World Tree MUSH

Machinings 2: The Tribes

Character Pose
Tsuyu Asui
    Musutafu City! Home of the prestigious UA Academy for budding young heroes, home of a vast number of heroes and individuals, on a world where almost everyone on the planet has powers. On the surface, it seems like any other sufficiently advanced and modernized Earth. Cars, trains, airplanes, everyone has a cellphone. There's just a large amount of people who make 'being a superhero' their actual, literal, career choice...
    Annnnnnnnnd the Machines are here too.
    Apparently, they had come on a boat. And that boat made port at the docks, and the walking hunks of iron and rust ambled off and onto the city streets. And it is chaos.
    Most of the Machines have painted themselves in vibrant colors, many are wearing tattered colorful cloaks. They all amble about without a purpose, many of them buzzing a single word in unison as they do...
    But that's not all. A nearby bank is... Under seige? Several machines painted in darker colors, with darker capes, and DOMINO MASKS painted on their faces are ambling about the premesis, buzzing their own villainous mantra.
    "EVIL... EVIL... EVIL... EVIL..."
    Luckily it's an off day from school. Or perhaps unluckily, as two young superheroes to be just kind of... seem to have been caught in the middle of it all. Tsuyu Asui taps on her lower lip with a single finger as she stares with a vacant expression at the roving 'hero' and 'villain' machines.
    "... Ribbit..." She rumbles to herself thoughtfully before turning to her friend. "Ochako-chan did we step into the Twilight Zone?" She asks, completely calm and level. "I mean. I'm not the only one seeing this, right?"
Hyouka Kiyama
    If anything, the tech level here is a bit below where Hyouka's world is, in most ways - in one or two, probably a bit ahead! She certainly doesn't stand out all that much here, traveling as she does in a comfortable jogger's outfit and sporting a pair of elf ears. Let's face it, elf ears are downright normal compared to the physical features some Quirks result in.

    You know what's not normal? Machines. They're out of place in just about any world, but especially here. "-eh?! DARGN, do we have any alerts from 2B?" she asks, already breaking into a jog and headed towards the sound of a bank being robbed. "Negative," the AI replies immediately. "You're going to have to investigate yourself."

    Hyouka mutters irritably, then doubles her jogging pace, coming up alongside Tsuyu. "You're not. They're machine lifeforms from another world, I've run into them before. I've got no clue why they're here, though..."
    Uni's a relatively itinerant traveller at this point. She's somehow made her way into the city. She's wearing a rather jaunty outfit, probably passing for some kind of minor Hero to anyone apart from the other Tree residents and Tsuyu who's met the CPU Candidate before.

    She rounds the corner as a few civilians run the other way, then stops short with a bemused expression. "Really? What in the name of Segata is going on with these things now?" She pinches the bridge of her nose, then makes her way over to the group that's likely to be forming of local responders and anyone else. "So... what's the usual MO for this kinda thing? I'm guessing we should round them up; they don't seem to be aggressive... at least." she mentions, hands on hips at she watches the Hero-bots mill around, and catches glimpses of the Villain-bots in the bank. "What a mess."
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke knew about the whole 'Stand users are destined to meet' thing. It's seemed to be true... he's met a lot of Stand users in his own world by chance -- fate is funny like that. But he wasn't aware that extended to offworld weirdness too!

    See he was just relaxing, taking a look at another world that might have seemed similar on the surface -- lots of the people here have powers, it seems, enough to have a school focusing on teaching these people how to use them. Of course the school is closed today, so he'll have to wait until later to get any information about it. Of course, there's something else that's going on anyway... something a little more important than getting info!

    Josuke drives onto the scene on a motorcycle (probably stolen, shhhh!). He'll try to get close to the people that seem 'trapped', so he can try to cover them a little. "Hi there! Sorry to be abrupt, but these things are bad news!" he notes. The others will probably give more information about them than he can, though, so he'll just stick with trying to see what they're doing. Not all of the machines are hostile, he knows... but all THESE might be!
Emily Nyx
Emily Nyx, unlike the other machines present, is not fitting in. She's wearing a black dress in the style of some sort of Medieval-esque fantasy world (namely, a certain town called Kaipo); she has pure white hair adorned with a glowing white flower called a lunar tear, glowing purple eyes, and of course four arms.

