World Tree MUSH

Autumn in Paradise

Character Pose
Unlike less tropical regions Alola stays nice through later fall and even the middle of winter, so the beaches usually don't slow down in the fall like one might expect elsewhere. Still Miwa has been here long enough that she can usually find the less crowded spots when she wants to relax and not be bothered by noisy humans. Currently she is resting, laying quietly on the beach at the edge of the surf, where the crashing waves wash over her tail a bit before flowing back into the sea. The sun is shining brightly, and the weather is warm but very comfortable with the cool ocean breeze gently blowing across the beach. Further down the beach a couple of kids were having a pokemon battle, but mostly it's just a few sunbathers on the stretch of beach where Miwa is.
Raven was already burned. Seriously. She had been here all of TEN seconds and FORGOT TO LIFT HER HOOD for a bit. So after all the travel and moving, she'd had to shift her form into the darkness, rising into the air as a raven and....

Okay, someone had tried to catch her and she had a LONG, less than friendly talk with a twelve year old about NOT attacking random goths. She didn't efven know what a gothitelle or a murcrow was but she WAS NOT ONE!

Which led to her flying around as a raven and, eventually... descending by Miwa. The girl landed, taking her more human form and... "H-hello, Miwa... Can we talk for a minute?" she asked softly...

Seriouslly, how did she burn so fast?
Something David is not too keen on attempting. Is his teleportation without his armor. He knows he would be safe, but it's always hit or miss with it. So, choosing to teleport from a nearby Vine to reach a nearby city in the Aloha region..

There is a flash of light maybe fourty feel off the beach and a scream comes as a young man simply has appeared out of no where. And he seems to hove there upside down for a brief moment just enough to look up (down) as he screams and promptly falls into the ocean. A large splash hits as he ends up getting under the water. And a Few moments he surfaces very angry and of course he will do his best to Orient himself before he does anything else.

Even from where he is those who can sense emotions which some pokemon can do easy, and some people have that talent. He's more than extremely annoyed. undernearth the the surface is a culdron of emotions. Anger, rage, mingled with anguish, and guilt. Terrible guilt.
Hearing her name, Miwa stirs, her ocean blue eyes blinking open and gazing up at Raven for a moment before she rises and moves into a sitting position. "Sure Raven, what's on your mind?" She asks calmly, only to suddenly turn toward the ocean as she hears a scream and a splash. Instinctively she quickly turns and runs as fast as she can go, which is probably faster than one might expect she could go on land, roughly matching an average fit human running on sand. "Are you alright!?" She cries out as she reaches the water and dives into the ocean with barely a splash and begins swimming toward David just in case he is in any kind of trouble. No one is drowning on this beach while she's around if she has anything to say about it.
Raven yelped as the sudden... Scream and splash. "Not my fault!" she said quickly. "I mean... err..." She turned to stare at the water, cocking her head to the side. "Y-yeah. you ummm... T-take care of that. I'll wait... here," she said a bit awkwardly. She walked a bit before moving under a bit of shade. Waiting. Watching. Staring.

Totally not a socially awkwardly teenager who had no idea who was drowning and unsure how much it is socially acceptable to worry. Also, all those angers, all those emotions were making her.... nervous...
As David looses focus he slips under the water momentarily before breeching again he needs to actually forcibly stay up on the surface with clear excertion as he calms down. But as he turns to look at the mermaid he jumps alittle. "Huh? Oh yes, Teleportation misshap. I'm still in the Alola Island chain right?" He had heard some pokemon can do the whole human speech. And once he locates the beach he will say, "I would love to play 20 question can we do it on land first?"

David starts to actually start swimming to the Shore line at this point. His backpack is what appears to be weighing him down.
Swiftly reaching David's position just off shore, Miwa is relieved to find the man isn't drowning. She nods at his question about being in Alola and smiles. "Just off the largest island in the chain in fact, I'm Miwa." She offers before nodding again at his desire to continue the conversation on land. She follows after him, and seeing the man struggling to swim with the weight of his pack, she offers a flipper to hold onto as she would then tow him to shore before finally walking upon her flippers back on the beach, making her way toward Raven's spot under the shade of several palm trees, one of which was actually an Alolan Exeggutor hiding amongst the trees. "What did you want to talk about Raven?" Miwa asks as she gets close.
Raven urks and stares at the man. Who was he? Was he a friend? Was he dangerous? All that anger and rage and... She shook her head and turned towards Miwa. "I... merely... I wanted to apologize. For everything. For what I did. For.... the problems I caused. Ruining the... illusion, dragging... personal matters into that place. For... Letting my rage get the better of me." she gave a sigh.

