World Tree MUSH

A Splashing Battle at Clawmark Hill

Character Pose
     Miwa sent word for Meia and Ash to meet her on Melemele Island just past sunset, specifically at the beach near Professor Kukui's house, which itself was east of Hau'oli City. Miwa herself will be found passing the time by swimming around in the ocean just a bit offshore. It's a clear night with a cool breeze off the ocean, and the moon is full, casting a dim light over the region.
     Meia, as she is wont to do, just seems to appear out of nowhere... though she doesn't announce her presence just yet, instead opting to sit down on the sand and watch Miwa with a smile. The breeze feels nice, and the moonlight sparkling off the waves makes for a very nice view, with an elegant Pokemon adding that one last touch that could inspire a painter. She can tell Ash all about it later, if he doesn't show up soon. Maybe he'll even be jealous, ohoho~
     With Meia's rather stealthy approach, Miwa doesn't notice her at first and thus does put on a bit of a show as she swims amongst the waves with power and grace, weaving through the currents effortlessly. Eventually, she leaps into the air, her pearl bound ponytail pinned to her back for a moment by the water and momentum, before swinging outward a bit. 

     It's then that her eyes catch sight of Meia and a smile can be seen on Miwa's face before she slips back between the waves. A moment later she's already at the shore and starting to walk upon her flippers toward her friend. She offers a wave of one flipper once she's close and smiles again as she speaks. "Hello Meia, Been here long? I didn't see you approach."
     Meia gives her friend a small, finger-twiddling wave. "Hello, Miwa dear. I've been here a minute or two, just enjoying the atmosphere. I believe I've said it before, but your world is like a breath of fresh air after a lifetime of breathing miasma. Such natural beauty does not exist on Palamecia." she remarks, standing up and placing a hand on her hip. "Now, what was it you had in mind? I don't see Ash anywhere, but you can tell me. I won't spoil the surprise~"
"Operator," Ordis's exasperated voice chimed as Ash leaned, attempting to use air currents to guide the glider he had rented, "this is not at all a wise idea. If you wanted to fly there's the archwing."

"I know Ordis," Ash checked his direction against where he was supposed to be. A bit behind but- And either through a wild pokemon, a crosswind, or sheer inexperiance, his glider stalled. Normal people might pannick. Someone who had more than a few hours of guidance might know how to pull out of a stall.

Ash, simply undid his harness allowing him to freefall.

"Operator have you lost your mind?!" Ordis protested as Ash frefell head first towards the ground.

People would easily see him in said freefall, and his glider off somewhere caught on an errant wind. They would also see him literally disappear a dozen meters from the ground only to reappear, stumble, attempt and fail to catch himself, before faceplanting beside Meia.

"That... could have gone better." His muffled voice grumbled as he picked himself off the ground before looking from Witch to Singer, "Sorry I'm late. What's up?"
     Miwa nods to Meia, taking a moment to look around at the empty moonlit beach. "I wouldn't trade living here for anything, that's for sure. Anyway, I want to show you something, and if Ash doesn't show up, I can show him another night I guess. This place is kind of secret anyway so the fewer people I bring with me the better..." She trails off as she catches movement above and looks up to see Ash. 

    She's about to use either a torrent of water or a water bubble to cushion his fall, when he suddenly dissapears, and just a brief moment later is back in time to get a face full of sand next to Meia. She quickly rushes over to him and offers a flipper to help him up, and a gentle shower 'water gun' to rinse off the sand. "Ouch Ash, you really know how to make an entrance love. Are you alright?"
     "I wish I could... but perhaps there will be time for that once my world is freed. In fact, I-" Meia says, but is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Ash and a shower of sand kicked up by his impact, which she redirects harmlessly with a wave of her hand and a small wall of water that sweeps the worst of the particles aside. "Ah, there's the man of the hour. You really should be more careful, Ash. You'll break more than a few bones doing that sort of thing, and I'm afraid I'm no expert in curative magics."
     Miwa looks back to Meia after helping Ash up. "Anyway, as I was starting to say to Meia, the place I'm planning to show you is a special place where wild Pokemon gather at night and spar with each other. I only learned about it myself somewhat recently, but apparently, this has been going on for quite some time. I don't think they've ever had a Primarina join the fray though. In any case, once we get close, I need both of you to stay back and out of sight while I go talk to the Pokemon and clear it with the group that you're with me, and not trainers. I did tell them I'd be bringing a guest or two with me next time I came, however, so they should somewhat be expecting this." She waits for them both to agree before forming a small bubble for herself to float upon and heading toward the forest off the edge of the beach
Ash smiled after Miwa helped him clean off, "Well any landing you can walk away from..." He gave a good natured smile before settling down to listen to what Miwa had t osay. Wild pokemon gathering in a single spot. "Yea, I could see how people showing up might be a bit of an issue. I do hope they don't give you any trouble." He could just imagine the sort of 'get away from here you human-loving scum' that might be flung in Miwa's way.

