time to get rid of it." That's one way of stating an analogy.

     "Lord O'Donnell is expecting you, but he wasn't expecting...this you. Not that it matters." Panther takes a step back, stepping free of the direct path between him and Wolf, as if a wordless gesture for Ash to continue if he chooses. "Do you have any questions before you talk with him?"
A small smile from Ash within the somatic pod when Panther made assumption he and raven were... a Thing, or at least that's what it sounded like. Maybe Panther was just as bad as Leon about innuindo, but more subtle and classier about it. "Raven I think is studying a tablet Ordis gave her as a bit of a peace offering." Ashhad weapons on hand but hadn't really made any move in his mind that could betaken as aggressive. Still, he glanced to the guard hut and nodded. No need to make the neighbors jumpy. 

"Well I can go hot swap, but I had wanted to strech my frame out a bit since Ordis literally just now finished running final diagnostics after repairs, but you're the ones that came out of yoru way so if it's a thing i should go ahead and swap out over I'd like to know."

Then again maybe they were concerned ash was effectivly playing video games by sending the remote in rather than true face to face? He was pretty sure Ordis explained that when piloting ash really wasn't able to multi-task except maybe call for Ordis to handle background tasks or call in status reports. "I do have three before this starts. What job did you have to blow off or shuffle around to make it here? And... is Leon Gay or does he just like messing with people's heads? Not how I swing but if he wasn't an obvious sadist I know a few places he might like hanging around."

A shrug before looking at Panther more directly. Even if this was a remote proxy for Ash, his body language carried over and someone seasoned like Panther could probably tell he had a lot of bundled up emotions and concerns. "Any advice before I go in?"
When Ash had told her what he was doing today, she had decided to not go with him, figuring he could likely handle what was going on himself, and she would just hang out in the nicer parts of the Mushroom Kingdom and enjoy the scenery. But on further thought, particularly after what happened the other day, she didn't want to go for a swim around here alone, and something did happen to Ash she'd feel horrible for turning down going with him when she could have helped. 

So not terribly long after Ash arrives, Miwa comes floating into the area on one of her bubbles, staying low to the ground to try and avoid extra attention as much as possible. Before long she spots Ash and Panther, by the guard booth, and comes back down to the ground with a pop ad her bubble bursts. She then walks the rest of the way on her flippers. "Hey Ash, I changed my mind."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The faintest tip of Panther's tongue pokes free to moisten his thin lips before he speaks, likely gauging what should or shouldn't be said. Were Ash a pretty lady, he would likely be a lot more forthcoming with information. As it is, he keeps it pretty minimal. 

     "Anything that was scheduled doesn't really matter anymore, does it? Keep your nose clean. If it concerns you, you'll know soon enough." The feline's eyes fall to the rose in hand to gaze upon the soft delicate red petals. "That answer would likely be a bit more informative if you were under official employment. You have to understand the nature of your business relationship."

     Head tipping to one side, those eyes move back to the Frame's 'face'. "You don't have to be here," says Panther as a point of perspective. He's not talking about the Mushroom Kingdom, either.

     "It's not my place to talk about somebody else behind their back, since you ask. Leon is Leon. If you have questions, ask him. Otherwise you run the risk of being rude more than cautious and, well, it might hurt his feelings. Now, here." He holds out his rose in offering to Ash just as Miwa arrives.

     "You go talk to Lord O'Donnell and just be yourself. That's all he ever asks of anyone."
When Panther spoke Ash listened.Everythinghe said made sense. HE even smiled in spite of himself due to Panther's forthright nature on 'if Ash were a cute girl Panther might be more talkative.' While fine it was annoying and was clearly playing favorites? He was honest, which Ash appreciated. 

After taking the rose from Panther he somehow made it clip to the left breast of his warframe once the stem was crimped short. THen a glance at Miwa before chuckling softly at the Primarina. "Well, if you want to join in I'm not going to stop you. If you wanna hang around and keep Panther here company." A shrug even if Ash's body language suggested he wasn't entirely thrilled with that notion. Then he would start towards where Wolf was waiting.

