World Tree MUSH

Talking after the fact

Character Pose
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    The previous evening was fairly non-chalant, albeit hurried. An attempt at separating several large hunks of Behemoth meat from the fallen beast that tried in vain to fight the Weapons Keeper, getting the hell out of the area once everything was picked up before it got too dark and getting back towards the Longwythe Rest Area. As Rou-ri had mentioned, rooms were reserved ahead of time for them at the motel and while they weren't fancy by any means, they were at least clean, warm and comfortable. ...well, as comfortable as cheap beds can be. Rewards were figured out once back, and offered straight from the source of the mission, the Pandaren himself. A small bag of gold coins for everyone. Albeit in a currency they might not be able to use, gold was gold, right? Plus a mention that there would be steaks to be cooked or given as they liked from the Behemoth leg should they want any.

    The night came and went, though, and even the next morning into mid day. By the time the sun was high up and shining, Rou-ri had just came back from a small hunt in the morning to get some local currency here. He'd already started to work with the local hunters, a habit of his that just wasn't going away anytime soon. Just clearing away some local pest animals, wolves and the likes. But he was good at it, and it did mean he had some gil. So as he came back to the rest stop, his first place he planned to visit? The diner. The 7'8" Pandaren who was still armored from nose to toes made his way towards the Diner, likely getting a few curious looks considering... well, everyone else was human, or appeared to be. But despite the armoring he was hardly a walking wall of iron, it was really more utility than not. Sure, there was plate, but also mail, leather and even some cloth beneath it all. Tool belt and all that, he more just looked like a veteran warrior than a tank.
    Sometimes, a cheap bed is the most comfortable thing in the world. Sure, they may say Behemoth steak is amazing, too, but it's not something Rydia of Mist gets to enjoy the night of their victory over the Weapon Keeper. Not after passing out as she did, like that.
    It wasn't until morning of the next day that she began to stir. And by midday, the green-haired girl was finally awake and definitely cranky. And hungry, too.
    That's why she was so adamant on getting out of bed, really, even if it meant battling Terra the whole way. Even if she looked like she should be spending another day or three without moving.
    Pale. Bags under sunken eyes, the child looks more akin to the walking dead, wrapped up in a blanket in her seat at the diner.
    She is absolutely tearing into her Behemoth steak now.
Terra Branford
    The day after all the excitement, Terra has almost certainly went without a night of sleep ensuring Rydia didn't want for anything while she was out. It was her time to shine, fussing and coddling and doing everything that would have almost certainly wound poor Rydia up into a ball of tightly coiled annoyance. No personal space spared!

    And while yes, Terra did at first resist the advance from bed of the miniature juggernaut, she only manages in the end to convince the small spellcaster to take a blanket to wherever they're serving food. Ah, the creature's being served as food?

    At least it wasn't a total waste?