"Just... gimme a good spot to hide out at and I'll keep an eye on things." He wasn't sure if she needed him for backup, moral support, or wanted him to be part of this as far as he was able to, so he settled on following her lead.

Ash would wait for Meia before following Miwa's lead.

"Operator you're unarmed!" ordis hissed in his earpiece. "There's only so much your void... stuff... can do in a fight."
     "...Just means your legs aren't broken. Hardly speaks for the rest of you, now does it?" Meia finishes for Ash, then nods to Miwa with a smile. "Yes, dear, that sounds lovely. And trust me, I'm very good at staying hidden from people who want me dead." She titters lightly, then saunters off toward the forest behind the two lovebirds... just in case~
     Miwa chuckles at Meia's finish for Ash's statement about walking away from a landing, and also about the wild Pokemon wanting to kill her. 

     "Well I don't think they'd try to kill you, but they likley would drive you off with force if you arrived unannounced and without me to smooth things over. But hopefully they won't give me any trouble either yeah, I mean, you are off worlders, not Pokemon Trainers, so at least they don't have to worry about you trying to catch them, particularly after being weakened by their sparring." She offers to explain as she continues on into the forest, the moonlight filtering through the treetops and casting eerie shadows around.

     Before long though, the unique sounds of Pokemon battling can be heard up ahead. When the forest begins to thin and you can just start to make out the clearing up ahead, Miwa turns back to Meia and Ash. "Alright, just wait here a moment. I'll give the signal when you can come out." She asks before continuing on into the open.

     A Magmortar, a Pangoro and a Midnight Form Lycanroc approach her and for a few moments, she speaks with them before they eventually agree, as Miwa nods and looks back toward where Meia and Ash are hiding before sending a Dazzling Gleam attack skyward, a pinkish white glowing orb flying upward before exploding into a dazzling burst of light like a firework made of pure energy.
     "They certainly have no need to fear me. At least, not as far as trying to capture them goes..." Meia responds with a dark chuckle, but says little else as she waits with Ash. Once that Dazzling Gleam is let off into the sky though, she nods to him and says, "I think that's our cue." Coming out from their hiding place, she approaches the gathered Pokemon with her hands spread out to show she has none of those pesky Pokeballs.
Ash took the firework displayin. Smiling in spite of himself at the color. Depending on where it was aimed it couldj ust as easily dazzle and blind as give a signal flare for others to follow. He would step out slowly, giving a small wave at the locals. He could've almost sowrn he at least grasped the meaning behind the greetings he heard, but that was nonsense. 

A soft chuckle as he looked to Miwa, "I'm going to need to take lessons in pokespeak if I plan on moving here.... WOuld feel rude to not know what a lot of the locals are saying." Then a wave to the welcome comittee, "Thank you for allowing us to watch." He gave a small spin, lettign the locals see he brougth no camera, no pokeball, and then he bowed when coming to a stop.
     Miwa smiles as she looks from the trio of powerful Pokemon, only a few of many around, from the fluffy yet seemingly always angry Mankey and Primape, to the rock hard Boldore, Hariyama and Machoke, sumo wrestler and muscled fighter respectively, and many more. "You both are very lucky to be here. I'm told you are the only humans to see this place apart from Professor Kukui and a boy with a Pikachu who's Rockruff trained here for a time." She explains, as the Pokemon nod to the thanks given by Ash, and both of their display to show they weren't going to threaten this gathering. 

