World Tree MUSH

Attack of the 50ft Brine Shrimp

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The city of New Francisco! A testament to the perseverance of humanity in the face of disaster. After the city was leveled by a massive earthquake in the late 1980s, Californians rebuilt the city taller and more resilient than ever. Glittering skyscrapers stand like trees with elevated metropolitan railways weaving between. It is slightly overcast with fog with a cool breeze, as is usual for the city. The city is a hub for tourists from the World Tree and natives alike, being home to the famous Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Federal Prison, and the Metropolitan Opera. The citizenry is unsuspecting of the magically induced horror about to grip them! But for now!
    The young platinum blonde woman is peering intently at a stall inside one of the city's gorgeous malls, looking at remote flying drones as the saleslady blathers on about the features.
Luke Gray
    We return to our hero Luke as he is in another of his travels along the world tree, exploring new worlds, interesting new locations, and certainly not being lost and trying to figure which world he is in right now, rather than wherever he was trying to go. These 'close to home' worlds tend to be interesting to the boy, still surprised at the minute differences between the worlds, pieces of technology common on one place, but missing in another!. He was actually exploring a particular mall, admiring small gadgets like laptops, drones adn toys. He was searching for something durable to give to his pokemon to play with, when the drones get his attention, moving closer to get a look at them.
Wow! There's so much city here! Gonta's seemingly taking it easy enough, but it's actually a little discomforting. Not only is there so little nature compared to what he's used to, but given how he doesn't wear shoes, some times it's a little troublesome. The large greenish brown haired boy tilts his head and uses a hand to hood his eyes as he tries to peer into the window of a nearby shop selling....taxidermy? Ok, that's just kind of creeping him out now...
Aurelia Argent
    A scream splits the air from a local fish store even as briny water gushes out the doorway and soaks the pedestrians walking by. It spills under the railing and soaks people near the drone kiosk, including Aurelia and the hapless saleswoman. With a clacking of it's legs and little face claw things, a translucent shrimp the size of a person busts out of the glass front of the pet shop! People are screaming and fleeing even as mall security tries to get a handle on the situation.
Luke Gray
     And of course chaos happens when he is just trying to admire some shiny toys!. The scream causes him to almost drop a rather expensive portable thing he was admiring, letting out a soft curse, placing it back on a safe surface and running out, seeming confused about the panic!. To be fully honest, the oversized, transparent shrimp is met more with confusion than panic, then again, pokemon trainer. "What... what is going on?" he asks outloud, glancing back at the creature, "Is that running away?"
Gonta blinks and looks over toward the sound of the screaming. Oh no, what's wrong? The boy's eyes go wide. Wow! That's such a big shrimp! ...why are people screaming though? People are so strange sometimes. He'd try to approach the shrimp, offering a greeting toward it with his animal speak, seeming oddly friendly toward it instead of freaking out like other people. "Hello Mister or Misses Shrimp, has something gone wrong?"
Aurelia Argent
    The shimp is continuing to grow as well! It ambles forward smoothly on it's many legs. Gonta and Luke can probably sense it's extreme distress and confusion. The world is wrong! It's not wet! Nothing looks edible here! That sort of confusion. It seems to be knocking things over out of confusion and panic more than malice.
    The mall cops seem way more concerned with getting people out safely than attacking the giant shellfish. Totally not getting paid enough to put up with this. One of them shouts to Luke and Gonta, pointing to the nearest emergency exit out of concern.
Luke Gray
    Luke HAS some experience with odd creatures, so he is more curious than anything, it is clearly confused, dissoriented even. He shakes his head as the random mall 'cop' tries to push him away, "It's fine." he tries to reassure them, "Take care of the others." he offers, moving closer, "IS there a fountain or a fire hose or something?" he asks outloud. He can clearly tell the thing needs water. "Is there a lake or anything nearby?". Meanwhile, he continues to regret not getting a water type pokemon.
Gonta blinks lostly at the mall cops. "Umm, should Gonta help Mister or Misses Shrimp out of the building," he asks lostsly at being pointed toward the exit. There's no emergency here, aside from the poor, scared shrimp! "Gonta can hopefully remember the way to the beach..." he says thoughtfully, "Oh! Mister Gray! Do you remember the way to the beach? Gonta's still having a hard time remembering where things are..."
Aurelia Argent
    The mall has a fountain, but it's probably not salty enough. This mall is not near the beach but it is built along a commercial wharf where easy access to the San Francisco Bay and its ferries lie. The shrimp falls over the railing in its attempts to get to what it thinks of as water, which is the fountain.
    The mall cop stops, opens his mouth, closes it. There have been a lot of weirdly powered people since the World Tree opened up. "Okay, but run if you think it's too much to handle!" And he runs off to help other people get clear of the mall.
    Aurelia is hiding in the bathroom, waiting for the sounds of people to subside before emerging as somebody who looks very different, all clad in organic looking metal armor. The maho runs out just in time to have a terribly upset brine shrimp fall on her.
