World Tree MUSH

Plungering Abandoned Gold Mines

Character Pose
One thing can be easy to consider money. Silver, Gold, Platinum, Gems. Almost any world with humans would consider it valuible. Or so he hopes. And with it he's spent the last hours searching for an abandon Gold mine.

And David has managed to find one. In some world, he doesn't really care which, or what world. But he has managed to find exactly what he was looking for, An area that was known to have gold mines in it which are now abandoned. There is a River running through the area and under ground. And down stream he has found signs of gold. Like nuggles and flakes. It is exactly what he is looking for.

As he is in his Guyver armor David is holding a large metal briefcase. As he flies over the area using his sensors to search out mine shafts. And having found one he starts to fly in the general direction touching down.

The Green Guyver is in no way attempting to be stealthy, not caring if he is seen or heard.
Luke Gray
    Luke is not much of a treasure hunter usually, but... he has been a bit light on funds as of late, too much exploration, not enough 'pokemon battles' back at home, so when he heard of an abandoned gold mine outside the town, that it was 'dangerous' and that he was allowed to get some gold from it, if he managed to find any?. He was sold!.

    And thus, we have a young teen walking towards one of those mines, one of his pokemon deciding it wanted to tag along for the trip!. In this particular case, a small 'panda' wearing what looks like a Jiangshi costume (chinese hopping vampire), the small critter alternating from trying to keep in character with soft hops, with spurts of normal walking, and even floating above the ground at times. (wait what?). It looks a bit bored, even as the two move into oen of the mines.
Dark Dank and of course filled with bats and rats. Still As he reaches the boarded up shaft David simply slashes with his hand to knock the boards away to get entry into the mine. Looking around the area. He will find a box that he can place his empty briefcase in so he doesn't have to worry about loosing it down here. and places a lid on the box as he starts to head deeper into the mine. His sensors allow him to see perfectly in the dark.

The Sapphire Glowing eyes he has profive some light as does the occational flash of his control metal.

AS he moves deeper he is scanning the walls, and the strength not wanting to risk the Sonic disruptor in a weak area. He won't die but digging himself out would be a pain in the ass.

As he moves through unbeknownst to him he has entered the same mine that Luke Grey has. Finally he reaches an area and seeing that the area seems to be littered with gold dust... he unleashes the Sonic Disruptor. Ignoring the Gold dust he homes in on the surrounding rock around it.

And with it comes the distant echo through the tunnels of a high pitched whine as the Rock he is attacking cracks and explodes into dust.

Of course This also breaks through into a large central chamber. Almnost like an under ground cavern. The remains of mine carts, picks and of course tracks coil and lay around the area.
Luke Gray
    Luke is not particularly freaked out by NORMAL bats, or rats. If anything, it's nice to go into a cave without a billion of weird bat pokemon, sentient rocks or stuff jump at you in the dark every couple steps!. He would get used to this. Both him and the Vampire Panda wander down the path, checking around, the small pokemon pointing at some shiny dust on the ground!. "Yes, we must be in the right place then, good job Pangshi." he says.

    Then the high pitched noise runs through the cave and towards the pair, causing Luke to grunt, and the small pokemon to try to cover it's ears, letting out a noise of distress. "What is that?!" he calls outloud, reaching to pick up the panda, and moving towards the source of the noise because... well, because he was just curious.
    On any world, there is always no shortage of things the locals might consided treasure. Valuables have many different forms. They're hidden in many different ways. And they can attract many, many different sorts of people.
    There is a third party in this little vacation destination. It takes a little time for them to become visible once the dust clears, but there is a third shaft that winds away, presumably crossing over and under a few hills before it finds daylight. That third mineshaft must be how they got in.
    As they stroll into the central chamber as though they own it, they look vaguely interested to learn that they're not alone...
    ...because the wall busts down, and there's David standing in a cloud of dust with his... whatever-that-is.
    One of the pari slows to a halt, folding his arms and arching his brows in understated surprise.
    "Fran, I thought you said the mineshaft was clear." The first voice is a man's, smooth, and utterly unconcerned. He stands in a white silk shirt and embroidered gold vest, and black leggings. His hair is cropped short and combed straight back. He's impeccably clean in spite of their environs.
    "Another shaft they found." The second figure, Fran, appears to be a woman, taller by far than the man, with rather revealing black armour, delicately crafted, and a tumble of wavy, stark white hair. Notably, her ears are tal, black and white, and look like they wouldn't be out of place on a hare. They swivel this way and that as she takes a step forward, resting a hand casually on her hip. "You did not ask about other shafts."
    "Ugh. Technicalities." The man sighs. Slung over his shoulder is a fancy-looking rifle, but he doesn't reach for it, arms still folded. "Well, aren't we at an impasse? This seems to keep on happening," he adds, with the faintest hint of annoyance. "Honestly, what a bother. Bad enough we're reduced to spelunking through spent mineshafts. Now we've got company."
    Neither have directly addressed the others, yet, but both figures seem to be keeping their eyes on both David and Luke. And Luke's... creatures. Whatever those things are.
Does one know WHY gold is used in the space fields? Gold is to protect Astronauts from radiation. Aerospace gold also protects space vehicles and the like. A polyester film is coated with gold particles, and this film is then used on the exterior of spacecraft to reflect solar radiation away from the craft and any humans inside of the craft. This also means that unless you are in near direct line of Sight. David can't actually percieve the presense of Luke Grey, Not yet anyway.

