World Tree MUSH

Pocket Monsters, Pocket Pets.

Character Pose
HAving done his best to help with Dino shark for Iota he has finally taken up Luke on getting to his world of Pokemon. He's always loved animals. And loved pets, but wants to know more before he considers how compatible it is. David is more or less just chilling as he follows Luke through his world.
Luke Gray
    Luke admits that he is not quite sure what to tell David, he is uncertain how... serious the interest in pokemon is, but he ends up offering his help in any way!. He takes his new friend to his 'world' and decides to start by camping in a clearing not to far from his hometown. "Well, I figure my first question might be what do you know about..." he rubs his chin, trying to remember the term, "Animals?, pets?" he asks curiously. "I was hopign maybe you'd like to see what my pokemon can do, and answer questions as well." he says with a grin, "If you have doubts that I can't answer, I can always point you to the local Pokemon professor, or pokemon center for more information."
Anna Freeman
Anna happens to be coming the other direction, Spiral perched on her shoulder. Unusually, Anna is going for a leisurely stroll, rather than zipping through the scenery at top speed.

"... and the more pokemon trainers we meet, the more convinced I am that the reason they can see Curse Phantoms is because of their emotional connections," Spiral is saying. As a golden-furred catlike creature, Spiral looks sort of like a pokemon herself, although her ability to speak might be seen as odd.

"Yeah, that seems to make the most sense," says Anna; her voice is a bit androgynous. She perks up slightly and waves as she sees Luke. "Hey, Luke!" she calls out, heading over towards him and David. "Who's your friend?"
David as he listens to Luke and says. "Well I would love to see your Pokemon in depth. As for what I am after. I always had a love for wildlife. And from what you have described I wouldn't have to worry too much about their saftey if I get into a fight. Anything that could injury me I would most likely never set a pokemon against." He's tangled with some powerful enemies.

David has sharp senses so when Anne starts to get close he turns in her general direction, that is assuming she is not being stealthy. Her approach he smiles at her. "Oh Hi. I'm David Luke was introducing me to his world's pokemon..."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles as David explains the interest, and especially, the concern about the safety of pokemon, "I am glad you care so much about their safety, not every trainer sees pokemon as friends, or even anything other than tools." he says, shaking his head and letting out a sigh. "Well, I can certainly introduce you to my stronger pokemon, they can be incredibly powerful... so if you take the time to train them, they might even be able to protect you, rather than the other way around." he says.

    Anna gets a broad grin adn a wave from him, "Hey Anna!." he replies, "He is..." and David introduces himself. "Yeah, was hoping to do a little display of power too, just to give him an idea of what to expect." he says, "I see you are exploring my home region?, having fun so far?". Even as he greets his friend, the 'boy' grabs one of his pokeballs, and presses a button on it, releasing a pokemon both are familiar with. A very large, very round 'tiger' with a lighting bolt mark on it's chest. The big cat yawns and streetches slowly.
Anna Freeman
Anna smiles to David. "Pleased to meet you, David!" she says. "Yeah, I'm Anna, and this is Spiral, I'm a magical girl and Spiral's my mascot."

Spiral chortles. "Pleased to meet you!" she says, doing a sort of catlike bow.

Anna nods, smiling to Luke. "Yeah, this is definitely one of the nicer worlds," she says. "It's kinda like the Mushroom Kingdom, I feel like I can just relax, basically."
David looking over at spiral he lifts an eyebrow. "Just accept it don't try to figuire it out." he says pinching the bridge of his nose. "Sorry Still new to the World Tree. Pleasure to meet you Anne, Spiral." and with an inhale and exhale he will pet and scratch the Electtiger's chin and cheeks. He doesn't mind the static.

"I'm not actually looking for a battler pokemon. At least not yet." he says. "That may change some day."
Luke Gray
    Luke nods, "Still, knowing what a strong pokemon can do might be useful, for whatever reason." he says softly to David, before smiling to Spiral and Anna, "Glad you are enjoying it." he says. "Since I don't want to hurt either of you, I think just a simple display might work well." he says. Dynamo meanwhile, seems to soak the scratches, the heavy pokemon pressing into the touch with deep purrs, "Come on Dynamo, let's show off a bit, then you can resume being pampered." he says with a grin. "I'd ask if either of you had any... weak energy attack to try, just to show up what he can do on defense, but, for now." he muses. "Dynamo, use Rain Dance." he calls. "I don't use that move much because... honestly never found much use for it normally, it is mostly to help water types, or weaken fire ones.". 