Any unease was shelved, along with concern over Miwa, and a thousand other things. It wasn't quite the solid bubble of nothingness that he had achived earlier, he was calm. This was Wolf's show. He'd wait for Wolf to open the discussion as he stood watching the rather on fire and buring. In fairness? It made a good border area.
Arriving just in time to hear Panther tell Ash to go talk to wolf and be himself, Miwa just quietly listens for a moment, trying to get to grips with what is going on. As Ash gives her the option of joining him or staying here with Panther, she ponders the options a moment, looking from Panther to Ash who is already walking toward where Wolf was. 

Ultimately she decides this was a meeting concerning Wolf and Ash, and not her, and it wouldn't really help matters for her to go in. If Wolf wanted to kill Ash, she figures he'd have done it already. So, she decides to stay out and keep watch with Panther. She looks up at the feline with a smile. "So, you been working with Wolf a long time?" She asks out of curiosity and to make some small talk.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Panther Caluroso, left without a rose, wanders back over to lean in against the guard hut where he was once before. He peers down at Miwa with the faintest smile. "We go back some time. I had a name for myself long before he officially hired me on, but that was also long before he built up his group. But, he made a good thing and I saw a good opportunity. That was that." He then rumbles a smooth, "Rrrr, now, Miwa. Turnabout is fair play, my dear, but I'm not going to be impolite about it. Yet, your presence made quite a stir in Ash's company the other day." 

     The toad guard calls out after Ash, "Now, be careful! Going past this point puts you in range of their throwing arms." Would the turtles really hurtle objects onto Peach's land? Probably not. But that doesn't take away from the fact that it is a dangerous area to be for most.

     Wolf O'Donnell stands there on that road -- on this road -- waiting, but not waiting. He's nearing the end of his cigarette, but he finds no loss of interest in watching the guards while the guards, in turn, watch him back. They still have some distance between them, of course, but they could probably speak up and share words if desired. Nothing is said. They all simply...observe.

     When Ash approaches, Wolf exhales his lungful of smoke and drops the cigarette but on the brick road to vanquish any remaining burn with his boot. "Heck of a sight, isn't it?" he says quietly. He jerks his nose with an upward nod of his head to gesture to the small fort. It's a bit overkill in contrast to the world on this side of the line. It doesn't matter if both Wolf and Ash have seen bigger or worse. That's beside the point.
THe warning to Ash causes the warframe to pause, look down at the guard, and give a thumbsup. "Thank you." THe Toads, frankly, felt almost like the answer to a hypothetical his clan pitched about on what if the Queens wern't xenophobic. Like faced beings fiercely loyal and yet at the same time... 

His head shook as he walked towards where Wolf was and looked out at the fortifications manned by reptilliod soldiers. "Very much a statement piece considering how hard it'd be to build here with the sort of technology I've seen." He has seen Things these people wouldn't even believe. Whole asteroids turned into fortress-moons of Death. He's seen labyrenthian constructs snaked through ceres creating an industrial haze on a worldlette that could scarcely hold a round shape.

"It really is impressive what these people do when they put their minds to task." Ash's voice was in genuine awe of the simple structure.
Miwa nods at Panther's answer, and again as he says it's only fair if he can now ask her something. She blushes however at the nature of his question. "I suppose my showing up did cause a bit of a stir... I have a feeling that Ash told Raven that he had a girlfriend, and I was not exactly what she was expecting, not that I can blame her. What about you? Is there a Mrs Caroso out there among the stars?" She asks to turn Panther's question back on him so to speak.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "I have many lovely female friends together of which we share mutual company." Panther's words may seem to reflect a bit of a playboy attitude at first, but he clarifies, "It would be unfair to any of them for me to play favorites, you see. And it would be unfair to any favorite that I have such a demanding job." So, that can leave one to wonder if the feline simply enjoys playing the game, or if he truly doesn't commit because it's simply not the kind of life that leads to being a happy couple. "Perhaps one day, but not as of this day. I prefer all of my friends to be treated fairly and with the greatest of care." 