    The half-Esper does her best not to hover, instead sitting near Rydia while she picks at a much more modest serving of food. She looks up at the massive fellow from the day before arrives and of course she doesn't say anything, though even without sleep she doesn't look half as haggard as poor Rydia. She barely did anything anyway, so why should she? She dips her head in greeting, not quite a nod but about all she's bold enough to manage just yet. Rydia's eating is also somewhat of a distraction.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Terra received a friendly enough wave from Rou-ri as he walked up to the counter and asked curiously if any of the Behemoth was free to be cooked. The fellow behind the counter nodded, at which point the Pandaren proceeded to order one of the steaks, as well as an order of Kenny's Salmon. It was much more filling than the fries were, and fish - even poorly-cooked fish, tasted alright. Finally, though, he turned and made his way over towards the tables only to realize Rydia was there too - wrapped up and looking rather amusing with the blanket and expression as she ate. "With an appetite like that, you would fairly impress others of my kind. We Pandaren are known for our love of food among other things." Which might seem ironic coming from someone who looks like they were very much in shape.
    Rou-ri didn't quite pull up a chair, however. The chairs here were cheap and he wasn't light-weight, especially in his armor. So he pulled out the wedge of metal from his toolbelt and opened the disc, letting it form a cloud for him to sit on casually as he looked the two over and then back towards Terra. "I do not believe I ever heard either of your names, care to share such?"
    It's... An appetite yes. Having used up so much of her energy the day before, her body is just demanding she eat, and eat a lot. So here she is, carving into one of the hugest hunks of steak that had been in the kitchen, and tearing into it in a way that might make that big Wolfos scared.
    There are several grunts at Terra- it's a whole language by this point, with each of Rydia's grumbles and exhausted growls having a meaning of their own. And needless to say the girl is not too keen on the half-esper being so into her personal space.
    "Ruh..." The seven-year-old gives Rou-ri as her initial reply. Before she swallows the hunk of seared meat in her craw, patting her own chest in the endeavor before wrapping herself more tightly into the bundle of her her blanket.
    "Doing that takes a lot out of me. You won't believe how bad the hunger is when I wake up." Explained as she's already shovelling another chunk of steak into her face.
    "Rhdya ov Mshht."
    Wait for it. Give her a second. There's the gulp.
    "Sorry. Rydia Of Mist."
Terra Branford
    Terra does her best not to stare too hard at anyone. Goodness knows she sometimes gets lost in the tangle of her own mind and does wind up staring at certain points of space that also happen to be occupied at people... sometimes she even just stares /at/ people. Still! She's doing her best to mind herself, though she is also doing a fair job of minding Rydia as well.

    She doesn't reach over and interfere in any way with Rydia's intake of food, though she does nod and make small sounds of her own in acknowledgement of the grunts and growls. Yes, don't touch. No, you should eat a little slower. That kind of thing!

    While picking at her own food, she realizes that Rou-ri is approaching once again. She fidgets in her seat, glancing from the large pandaren and all of his encumbering equipment to one of the very unsuitable chairs. Oh my-

    Of course, the fellow is clever enough not to destroy the furniture and instead produces that magical floating disk. Oh. Rydia attempting to speak around a bite of steak earns the girl a worried look but it appears there's no cause for concern just yet.

    "Terra," she answers, once more dipping her head before setting down her fork. "Sorry, I would have remained to help but-" Well, Rydia needed spiriting away from the field! She'll rely on that excuse even if she won't say it.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "Terra, Rydia of Mist."
    He offered no attempt to rephrase Rydia's name into something else, like 'of the mist' even though his mind started to say that. Who was he to argue what someone called themselves? "So, since I did not get the chance yesterday..." The cloud moved closer to the table slightly and he leaned against the edge, reaching down shortly before doing such to pull out a couple of sacks and plop them onto the table. From the sound of it, coin. If one looked, gold coin. Coins. A decent payment by Azerothian standards, though it might be hard to translate it to other worlds. "This was to be your payment for helping with the hunt. Though if you prefer this worlds currency and feel like waiting a couple of days, I am earning some now while I am here."
    As close as he was, if they at all paid any attention to his state of dress and even his tidyiness the day before, they'd notice that despite being armored up... he actually looked incredibly clean. Recently washed, likely that morning, coat and hair combed out, a pleasant cherry and ground coffee scent coming from him(specifically the oil he used) and in general, probably a bit more polished than most would assume a massive male who wielded giant weapons to be. "Thank you for using the power when you did, to summon that being. If you had not, it is possible the beast would have gotten off its' attack and caused problems. But with you doing that, and you using a bow... I cannot quite figure out where your training lays. I had hoped to reward you further as thanks, but what, might I ask, would you like - Rydia of Mist?"
    In fairness, with no actual surnam and Mist being her hometown, it's as good an introduction to give as anything else for the girl. ... The girl who is now very intently watching the cloud that the Pandaren is settled on. The sight of it makes the very out of place mist that lingers around her swirl slowly in response; as though alive and curious. 
    But then the sacks of coins land heavily on the table.
    "It's fine. They use Gil where Terra and I are from, but gold will probably be better in the long run." Gold is gold after all, and is more universal.
    She spends a moment now, looking up from her half-finished steak-- and she is by no means done there, but she's paused eating for the moment-- to regard the Pandaren and the sights and scents associated with him. ... And that oil is only making her hungrier. That's enough of a pause eating, then as she hacks off another piece of meat.
    "It just sort of... Happens. Whenever I feel the need to call for help. Sometimes they come, sometimes they don't. We got lucky Titan was listening, I guess." But... A further reward?
    The girl purses her lips in thought for a moment. "That's a tough question to answer right now. But I don't think I'd say no to someone owing me a favor, at the very least."
Terra Branford
    Terra can't really offer much more. A surname that doesn't mean anything to her? No need, really. She sits quietly, watching what she assumes to be currency being offered to both herself and Rydia. "Right." She frets just a bit, having rushed off without even accepting payment as agreed upon for their participation. At least she wasn't scolded on that note!