    Even as he expains, the big cat takes a few steps back, stretches and stands, letting out a loud growl to the sky, and a small zap of electricity sent upwards, clouds seeming to form and darken over them, they are kind of low, and the newly formed 'clouds' don't cover much, barely their clearing, btu still!. They grow dark, before suddenly a drizzle begins to fall from them.
Anna Freeman
Anna giggles. "Sorry, sorry!" she says. "I mean ... I actually am a magical warrior, and Spiral would have been my case worker if I'd chosen a different type of magical warrior, and she's still my friend, so ..."

Spiral interjects, "... so Anna just shoved even more pop culture into it than necessary."

"Yes exactly." Anna perks up slightly. "Hmm ... A weak energy attack, I can do!" she says. "Spiral?"

"Yup." Spiral hops off Anna's shoulder, and floats over to land on Luke's.

Anna then takes a step back. Her body becomes surrounded by a pale blue glow as she gathers energy into herself, and then in a surge of light, she's wearing a frilly blue dress with green and white trim and a whole bunch of heart-decorations, matching gloves and boots, and what appear to be matching slacks under the dress. "So, how should I do this? Like, just a regular beam right at him?"
Anna Freeman
>> SUMMARY[Anna Freeman] >> Anna transforms to demonstrate!
as he listens to the talk of the weak attacks. "Sadly not really." He also doesn't want to risk his control metal being hit by a discharge of electricity. That would be bad. "Oh Something I forgot to mention. Luke, My armor that I have. If you ever see the eyes blood red. Don't go near it. Its in a sort of hyper protection mode and it can't tell friend from foe, when it attacks. and when it does it attacks at full power."

"Fortunately that only happens when I am incapacitated while wearing it. As in knocked out."

AS he watches David stans up as it starts to rain? and looking up as he says, "That could be useful to water crops in dry areas." he blinks and is utterly surprised.
Luke Gray
    Luke watches the light rain, before shaking his head, "Nah, it is not that effective... it lasts just a few moments, and while if the pokemon is better at... water things, the rain is stronger... it is not really good for helping with waering crops, this small clearing is as far as it usually goes." he explains. The clouds linger there for now at least, offering a continuous drizzle over the ground. Luke chuckles as Spiral lands on him, "Hmm, A beam would work." he says with a grin. 

Dynamo is not enterily happy with being rained on, growling and shaking himself now and then, "Dynamo, Light screen." he calls, which, despite being wet and grumbly, the big pokemon obeys quickly!. There is a buildup of power around the electric pokemon, the energy sparking from his fur, before the big cat stands up properly, tense, and lets out a soft growl, the energy shooting in small arcs of electricity around it, forming a glowing yellow 'dome' of energy around him, it almost looks like yellow glass, yet the water seems to continue to land on the big cat. "There, he is ready."
Anna Freeman
Anna blinks, frowning at David. "That's good to know!" she says. "Thanks for warning us."

She nods to Luke. "Okay!" she says, dramatically flipping her now-blue hair. "Now ... let's see ..." She holds out her gloved hand towards Dynamo, and ... it shakes as glowing energy starts swirling around it! "Whoa!" There seems to be a bit of recoil as a weak bolt of light flies out of her hand! It's badly-aimed, too; it flies towards the edge of the shield, and wouldn't really hit Dynamo directly.

"Careful!" Spiral calls out. She doesn't seem the slightest bit bothered by the rain. "If Heart Power is anything like Star Power, controlling it takes some getting used to."
David nods as he steps back and watches. He's interested and intrigued. To have a creature that is so powerful at his side would be helpful. Luke has seen his armor, and seen only part of what it can do. A few others have watched it unleash all it's power when he first arrived.

"Yes just try to keep people from approaching me, and nothing bad will happen. Though I will withdraw from battle if at all possible before I am rendered unconsious...."
Luke Gray
    Luke pays close attention to David's explanation, "That is a very good warning, I will try to keep in mind. Just so you know... pokemon can do a lot of stuff, some of them certainly useful to do more than just fighting!, like... Dynamo can power electric things." he says, "I actually need to find ways to let him use his excess electricity because... well, most electric types generate power slowly, and act more like batteries, but Dynamo does generates power a lot faster than other pokemon, and does not have as much capacity for storing power... it is great if I am in a long fight, he is very unlikely to run out, even if he uses strong attacks but, he can get sick if he is not able to use that power.". 