     However, the Pangoro, looking like a large and very angry panda with a bamboo shoot hanging from his mouth steps forward and grunts what sounds like a challenge before pointing at Miwa. She blinks and then chuckles a bit, looking back at the imposing dark and fighting type, which was brave to challenge her with a double weakness to Fairy typing.

     "Why don't we make this more interesting and do doubles with one of my friends joining me? Assuming one of you are happy to be my partner, and Pangoro has a friend who wants to fight as well." The Magmortar nods and moves to stand next to Pangoro, his flames burning even hotter as he warms up for the fight.
Ash looked to the burly panda. He didn't know poke-speak, but he knew a challenge and this guy wanted a piece of Miwa. He smiled encouragingly, not fully up to speed with typing and weaknesses, but he had seen Miwa's displays in the past. So the matchup was less lopsided in his mind than it might physically appear.

Then his eyes widened at Miwa's suggestion at making it a doubles match. A deep breath to clear his mind, "If that is something our hosts are willing to indulge in." He gestured to the burly panda and gave an encouraging smile. "I don't know how great of a fight I will provide, but it would at the very least be interesting." He had only a vague idea of 'typing' and 'elemental' as it came to pokemon, so he had no ideawhat his void based attacks would do here. "Ifnothing else it should be amusing for the audiance."
     Meia takes a gander at all of these gathered Pokemon, so many of them big and tough and powerful. And yet, her smile never wavers, her confident stance never falters, as she simply lowers her hands to her sides and nods to the Pangoro and his Magmortar partner. "Oooh, I've got the perfect thing for this, actually. Famfrit, won't you be a dear and give me a hand~?"

Suddenly, a geyser of water erupts from the ground behind Meia, large enough to swallow several grown men whole and showering the immediate area with sparkling mist. A massive, hulking shape emerges from the water, towering over any of the human-scale beings present, and even moreso over the smaller ones. As the geyser dies down, water pours down in sheets off of what appears to be a massive suit of armor holding an enormous bronze jug, blue in color with gold ornamental trim. It says nothing, but regards the Pokemon with its eyeless visor, a low rumbling coming from deep within its body.
     As both Ash and Meia seem ready to join in on the battling, Miwa grins a little and wonders why she ever thought that only one of them would jump at her offer. She turned back toward the trio of Pokemon who more or less ran the show around here and pondered, perhaps a triple battle? 

     She didn't have to wonder long, as Lycanroc stepped forward, looking a little wary of Miwa and Meia's fairly obvious water elemental summon, but eyes Ash as he displays his void powers. "Why not, let's do a triple. I don't think I've even seen one of those before, it should be fun!" She says as she backs up and moves to join Ash and Meia while the three wild and fully evolved Pokemon flex and psych themselves and each other up.
Ash smiled at Miwa as she rejoined the group before eyeing the competition. His eyes closed as he looked from Meia to Miwa. "OK small confession here. I'm nowhere near as fight ready out of frame as in, but I can try running distraction and disruption." Then his hand unclinched as he grinned at the small glow in his palm. "Then again this is in fun after all rather than keeps." 

He streached, arms extending out before flexing hsi fingers. "Any suggestions on who I should try prioritizing?"
     Meia chuckles and steps back, fashioning herself an ice sculpture of a char to relax in while she watches the battle commence. "Famfrit, work together with these two. I'm sure you know who they are by now, even if they've never met you. Ash, Miwa, this is Famfrit, he is a Sicarius with power over water... and storms. Be careful around him, as he isn't known for his... restraint. I'm sure you'll be fine, though."

That rumbling sound comes from within the armor again, and Famfrit lumbers forward into the arena, swinging around its jug on a chain as if it were a makeshift flail. Looks like it's ready to go~
     Miwa nods to Meia, eyeing Famfrit a moment before turning her gaze toward Ash as he seems unsure of how fit he is for combat and who to focus his attacks on. "Well, the Magmortar and Lycanroc are weak to water type attacks, and the Pangoro is double weak to fairy type attacks. So we should have the advantage, just be careful because from watching them battle, I'm pretty sure Magmortar has the 'flame body' ability which means if you strike him directly, you might get burned from the contact. 