    Terra might have taken notice of how the pandaren looks but she's no judge. She's not exactly dressed for fighing herself. Yet, she's been making it work. Her sashes, scarved and gilt clothing just doesn't lend itself to the rugged way she's been living lately. Yet... Here she is

    The smells evoke, unfortunately, not much more from her than a slight headtilt. Coffee. She should probably avoid that.

    "I'm glad that it did end that, at least." Some pause and she adjusts the fork resting on her plate. "You retreived your things from the beast, then?" She'll let the matter of additional payment stay between the concerned parties. She certainly isn't savvy enough to bargain, especially with the shrewd little summoner doing more than holding her own in that little dealing.
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "Well, this time they came, so if you can - thank them for me at some point?" Rou-ri responded rather casually to Rydia, before looking towards Terra for a moment nad nodding. "Everything, yes. Nothing was damaged, luckily. And the weapons I was most concerned about I already have sealed away in my satchel again until such a time as they're needed." A hand came down to pat at one of the bags hanging off his side. How a set of swords could be in that is a mystery. Magic. Or something else.

    "But back to your extra reward, I am usually not one to offer open-ended favors. I have seen that abused too much in my past. But you did do for me what you did, so if that is what you want... I will take that risk. Though I was considering offering to help you find a better bow, or perhaps offer some training. Though you may be more skilled in your weapon than me. My own skill is to competency of use, my main focus is on martial weapons, and one-handed swords at that."
    Ruri noticed the look at his cloud but didn't say much to it. If she was that curious, she could ask.
    "I'm a novice Summoner, at best." Comes Rydia's reply. "I doubt I could make Titan swing by again just for a 'thank you', but I'll try to remember the next time he listens to my call." She says mildly. But then the girl shakes her head.
    "I can't think of anything right this second." She does admit. "So if a single favor is too much to ask, and I can understand why, then I'll have to figure something out for next time we meet." Mused before stuffing another hunk of behemoth steak in her mouth. The girl is packing that thing away. She's almost done with the whole thing and shows no signs of stopping. "... A better bow could be nice. The one I have is just a hunting bow, nothing fancy but it works."
Terra Branford
    Terra doesn't really handle the question of what she is well. Luckily, she's not really being put on the spot about it! Different. That's what she knows and it's as unsettling to her as it is unsatisfying. Though her thoughts don't wander far and she nods for real this time, "I'm glad." What choice does she have but to accept that the pandaren's weapons are indeed securely stored? In the pouch? Sure. Can't be any weirder than nearly being exploded by an electric snail and actually exploded by a chunk of ice with a winged serpent inside!

