World Tree MUSH

The tournament continues!

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    The tournament is in full swing, the event grounds still bustling with activity, food stands, souvenir stands, information stands... petting zoos filled with small pokemon of several types, and even demonstrations of pokemon abilities spread all over, with the main event being the titular fights, spread over several simple arenas, catering for battlers of all levels of experience, from beginners, to trainers up to elite four standard (and analogues from other regions!). There were even pokemon roamin around, some of them handing fliers, or signs like 'follow me to fairy confectionery! being tied to a snubbul and a sylveon, or spritzees floating around with signs about perfume stands. There are even audinos and chanseys with first aid kits and wearing the 'red cross' on them. Basically, a great spot to see and learn about the wonderful world of pokemon training, and pokemon themselves. 

    Luke himself is standing near one of the first aid tents, checking on Bewear after the last battle, and keeping an eye on his own pokefriends, especially a certain little kitten that seems ot be drawn to spare change.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia is trying to entertain Luke's konya by using her magic to float a bunch of spare change over the kitten's head so it can chase the coins. She's relaxing with her own feline (a large metal-plated lion) and the 'loaner' pokemon (the chunky larvitar).
    Even if the snakelike being looks like a pokemon, it isn't. Which means that if Cagliostro is going to do anything, she'll need a loaner. It's fine for her to just poke around though, curious about all this. Having spied someone she's seen before, the blonde has made her way over toward Luke.

    "So this is where your trained creatures come from? This looks so... organized. Hmm." She says that out of the blue, as if expecting conversation to just start with her. "A little rural compared to some places, but organized. How interesting."
Luke Gray
    The lion seems to draw some attention, people coming over to ask Aurelia about it, someone in a curiously thick coat, asking if it was some kind of legendary pokemon or related to Solgaleo. Very polite, very quiet about it, he even snaps a picture or two on a fancy phone device. The kitten seems to be intrigued over the floating coins, he has some minor coin levitation powers, as he grabs a token from his pile, floats it over his head and chases after the other change, even tries to throw coins at the mass, trying to shoot it down!. The larvitar keeps making signs to get uppies by Aurelia, and generally looking quite pleased with itself!, it did win a few rounds after all!. 

    Other equally overdressed person follows Cagliostro and the curious snake... other far less shady people do as well, taking pictures and scanning it with their pokedex, someone, this one a 'professor' as one might qualify, glasses, lab coat, approaches, asking if Cagliostro built that creature, and mentions how impressive it was.

    Luke just pets his giant pink and black bear, another familiar face to Cagliostro, since it was around last time, the bear waves to Cagli, and so does Luke when noticing her, smiling, "Yeah, this is my home world!, it is pretty organized, the pokemon league I mean, this is admitedly a bit of a special event, being one of the first tournaments adn events aimed at visitors." he chuckles, "We figured a rural spot worked fine, open air, lots of space for stands, and fresh air for the pokemon." he says, glancing up at Ouro, "Your companion is really cool."
Aurelia Argent
    Zero is able to answer for himself. "I'm the current incarnation of a guardian spirit. A magical beast and normally I look like a housecat." He gives the mechanical snake thing accompanying Cagliostro an appraising glance.
    Aurelia sits on the ground before letting the very dense larvitar get into her lap. She makes the coins move around so the konya can play a sort of marble game with them. The ones she knows the little cat hit, she lets fall to the ground. To Cagliostro, she shrugs. "I'm from a big city and this is a nice change of pace."
    Cagliostro giggles, "I'm from a rural town, I don't mind~" Singsonging that to Aurelia, before she can look at Luke again. "Hmm, I do remember you," she declares. "And your creature. Ouroboros isn't really set up to do these things, so..."

