World Tree MUSH

Iota eat all the ice cream

Character Pose
Iota Assistant
A monster has been sighted at a ice cream factory of all place. The empoyles all fled at the sight of this monster coming onto the factory property and breaking in!

"Someone has to do something! We are company town!", the president pleaded with the police. The police under equipped to deal with monsters, and the fact they just do want to, put out a call for any heroes or mercernies or anyone willing to deal with a monster in a ice cream factory. Go forth heroes and defeat the monster!
Holly Winn
Holly gets word about a monster in ice cream factory which gets her curious, wondering if it's made out of ice cream. If that's the case why don't they just open the doors and let it melt. She's with Servis and Lavaux of course, "If I ever become a ghost, I hope can still eat ice cream. It must be annoying to just float through it. That's why I have to make new bodies for you guys." She nods as she opens the door to the factory and sees Iota, "Hi Iota! Where's the monster at?" The witch fails to put two and two together.
Emily Nyx
Emily floats out of a staticky portal behind Holly a little too late to catch that misunderstanding, sporting her usual amused and faintly smug smile. She's in the form of a woman with faintly-glowing silvery-white hair that looks sort of like flower petals, four arms, and glowing purple eyes, and she's dressed in a midnight-blue business suit.

"I want to say for the record," she announces to all and sundry, "that this sounds like an awesome mission." She shakes her head. "Like, I'm definitely not a hero, but the premise is excellent."
Luke Gray
The terms 'icecream factory', 'monster' and 'emergency' are not usually used together, but they really do catch Luke's attention, as the yound trainer, plus a small panda perched on his shoulder, arrive to the scene of the 'crime', ready to save the icecream!... and help the people, of course. He manages to spot Emily, and waves to his friend, "Heya!" he calls, with the small vampire panda doing a similar gesture.
Iota Assistant
Iota currently quite big and fill the factory floor, she currenty has her hand in a large drum of ice cream, there some ice cream dribbling off her lip. "Oh hi Holly! You have come for free samples too?"

"A monster here??", she looks around. "I haven't seen any monsters. It is here to eat all the ice cream??", Iota not all that quick either. She notices the other two as well. "Oh those your freinds Holly? Are they here to take care of the monster?"
Emily Nyx
Emily nods to Luke. "Hiya!" she calls back ...

She looks at Iota. Then she looks at Holly. Then she looks between Iota and Holly a few more times.

And then she just bursts out laughing. She laughs and laughs, and has to lean against a nearby wall to keep herself steady.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray certainly seems to have a similar reaction, as after he greets Iota and approaches her, notices the tall...intruder eating icecream. He blinks, glance back at Emily, then at Holly, then back at Emily, before he slaps his forehead, "Oh no." he mumbles. Meanwhile, Pangshi seems magically drawn by the term 'free sample' and while Luke is.. doing whatever he is doing to cope, the pokemon floats closer to Iota, clearly wanting to learn more.
Holly Winn
"Free samples?! That's pretty nice of them to let you have the entire drum. I don't think I can eat that much. I would have a really large headache." Holly's still missing the point here. She smiles upon seeing Emily and Luke join them, "What's so funny?" She doesn't get the joke and starts eating ice cream herself.
Iota Assistant
Iota looks curiously at Emily. "What so funny??", she put another handfull of ice cream in her mouth. She looks at the Pangshi. "You want some too?", she digs into the barrel offer the Pokemon some. "Oh Holly! Try this one!", she points at another large container off the side. "It really good!"
Emily Nyx
Emily keeps laughing for another moment, but she quickly recovers. "Oh, jeez, this is even better than I imagined!" she manages. "This is just rich. Nah, no ice cream for me. Iota ... I'm sorry to say ..."

She points dramatically at Iota. "... that you are the supposed monster here!"
Luke Gray
    The pokemon happily dives into the icecream, hungry little ghost, while Luke finally recovers, snickering a little himself and shaking his head. He tries to look serious, glancing back at Emily,t hen at Iota, "We are here to stop you!." he offers, following the overly dramatic, silly tone. Pangshi just keeps eating icecream.
Holly Winn
Holly samples the offered ice cream, "You're right that is really good!" Her attention turns towards Pangshi, "How does he eat ice cream? Maybe he can teach Servis and Lavaux." Upon hearing Luke she now focuses on the boy, "That's silly, Iota's no more of a monster than I am! Just because someone was made in a lab, doesn't make them a monster."
Iota Assistant
"What me?", Iota quite shocked at this revelation. "I'm no monster! I'm just here for some free samples!", she quite confused right now. 
"Oh no! Did I do something bad?? Will I go to jail?? I don't want to go to jail!" ,she keeps eating ice cream a little stressed out now.
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles at Luke joining in on the fun. She immediately nods to Holly. "Well, duh!" she says. "That's why I said supposed. The guys out there thought she was a monster, so they sent us to stop her."