But when All three meet up in the main chamber. David looks over at the new group of arrival. And then almost casually turns his head to look at Luke. His eyes linger on the creature at his side. Longer than expect. Those emotionless glowing Sapphire eyes home in on the little creaturn as he tilts his head. No energy reading? very odd.

Turning his head back to the group that is across the way. The man with the Rifle gets the longer stare as David simply remains still and voiceless.

The Insectoid creature stands for a moment then as if it has decided the others are of no consiquence he turns to what appears to be a block of Stone. Lifting his hand up instantly from the from of his arm above his hand projects a blade. One that hums and shimmers with sound as he slashes effortlessly through stone. Looking around the place as it has an strange black and white vvibe to it. He looks around the area to find what appears to be a flat slab of stone.

Projecting one of his Sonic swords he uses it to cleanly cleave through the top of the rock to make a flat surface. And once cleaned he makes several Triangular cuts into the rock. He'll need it to form gold bars for transport.

Turning to the wall comes that same sonic soun that reverbs in the area as the wall infront of him starts to suddenly crack, shatter and vanish. Not even Dust remains.

Inside stretched out are thin lines of gold, some fall to the ground by the time he stops and starts to gather up the peices of gold.

David's mentality is if he ignores them they should leave him alone. If they cause trouble he will be more than ready for it.
>> SUMMARY[David] >> David chooses to mind his own business unless approached for now.
Luke Gray
    The 'boy' was not expecting anything quite like this... certainly not to run into... David, nor the group of normal (subjective) looking people. Most of his attention goes to the rifle, and then back to David as he continues to attack the stone wall. At least the purpose is obvious, as he uncovers his ears and sees the gold being exposed. "Not looking for trouble... just heard there might be gold around." he tries to explain. 

    The small pokemon seems to be more affected by the sonic noises, and a bit startled at the display from David, moving to stand in front of Luke, as if to protect the trainer. "Pangshi, calm down, don't think he wants trouble either." he says softly.
    The man with the rifle makes no movement at all when studied. Indeed, he goes as cold and curiously still, staring at the insectoid creature with every expectation of the thing deciding it wants to lunch on a pair of Ivalicians. He does not yet reach for his rifle -- but his very stillness suggests he could, and it would be done quickly.
    Yet the creature makes no move toward him. Very slowly, the man arches a brow, tilting his head very slightly.
    "Well, that didn't go as expected. Fran?"
    The rabbit-eared woman doesn't answer. She's staring at the insectoid creature and watching; studying, red-brown eyes as cold and dispassionate as the stone around them. Her features are just a little bit inhuman; something in the geography of her facial structure just a bit off from human standard.
    Of course, the ears and her height and the strange configuration of her feet, currently in vaguely armoured stiletto heels -- how in the gods' names does she /walk/ on those in here? -- are probably a pretty good indication that she's not very human. Her ears, though, swivel straight back when David starts up that strange contraption again, and her mouth twists. Apparently she can 'hear' those frequencies.
    The man, however, elects to deal with the other 'intruder' while Fran silently studies David.
    "Gold. Fantastic how that simple mineral can attract so much attention, isn't it? From what research I've found, it's treasured in quite a variety of worlds, for quite a variety of reasons." His smile is affable; charming, and just a little crooked to one side. "Few of us are ever really looking for trouble, when it comes right down to it. Yet it has a habit of finding us, all the same..." His eyes flick between Luke, Pangshi, and David, trying to study all three at the same time.
    He might be calculating how he can abscond with all of it. Tricky business.
    "So, then." the rifle slings down from his shoulder; points vaguely in the direction of an empty mineshaft, presumably the one Luke had come from. "I suppose I could be asking you what an upstanding youth like you is doing in a place like this. And, ah... whatever /that/ is." The rifle gestures ever so casually toward David; his expression screws up in evidentl bafflement. "What /is/ that, anyway? Gods be good, it is an ugly customer, isn't it?"
Of course one of the Silver orbs on his head instantly twitch and slide back as he was looking away from the man who drew the Rifle. Then when it's pointed in his Direction he stops for a brief moment. "Not a healthy Idea."

