World Tree MUSH

The King's Quandary

Do the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few?
Character Pose
    King Leoric has found himself in a quandary. He's learned that Archbishop Lazarus' body has gone missing from the palace after Morrigan supposedly eldritch blasted the man to death, leading him to believe that his friend Lazarus is in fact still alive. But this also means he's also still possessed by demons and probably being hunted by the Horadrim. As king, Leoric could use his authority to demand that the elite task force cease and desist, but he also knows that might not go over well given their reputation with the people. And, there's also the fact that he does know they do have the best interests of the general populace of Khanduras in mind. So, what would it be? Loyalty to one of his oldest friends and his faith in the man's ability to overcome what plagues him, or duty to the people of Khanduras? He's tried to find some kind of middle ground, clandestinely putting out a call to offworlders who may be able to find Lazarus before the Horadrim and whomever has sided with them do, with the hope they might be able to whisk him away to another realm with capabilities that his own doesn't have. Even if Lazarus has to be exiled for a while, it'd better than dead. As such, he's requested that anyone responding to the job keep it under wraps.

    At the same time, under the guidance of the Archangel Tyrael, the Horadrim seek anyone who would aid them in hunting down and destroying the demon-possessed Archbishop, before the monsters can wreak yet more havoc upon Sanctuary--and it seems the warlock Morrigan is among them.

    Anyone responding to the king's request would have been told to report to the palace in the capital city of Tristram, while anyone responding to the Horadrim would have been asked to gather at a Horadric monastery in the same city, where they'd meet with the organization's leader Tal Rasha.
Emily Nyx
    In front of the palace, Emily steps out of a staticky portal accompanied by Double-A in her redhead-in-a-black-dress-with-robotic-eyes form and Misaki. Emily herself has taken the form of a court jester in a black and white costume, with glowing purple eyes, short silver hair, and huge holographic twintails which clip through the ground. "... figured out that Archbishop Lazarus was really heckin' sus, and I got him to lose his temper enough he sicced some demons on us," Emily is explaining. "Wasn't long before the demons went back into Lazarus, Tal Rasha and --" She projects a hologram of the katakana approximation of 'Tyrael' "-- wanted to put Lazarus out of his misery, but Tonbokiri and I thought he could be saved."

    She shrugs. "And basically, in mid-conversation while Tonbokiri and had basically almost successfully persuaded Tal Rasha et al that we could exorcise Lazarus instead of killing him, Morrigan Lor'osa blasted him with one of her green lasers." That last sentence said slightly grumpily.

    "And now we're just walking right back into this situation?" says Double-A, glancing between Misaki and Emily.

    Emily waggles a finger. "We gotta," she says cheerfully. "... C'mon, Sakai, back me up here!"
Misaki Sakai
"There's no way I'm going to let her kill someone who can still be saved." Misaki agrees, she's not transformed yet, so she's wearing her school uniform, "Miss Lor'osa needs some remedial education in ethics." She kind of glares at Double-A, "And don't you start, miss Double-A."
    Funny thing about Morrigan. As bad a person as she is, her strict adherence to The Greater Good means that she has somehow ended up throwing her lot in with the Horadrim, at Tyrael's request. Her methods are quite simple though when it comes to carrying out her work.
    The ends justify any means.
    On hearing that Archbishop Lazarus might have survived her eldritch blasting, the warlock was not exactly pleased at her inability to handle a loose end.
    So a grey 2003 Ford Windstar minivan rolls right up into Tristram to join the local Horadrim.
    With a ~pip pip~ the door locks and Morrigan steps out of the car, Mary Contrary settled sitting on her shoulder.
    "Huh, Mary, I know you shinki can feel a wide variety of emotions, but you never told me you felt love before."
    She idly comments to the shinki, continuing a conversation from the drive.
    "... I have felt the need to leave a robot party, after seeing robot Michelle kiss robot Charlie." Is all Mary says, glumly on the topic as the pair stroll their way right up to the Horadrim monastery.
    "Tyraeeeeeeeel, we're here for the demon hunt! Point us at the demons!" The Warlock says chipperly.
    Leoric would have instructed all of his court servants, staff, and yes, even his guards to leave him alone with the offworlders Emily, Double-A, and Misaki. Does he really trust them that much already
    He greets them politely as they enter. "Thank you for your willingness to assist me, Emily Nyx." he says with a nod, recognizing her from before. The king looks to Misaki. "I assume this is a friend of yours." He sighs tiredly. "I am in a bit of predicament, as you may have already heard. I understand that the Horadrim have the people's best interests at heart, as should I. The citizenry are terrified of a possessed archbishop and wish the danger to be dealt with swiftly. However, I am reluctant to give up on Lazarus so quickly. My hope is that one of you may be able to take him away to your world--a place that may have capabilities this one does not. Banishment may not sound very enticing, but it's better than the finality of death." A pause, as he shakes his head slightly. "Anyway, my scouts have found traces of him in the mountains east of here. I suggest you begin your search there. If have need of a portal, speak to one of my mages."

