
World: Last Days of Pandemonium-1
Actual Age: 200+
Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
Quote: "Anything worth doing is worth doing right!"
Role: Elemental Witch Tactician
Species: Dark Elf


A dark elf from a dying world, Mariam Highscribe was spoiled heavily by her family and got the best everything in life-- the best upbringing the best tutors and was sent to the best magical college her world has to offer- the Columbia University of Applied Witchcraft. This has left her with a prim and proper attitude about life & how things should be handled. There are rules & laws and they should be obeyed. It's too bad that her twin sister doesn't do those things, which puts them at opposite ends of pretty much everything, even if they have similar goals in the end of saving their world. Mariam is also a little bit of a perfectionist, sometimes taking too long to make sure every thing is 'Just right!'. Mariam mostly toils away, trying to find a way to reverse the damage caused to her world and hopefully save it. In combat, Mariam fights with powerful elemental blasts, sprays and bursts from the apparent 'spout' built into her broom and similarly powerful spells cast by her own hand.


Dark Elf: Mariam has nightvision, is difficult to charm and does not sleep normally.
As a Dark Elf, Mariam is long lived. She already has several centuries of experience under her belt, but she gets some benefits to being a member of the elven race. Mariam can see as clear as day in dim and darkly lit places, she is naturally resistant to charm and mind control spells, and does not need to sleep, but rather spends four hours in a meditative trance state in order to rest.
The Deadeye: Mariam's reflexes are uncanny and inhuman because of a bloodline gift.
A magical trait passed down the Highscribe family bloodline. Mariam's right eye perceives the world in a different manner than a normal eye does when her magical energy is funneled into it. When she taps the power of her Deadeye, Mariam perceives the world around her as sluggish and slowed, while she is able to retain her normal reaction speeds. To an outside observer, this renders her reflexes and reaction times as stunningly inhuman, allowing her to setup complicated firing solutions faster than time normally allows.
Elemental Evocator: Mariam can move the four classical elements to her whim.
Mariam is a skilled Elemental Evocator which lets her call forth various elements and bend them to her will. While she can use them by themselves to great effect, they're best focused through her broom, which acts as a focus, which can allow her to both store, charge and expel these forces to greater effect than if she was merely throwing them by hand. She can control naturally existing forms of the elements or those made by mundane means- for example- water from a waterfall or a campfire made with a match, but she can't quite control other forms of elements made by other spellcasters or other magical means that weren't created by herself.
Elemental Evocation - Fire: Mariam can command fire & flame to attack her opponents or create flame walls.
Mariam can evoke fire to launch sprays of fire, balls of fire and create walls of it. It's power that burns it's targets with extreme heat and frevor. This is the element she typically uses in combat when she wants to deal direct and to the point damage or put harmful things in the way of potential attackers.
Elemental Evocation - Water: Mariam can command water to cleanse poison and disease and heal others.
Mariam can evoke pure water to help cleanse things like poison and disease and to heal wounds. There are limits to this of course- she can't bring back the dead of course, and some diseases are just too strong to even help- and she can't regrow lost limbs on others that can't normaly regenerate them, merely heal the wound left behind such grave injuries.
Elemental Evocation - Air: Mariam can command air and wind to hold and trap her opponents and move objects.
Mariam can evoke the power of wind and air to attempt to hamper or trap other beings or threats in small powerful whirlwinds and blasts of continuous strong winds, and can also use it to lift average humanoids into the air a few feet at best, and can also use it to lift and guide items to her.
Elemental Evocation - Lightning: Mariam can shield herself with a staticy field & attack with bolts of lightning.
Mariam can evoke the power of lightning to create an electric shield around herself or others that will repel many weaker attacks for a short period of time, but can't quite stand up to stronger blasts and power hits- usually only absorbing one such shot before the shield shorts out immediately after. She can also call down bolts of lightning from the sky for a wide area attack, though it trades covering a wide area in exchange for power loss-- or fire a bolt of lightning directly at a person, though her combative expertise with this element it is not as strong as her fire skills in this regard.
Witchy Valedictorian: Graduating the top of her class, Mariam knows many things about magic.
Mariam graduated at the top of her graduation class as one of the Columbia University of Applied Witchcraft's top students. This means she's a well trained witch and majored in Elemental Evocation. She knows a great deal of many things about magic and magically related concepts, such as types of magic, magical creatures and other magical phenomena.
Broom Flying: Mariam is an phenomenal flyer when she uses her broom to fly.
Mariam knows how to fly on her broom with deft control. With her control of the air element, she is able to refine her control to do hard loops and even ninety degree turns. In short, she is very good on flying with her broom.


Hooty The Owl< F-Tier Named Feature >: Mariam's familiar that acts as a watcher, storage and can see magic in the air.
Hooty the owl is a witch's familiar in the form of a black fluffy feathered owl with bright yellow eyes that Mariam has had since she was a young child. He is sentient and able to talk. He however, tends to be a little grumpy and stoic. She's able to see through his eyes (and vice versa.). Hooty is able to see things outside the normal spectrum of sight such as flows of magic or energy in the air and things that may be affected by spells unknowingly. Mariam is able to use him as a means to hold small objects by stuffing it into the space that is fluffy feathers. The constant grabbing and routing around in his feathers may be why he's been grumpy forever. If he is killed or they are separated, Mariam as able to conduct a ritual to summon him again in a ritual that can take about half an hour to complete.


Perfectionist: Mariam tries to be perfect and hates being pointed out that she isn't.
Mariam, as the leading child of the Highscribe family, has spent years honing her witchcraft, spells and evocations. She believes she is the personification of a perfect witch. Of course, no one is perfect. But Mariam doesn't believe that. So when it's pointed out to her by someone that she may have made a mistake, or did something wrong- there is probably going to be a strong verbal argument in the future with that person about how that's utterly impossible, because she is perfect at what she does.
Salome: Marian has an evil twin named Salome that is trying to find her and kill her.
Mariam was separated from her twin sister, Salome, when their world began to fall apart. Their relationship can most certainly be described as distant now. In fact, Salome wants to kill Mariam. This will cause her to try to avoid areas, or keep a low profile if she hears word if she is in the area or on the same world. If the two ever meet or gets to Salome where Mariam is, she will most likely be fighting for her life within minutes to hours of that information being learned. She wishes to avoid this in public places where innocents may be at risk and may not be as quick to attack back if it does happen in such an area!
By The Book: Mariam tries to follow the laws of the lands. Even if it messes things up.
There are rules, and laws all around the worlds! If you fail to obey them, things go to chaos and anarchy pretty quickly. Of course, some rules and laws can inhibit too. Need to go into a cave to acquire and artifact- nope- the world's law says you can't go in the sacred cave to do that. No matter how badly you need it or want it. If it is found out later by her that she's broken a rule or that no one made a rule or law clear to her before the fact, she will get incredibly angry for 'making her into a hardened criminal, how dare you!'

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
844 Tomb Rescue Jul 14 2021
842 I Don't Have The Spoons For This Jun 29 2021
780 Murder Scene Investigation: Mary Jane Kelly Dec 29 2020
771 From Hell Dec 01 2020
622 Stakeout at the O.K. Corral, or Showdown at High Moon Feb 21 2020
620 Oh No, More Machinings! Feb 18 2020
617 Machinings 2: The Tribes Feb 11 2020
606 The First Snowfall of the Year Dec 30 2019
599 The Shamans Nov 23 2019
596 Placeholder Title Dec 30 2019
See All 11 Scenes


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