World Tree MUSH

Vacations on pokemon land.

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    Luke was running a bit out of money once again, there is only so much you can get out of the local trainers, before you feel you are mugging them, rather than having proper battles, so he decided to try a somewhat different, yet hopefully safe field of work, at least while he makes sure his Bewear is fully, properly under control. 

    He is basically offering to guide people to see local pokemon, or even just meet his own team, he learned that for most offworlders, pokemon are quite impressive, and interesting!, plus his pokemon do like the attention anyway.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia's taking advantage of the summer break to visit other worlds. And to duck her demanding 'mentor'. And probably to take a break from tracking magical ne'er do-wells. She looks around at the Alolans at the dock, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants. Unlike most young women, Aurelia prefers a sturdy backpack full of pockets, which is hanging off one shoulder. She smiles and greets Luke. "Hi! Are you the guide?"
"Messages in your inbox Operator," Ordis chimed helpfully from within Ash's orbiter. "They are..uh... Not as encrypted as they should be." Given nothing met that standard even in their home 'verse? 

Ash smiled at seeing Luke's name attached to the message and gave it a look over.


Ash went without his frame even though the message had mentioned Luke's stufful had evolved. So he was there in knee length shorts and a 'palm' tree print shirt, thogh the trees had a series of hands on them rather than leaves.

"Hey Luke." He gave a friendly wave as he adjusted his glasses. Technically they had no glass in them, but calling them 'augmented reality eyewear' was a bit of a mouthful. "So, Stufful evolved huh?" He grinned at the young trainer. "Let's see what the little guy's got."
Luke Gray
    Luke was so far doing ok on his new job, the boy joined by Pangshi, a small panda looking creature, if panda wore costumes!. It was perched on Luke's shoulder, doing it's best to look cute, it usually helps!. Next to Luke is a small kitten that seems to be playing with soem coins!. Luke was busy feeding the small vampire panda what looks like a cookie, when approached, smiling and waving his free hand, "That's me!, I'm Luke Gray, kind of new at this, but happy to do my best!" he says cheerfully, the kitten approaching Aurelia. 

    Pangshi is the first to react to Ash's arrival, jumping from the boy's shoulder and floating towards the casually dressed friend, chirpig happily, while Luke lets out a chuckle, "He did!, he has been working hard, still trying to help get him used to... not break stuff." he says, reaching for one of his pokeballs even as he hears that, pressing a button.

    There is a flash of red, and a tall (over 7 foot) tall pink and black 'bear' appears near Luke, it has a long, ringed tail, and it growls in a rather cute, if squeaky voice, waving happily to Ash and moving closer, "Remember, no hugs!" calls Luke.
Ash grinned as he saw Stufful had grown rather large. Offering a fist to the now fairly sizeable pokemon, "Duuude!" He was genuinely happy sounding at the 'little' pokemon. "Been awhile. Glad t'see ya. How's it been?"
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia is destracted by the kitten thing. "Which one is this? I know the ones that got popular back home, like pikachu, but I don't know this one."
    Aurelia peers at Ash. "Weren't you crusing around San Jose on a hover-board thing awhile ago?
Luke Gray
    The boy is happy to let the kitten greet others, "That's a Konya." he explains, the kitten had what looked like a coin attached to it's forehead, making a display of grooming it's face and just look adorable, "He likes coins." he says, smiling and moving closer to Aurelia, even if he does keep an eye on the Bewear and Pangshi!. 

    The bear does the best it can to return said fistbump, quite a fluffy, large paw!, chirping again and playfully nudging the fist back, before streetching, making a display of how big it was, one paw reaching towards a tree and pushing at it, making it creak, tail wagging. "Been doing well, he has been trainign hard, at least he didn't break that tree this time."
Ash grinned at Aurelia, "Yea actually." He took his eye off the Bewear to pay attention to Aurelia, "Not from here but... well. Here is where I hang my stuff when I'm not having to do things." Elaborating felt like too much of a kill-joy and he was in a wonderful mood at the moment. "Luke here's the native so yea, I'll try not stepping on your toes man."