Luke Gray
    Luke might know some stuff about animals, but is unfortunately not an expert!, someone might have to correct him on the sea bit, at least he did ask on other water sources, adn learned of the pier. "Perhaps we can get him down to the bay and into the... sea? ocean?" eh says outloud, glancing at the large weird 'bug' and quickly trying to follow here it was going!
Gonta tilts his head a little. "Oooh that's right, there is sea nearby," he realises before startling a little and trying to go help Aurelia with getting the Shrimp back off of her.
Aurelia Argent
    The brine shrimp and Aurelia tangle up for a few moments before Gonta helps the pair get untangled. The young woman squints at the shrimp before saying "Thanks" to Gonta. She gestures with a gauntleted hand at the shrimp. "Uhh.... It's magic. Definitely magic making the thing grow." Then she mutters under her breath- 'At least it's not eating people'. 
    Meanwhile the shrimp has ambled its way into the fountain and is splashing about. Though it seems that it is still getting larger, about twice the height of a normal person now.
Luke Gray
    The boy manages to catch up with... oh hey, it's Gonta. He waves to the familiar, surprisingly large person, and to Aurelia, who he might or not remember from one encounter or two, his focus turning to the giant water thing. "Magic?, what do we do?, let it go to the ocean?" he asks curiously.
"Hrmm, is that bad," Gonta wonders, "Should we find magic so it stops making the shrimp so big? Shrimps aren't meant to be big, it's scary for Mr. or Mrs. Shrimp..."
Aurelia Argent
    The disguised Aurelia errrs... "I have magic, but I'm still training! We haven't covered dispelling..." She glances at Gonta and Luke, hoping either of them have some kind of idea. 
    The shrimp seems to be uprooting the fake indoor plants and trying to eat them, but since they're plastic... chunks of plastic rain down on the fountain pool below the giant brine shrimp.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray looks at the hungry creature, "Where does this... live?, perhaps it needs water adn food until we find how to do this... I have no clue about magic unfortunately." he says softly, wincing at the mess the poor, hungry thing is causing.
"Ahh, that's not food Mr. or Mrs. Shrimp..." Gonta tries to explain with his animal speak, "We need to get you to the sea nearby... Gonta doesn't know sea animals as well as forest ones." He'd turn his attention back to the unfamilar girl. "Are you alright?"
Aurelia Argent
    The shrimp does stop trying to eat the plastic plants when Gonta says that. It doesn't seem quite as panicked now that there aren't so many screaming people around. It actually ambles over to Gonta and probes the man with all the myriad little manipulator feet/claws it has.
    "Yes, the ocean is where shrimp are, but I don't know what it eats." Aurelia says to Luke. "I'm not an expert on shrimp. I don't even like eating shrimp!"
Luke Gray
    Luke seems a bit confused as well, "I don't really know that much about water animals either." he says, glad that the situation seems... sort of under control?. "Do you know anyone that can undo this?" he asks to Aurelia, since she does seem to know about magic at least. "I guess being in the water might be better for it, in any case."
Gonta chuckles a little at the probing. "Thank you for not being scared of Gonta Misses Shrimp," he manages before saying toward the Shrimp and Aurelia, "It's nice to meet you both." He offers a slight bow as well, they're both ladies. "Gonta is Gonta Gokuhara, Gonta is an entomologist...umm that means he likes bugs a lot. There's some water outside of this place though... Whatever we do we should probably go outside so Misses Shrimp doesn't dry too much."
Aurelia Argent
    The shrimp seems confused on which way the water is. Its limited eyesight sees a lot of light from the side facing the wharf, and it starts ambling that way with a click-clak of its legs against the mall floor.
    "Good idea actually." Aurelia says to Gonta. "I'll contact my superiors and you can keep Miss Shrimp safe, yeah?"
Luke Gray
    Luke keeps near Gonta and Aurelia, making sure nothing happens, besides... handling the shrimp of course, rather curious about the oversized creature, "I am Luke." he offers, just in case, smiling to the pair and glancing back at Aurelia, "Good, I am worried about what might happen if this shrimp keeps getting bigger without control."
Gonta nods insistently on being asked about protecting the shrimp. "A gentleman should try his best not to let harm come to an innocent lady," he answers. He might look a little scary for a typical human, but he's just a big teddy bear. He'll happily keep the shrimp safe until someone can help her out. That said he'd scoot off in the direction of the nearest set of doors in hopes of keeping the shrimp lady from wandering lostly into a window pane. "It's somewhere this way Miss Shrimp!"
Aurelia Argent
    The metal-clad young woman ers and introduces herself as Metallia to Gonta and Luke. She reaches out with a hand, humming something or another, and causes the metal frames holding the glass windows to bend up and out of the way of Miss Shrimp so it's just easier for the 12ft tall brine shrimp and Gonta to get the confused crustacean into the bay.
"Ooh that works even better, thank you Miss Metallia," Gonta calls as the window 'opens' for the shrimp, "Gonta will go take her to the bay!" He'd set off to lead the shrimp to the appropriate water in question.