World Tree MUSH

Friends, Coworkers, Enemies, and a Space Station.

Character Pose
Jius frowned at this city. It was on Earth, not his or even the Earth that his ship was near a standard week ago. It was an Earth with hover vehicles and cities high enoughthat you had interesting social stratifications dependant on altitude and all the fun inequeties that resulted from not having to look people less well off in the eye. This was a state of being he understood quite well.

As he double checked the address he frowned as the transport took him lower, closer to the surface, and away from the comforting sights of wealth and prosparity. He shook his head at the place this meeting was to take place in. While he recognized the subtle signs of care and class the owners invested in this 'Lone Digger' made him frown. It wasn't even the large animal featured bouncer at the tall iron gates leading ot the place itself?

Kela T'lok was less annoyedat this place of business and mroe confused. She, like Jius arrived with the intent on formalizing the cease fire between her crew and the Corpus salvage ship's crew. Her eyes slid across the anthro-dancers, the literal bovine bartender, and the garish lights. Her nostrals flared as she was told to go towards the back.

Ash was sitting there with his warframe positioned at the back of the room arms crossed and devoid of any weapons asAsh himself sat at the head of a glass topped conferencetable large enough for a dozen or so persons. He had a vaguely pleasant look on his face as he saw both opposing parties enter. "Welcome. Please, sit. We have privacy here."

Both Jius and Kela's eyes would narrow but would seat themselves as they kept silent. SOmething felt strange. OK. Stranger than everything else that had happened.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Despite being an 'animal man' himself, Wolf O'Donnell also finds that he's somewhat of a stranger, for as similar in 'design' as those found around may be there is still something, something, that is just a little bit off. Wolf is an alien to these people. They may come from the same galaxy, despite being different Worlds, but something about it is just different enough for the aging wolf to feel like he sticks out even more than were he amongst humankind. 

     Wolf is dressed in his typical fare, exactly as he was on the day he met Jius and Kela with their boarding trick. His vest is unfastened and his walking posture speaks of casualness despite the serious circumstances and the nature of the meeting. His slow approach, with a glass of something to drink in one hand (while two fingers of that same hand cradles a thin cigar), brings him closer to the area where the others are situated. Ever busy, he stationed a number of his own men and fighters in perimeter to the space station in question to help maintain proper quarantine -- his threats to eliminate those that might compromise the security of that quarantine to cause a spread of the biohazard on the orbital platform hold as true now as they did when he ordered it.

     The drinking glass is brought to his face for a sip. Wolf placed one of his men in charge of the operations in his stead in his travels away from this World. Ever busy, things need doing, and it gave him a chance to contact some individuals that might be able to help with the more volatile nature of the talks needed. As such, Wolf does not come alone. He is accompanied by the one in charge of the quarantine, Leon Powalski, and is responsible for the appearance of at least one other...
Krystal arrives promptly, and since she doesn't really know the sort of place this meeting was being held, or what to expect of these people she was expected to mediate peace between, she comes dressed to impress. The tall azure vixen strolls in quietly after Jius and Kela, wearing a midnight blue evening gown that hugs her figure as it flows from it's strapless top down to the floor, with a slit down the back for her tail to poke through. There are a few silver rings tucking down the fur of her tail, allowing just the last foot or so to poof out, and she tops it off with a matching pair of silver teardrop earrings and a necklace with a sapphire pendant. 

Moving through the room with purpose, she wastes no time getting to the table where Ash is waiting, greeting him and his guests with a nod. As Wolf and Leon arrive, they also get a glance and a nod before she returns her attention to Ash and his guests. "Well, I guess we're all here now. I hope all are well." She offers warmly, a smile forming on her muzzle for a moment as she takes a seat herself.
Ash kept his thoughts of Leon to himself. As is he respected the man's skillset and track record. It was just the personality attached to this that he disliked. Instead he looked first from one ship's captain to the other and tapped at a datapad that was in front of him. "reports from both your crews and Wolf's own men have shown that the Infestation has not," he squinted as he eyed the datapad, "As of five minutes ago, tried breeching the station exterrior or attempted to expand past the research level."