    Cagliostro gestures to a millipedelike pokemon next to her. "This will have to do~" She doesn't actually seem disappointed in her option though.
    When Cagliostro is asked about Ouroboros, she smirks, "Build? Well... create, yes. Grew, guided, summoned... it's all a bit complicated. I'm pleased to see you aren't so dense that you can't tell he's a created creature." She pats the snake. "Ouroboros, be nice to this one."
Luke Gray
Cagliostro likely had to fill some forms, get some explanation on how to handle the creature, and the schedule for the tournament, if the gal intended to enter, given her choice of pokemon, likely the middle league would work out. Of course, it wasn't mandatory, but there were some nice prizes, rare pokemon, pokemon training gear, camping implements and tents (high end stuff) and even simply gold and precious stones, since they realized giving local currency was not a good idea for visitors. 
    Luke smiles, "Interesting choice, I don't think I have seen one of those in person before!". He reaches for his pokedex, and checks some basic info, "Very nice." he adds, "Not too familiar with pokemon from the Galar region, if oyu do want to spar, or join the tournament, let me know, always fun to see fights." His kitten keeps playing marble with the floating coins, a good way to keep it distracted, meowling excitedly as he gathers more, while the cute (and heavy) Larvitar finally settles carefully on that lap, seems pleased someone is willing to keep him on their lap!.
    The person that asked Cagliostro about her companion adjusts his glasses, "Well, not many pokemon are... mechanical like that, and the pokedex doesn't seem to recognize it as a pokemon... it is very impressive, been trying to work on making such things... but the power to animate them is hard to achieve." the guy asks, while taking a quick note, "The closest thing to mechanical pokemon are... not very complex, or involve a ghost posessing the body, but they can be a bit unreliable..." then he shakes his head, "Sorry about rambling, it's a topic I find interesting.".
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia pats the larvitar on her lap as Zero turns into his cat form and bats the coins around, engaging the konya directly. "Neat snake, miss."
Luke Gray
    The small kitten has competition! it hisses at Zero and proceeds to try to pounce the other cat, it's his tokens!. It is all just play of course. The Larvitar is just settled on that lap, poor Aurelia might be in trouble if he falls asleep there! Luke smiles to Aurelia and the heavy pokemon, "I see you are getting along quite well with it!, it seems to really like you as well."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia erfs. "It's kind of rock-like, do larvitars like being polished?" She aims this at Luke.
    Zero playfully bats at the konya as well. He grabs a coin and runs around in a large circle to taunt the pokemon kittin.
    "Ahhh, it's something of a specialty of mine, and a talent unique to me! I'm not surprised that you can't mimic it!" Cagliostro says to the other. This might seem condescending - and it is - but then she goes on to say more. "It's wonderful to see someone devoted to exploring such things! Perhaps you can become this world's me!" She giggles. "Just remember that true life has a bit of its own desires, hmm? A hint for you." That's probably the nicest thing she's done for a stranger in a while.

    She turns to Aurelia and Luke, "Thank you," she says to the compliment. "I've borrowed this one to just play in the tournament. Ouroboros might be a fighter, but the idea of rules and restrictions would confuse him a bit too much right now. Maybe next time I can enter him instead."
Luke Gray
    The science person nods, adjusting his glasses and writing on the book, "Oh, I am well aware... we had some... setbacks when trying to make our own... powerful pokemon, might be an issue of the source materials... but we figured, perhaps an artificial machine might work better, if only due to more control.". The notebook he is holding seems a bit old, "I appreciate teh information regardless, it's very kind of you, I hope to get a chance to see it in action sometime, maybe I can show you some projects of mine as well... closest to success has been making ghost pokemon animate special combat frames, but they are a bit erratic at times.". Having said that, he tips his cap, which mentions 'New Island labs', (looks fairly worn out) and banishes into the crowd. 

    Luke smiles at the question, "I know many rock types enjoy that kind of stuff, but I never actually trained one myself." he comments, while the small (but very heavy) larvitar wriggles and nods. Konya meows at Zero and starts trying to chase after, letting out what might be a laugh of some sort, some coins awkwardly floating around it's head. The young trainer turns to Cagliostro and nods a few times, "Makes sense, I'd be happy to help you get inscribed in the tournament, or we can spar, IF you plan on fighting for the prizes, we should move soon to make sure everything is in order."
    Cagliostro hmns, "So you've already made your mistakes. Good! I don't think that's the right path you're trying now... but my world doesn't have any 'ghost pokemon' to try it with, I think I would like to see those results. Keep an ear out for Cagliostro, hmm?" He actually got her interest, that's new.

    Luke's offer is declined with a shake of her head. "No, I don't think I'd like to be in the tournament. I am competitive, but today I just want to see what these creatures can do. A few spars and exhibition matches are fine for me! I will havee this one try a little out." She leans in and rubs the pokemon between the fire-antennae. "Isn't that right, little Centiskorch? I bet you can burn ALL KINDS of things!"
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia oofs and picks up the Larvitar, calls Zero to her side, and neatly stacks the coins in front of the konya with her magic. "Well, off to watch some matches."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles, "I think he was talking about Rotom..." he mentions, "At least, that's one ghost pokemon I know htat does stuff like that." he muses, "People train them to do lots of things." he muses, "There are some in the ghost area." he says, before nodding. "Spars and exhibitions are always cool, I can spar with you if you want, or we can do some training and practice!" he sounds excited about it, and poitns towards the smaller arenas, "There are even target courses and stuff prepared for new trainers." 

