World Tree MUSH

Titanium Titan Tussle

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    It had to be an old quarry of course. A rogue branch or portal dumped the two huge monsters into a quiet place. Not quiet anymore as the two beasts crash into each other and cause a rumble that knocks rocks and dust off the sides of the abandoned quarry. It's not too long after that alerts go out about outworld activity. As is usual for this particular Earth, outworlders are contracted to deal with the problem...
Misaki Sakai
Misaki knows nothing of contracts or what is usual for this particular Earth. She's exploring the tree and got lost a little, and so she stumbles upon the ruckus. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she approaches. She's not transformed, so she's taking her time, and to any onlookers would look like just another Japanese teenager.
Luke Gray
     Pokemon involved in trouble? it's not a surprise a pokemon trainer is among the people answering that call! The fact that the young trainer might have been not too far from the area certainly helped him get there on time!. The young teen arrives, flanked by what can be described as a very, very round tiger trotting besides him. "Where is it?" he asks, "Where is the beast causing trouble?" Luke asks to the people around the quarry, only to finally spot the large beasts just angry at eachother. "They look angry." he muses to his pokemon, who nods and growls loudly.
Emily Nyx
    One of the onlookers next to Misaki is a silver-eyed woman with short red hair, dressed in a frilly silver dress. She peers at the two titans with ... a suspicious lack of concern, really. Mostly, she looks transfixed with curiosity. "How phenomenal," she murmurs under her breath. She glances down at Misaki as she arrives, and says, "By any chance, young lady, do you know if this sort of ... display ... is common in this part of the, ah, 'World Tree'?"

    At that moment, over by Luke, a staticky portal opens up, and turns black from the inside out. Out floats Emily, in the form of a Hex Maniac, except dressed in light gray and with glowing purple eyes, plus her hair is so black it looks like a rip in space, or a graphical glitch. "Okay, what the absolute heck," she says; her voice is the same as it always is, and her amused and faintly smug smile is also probably recognizable. "Hey, Luke! Looks like we have a couple of big problems here!"
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Shiny Hex Maniac.
On a high level of the abandoned quarry, one might see a small, golden-furred fox with markings like a fox mask. Around its neck, a golden bell on a red ribbon. The bell around its neck glows. "Yes, Aruji. I'm at the site now. Can you see?" Pause. "Understood. I'll wait for him." With this, the fox tilts its head back, looking up...

In the skies overhead, something ominous forms -- a giant hole in the sky opens, pitch-blackness ringed by electric blue. There's a swish of motion, small in comparison to the hole in the sky, as something emerges at high speed, a bolt of lightning that resolves into the shape of a spear, hurtling at the ground at high speed.

But soon it's not just the weapon. A swirl of sakura petals surrounds the weapon as it falls, and then a man appears, wielding the weapon. He's a muscular man, with purple hair and golden eyes. He hits the ground far enough from any people not to be a problem, but with enough force to raise a cloud of dust! Fortunately it's not enough to cause more shaking! Might startle any normal people nearby though.

The purple-haired man steps out of the settling cloud, towards any onlookers there. "This place isn't safe," he notes. "Do you need assistance getting away?"
>> SUMMARY[Tonbokiri] >> Does this count as a 'Dynamic Entry'?
Aurelia Argent
    There aren't many onlookers left, but they're taking video of the two beasts fighting. They point Luke and Emily towards the dust that's now clearing, where the trouble is.
    One resembles a dinosaur on two large legs, all angles and squares with polygon arms and nubby pyramid fingers, roughly 12 feet tall.
    Its opponent is about that tall... at the hip. It is much longer than that, hunched over with comparatively small forearms. It is a mechanical nightmare of hard alloy plates and lights, bristling with weapons. Even its tail is a long thing that ends in a blunt axe-like appendage.
    The angular beast screams a challenge at the machine and starts charging towards it, to be met with a volley of nasty disc projectiles from its foe's rear half. The quarry rattles as the huge beast stomps its way through the discs, the harsh sound of metal on metal echoing as the things careen off the metal hide, leaving long shallow gashes.
Misaki Sakai
"I have no clue. This is my first time off-world, and frankly I got lost." Misaki answers the silver-eyed woman, "But someone should probably do something to make sure they don't cause too much trouble." She grabs a cap out of nothing, puts it on, and glows a bright red. Once the glow fades, she's transformed. "If you're not able to fight, ma'am, please keep a safe distance."

