World Tree MUSH

Bastille Brawl

With the information acquired from the Templar initiate, a plan has been formulated to infiltrate and extract Amalia Giacomo from the Templar's hospitality.. The Bacillica of Santa Maria Novella is a public space, co-opted by the Templars, with secret areas hidden from normal view.

    Investigation/combat. I may try using the Objectives system, if I can figure it out. Prior attendance to scenes in this list is NOT required. Please tag for interest.
Character Pose
Piera Forta
    The Basillica of Santa Maria Novella, a church in the middle of Florence, Italy. It's a public place, patrolled by local police forces, these citizen militia are clad in green outfits, and wield various weapons from swords and one-handed maces, to spears. They're in a relaxed state, just patrolling in groups of two to four. The local time is just after evening prayer, so many civilians are hanging around, chatting in clumps and moving out of the building.

    Those sharp-eyed enough and in the right position to see inside as the doors open, would see familiar sights of Templar agents within, speaking with the clergy before seeming to vanish after passing behind mobile screens used for confessionals.

    Piera, for her part, is perched on a nearby rooftop. There's no way she can get from there, to the church without hitting the ground between, but she's just here watching, observing and gleaning information before the others arrive.

    Aquila is pinging a location beacon for those arriving, and with the ability to detect it. She knows the Templar don't have anything able to pick up what she's putting out, so the signal is unencrypted.
The Mandalorian
    You know who Mando hates almost as much as the Empire?
    The Templars.
    So when an unencrypted beacon pings on an easily accessible roof, he knows just who might be the one sending it.
    "Piera. Aquila." The Mandalorian greets, the soft clink of the spurs on his boots and his beskar armor announcing the warrior's presence, The Child floating peering out of the usual floating pram at his side. His phase-pulse rifle is slung in his arms; casually disconnecting the sniper rifle's scope with a soft click, he brings it up to his visor to peer through like a telescope.
    "What are we looking at?"
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss doesn't know Piera at all, but she does have a Scroll, that being sort of like a smartphone of sorts. Having ended up in a more primitive place, she was using it to just get an idea of magnetic north... but picking up a signal wasn't expected at all, in this kind of place. It was worth checking out.
    Arriving via rooftop also isn't strange for her. Given her outfit - BATTLE SKIRT! - she preferred to stay out of sight from the locals, who probably would view all that thigh as indecent even if she was quite modestly dressed, really. Fortunate for her, as she hops across a rooftop to land and see... someone DEFINITELY out of place! "I'm going to guess that at least some of you aren't locals."
Emily Nyx
    Emily has a very specific goal in mind for this mission.

    Directly ahead of the church, there's a young woman with brown hair, dressed in an elegant forest-green gown and black shawl which looks like it fits with the contemporary styles of this world (except, on closer inspection, made out of very expensive silks, but not obviously so from a distance); the shawl seems to cast her eyes in what seems to be unnatural shadow, also if you look closely, but she has a rather vapid smile on her face as she wanders into an alleyway, out of sight from anyone else ...

    ... and then, out of a staticky portal which opens up behind Piera and the Mandalorian and promptly turns black from inside out. "Shitload of Templars inside there is what," Emily answers Mando in the same voice she always has, with a cheerfulness which turns cold as she says the word 'Templars'. "Anyway, I can probably portal the kidnappee right out. This a good safe-spot to drop her off?"

    She nods in greeting to Weiss. "Heya, Schnee. How's tricks?"
Piera Forta
    Piera doesn't turn as The Mandalorian strides up. "Glad you're here." she says, eyes fixed on the church. "I've seen about 20 local police patrols. They're on a 15 minute rotation, give or take. They sweep the entire area in a clockwise patrol pattern... the shift should be swapping soon, so we might have a window in which only the Templars are around." As Weiss and Emily show up, she finally turns to look at both in turn. "I'd rather keep innocent casualties to a minimum, but there is nothing innocent about the Templars." The white-clad Assassin stands, gives a wordless glance to Aquila, who nods and shoots off skyward, flitting across the gloaming courtyard as it begins to slowly empty of people.