     The other two I'm not sure about. I don't know who you should focus on really Ash, not sure how your void powers will work against Pokemon in general. Magmortar is resistant to bug, steel, fire, grass, ice, and fairy, Pangoro to rock, ghost, and dark, Lycanroc to Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire. I guess we'll see what happens.

     Miwa turns toward the trio of wild Pokemon, who appeared to be waiting, allowing the guests to have the first move. Miwa goes right for her signature move, and begins to prepare her attack, singing her Sparking Aria, several orbs of water forming in the air around her before a high note sends them soaring toward the Magmortar.
"Right then." Ash looked to Famfrit then pointed to the the Magmortar, "You heard the lady. Hose that guy down!"

Then he was off, streaking ahead, quite literally becoming a streak of light as he approached the Lycanroc. The dash would end with Ash rematerializing fist firstattemting to punch the Lycanroc in the face. Not flashy especially compared to what Miwa did, but he saw his job as containing this potential wildcard.
     "Void, hm... Seems like it would be closest to ghost or dark, wouldn't it? I would suggest avoiding the Pangoro, in that case." Meia advises Ash from her seat, leaning back and folding her arms behind her head. And if you're wondering whether that chair is cold... Yes, yes it is. She just doesn't care.

Famfrit, in the meantime, chooses that exact Pokemon to go after, since Ash and Miwa are tackling the others. Its jugflail is sent careening through the air at the bancho panda with bonecrushing force, something that could pulverize any ordinary human... But these are Pokemon, so who knows?
     The Magmortar is tough, responding to Miwa's attack with a blazing Flamethrower attack, which nullifies some of the orbs of water sent his way, the rest sizzling and evaporating on impact with his magma-like body, while looking to cause just a bit of discomfort. The Flamethrower also continues on toward Miwa, who quickly moves out of the way, though a bit of her hair is burned as the blast of fire narrowly misses her.

     She shoots back with Dazzling Gleam, hoping to momentarily blind, or at least distract the powerful fire type while she prepares an even more powerful move.

     Pangoro strikes back at Famfrit with Bullet Punch aimed at the ornate looking jug, a steel type attack as quick as its name implies, with some decent strength to boot, boosted a further twenty percent by Pangoro's Iron Fist ability.

     Ash would luckily find that Lycanroc's defenses weren't as diamond hard as some rock types, but still, it's likely his hand is going to sting a bit after that punch. Lycanroc staggers a bit after the punch, not expecting Ash to have moved so quickly, but promptly leaps back and attempts to bury Ash under boulders with Rock Slide.
The rocks served oto cause Ash to dash backward, buying the Lycan space. Also it let him massage his hand as he eyed his opponent, "Dude." He pointed at his hand and let it shake about theatrically before laughing. A sidelong glance at Miwa then Famfrit. "OK... Tougher than you look. Gotcha." His left hand raised, fingers spread wide. Anyone nearby would hear the sound of air being sucked in. Meia might recognize something happening wit hthe abric of reality, or she might not as void energy flowed through the chakra points of Ash's body towards his outstreached hand, forming a beam of pulsing light flashing between all colors and at the same time having no true color of its own. The beam only lasted for a moment, if it did bad things to his opponent Ash didn't want to accidentilly fry the poor critter, and if it was deflected he didn't want to waste too much effort on the attack. More him attempting to figure out what would work and what wouldn't.
     The jug bounces off of the Pangoro's fist with a loud CLANG, but it doesn't shatter or even dent. Whatever it's made of, it's definitely tough, and a quick yank on the chain brings it back to Famfrit's shoulder. Swirling black mists gather at the mouth of the jug as it's aimed like some sort of cannon at the panda Pokemon, lightning crackling momentarily before it erupts in a high-pressure blast of water, not dissimilar to the Hydro Pump move these creatures may be used to. As she watches from her seat, Meia chuckles a little to herself. "Maybe I spoke too soon. He's showing more restraint than I thought..."
     The Magmortar growls as the bright and flashy fairy type attack explodes in is face, staggering backward a bit as he tries to regain his senses. Though even before he fully recovers, he fires back with Clear Smog, taking a deep breath and expelling out a stream of white smog that somehow seems to go directly for Miwa and scores a hit despite its user not being able to see properly. 