Kela frowned but said nothing as Jius looked Ash over critically. This was a Tenno, a Betrayer, the Void Demons of legend and propagada. he could have been Jius's own grandson for all the years he showed.

Then Jius looked to Krystal and arched an eyebrow. Unlike the dancers in the main area of the bar her movements were natural rather than forced, her smile either very gennuine or her inhuman features made it difficult to tell f said smile was genuinely friendly or predatory..

Kela's gaze similarly moved to Krystal. "With the outbreak, at least for now, contained. I suppose you lot want... what? To try talking me out of my claim?"

Krystal would have felt a tightening bundle of annoyance from Jius, distrust, weariness, and burried deep down, the faint flickers of admiration. Then he spoke. "Perhaps they wish instead to discuss a division of useful resources, yes?" He looked first from Fox to Wolf to Grineer, then frowned. Even he was a cyborg. Not a single unaugmented human in the room. "Or to discuss the fact both fo our ships are far from our respective peoples."

Kela nodded. Her own emotions were a more solid wall of determination with only faint traces of grudging admiration threading through. "So," She looked to Wolf as he seemed to hold most of the obvious power in the room. Those were his ships out there after all. "What are our options?" She had a feeling Sargus Ruk would hate anything she did in this position, but her priority was her men. Later could worry about itself in due time.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf and his personal friend wander in closer to where the others are seated, but neither of them make a move to sit, as well. "Hope you don't mind if I stand for the time being," asks O'Donnell in his weathered voice. "I just need a chance to stretch my legs." In so doing, while his intentions may or may not be fully genuine, this does place Wolf in a bit of separation from those gathered in this act alone. That's...probably not unintentional. His bodily build as much as his height makes the lack of sitting rather notable. 

     Time is spent listening to the report given and the discussion that follows. With a sniff of the air, Wolf decides to use the focus on him to help make the situation a little easier, perhaps, in the long run. These people, Jius and Kela, don't know him. They don't know his reputation. They only know that he seems to command an army and has access to hiring on mercenaries...if those that made an appearance on the station are any indication. "First thing's first: as much as I agree that we need to jump into business with both feet and get this sorted out so we can focus our efforts and resources on the more dangerous matters at hand, our last meeting was rather awkward for all of us and it didn't end all that well, either."

     The space biker clears his throat before taking another sip of the drink in his hand. It's not that he's being rude in deliberately forcing a moment longer in this act. He's simply trying to set a pace, at least on his own behalf. "I think it would benefit each of us if we spent just a moment going around our little circle here and take the moment to introduce ourselves. Fully, as you feel appropriate. We're here to talk business and it's important that each of us has a chance to make sure that everybody else fully understands the people we all represent and our specific purpose for being here. I can begin."

     "I'm Wolf O'Donnell, leader of the interdimensional organization Star Wolf. Think of us as heavy lifters, especially in concerns of interplanetary space." Wolf DID make a point previously of representing THIS WORLD as being HIS WORLD, or at least being responsible for the space around it, after all. An arm extends to slide around the chameleon's shoulders for a slight squeeze. "This is my friend and associate Leon Powalski. He specializes in the movement of goods and the brokering of services and has been in charge of maintaining the quarantine of the station." Leon smiles, but he says nothing.
As the conversation moves beyond introductions, Krystal goes to work, probing the minds of Jius and Kela. She was gentle, so most without psychic powers of their own wouldn't notice what she was doing, and she wouldn't delve deeply into anything not relevant to the task of coming to a mutual agreement between all parties here. Though even on the surface, this didn't seem to be what she would consider a difficult situation to mediate. As Wolf offers the idea of each of them introducing themselves, she nods, agreeing it's a good idea in the interest of understanding each other and building a little rapport between everyone present. After Wolf has finished introducing himself and Leon, she goes next. 