She comes to a stop as she catches sight of the Machine Lifeforms, and smacks her forehead. She notices how the "heroes" are dressed, and smacks her forehead with another hand. She notices the villains, and adds her other two hands to the mix. "Okay," she mutters, "I'm tempted to ship these guys to Pandemonium, see how fast Salome can tear through them."

She floats over to Tsuyu, Hyouka, and Uni. "Robots from space who were created to take over the world in a particular Blossom," she says. "These ones seem to be a docile variant. Aaaaaand I'm about fifty percent sure they got shipped here from another world, due to being too docile to blow up." She regards the chaos for a moment, and shrugs. "Who's up for herding some cats? That might be more sensible than dealing with these guys."
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Facepalm X4 COMBO!
Mariam continues her few decades long quest to find a fix for Pandemonium and it's brought her to world filled with Heroes!. Once which may be able to fix the problem, right? She's flying side saddle on her broom because she doesn't expect a lot of turbulence on a quick pass through. What could possibly go wrong in a world filled with heroes? Right?

Annnnd she thinks too soon as Hooty--- a black owl sitting on the back of her broom hoots at Mariam and she goes. "Yeaaaahhhh it figures there's a problem whenever I try to explore." she says to herself as she shoves her hand into Hooty's gigantic feather fluff who seems to take offense to this as she removes a megaphone from the fluff and she dusts the feathers off it and hovers overhead. Near the bank. The megaphone does that strange static thing a moment as she turns it on.

"Hey evil robots. Can you please not do whatever it is you are doing? It's very rude!" she insists.

She looks down and then into the megaphone down at the others. "Oh hello!" the witch says on her broom. Hooty rolls his eyes.
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako Uraraka, standing by her friend and classmate, scans the scene wearing a look of total awe. "Oh wow, they're like rampaging construction equipment. Yeah, this is kinda Twilight Zone, uh... They're sort of cute, sort of?"

    They'd be cuter if there were one or two. Cuter still if half of them weren't droning on about EVIL EVIL EVIL. "Okay, so..." This is when people start showing up! She edges a little cluser to Tsuyu, trying her best not to get in the way of the robots or anyone trying to get clear.

    People in this town do tend to crowd around trying to get good looks at the action or specifically at the heroes and villains doing whatever it is they do! So the appearance of folks not widely recognized might attract attention. Or camera flashes.

    When Emily casually floats over, she breathes out a soft 'whoah' and her gaze drops to Uni and Hyouka. Heroes? "Oh good, yeah, those little guys are everywhere. They came off some boat and they're acting pretty weird but. Mostly they're just in the way?"
Tsuyu Asui
    Needless to say, Tsuyu blinks owlishly as she gets the explanation. "Machine lifeforms from another world... Robots from space created to take over the world... Oooookaaaaayyyy." The froggy-looking girl drones in a lethargic croak as she gets some new insight on the matter from Hyouka and Emily. "So like. Do they take over by wandering around aimlessly or are they supposed to be more. You know. Dangerous?" She does ask before tapping her lip.
    Pulling out her cellphone she does a quick chec of the local news before frowning. "It looks like an incident uptown has most of the pro heroes busy. I guess we're herding cats."
    "Hi. No, abrupt is fine, really." She answers Josuke. "We're probably going to have to deal with this ourselves with all the big heroes being super busy today."
    "Hi, Uni." That's to the console goddess. "We're probably gonna try and round them up and try to put them back on the boat they came." She suggests as a plan, amid tapping on her lip.
    Then she hears the megaphone and waves Mariam over so she can get in on the huddle if she wants.
    "So. I'm Tsuyu." She introduces herself. "This is Ochako." She introduces Ochako. "We're kind of not supposed to get involved in this kind of thing because we're in training and don't have real hero licenses yet but... I think as long as we don't get into a fight it should be fine. Let's split up and try to get the attention of as many of them as we can and get them back to the docks."
    "EVIL... EVIL... EVIL...!"
    Some of the hero and villain machines have decided to fight each other. This mostly involves flailing their arms mostly harmlessly at each other like a metal slap fight.
    "... This is gonna be a long day." Tsuyu mumbles.
Hyouka Kiyama
    Oh. Oh it's several people she knows. Uni, Josuke, Emily... this looks like it actually might work out. "Yo," Hyouka greets, beaming.

