World Tree MUSH

A Wolf, Two Foxes and a Tenno walk into a Bar...

Character Pose
There is this Bar...

Where doesn't precicely matter beyond the fact it's somewhere well traveled enough that strangers weren't questioned overly hard. Not even ones dressed like they're Not From Here like Ash. The Tenno pushed the front door open and looked the crowd over and shook his head.

To him these people were wallpaper, none of them stood out as truely a danger. HE could quite easily be wrong, but even tough people rarely wanted to start anything in their favored watering hole. At the very least none of them stood out to Ash. So he flagged down a waitress and pointed at an empty booth.

Money traded hands.

Ash sat at the corner booth, wrapped around a central table large enough for a small crowd to gather. He waited for his drink, and when that came he tipped the lady dressed in far too little, perhaps far more than he should have. Wasn't wise to advertise you have money, but he was paying for drinks in advance and unlike his employer he didn't have the sort of money to just casually rent out a bar for the night.
Renya Rimehart
But is even a well traveled and accustomed to outsiders bar ready to handle the force of personality that is about to cross it's threshold?

The doors don't just open, they swing apart wide like a wayward wind had blasted through them. A certain familiar white vixen swaggers through like she already owns the place, taking a few steps before stopping and posing with arms thrown out wide like she was anticipating some manner of welcoming fanfare. "Avast and ahoy, here I be! The Pirate Princess of Verdigris here to grace your humble tavernackle for yon eve!"

Which gets about as much response as you'd expect. That being, not much. Loud and boisterous wasn't really new, and most had heard stranger claims than 'pirate princess' from people much more drunk than the bombastic fox.

"... Blow me down and call me a stormbreak." Renya huffed softly at getting little more than a few glares probably meant more to imply 'quiet down', lowering her arms to rest one hand on her hip. "Must be the tough crowd night."
A Waitress calmly approached Renya, apparently unfazed by her vulpine appearance. That or she wasflat out stoned, hard to tell with all the conflicting smells in the air and what long work hours can do to people. "Your friend's over thataway ma'am. He said, and I quote, 'first round's on me. Order anything.' The lady's voice made it clear how little she thought of that sort of charity.

Ash sat there at this corner booth gesturing to a plate of fried cheese covered.... well it looked fried and likethere was a lot of it. "Captain!" His grin was wide as he gestured to the vixen. "I trust you're well??" At least he wouldn't have t otry giving HER a pep talk after the Grendel. Luke seemed largely 'fine,' but Anna... He was glad she seemed to be doing better, but enough of that

The waitress gave Renya a sidelong look, "Wait... you're... serious? You're not some furry nutjob high on bath salts?" Her eyes, at least in the moment, regaine a little focus and clarity as she stared at the pirate princess. "Blood and Ashes what next?"
Renya Rimehart
Renya Rimehart leans a little to the side to look in the indicated direction, and returns the wave.

Then turns a bit to smile at the waitress. "Only salt I need is that of the winds of the sea, lass." As she backs away she does a little bow and tip of her hat towards the waitress, then turns on her heel to stroll over to the booth and slide into a seat. "When ya done gawking lass, find me the strongest thing ye got in your repitoire."

Almost immeadiately one of the cheese covered tidbits is filched from the plate and flicked in her mouth. Then rolls a slight shrug to Ash. "I guess in a way it's nice to not be immeadiately reconized. That usually comes with cutlasses drawn at me throat and pistoleers at me head."
Wolf O'Donnell
     When it comes to celebrity notoriety, you don't tend to have much of a reputation unless you spread it yourself throughout new social circles and networks. Sometimes word spreads on its own, yes, but there's no guarantee that even the most terrible of outlaws will be recognized in relative 'nowhere' places. Renya gets that treatment. But... 

     Wolf O'Donnell enters some time after Renya (and depending on how busy the establishment is, likely after others have walked in, too), but he does so in a manner much different from the pirate princess. Rather than being loud and flamboyant and allowing charisma to paint your entrance and draw attention, the rugged lupine person has a comfort and cold ease to shows ownership of the space around him as a No-fly Zone, restricted airspace indeed.

     This does not, however, stop Wolf from holding open the door to allow another to step in along with him. One arm remains outstretched to do this while the other holds the remains of a cigarette that is nearly burnt out. Blowing a stream of smoke from the side of his muzzle, a one-eyed gaze is passed over the occupants of the bar. This isn't to search for familiar faces, necessarily. This is much deeper, due to training: how many people are there, how many steps are between room landmarks, where are the exits, where are the likely places to conceal weapons, and...where are the bathrooms?
Fionn Nichols
     And sometimes a bar is just a place to drink. Fionn doesn't have the sort of who's-that notoriety that Wolf does, but sometimes the coattails do their job. He bows courtesably, though it is hard to tell if the gesture is serious or not as Wolf allows him inside. He ducks below the smoke, flatting his ears too and taking a quick scan of the room. If he's lucky, this won't be one of the ones where everyone stops talking until someone slaps a jukebox. 