"He seems a lot mroe relaxed than he was before he evolved." A look from Luke to Bewear then back, "Finally stop feeling like he has to show off or was he a handful right after evolving?"
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia is content to let Luke and Ash converse while she pulls out a quarter from her pocket and makes it float and spin around the little Konya. "You're so adorable. Too bad I think Zero wouldn't like another cat around."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray smiles, "Oh, yeah, he seems far more calm and friendly, it's a relief." he says, watching the Bewear pump its arms and reach to lift Ash in it's arms, a bti like people carried Stufful before, thankfully, it seems fairly careful, mostly just to be silly, chirping happily. Meanwhile, the cat has it's eyes glued to the coin, mewling and raising a paw to grab at the coin, batting it playfully, a second coin joining as it plays with them. "He keeps gettign coins from who knows where."
"oh?" A headtilt from Ash before he nodded at the Bewear and allowed himself to be lifted, grinning. "Yea the one we saw at the fair seemed pretty calm. Almost like when they get big they instantly realize they don't have to scream to be heard." He seemed... perfectly fine being lifted by this giant stuffed bear. He even smiled at the Bewear as he was sat back down.

Then a look to Aurelia then to the coins. "Are you asolutely sure it isn't 'finding' change still in people's pockets or raiding fountains?" He narrowed his eyes and took a breath before pointing. Focusing a finger fine beam of void energy. It had no real power behind it, but shown like a laser that he wouldwiggle about to try getting the cat's attention.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia is using her magic to make the coin float and tease the konya and entertain it. "People drop change all the time and don't notice." She catches the quarter and pockets it before widening her senses and pulling up all sorts of coinage that was dropped from the dock. "Uh, guess I can pay you in local coins, Mr. Gray?" She doesn't have to hide her powers when outworld, she might as well have a bit of fun with it.
Luke Gray
     As Aurelia tries to grab the coins in their surroundings, the kitten hisses, several coins starting to float from around it, yet they seem to resist the pull, the kitten mewling and pouncing them back down as they get pulled away. Ash's laser trick mercifully gets the kitten's mind out of the money, eyes glued to the beam of light, perking both ears and deciding to try to chase it!. Luke just chuckles a bit, "That works fine for me." he replies, "I'll have to give a fair bit to Konya, just to keep it happy." he says, "That's quite a trick!". The Bewear claps a few times at the display of tricks from both, following the laser pointer curiously.
A chuckle from Ash at the kitten, "Ordis insists I need to focus on fine control as much as handling power. Can't say he's wrong either." He gave a soft huff as he made small loops, carefully keeping the end of the beam pointed away from people once he noticed the Bewear's attention. Then a look toAurelia, "Magnitism? A kind of specialized telekeneisis?" His head tilted at the young woman. "Metal affinity?" THe 'laser' of void energy vanished, causing Ash to frown. "Need to work on being able to split my attention better. Sorry."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia assuages the konya by handing it the quarter it was batting at earlier. "Yeah, my magic power is controlling metals. Even the ones in the body but I'm not anywhere near that good. Sounds awful though, ripping out all the metals from somebody after learning stuff in biology class."
    "So what's yours?" She says to Ash, noticing the 'laser'.
Luke Gray
    The kitten seems busy chasing the coins around it, so thankfully, the loss of the laser causes no trouble, even if Luke chuckles a bit at the ease the kitten changes targets, "I need to train him more." he admits, before he focuses on the discussion, "That's quite a power." he admits, smiling and moving to pet Pangshi, reaching into his backpack to get pokemon treats for the three pokemon. "Here, enjoy these snacks, for behaving." he chuckles a bit. The Bewear specially seems quite proud of the praise, patting the tree that makes another creaking noise, and quickly backing away from it. He finally notices the floating coins and reaches to grab a couple. "Sounds like a potentially dangerous power if misused." he comments.
Ash's smile faultered and he looked about, "A bit hard to explain since 'Void' can mean a lot of things, but for right now? It lets me tap into the... universe? Dimension? Depending on what you read could be considered one or the other...?" He took a deep breath, "But to save the math and nightmares it's this swirling energy that is literally 'everything and nothing' and my body's kinda swimming in the stuff. Like so." He seemed to disappear in a streak o f light, only to appear a couple of meters away. "There's a lot more that's theoretically possible," He again disappeared, light streaking until he reappeared in his original position mid bow to Aurelia, "But... metal affinity huh? That..."