     "That isn't to say that a difficult relationship isn't worth fighting for; I'm sure the kind of reaction earned the other day from the girl is one you will encounter times over. In that sense, you should be proud. Make the attention positive -- only you have that absolute power." Panther's words of love wisdom. How true could it possibly be?

     Wolf, over with Ash, raises a hand to gesture the frame to follow, but to where? Closer to the border, it seems. He does not run or rush in any way. O'Donnell simply and casually strolls closer to that guarded line. That line which lies across the road just before the gates. "That can be said for anybody. How about the people that made this road? It's the same construction on that side as it is on this side. It doesn't suddenly cut off. Chances are that border has been there for a long time. Guard says nobody really crosses the border or travels this road. So...who built it? And why?"

     Wolf points down the road, through the gates of the mini-fort that leads off and beyond. "What purpose does this road serve? Can you answer that?"
Ash's pace was leasurly as he walked closer to the border. THen when Wolf caalled his attention to the road itself Ash looked. There really was no sort of easy transition point where one construction style stopped and gave way or blended into another.

He consideredwhat was in front of him; the easy nature of the guards, the fairly imposing nature of the border fortification on the other side of said border. Then he chuckled asif he finally got the puncline to a joke he heard well before now. "Does seem a certain little princess has a far more violent past than she likes talking about." THe road could be far older than either nation's monarchs. However he doubted it, the construction looked too fresh, has seen too little wear in what is an otherwise harsh enviroment.

His head shook. "I could speculate much since you don't get troops over there with that sort of heavy armor and weapons along with lots of guns when your neighbor is a pileof harmless marshmallow children. I suspect there is a lot of history here nobody is really wanting to talk about."
Miwa takes a moment to ponder Panther's answer as she looks around the area for a moment, her gaze ultimately lingering on the road Ash walked down and is presumably speaking with Wolf somewhere down that way now. She wondered what they might be talking about, but doesn't ask Panther as it's still none of her business, and he might not know anyway. 

Finally she looks back to Panther as she continues their conversation. "I guess that is as fair a way of looking at it as can be for a member of a team such as Star Wolf. I'm sure things are even more busy now that the world tree has opened up to your world. Being a performer, I know what it's like to travel a lot and can imagine how hard it would be to hold a relationship like that. It's why I don't tour really anymore. I want to enjoy life and the people that are dear to me, and do my performances on my terms."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "That's not what I'm getting at," says Wolf, but the quiet chatter can no longer be quiet enough to be keep from the guards as they draw closer. The symbolic nature of it might be lost on Ash, or at least unspoken. Just how close is Wolf going to get? He seems awfully comfortable just strolling up to armed guards in a fortified 'guard hut'. 

     Panther lifts a leg to press the flat of a foot against the guard hut's wall once more and crosses his arms over his abs. His mission flight suit, with the chest emblazoned with the image of a rose, makes him look very sleek overall. "That's a very noble outlook, but it's going to be a challenge. It doesn't matter how hard you try to keep a balance; there will always come a time where you have to choose between work or family and you'll have to decide which is more important to you and who you are. Clearly, I've made my choice." The cat rumbles again, "I made that choice long ago. Doesn't mean I can't still enjoy friendly company, but it's not the same as something...closer." Panther has a lot of history he doesn't talk about and these words bring it a little closer to the surface.

     "Halt! By order of His Royal Highness, the Great and Terrible (and Terribly Handsome), Bowser, King of the Koopas-" The poor turtle guy seems to sweat a bit at having to recite such things; it's awfully embarrassing, but what can you do? "-no residents of your Kingdom may freely pass into His lands without, uh..." The other guard whispers something to the one speaking aloud. "Oh! Without a passport bearing the official seal of his Royal Heinous." Whisper. "Heinie?" Whisper. "Heavy?" Whisper whisper. The speaking guard gets flustered and breaks his apparent demeanor and speech. "Ya can't come in without a stamped piece of paper sayin' so!"