     Fionn searches out such a device anyway. Then he goes ahead and does a quick, casual circle. Hands raised, how-ya-doin's doned, maaaybe he's looking for something? Or maybe he's just looking for a proper place to drop the boss off to drink. Well, whatever the case, he's right buttery today. Maybe this isn't his first venue today.
To answer wolf's unasked questions: three dozen people with a third being fairly drunk and a majority of the rest willfully not caring about what's going on. THer'es room between each of the tables for each chair to slide out enough to exit with space between for a nimble staffer to navigate. The guy at the door had a tazer and pepeprspray canister out in the open but also had at least a pair of concealed knives as well as a pistol in his left boot. Exits are at the front of the place, plus a door going to the kitchen that likely also includes the manager's office, and a door proclaiming restrooms are on the other side.

Ash leaned back in hisseat, gesturing to the 'expanse' of empty seating Wolf and Fionn could have if they so choose. the Waitress paused and just stared at Wolf before scuttling to the bar.. It seemed she was either already on edge because of Renya and Wolf was just more weirdness, or wolf's 'no fly zone' bubble encorached too close to her personal space.

"Hyey sorry for the... well... Locals." A helpless shrug from Ash as he looked to the second foxand Wolf, "I figure since a couple clients decided to show their gratatude for services rendered by paying extra. Why not? What good's money to a man like me when I already have everything I'd want that it can buy?"

Remember that statement folks. It will be important later.
Renya Rimehart
"Not that -everything- can be bought," Renya remarks with a coy smile. "Or folks like me wouldn't have much in the way of work." Though her attention is mostly drawn to Wolf. More accurately, to Wolf's companion. To which she smirks a bit, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table and her chin atop folded hands. "Cut quite an opposing sight to the big lupine stature there. But I ain't surprised your bunch of rapscallions would pick up a desert dwellin' variation of me kin. Good survivors. REALLY good ears."

The tip of her tail flicks a bit at the side of her seat as she sits back up. "Speakin' of ears, mate," her attention turns back to Ash again. "I put our wee radio friend to work in the Vortex's comm room. Havin' an audience that appreciates some music to pass the time and the occasional announcement does a wonder for that loneliness." There's a pause as she filchs a few more of the cheesy coated goodness. "Though the other day he started playing some strange shanty 'bout what foxes say. And I be like 'I'm the captain, I say whatever I bloody well please!'."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The waitress likely gets a return stare, albeit a brief one, before Wolf lifts his brow and turns his attention away. It could be worse. She could have been the owner and a previous 'acquaintance'. Sometimes, in deals made or tenuous partnerships formed, you wind up sharing more than just time and money with somebody and, sometimes, those nights can lead to uncomfortable reunions. 

     The door is shut and a winding approach is made through the seating area to wander toward where Ash and Renya talk. The butt of that cigarette in O'Donnell's hand is deposited into the glass of a seemingly-unused and left behind drink at an abandoned table. It merely makes a soft and brief hiss in interjection before drowning. If the owner of the drink simply stepped away to use the restroom, then there will be a surprised upon return.

     Therein, one captain meets another. Again. Some time has passed since the initial meeting, an event Ash headed and sponsored, while Wolf and his mercenaries provided transportation and support. Renya's leadership had her volunteer to lead that small pack for station boarding which provided Wolf the ease to work with background operations. At least, well, until the biohazard outbreak...

     The height difference between Wolf and Fionn is substantial, certainly. Wolf stands taller than most, and Fionn- Fionn's ears make up for the shortness, right? "Heya, kiddo," O'Donnell greets of Ash before nodding to Renya and thumbing a hand toward the fennec. "This is Fionn Nichols," he states, pronouncing the name with a 'silent O'. "Chief Engineer for Star Wolf. Fionn, this is-"

     Wolf pauses, grimaces, then shrugs dismissively. "Look, I'll just let you all do the introductions yourself. It was a long flight and I need to go mark some territory, if you get my drift." Already taking some steps to the side, somewhat in a hurry and not exactly hiding that fact, he adds, "Just order me something, Nichols. Won't be gone three shakes."
Fionn Nichols
     "Any more than three and I'll know you're playing with it," Fionn salutes with a hearty grin. "Right though. The good stuff, we'll keep it coming, and I'll cover. If you won't let me cover, that's extra rounds. I'm in a good mood tonight." Ears AND head bob, gesture, and sway as he scans Ash and Renya. "Cap'n? Charmed. And hoping I live up to your opinion, there." Foxes gotta look out for each other. At least in a sea of non-foxes. He squints at one of the offered, empty seats and muses. "Permission to board?" 