    Talk of favors and things, though. It gets her thinking. "Perhaps we could use more food. For everyone else." She does a remarkable job of being discreet, at least! Since both companies of people she's glommed on to so far always seem to be in need of supplies. Roughing it is, as the term makes it sound, rather difficult!
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Rou-ri seemed to think about it, raising up and looking rather thoughtful for a moment. "Well, the bow I suppose we can figure out later. It would require finding one to fit your height, which might be harder than not. Plus you having room to draw it and see if it's workable for you. But for now, certainly, I can help you with the food aspect, certainly. I noticed there was a food stand further down the road that had a lot of vegetables and fruits and cooking supplies. I would be more than happy to help you find it, and from there you can get whatever you like?" Though as he said that his own steak and salmon came over, causing him to make a rather happy sound. "Can't wait to try this, quite hungry! Do you mind if I eat at this table or would you prefer your space?" It was a fair question, some did enjoy their own space. "Also, you're welcome to some of my food now if you like. I will probably eat again in a few hours."
    Thinking on it now, there are a lot of mouths to feed back at camp. And Rydia purses her lips as she considers it for a moment. Roughing it has been pretty straining. "More supplies are always in demand." She does murmur, seconding Terra's notion. So the girl nods at mention of the varied places to get ahold of produce. "You'll have to show us." She decides before tearing into the last bit of her steak.
    It was a huge steak. It's a wonder a girl that small could pack it away, but considering what she had said about Summoning taking so much out of her, it must have been a necessary meal. But once that's done, the child sinks into her seat with a heavy sigh of contentment. She's looking a little better; still pale and sunken eyed, but more alive than she had looked before she had gotten some food in her.
    "Mnh... Finding bows for me is kind of hard." She does admit, before motioning at the empty seat at the table.
Terra Branford
    Some success! Terra gains some satisfaction from that suggestion, knowing fresh supplies are always useful. On the road or even in Kaipo. "Yes, thank you," she asides to Rou-ri before she settles a little bit more fully in her seat.
    Rydia having finished that steak is nothing short of impressive. She wasn't sure what they were going to do with it but it doesn't seem like a problem any longer! What's a problem is Rydia's complexion and posture, though she could mind her own just a bit as well. Such is the cost of not sleeping!

    Still, she leans well into Rydia's bubble, looking closely just to satisfy her own worries. At least she isn't touching quite yet. Any sign of weakness and the half-Esper is likely to pounce and coddle mercilessly.

    "I don't mind!"
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    Taking the fork in hand that he had, the large Pandaren paused and realized... it was a bit small. Thus he sat it aside and unstrapped his glove, opening his bag and sticking it in before reaching into the satchel and starting to dig around. After a bit of digging, he produces a long pair of chopsticks and cinches the bag closed and quickly begins to dig into the salmon. Though he did manage to use the knife to cut the steak, he did it all in one go, cutting it up entirely while holding bits with the sticks before returning to his meal. "So, if you don't mind my asking, are you two family? Judging by your demeanors I would almost guess Rydia of Mist was the older - she talks more and seems to almost answer for you both, but I cannot help but feel as if you are doting over her like a sister or mother?" That last bit was directed more at Terra than not. "Also, would you like to take a bunch of the behemoth steak back with you? A lot of it was given to the diner here to sell through for profit or whatnot, but we are still entitled to take however much we like - that being the group that took things down. At least from what I gather."

    Overall, the Pandaren seemed rather sociable, maybe it was just a meal thing with his kind. Or maybe he was just sociable. Hard to say, really, but there was no real lack of comfort.
    Rydia is... Rydia is slowly leaning back. It's not by a lot but eventually a fraction of her weight rests against Terra's side. At least for a moment anyway. It's Rou-ri that makes the green-haired girl blink. Sure, the two have... Similarities. She opens her mouth to speak-- and then immediately shuts it, curiously turning her gaze up to Terra, brow knotting.
    "I think Terra is way too young to be my mom." She points out point blank. -- And then she's sitting up. Not quite straight but no more leaning on the half-esper as she folds her hands in her lap. "I'm pretty sure she's older, she's just quiet."
    Oh hey, time to move on.
    "Yes, we're definitely taking more of that meat with us."
    It's too good to just leave more behind.
Terra Branford
    Terra does notice, of course, though she does well to not point it out. Or even really acknowledge it further- no sense putting someone else on the spot either.

    Speaking of being on the spot, while she watches the pandaren produce chopsticks and begin to eat, the subject of their relationship comes up. Rydia gets a look and even as Rydia speaks up, she shakes her head. When it's acknowledged that she's quiet she can't really help that either! So, she nods.

    She does spend time thinking on why she feels so strongly about protecting the summoner. It's not so complicated at face value. Everyone tries to protect Rydia! Which is wonderful. Is there something more? Probably. Good luck getting her to articulate that.