    ...except for the part where apparently you need a 'hero license' to get involved with things like this, here. "Oh, um..." There's an awkward pause. "...look, just this once, could you tell anyone who asks that I'm a hero? I'm from offworld, but I know people from the world these things came from, so I kinda feel responsible." She scratches the back of her head, looking between Tsuyu and Ochako. "Just tell them I'm... uh..."

    Think, Hyouka, think. You're a superhero. General physical package, super powerful fists that can have one of several different elements. You've got a really versatile toolkit, centered around your gauntlets.

    "...Tell them I'm Kit Fisto."

    There is a brief pause.

    ", that's terrible, nevermind."

    The elven woman shakes her head. "Just make something up. I'm sure you two have a good naming sense. I'll see if I can help stop the robbery." With no further delay, Hyouka turns to dash towards the robbery, yelling aside to Mariam as she goes. "I don't think that's gonna work, they're dumb and stubborn. I'll see if I can start herding them away."

    Her plan is simple - she's going to start trying to just bodily haul the machines away from the bank. "You can't rob this bank, you need a membership first. Come on now. Let's find you a better supervillain plan."
    "They're meant to be much more dangerous, but they're like... thousands of years old? So they're all kinda broken and... this." she gestures at the random milling. "There's some that are really dangerous, but these ones are more like uh... sheep, I guess? They can be dangerous but are more likely to just, uh, go with the flow."

    Uni nods to Tsuyu, then introduces herself to those she's not met before. "I'm Uni. I'm the Console Patron Unit Candidate of Lastation. Just call me Uni." she pauses and looks around. "I think if we can coax the bank robber bots the hero bots should follow them... lets try that, if you can keep them from spreading out too much while we get a grip on them, we'll have an easier time."

    Uni then sets off to try and Stop the Bank Heist, peacefully.

    This mostly involves nudging some of the more docile ones towards exits, using her better-than-human strength even untransformed to move the heavy machinery
Emily Nyx
Emily shakes her head. "There's more dangerous varieties," she says. "And ... more ghastly ones." She shrugs, glancing over towards Josuke and Uni, who were there for Simone. "You do not wanna know."

She turns to the Machines, and sighs and puts her hands on her hips. "Releasing capacitor seals 3 and 2!" Three distinct auras appear around her: one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent. The first two shatter, and the third fades away. Then, in a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, her outfit is replaced by a red and black hero-costume with silver highlights, complete with a cape with a shining lunar tear emblem on the back. "I'm Emily Nyx, a robot from another world," she says. "My quirk is that I'm actually three quintillion smaller machines in a trench coat." Yeah, she's reusing that one-liner. No, she isn't actually wearing a trench coat this time, either. "But for now, you can call me ..." She strikes a pose, and projects an obvious hologram of an ominous-looking action-background. "... the anti-hero, LUNAR TEAR!" Uh-oh.

She almost immediately ruins the effect by giggling uncontrollably at Hyouka and Uni's maneuver; it doesn't take long, though, before she quickly starts getting herself back under control. "Ehhh ..." She shrugs, and flies over to the in-progress bank heist, and in another swirl of glitter, she conjures up a great big shovel, which she uses to also start physically shoving the Machine Lifeforms away from the bank. But for every "villain" she shoves ... she also makes a point of shoving a "hero" around as well.
Ochako Uraraka
    Rising to her tip-toes, Ochako scans around and tugs on Tsuyu's sleeve. "Hey, looks like they're starting to fight! Ah! Oh no! They-" She splutters out a shocked laugh at the ridiculous spectacle of almost-violence. They can't even do that right! She feels a little bad but, yeah, gotta do something to help.

    "Yeah, as long as we don't really do anything too aggressive we should be fine!" Up to and including all the regulated power usage! Even when some of the others present are doing that so openly! It's a bit of a spectacle but priority number one...

    "Is it okay to touch them? They're kind of rusty, but..."