     "Something to keep in mind if you end with an electric type, most like electricity, even absorbing it to... energize themselves, or even feed on it, but too much adn they get sick.". The attention turns back to Anna and the light attack. Dynamo seems quite able to tell the trajectory of the move, seeming a bit more curious on Anna than the blast itself!. The light bolt seems to hit the dome and breaking appart like water splashing on a glass wall, even as the barrier absorbs the attack.
Anna Freeman
Anna also nods along with David's explanation. "Yeah," she says. "... my immediate next thought is that I wish I had some ability that would prevent that kind of thing from happening in the first place, but ..."

That just gets a snicker from Spiral. "Please don't start throwing yourself into situations that are over your head now just because you want to feel inadequate."

Anna shrugs, and peers back at Dynamo. "Well, that seems to have been a good demonstration of the shield, anyway!" she says cheerfully.
AS he listens to Spiral and thinks he is talking to him says, "Listen kitty cat. If you had seen one quarter of the crap I have been through. you would find the nearest tree run up it and never come down." he says. It's not spoken in jest. "I know my strengths and limits well. I have no problem withdrawing from a superior enemy."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles, "Anyway, wanted to explain, pokemon can defend themselves... if anything, ymou might have to be careful they don't jump into danger to keep you safe, more htan you needing to do that." he says with a grin. "Well Dynamo, come here, you earned a snack." he tells the pokemon, who suddenly stops grumbling and looking 'miserable' and quickly dashes towards Luke, all but bowling over the trainer, seems the big lump of tiger was just trying to act mad for snacks. "For the most part, unless you want to use them for fighting, you just have to be nice with them, keep them fed... and clean of course, and play with them!" he says. 

    The warnings about the armor are well heard of course, "I will keep those warnings in mind... but I can't promise not to try to help anyway." he adds, "Anyway... hope that demonstration was... any good? I apologize, I kinda like showing off." the boy explains, from under a hungry pokemon trying to reach into the backpack for food.
Anna Freeman
Spiral blinks in surprise and looks over to David. "What? Oh, no, I was talking to Anna," she says. "Sorry for the confusion."

Anna nods to Luke. "Seemed like a pretty good demonstration to me!" she says, and then looks over at David. "Of course, I've already seen Dynamo help take down a freaking threat-level-3 Curse Phantom, so I might not be the right judge of that."

Spiral nods to Anna. "And I've also seen him help take down a level 4."
David nods as he listens to all the convversation and blinks and shrugs as he watches the demonstration end with Dynimo. With a nod to Luke as he says, "Understandible. But the best way you could help is keep people away. As long as you generally are moving away, there won't be an issue."

He hates the hyperprotection mode. but understands it's nature. Then again david is just a living weapon in his own mind. he might have a consiouness, but no soul.

"Makes sense. on strength. I think mostly just companions and pets. The issue will be finding the right ones for me."
Luke Gray
    Luke just does not insist on the show anymore then, nor playng with his pokemon, he can tell at least David is just not really interested in that kind of interactions, it makes him a bit curious on the intention about pokemon on him but... Anyway, he slowly gets up. "Well, we can always head to the pokemon center here, the people they have a lot of information on taking care of pokemon and the like." he offes with a grin, "It's not too far from here.". 

    The boy slowly nudges Dynamo from him and feeds the pokemon something that looks like a pastry, "Here you silly ball of fur, we are going to the town." he says, before getting up. "This way." he offers with a grin, "How about you Anna, curious about pokemon as well?^"
Anna Freeman
Anna nods to David's comment about keeping people away. "Can do!" she says. "My Windrunner power lets me move at high speeds, and in this form it's doubled!" She focuses a moment, and then in another burst of light, she's back in the outfit she had before and her hair is brown again.

She smiles, and nods to Luke. "Sure! That sounds like a plan," she says. "We've been wandering here already, might as well learn more of the, like, technical details!"

Spiral nods. "Sounds goo to me, too!"