     Wolf just keeps right on walking. The guard protests with, "Hey! Didn't you hear what I said?" as he crosses the line right between the two guards and the one with the loudest mouth rushes around to get in the way of any further movement. Wolf shrugs.

     "You said 'people of that kingdom can't cross without a stamped passport'." The turtle looks confused. "Well, I'm not a citizen of that kingdom, so it doesn't pertain to me. I mean, do I -look- like somebody that lives there?" Wolf gives the koopa troopa his biggest 'non-threatening' grin. See, he's a friendly guy? Right?
Ash tilted his head to oneside at Wolf's words before his head shook, "Great... I'm in a Teshin moment then I suppose." not his first time being put through a situation where the actual meaning is maybe three or five layers of subtext down. Teshin loved dowing that, and frighteningly enough some fragmentary bits of things Ordis drug up from his own time during the war suggested he did at some point too.

Deep breath before looking from Wolf to the guards. His hands were clearly in the open and he looked at them uncertantly but followed Wolf's lead. "I could speculate endlessly either on the immediate or try peeling back subtext layers, but that just leadsto assumptionsand unless this is one of those teachable moments things, any chance you could throw me a bone here if it's not obvious?"

Inside his orbiter Ash groaned. "Ordis. I know why he's doing the whole subtext thing. It builds critical thinking skills and looking for the non-obvious. Also i'm sure Raven's told him I've done that to her so paybacks are hell." THe Cephelon said nothing one way or another on the matter.
Miwa nods again, now keeping her gaze on Panther, though she does take a moment to stretch a bit and adjust the position of her tail as she lays there with her tail supporting her upper half. "Well, I've already chose between freedom and the working life of a traveling performer. I used to be in a traveling musical theater troupe, my last few years there I was pretty much the star of the show, but I didn't want to spend my whole life on the road, so I left it, and now I do my own thing. If I have to choose between family and work, I'll choose family, though Ash's line of work may make that difficult unless I wind up joining him in what he does. I suppose that's always an option."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The koopa troopa's loud words are enough to catch the attention of the toad guard who promptly peeks outside to make sure there's not going to be some sudden incident on his watch. Panther also turns his head leans out from the side of the hut to see what all the fuss is about. Unlike the guard, the feline doesn't look particularly worried and quickly settles back into his lounging standing position. 

     "Compromise, by its very nature, is both good and bad. If you really mean that much to one another, remember that compromise must be mutual to be fair -- each side has to make sacrifices. Just be careful. I've seen video of what that boy can do. Let's just say that if I had to bet between him and Leon on who would be the more visceral in combat, I'd be hard-pressed to know who was the better at making a mess nobody wants to clean up." Caluroso sniffs the air. "There's only so much you can do to tame a beast that has tasted blood. Don't break each others' hearts over things you can't change."

     Wolf slowly spreads his arms and turns ninety degrees to regard both the turtle guard and the Frame. "Ixnay onyay ethay owingthray ingsthay," he asides to Ash in the most basic verbal cipher available. Thankfully, the critters that throw bones are in another World haunted by a vampire. The guys upstairs might be a little trigger happy, though. What they throw would be just as bad for one's health.

     The strange phrase makes the edgy guard even more confused. "Oh, right, sorry. I shouldn't speak other languages while being a tourist. My friend and I were just talking about the great construction work you have here. Certainly a lot more solid than what I've seen back there. Heh heh." Wolf is so full of it. "I have to admit I was a little scared to walk up and say hi. I really wanted a better look, but my buddy talked me into it. This is Ashley. (...say hi, Ashley. Don't be rude.) Is it possible to have a picture with you brave souls? The four of us?"

     Reaching into his vest pocket, Wolf pulls out a palmtop tablet with a camera. "It'll just be reeeeal quick, I promise. I wouldn't want to take too much time away from your duties here." ...seriously? Wolf wants a group selfie? The koopas looks really confused over this matter, but eventually shrug.