    "If you can get her out, that will make clearing this den of scum much easier. No hostage, no chance of them using her against us." she says to Emily. She then gives Weiss a very deliberate look over. "Some kind of noble's daughter? Should you not be at a gala or party, girl?" she asks, arms folding over her chest.
The Mandalorian
    Weiss arrives!
    The Mandalorian and The Child look to the fancily dressed battle-skirt clad heiress for a long beat. The two look to Piera. Then they look to Emily as she arrives.
    "... Who's the princess...?"
    Though Emily seems to know her, the beskar-clad bounty hunter lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug as he re-attaches his rifle's scope to the gun.
    "I'm fine with minimizing innocent casualties." Those guards likely have nothing to do with the Templars and Mando has no desire to tussle with them if it can be avoided.
    "Do it, if you can, Emily. If not we'll figure something out."
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss squints at the dialogue going on. Some kind of hostage rescue or something? She's not sure she wants involved, but fortunately someone she knows does show up. Emily portalling in is confusing at first, being in a different shape, but the voice and attitude get Weiss to realize who it is rather quickly. Just... the shape is REALLY different, and she blurts out, "Oh, Emily. You're lightly-armed tonight."
    The comments from Mando and Piera get a scowl though. "Well if you don't /want/ any help that's fine, but it sounds like something I'd be particularly good at. If you wanted a quick distraction of some kind, that wouldn't be a problem at all." She's presuming a few things, but jumping to conclusions is kind of her thing. Not to mention Emily here probably means these aren't random terrorists. "What's the problem with these Templars anyway?"
Emily Nyx
    Emily blinks, and realizes she probably misspoke. "I mean ... first we have to find her," she hastily corrects herself. "Haven't had the chance to scope the inside. Do we know where she is?" She looks to Aquila. "... uh ... do we know where she is?" she asks uncertainly.

    She laughs out loud at Weiss's comment, and pushes back the shawl, revealing glowing purple eyes. "Damn it, I wish I'd come up with that one first!" she says, pumping her fist. "That was great."

    She shrugs. "Anyway," she says, "the problems with the Templars start at 'tried to murder people, up to and including middle-schoolers, for the crime of entering this Blossom' and pass through 'kidnapping children', and right now they've got a thief named Amalia Giacomo in there ..." She gestures to the church. "... somewhere." Once again, she glances at Piera's shinki.
Piera Forta
    Piera shurgs at Mando, then looks back to Weiss. "Would you like the full version, or the, what did he call it, cliffnotes version?" she asks. "The Templar Order are a group that believe they are the one true law and order to the world." she glances as Emily runs down the list of crimes she knows of, then just nods her head in the Eudaemon's direction.

    Aquila drops, cutting her jets and gliding on intertia and the rather oversized 'wings' that her vernier-type jetpack are mounted on. She lands in a small open vent and sneaks inside, popping up a holographic screen that shows the view from her eyes.

    "We don't know where she is, but clearly she isn't being kept /in/ the Bascillica. Perhaps under it, though we've never found any hidden passages... that's the first hurdle, find out how the Templars are using the building as a cover, then infiltrate their lair, locate the captured thief, and then have her lead us to where she stashed the Spear."
The Mandalorian
    There is a sudden giggle from the tiny green child in the pram floating at The Mandalorian's side.
    Weiss said 'lightly armed'.
    Lightly armed.
    The Mandalorian looks between the silver-haired heiress and the Eudaemon.
    Whether he has anything to say on the matter of the joke he keep his lips very tight behind that faceless T-shaped visor.
    Instead he turns his attention to the hologram screen that pops up in front of him and clears his throat.
    "The Templars are just as bad as the Empire. It puts a bad taste in my mouth what they might have planned for all those younglings." Muttered as he looks up from the panel and turns on his helmet's thermal vision, peering through the scope of his rifle for any discrepancies in the Basillica walls that may or may not be places where people have passed.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss frowns at the list of crimes given, her humor, such as it is, fading. "That definitely sounds more like a bad organization," she grumbles. Then she sighs, checking Myrtenaster at her side, then lightly hopping up to look at the building. "Well, I can't fly, but I can make my way through midair. And if you want a distraction, Emily knows I have a few tricks for that. But I don't really have anything that can see through walls."
    Sigh, "Guess we'll need to do it the old-fashioned way then." She was quick to jump in, wasn't she?
Emily Nyx
    Emily nods. "So, getting down there is the problem," she says. "I saw some Templars sneak behind confessional screens, so that might be their trick." She brightens. "Hm, maybe I could go confess something ridiculous and take the opportunity to search for secret passages!"