His voice is modulated but sounds like a man as he sets his catch down David stands up and turns looking direction of Balthier, David Debates using his head laser to cut the rifle in half. But the energy in that rifle has him concerned. He can percieve it.

"I can use my sonic buster to crack the roof of this mine bringing the entire cavern down on your heads. I don't need oxygen to breath you do." he says.

"So why don't you shoulder the rifle and keep things civil."

David turns to place the gold he has is those holes and thing comes the sound of sizzingling. David is using his Head Laser, an inferred head laser to melt the gold down. so it flows into the cavities he has created. Clearly he doesn't consider the man with the rifle a danger.
Luke Gray
    Luke is not quite interested in a confrontation in the mine, at least, not without a good reason, and so far, it does not seem to be the case. He remains quiet while the other speak, only answering to Balthier when they speak to him, "Just looking for a bit of gold to sell, being a pokemon trainer doesn't pay that much, especially if I spend so much time off world." he says softly. The Pangshi seems uneasy, detecting the tension in the air, eyeying that rifle as well. The boy reaches to pet the Panda tryign to calm it down, "He is Pangshi, he is a pokemon." he says softly. 

    If the threat of bringing the mine down scares Luke, he hides it, "I prefer if you don't do that, digging out might be quite hard... I don't have a ground or a rock type to help me out." The boy turns his attention to the smelting process, "That's a neat idea, maybe I should copy that." he muses. He is not ignoring Balthier or Fran, just trying to be polite with the one threatening to bring down the ceiling down.
    "Ah. So the monster has a voice, does it?" Balthier lowers the rifle with such deliberation that it looks more like he meant to do it than out of acquiescing to any demands. He rests it casually over his shoulder, one hand hanging over the stock at the wrist, the other over the elegantly tooled barrel.
    He shifts his weight, regarding David with what is either alarming nonchalance or cool calculation. It's difficult to say which it is. "Most interesting. Fortunately for you, I'm not feeling terribly combative, tonight. Messy business, that."
    "Yes," the sky pirate points out, "you can. You would be entirely within your rights to do it, as well, this place being abandoned and all. But think of the inconvenience. Even if you need not the oxygen in this mineshaft to breathe, you would still be digging your way out of... oh, I'd say, mayhap several tonnes of rock. Not a fun way to spend an afternoon, is it?" he adds, airily.
    He's watching as the gold is efficiently smelted down, which neatly sets up the bug-man to abscond with his profit. There's a slight hardening of his eyes, at that, but he doesn't take any offensive action. Not that he doesn't trust himself not to land on his feet, metaphorically speaking, but it would be rather poor form to go letting this cavern collapse on that boy over there.
    Speaking of which...
    "You. Boy." Balthier's eyes track over to Luke and Pangshi, although he doesn't move from his casual lean against the rifle braced across his shoulders. Fran, for her part, keeps her eyes fixed on David, silent and intent as any hawk. "I've no notion what a Pokemon trainer is, but presumably it has something to do with the creature following you around. I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and guess that you didn't come here to die. So why don't we make our way slowly out of this place, hmm? I can take you wherever you need to go."
    "Is the sky pirate a taxi service, now?" Fran's taunt is presumably meant for Balthier, tone airy, but her eyes never break away from David. Her ears remain swivelled straight back, though, in clear displeasure.
    "Fran, please." Balthier's tone is aggrieved. "It's just the decent thing to do, you know."
    The man's hazel eyes turn back to Luke. "What do you say? We'll leave this place to you," Balthier adds, gesturing vaguely to David. "I've no quarrel with you, and frankly, nothing in here is of great enough value for me to want to soil my cuffs getting my hands on it. Let us go, and we'll leave you to your..." He flicks an eye over the smelting process. "...Mining."
Right now David has a problem. Luke Grey is a child, and despite his pet David considers him helpless if a fight erupts. Which means he would need to defend the boy and that could work against him. He is hoping that who ever the guy (Balthier) is with the Rifle will consider him the greater threat. If the guy is just here for gold, David has it a good deal of it, a few pounds it looks like he is melting down. Soon he has several bars cooling. "Actually I can teleport. And I can fly as well." As if to puncuate that he lifts up off the ground and starts floating in mid air. Moving around fairly easilly.

