World Tree MUSH

Cradle Critters

Character Pose
    Since her last expidition out to sea, Rydia of Mist has firmly grounded herself. It had been some time since she even allowed herself to set foot out of Snowpeak Manor, but here she is, in the city of Eden. There were supplies that the fort needed, and she took it upon herself to go get them while she had nothing to do.
    From the looks of it, the child travels alone, several bags set upon the saddle of the large yellow bird at her side, that she leads by the reigns. Yes, reigns, because the bird- a chocobo- is fitted with a small saddle. Though she's not currently riding the bird as she leads it down the street, constantly glancing over her shoulder as though wary.
     Leaving the familiarity of her home world, Miwa enters the cradle and heads toward the market area of one of the larger cities. She may have left the oceans of Alola far behind, but doesn't let that slow her down as she floats through town inside a giant bubble. Watching closely, you might notice that she seems to be singing inside the bubble, though the sound doesn't carry very well through the barrier of water. She soon spots Rydia, though her eyes are more drawn to the chocobo as she floats closer and lands, popping the bubble. "Hello." She greets Rydia, still eyeing the bird curiously.
     Not too far from where Rydia was moving there seems to be a bit of a commotion, people apparently cautiously following a tall, spindly fox... creature?, that slowly moves from stand to stand, admiring the things on a particular shop, while the owner seems to try to inch away of the decidedly dangerous looking muzzle. "What's wrong?." he finally asks, before he seems to change his mind, turning around and spotting two interesting things. One, the chocobo, that looks unusual. And second, a large blue seal creature, that one curiously seems to make the most sense to him, slowly walking closer to them. "Hello!" he calls, his voice calm and soft, long tail wagging.
    Having mostly finished her supply hunt, Rydia had few preparations left to make before her return. Adjusting her bird's bridle and tacking, she runs her fingers through the chocobo's vibrant yellow plumage, before something catches her ear. A muted singing, as though impeded by water, she tilts her head up.
    The girl seems jumpy; she jerks as though stricken when greeted by an unfamiliar voice, and when she turns to face Miwa, her hand brushes toward something hidden in the belt of her robe. A slow breath, and after ascertaining that the pokemon means her no instant harm, her hand edges away from her belt, tugging the white furred wolfos cloak tighter around her shoulders. "Hi." Ventured almost as an afterthought, brow furrowing as she finds her chocobo- and herself by proxy- being approached by another creature- Bewul.
    "... Can I... Help you two?"
    Talking creatures she's wholly unused to.
     Miwa picks up on the girl seeming to be startled by her approach and she backs away a bit, walking somewhat awkwardly on her flippers. "Sorry if I startled you, it's my first time out here really and I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but I couldn't help but notice your bird there. It's very pretty I must say, does it have a name?" She asks curiously, then blushes a bit, realizing she hadn't even given her own. "I'm Miwa by the way." 

     As she speaks with Rydia, she hears another voice offer a greeting, and turns to look at Bewul. The fox-like creature did have a bit of a dangerous look to him, but she'd met lots of Pokemon who looked quite fierce but were actually very nice, so she knew better than to judge on appearance alone, and both the wagging tail and tone of voice seemed friendly. "Hello to you also." She replied warmly.
     The large fox thing seems unaware of how weird it might be for most people to see a giant talking fox, or at least, it seemed that way, until he noticed Rydia seemed to be reaching for something. "Wait, I am not dangerous!" he tries to reassure the girl. He suddenly does something quite odd, his form suddenly glowing brightly for a second, only to be replaced by a far smaller, bipedal lizard wearing a fox fur that quite resembles that big fox creature!. "Is this better?" he asks softly. The warm greeting from the seal pokemon gets him to wave one arm, "I'm Bewul." he replies to the greeting, "Nice to meet you." he says, before turning to Rydia, "Sorry to scare you... I forget that... my kind might be weird for people outside my home."
    Unsure whether to be wary or not, and partially confused, Rydia eyes the pair- both blatantly keenly intelligent- their speech showing that plainly enough. The girl purses her lips briefly, when it becomes clear that the interest had been in her mount, turning her head just enough to peek back at her feathered steed.
    "He's my chocobo." She replies. "His name is Chocobo."
    Not very original, no, but the bird seems to puff right up as though proud of the moniker.
    "Kweh!" Chocobo chirrups, feathers ruffling proudly.
    It's Bewul's shift that has her attention, the thin mist that lingers around the girl swirling closer to her.
    "That's an understatement." She mutters when he says his kind 'might be weird'. "Where I'm from, creatures like the both of you don't talk."
     For a moment, Miwa once again looks the chocobo over curiously as Rydia stats that his name and species were the same, which was actually rather common where she comes from. 'Is that some sort of Pokemon that I've never seen?' She wonders, though when Rydia moves on to speaking to Bewul and herself about 'being weird', she decides to explain her end of things. 