"I am Krystal Alysia. Wolf and I actually come from different parallel versions of the same universe. However, I can definitely relate to being displaced from one's home, as my home planet was destroyed some years ago, so I lost my home before I, like you got mixed up with this branching network of different worlds. But since then I have made many friends and allies, and life goes on."
Jius's smile grew more genuine as Wolf talked. Mercenaries and smugglers. This was a trade he undrstood well, along with Wolf's subtle-as-a-fomorian silken glove covering the iron hand negociation tactic at play. He rather liked this man's approach. After a momentary glance to Kela to make sure she wasn't going to go first he started to speak, "I am Jius R Sheld." His weathered face could have belonged to someone's grandfather, or simply to someone who's spent a lot of time in hard living. Yet the skull cap hiding his hair and the clothes it attached to looked well pressed and clean as he reached for the tumblr by his datapad, "I run a minor salvage outfit beyond what is generally agreed to be outside of the Grineer's stable sphere of influince." Then a rueful smile as he glanced Kela's way, "Though I have been known in my younger days to... aqquire things that are in demand." 

A sip of the amber liquid in his tumbler, "As for my crew? Debtors, lawbreakers, and others who have had the misfortune of winding up in a variety of debt internment camps through Corpus held territories. I give them work, fair wages, and... Well the chance at cracking open a Tenno dojo was too great an opprotunity to pass up." A mirthless chuckle as hisweathered grye eys looked to Wolf before he glanced over to Kela before saluting her with his glass.

Kela, on the other hand, gestured to the warframe standing at the back of the room, "So tel me why that is here." There was surprisingly little hostile emotio in spite of the bluntness of her words. "I take it the child sitting there," A gesture towards Ash, "Is the Teno that uses that thing so... why? To what purpose?"

Ash smiled to Kela, "Give the girl ten points," His tone was light as were his emotions. If anything he was gladsomeone had bothered to point out the rather obvious issue in the room. "I figure with it in plain view with not a weapon in reach," Nevermind the fact the warframe ITSELF is a weapon, "and myself very blatantly disconnected from it, you will feel more comfortable." A pause as he took a drink from a white porciline teacup, "By the way I'm Ash and I've spent a considerable amount of gathered money and resources to retain Star Wolf's resources." Krystal might feel his emotions getting pushed to the back as he considered his next set of words. "When I came to this wider treeof worlds I was violent, blunt, standoffish. However I was given an opprotunity to grow past that, so I feel the two of you deserve that same chance. Asfar as I can tell there is no way back. So making nice and making do with what is here is perhaps in all our best interests."

Then he settled back in his chair, embarassment flushing through his mind, "Sorry I..." he lookeddown, "I had this big... Thing in my head on how this was supposed to go. Kela, I think it was your turn?"

The grineer woman gave a single nod, "I am Kela T'lok, salvage operations commander in 'exploritory regions,'" Or as she bitterly mentally corected herself, the middle of muckin nowhere away from everything that might resemble a promotion to a more active role in operations. She would shove bitter accusations and recriminations that her loyalty was being repaid this way because of Cresa Tal's betrayal. Instead, "Right nowI just know me and my men are far from home and supplies... and it's my job to keep them alive til that changes."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "As a matter of fact, I actually know the Krystal from my own little version of reality, just so you understand how complicated things can get and how important it is to work with what you have and those you know to better understand and cut through the potential difficulties with business throughout these multiple 'Worlds'," adds Wolf as Krystal explains her origin compared to Wolf's. "Just so you are all aware, yes, I know Krystal. No, she is not a member of Star Wolf. She is here as a neutral party as she has absolutely no interest in the resources and salvage at stake." Whether or not that is entirely true is beside the point. 

     "Mister Sheld," he leads, "Unless you don't mind just Jius, that is. Sounds like you're a businessman at heart with a shrewd eye for the net worth returned from investments made. Such skills will undoubtedly allow you a measure of independence supporting you and your people in the situation now of which you and they find themselves."

     That arm pulls from Leon finally after Leon whispers something, Wolf nods, and Leon wanders off. He's not entirely needed for the talks at hand, although his introduction as the one responsible for maintaining the quarantine (not to mention the 'subtle' introduction of such services) was of relative importance. Leon wanders to find a drink of his own, perhaps play some billiards, while generally keeping an eye to make sure the group are not disturbed.