She looks up at Iota, and hmms. "You know what," she says, "I don't actually know where to go from here. Like, I'm definitely not going to turn off my capacitor seals here, we don't have that kind of friendship." Beat. "Right?"
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles a bit, Pangshi seems fairly solid when it wants to, despite being floating around, shoving some more icecream into it's greedy panda maw until Luke finally notices where the vampanda went, "Pangshi!, come back, I'll get you icecream later, I promise!" he calls, with the panda looking terribly sad and devastated abotu having to part with the free treat, slowly floating back to the boy's sides. "Yeah... I don't think we really should fight, I mean, unless you want to, I'm always up to spars, my pokemon can use the practice." he muses, "Still, we should figure out a way to... solve this without everyone deciding we are all in this together and forced to pay for the icecream or the damages or something."
Holly Winn
"I know, I could just summon more ice cream! They won't know that it's gone if I replace it right?" Holly looks at the others before chanting

"There might be two problems with that, "The first is that does ice cream fall under your magic, Holly? The second being that's a lot of ice cream for you to replace." Servis is quick to point out to her.

"Um...what about ice cream flavored candy?" It starts raining ice cream candy inside of the factory, mashed potato and gravy ice cream candy that is.
Iota Assistant
"I reall don't like figthing..", Iota not much of a fighter she only fight when it really realy nessary. She humms. "I have to pay?? But free samples....", she stops eating the ice cream relizing she might have to pay for all of it. "I don't have much money.." ,she pauses. "I'm in lots of trouble..", the something start hitting her in the heed. "What this?", she scoops some off and eat it. "ew!!! This is a horrible flavor!", the factory looking quite messy now with the gravy and mashed potato ice cream starting to cover everything.
Emily Nyx
Emily considers this, then shrugs. "... Yeah, sorry, I got nothing," she says. "I'm usually only good for fighting or pretending to be an investigator. Uh ... hmm ..."

At Holly's sudden rain of candy, she starts giggling -- not laughing as hard this time. In a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, she conjures up an umbrella, and moves to hold it over herself and over Luke.
Luke Gray
    The boy can't really try to stop Holly before the storm starts, adn is grateful to be under the umbrella, "Maybe we should figure a way to get out of here without being caught?" he muses, glancing at the candies, "What... are those?" he mumbles, the panda snatching one, putting it in his hungry maw, and looking confused at the taste. "This is going to be a mess."
Holly Winn
"I tried to summon ice cream-flavored candy to replace the ice cream! It sounds like it tastes really bad though. I guess that's not going to help, I should make it stop." Holly waves lollipop-shaped staff in the air to stop the summoning spell but a surge of magic goes through her body and it only starts raining harder. It doesnn't really hurt upon impact but it's starting to cover the floor of the factory. "Maybe we can hide in the storm of candy? I hope this doesn't last until I run of magic.

"Yeah, that could take days." Lavaux knows the witch has a ton of mana.
Iota Assistant
"I'm getting all sticky now!", Iota muses starting to get covered with the sticky goo. "This isn't fun anymore!! I don't want to get in troulbe! I wanna go home!", she starts to sniffle..
Emily Nyx
Emily smiles. "I can handle the getaway!" she says, opening a staticky portal that appears to lead to a rooftop. "I can take us right to the nearest Vine, and from there to the next world over. You'll need to shrink down to our size to fit through, though, Iota."

She taps her chin thoughtfully. The gears are grinding together in her head. "... And then ... uh ... Luke, Holly, and I can hurry back, produce a few sound effects of loud explosions to make it sound like a fight, and then come back outside and claim that 'the monster' caused this mess ... somehow."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray rubs his chin as Emily mentions the plan and grins, "I like it, I can even help with some of the special effects, at least the explosions!" he says, sounding excited at the idea of managing something. "Don't worry Iota, we will get you out of this situation!."
Iota Assistant
Iota sniffles look at Emily. "O-okay.",she calming down. There blur and Iota is normal sized! She nods to Luke and Emily. She sticks close to Holly holding onto her sleeve with one hand. "oh! Maybe it was a gravy ice cream monster!"
Holly Winn
Lavaux nods at Emily and then turns towards Servis before beginning to whisper to the fellow ghost behind Holly's back. Bits and pieces of the conversation can be heard by her but she can't fully make out what they're saying. She does manage to make "Are you sure?" from one of them before turning towards them and then Servis speaks up

"Holly, one of your shoelaces is untied."