    "Well, most Pokemon like myself don't talk either where I come from. I have heard there have been a few very rare cases besides myself. I used to be part of a musical theater troupe, and had been a singer with them ever since I evolved to this stage. I decided I wanted to learn to speak so I could sing with words the audience would understand, and through much time and effort, and with the help of the others in the troupe, I learned." She explains, then turns to Bewul, wondering what his story was.
Bewul is not sure if he should be surprised or not, to the lack of reaction to his return to a smaller shape, instead just nodding to Miwa and Rydia, glancing at the chocobo for a moment, "Pokemon?" he finally asks, once he lets both speak, "Huh, well, I guess that makes sense, not all digimon seem able to speak." he muses, before he turns to Miwa, after she politely explains her background. 
     The weird lizard rubs the back of his head, "I... don't have much of a fancy story... I mean, I live in a world full of creatures that are very different... and learned of the portals and the other worlds and well... asked for permission to travel around. Oh, right, most of my kind can speak." he adds, realizing he almost ignored the question.
    "What's a pokemon?" Rydia's question is as point blank as it is utterly innocent. She's never seen creatures like Miwa nor Bewul before. It's new to her, and as guarded as the child may seem, there's a quiet, burning, curiosity beneath it, as jade eyes flick from one creature to the other. Absently she strokes fingers along her chocobo's beak, when the bird lowers its head to nudge at her shoulder slightly.
    "Digimon?" The question is mirrored, as she scrunches her nose. But she doesn't forget her manners, as the two have given their names.
    "Rydia. Rydia of Mist." She introduces herself quietly, partially disbelieving she's having an actual back and forth conversation with them.
    "Mn. Where I'm from, most monsters attack humans on sight." She notes. Must have been the reason for her initial wariness.
     Rydia's question promptly dispels her theory about the chocobo being an unknown to her species of Pokemon. She smiles though and thinks for a moment about how to answer before responding. "Well, I'm a Pokemon, it's a blanket term for all the different creatures where I come from. Pokemon are divided into different types as well. I am a water and fairy type, and there is also electric, rock, steel, and psychic to name a few. Most Pokemon also start as a smaller weaker stage, and evolve into stronger Pokemon as they grow, but I don't know how deep we should get into all that right now..." She suddenly then looks back to Bewul, remembering he just changed forms himself. "So, you can change at will? For Pokemon, it's usually permanent."
     Bewul seems to understand a bit of confusion at least!, offering a friendly nod adn a grin when he hears the name of the human? girl, and of course, to Miwa. He once again lets the mermaid seal begin her explanation again, listening curiously himself, his head tilting to one side. "That makes sense... I can blame you, some digimon might still feel a bit uneasy about humans, even back home." he says. 
     Once Miwa finishes that short tale, he nods, "That sounds quite similar to my own world." he says softly, "But you say on your world they don't talk?... are there humans there?" he muses for a moment, before smiling, "It's a bit unusual, it's like... for some is permanent, or something one can turn on and off, once you are strong enough." he says, trying to keep it simple. "I can turn into something even stronger, but I am not... experienced enough to really do it casually, it's really hard." he says. "Otherwise, I think what Miwa says is pretty much like how things work... except the types... we are divided in data, vaccine and virus... and elements too... but that is not important." he muses. "We were made by humans back at our world, Digimon I mean."