     "Ms. T'lok," adds Wolf, although he does not assume a casual use of her 'first name' and does not question it, as a judgment of her character, "You, on the other hand, sound as if you're a leader of your people with a mind for safety and well-being despite the unknown element you travel looking for opportunity. In that, I feel the exact same way about my own men and that respect is precisely why -- when we met the other day -- my men tried to avoid as many casualties as possible." Wolf's group only targeted the drones actively, after all. "That caution will be of great use to you and your people now that you are, sadly, separated from your home. This is the ultimate unknown element for you."
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf gestures with his hand holding both his drink and smoke around the table at those present. "We need to come to terms with what we have, the positions we are placed in, understand the resources between us, and reach some common ground. I have ideas, but before I say anything more...I need you two in particular to understand one thing above all: As far as I've seen, I've never met either of your people before. You now hold the responsibilities each of representing the best your people can be. Not only a matter of your strength, but of your capacity to work with others. That's precisely why we're here like this. So, on behalf of the many alien Worlds you'll no doubt encounter, welcome to the World Tree. If information has not been provided to you yet, it will be provided after our discussion." 

     Wolf nods to Krystal, then to Ash, and then takes a step back where he can smoke his cigar at a comfortable yet conversational distance.
Krystal quietly listens as Wolf speaks to these two representatives, doing the job of laying out the situation they and their people find themselves in, and what he surmises are their best interests. She wasn't surprised by his handle on the negotiating, expecting that a leader of a group of assorted and often less than lawful mercenaries would require expert mediation skills to avoid an inevitable mutiny within his organization. Still, she appreciated him doing much of the work for her. Now, despite the fact that she by this point already has more than just a hunch about what she is about to ask, in order to keep the fact that she's been digging through their thoughts, she openly asks. "Now that Wolf has so thoroughly explained the situation and suggested what is in your best interests for peaceful interaction with us and other peoples among the many connected worlds, how do you respond, and what, if anything, do you request of us?"
"Under the current situation" Jius gave Wolf an appraising look as he weighed the unknowns in the room as well as the one exiting. "Jius will serve better than any formalities." THe Corpus salvage-captain toook a deep breath as he considered Krystal's question as well as the flattery Wolf has lain out. "There is an old Earth saying that I find applies to this situation. Fortune favors the Bold. I could have my crew hide away at some planet somewhere until some work drifts by our way, repurposing our equipment to mine out a comet or other lonely rock to survive off of," His tone as well as his emotions betrayed how unappealing that idea was. "However as recent events have proven, Commander T'lok is not an unreasonable person to deal with when presented with a mutual problem to overcome." 

He then looked to Kela and gave a tired smile, "Forgive me if I seem presumptive commander but I suppose I should be the one to ask." He then looked past Wolf and Krystal to Ash, "As you have doubtlessly invested much in the safe aqquisition of the station the Comander and Myself had been fighting over in addition to taking a gamble on being able to bring us both to the negoiation table. What are your plans 'after' this is all done? Judging from the lack of other warframes you are the only Tenno in this area and a Clan of One isa rather sorry thing indeed."

"And Ten Points to Jius here for asking perhaps the most important question," Ash managed to mostly keep the excitement out of his voice, but Krystal would likely feel how excited that someone had bothered to ask what he would risk literally every liquid asset he had on this for. "To be blunt? I'd been trailing you for the past few Months off and on and noticed a regularity to the transit periods from one world to the next. Given how difficult and rare inter-world communication is beyond simple message unners I figure a place of commerce would be good. Something maybe not on the level of the great markets of worlds meldd and meshed together, but an outpost that travels the branches and buds of this tree of worlds both as place of commerce and communication. IT's got plenty of room, and you," He inclines a hand towards Jius, "have people that areat least passingly familair with Tenno systems, while You," A hand inclined to Kela, "Are a woman of formitable charicter with determination to see a mission through. Given we three are all orphaned children of the Orokin empire it feels fitting that the Grineer return to being builders and the Corpus turn from war to work at honest trade."

The two commanders looked first to Ash then to Eachother then to WOlf before Kela spoke, "Did he tell you of his end-goal? Because while it is an idealistic goal, a station like this will be hard to defend given the ear non-existant armaments," She then bit back a statement before adding, "Assuming we can get the place cleared out and Jius's people can reconfigure it how you there," She looked towards Ash, "Want."