     Though, he goes ahead and tries to order up his and his boss's drinks as well as can be.
That update on what Vallis, the person-turned-radio Renya had helpd save, caused Ash to laugh, "I'm glad he's fitting in and your crew doesn't mind his.... limitations." Being stuck asa radio hadto be its own hell, at least Ordis had things going on beyond playing music.

Then a look over to Fionn before Ash smiled to the large eared mechanic, "Long time no see how's it been?" He popped one the cheese covered fried things in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully, "Hm..."

He looked about the bar, watching the crowd swap and filtr between new patrons coming in, old leaving. No real signs of trouble from anybody. "Not really why I asked any of you here but that station's up and running, fully reconfigured and we have a few early tennants. Having problems finding any major entities to act as anchor points of interest to draw crowds, but I've kinda mostly left it to Giius to sort out." He lenaed back before looking skyward, "Glad things haven't turned into infighting but we haven't had any large crowds yet. That'll be when thignsget... Fun."
Renya Rimehart
"Renya Rimehart, Captain of the Polar Vortex and scourge of the Verdigris skies." The vixen is all too happy to fill the rest of the introduction Wolf leaves hanging to tend to other necessities. And notible she said 'skies' and not 'seas' like someone might expect of a 'pirate'. "Engineer, huh? Same the Twins didn't come 'long. Then ye would have someone to talk shop to." And closer to his own height as neither of the raccoons are very tall either. But that's neither here nor there, maybe another time.

Maybe it was waiting for Wolf's 'no fly' presence to be gone from the table a bit, but the waitress brings Renya her drink while he's gone either way. She takes a sip and nods her approval, then follows it with a more thorough gulp. Always nice to have something that doesn't need to be watered down a bit out of necessity.

"Oh my dear boy, you don't get how valuable good music is to a pirate! What else are we gonna entertain ourselves with on the long voyage, hmm?" After which Renya barks (almost literally) a laugh as she sits back. Followed by a thoughtful sound. "Mmm. I'd offer some help but sailing the sea of stars is somethin' a wee bit out of reach yet 'less I'm heave hoin' with ye or Wolf."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn timed his order for Wolf's return; clearly. Plus whatever he has is frosted so it's best not to have until it's right and ready to go. "Now that's a good set of titles! Heh. S'long as I get to do the 'sailing' I haven't had much a mind for beyond that. 'n there's time enough for all the other meetings to follow. But please, don't let me knock you off course or anything here." 
     On the subject of music, though, especially good music, he's paying rapt attention. It's obvious with the swiveled ears and all. A cocked grin is given to Ash, though, and he nods. "Still flying, still good. 'n you look to be in decent shape..." Good news? Good news for once, that's always a treat.
Ash shook his head at Rena's admission of being out of her depth in space, "I know they've got an open berth for you in the docks if you ever make that transition into the black. I know T'lok was rather taken by your boldness." Ash sounded happy, realaxed, and perhaps a little too cheerfully. A long pull from his glass, something nonalchoholic by the smell, and he shook his head, "I still owe you a few things anyway Fionn." He reached into his tunc and pulled out a rectangular metal box "Ordis decided to have a little fun with the packaging, but it's just a fancy travel case for the data sic, should be readable by your systems and has... well it's not a completerundown but it should give yo ua good lead on interfacing protocols and the most used docking systems from home." As he sat the metal box on the table in front of Fionn he glanced towards the restroom, "Think he took a dive out the window or did he eat an egg sandwitch made from live face eating parasites?"
Renya Rimehart
"I hope not. Those buggers be harder to get rid of than barnacles." Renya was certainly relaxed. But she always was. Or at least able to keep up the appearances of not being stressed like a good leader needs to. "Some day, some day. Not like we couldn't take a Vine to get there. Just we'd be dead in the nonexistant water with the lack o' air and aether." She takes a moment to chug down more of her own drink. "Last time anyone got past the skies back home, it was shooting rocket ships outta giant cannons. Maven would have me for a fur coat, captain or not, iffen I tried that with even just the smaller boats."
Wolf O'Donnell
     As to be expected, Wolf does, indeed, disappear into the restroom and, after a time, reemerges (whenever the wait allows, depending, either without or within) with a bit of a snort to forcefully exhale air from his lungs in an attempt to get rid of the odor now lingering in his nose. There's something special about an innumerable mix of different urines, both stale and fresh, filtered through beer (also both stale and fresh) and cheap air freshener that sticks with you. 

