World Tree MUSH

Meditation on the hOlidays.

Character Pose
Ash had specifically come to the mushroom kingdom to seek Raven out. This is why he was in the royal library. There was also the fact it was both quiet and 'not on his ship' so therefor it was a nice placeto meditate, which would be nice after his talk with Raven. There was the matter of a small gift she had given him that he wantedto discuss since. Well he wasn't magic.

So picture Ash wearing what amounted to black leggings and a wide elted white tunic both made out of oddball materials Ordis helpfully provided.

His emotions were... snarled and tangled in spite of his best attempts at shoving the whole baundle into the void his mind floats in when focusing on tasks. "Raven?" his voice was soft when he thought he saw the dark haired sorceress.
Raven was going through her books, relaxing and just... reading. Slowly. Carefully going through her books. Flipping through them. Easy enough, honestly. Seh was smart, capable. She knew what she was doing. She knew HOW she was doing it. All she had to do was create a--

"GAHHH!" she yelped, hearing him yell out to her. She jumped and the book disappeared inside her cloak. "Ash? Ash, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" she asked, staring up at him with a... bit... of a guilty look.

What? She had secrets too....
Ash did not in fact yell. He had kept his voice at a perfectly reasonable volume. Granted when one was working with fundimental forces and daemonic energies where absolute concentration was required a whisper may as well be screaming.

He tilted his head this way and that, his eyes focusing on Raven's face or at least where her face should be in her cloak. "Yes and No. I'm fine, someone I met while working... isn't. I am sorry for interrupting." Then a pause as he looked about. The pause grew longer as he waited for something horribe to happen due to his interruption. Assuming no portals, demons, or the like? He would sit down beside raven regardless on the seating arrangement, instead floating a few feet in the air crosslegged. "Ordis had suggested I seek you out because of this, and because I never have thanked you properly for helping me re-learn things." While yes both his blink/dash/whatever one wished to call him seemingly skip the space between two points, as well as other things? It helped im feel more at ease out of his warframe.
Raven nodded. There were no demons, no monsters. No portals to anywhere.... nasty. Just him, and her. She gave a small nod. "I see. Well... that's understandable," she said after a few moments. "There's been quite a bit of... Anyway," she said, nodding firmly.

She seemed flustered enough as she got to her feet. "Well, how can I help? You must require it if you've come all the way out here to see me, correct? What exactly do you require assistance with?"
Raven's flustered state had Ash curious, but instead his eyes closed and he rested his hands on his knees. "To leave out details of who and what. I was on a job. To skip the mission? They... aren't in good shape. Ordis has a manifest of what their support staff needs, but this person." Ash took a deep breath. Raven would feel concern flick across the tight bundle of emotion he's attempting to keep shoved into the background. "As near as Ordis or myself can tell this person is essentially either in a body that is comatose or..." The emotional snarl grew more concerned, a pulse of revulsion spreading then dissipating, "Or they're a brain kept in a life support unit." 

Then after a moment to force his emotions to settle Ash continued, "Either way this person seems to interact with the world through remote bodies and either because chemical imbalances or... whatever metaphysical changes being in the larger universe network they are being overwhelmed by what these remote bodiesget put through since violent profession and they aren't getting anything BUT pain from what i can tell."

He woul then lapse into silence as he focused on keeping his feelings on the matter under control since, if nothing else, he didn't want to smack his friend in the face with the emotional equivilant of a sledgehammer.
Raven blinked and stared. Finally.... she closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." WHAT?! "If her state is THIS severe, having me interact with her... It wouldn't be good. There's a very good chance I'd only worsen her condition. Or even kill it," she said firly. "I can... give you some information on meditation techniques. But someone like that? Who's.... very mind seems to be on the precipt of... that? My presense could do irrepairable damage. So... I'll do what I can, from a distance. But you'll need to take the steps."
Ash nodded slowly, "I had figured as much but..." His head then would droop as he focused on his breathing. "However that was always a faint hope, so I'd come here looking for advice. They're... They're a lot like how I used to be before I woke from the dream." Ash's voice was slow, carefully picking each word as his face turned towards Raven. "If I try to explain to htem the dangers and what their actions are doing to their friends it will be a total shutdown and denial. If I try causingan incident to force them to look at the way thigns are I will get shoved away. I am unsure how to proceed outside of just... being there." WHich felt wholly unsatisfactory. All the technology in hundreds if not thousands or more universes and they couldn't grow a body for her or transfer her mind into something where this ghost could enjoy the simple plesures of life?