    She nods as Piera outlines the objective. "Right, the Spear," she says. In a swirl of silvery nanomachines, a cartoonish-sized bandaid appears on her stomach over her clothes, and she theatrically rubs it. "I know how dangerous that one is! Somehow, it'd be safer in the hands of the Assassins than it would be with the Templars."

    She nods. "Anyway, Schnee, this is Piera, an Assassin --" Her eyes turn into pitch-black voids. "-- that's an ambiguously-evil order which is the arch-enemy of the Templars --" Her eyes go back to normal. "-- and two Mandalorians. From space." This is the extent of Emily's knowledge on the subject of Mandalorians. "Killers-for-hire, this is Weiss Schnee." (She pronounces it as the proper German 'vice'.) "She's probably The Hero, or the closest to one we've got here. So, where do we start?"
Piera Forta
    Piera shrugs her shoulders at Emily's assertion, reciting an old refrain in response. "We work in the Dark to serve the Light." She looks Weiss over, noting the rapier. "Perhaps you can try going in the front doors, a young lady in distress would certainly distract the remaining clergymen and make it easier to slip past them, while Emily and D-- The Mandalorian, work around to the side door. Aquila will have it unlocked by the time you get to it."

    Aquila's viewpoint seems to get a hurry on, she's listening the entire time and her partner just put some pressure on the little robot.

    That's when a crossbow bolt whizzes past Piera's head, knocking the hood down in its passing. "Merda! Go, I'll deal with this one, looks like another like our little songbird, coming to report in." She sets off, as the shooter turns and bolts, leaving the trio of arrivals to their investigations.
Weiss Schnee
    The idea isn't bad. "If you really think that fits me," Weiss says, frowning. Then she gets an idea, and smiles, "Wait for my cue, everyone." A cue? She leaps off the building, seemingly unconcerned with the height, but does so to the side. A bright shimmering glows from the alley beside, and then Weiss is suddenly running toward the building, panting in exaggerated breaths. "Ah! HELP!" She's actually not that great an actor at this, but...

    Behind her, the summoned GIANT WASP lends a lot of credence to her cries for help, as it zips past and 'buzzes' the front of the building, apparently after Weiss. It glows oddly and it's semi-transparent, which should tell Emily that it's just one of Weiss's summoned creatures.
The Mandalorian
    The Mandalorian's head tilts to a curious angle as Piera nearly drops his Name. But when she catches herself he nods appreciatively.
    He gave that up a long time ago. The only records of his name are in the Registers of Mandalore now.
    With introductions out of the way he lowers the scope of his rifle and turns off his helmet's thermal scan.
    "Sounds like a plan." He says noting the Aquila's increaded speed. Time to get a move on then and-
    Mando's blaster is in his hand faster than lightning, but the shooter is already running and Piera says she'll handle him.
    "Dank farrik," he mutters. "Emily can you get us down there with a portal so that we don't draw too much attention?"
    Because a bulky silver guy flying with a floating baby carrier at his side will probably draw eyes.
    And then Weiss goes to be the distraction with her giant wasp.
    "... I think that was her cue."
Emily Nyx
    Emily raises her eyebrows at Piera's plan. "Works for me!" she says, adopting her amused and faintly smug smile. "Oh shit --"

    She hastily reaches over to grab the crossbow bolt out of the air; this attempt is a resounding failure. "Yeah okay later," she says. "Hmm ... should I announce my presence here in the usual way ..." She nods the Mandalorian. "Sure," she says, and pings Aquila for her exact location -- along with a reassurance that it's okay if she's not done instantly. "Lessee here now --"

    She pauses when Weiss pulls her stunt. "Okay, that's a much more awesome way than I was planning on announcing myself," she says, smirking. "Anyway!"