That punches a hole in the plants of the Pirate to hold him back on not bringing the place down on his head. Or offering a Taxi Service.

The Talk of Pirates here of course Makes David go "A Pirate? Huh?" Turning to Look at Balthier, "Is there a Bounty on your head? Nothing else, Just the head. As a new arrival in this place, World Tree. I could sure as hell use the Money to get on my feet. But... I am not looking for trouble, But I have absolutely no issue killing on reflex. So you can A, Mine your own gold. Or B you can start trouble... that I intend to finish. And C... I don't suffer enemies lightly. If you test me on this... You will fail. Consider this me throwing the Gauntlet down." With the Gold still Molten David looks to another selection of Wall as he turns to Face it unleashing his sonic attack causing a much larger area to simply disinitgrate the rock leaving some more gold behind exposed.
Luke Gray
    It seems the 'adults' (he considers David to be one) are talking, and Luke is distracted, so the small ghost type decides to do something sneaky, and slowly begins to phase into a wall. Of course, it is not being truly... sneaky, just gets a bit bored or maybe it IS thinking how to get closer to the others without being seen. Certainly Balthier can see the weird tiny Panda sink into a solid wall without a trace. Luke focuses mostly on the offer from the 'Pirates', "I think I can just go elsewhere and search for some gold as well, I certainly don't want to get into a fight. I don't need much of it, so you can have some as well." he offers, both to Balthier, adn the scary 'bug' person. At least David seems to be just trying to be cautious, even if the mention of 'throwing the gauntlet' gets Luke to reach for his belt, in case things get complicated. 

    It is at that moment that the small panda thing jumps out of the wall, vocalizing excitedly, gold dust on one of it's forepaws, furiously pointing at the wall. "What?, did you find something?" he asks to the eager ghost, who nods and shakes that gold dusted paw and taps the wall. "Inside this wall?" he asks, glancing at it. "Are you sure?" he asks, forgetting about David or even the Pirates. "Guess I need to figure how to get it out, I wonder if Agni can break through the rock." he mumbles outloud. The sonic attack causes him to flinch, and the poor Panda to cover its ears again.
    "Of course you can." Balthier's tone is one of mild disgust; more a cynical aside than an actual observation. Of course that guy can fly and teleport, because things would have been easier if he hadn't been able to do those things. There are no gods named Murphy in Ivalice, but there might as well be.
    The sky pirate folds his arms again, expression not quite so good-natured as before. It's not quite sour, but it's getting there. This place is starting to lose its interest to him.
    Except... for... that. Balthier looks again when the panda creature vanishes into the wall, reaching up to rub at an eye and look a little harder. He shares a brief look with Fran; one of piqued interest. Something to investigate later, maybe.
    When David asks whether or not there's a bounty on his head, he definitely sours.
    "Of /course/ there's a bounty on my head. What sort of asinine question is that? We're sky pirates. What's a sky pirate without a little adoration from the smallfolk and notoriety with the authorities?" He shifts his weight a step forward, cocking his head at David and still not quite glowering. "/Please/."
    Oh, and now it's a threat?
    Balthier throws his hands up, abruptly turning and strolling towards the mineshaft. It's presumably the one that he and his partner had taken in.
    "This has stopped being profitable. Fran, let's go. We can find something interesting elsewhere."
    Fran's gaze flickers over Luke and then to David, before sliding away from the Guyver and following unhurriedly after Balthier.
    Well, they start to leave, but Balthier's footsteps halt at the sudden commotion over gold. He doesn't come running over, though. That would be undignified. Instead, he turns slowly on his heel, glancing over his shoulder at all the ruckus.
    He shares another look with Fran, but what this one means, it's hard to say. Fran's ears have swivelled forward, though, as though she were listening to the panda-like creature as well. Her red-brown eyes narrow almost imperceptibly.
    Shifting his weight, he folds his arms casually, waiting to see what happens. And perhaps whether or not he can profit from it.
The issue with a Cave is it Echos. David's sensors can pick up sound waves. He actally feels bad for the little panda creature. Not that he knows what a Pokemon is. But still even he noticed the little creature fadding into the wall. As David was sure it just phased into it. That is a mental note he has made and comes back with more gold as well. To him it's really pointless to fight over some metal. He can always get more, if he could mine it that easilly? Why would he even care if the pirate took it?