    The explanations... Only make Rydia's head spin. Not literally, but figuratively as she gets detailed upon types and evolution. There's a long, almost awkward silence from the child as she eyes the both.
    It's this moment that the mist floating around Rydia seems to 'detach' from her. Shifting into a more corporeal form, the mist takes the shape of a middling sized dragon hatchling, that coos curiously as it interjects itself to the conversation with a warbling sound.
    "Ah. This is Whyt. He's my contracted Eidolon."
     Miwa looks toward Bewul and listens as he explains Digimon, and is interested to hear that they do have some things in common along with the differences. She waits till he's done talking before answering his question about humans in her world. "To answer your question Bewul, there are lots of humans in my world, though we weren't created by them. The owner of the musical theater troupe I was in, you might say was my trainer, though he always treated me more like a friend... I hope we're not overwhelming you..." She finally says as she turns back toward Rydia, only to notice the hatching dragon as Rydia introduces him, blikning a bit. "Did he come from your aura or something?"
     Bewul nods to Miwa, "Interesting!, my kind can also get along with humans, and if we make a special connection with one, we call them Tamers." he produces a small device from under his fur coat, showing it to Rydia and Miwa, "If i had one, he or she would check on me and help me using this." he explains, before stowing it back in the fur. He glances back towards Rydia after a second,"Sorry for that... lot of explanation... I figure I just should say, I am friendly, my kind tends to be friendly, so don't worry.". 
     Cue the small digimon's attention turning to the small mist... thing forming, "Hey Whyt." he says cheerfully, before blinking, "Eidolon?.. does that mean you are connected to it?, like a special connection?"
    To Miwa, Rydia shakes her head. "Not my aura." She replies. "He's a Mist Dragon. He is the mist and can become the mist as he pleases." She explains, the dragon warbling as it bobs it's head in a nod. 
    "A little overwhelming." The Summoner admits. Before something Bewul says makes her frown. "Where I'm from people who bond with Eidolons are called Summoners." ... "I'm the last." She answers before nodding. "We're linked."
    This is about when she starts climbing into the saddle of her chocobo, Whyt giving a little coo to both Miwa and Bewul as she tugs on the reins. "... I should be going. It was... Nice meeting you both."
     Miwa watches the mist dragon for a bit, finding it pretty facinating, but her curiosity is also drawn to the device Bewul shows off. "What does it do? Where I come from, Pokemon Trainers use small spheres called Pokeballs to catch wild Pokemon, and travel with several Pokemon at the same time, but it doesn't really do much besides hold a Pokemon in a sort of stasis until the trainer lets them out. I didn't spend much time inside my Pokeball though, and now I'm on my own for a while. After years of performing, with shows getting more and more frequent and the fame feeling oppressive at times, I decided I needed a break. I want to see what else is out there, meet new people, and decide for myself what I want to do with the rest of my life." 