Misaki runs towards the problem, then stops when she gets close and looks to the first person who seems like they know what they're doing, Tonbokiri. "I can help!" She manifests her guns, "What's going on?" She hasn't recognized Emily yet.
Luke Gray
    Luke recognizes the transportation method used by the 'stranger', plus the voice is a dead giveaway, "That's an interesting look, Emily!" he offers, smiling to his friend, before pointing to the battling things, "Yeah, that one is a Duraludon... and that other one... I think I saw them before, but can't remember the name." he muses, before wincing at the charge from the pokemon. "I wonder how that pokemon got that big... doesn't seem like it is dynamaxed." he mumbles. 
    He reaches for his belt and returns Dynamo to his pokeball, "Agni! come out and get ready!" There is a flash of red light and a large orange and cream furred creature materalizes next to Luke.
Emily Nyx
    The red-haired woman peers up at Tonbokiri, and just sort of ... nods approvingly at his entrance. "Not especially," she answers -- not calling out to him, just saying it in a normal voice. She glances at Misaki, looks like she's about to answer her comment, then ... closes her mouth again, and resumes watching curiously, except now she backs away. By a few feet.

    Emily grins at Luke as the two approach the fiasco. "I could swear I've taken this form before," she says. "Eh, I've taken a zillion different forms, whatevs."

    She brightens as she sees who else is here. "Hey, Tonbokiri!" she calls out cheerfully, rising off the ground. "Oh hey, Sakai, how's it goin'? Have you talked with Tachibana yet?"

    ... No sense of boundaries.
It's not Tonbokiri that answers Misaki. The fox with the mask-painted face hops onto the purple-haired man's shoulder, and offers in a high voice, "These creatures seem to be fighting. No one seems to know where they came from."

The human male nods. "Exactly. I was sent here to ensure that no one is injured." His voice is as deep as fox's is high and childlike. He looks up, though, as someone speaks his name. It turns out to be Emily!

"Ah, greetings," he offers to her, with a bow. He looks at the red-haired woman strangely. Though... well, she does say she doesn't need help, and she's not in any danger right at this moment, so... what do?

Luke is not left out of all this either. "Ah, I recognize you. You are here to help?" he inquires.
Aurelia Argent
    The duraludon rumbles as the explosive discs land in a circle around the thundermaw, showering it with shrapnel and scraping gouges into its hide. It grapples with the machine briefly as a burst of light begins to emit from its snout, but its opponent's tail smashes into the head and the beam of light crashes into the quarry wall near Tonbokiri, Luke, Emily, and Misaki. It is evident that the massive pokemon is outclassed by the combat machine...
Misaki Sakai
"Yes, I have. Emily-san." Misaki answers rapidly, then jumps aside to get out of the way of the beam of light that crashes into them. She points Joyous and Marvelous at the robot, shooting quick laser pulses. "My name's Misaki Sakai, I'm a magical girl. I'm new at this, please help me out and offer any advice you have!"
Luke Gray
    Luke decides to not waste time and moves closer, "Yes, I am familiar with one of the two things battling so I might be able to help controlling it, but not sure what to do with the other one." he replies, smiling to the tall, spear wielding man, and the adorable fox critter. "Luke Gray, pokemon trainer." he adds, as Misaki introduces herself. He is shoved aside by Agni, who spots the disrupted attack and makes sure the distracted boy is out of the way. "Agni, we need to stop them from attacking or at least draw their attention so they don't launch attacks towards people, go closer and get their attention.". 

    The quite large fire bear trots closer to the pair of grappling monsters, the air around the orange beast rippling with heat as it inhales deeply for a moment, before opening its maw and releasing a large fire ball that oddly, takes a shape that the spectators more familiar with Kanji might recognize is the symbol for 'dai' or big. It is sent right on the face of the robot dinosaur, being a slightly easier target.
Emily Nyx
    Emily follow Tonbokiri's gaze to the red-haired woman, and narrows her eyes. "What is Colette Asphodel doing -- Whoa!"

    She shoots directly up into the air to avoid the blast. "Okay, yeah, releasing Capacitor Seals 3 and 2." She's surrounded by three distinct auras: one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent. The first two shatter, and the third fades away; in a swirl of silvery nanomachines, her Hex Maniac dress becomes an elegant ballgown, and her hair grows considerably longer.

    The red-haired woman hesitates, then calls out, "For the record, my sisters and I had nothing to do with this!"

    "Fine, whatever!" Emily calls back. She glances around at the others present. "Okay, Misaki, watch and learn. Luke, Tonbokiri ..." She hesitates. "... How're we gonna handle this?"
Tonbokiri stumbles at the impact of the beam into the side of the quarry wall that everyone's standing on. About all he can do to avoid it should it come his way is drop to the ground, since he doesn't fly. Konnosuke scampers away to hide somewhere... but somewhere it can observe!