    She opens a portal -- from this side, it turns black much more quickly -- with the door Aquila was headed to visible on the other side. A hologram saying Audio Only appears next to her. "And tell Piera we're faster than she thinks, next chance y'get," she cheerfully says as she steps through, simultaneously radioing this to the Shinki.
Piera Forta
    Aquila grunts, making the 'effort' of panting for breath as she gets above the door, drops down and feathers her jetpack to get in line with the door lock. A quick scan of the area has her float up to grab the large iron key hanging near by, and unlocks the door with a far-too-loud sounding series of clunks and metalic whines.

    These are unheard by the clergy, as they all rush to the sound of a woman in distress. "Madonna! Guards! GUARDS!" they shout, beckoning Weiss toward them in the main doorway.

    As the clergy shout, red-clad men emergy from /SOMEWHERE/ inside the building, near the back, though as the door opens, Emily and Mando can see the armed men emerging from behind the pulpet and the choir chairs. Perhaps back there, before the main altar.

    Weiss' Queen Lancer is beset by at least ten men with melee weapons, swiping at it to fend it off.
The Mandalorian
    In through Emily's portal and once Mando and The Child are through; and Aquila has the door open, he sweeps inside with a quick glance around.
    "Good job." He asides to the shinki as men emerge from the back thanks to Weiss getting that attention.
    "Think that's our way in?" He says to Emily.
    He waits a few beats to see if any more guys come out before he starts trying to sneak around them to get to the back. Funny how he can move so quietly in that armor when he feels like it.
Weiss Schnee
    The wasp-thing that Weiss summoned is meant to work in swarms, so while large and intimidating - and hardly helpless - it also isn't really meant to stand up to ten heavily-armed fighters at once! The buzzing creature flaps wings rapidly, butting against some of the attackers and maybe even stinging one before going down... which of course causes it to disintigrate into light particles.

    Weiss knows she can't pass for a native here, so she pants heavily and staggers in. "Thank you! I don't know where I am or what happened, but suddenly I was being chased by that thing in this strange city!" This may not be the best idea of an excuse, now that she thinks of it, because she recalls Emily said something about them being violent to immigrants? Well, if she has to she'll just start a fight.
Emily Nyx
    Emily glances around, and sees the emerging Templars fairly quickly. "Yeah, definitely," she murmurs back to Mando.

    She dissolves into shadow, like a mass of black dust wrapped around a solid center (containing her CPU core), and starts flowing over towards the apparent secret passage. "I'll release my Capacitor Seals once I know we're somewhere exciting," says her voice. "Uh, I'm guessing this won't be the first stealth-mission you've taken the kid on?"
Piera Forta
    Mando and Emily have no resistance, the entire guard detail apparently answered the summons... or at least those that were closest to the entrance. The last one even forgot to close the secret door, one of the choir pews apparently folds into the wall to reveal a stairwell leading down, lit by sconces with small yet steady flames... perhaps burning some kind of oil.

    A the pair descend they would emerge into a fairly large guard room or barracks, a table with discarded cards, food items half-eaten and lined with pallet-style beds and footlockers. There are three other doors, iron-banded wood likely older than the town above. A voice, muffled and distant, echos through the RIGHT door, but another, in obvious distress comes from the LEFT. The door OPPOSITE THE ENTRY, is oddly silent in comparison.