It was monumentally unfair.
Raven cocked her head to the side and... "What's... wrong with just being there?" she asked. "Sometimes, a lot of the times, that's all a person needs," she said firmly. "Trust me. I know. Empath," she joked. Well. It was only half a joke. She was, after all, Raven. She walked a bit away, taking a book.

"Sometimes people need to make their own mistakes and figure things out on their own.And the best you can do is stand there and hope to catch them before they fall too hard or too far. If it was that easy to force people to see things your way. Well... You'd be a lot less reckless now," she actually teased.
Ash managed a smile as he listened, "This... this is true." He wobbled in place, his control of the forces keeping him floating shaking for a moment before he took a deep breath to steaddy himself. "There is also the fact, at least if personal clocks track the same across worlds, old earth's solstice is commingsoon." His emotions were far calmer now, settled as he considered the woman in front of him. "Back home this was typically a time of gift giving, celebration with games and contests. Is there anything you would like, or would you even like anything at all?"
Raven blinked a few times. "Winter... christmas? I've ummm... looked into it. Something.... I want. Well... there... is one thing..." she mumbled, before holding out her hand and pulling a small book to her hands. She opened it and... "i... would like to try... a stocking. it seems like such a small, silly thing. And I'd love to study its properties and find out why. I'd also like to meet this Santa."

Oh. Oh my gosh. She was serious. "He sounds like a powerful mage, stronger even than I." ... okay, maybe her belief makes more sense.
Ash tilted his head as he looked the image of the styalized sock over. "Looks kinda like a boot..." THen again maybe Ash didn't have or need socks. At mention of this 'santa' he chuckled softly, "Seems to track with events Ordis keeps observing at roughly this time. Something managing to sneak into the ship and leaving small gifts. Before now neither of us could figure out how whatever it was found us then got past Ordis's security all just to leave a few odds and ends. Now? This... Santa..." He was careful to enunciate the name carefully, "Seems responsible. I would like words with this person myself."
Raven nodded, listening slowly as she got to work. Flipping through pages, going over things and... "If... he's as powerful a wizard as... I suspect. Well... maybe..." There it was, a look of discomfort on her face. "I don't know. Just maybe."

She then closed the book and looked up to him. "Whoever they are, they must be incredible. Very powerful. Immortal. Possibly they can help your other friend, too. Though.... if all they give is items, well... Their power may be incredible, but very narrowly focused. I'll need to discuss it with them.
Ash nods slowly as he hears the hope in Raven's voice alongside fear. "Magic, Belief... This santa is from what Ordis has found born of Marketing on many worlds, shapedfrom a variety of myths into an mage that can be used to sell things." His legs unfolded and he nodded as if approving of the transition from floating to standing. "However there are enough instances that don't conform to the idea of a marketing tool to leave me wondering." A pause as he considered Raven. He held no skepticism, or patronizing in his heart. "Or maybe it was originally a marketing tool, but belief from countless worlds and generations have made him real. I do not know. Magic is a funny thing." Often self-contradictory and changing out of spite for anyone wanting to understand and codify it.
Raven nodded, listening to his words. "Wait... a marketing..." she mumbled, then sighed. "So... possibly doesn't exist at all. Isn't that fun-freaking-tastic..." she muttered. "But..." She pulled up another book. "Them ultiverse is large. And just because it's a myth, doesn't mean it's a myth in all worlds. There are a lot of similiarities between worlds, I've seen. The majority of worlds have... connections, so to speak, with others. Things they do, similar histories, events... As if they're all part of a greater whole. So it's possible this 'santa' is one, as well. After all, he appears in a lot of the mythos of christmas, across many worlds."
Ash nodded slowly, "As I said, around the solstice myself and other Tenno get varying gifts through means not even the Lotus could use since the security feeds are write only she couldn't just delete herself from observation." He wasn't sure how to feel about having accidentilly shot Raven's hope in the chest. "Magic would explain it.
Raven nodded, crossing her arms. "That makes sense. It's only logical that.... some creaturel ike that exists." She then sighed and scratched her head. "... Although. I'm not sure any of the summoning rituals I know will work. they all tend to be more the.... 'bind you to my will' sort or ask a questions. I don't know a lot of friendly summoning rituals."