"Though you weren't... there... had you been, I would have... hurt you. And I know I hurt Ash..." she mumbled softly. "So... sorry. For everything I've done. And will do..."
Getting out of the Surf David will kick off his shoes and pull off his socks standing on one foot soaking wet. Not wanting to get them full of sand he will hold them before he sets them down and needs to go about the process of stripping off his wet clothes. Backpack is dropped and he is taking off his jack when he hears about Ash being hurt.

Already his own anger spikes some when she says she had hurt him.

But David narrows his eyes and let's it go before he just listens in on it. Oh yeah he knows a thing or two about rage.

Of course once he has his shirt off he will have some of the girls in the are alooking over his tight abbs, and his emotions have a spike of vanity and playfulness. He calls out to them, "Sorry ladiesI have swim shorts under my pants." And they pout some as he gets his pants off. Yes he has shorts on, black cotton sports shorts.

With this Goth girl admitting her rage he says, "I know Ash as well. Sorta welcomed me to the World tree after tracking me down." he opens up. "I know very well how Rage can cloud your judgement. Believe me I know the demon it is."
Miwa simply nods at Raven, and is completely oblivious to the swirling emotions bubbling under the surface for both her and David, she can only go by their outward expressions. She listens to David's comment before turning back to Raven. "Ash told me about a time when you had... a bit of a blow out... You're powers are based in your emotions as I understand it, and I can only imagine how hard that must be to control. Ash is... very close to me, but while I am saddened that he came to harm, I accept and appreciate your apology. Ash is tough anyway, even if he isn't as indestructible as he seems to think he is." Miwa comments with a dry chuckle, then continues. "I know you don't mean to hurt me, or Ash, any of your friends, so I'm not going to hold a grudge against you about it or anything like that." Miwa offers as she finally smiles, glancing back at David after a moment. "So he sort of found you? Yeah, I guess he's pretty good at that."
Raven glanced to david, her eyes narrowing as she felt those little spikes. Angry. Rage. It was... dangerous... She moved away from him. Then... She gave a little snort, covering her mouth with her hand. "I... Ahhh. My name is raven. I am an empath, I can feel the emotions of others," she said with a small smile. "And do not worry, it won't bother us," she teased. Then cringed. "Yes... it... Can be difficult to control. When i get over emotional it can lash out. And when other people's emotions over whelm me..." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"But that is just an excuse, in the end. In the end, it was me hurting people. Almost killing people, if they hadn't stopped me. My conscious decision. And blaming my abilities is nothing more than a cop out for accepting the responsibility for my actions. So I stnd by it. And thank you for accepting my apology, I will endeavor to not make such a mistake in the future."
David actually catches the part about Raven's powers using her emotions and he gives a critical eye as if trying to get an idea of if she is being effected by him. But hearing from Raven she is an empath? Instantly he does his best to focus on the hear and now raising his telepathic shield the Guyver gave him. It does keep telepathis out and might muddle the emotions he is giving off. But he also does his best to push the emotions out of his might forcing them down, locking them up. The Emotions are there but distant buried supressed.

"Yeah he was making himself so open about it that I thought, ok it's obvious you want to talk and either suck at tracking people down or WANT me to come to you." he says casually. "And he got me Curious." He tells Miwa.

"One can be emotional or one can be logical Raven. One can't be both at the same time. I have let my emotions control me more than once and I vividly recall the destruction I unleashed..." he says "I'm David by the way."
Miwa nods again to Raven's admission that she doesn't want to use her emotional powers as an excuse for her actions, but will attempt to avoid lashing out again. "If there is anything I can do to help you, I'm more than happy. Hmm, a thought... I wonder if my singing could be at all effective in soothing your emotions? I mean, I can sing a powerful lullaby that can put those who hear it to sleep, but maybe with some tweaks and practice, I could perform something that would just bring calm." Miwa ponders, finally turning her attention to David again. "So, what brings you to Alola then? Now that Raven has said her apology, and we're all here, maybe we should find something to do, unless you two just want to relax here on the beach with me."
Raven blinked in surprise. He could block her out... partially. That was interesting. Rare. She sighed. "Being obvious... Yeah, that sounds like him," she said flatly. And then... he said THAT. Her eyes widened.