Ash looked back at the guard and shrugged helplessly. "DOn't mind us guy. DOn't plan on causing an inter-kingdom war because a couple tourists. I like the place too much." He had no idea if his words were reassuring to the poor guy just doing his job or not, and Ash was armed. He nodded at Wolf's bluff, and took the cutsey name on the chin. "We don't want any state secrets. We really are just tourists, and... well." He gestured to the magnificent desolation surrounding the border fortification. "Can't be easy keeping a garrison out here provisioned, manned, and ready in a place like this, but I'm more curious on the construction." 

He motioned for the guard to come closer as he knelt, being sure to keep both hands away from his weapons and visible as he reached down to run fingers along the edge of the road. "What do you think there bossman? THey say empire is won by its army, but kept by its roads and this looks like some fine roadwork." Even if Wolf never would see it Ash smiled. He wasn't ribbing. Sure this type of construction would crumble against superheavy loads unless there was some weird magic at play, but he knew the value of a good road.

Then the camera and Ash practically all but drug the koopa into frame, following any sort of lead Wolf might have on where the camera was Actually pointed. "Pity you're likely not authorized to give tours. i'm sure there is a lot of history outsiders like us just owuldn't grasp with a wee little plaque at the base of a statue."
Miwa smiles and nods to Panther. "You give really good relationship advise for someone who hasn't had the chance to settle down yet. I guess Ash and I will have to talk things over and work out what works best for both of us. Hopefully we can make it work, but I guess we won't know until we try." When Panther pokes his head out to look after the guard does, Miwa gets curious herself and looks too. "What in Arceus' name are they doing over there?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf is pretty tall. He has to kneel, as well, and it takes a bit of crowding to try to get everyone just right. "Ha ha ha, come on, don't be shy, lean in there; gotta make sure you're in frame. Come on..." coaxes O'Donnell. He holds the screened device out at arm's length and tries to get the angle just right. He could just snap a few, He insists on making sure everything is just right. "Make a funny face and hold it, now!" he follows up with despite the fact that 'Ashley' lacks a helmet that can do so. Perhaps he'll meet a proper group that can offer such tech in the future, can build his Frame harder, better, faster, stronger, and after he completes his tourist trip around the world he'll be able to come back for another selfie one more time. At least. Unless you count the funny face he already has. 

     Yeah, Wolf is being a jerk.

     "Now, now, it's not fair to assume that my lack of commitment with a partner is due to my lack of ability or...experience. It's a choice, because women, no matter their shape or size or attitude, are all beautiful and I would hate unnecessarily harming them for a reason so selfish." Panther looks back again, shrugs, then does a double take. "Seems the boys are gathering together for a photo. That's rather funny when you think about it."

     The koopas might be fooled into the touristy routine. Heck, even Ash might be a bit confused what this is all about and might completely miss the most obvious thing. At that point...everybody is focused on the tablet screen to see themselves. At that point...many but Wolf and Panther might be totally oblivious to the methodical creeping of near-perfectly invisible shape sneaking by the group...exiting the fort and crossing back into Toadstool Territory. Only once the shape Wolf sees due to his HMD lens fully passes does he snap that digital picture.

     It -is- a really great photo, though.
Actually Ash had picked up fairly quickly what the whoul touristy bit was about. Panther might even get a text message from Ordis reminding him that Ash's warframe sensorum data will be made avalible after diagnostics are done.

On the one hand Ash was a walking talking recorder of everything. On the other he was this big huge obviously engineeredfor murder death suit. He grumbled to himself for not going AS himself since that poor guard was probablyscared nearly out of his shell.