    Hyouka gets a blank look, "Oh, uh... Right!" Aside to Tsuyu, "I bet Deku would get that."

    She takes her own phone out, a flip phone of all things but she cracks it open and looks up at Uni. "Thank you for your help!" There's not a lot of time for stiff formality, so a quick and gracious bow is offered before she spies a lone target. A bot harassing a vending machine!

    "I'll be right back!" She trots over, phone in hand and rather than calling up someone, anyone else at all to come help deal with this, she instead waves the small screen kind of near the robot-creature. "Hi, do you wanna go this way instead? I bet there's lots to do over that way! If you just- Just watch the people!" She doesn't follow, should it decide to move, unless she's made a grave error and it decides to follow her. "And no going into the street! Pedestrian crossings only!"
Mariam hovers down lower. "Oh hello." she says. "I came by here. Looking for some other people but um. Stuff always happen." she rolls her eyes along with Hooty. Because this slowly becoming 'the norm' suddenly after like. Decades of quiet searching. She looks over at the robots. "So what are these about. Besides needing to be stopped?" she asks.

"Ah... regardless I'm going to try to... overload their systems with some.. sparking. That should work. I mean. It typically works. Maybe." she says as she beams and waves to the others. And Emily, who she remembers, vaugely.

With this, she hovers over and raises her hands and evokes something into the ether around her and---- bolts of lightning start zapping down from the sky and zapping into some robots, as if attempting to overload some of the 'Evil' Robots. With electrical energy!
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke will eventually be able to tell that these things aren't directly hostile. That said they're still causing trouble and destroying things. So he'll relax a little. Still. He nods to Tsuyu. "I think they're... they're trying to understand humans, by mimicking what they've seen them do." That'll probably make more sense for Tsuyu, since she's... probably a native of this world, so she'd know it better. But he does add, raising a hand to rub at the back of his neck, "I... don't really think they even know what they're doing, really..." But they do need stopped, so...

    He pauses, to offer a wave of greeting to Hyouka. "Yo!" he greets in return. And yes, the mention of a 'license' gets a frown. "Ugh. Figures they'd put regulations on doing good things for people..." he mutters. "Tell you what, I'll fix anything that gets broken, or heal anybody that gets hurt," he offers. Since that's the only reason people need licenses anyway, right? Because they need to know who to blame when stuff gets broken or people get hurt. Josuke has never been one to listen to 'DA MAN'...

    "Well, until the cops get here... let's see what we can do about these guys," he comments. He'll head to the bank as well. For the time being, he wants to stay out of the way of the others. Instead he'll be trying to fix the bank building. Not just fix it, but make it impossible for the robots to get back in when they've been kicked out!
Tsuyu Asui
    The huddle breaks and everyone gets to work. This is good. This is very good, because the bank staff are more confused than alarmed as the 'villain' Machines trudge about spouting of Evil. They may be big and heavy, but it's nothing for Hyouka and Uni start just physically shoving and nudging them around, only for Emily to start shovelling them around!
    "Have you had your tetanus shots, Ochako?" Tsuyu does ask as she starts picks up a smaller robot walking one way-- turns it towards the docks and releases it to walk that way.
    Mariam shocks some... They emit an oddly familiar scream before sizzling and keeling over. Those should be easy to move now, and with Josuke working on fixing up the bank so the Machines can't just wander back in, the large majority of the villain machines are dealt with, though there are still some stragglers.
    It's about now that a black van rolls up. The doors swing open.
    "The hell is this?!" "What are these things?" "I donno, but let's nab a few!"
    Villains! ... ACTUAL villains local to the world have shown up. And they're trying to grab a few of the Machines and stuff them into their van to make a getaway!
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako, now stuck playing tour guide for one of the hapless bots, takes to walking backward, her sneakers scuffing against the sidewalk as she tries to carefully guide the robot along. "That's right, very good! See? All your friends are this way! Thank you for being so cooperative!"

    Tsuyu's callout gets a wave and an affirmative thumbs up! Then, there's a van slamming to a halt. "Uh... Hey! No! Don't take those they're not yours!" She brandishes her phone's camera and thumbs a button. There's a loud, distinct shutter sound and a small LED flash! "It's not safe here!" Ahhhh! She doesn't have the authority to tell people stuff like that! Fret fret! Even if they are clearly up to no good.