Wait, was he trying to lecture her? Her eyes narrowed slightly. "I thank you for your 'suggestion', David," the way she said it heavily implied she wasn't. "But I assure you, I have my emotions well in check and I maintain a perfectly logical outlook on life." Says the teenager who wasn't obviously miffed about being scolded a bit. And totally wasn't acting like a pouting teenager who is upset it was implied she couldn't control her emotions. Nooooope. Definitely mature and responsible.

Then glanced to Miwa and shook her head. "I... appreciate it but I don't..."

But Miwa was a friend. She could be trusted. She could be... Leaned on. Just a little. Indecision was on her face for the longest time and... finally... "I... would appreciate it... if you were able to."
"I actually came out here at Ash's suggestion, suggested the place would be good for me to relax and emotionally detox. Tried to teleport to the nearst city... you saw my arrival in said city." David says actually trying to be a little light hearted. Way to Miwa "I been doing some research on pokemon, Met someone, Luke Grey and took an interest in Pokemon for a pet. So I been doing research. Seeing what types of Pokemon there are. Leaning to the small fuzzy ones." he offers.

No he wasn't trying to lecture Raven, "I would suggest it allowing her to try. If your powers are effected by your emotions, or powered by. Having some form of release is healthy. Sorry Raven, I don't know your situation or the nature of your abilties. I've held such in for a very long time. So I can empathize with that."
Miwa giggles when David mentions that he was trying to teleport to the nearest city "Well, I'd say you missed a bit. The nearest city is either Malie City on the other side of this island, or Heahea city on the next island over. Both are probably about equal in distance from this beach. As for having a Pokemon as a pet, while many humans here do so, I'll warn you they are not easy pets, though some are more of a challenge than others, and if you've met Luke you probably have gathered as much." Miwa offers in warning. 

Miwa then smiles and takes a moment to stretch before adjusting her position in the sand a bit as she looks back at Raven. "I don't expect it'll be easy, and honestly it's probably going to be somewhat dangerous, but if it works, then it will be more than worth it. Surely if I can come up with a song that can calm you, it'll likely work on others too. That would definitely be a useful arrow to have in my quiver." Miwa says with a grin.
Raven blinked a few times and then... "A pet?" she asked. She thought about it... No. There was no pokemon she'd want as a pet. Okay. Maybe a few. But nope. Nope nope nope. "It sounds difficult and like a lot of work. Pokemon seem pretty dangerous for something you'd just go on walks with."

She then glanced to Miwa, looking nervous. "Please, don't put yourself in any danger for me. I alreadyp ut you in so much as it is and... I do not want you to get hurt. You're one of my friends. But... if.... you can learn it, without danger, that'd be... f-fun..." she mumbled. She wondered if she was using 'fun' right in this context. She was still learning it!
"WEll the toughness is what attracts me. Several of my enemies arrived with me. The types that would hurt your realtives to get at you." He says that in a dead searious tone. "Having a pet that can, Well not be hurt in a sudden battle andd able to run off for safety appeals to me." And as he thinks "I should most likely let you two be, That... teleport without my armor makes me very hungry."
Miwa shakes her head at Raven's concern for her safety. "Well, I can try to develop something, but I don't know how we can test if it works without some sort of danger. Maybe you and I and Ash can talk it over, see if we can come up with some precautions to make it so everyone is safe. As much as I feel bad for hurting you that one time we decided to have a spar, I realize your powers are frighteningly strong and I certainly don't want to bare the brunt of them." Miwa offers thoughtfully before turning to David as he mentions being hungry. "I could go for some food myself actually. There are some food options near the Pokemon Center just north of the beach we can hit up if you guys don't want to make it all the way around the island for Malie City. How about you, hungry Raven?"