     Miwa tries her best to shake off the attack, it was only moderately powerful, but it was also a poison attack, making it about as potent as that Flamethrower would have been if she wasn't resistant and didn't dodge it. Miwa gathers the water-energy within and around her and focuses a torrent of water of her own, as she sends a Hydro Pump attack toward the Magmortar.

     Lycanroc seems to show some pain from the void beam striking him, but promptly shrugs it off before leaping toward Ash with its jaws open wide, going for a powerful Crunch Attack.

     Pangoro takes a solid hit from that blast of water and is knocked down onto his back. The panda quickly gets back on his feet, however, and a moment later his fist begins to glow blue as he leaps and soars toward Famfrit for a Sky Uppercut aimed squarely at his chest.
"Uh-uh..." Ash dashed out of the way of the Lycan, or rather he tried to, and fell to the ground. SOmething he had heard when dealing with larger dogs attacking was to stick your hand down their throat their gag reflex supposedly would keep them from clamping down. Of course that means intentionally putting your hand in the thing designed to sheer bone apart. 

Ash was nothing if not willing to try the risky path. So As he lay there pinned with aa thing with powerful jaws snapping at him, he would try stuffing his hand down its throat-

Then the mouth closed, causing Ash's teeth to clinch. He could feel not nice things happening to his arm, but he grinned, teeth baring at his opponent as his hand opened. There was a moment where his eyes glowed and the hand inside of the Lycan again produced void energy. Weaker than before because of the pain in hsi arm, but at the same time Ash would continue until he was let go.
     Meia nods approvingly at Miwa's efforts, clearly showing the results of her training. Maybe the witch will take some credit for it, since she helped out with the Battle Tower and all. Then again, that would be egotistical, wouldn't it? Well, she never said she was humble...

Over in the arena, Famfrit takes a heavy blow from the Pangoro, its fist causing a resonating gong-like noise to sound from deep within the armor, sounding as hollow as it looks. The Sicarius takes a step back, steadying itself while its free hand inspects the clearly visible dent in its chest, and then it aims its jug into the air, firing off another powerful blast of water. This, however, swirls in the sky rather than immediately coming back down, forming thick, dark clouds that pulse with electricity. A few moments later, a torrential downpour starts up, raining down in stinging sheets... followed by a bolt of lightning aimed straight at the panda, lighting up the arena with a blinding flash.
     The Magmortar manages to narrowly avoid Miwa's Hydro Pump, though not wishing to risk being hit should Miwa make another attempt, the fire type uses his ace in the hole. He leaps towards Miwa suddenly and as he rears back with his right arm for a punch, his fist crackles with electricity, and then in a swift and powerful motion, that electrified fist strikes Miwa in the side of her chest even as she tries to avoid it. She lets out a cry as the electricity surges through her, and the super effective move knocks her down to the floor of the clearing. 

     Is the performer turned battleler down for the count? Time will tell, but Miwa's cry isn't the only one to be heard, as poor Lycanroc learns the hard way what it's like to have an energy blast go off on the inside. With a pitiful yowl of pain, the stony canine lets go of Ash's arm, likely leaving a bleeding bite wound as it staggers backward, mewling in pain.

     Pangoro looks up as the rain begins, and Magmortar doesn't look too pleased by it either, as the rain sizzles against his body. The sudden bolt of lightning strikes the panda bringing a sharp growl as he staggers back, then charges forward with all his remaining strength for a Hammer Arm attack aimed at the stomach area of Famfrit's armor.
As the Lycanroc stumbledback Ash held his hands up as he went to approach, "Dude you alright?" Cocnern laced through his voice as blood beaded and gelled on his arm, swelling would soon set in around the hairline fractures beneath, but for the moment. "Aw crap..." He whistled, franticly gesturing with his right hand over to the Lycanroc, "Hey guys uh... any of you good with medicine?"