Ash would sound chipper at looking at the photo. "Hey can you send Ordis a copy? That's going on my lounge wall right next to the hadrian border fort I saw a couple weeks back, and this nice fortress monistary I saw when i hit Invalis a ways back." His tone was convrosational as he rattled off unimportant details. Then he'd look to the Koopa, "Hey if it makes you feel any better I've got this funny story about a fishing expedition on their side of the line," He jekred a thumb over at the Mushroom Kingdom side of the border. "I mean I dunno if you go swimming much, but there I was minding my own business just enjoying the day and then WHAM." He made a chomping motion with a hand. "This fish as big as a house swallows me." He chuckled at his own embarassment. "I mena obviously I got away but... man. you guys have some pretty crazy critters rolling around."

He would then look to Wolf and grumble. "Look at me though, taking up this poor guy's time. Probably doesn't get half the coins he should for the local. Waddya say we leave 'em alone let 'em go back to hsi work?"
"A photo?" Miwa says with a laugh. "Well, I guess things are going well then." She offers with a grin before focusing back on her conversation with Panther. "Anyway yes, I'm sorry, I don't know what you've been through, but it sounds like you've had plenty of experience with women, and I very much admire your sentiment about them. It's rare to meet someone so considerate and fair."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "I'm sure they get paid just fine, Ashley. Actually, probably really well for the important job they have here. Still, here." Without standing yet, Wolf first holds the tablet out to Ash. "Why don't you go show your girlfriend how great this is, and-" He digs through his inner vest to pull out two items: a brand new cigar and a shrink-wrapped snack package. 

     Holding out the cigar to one guard, Wolf explains, "This is rolled with some of the finest tobacco grown on planet Katina from the Lylat System where I come from. Just snip off the tip, light it up, and enjoy. And, here, for you." He offers the package to the other guard prone to whispering. "Freeze dried vanilla ice cream sandwich." And he kept that in his pocket? Even aging mercenaries get snacky.

     Panther keeps an eye on the goings-on over at the border as he listens and replies. "Don't worry yourself. Apology accepted. In some ways you might say I'm a bit of a coward. At least you're brave enough to try. Still, I'm comfortable with my many friendships. For now, it will have to do."

     Around this time, Leon Powalski steps out from around the toad guard's hut with a snicker meant for Panther, but immediately shuts up at seeing he has company. "Oh. Ohhhh. I see how it is. Wait until the boy toy offs to do manly things and then you make a move on the girl. Tch! So typical." The chameleon isn't really being serious about what he says, teasing, but there's always something so venomous about his words.
Evn though Ash would have liked to be where Wolf was in case he needed backup there was clearly something at play here. So he took the offered tablit and wandered off back towardswhere Miwa and Panther waited.

Ash would chuckle goodnaturedly at Leon. "Aw c'mon guy you're missing all the un of fearless leader passing out snacks and offerings of good will to the natives. He would walk over to Miwa and hold the tablet for her to see the rather silly photo Wolf took. "I dunno, you've seen my ship's lounge area. Think it's a keeper?"

He'd glance back to Panther. "Y'know. if I knew we were doing touristy things I wouldn't have showed up so overdressed." A shrug then, "Ah well."
"A more cynical person might say that I'm naive enough to hope it works. But Ash is my first, so maybe they would be right. Maybe one day I'll see things from your point of view Panther, but I honestly hope I'm never that busy." When Leon comes out and implies that Panther had been putting the moves on her now that Ash was distracted with Wolf, she shakes her head. "Not at all, we were just talking. Panther was giving me some great relationship advise considering he's much more experienced with such things than I am."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Yes," says Leon dryly. "Touristy things." The lizard then snorts a bit of laughter and turns to head back toward the parked ships. And, regarding Panther's 'experience'. "Much experience. Very noble. Such wise. Wow." The derision is strong with this one! His cackling laughter continues as he wanders away. 

     Panther has nothing to say to this. It's just Leon being Leon. Perhaps his lack of response or reaction is clue enough that it shouldn't be a matter to focus on. Actually, Leon's arrival and good mood are a sign that things went well. "One can only hope, Miwa. But we don't choose success. Success chooses it or not."