    "Oh. Just don't eat it all at once." She should keep up with the conversation. "Thank you for all of your help, though, um. Ruri?"
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "My help? I have done very little to help, simply making sure you are rewarded for your assistance with the monster hunt. Normally it would be something I would take care of myself, but given it manifested with my weapons stuck in it, and my armor - I could hardly say I was well equipped to do the job." The fish was already gone. Practically inhaled. Must have been quite hungry. And now he was onto the steak, taking a piece and chewing on it. "Mm... the meat is nice flavor and texture-wise, but it could be seasoned better. Maybe..." he seemed to mull on it a moment before shaking his head. "That aside, do you mind if I ask... this is not Azeroth, from what I understand, where I came from. Are you familiar with the idea of other worlds?" Seems he wasn't even aware if they were from here or not. "My first night outside of Azeroth I wound up camping out in this land and wound up dealing with that monster, so I have not had much of a chance to understand exactly where I am, or... how to get back."

    Because the notion that he might not be able to go back has yet to come to mind.
    'Just don't eat it all at once' gets a mild look of reproach from the smaller of the green haired girls to the larger. But that steak was amazing, and Rydia will likel be wanting more. Especially as her body needs to recover from the strain of calling an eidolon. But then she shakes her head.
    "This isn't Azeroth." She confirms. "It's not Blue Earth either." Added as an after thought. "We're already pretty familiar with there being other worlds. You should get used to it, too. The best we can do... Is... Wish you... Luck on finding your... way... ba..."
    Oops, she's leaning back against Terra again. But that's mostly because Rydia has nodded off, going from hungry to sleepy.
Terra Branford
    Terra at least doesn't seem to mind that look. She is going to offer little tidbits like that as reminders to show some restraint, at least!

    Talk of other wordls has her looking up, though. She doesn't know many of the many worlds that comprise this reality though that's a name she's never heard before. "Right, I..."

    She stops, Rydia nodding off tripping her more nurturing instinct and she enfolds the small girl in a comfortable embrace.

    "There are ways about the various worlds. It's not always easy but you'll get used to it at least somewhat." At this point, she allows herself to actually look tired as well. "Are the rooms still available?" It might be a good idea to actually sleep soon rather than attempt to travel at this point. "Sorry, I just don't think-" Sleeping at a table in a diner is appropriate!
Rou-ri Arrowpaw
    "Well, I originally paid for the rooms for a night, but I don't mind paying for another. Alternately, you two can just sleep in my room if you want? I have it paid for the week, and I will be out for the majority of the day and evening taking care of odd-jobs in the region. They are all the same as far as I'm aware. But let me know which you prefer and I will make such happen. Also, if you give me a list of what kind of supplies you want food-wise, I can pick them up on my way back here and leave them with you?" He was still chewing contently on pieces of his steak, though. He did scoot slightly aside with his cloud just to make sure they had plenty of room to move if she decided to pick up the girl and leave with her.
    "But as far as worlds like that goes, how would I even... do that? Ah, I can always inquire another time, and we could talk about it later. It seems she is tired. Did you wish to carry her yourself? Otherwise, I could offer. I don't have any children of my own, but I did have younger siblings.
Terra Branford
    Terra nods to indicate the bags of money yet to be collected, "It's alright." She doesn't often have much need for money beyond supplies or places to stay anyway, so there's no sense complaining. She really should pay up some, considering the plan to haul off a fair bit of that behemoth meat. Anyway.

    "No, I'll secure a room. Thank you." The offer to do shopping for them, though? Very tempting. She'll make a list of things and hopefully her share of the monster bounty will cover all of the expenses. She'll get that figured out once she leaves to get that room.

    "No two worlds are alike in how exactly they're connected. They call the connections vines and they- They're hard to explain." Partly because the way she seems to experience them differs somehow from the norm. "I've felt an urge to return to where I'm from as well. I haven't found an opportunity to go and, like you, I'm not sure how I'll get there. Sorry."

    The little summoner is hoisted easily enough as the half-Esper stands. "I'll leave the list with the owner," but this little summoner needs to be asleep in a bed.