    WEISS: Meanwhile on the surface, Weiss suddenly gets some very distinctly hostile looks, but the Templars are held off by the clergymen... the priests and bishop are clearly not /fond/ of the Templars, and move to interject themselves between the armed men, and the Huntress in training. "While this young lady stands on holy ground, she is granted sanctuary. Even your masters would not dare violate that right." says the bishop, looking over her shoulder and giving the girl a little wink.
The Mandalorian
    There's probably not much time before the guards return to their places, and Mando would rather be out before having to start a firefight. Especially with the kid around.
    "He's a good kid." He replies to Emily. "Knows when to keep quiet."
    Slinging his rifle over his shoulder he opts for his hand-blaster in the more cramped and close quarters of the space under the Basillica.
    Once again he turns on his helmet thermals as they reach the doors, trying to see through them and who may be beyond as he gives each door a quick scan before moving to the left door where the distressed voice can be heard.
    "Sounds like someone who doesn't want to be here, to me."
Weiss Schnee
    This was a stroke of luck for Weiss, but it also informs her of something. The church here is powerful and also has its own rules. Upon hearing that, her hand lifts away from her rapier as well, trying to show that she'll respect it the same. Weiss is impulsive, but not completely without consideration for this. Besides, she's vastly outnumbered, and has no idea what people here will think of her Semblance.

    Under her breath, "I hope you guys know what you're doing..." Because it sounds like getting her OUT of here will be more of a trick, and she'd rather not hurt anyone on the way out.
Emily Nyx
    Okay, here we go. "Yeah, that's pretty obvious," says Emily, reforming as a silver-haired woman in a white version of a YoRHa uniform but with a cat-ears-like bow instead of a blindfold. "Releasing Capacitor Seal 3!"

    She's surrounded by the silver, gold, and pearlescent auras, and the first one shatters and the other two fade, and then an oversized katana appears on her back. Then, she holds her hand out, and opens a staticky portal on the door, leading to ... just inside the cell. Not bothering to add the darkness-effect, either. "Hi!" she says immediately, even before she's had time to register what's on the other side.
Piera Forta
    WEISS: The Templars all look on edge, shifting back and forth, looking at Weiss through gaps in the wall of priests, then at each other, before turning to head back to what they were doing.

    Aquila drops down near the heiress, "The Mandalorian and Emily are still down there, they need more time." she whispers, before flitting out of sight behind a pew when a priest turns to speak to the young white-haired girl. "A visitor from off world, we know a few and have helped others... these men and their masters are too quick to judge. It is God's will to be kind to all, and offer succor and respite to any traveller who passes through, you may rest safely here until we can find you a way home." he says, spreading his arms wide and giving a flourished bow.

    MANDO and NYX:Din's thermal scan would pick up a high heat source behind the RIGHT door, and the voice seems to be drawing closer, or getting louder it's hard to tell which. The LEFT door gets portaled past, and a man in a rather froufy outfit perks up, adjusting his big peaked cap with a floppy, giant feather in it and goes to pick up his lute. "Oh Happy day~! My savior has arrived!" he sing-songs.
The Mandalorian
    That's not Amalia Giacomo.
    "You're not who we're looking for." Mando replies as Emily opens a portal into the cell and... Well. There's a minstrel inside.
    "Who are you? More importantly do you know if they're keeping anyone else down here?" He asks hushedly, turning to the right door as it sounds like someone is approaching, keeping his blaster at the ready.
Weiss Schnee
    Well, Weiss can kill time. She can say things! Giving a very precise curtsey of her own, the heiress smiles, "Thank you, I didn't expect quite such a welcome. I've been to several strange places, and some are more welcome than others. Some of the things I've seen do make their caution understandable, but I mean no harm. I really just want to be back on my way, I have important things to do in my own world. I'll just wait here to catch my breath and make sure it's safe out before I move on my way. I'm afraid my sword is an heirloom, and not a more modern weapon."

    She'll just leave out the fact that Myrtenaster was such an advanced weapon that it holds its own against modern weapons just fine. Hopefully that will keep the Templars listening to her and not the others. She won't react to Aquila otherwise. Apparently this isn't her first rodeo.
Emily Nyx
    Emily smirks, both at the appearance of a Minstrel, and by the Mandalorian's reaction. "Yeah, okay," she says. "C'mon, just get your ass out of there, we'll get you out as soon as we're done here."