Maybe he is just naturally aggressive? Or making a show of force? Considering he has disinitgrated large portions of Rock with sound waves. Who wants to fight against that?

Coming back with Gold a fairly large nugget in his arm. One that might weight at least 10 or more pounds. And starts to set it down.

The panda creature comes out of the wall. "Fingers Keepers." David says more to the pirate than the young man. And then looks to the Panda and the young man. "Now deep inside is it?" he can't detect it from here. "I can reach it without the sonic attack." he says. Knowing it hurt the little panda's ears. He's got no problem helping the kid.
Luke Gray
    Luke is not particularly greedy, adn he is willing to share as well, after all, there is always more gold to be found, he just wants some cash to keep afloat, not wanting to be rich!. He offers a polite nod to Balthier and Fran, watching them move away, before focusing on the gold situation!. He seems to try to talk with the Panda for a moment, the small creature repeating 'Pangshi' or fractions of said name as it 'speaks' and points at the wall again, tapping a bit. "It seems it's not too deep." he says, "Straight this way, he says it took him a minute to get in and out that way, there was apparently a fair bit of it." he says. The mention of not using the sonic attack gets the attention of the small 'ghost' who seems happy about that, nodding a few times. "I don't need much, so if you help me get it out, you can have most of it, you seem far better at digging through stone than any of my pokemon." he offers. He offers a glance to Balthier and the bunny eared person, smiling a bit, "I don't mind if you want to get some of that gold too, but I feel you might have to discuss that with him." he mentions, pointing to David.
    The sky pirate slowly rocks back on his heels before straightening again. It's only a shift of his weight, but it does give him a moment to stall and listen in on which way the wind blows. Not quite favourably enough for the pirate, however. He slowly starts forward again.
    "Well, I suppose you can find your way out of here the same way you found your way in," he offers to Luke, strolling on by. Fran stalks after him, although not without a brief look at David and Luke.
    Yep. No longer profitable. At least not remotely worth the effort. There are far more valuable things he can rip off that will pay him a lot better than paltry gold veins. The offer is awfully tempting, but he shakes his head as he brushes past Luke, when Luke brings up negotiating with David.
    "Well, then, see you around."
    And, provided nobody moves to stop him, the sky pirate will stroll on by and out of the mineshaft he'd come in through.
    His disgusted sigh echoes from down the tunnel, although he's out of sight, and his last remark, presumably to Fran.
    "There are bigger fish in the sea."
As the Pirates are debating and watching things David is smirking under his helmet and then listens to them finally just decide to leave. Just like the suspected, make a job too hard? Pirates will seek easier fortunes. David watching them as he doesn't make much movement simply watching them, allowing them to head into the distance and once David can no longer hear them. He says softly to Luke, making sure that Balthier is not in hearing ranger. "Pirates. Maximum money, minimal effort. Make something too hard for them they will find easier ventures." And reaching into those grooves he pulls out a couple of those bars. And he will float over to Luke. "Should be mostly pure." A quarter pound of gold. "I'm David by the way." and he will go back to smelting the gold he has as he gets a decent amount. Maybe fifteen pounds or so. and as the bars cool he will gather them up. He might come back in the future for that large deposit assuming no one else does. He can always find more.
Luke Gray
     Luke of course offers a wave to Balthier and Fran, he is not quite sure the situation really required David to be... aggressive like that with them, but he was not going to start arguing about such. At least it is clear neither side was looking for a fight. Even the small panda pokemon waves to the pair, trying to be polite, wishing them good luck. "Take care." he offers in a polite way. 