     When Rydia gets on her chocobo and says she has to be going, Miwa offers a wave of one of her flippers. "Nice meeting you too! Safe travels."
     The 'gabumon' seems happy to answer questions, and decides to let Miwa admire the device, something about her is just familiar to him!. "I am not fully sure how some of it works, but I know it allows my tamer to speak with me, and see what I see... it can also be used to store me inside, if needed." he replies softly. "It does sound a bit like that.... pokeball thing, in that sense." he replies softly, "Except I am able to talk and wait in a small space." he says. The explanation of the story gets a grin, "Well, I hope you are enjoying your journey so far.". Of course, he is quick to bid Rydia farewell.
     "Hmm, the ability to see through your eyes and communicate through it does sound really useful. It's too bad Pokeballs can't do that, since even though most Pokemon can't speak, they are generally able to understand basic instructions. But yes, even though it's mostly just started, I am enjoying my journey. I did some wandering on my own world before I came here, however I already knew I like my home region of Alola better than the other regions from traveling for shows." 

     "These portals are great though for the fact they open up all new places to check out. Anyway, now that it's just the two of us, is there something you want to do besides sitting here talking on the side of a market street?"
     Bewul nods a few times and smiles, "It can be handy, shame it can be annoying to be forced into your device without permission." he muses, his tail twitching as he thought about that, quickly returning the device to his coat, adn chuckling as he hears the final bit. "Good point, perhaps we can find a quiet spot just to relax there, been traveling on foot for a little while so resting might be nice.". 
     The digimon stretches a bit, "That pokemon place sounds nice, honestly, maybe I should visit sometime, even if I feel some human might try those pokeballs on me." he chuckles. He admires the weird creature next to him, "That bubble thing was very nice."
     :frowns a bit at the mention of being forced into the device. "That can be done with Pokeballs too, though thankfully like I said, my trainer loved having me around, so he would only have me go in my Pokeball if there was a good reason for it. However I know that not all Pokemon are so fortunate." When Bewul stretches a bit, she does the same and looks around. "I wonder if they have a park or something around here, preferably with a lake or at least a stream... That would be nice." She says before pausing to think a moment. 

     "As for visiting my world, I'd be happy to take you there sometime. Not sure what a Pokeball would do to you, but I think most humans that heard you talk first would assume that you were at the very least not wild, and if they still did try, I would certainly help fend them off. Alola is very nice, it's a chain of islands in the tropics, very beautiful, and plenty of warm, clean water."
     The Gabumon smiles a bit, reaching to pat her shoulder gently, "I think there was a park, can't promise about any water, but maybe we can get some, if you are thirsty." he offers, stretching a bit again, "Need someone to carry you there?" he asks in a friendly way, before nodding, "Sounds like a lovely place, and I will be glad to take that invitation. I think you might like my world too, my friend Gomamon might love to meet you, he is a bit like you."
     The Primarina smiles and returns the gesture by gently patting the Gabumon on the head with one of her front flippers. "Hmm, water to drink is nice too, but I am not really thirsty. I was hoping for enough water to do a little swimming. As for getting there, you don't really have to carry me, unless you want to. I can kind of walk, though probably not as quickly as you, but I can also float around in a water balloon, like when I came here to begin with. Also I would love to visit your world and meet your friend. Maybe the next time we meet, we can go to my world or yours, and then swap the time after that."
     Bewul is quite smaller, so that pat is certainly heavy!, not that he minds, his tail wagging slowly. "Oh, right, you need water." he muses, rubbing the back of his head and looking around, "I think the plaza near here has a fountain, but a lake might be easier to find outside the city." he says softly. "I just want to make sure we don't get lost." he chuckles, before nodding, "That sounds good."
     Miwa chuckles a bit at Bewul's revilation that she needs water. "Well, I can manage alright out on dry land for a while, particularly if it's not so hot and dry that I have to mist myself to keep from overheating, but still, I do prefer swimming to awkwardly getting around on my flippers. Also you're right, a proper lake is probably not going to be inside a city park..." 

     She thinks for a moment before continuing. "As for getting lost, it is a little easier to see where you're going and where you've been from the air, want to go for a ride with me?" She asks with a smile before blowing a small water balloon and starting to sing a melodic wordless song to control it's movement as it rises up in the air. After a bit she stops controlling it and just lets it float away before looking back at Bewul. "Oh, and don't worry, it's air on the inside, I'm not a fish, and it takes a lot more out of me to make a large solid sphere of water."
     Bewul watches curiously as the Primarina does the bubble thing, chuckling a bit, "That's true, I mean, you certainly look like you belong in a big lake." he says softly. The water bubble makes him curious, reaching to poke at it with a finger before it gets away, "Sure, if you are sure it is safe." he replies, "I am not able to fly, as much as I'd love to." he says softly, trying to catch up with the pokemon.
     Miwa smiles and nods. "Well, I really belong in the ocean, but a lake is an acceptable temporary substitute." She says as she watches Bewul trying to poke her bubble. "Careful, if you poke it too hard, it will pop. But anyway in a larger one we'd be inside, as long as you don't try to pop it with your claws, and no one tries to shoot us out of the sky or something, it should be perfectly safe." She explains before getting started. 