    "Guys, guys!" She probably doesn't have to really point it out but she's gonna do her level best to do just that! Make them visible! If they're spotted maybe they'll just go away!
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Come on, there we go, just go on that-a-way. I'm sure there's better villainy to do elsewhere. Bank robberies are so overdone." It's a combination of sheer 'carry them out' and BS to hopefully keep them from going back in again. But just as she's carrying one out...

    "...hey! Hey no, you can't take that!"

    Shady guys in a black van are trying to take Machines. This could get very, very bad. Hyouka glances back at the bank, then yells to Uni and Emily, "Uh, one of you finish up here, there's not many left! I'm gonna go deal with that!" Then she's off and running.

    "Fisto, ON!"

    By the time the cyborg smashes one fist into the other, they're both massive gauntlets, the size of her torso each, and both of them aglow with golden lines of energy along several 'veins'. Without skipping a beat, Hyouka vaults into the air, taking a high arc that will drop her right down on the front of the van. Fist-first. "Don't take strange machines, you don't know where they've been!"
    Uni whews as she puts a few more Villain-bots on the path back toward the boat when she hears an engine and then some voices saying to steal some of the machines... "That's probably the worst idea yuou've had this hour." she says towards the Villains as she moves to engage them. A long-barrel rifle emerges from a flare of pixelated light, and she follows Hyouka's assault up with a volley of Electric-elemental bullets that 'splash' against their target and transfer their charge without penetrating. They're a less-lethal load than she usually carries.
Mariam happily watches some robots knock themselves over and shut off. She sighs a bit, okay good. This is settling down, right?.... right!?

Then vans start rolling up. And local actual apparently 'badguys' start filling the trucks with the robots and she sighs a little because she gets upset. She raises a hand downwards at the trucks. "You! Stop! In your tracks--- and give those back they're not yours. They're not even ours but.. but you can't just take them THAT'S STEALING!" the elf-witch calls out as she sends a huge gust of wind at the trucks, but more importantly, she starts trying to wrap the winds around the metal robots, and attempts to yank them backwards away from the villains.

"I'm going to... give you such a sassing!" she says. "Gonna lecture you about good deeds..." she mutters. "When I get down there and-- don't make me come down there!" she says on her broom, angrily.
Emily Nyx
Emily smirks. "Good job, good -- wait, what?" A pained expression crosses her face at the sight of the oncoming villains, and she lets a theatrical sigh. (Because she can't do anything in a way that isn't full of theatrics at the moment.) She shakes her head at Hyouka. "Yeah, uh ..." She stops as Uni just rushes off. "Okay, I'll ... finish up here."

She floats up higher, and looks at the few remaining Machines around the vicinity of the bank. "Yeah," she says, and takes a deep breath. A staticky portal opens up under one of the Villain machines, dropping it further away from the bank. She closes that, and opens another one. Rinse, repeat ...
Josuke Higashikata
    Things are already bad enough -- though everyone is improving things slowly -- when they suddenly go from bad to worse! Good things rarely happen following a black van driving up, and this time seems to be no exception! Hopefully the bank 'heist' is more or less dealt with, because Josuke take s a flying leap. Literally. And by 'flying leap', we of course mean he manifests Crazy Diamond next to him... and in the next moment, the Stand has grabbed Josuke by the front of his jacket and pitched him in the direction of the van with a loud, "DOURRRRRA!"

    He's going to try to land on the roof of the van -- again, by manifesting his Stand to grab him so he doesn't fly past his objective, and essentially place him down on the roof of the van. If there isn't a skylight in this an, it's going to get one shortly, courtesy of Crazy Diamond aiming to stab its fingers into the roof, so it can try to literally rip a hole in the top!
Tsuyu Asui
    While Ochako and Tsuyu do their best to keep some of the machines from wandering too far off, two girls can only do so much. Thankfully the issue at the bank is handily solved as Emily starts portal-haxing Machines away from the bank until there are none left to bewilder the bank tellers.
    So what about them villains?
    It all starts when they try to start their engines and end up with Hyouka in the way, causing the van to come to a skidding stop. The heavily gusting magical winds yank Machines from the villain's grasps, while Josuke lands ON TOP of the van and rips the roof clean off with his Stand. Uni fires on them, to boot and several drop, stunned and battered by the less than lethal fire. Pppprreeeeetty quickly the concensus amongst them is to raise their hands and give up their patentedly bad idea.
    "So that happened." Tsuyu says as she nudges another Machine towards the docks.
    There's still a load of 'hero' machines buzzing on about JUSTICE, just ambling about even with the heist and the villains handled.
Hyouka Kiyama
    Oh. Oh that was a very sudden dogpile. Hyouka gives Josuke and Uni both a huge-fisted thumbs up, then turns around to take stock. Okay, all that's left is... hero Machines? Hmm. How to do this.