    Without waiting for a response, she reaches in and attempts to bodily pull the Minstrel out. She then casually strolls over towards the door with the approaching voice, one hand grasping her katana. "Mando, can you tell if there's anyone behind Door Number Three?" She gestures to the third door with her other hand.
Piera Forta
    MANDO and NYX: The third door is cold. Either it's a connecting tunnel, or unused room, or something. Nothing's happening, or coming from down there.

    However as the voice... s... voices, plural, come closer to the RIGHT door, it suddenly flings open, and a rotund man in a blacksmith's outfit falls through, followed by a young woman, who looks the spitting image of the one found in Roma. She takes just a second to process what's happening, then indignantly says. "Well it took you long enough! I had to free myself I was waiting so damn long." She sheaths the dagger, and boots the smith in the gut, making him wheeze. "Shall we, before those bastards come back?"

    Weiss' words cause a few of the Templars to slow down, looking back over their shoulders... she's an off-worlder, using an outdated weapon compared to where she's from?

    The Priest chuckles softly. "Of course, of course, please, take as long as you wish, my brothers and I shall be available if you require anything." the priests then disperse, seeming to melt into the scenery, leaving Weiss alone, with like, five of the one-hander using Templars, the other five already closing in on the entrance.
The Mandalorian
    "Third door's clean." Mando replies to Emily as he keeps his focus on the door with SOUND coming from it. Until it busts open.
    He's ready to blast whoever comes through, but holds off when the big figure keels over and... There's Amalia Giacomo.
    "You, on the other hand, are who we're looking for."
    "Time to go. And we'd best be quick about it." He says motioning for the way back up.
Weiss Schnee
    In fairness to Weiss, her weapon does just look mostly like an ornate rapier! Compared to the guns in this era that is outdated here too! Though she still feels a little uncomfortable left with five of the glowering sorts. Whistling faintly she looks around. What would Winter do- hm, maybe not the best choice. Who gets in and out of these scrapes more often than her?

    ... Ruby?

    She continues to whistle, purposely off-key now, smiles, and gives a timid wave.

    Nailed it.
Emily Nyx
    Emily looks at the woman, then peers at the fallen blacksmith, then turns her amused-and-smug smile on the woman again. "Hi, Amalia!" she says, letting go of her katana. "You're just the woman we wanted to see!"

    She nods to the Mandalorian, then closes the portal to the minstrel's cell, concentrates, then opens another portal leading to the side-entrance Aquila opened up for them. "Yeah," she says, grabbing the Minstrel and shoving him through. "Amalia, if you wanna pop out where it's safe, uh ... the Assassins are gonna wanna talk to you." Beat. "Like, I mean, literally talk, that's not a euphemism for ... assassinating you. I'd stop them," she adds. She waves her hands. "Uh, anyway, we just want to know where you put that Spear you nicked."

    And with that, she strides over to the stairs leading up to the hidden entrance she and the Mandalorian came from. "Releasing Capacitor Seal 2." The gold and pearlescent auras appear, and this time it's the golden one which shatters. She thrusts her hands outward, sending glowing Lunar Tear petals floating up the staircase and into the church proper.

    And then, coincidentally right after Weiss does that wave, Emily starts blaring the instrumental intro to Mambo Number Five.
Piera Forta
    Weiss waves, and three of the five draw their weapons and begin to advance.. just as Emily makes her presence known. Amalia shrugs at the Eudaemon and steps through the portal, before bolting away from the Basilica and into some alleyways. She's picked up a tail in the form of the little Shinki. >Target has bolted. In pursuit and tracking.< she radios.

    Strangely, the priests don't emergy to interfere, as the five walking to the entrance get a blast of MAMBO and Lunar Tears, their weapons coming out and shouts of panic spreading through them. They're on the back foot when the pair below emergy, and teven Weiss gets an opening to take first strike, as the five menacing her turn to see what the heck is happening.
The Mandalorian
    There goes Amalia. But with Aquila trailing her it's something to deal with later as Mando and Emily emerge to find Weiss getting advanced on by a bunch of guys. Rather than risk a shot going wide and hitting Weiss he holsters his blaster and rushes the nearest Templar.
    Yanking his sniper rifle off his back seems like a funny idea... Until the forked prong at the end crackles to life with a visible burst of electrical energy- which he uses to promptly cattle-prod and taze a bro down.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss isn't a fan of blood, but she knows most humans in other realms don't have their Aura awakened, if they can at all, so she has to treat them as delicately as normal troops, not Hunters. Sigh. Seeing that stuff is happening and she's unlikely to get out of here without a fight, she'll just do her best to avoid it.