But he rights himself as Misaki speaks. "Ah, I don't know that I can give advice on that," he admits. "But I will assist you as best as I am able! I am Tonbokiri." He saves her the full spiel, there's a monster to fight!

It seems like they're going after the robot dinosaur instead of the other.... metal... thing (he has no idea what it is). When Emily asks her question, Tonbokiri... actually doesn't know how to answer. But, well...

"If this is a machine, it should have power cables inside it, yes?" he inquires. He's no dragoon, but he uses a spear, and his strength and agility is far beyond what a normal human's is. So here comes the jump! He's going to try to get on the metal dinosaur's back!
>> SUMMARY[Tonbokiri] >> Tonbokiri uses High Jump!
Aurelia Argent
    The machine flinches as the flames roar and consume its face, its great bulk dragging the duraludon across the broken ground of the quarry. It staggers again when Tonbokiri spears it through a gap in the spinal plates, allowing the huge duraludon to shove it over onto its side. It flails as the pokemon keeps shoving it, towards a cliff-like edge of the quarry. Suddenly the thundermaw's face cannons jerk to life, unleashing a barrage of firepower at the duraludon. The dragon reels backwards in pain!
Misaki Sakai
"Find someone my size to shoot at." Misaki yells, punctuating the statement by going from quick blasts to a pair of continuous beams. "A pleasure, Tonbokiri-san, Gray-san."
Emily Nyx
    Emily nods, watching Tonbokiri's moves and waiting for the right time to make her move. She snickers at Misaki's rejoinder. "Now, Sakai-san," she calls out, taking the tone of a teacher addressing a student, "I don't know what the dudes you usually fight are like, but some things are universal, whether you're fighting a robot or an entire organization!"

    She flies up to the Thunderjaw, and starts conjuring golden bolts of light -- only five seem to be able to appear at once -- and launching them at its neck, trying to aim for the seams in between the slats. "Plan A: most things have vital spots you can target to take it out all in one go! Plan B, if it doesn't have one, or you can't get at it or can't damage it ..."

    She stops the bolts, and fires a single sustained beam and sweeps it along the Thunderjaw's body. "... you do enough damage enough that you just ruin its gross bodily integrity!"
That's a bit of a ride down, with the metal dinosaur being shoved to its side. However Tonbokiri hangs onto the spear that he bears the name of throughout the 'ride', and once he's close enough to the ground to jump down he wrenches the spear free and tumbles to the ground in a roll, with a grunt.

Though when those cannons swing up and fire, Tonbokiri's jumping back onto the metal dinosaur again, trying to do some damage to one of the cannons! He may not be able to completely break a cannon off its mounting, but he's sure gonna try!

"The cannons!" he calls to the others. The less time those things are allowed to remain functional, the less opportunity it has to cause trouble!
Aurelia Argent
    Both the fan-like spread and the pair of continuous beams from Misaki have opened up some holes in the thunderjaw's armored plates, allowing Emily's beams to hit spots that seem vital. The thing twitches and sparks as Tonbokiri breaks the cannon and some internal electrical circuit sets off the ammo storage. The weapon and its tail are ripped free from the chassis by the explosion, sending bits skittering across the rocky terrain. The duraludon roars and puts one large foot on the machine's head, attempting to crush it to seal its victory as it twitches and feebly struggles.
Misaki Sakai
Emily says to focus on weak points, Tonbokiri says to take out the cannons. Misaki follows instructions, she runs around to get a good angle, then tries to aim those lasers to dislodge the other cannon, the one still firmly attached. "Hey Emily-san. After we're done, could you uh... help me find my way home?"
Emily Nyx
    Emily nods to Tonbokiri. "Right!" she says ... right before that explosion goes off, and she glides backwards in the air to avoid shrapnel.

    She then swoops around to fire more of those golden bolts to the Thunderjaw's head around the Duraludon's foot, trusting that Misaki can take out the neck. "Hm? Oh, sure, Sakai! The world where I met you, right? Shouldn't be too hard to find it."

    She pauses. "As for the Duralodon ... I 'unno, let's try to get this thing some snacks, bribe it into going home, maybe." Beat. "Really big snacks."
With the metal dinosaur basically dealt with, Tonbokiri considers. Both of these beasts are angry and upset. Emily's suggestion makes him wonder, though. "Do you think it will work?" he inquires. "Or is it still too much in a rage?"