    The boy nods, making mental notes about pirates, "Reminds me of Team rocket... if their target ends up being too complicated, they will just give up and find another one." he muses, before turning his attention at the gold bars. The small Panda pokemon tries to levitate to grab one, not wanting to be fully eclipsed by the stranger... he can do tricks too!. It hands Luke the gold, "Thank you David." he finally adds, smiling and offering one hand, "I'm Luke." he offers, before allowing the stranger to focus on the gold, "If you need help with that, let me know.".
And of course he smiles and says. "I have it' I have a small case to carry it." and he looks down at the little critter as he will kneel down before the little panda. Getting a good look and scan of the pokemon. "And I am sorry about hurting your ears little fella. I just wanted to make sure they knew they would have their hands full with me. To protect your... master?" he says David is not sure of the little creature.

"So exactly what is a pokemon and pokemon trainer?" And standing up he will go to get the bars of gold he has gathered up. And will put them in metal box. "You know of a place where I can get a good trade in for the gold and dinner?" Once he has the bars secured he will set it down and then instantly dismiss his armor. As it opens up jumping off of David allowing him to be seen in a more human light as the armor. Hovers in the air for a brief moment before vanishing into thin air.
Luke Gray
    Luke nods, placing the gold bar in his backpack, just to keep them safe, while watching the Ghost panda just being cute as it gets scanned. It is a weird... creature for sure, hard to put it into words. The bear shakes his head at the apology, moving back to Luke and nodding with a grin at the mention of protecting Luke, which gets a chuckle from the kid. "Thank you." he replies. 

    The question about the nature of pokemon and trainers gets him to pause, "Well, I think the town where I heard about this had a spot to trade this, but I was planning to return to my world and try there." he says, "Plus we can get a good meal." he says with a grin. Both the kid and the pokemon blink as David removes teh armor, with Luke nodding faintly, "We can talk about pokemon on our way out." he offers, "Maybe I can show you my other pokemon as well."
Once he had his collected gold in his case and properly Secure. David had summoned the Guyver almost showing off for Luke as his armor encapsulated him with one word. 


An energy field formed around him when the armor appeared behind him and them snaped open and around him. The Armored form then offered to fly Luke and his... Pokemon to town. As he held the case in his hand.

David could teleport but it was not as precise as flying.
Luke Gray
    The young Teen seems suitably impressed by the super suit, or whatever that thing is called, stuffing the offered gold on his backpack, and doing something odd as well. He reaches to his belt, produces an odd red and white sphere, and opens it, the small ghost panda apparently turning into light and being 'absorbed' into the round device. He smiles and nods, "Sure, that sounds great, I admit I didn't have a ride of my own." he says with a chuckle, moving closer to David.
as he looks surprised when the Panda vanishes inside that ball he says, "Pocket pets?" he laughs. It's hard to sound genuinely surprised through that armor. But Luke got him good and then offering his hand out after picking his case back up. "Unless you want to be carried in my arms here wrap your arms around my waist push down on my foot and hold on tight."

The armor is not metal... it feels different warm, organic. As if the Armor is alive. Still He will wrap an arm around Luke and then lift up. David has no issue forming a gravity field around himself as Luke can even feel himself become lighter!

Finally he will lift up into the air and start to angle. It's not the like some heros do with an Arm out. But he soon has a decent clip. "I will set down a distance outside of town. Last think I want to do is scare the locals."

Before long he will start to approach the small City and then settle down on the road perhaps twenty minute walk from the edge. He allows the armor to vanish.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray chuckles a bit at the nickname, nodding casually as he approached the 'armor' and tried to move into position as David asked, holding quite tightly!. "Makes sense." he says softly, admiring the view of the forest as he is easily 'carried' around, whistling as he felt the changes on the weight, "That's really impressive." he calls, grinning widely even as they land and David 'emerges' from the odd suit.
David nods and smiles as he looks at it. "It is, but don't be envy it. All power has it's price... and the price I paid for it was too high." and he seems to get somber. And shaking his head and with a smile. "Anyway. So tell me about these Pokemon. Friends companions? I noticed you reaching for the other balls on your belt in the cave. Are they like... Guards?"
Luke Gray
Luke Gray nods a few times, rubbing the back of his head as the tone changed like that. He is glad the topic changed to pokemon, "I think companions and friends is a good term." he says, "They chose to follow me and protect me as a way to get stronger, I take care of them, help them train, and together we do many things, like exploring the world, or trying to get past the pokemon league challenge."
As he listens to Luke and takes it all in. "Ah, Well Would be nice to have companions like that. That wall trick, passing through it. very interesting and useful. I wonder if in those compact forms the Ball would be safe in my armored form." 

