Hyouka Kiyama

Hyouka Kiyama
World: Sufficiently Advanced-1
Actual Age: 34
Apparent Age: ???
Quote: "Ah, right, right. I'll get it in the morning. Now what about that griffin you saw?"
Role: Magic Punchborg
Species: Human(?!)
Voice Actor: Hyouka: Atsuko Tanaka // DARGN: Takako Honda


What would you do if you could ask one thing, anything, of an ancient dragon? In Hyouka's case, the answer turns out to be 'a shiny new body so I can stop working in an office and become an adventurer'. Gifted with the finest, most cutting-edge combat magi-cyborg body, Hyouka has finally managed to climb out of the drudgery of her former existence... only to find that there's a little of it even in the fantastic life of a traveling stuff-puncher. She'd much rather be diving into the fray than doing paperwork, much rather see new vistas than pay her bills. Even sitting and sharing a drink with friends is preferable to one more form filled out, and those who *do* accept her company tend to find her easy-going and amiable, more than willing to enjoy both relaxed and exciting pastimes. But, reality is harsh, and even the most amazing lifestyle comes with mundane busywork to make it possible. So she'll get it done... eventually... maybe.


Full Conversion Cyborg: Hyouka's body lacks many organic shortcomings, resists poison and disease...
The only part of Hyouka that still remains organic is her brain. Every part of her is advanced magitech - removing the need to breathe, eat or drink (although she can certainly still enjoy these!); rendering her immune to most ordinary diseases, and filtering out common poisons; and guaranteeing that she will live a very long time. The magic involved allows her to pass as fully human (well, elven) to visual or tactile inspection, but technology and magic can both still note her nature easily.
Combat Body: ...and is built with superhuman physical attributes and senses.
Hyouka's body design incorporates enough strength to lift and throw a car, a sprint speed on the low end of 'freeway', and skin that might as well be body armor. Her reflexes are also tuned to be inhumanly fast, and her senses are all quite a bit sharper than an ordinary person's. One of her favorite ways to get around is by long, soaring leaps made possible by her superhuman strength. Plus, her body comes with a nice combat HUD.
Digital-Assist Reflex Guardian Node: An AI secretary that helps run her body and manage her built-in comms.
The Digital-Assist Reflex Guardian Node (DARGN for short) is a program that helps integrate 'superhuman reflexes and senses' with 'human brain'. Fully sapient, the DARGN also manages various minor maintenance tasks with her body, as well as acting in the role of digital secretary; maintaining appointments, managing correspondence, answering and connecting phone or radio calls on Hyouka's internal comms hardware, and so on.
Fully Integrated Smash-Type Energized Arcane Unit: A pair of huge, elemental energy-infused gauntlets.
Hyouka's primary armament is the Fully Integrated Smash-Type Energized Arcane Unit, or FISTEAU. A pair of oversized gauntlets which break down and store within her regular arms, the FISTEAU add significant striking force to her already impressive punches, allowing her to smash concrete with ease or even batter through solid steel doors with a bit of time. They are further enhanced by elemental energy piped direct from Hyouka's power core, allowing them to deal damage of whichever type is equipped at the moment.
DraCor Engine: An overpowered core that can generate elemental mana, or supply external power.
The 'heart' of Hyouka's body is the DraCor Engine, a mana reactor which works similarly to a dragon's heart. It produces an immense amount of power, and through the installation of specific crystals, can supply the FISTEAU with Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice or Lightning energy - however, she can only equip one at a time, and the installation process is lengthy; so Hyouka must decide which element to bring before arrival, and a destroyed crystal requires three weeks to recreate. Her body can also temporarily supply both 'typeless' and elemental mana to much larger machines, or others' spells. Of course, while the 'typeless' mana is generally safe, it's much more questionable how elemental mana might interact with devices or incantations not designed for it...
Roar< Edge >: Fury grants Hyouka armor, wings, and flame breath.
When Hyouka gets angry enough (spending Edge for combat), the DraCor Engine responds by flooding her body with draconic power. Her element immediately switches to fire (and her elemental crystal shatters); her gauntlets transform to gain claws; armorlike scales appear along her body to further toughen her, and form a tail; and a pair of wings formed from technology and magical fire sprout from her back, granting her flight. She also gains the ability to breathe intense magical flames, which aren't easily put out. For the duration of the effect, Hyouka counts as 'dragon' for the purpose of targeted buffs and the like.
Home Sweet Home: A home and repair station paid for by a managed trust fund.
Hyouka lives in a condo equipped with a maintenance unit capable of fully repairing her body, up to and including machining replacement parts. It is capable of temporarily storing her brain for the duration of repairs, if need be, and even contains a fragile, non-combat 'backup body' for emergencies. The condo, repair unit, and the cost of repairs are all covered by a trust fund established for that sole purpose. Hyouka cannot benefit from it in any other way.
Office Lady: Hyouka still knows her way around a filing cabinet or a meeting table!
As a former records manager for a large-ish company, Hyouka possesses an uncanny knack for wrangling paperwork, dealing with corporate red tape, and navigating intra-office politics, when she applies herself.