     Wolf wanders back at this point, lagging far behind the rest, who then lets out a whistle as he draws near. He doesn't leave the road. With a gesture, he aims to call Ash over, but unlike previously he's not that far away. Anything said won't be out of earshot of anybody else.
Ash made his way over to Wolf with tablet in hand. Seemed everything here was done, at least the hairball part of keeping guards distracted. Still, he wasn't entirely sure that asessment was right when he approached wolf, "THe natves accepted yoru tokens of goodwill?" He wouldh ave smiled as he offered Wolf his tablet back. 

"Oh and asto the question you probably wanted answered yesterday. THree days and I'll begood t ogo back on hthe clock. Ordis says everything's looking green with the tin suit so yea."

He would look to Miwa and rown in his Somatic pod but said nothing. Wolf wasvery busines oriented. Trying to beg for something to make the whole relationship thing work a little easier right now was a dumb idea even by his standards. He'd have histalk with Miwa after work was done.
Miwa does her best to ignore Leon, finding him rather annoying. She nods to Panther's comment about success. "We can hope and do our best, that's all anyone can do." She agrees, turning to look at what's going on as she hears the whistle. Seeing Ash's warframe, she smiles. "Welcome back. I assume things went well."
Wolf O'Donnell
     In a very different approach to matters, the tall strong wolf reaches to put his arm around Ash's Frame's shoulders and turns just a bit to help direct Ash's focus, for the moment, on Miwa and her question before he fully steals her beau away for a moment. Still, they're just -right there- some handful of paces away on the road. 

     O'Donnell waits for the moment to let Ash respond in kind before clearing his throat. "That's great, but... The road." It would seem that there was more to that subject than just blowing smoke. He tugs on those shoulders again to help point out the scene he was painting previously before he made a move to fleece the turtle guards.

     "This road, kiddo. This road is different from the others around here. It looks exactly the same. It's built exactly the same. It follows right through those gates into that land. It doesn't break, it doesn't stop, it doesn't change, but it's hardly used. It's an allegory for life, pup. Your life. You're brought into this world. Most of us are built the same. We all have the same capabilities and functions. But that road." Wolf stomps his foot against the brickwork. "This road. This road is you. Your life, kitten. You get a good look at that place over there and, boy, it sure looks cozy over here. But, no, your road doesn't lead toward it, does it? Your road..."

     Wolf lifts an arm to point with his hand. "Leads that way. Trial by flames. It gets pretty hot. Better keep your girl close. I hear she can help when things get too hot." What in the hell? Is Wolf trying to have an honest 'moment' or something? "It's a path nobody wants to take. It's a path people won't let you take. It's scary, it's painful, but you have to do what you have to do for you and those you care about." Wolf balls that pointing hand into a fist in emphasis to his next statement. "It means you have to man up, get over the small stuff, focus on the bigger picture, plan your moves, watch your step. Because if you don't...and you start letting stupid crap bog you down and getting in your way..."

     Wolf's tone takes on a sudden darker tone while his volume drops. "Your Cephalon is going to drop your sorry tail on my doorstep next time so I don't have to spend a few days tracking you down to shove my boot up your tailpipe, because so help me I will beat the childishness out of you in a way that will make you wish you were simply thrown about like a girl's dolly in a fit of anger."

     He ends with a firm double-pat, then stomps the road again. "This road. Your road. I like you, kiddo, I really do. So, keep that picture. Figure out the path you're going to take and take it."
From within the somatic pod Ash blinked. His warframe mirrored the gesture by the lights on it dimming then brightening. THen Ash made ABSOLUTELY sure Wolf wouldn't hear what he asked of Ordis.

"Am I on drugs? is this drugs?"

ANd yet he was still listeningto Wolf kindly explain that the next time this happens, getting his ship wrecked by having his face beaten against every avalible surface was going to be the least of his problems if this happened again.

Then came the double pat from Wolf. Again. Ash Blinked. "Yeeeaaa... OK?" He wasn't actually sure if any of this was something he was supposed to respond to or not. Really? Replace 'Road' with 'Conclave' and you'd get a fair approximation of Teshin's usual speeches.