His mind instantly had a visualization of the periodicc table, and everything that was considered a metal. This... was not a small list. "That's.... " He swallowed, "A lot of things. If you want help I could try? Not sure how much help I'd be, but power unused isn't power diffused, and it's better to know anyway."

Then he shrugged at Luke, "Any power is a danger if misused. Mine pretty much allows me to be a living energy conduit. Yours lets you yank metal around in new and interesting ways." He smiled warmly at Aurelia, "Both are kinda scary but. Well here we are." He held a hand out, showing a small pulsing hemesphere of light cupped in his hand pulsing with all the colorso f the rainbow.
Aurelia Argent
Aurelia Argent looks at Luke. "I don't know. I think if I had my choice I'd rather have a super power like making friends with adorable animals. Until I found out that Zero was actually a big metal lion, it was nice to read a book in the sun with him on my lap."
Luke Gray
    Luke moves closer to Aurelia, "Well, it's not really a superpower, I think anyone can make friends with animals." he says, "I mean, I can help you get a pokemon, at least as a pet, if you think you can take care of it." he replies, while the kitten finally seems to stash the coin somewhere and moves to brush against Aurelia's legs amiably. The Bewear seems happy to stick near Ash, while eating his snack, glancing at the pulsing orb of light curiously, and down at his free paw. The bear tilts his head and focuses, the fur on that limb standing on end, electric sparks flying from the stubby fingers. "I don't think what he does works like your attacks." calls Luke, "Still, glad you are learning to use that move." he says, the bear nodding and moving to ruffle Luke's hair, giving the boy a small jolt, and making his hair stand on end. "Hey!".
Another headtilt at Aurelia, "More of a kubrow person really." The corpus goons that were working on the cryo unit had said they could get Waffles thawed out. They were however being careful. "But yea can see the appeal. Quiet afternoon just you and what you're working on."

His attention then shifted to Luke, "Then you've got all the pokemon around here. To an outsider it'd look like there's no possible way a civilization could develop with creatures like that running around able to tear through anything and everything humanity develops." Then a soft chuckle, "Good thing most of 'em just want to be friends."

Ash would look at the Bewear, smile, and attempt to hand the pulsing 'ball' to it then frown when the light faded out. "Yea sorry bud not quite good enough to do constructs not connected to me."
Luke Gray
Luke nods a few times, "Well, I can grant you as much, seems for most people this place is just weird." he says, chuckling, "Yeah, certainly lucky that they just want to be friends.". He gives Pangshi a final snack, to keep the curious vampire panda busy, while watching the interaction. The bear tries to reach for the pulsing orb, and chirps in surprise when it vanishes, tilting it's head and nodding at the explanation, shaking 'no' a few times. "I don't think he minds.". The bear carefully pats Ash's head.
Ash chuckled at Bewear, "I'm gonna go grab something to eat, You guys up for fish tacos?" Perhaps he was a bit rude, but he didn't even wait before dashing off. Literaly disappearing into a streak of light before momentarily appearing several dozen meters away. Then again streaking further away... and on... Yet Luke could her his laughter. It was good to be home.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray chuckles a bit, "I do!" he adds, while the bears and cat nod a few times. "I think they are game for them too." he chuckles. The trio blink at the teleportation, especially the Bewear, that leans down as if preparing for a race, and takes off after Ash, "Hey, wait up!" calls the boy, picking up Konya and moving after the pair.