     Instead of heading back to Fionn, Renya, and Ash immediately, though, the lupine turns and heads over to the bar, leans in a bit over the counter, waits to have a word with the bartender, chats for a bit about something as able, and then eventually finds his way back to his Engineer and Company.

     A fingerless-gloved hand reaches over to snatch an unused chair from a nearby table and drags it -- with the accompanying sound to be expected from dragging a tipped chair over the floor -- and has a seat not upon it, but on the end of the booth seat where it seems the gathering is centered. He uses the chair as a stool to kick up his feet.

     If one took a snapshot of the table and gathering, it'd be clear why many places shy away from outsiders. "There we go. What'd I miss?" asks he while snaking an arm along the back of the corner booth seat with a light inclination of his form while his booted feet cross at the ankles upon that chair. If that arm passes behind somebody sitting beside him, it's merely consequential, even if that extends his personal bubble of space.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn takes a closer look at the box and slips it up into hand, turning it over and twitching his ears with intense focus. "Ooh. Reccommended reading or a bit of homework? Either way, more's appreciated." The fennec tips a salute and sinks into curious examination. "All the same, Captain, I'd love to learn more about your vessels. Nothing.. proprietary, mind you. I just fall for ships the same way the boss--" 
     Oh. Right. The boss. Fionn smiles, picks up his own mug, and gives slight nod. "... whole lot of little. You know those parasites aren't really eating face, they're just sorta.. rough while they're laying eggs, is all."
Renya Rimehart
"That don't really improve the imagery any," Renya murmurs. Let's just get off that topic. So instead she smiles languidly at Fionn. "Mayhaps a tour some time. As I said, sure the Twins would love havin' someone to talk shop for a bit. I only understand the basics of what does what to get what done. The rest." She makes a whoosh whoosh sound while waving her free hand over her head.
"Ah, nothing much to be honest." Ash gave Wolf a small smile before esturing to Fionn, "Decided since at least afew things from my home have been out and about give Fionn here a little light reading. Granted I'd like to give him a lot more, but it is what it is." What he didn't say is a lot of what he and Ordis were missing was because dear old mumsie Lotus played cards close to the chest. As in if they were any closer they'd be implants. He again reached into his jacket and slid two photoes towards Wolf. One showed the station interrior now full converted into a mall-like structure with a central open 'pillar' cutting through the public levels. The second was... businessrelated showcasing some specifiedpersons in rather unflattering company. "I figure you'd like some souvineres too."

Then a glance to Renya and his smile widened into a grin, "Sadly I haven't anything on me to give the lady captain here, but I do have the location of some fairly.... curious shipping lanes she might want to check out that are a few vines over. Ridgid framed airships hovering about a jungle pyramid hauling chunks of it away to someone with more money than brains. Sound interesting?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     Parasites? O'Donnell seems to be content to listen in mostly while reaching over with the arm not propped atop the seat-back to hoist up what he presumes must be his own drink. As such, when photos are presented to him on the table, he doesn't immediately pick them up to examine them. He does give them a cursory glance, though. That gaze moves over to Ash. 

     "Somebody is in a giving mood. Here it's not even my birthday."

     For all intent and purpose, Wolf actually looks fairly chill. He doesn't seem terribly tense, he's reclined a bit, relaxing with ale, ears lightly tipped back, and his tail is lazily draped over the edge of the booth-seat. "I feel like we should have brought something. Ambrosia salad, maybe."
Renya Rimehart
Renya Rimehart makes a face, ears flicking back a bit. "It usually is," she replies to the 'more money than brains' comment. "Probably some daft rich sodder just wanting exotic stones for some ego strokin' brickabrack."

Then the expression curls into a smile that would look more suited on a snake. Or maybe a shark. "But hardframe airships? Would be no match for the Vortex, burdened or not. Mayhaps we shall have to... convince them to put those stones back."

And help herself to whatever other treasures they've already claimed from the likely trap laiden... "Hmmm" A thought brings a hand to stroke her chin. "I wonder if it's a tomb type of pyramid, or a ritual ceremonial sort." A shrug follows. "Aye, don't really matter, it'd only make a difference in the sort of treasures left behind. They may say ye can't take it with ya to the other side, but that don't stop a lot o' those cultures from tryin'."
Fionn Nichols
     "The longer you talk about it, the less it sounds like treasure hunting and the more it sounds like work." Fionn muses. "Don't get me wrong. I don't mind a good hard day's work. Or 'salvage.' Or any of that business." He gestures a bit, drink in one hand and precious gift in the other. After a while his ears wander over to Wolf and he gives a little shrug. "Not... too late to put somethin' on the table, I suppose?"