"It is? Thanks Servis!" The witch bends over to look at her feet while Lavaux disappears into Holly's body. "It's smashing time!" Her voice suddenly sounds a lot more masculine and the ice cream candy rain comes to a sudden stop. Not wanting Iota to get too supicious Lavaux has Holly take Iota's hand and starts punching one of the ice cream drums with her other.
Emily Nyx
Emily brightens. "Excellent idea, Iota!" she says. She watches Servis and Lavaux's shenanigans with Holly -- it doesn't seem to occur to her that actually causing damage is a bad idea -- then perks up. "Wait, I know! It makes more sense for just me and Iota to go. Lavaux, Luke, you do your thing. C'mon, Iota!" She gently takes Iota's arm, and starts leading her through the portal to the rooftop.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray gives Iota a friendly pat on the shoulder trying to cheer up the stressed girl, ebfore reaching for his belt, glad the storm is finally over. He ponders for a moment, "Explosions, right?" he begins, before unleashing one of his pokemon, a large orange, cream and black 'bear' of sorts, who stands there, looking around in confusion at hte mess of candies. "Hey Agni, we need to make a couple of explosions, do you feel up to it?", with the fire bear nodding and slowly moving to a clear spot. "Ok... try a small one, we just need some special effects.... Self destruct!". There is a rather loud, bright explosion, scattering candies and emtpy barrels from the area the bear was standing on, and leaving scorch marks, not a massive explosion but... convincing. The bear is standing in the middle of it, a bit worse for the wear, with the fur a bit dusty and with some minor 'scorch' marks, that might just be ashes.
Iota Assistant
"oh wow Holly your really strong!", she looks quite impressed as "holly' starts breaking things. She oohs seeing the Pokemon "A fire bear!", She looks to Emily smiling in a better mood now and follows Emily throught the portal to the rooftop.
Holly Winn
"Come on, I'll lay the smackdown on your roodypoo on your gravy monster candy ass!" Lavaux shouts as loud as possible to make the kayfabe sound convincing. Now that both of Holly's hands are free she's able to lift one of the smaller mixing tubs and throw them into the explosion created by Agni, "For once I'm not playing the heel!

"Oh no, my beautiful sculupted face I'll never be able to show myself in these parts again!" Servis goes along with it playing the part of the monster.
Emily Nyx
Emily closes the portal behind them, then opens another one; this one, however, can't be seen through. "This one comes out on a park in the next Blossom over," she remarks casually. "Just sit tight there in the size you're in now until we get back. I'll treat us to this great ice cream place in a Branch world Luke and I have visited before, it's right next to YoRHa's world if you know about them."
Luke Gray
    The fire bear (with a literal fire shaped tuft of hair on it's forehead... or it it an actual flame?) roars loudly, getting into the part, and slapping some of the nearby things to add more to the mess, stubby tail wagging. "Ok Agni, guess you are gettign into it, let's try again!." there is another, small explosion, followed by some more trash thrown around, "Take that monster!" he calls. Luke is really hopin there is no security camera aimed at them right now.
Iota Assistant
Iota looks into the portal. "Okay!",she heads into the portal, singing happily about she going to get more ice cream. Emily is so nice! Outside the ice cream factory the sounds of battle can be heard and people are wondering what's going on inside..
Emily Nyx
Emily once more appears in a staticky portal, hovering above Luke and Holly. "All right, let's finish this," she says conversationally. She clears her throat, and a hologram of a speaker-icon appears above her head. "Final Breakdown!" she announces, her voice booming as if she was speaking through a megaphone. There's a series of laser sound effects. "Now! Go for it! We're almost finished, give it everything you've got!"
Holly Winn
"I'm going to rip your head off and make into a trophy! Any last words?!" Holly picks up some of the ice cream gravy candy and crudely shapes it into a face before holding it up to one of the explosions to make it look burnt.

"You daring brute, you'll never get away with this...Gah!" Servis finishes the statement with a ghostly wail to make it sound more convincing.

Once Emily is finished with the sound effects, Lavaux makes Holly storm out of the factory and in front of the growing mob.

"I gave the three count to that jabroni! I'm the people's champion!" She slams the burnt face down to the ground.
Luke Gray
    With a final roar, Agni is forced back into it's pokeball, clapping quietly at Emily's addition of special effects, chuckling faintly, "Great work!" he mumbles, as if affraid to eb heard by the public, before joining Emily again adn pointing to the exit, "Let's head out, and make sure to leave before they ask too many questions."
Iota Assistant
Iota is just happily sitting down waiting for the other to arrive. The sounds of battle come from the factory people are waiting outside wondering what going on in there. Then Holly coming out holding what looks like a head a montster! They cheer for her having 'saved' the ice cream factory (what left of it) from the evil monster! They congruatlate her for her victory.