Which caused Ash to smile. "This is true, but none of our hands are clean so think of how nice a change of pace it will b to actually Make something. I know i"m excited."
Wolf O'Donnell
     It's true that Wolf O'Donnell mentioned having ideas of finding common ground, but he's said enough. He knows he can be a rather imposing figure and often uses it to his advantage; it makes for an easier time of strong-arming other parties. However, if plays his hand too strong, other card players may fold and that would be the opposite of constructive given the circumstances. No, instead he says little more yet so that the diplomatic specialist can have her chance to really shine. The three wanting a stake in the salvage are all seated with her. Wolf uses his visible separation in his standing back (while visibly relaxed and enjoying his smoking and drinking) as a means to show this separation, even though he is interested in participating and is available to provide information or thought as requested. 

     "Honestly, this guy has been around the Tree for a while. I think seeing familiar faces is a bit of a comfort." Reflect on that. Yes, O'Donnell was asked if he knows anything about end-game plans on Ash's behalf, but Wolf doesn't answer. If he plans on answering, it'll have to wait until he's done with his next lungful of which time the conversation will have moved on, no doubt. The talk of security is important; you need to be able to cover your assets, but that means nothing if you don't have shared assets to cover. There are bigger more mutual threats that need discussing before station security can be handled.
Krystal continues to listen, and now it seems that Wolf is letting her take center stage here now that he's said his piece, at least for the moment, so she takes a moment to consider each party. "From my understanding there is still a biological threat that needs to be taken care of before it becomes a bigger problem, and certainly before anything else can be done with the station. Can we count on you and your peoples to work together and with us to eradicate this threat? Then, once that is taken care of, I'm sure there are things on this station that you both want. Is setting up the station as a base of inter-world commerce acceptable? If not, is there anything that can be done to make it so?"
Kela frowned and Jius shrugged before tossing his two credits in, "I mean we do have a variety of official and unofficial protocol on joint ventures when dealing with the infestation." He didn't verbally acknowledge often those were abused on both sides to hobble enemy ships, or as excuse for confiscating an entire shipment of goods here andthere. However both of the major factions acknowledged that they couldn't afford to directly fight while they were in the middle of this sort of problem. "THere can be a formal accord drawn up in simple plain language that leaves little wiggle room for abuse by any involved party."

Kela gave a nod, "I know in general what Jius's men are able to handle, when they'll break, and they have seen the strength my men can bring forward. I can work on plans of action contengent on any outside aid that can be brought in." SHe then lookedto Wolf, her face impassive and carefully neutral. "What i need most from your men is to keep anyone else from nosing in. All it takes is one piece of skum in on a lark or dare bringing back viable spores intentional or otherwise." She then looked to Ash. "ANd you, I can provide you a fire team if you're willing to go in to see what the heart of this thing looks like, if it's grown something like a centralized mind or if we're still at a sub-critical mass."

To thisAsh nodded before looking to Jius, "II'll see what help I can scare up but it looks like at least for now the two of you are willing to formalize playing nice." A pause before glancing to Wolf,"Plus Wolf here does have the right of it. I've been out here for almost a year away from everything familiar. I've worked with both your people before so kinda the nice kind of homey feeling right now."

Then Jius looked to Krystal and smiled, "Ma'am. My people worship Profit as a matter of faith and how one should conduct ones self. Some doprevert this concept away from self improvement to justify enslavement and worse... but turning this structure into a place of business and trade where my people will have continued employ as custodians and prospectors of new business opprotunities is agreeable."

T'lok shook her head, "Doesn't exactly fly as well with me as Jiusthere, but at this point 'any chanceat aking it through is better than none at all." Can't promise we'll stay on, but we'll keep on at least til a way back opens up or something better comes along.... with advance notice so you can plan around if that happens."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Hey, believe me," Wolf explains with a flick of his cigar andjustknocksashesontothefloor(!). "What I said before goes: anybody tries leaving the quarantine area without being cleared as clean and they're going to get the business end of my boys' cannons. Total incineration." Maybe Ash can understand, then, why Wolf put Leon of all people in charge of something that requires no compromise. "If we get other mercenaries willing to help clean, they'll be beholden to the exact same set of rules, even if I have to put them down myself. I have experience with similar beings that nearly destroyed an entire star system only two years ago. I refuse to take chances." Wolf -did- have some mental recovery to undergo after the narrow escape from the station. It was not a secret. 