    The Konya seems sad the other cat leaves, but carefully grabs the coins and begins dragging them back to Luke, most of htem seem to just dissapear... where does it keep them?. The long fire bug makes some pleased clicking noises, leaning into the petting, it feels very, very warm, but not painfully so, it was well trained on how to be around people it seems!. The 'antennae' twitch, and the bug huffs flames, nodding happily "Seems it likes the idea of getting to burn some stuff." he chuckles. "How about just trying some moves, a bit of a training more than a spar, I am sure Agni would enjoy some practice with another fire type." he says.
    Cagliostro is a self-absorbed bitch most of the time, but Aurelia was friendly enough that she deems her worth a casual wave of farewell and a murmured, "Have fun~" That's said in her lower, less cutesy voice by accident though, so it might come out sounding threatening more than friendly. Oops.

    "Hmm..." Luke's suggestion gets an eyebrow to lift. "Sure, why not? Fire isn't an element I'm very familiar with anyway." She steps back and waits a moment for Agni to get into position, then goes with a quick and basic one. "Scorchy, try Inferno!" Half of her tone is more curious than intent though. She does wait until Agni is in position, too. "Do tell me when to stop, I don't want either of these injured." So much more concern for pokemon than for other humans!
Luke Gray
    Of course, Luke makes sure they get to a proper area, before they begin the training... fire is dangerous, after all!. He releases Agni for the training, Agni being a large... bear? it somewhat resembles one, a rather large thing too, a good glance would place it in a sheer size similar to a polar bear, maybe a bit smaller. It's a reddish orange, with black stripes, a big cream coloured mane around it's neck, and a small flame on it's forehead, at least, it might be a flame, it's hard to tell with pokemon at times. Teh bear rears up adn waves happily to the other pokemon, "Agni, we are training a bit, go easy on Centiskorch, just trying moves so my friend here can get a feel about pokemon training.". 

    The big guy gets into position and gets ready for the attack. The Centiskorch is quick to follow the command, clickin loudly as the flame antennae suddenly begins to burn furiously, going from small 'flames' to a large pillar of fire, that it then tries to 'hit' Agni with, bringing it's head down and causing it to 'crash' down to the ground. It seems somewhat innacurate, a bit unsteady, but the volcano grizzly pokemon makes no attempt to dodge, just stands paws raised, and is engulfed by the falling flames. They fade quickly enough, revealing the bear mostly unharmed... maybe a tiny bit singed?, and wagging it's tail. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to stop before things get too risky."

    "Agni, let's show Cagliostro our moves as well." then points to a target, "Lava plume!... not too hard please" the bear seems to spontaneously ignite on flames and roars, paws glowing as it slams the ground, sending a shockwave of fire and smoke towards the poor Centiskorch that curls defensively as it is hit by them. The attack seems a large area kidn of attack,and leaves a bit of smoke, but the arena seems unharmed, and the bug looks more annoyed by the resulting smoke than the fire itself.
    Both being fire types certainly helps, Cagliostro suspects, but she's mentally taking notes anyway. Agni going easy on her centiskorch is appreciated, at least, so she can learn the ropes. "Hmm, large and powerful... all right." She isn't trying to win this one, just try out some new moves and tactics, so she isn't concerned when her 'bite' attack likely does nothing much. It looks like she's just familiarizing herself with her pokemon's strengths and weaknesses, and the durable opponent is great for that.

    She's also grinning as she gets into it. "Hmm, you've put a lot of effort into this. I can see you have some passion for this... I like that."
Luke Gray
    Luke chuckles, "Well, I am a pokemon trainer, worked quite hard to get to where I am, one of the best of my region really." he says proudly, pleased that his new friend seems to be enjoying herself. "Let me show you some other moves, and explain the rules." The teen does seem fairly excited about it, and he spends some time showing some of the strongest moves and trying to convey the basics of pokemon battles, including elemental types and other basics. 

    Agni seems to have fun, even if it ends as the target dummy for some demonstrations, the bear is quite resistant! at least against fire, Luke has his other pokemon take over when speaking about electric and 'normal/fighting' kinds of moves as appropiate, it is a bit of a show, enough to get a small crowd to watch the attack showcase!.