    ...Wait, if they're all 'heroes'...

    "Fellow robotic heroes! Forsooth! My elf ears have detected a crisis across the horizon! The far-off nation of, uh, Elsewheresia has experienced a terrible power plant explosion! We shall need to sail there immediately! Verily!"
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako eventually finds herself sticking close to Tsuyu again, having withdrawn a little bit from the fracas centered on the van full of would-be robot thieves. Her mouth hangs open as she watches and of course she snaps a couple more photos. Yay, more excuses to talk to Deku! Click click.

    When the roof of the van comes open like that, she nudges one of the robots rather than nudging Tsu. "Did you see that? They took those crooks down so fast!" Ignore her, she's just going to fist pump and enthuse and maybe a little bit of that energy will help the robots along a little faster!

    That or Hyouka's ploy, which elicits another amused snort from the hero-in-training. "Oh my gosh!" She picks up a small robot on the way, "C'mere you!" She may or may not be cheating with her Quirk, holding a bot up so easily.
Emily Nyx
Emily turns around and floats over to the surrendered villains. "Damn it," she says cheerfully. "You should've left some for me!" She shakes her head. "Oh well, guess that leaves wrangling these, uh, tin cans." She's not the best at coming up with witty banter on the fly, apparently.

She flies over to the ones still milling about. "Okay, uh ... guess this'll be --" And then she starts snickering at Hyouka's speech. "Kiyama, that was wonderful." She grins at the hero-bots. "C'mon, heroes! Let's go, let's go!" She conjures up great big holographic arrows pointing the way, plus marquees that say "THIS WAY TO ELSEWHERESIA."
Mariam watches the villains give up. Good. Now, they will change their ways and dedicate themselves to a life of peace and good works. She thinks, super hopefully. That won't change but she can super maybe hope.

"Y...yes! That way! To Elsewheresia! Where they need your help! I understand that it's um... nice this time of year.... mayb.. maybe..." she says with a not so great wide smile. Because she hates lying.

But really do you want to actually hurt adorable robots screaming 'justice' Mariam? No. No you don't.

Hooty is trying to convince her otherwise. She's rapidly shaking her head no at him.
Josuke Higashikata
    Whew. That's the ACTUAL bad guys dealt with. And yes, Josuke is going to fix that van. Though if restraint is needed, the villains might find themselves inside the van's seats. Literally inside them. Crazy Diamond can tear them up and then fix them. AROUND THE VILLAINS! So they might not be going anywhere for a while... depending on if they need restraint or not!

    Josuke returns Hyouka's thumbsup... and then blinks at the speech. But he understands immediately what Hyouka's trying to do. And as Emily picks up the act too, he plays along. "That's right! We have EVIL to crush!" And because he has to look DRAMATIC when he's standing on top of a van... he POINTS! DRAMATICALLY! At the boat!
Josuke Higashikata
>> SUMMARY[Josuke Higashikata] >> -- Like THIS, but POINTING! DRAMATICALLY!
Tsuyu Asui
    "Yep. That was some good teamwork." Tsuyu replies to Ochako.
    So those villains are going to be stuck for a bit. The police will deal with them when they arrive though. But...
    The Machines... Turn their attention to the gathered, would be heroes when Hyouka calls upon their heroic sensibilities(?) and tells them of the distant land of Elsewheresia. There is a noted pause amongst the Machines, up until Emily and Mariam start pointing them in a direction and---...
    Josuke cracks out the legendary Joestar wit. It's enough to set the machines all turning in the direction of this supposed Elsewheresia.
    "... It's actually working." Tsuyu says as she points a tiny Machine in the proper direction. "I can't believe they bought that."
    This... This actually does work as the Machines start piling back onto the boat from whence they came.
    "TO ELSEWHERESIA. JUSTICE. VERILY." They buzz in unison as the ship takes off from its moorings, back out onto the waters to float off and be someone else's problem.
    Tsuyu stands on the edge of the docks watching the Machines float off. The froggy-looking girl rubs at the back of her neck before turning to everyone else. "Well. That's. Kind of a relief?"
Hyouka Kiyama
    Hyouka takes her cue from Josuke, and holds her posture right up until the machines have started sailing off.