     "Anyway, I'll be right back," mentions O'Donnell with smoke escaping his mouth and nostrils as he lifts the glass holding his drink. Only, rather, it seems there are no more contents within save for a light coating of bourbon around the inside. He wanders off to casually locate Powalski's position at the serving bar tended by the bovine person behind it amidst the other people present. Expected, Leon already has a drink ready for his captain and holds it out without so much as even turning his head.

     Accepting the new drink and placing his empty glass upon the bar top, Wolf turns to rest his back against the counter and points with the freshly-poured whiskey toward the dancers with a chuckle. He comments on the female entertainment, Leon gives a rather curt and predictable reply, Wolf counters this with a half-smile and something witty, of which Leon, without missing a beat, fires back deadpan with the mouthed words including the word 'Fox'. The lupine rolls his eye with a disgusted expression and walks off back toward where the talks are held between Ash and Krystal and Jius and T'lok only muttering one word while Leon grins eyeball to eyeball.

Krystal doesn't manage to overhear any more of the words exchanged between Leon and Wolf than anyone else over the noise of the bar, but it didn't take a mind reader to gather that whatever it was Leon said, it wasn't nice. The vixen can't help but grin slightly, though she quickly hides it as soon as Wolf comes within view, putting her serious expression back on. Wolf may have some of the best mercenaries in the galaxy working for him, but that doesn't mean they have to like him, so it seems. "So then, it's agreed that for now, we'll work together to cleanse this station. After that, Ash or Wolf can correct me if I'm speaking out of turn, but once that's done, if Ms T'lok and her people wish to split off to settle into the World Tree's network, as long as you're not starting wars with the locals, I don't see a problem with that."
Ash looked from Jius to T'lok and nodded. "This is agreeable to me. I mean... after this is over I'm going to try finding a better custodial setup for the sttion so your help will be nice, but if you wish to explore and find a life of yur own?" He streached, working his left shoulder, "Just forward me directions if you finda way back home... assuming we're from the same place." He gestured to Wolf then Krystal. "But yea lal that's the future. We have at least a working division of labor and an understanding on what will happen after the crisis ends. I would call this a successful meeting."

Then a gesture at the club in general, "If anyone else has anything, the floor is yours. Otherwise feel free to order drinks, or food if they have any." It wasn't great but it beat out the protine slurry most grineer grunts chugged down.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Whatever souring thing was said to Wolf all but washes away by the time he returns and catches the whole 'speak up if you want' part. "I've two things to say." So here is where he speaks his ideas, is it? "First of all, since this station apparently has a rather predictable pattern in wandering, you're not only opening up opportunities for, say, seems most viable. You're also going to present yourselves with frequent contact with other creatures and beings, have a chance to not only learn more about their ways, their thoughts, their customs and histories, but have a chance to expose others to your own. You're going to have to think outside the box to see how this could greatly benefit you and your peoples down the road, but it's understandable that you may need time to adjust. I'm sure, given the circumstances, that anybody stepping out to make their own way after all is said and done and salvage is split amongst those involved as agreed beforehand would be more than welcome to return later if they wish." 

     That much is probably obvious, but it had to be said, just in case nobody else wants to say it. Wolf sips his whiskey and exhales sharply afterward. It's bold and very smoky, yet, for all of its smokiness it at least doesn't taste like liquid charcoal. "Secondly, if any of your peoples want to split from -you- and it is acceptable, I'd be willing to hire them on for work catering to their individual skill sets. If any of your people want to do this but have outstanding debts preventing them from doing so..." adds O'Donnell, although it only really applies to Jius and his people, "...understand that, as a businessman, I'm sure we could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."

     "Also, yeah, if the station needs security, I can likely help with that in the short term, too. That's...that's a given, right?" Wolf shrugs. That's all. If Krystal has anything else to suggest or ask or add, Wolf won't interrupt.