She then blinked. "I haven't been dabbling and using them! I was just curious!" she added defensively.
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin nods in tune to the music that comes with the cheap walkman she bought in an early 2000s world. Not being able to use the earbuds properl, she has them sort of hanging from her horns which allows her to listen to that most wonderful of 2000s music, Sk8er Boi. It also allows anyone in her vicinity to hear the song in its glorious premium compact casette and cheap player+earbuds glory. They can hear it even before she walks around the corner and comes into vision
Ash blinked at Raven's insistance she hadn't been trying to literally bind Santa to her will and shrugged. "Anyway... Last few weeks I've been flexing a bit. Seeing what I can and can't do." A half smile as he looked about the library and streached hands over head. "Also I've been learning to skateboard. No reason other than it's fun. But it gives me a way to focus and see if I can get any more distance between jumps." He could go into combat applications of even jumping a few meters this way or that in a single hop, but he'd rather focus on the fun bits. 

Then a look to Temulin with raised eyebrow. For a moment he considered making an excuse to leave, but instead sat down somewhere to watch to see what happened. Then a smile at realizing the shirt design wasn't 'random tribal tatoo swirls' and was a face... from a movie that he has memories of, "Oh god that was REAL?!" A grin in spite of himself because how could he NOT have fun makingfun of the three way sword staff space fight when it was all elaborate dance where they aimed at eachother's blades rather than opponent?
Raven blinked a few times. Could she make it any more obvious? What? What does being a boy and being a girl and being around each other have to... Music was weird. She glanced over to Temulin and tenced, just a little bit. "Hello again, Temulin."

She then glanced to Ash. "What... in the world is 'skateboarding'? Is.... it like ice skating? But.... with a board?" Oh gosh. Rgiht. She WASN'T a sporty girl.

Then looked back at Temulin. Was.... Was Temulin okay? Was she ill? Why was she wearing all of... THAT?
Temulin Dotharl
"I thought about picking up a skateboard when I was buying these clothes." Temulin answers Ash with a smirk, the the white-haired Au Ra approaches the two, "It's more than ice skating, your board has wheels and people can do fancy tricks with them. In the world where I got these I saw a girl who managed to slide past a rail, jump off and do a backflip, then land on another rail." Temulin answers Raven and looks between the two, "Am I interrupting anything?"
"Skateboarding," Ash's tone took a slightly lecture-y quality as amusement bubbled to the surface, "Is a bit of an outgrowth of surfing culture as it started as a way for surfers to practice in off seasons or in areas where there was no convenient ocean and..." He paused when Temulin explained her near board purchase and what she saw others do with one. "And it just kinda became it's own thing. That honestly sounds really freaking cool."

He then looked from Temulin to Raven and shrugged, "Talk about how to be supportive to somebody I'd done a little work with who's in a tight spot and the nature of solstice, gift giving, and well... I asked her now i'm asking you." He gestured to Temulin, "Would you like anything for solstice?"
Raven nodded. "I... see." Could she take them back? She bit her tongue, though. She wasn't going to be rude. No matter how.... awful that outfit was. "I'm not sure I understand, though. What is a 'skater' boy? And why is him being a boy and her being a girl make things obvious? WHAT does it make obvious? What in the world is EM-TEE-VEE? that entire song just... feels weird."

She shook her head. "It sounds reckless and dangerous. So I'm honestly surprised you aren't already an expert at it, Ash," she said flatly.
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin finally remembers to switch off the walkman. "I bought these for you." She tells Raven, completely oblovious as to what Raven thinks of them, and then considers Raven's other words and shrugs. "A skater boy is a boy who skates, and the other stuff is... uhh..." It's hard to tell but her skin takes on a slightly redder tone, "I think it means a love thing."

She glances towards Ash and considers his question, "For solstice? Is that anything like Starlight Celebration? Because I've been thinking about gifts for Starlight Celebration for you two."
Ash snorted at Raven's curiosity at his lack of mastery. "It's something that didn't exist back home." Beat, "No wait," His expression grew thoughtful for a moment. "A bunch of kids in diffrent places constantly make kinetic drives that are roughly similar, but I'd never ridden til recently. I rather like it, and it's refreshing to learn something just for it's own sake. Y'know?" No 'i needthis for work' or 'let's see what i can use this for to get around. "Archwing'sfaster. Heck. I'LL probably be faster in time. I just wanted to learn."