It was then as he looked about for help that he saw Miwa. Causing him to seemingly and probably nearly instantly appear beside her as he he moved to check for responsivness. "Hey?" He shook Miwa, hoping to get some kind of response. Sure this was all fun and games, which is why he felt reasonably safe focusing on Miwa's welbeing rather than focusing on escape beforehand.
     "Oh dear." Meia remarks at all the injuries going around, though she's less worried about Famfrit. It's taken much worse beatings before, and as the Pangoro goes to strike the armored Sicarius again, it catches the panda's arm in its free hand, rumbling angrily as it demonstrates its considerable physical strength by trying to lift the Pokemon up over its head with one hand... and then slam it back down into the ground like a sack of potatoes.

In the meantime, Meia gets up from her seat and heads over to Miwa and Ash, producing a potion from who-knows-where. "Hold on, drink this. It should help, it's a medicinal potion from my world."
     The Lycanroc soon recovers. The attack definitely hurt, but the shock of it all just added to its reaction, once that shock subsided it started to calm down. Pangoro lay stunned after being slammed down, but after a moment he sat up and grinned, apparently having enjoyed having such a good fight even if he lost. Miwa wasn't quite knocked out and was already starting to get back up when Ash and then Meia came to her side. 

     She might have mustered up another attack against Magmortar, but the fire type, seeing Lycanroc wasn't too interested in continuing the fight, and Pangoro was defeated, voices that his side gives up, declaring Miwa and her friends Meia and Ash the victors of this rather intense spar. Miwa happily accepts the potion, drinking it down and smiling up at Ash and Meia. "This was quite an exciting spar, you both did great. It sounds like we win."
     "Well, I didn't do much myself, but thank you all the same. It was a joy to watch~" Meia trills as she steps back to let Miwa and Ash have some space. She turns to the opposing team of Pokemon and bows respectfully, then waves Famfrit off, the giant dissipating into countless tiny motes of light that float off into the sky. "Thank you very much for the chance to see this place. It was wonderful, not to mention much less deadly than my equivalent."
Ash nodded once to Miwa before smiling at the Lycanroc before touching where it bit his arm. "Yea." He chuckled softly, "I'm still trying to figure out how to fight without my warframe so getting to just have a bit of fun is good. Thanks for letting us visit guys."

He patted Miwa lightly as he considered the potion Meia handed him before walking over to the Lycanroc offering the curative. "I've got a palce to go to get patched up. You've just got what's out here." He didn't want to think of what would have happened if he had invested more power into the blast, or if his opponent had been less resilliant. "I don't know how well you understand me, but I'll come if called."
     Miwa chuckles a bit as Meia admits she didn't really do much. "So you don't really so much have control over that being that you summoned just sort of does his own thing then?" She asks curiously, before turning back to Ash and watching as he offers his healing potion to Lycanroc. The rock type looks to his wild peers, and then to Miwa as if asking if it's safe. Miwa nods and smiles, and Lycanroc hesitantly sips at the potion, then drinks the rest a moment later. "Such a gentleman, that's why I love you." She comments as she follows Ash and stands taller on her tail and hugs Ash with her flippers. 

     "Also, to answer your earlier thing about learning Pokespeak, I think you could learn the basics to understand some of it pretty easily, as I know most trainers end up being able to understand their Pokemon and some can even understand some of the wild Pokemon. Some have strange speech patterns though, so able to understand any Pokemon you come across will take longer, and I'm not sure what the reason is, but I don't think I've ever met a human who could speak in Pokespeak, though most trained Pokemon and wild Pokemon that live around people, can understand the more simple basic words in the language common in the region they live in."
Ash winced at the hug but returned it all the same with a smile. "I've got Ordis to patch me up, seemed fair is all." He gave the wild pokemon a little wave before letting Miwa go as she explained Poke-speak. "Well if nothing else knowing at least enough to sorta get by would be good since I do kinda have plans on staying here on a more permenent basis." He shrugged as he considered what he just said, perhaps not even realizing he had put voice to thought then gently pattd Miwa's back while nodding.