    Then she abruptly drops the pose, restores her arms to normal, and buries her face in my hands. "Oh my god, I can't believe I said that...!" When Emily praises her, the cyborg just flat-out starts turning red.

    "Hyouka. Don't be ashamed. You're a natural-born superhero. Embrace your talent." "ShutupDARGN!"
Mariam waves the machines off. "Byyeeee! Bon Voyage! Don't make trouble in elsewhereia!" she calls out. Pause. She looks down at the group. "....Will Elsewhereia be able to handle them?" she asks the group.

...Mariam seems to think this is a real place.

Hooty wingfaces in a facepalm like manner.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke sighs in relief as the machines' boat sails off. "Whew... that was weird..." He's looking around for any other things that might have been damaged -- aside from the crooks, they can stay where they are for now -- and hops down off of the van.

    The exchange between Hyouka and DARGN gets a snicker. "No, it's okay, really," he observes. "I'm not exactly sure what's up with those things, but the whole thing was just weird anyway. It fit the situation, it really did." Thankfully nobody seems to be hurt? He'll look around again, to confirm.

    And looking to Tsuyu, he offers by way of explanation, "Sorry about that... whole thing. Humans are gone from their world, and they don't know how humans used to act. So I think they're trying to... learn about humans -- maybe become human themselves, I don't know -- by imitating them."
Ochako Uraraka
Uraraka joins in on the waving! Once all the robots are set loose, gathered up and shipped off, it's nice to see them go! "It's like a weird little adventure for those guys! But um. I don't think that's a real place. But this Tree thing is pretty big so who knows!" She rubs at the back of her own neck sheepishly, careful to keep one pinky extended away from herself!

    "They weren't so bad but uh. Wow. They caused a big scene!" A scene that she's probably not going to want to be seen fleeing, given that she's got photo evidence to share! Especially of the van full of wet bandits back there a ways. Anyway!

    She turns toward the assembled hero-types and otherworlders and pipes up, "Thank you all again! Very much! You helped so much and nothing really bad happened. Awesome!"

    Joke's accounting, "Really? Awww, that's super sad! I hope it goes super well for them, then!" Then, it's back to waving! With renewed vigor!
Emily Nyx
Emily snickers. "Okay, cool," she says. "Nah, seriously, Hyouka, that was great ..." At the sight of Hyouka's embarrassment, however, Emily actually starts looking somewhat embarrassed herself!

She sighs. "Ehhhh. At least I didn't have to take off my last capacitor seal that time." She shakes her head and shrugs. "Reapplying capacitor seals 2 and 3!" The pearlescent aura fades in, the gold and silver ones reconstruct themselves, and then all three fade. In a swirl of glitter, Emily is back in her Kaipo-style dress. ... Just with the Lunar Tear (anti)hero-cape now.

She nods to Josuke. "Yeah, the humans are all holed up on the moon," she says. "All that's left on Earth in that Blossom is the machines, and androids fighting on the humans' side. Really ..." She makes a face. "Messed up place, that. I won't disturb you with the details because they'd ... disturb you. Unless Uni and Jojo want to. Uh." She looks at Josuke. "Actually, hang on. Is it okay if I call you that? Just want to make sure." So much for the devil-may-care anti-hero outfit.

She looks around. "I think I'm gonna jet before the authorities actually successfully get here," she says. "If anyone needs me, I'm ... heh, elsewhere. Later, gators!" She opens a staticky portal and slips through. And there goes Emily.