    Myrtenaster is out, whipping upward with the chamber spinning. "Sorry about this." But not that sorry. The chamber settles on Black, and with a gesture, her 'first strike' is a glimmery Glyph that spirals into existence on the wall... and suddenly the five Templars are yanked to the side by the gravity trap.
Emily Nyx
    << Okay, Aquila, >> Emily radios the group, << lemme know if she slows down so that I can catch up with her in a few. >>

    Emily rises out of the hidden passage with holographic wings, hands clasped behind her. She starts singing, "One, two, three four five, not everybody's gonna leave this place alive! The 'Sassins comin' 'round the corner, the boys say they want you t'die, but I really don't wanna ..."

    The beat drops, and she brings her hands out in front, revealing that she has four of them, each holding a different oversized katana. "... spill blood in a holy PLACE! So step outside so that we can rearrange your FACE! I got katana ..." She hits the nearest non-Mando'd Templar with the flat of her blade. "... uh, katana ..." Then another slice at the next Templar with a second katana ... wait, no, the blade seems to be blunt, so it merely whacks like the first one. "... The Stabbings ..." She bonks a third Templar with her third katana. "... and laser!" A golden bolt shoots at the fourth Templar -- not powerful enough to kill, probably just tazing like Mando. "And as the list goes on, you just know they're getting craze ... er."

    She clams up somewhat awkwardly, and the song continues without vocals.
Piera Forta
    Mando tazes a bro, who drops like a sack of potatoes with a shuddering greckle of misfiring nerve endings. As Emily comes out and starts whacking fools, the rest start to run... straight into Weiss' gravity trap, ending up in a heap, trapped against the wall.

    The priest that winked at Weiss then appears. "Our prayers have been answered, thank you for dealing with those ruffians. They hadn't the stomach to 'deal' with us, as you may have thought, but they kept using our precious flock against us to keep their filthy secrets." he makes the cross gesture, then presses his hands together. "I shalln't be sad to see them gone."

    Aquila, and Piera by extension, meanwhile follow Amalia. >Emily, target has stopped at a small building just outside of town, sending you coordinates and a visual reference. Piera is here also, waiting for you to arrive before confronting.< radios the shinki, sending through a coordinate burst and an image taken from her own vision of a one-storey house in the middle of a field, with a few trees dotted around the property.
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss smiles, "I am sorry we had to resort to violence, but I really don't like to spill human or faunus blood, so I'm trying to keep it clean. I'm glad I could be of service. I'll remember your kindness." She does have some manners, having been brought up in aristocracy. She just normally doesn't... care.

    Now that the Templars are disoriented, Weiss can turn to them and point, "Be glad I didn't use fire or ice, those would hurt a lot more." Her free hand opens her scroll and tunes into the frequency she picked up earlier. "I'm good here, I'm going to be heading out." With Emily here to help, she hopes they can get them out of here.

    It's not often people are NICE to Weiss like the priest.
Emily Nyx
    Emily cuts off the music. "Wow, that was fast," she says. "Usually it takes a little bit longer ..."

    She shrugs, and smiles at the priest. "No charge, I got invested in this whole, uh, quest. It's the Assassins you should thank ... maybe. They're doing it on general principles, anyway!" She shrugs. "And, uh. Yeah, like Schnee said. I'm not as big a fan of spilling blood as some people I could mention."

    Emily ponders a moment. "Aquila's got us a destination," she says. "I'll take us right there ... but first ..."

    She opens a portal leading to the edge of the nearest river. She grabs each Templar in turn, and then tosses them through; they would all land just far enough away that they wouldn't fall in.

    "Now lemme just sync locations with Aquila, and then we can portal over to her!" she concludes.