"Thank you for coming Meia." He gave a small bow to the azure witch, "I know at least some of what your home is like. Getting out and about is a good way to see that you're fighting for something instead of just fighting against a thing." Subtle distinction, but for Ash, an important one.
     "Yes, well, I wish to someday make my home even a fraction as pleasant as this world. Speaking of which, I really should be leaving. There's this Blank I've been keeping an eye on, and he's been showing some promise. I'd like to... guide him." Meia says in response to Ash, bowing back at him and to Miwa. As she turns to leave, she adds, "I'll just let you two enjoy your time together here. See you some other time~"
     Miwa waves to Meia as she says she has to go. "See you soon I hope... If you ever need help with that world remaking, just let me know, doesn't sound like the sort of thing you'd want to be doing alone." She offers before looking back at Ash, smiling warmly as he pats her on the back. "Planning on moving in eh? Perhaps we should fast track the grotto upgrades then. At least you have your void teleport thing, so I don't have to feel like we need a bridge to the shore or something. Not sure that'd fly with the zoning regulators."
Ash rolled his eyes, "Even without that, there's always the hoverboard, or just whistling Ordis up for a ride." Ash gave a soft chuckle. "Then again I suppose the sprint from island to island would be a good workout for me." He streached, looking about the moonlit clearing before sitting beside Miwa, "Figuring out what you want to do with your home would be good. I'll have to do more work to get money to chip in, but if you can find a contractor that'll put the work in I don't mind."

Then a thought occored, "How's your lapris friend doing? Heard from her any since the mid-ocean swarm?" He had clear and terrifying memories of that incident. He also quite appreciated the Lapris's quick thinking in making a glacier to hide in.
     Miwa smiles, leaning against Ash a bit, but careful not to agitate his injured arm. "There's a local crew in town I can ask for some quotes, just have to decide what we want to do as far as major changes. As for Lapras? She's fine, great even, seen her hanging around a new male, probably going to have little Lapras swimming around soon." She says with a chuckle and almost goes 'aww' at the mere thought of some cute baby Lapras.
"That's cute," Ash continued to run a hand along Miw'as back as she leaned against him, "Huh... wonder when you're going to want a little poplio swimming around." His head shook slowly, trying to process the thought. "How's that even going to work with you singing?" More idle chatter as he kept his mind off his arm, and the inevetable Ordis fussing.
     "A little Popplio? It is something I've thought about... A step in my life that I've been interested in taking, but I wasn't sure how to ask you about it. But we could adopt, or we could find a Pokemon breeder, and raise our child from egg to a fully capable Pokemon, able to live on their own." Miwa says as she looks back up at Ash to gauge his reaction while leaning into the rubbing at her back, it felt really good.
Ash looked thoughtful for a moment, his eyes closed as he tried to visualize this. Deep breath. Whispers of all the things that could go wrong,that he wasn't ready, that he couldn't do this. He smiled anyway, "To be truethful?" His voice was perfectly calm, "Helpin you raise a child is utterly terrifying and outside of everything I have any experiance with." There was a pause as his hand rested on Miwa's shoulder, "But this is a good place and we both have friends that we can get help from. I say worth looking into." Then he looked at Miwa, attempting to meet her eyes, "But if this happens and squirt ends up wanting to be a league fighter? Or a singer? Or whatever? We're going t osupport what they want."
     Miwa grins, then laughs, and finally nods in agreement with Ash. "Well, I'm not exactly a veteran mother with all the answers either, but you're right, we have plenty of friends to support us, both on this world and beyond, so I'm sure it'll be fine. As for letting the little one do whatever they want with their life when they're older, as long as it's not something like joining Team Skull, I'm with you." She says with a giggle and leans to rest her head against Ash's chest, yawning a bit. "Suppose it's getting late. Maybe I can come up with you to Ordis and we can talk about this more after they patch up your arm.Or you can meet me back at the grotto later."
Ash nodded as he put his hand over Miwa's flipper. "Talk is good." He chuckled softly at having to explain this to Ordis, "If nothing else you being there might keep him from blowing a fuse at just HOW my arm got hurt."