     She moved a bit closer to Bewul and started to form another large water balloon, this time much bigger. After a few moments the balloon enveloped the two of them, with enough breathing room that they didn't have to be crammed up next to each other. Finally she started singing again, this time a bit louder, though not enough that it would be uncomfortable for Bewul's ears. The water balloon soon lifted off the ground and began floating up into the air. Eventually the wind began to blow them toward the western edge of the city, and beyond that, they could see there was a decent sized lake at the bottom of a waterfall.
     Bewul stops right as he was about to poke the bubble!. He pulls back his paw after that, "Sorry, hard to resist." he says, admiring the odd thing, and growing a bit tense as the much larger bubble began to wrap around him!. He ends up standing quite close to the water pokemon, room or not, trying not to poke too much with his long claws, while taking in the scenery. "This is neat." he says to Miwa, watching as they floated out of the large city, and spotting the lake in the distance, pointing towards it! "There is one!" he says, almost stabbing the bubble with his claw, despite the warning. "Looks like a good spot to rest, makes me wish I remembered to bring snacks back from home." he chuckles.
     Once they're up and getting carried by the wind, Miwa stops singing and just lets the wind do the work for a while. She cringes a bit as Bewul points his claw out at the lake in the distance. "Careful now, I am pretty practiced at this, so my balloons are somewhat resilient, but let's not tempt fate." She warns, but then smiles once more. "I'm glad you're having fun though, this is the first time I've done this with someone I've only just met. Though, really I guess I've only done it with a few of the performers I used to work with otherwise, and Kaleo, my former trainer." She says in a bit of a reminiscent tone. 

     Soon they began to get close to the lake, so Miwa began to sing again, directing the balloon down toward the surface, and finally, they would land right at the edge of the lake and the balloon would pop, showering them both with a heavy mist. "Well, here we are. I forgot to ask, can you swim?" She wonders with a hopeful tone.
Bewul seems unaware of how close he was to test his resistance against fall damage, but is thankfully willing to listen to the warning, quickly returning his paw to his side. He keeps wagging his tail tho, at least it was short, and blunt. "It's very nice, never got to fly before." he says happily, peeking down at the ground as it traveled, quite enjoying the ride, "Sounds nice, I mean having a trainer." he says softly, thinking for a moment about something as well. 
     He only snaps out when the singing resumes, and he lands with a solid 'thud' as the bubble disappears, shaking himself from the mist. He chuckles a bit, "I am not that good at swimming... I do better on my bigger form, I think they call that doggy paddle." he chuckles, "But not that great like this.".
     Miwa nods, able to respond about having a trainer now that she doesn't have to focus on singing to guide the balloon. "It is nice when you have one that really cares, like I did. I do miss him, but the choice I made meant we had to part ways. He owns and runs the troupe, so he couldn't leave it, as much as I'm sure he wanted to. I could tell he was worried about me being on my own, even if he wouldn't say it to my face." She says before finally jumping into the lake and swimming around a bit before looking back at Bewul. "Well, as long as you're not going to start drowning on me and I'll have to save you, feel free to join me, the water feels warmer than I'd expect, might be a hot-spring upstream or something." She was smiling brightly, happy to see her new friend was enjoying himself, though she didn't want to force anything on him.
    The small digimon stretched a bit, as if trying to warm up, tail wagging a bit faster behind him, while he considered, "Still, sounds nice, and at least you can go and visit him." he says with a grin. He watches her swim around the lake for a few moments, testing the temperature with one claw, slowly inching deeper and trying to float.
     Miwa nods with a smile. "True, at least when he is around Alola. The Alolan islands are in the middle of a vast ocean. So swimming to Kanto and it's other nearby regions would be quite the trek, and I don't even want to think about getting to some of the further away ones." She says as she turns back to watch the Gabumon slowly make his way into the lake. 

     Just for fun, she decides to use Bubble-Beam to coat the surface of the lake in their immediate area with a layer of bubbles. She then rolls onto her back, floating along idly as she lays there, watching Bewul. "So tell me, how did you come to be created by humans? I mean, there are few Pokemon who were technically made by humans, but other Pokemon were used as a... what's the word... genetic? Yeah, genetic base."