Ash hated the Conclave. Stupid lack of proper matchmaking meaning you get dropkicked into a blender that always has THAT ONE GUY IN IT that-

He took another deep breath as he shook his head. "So what about the road you're on Wanna tell me about that one?"
Miwa just grins quietly as Wolf lays the metaphors on thick and Ash seemed very confused by it all. She feels like she understood the sentiment somewhat, but not enough to effectively try to dumb it down and explain it. "I guess Ash has had a long couple of weeks and needs it in plain English."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Sure, kiddo," Wolf agrees on the question of his own road, but he lowers his voice so the guard nearby can't hear, although Miwa and Panther are surely still just in earshot. "It involves stolen documentation that can be used for forgeries for the movement of goods and people between the two kingdoms without anybody noticing anything is odd. Documents -you- helped steal, by the way, which I'm thankful for...'Ashley'. We play nice with toadguy and make sure to have amenities and commodities available for the turtles to improve their quality of life, we have an easy in and out both ways, both kingdoms gain financially from the 'legalized' smuggling and trade, and we get a foot in the door for anybody willing to do business in other worlds. Will it last? Probably not. But it's a start, and we capitalize on it while we can." 

     Another slap to the back is given before the mercenary starts to walk away toward the ships, as well. He knows Ash and Miwa should have some time to chat; he's not leaving just yet or anything. Mission accomplished. He's going to take it easy and see if there's a bar around that actually has something that gives a buzz. "I suppose I should be thanking you for getting dumped here, else I may not have found this place."

     "But...I'm not. I'd say this all about evens out, now. Nice catch, by the way. Next time aim for something a little smaller. Come on, Panther. Let's give the couple a few minutes to process what all just happened."
A nod from Ash. He had no problem with being an accessory to all this. "Hey I'm just glad to help out. I mean i"m just hte big dumb tourist remember?" He then elbowed wolf, maybe just a little too forcefully, to drive the point home. "I mean I did kinda suggest we work this place over for trade so hey. you make money, the locals get thigns they want. Nobody gets hurt. I literally see no down side."

Then louder he snorted while heading to Miwa. "Hey Wolf. THree days sound good or there anything pressing you need me for sooner?"
Miwa chuckles as Ash calls that out while walking toward her. Gazing up at his warframe, she gives him a funny look. "Trying to cut our stay here short for any particular reason? Just itching to get back to work?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf raises a hand in a lazy wave behind himself. "Sure. I'll be back in Lylat before then. Leon and I are staying here one more night to go over our next step in...touristing. If you've anything to say to Panther, let him know. I'm sending him back tonight. As fun as this is, there is stuff that needs doing back home." 

     Caluroso steps around Miwa on his way to follow along, although he'll certainly pause if anything is said to him. "Farewell, Miwa. Stay strong. Like I said, it's hard to tame the wild. I sincerely wish you good luck." Perhaps he's commenting on Ash's three days decision. "Try not to get too beat up again by another girl, Ash," he adds. "Especially one that isn't...close. Also, the rose looks good on you."
Ash would walk closer to Miwa and sigh. "Well I've been doing little to nothing i nway of work for over a week." He tried explaining, "But I do want talk try talking over some way to better balance everything." His frame's hand would reachdown to lightytouch Miwa's neck. She might even hear him mutter softly. "I need to find a way to better balance work so I'm not leaving you alone."

Trueth be told he wasn't sure how he was doing with Miwa since it really wasn't fair to her to leave her alone, but at the same time he didn't want to smother her. Stupid work getting in the way of not work things that also conveniently keep him from lumping everyone into catagories of 'targets' and 'not targets.'
Miwa nods, smiling brightly as she feels the touch of Ash's hand on her neck, even if it was through his warframe. "We'll find a way to make it work... together. Whether that means you coming to visit more often between jobs, or me coming with you while you work, or more likely, a little of both. I'm sure we can work it out."