He chooses to explain. "Anything extremely bulky like say a normal suit of armor would be destroyed when I summon my armor."

"So Pokemon League challenge? what's that?"
Luke Gray
    The kid explains, it is not particularly complicated, thankfully, just a large contest involving the entire region, gyms, and leaders, with a big tournament with teh qualified trainers for the 'pokemon master' title, it does sound exciting!. He grins a bit at the mention of the pokeball and the armor, "I have no clue, how much... you can carry while wearing it?, does it affect electronic stuff?" he asks, "If not, I think they should work fine." he says. "I have stronger pokemon with me, including one that might have been good at melting the gold."
David nods and he listens to the talk of the pokemon battles and lifts an eyebrow. He is not overly hostile just concerned. But when he is told the Pokemon enjoy fighting he says in passing. "I can relate to that." and as they reach into the town David will note where they diner is and offer to buy Luke some dinner. He's not concerned with money, "Anyway I get the idea that asking how many and what Types of Pokemon there are would be best answered by actually visiting your world."
Luke Gray
    The boy orders some food, and if allowed, gets some stuff 'to go' just to share with his pokemon once they leave the dinner. "Well, pokemon are divided by types, guess it is a bit like the elements." he says, thinking of other things he heard, "There are a lot of pokemon species, that is for sure, I have a pokedex with some info but it is not complete." he explains, smiling and eating some food. "If you want, I can show you my pokemon, and what they can do, at least the stronger ones, or we can visit my world and do that there."
David listens as he will of course not deny Luke's companions dinner either. And as he sits down "Well the Armor doesn't interfere with electronics. But anything implanted woould be utterly destroyed." he says. Otherwise he couldn't have had a radio Ear bud in his war against Chronos to listen to radio broadcasts.

"I think... it would be best to go visit. It would allow me to access a computer for questions and Queries." he smiles. "I have to admit, allowing preteen kids to go off on country side spanning adventures... my world that would be called negligance. But With such strong companions... " he shrugs.
Luke Gray
    Luke nods a few times, "Well, you are welcome to come around, I just like showing off my pokemon." he says with a chuckle, "No harm in letting you come over and check it! always happy to get people interested." he says. The mention of negligence seems to fly over his head, after all that's how his world works!.
David did noties the negligance being missed and shrugs. "Well I don't really have a residence, or method of easy contact. So once we part ways it might be a while before we hook up. Sorta new arrival in the what was it, Ah world Tree." and thinking he is genuinely concerned with the Zoanoids. "Oh if you are approached by a group of men asking about me. Don't trust them. They are monsters through and through. Shapechangers. Killers. They won't hesitate to attack and capture people they think are friends to get at me."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray blinks a bit at the mention of said dangerous people, "Really?" he asks, blinking a few times and now looking around at the people near them, shuddering a bit, "Wait, how do I know people are actually people and not monsters?" eh asks.
David says, "Well Generally Luke what will happen is tell them to fuck off. And if they refuse to take no for an answer pbring out your pokemon, and after a show of strength. Changes are they will shift. If you do fight them. You have to use lethal force." Last thing he wants to tell a kid he has to kill. But it is that serious."
Luke Gray
The boy nods a bit glancing at his belt for a moment, "I hope it won't come to that... I mean..." he mumbles, "I thik i can do that, at least... my pokemon can." he says softly.
David nods. "If you can't then the only thing I can suggest is run. They are not men they may even tell you some of the horrible things I have done. And flat out lie about me. I can't make you choose what to believe. That is for you to decide." he says.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray lets out a sigh as he hears that, "Well, you seem nice, at least as far as I can see... so I don't think I'd fall for any of those lies." he says softly, smiling.
"Well Luke, I always believed lies will bite you in the rear end. So I will tell you this. I was fighting a war on my own. The masters of the monsters wanted my armor. Knowing they couldn't defeat me, they attacked my friends. my family. Captured some turned them into monsters sent to kill me. I was forced to kill them. I had no way to help them. Others were killed. I have done things I am not proud of but at the time thought they were the right thing to do. I have done things I regret. And things I am ashamed of. I am no hero. But I won't stand back an let someone be hurt when I can prevent it." As he places a small back of gold dust on the table. The place actually does use gold as he smiles. "I'll see you around Luke. Take care."