"And," He looked to Temulin, "THe times roughly line up so I'd consider it all variations on the winter solstice gift giving thing a lot of cultures seem to have so yea. Anything take your fancy?"
Raven blinked a few times. "You... bought.... these for..." She looked her up and down in in bewilderment. "The.... musical device?" she asked. She didn't mean the clothes off her back, did she? Wait. That'd mean Temulin would have to STRIP right here and....

Raven's cheeks got red. "Is it this.... popular? Should I start acquiring gifts for my friends?" She mumbled. "Perhaps gems from the meteor of... or maybe if I handed to that land of the... There's always cores from the star of...." she mumbled under her breath as she began to pace, plotting.
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin blinks as Raven gets red cheeks and immediately shakes her head. "No, I mean. So I'd have something to wear that you'd be more comfortable seeing me in." She clarifies, quickly. "This thing I just got because it's neat. I've never seen an orchestrion this little." She then considers Ash's question. "Uh. ... Some more rolls ... I think they called the compact casette tapes, for this miniature orchestrion would be nice."
"I'm not entirely sure what's good or not but I'll see what i can scare up." Casset was an intesting format, obsolete in many worlds, cutting edge in others. He lounged, sitting down and looking from one girl to the other. "So tell me." A grin spread across his face, "Either of you been in a snowball fight?"
Raven blinked a few times. And then managed to turn even redder. "Your... previous outfit wasn't... bad..." What?! She could think people were cute! It was allowed! Stop judging her!

And then Ash said that and she hmphed. "Of course not. Until I went to Hyrule, I'd never even seen snow. Though... I... suppose a snowball fight might be an... interesting experience. For learning purposes only, of course."
Temulin Dotharl
"I haven't. We don't get much snow back home, and I've never been to Ishgard." Temulin answers Ash and then with a wicked smile adds, "But I don't think you know what you're asking for." She glances towards Raven. "I thought it made you uncomfortable. I can change back into it if you prefer."
Ash left clothing discussion t othe two girls. However he coudln't help, "Helps to have more outfits even if you travel light. I mean i tend to stick with the basic legging and tunic look, but it helps to have somethign stashed away for occasions." He grinned to Temulin, "You should see lunaro. Think Lacross from most worlds played by warframes. It gets... Intense. So yea i know"
Raven shook her head. "Please, wear as little-- or as much! as you like. It's not my decision to decide what you can and can't wear. And.... please don't allow my feelings to affect your desires..." she mumbled.

She then glanced to Ash. "Why would you require more outfits?" Wait. Had he EVER seen her in ANYTHING other than this outfit?

"... What is lacross?" she asked. She looked a little disappointed. "So... not... snow ball fight, then?" Well he asked! and then just... stopped!
Temulin Dotharl
"Oh, okay." Temulin answers Raven and reaches for the hem of her shirt pulling just until she gets past her belly button and then stops, glancing towards Ash. "Well, I guess boys are watching. Maybe not now." Her tone is one that's clearly teasing, and she considers Ash's latter statement, "What's Lacross?" She echoes Raven.
Ash looked from one to the other then gave a long overly theatrical sigh of disappointment. "I was hoping since Lacross was more common it would be something either of you knew. Point is Temulin very fast paced sport that theoretically shouldn't have any contact, but tends to have a lot of body checks, leg trips, and is very hectic."

Yes he was totally not blushing at all NOOOOPE nopenope noooope! He was in fact about as red as a tomato at Temulin's bit of tease. "ANYAY. Snowball fight! Take snow, pack it into a loose ball in your hands. Throw." He then too k a deep breath and added. "Last one i got involved in was a bit.... elaborate because someone brought a vauban because we were playing in a mountain pass and we needed vauban's bounce-pads to get from place to place. We had forts built and everything. It was fun."
Raven glanced to Temulin and found her cheeks getting redder. What? She was still a teenager! There wee a LOT of hormones there! Some of which were springing up and going 'Wow, she's cute'. She tried to stifle it down, but that rosy red in her cheeks wasn't going down anytime now. "Err... You shouldn't... strip in the library."

She cocked her head to the side. "I.... do not understand all of that. It does, however, sound.... fun."
Temulin Dotharl
Temulin glare at Ash's sigh of disappointment, "I'm not from an earth-esque world. Lots of things you think are common is unheard of on my world." She then pauses and asks, "Do either of you play trading card games? I've not got a lot of cards, but enough to have some decent decks so we could play." She pulls out a box containing a stack of square cards.