Burnout: Hyouka has occasional motivational issues, often with 'mundane' tasks.
For much of her life, Hyouka was one of those people who had trouble finding the drive to climb out of bed each morning. Though her new job as an 'adventurer' is much less soul-crushing, some of her old burnout still lingers. It can be difficult for Hyouka to find the motivation to deal with mindless tasks like 'bills' and 'paperwork', and she tends to leave mundane tasks and planning to other people whenever she possibly can. If a given situation or mission isn't 'fantastical' enough, it's entirely possible her attention might just waver entirely, leading to inattentiveness at what might be vital moments. Conversely, she might just be a bit too eager to get to the more /exciting/ aspects of a given job, without really considering all the possible problems...
Dragonheart: Counts as 'dragon' for vulnerability purposes.
Because of the way the DraCor Engine works, the energy it produces is 'draconic' enough to make her count as one for the purposes of targeted effects. Whether it's a sword that hurts dragons worse, a flute that lulls dragons to sleep, or a place that saps the power of dragons, Hyouka is vulnerable to it.
Magical Bonfire: It's really easy to detect this much magic.
The DraCor Engine produces far more power than is needed for most circumstances. As a result, it has a particularly bright magical signature, making it easy to detect even at significant distances. Hyouka has no real way to hide this signature.
Interference: Combined magical and electronic interference can mess with her body.
A combination of strong magical and technological 'jamming' can start to have negative effects on Hyouka's body - glitching it out, messing with motor control, playing havoc with her senses, or at the upper end of the spectrum, sending it into emergency shutdown for a while, leaving her temporarily trapped 'inside her own head'.
Big Sister: Hyouka finds herself protective of younger folks.
Hyouka is discovering she has a protective streak towards children, an instinctive urge to protect them both from more singular threats like 'thugs' or 'monsters', and to some extent from more general harshness in the world. She's not going to be adopting every kid she sees, but a youth in trouble is one of the surefire ways to get her fired up, and a cunning enemy (ESPECIALLY one with the face of a child themself) could use this to get the drop on her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1229 The Sun's Glare Jun 19 2024
1221 The Doomed Town May 29 2024
1185 The Dudley Devil Nov 05 2023
1184 Questions in Cornwall Nov 02 2023
1183 A Haunting In Dudleytown Nov 01 2023
1148 A Rivalry To Remember Mar 28 2023
1121 To the World so Close, Yet so Far Away Jan 02 2023
1118 Arasaka's Bogeyman Dec 27 2022
1114 Livin' It Up Dec 20 2022
1113 'Saka Secret Santa Dec 16 2022
See All 66 Scenes


Title Date
Hyouka, No Aug 20 2020
Output Sep 23 2020
The Cyborg and the Dragon Mar 04 2021
The Lady and the Tiger Mar 04 2021
Artificial New Year's (1) Jan 01 2022
Artificial New Year's (2) Jan 01 2022
See All 6 Cutcenes