    Meanwhile, Morrigan would find Tyrael and Tal Rasha at the Horadric monastery elsewhere in the city. "Ah, Ms. Lor'osa, your timing is quite impeccable." Tal would say in greeting. "We just finished the scrying spell. I believe we have located a likely position. If you are ready now, I will prepare the portal."
    Tyrael had been hanging in the background mostly, not really saying anything, although he does speak up as Tal begins to cast the portal spell. "Be wary. It is possible you will encounter resistance--other than the demonic sort."
Emily Nyx
    Double-A glares at Misaki and squares her shoulders. "I'm just not used to sticking my neck out like this, okay?" she snaps.

    Emily ruffles the other Eudaemon's hair. "Hey, Double-A," she says, "remember when you told me to tell you when you start to lose your temper over nothing in particular?"

    Double-A wilts slightly. "Uh ... yeah?"

    "That was one of those times," says Emily.

    She allows herself to be escorted to visit with King Leoric. "Hi again, Your Majesty," she says casually. "Yeah, this is Misaki Sakai, a young hero. I can vouch for her capability in battle. And this is Erebus-model AA23, Double-A, a fellow Eudaemon."

    "I'm here to keep an eye on Emily," says Double-A, trying to adopt a more neutral tone because this is a freaking king. "I mean ... at least stop her from pushing herself too hard." She waves her hands vaguely. "It's, it's complicated." She smirks faintly. "Emily, you gonna take the lift His Majesty is offering us, or use your 'dimensional field'?"

    "I'll use the kingdom's portals," says Emily. "I don't know exactly where our destination is." (And also, it's probably out of range.) "Misaki, shall we away?"
Misaki Sakai
Misaki bows deeply to the king, though she does not kneel or kowtow. "Your majesty. I am Misaki Sakai, it's an honor to meet you. I hope we can rescue your retainer and keep him from harm until a cure for his condition can be found." She may be stealing language to address him from some light novels she has been reading.

Introductions over with and a job to do, Misaki nods to Emily, "Let's go."
    "Wouldn't surprise me." Morrigan simply says when Tyrael warns her of resistance. "But that's a problem for Future Morrigan." She says simply.
    Morrigan will totally step into the portal once Tal Rasha has it ready; because she has no means of knowing where she's supposed to look without it.
    "Very pleased to be of your acquaintance, Miss Sakai." Leoric says politely, nodding to Misaki. "Very well then." The king would summon one of the court mages in and instruct him to open a portal into the southern part of the mountain range located to the east of Tristram. 
    Tal chuckles at Morrigan's comment. "I--yes. I suppose that is true." She certainly has a very pragmatic approach to things. He'd open the portal and wait for her to step through, then follow. Tyrael would also follow, eventually. Although for the time being, he has chosen to simply keep watch unless something required his intervention.

    Once they arrive, there is definitely evidence of someone having been out here, and wouldn't take an expert forest tracker to tell that. Broken branches, downtrodden bushes and grasses here and there. Morrigan and Tal find much the same thing, if in slightly different places.
    Finally, both search parties would come upon a lush valley with a small cabin-looking structure that looks like it was created using...magical means. Tal frowns. "This is disturbingly close to..." he pauses, as if he were about to say one thing but decides to change it. "...our headquarters." The frown deepens. "I sense foul magic." Morrigan can feel it, too. And for that matter so can anyone else in the area who has such sensibilities.
Misaki Sakai
"The cabin." Misaki states as soon as they get out of the portal, and immediately transforms, "Feels similar to a youma, definitely where we need to be." She begins to head that way, keeping her eyes peeled for danger.
Emily Nyx
    Emily brightens. "A youma, huh?" she says, moving to follow Misaki. "That could be interesting!"

    Double-A's left eye briefly glows green as she regards the cabin. "... I'm not detecting anything higher tech than the rest of the city," she says in a low voice as they approach the cabin. "Not that I was built for scanning anything that isn't right in front of me, but I can get a general sense of ... wait." She stops. "There's a shinki on the other side of the cabin from where we are."

    Emily turns around to face her.

    And then she puts on an amused and faintly smug smile, and in a loud voice, she calls out, "By any chance, would that shinki you're detecting be an MMS Type Tentacles?" Her voice, of course, is the same as it always is ...
    Pragmatic is one thing to call Morrigan.
    It certainly is a thing to call her.
    Nevertheless, the Warlock and her shinki emerge on the other side of the portal... And Morrigan gets to tracking.
    Morrigan does not have any skills in tracking.
    But blatantly obvious signs of passage makes things easier, especially as they get close to the valley with the cabin.
    "Ooooh. I feel that. That's not a nice feeling, either." She agrees with Tal Rasha as they begin their approach, COMPLETELY CLUELESS about the others making their way toward the cabin as well up until--
    'By any chance, would that shinki you're detecting be an MMS Type Tentacles?'.
    But called out super loud.
    Morrigan halts in her tracks. She looks at Tal Rasha. She looks at Mary Contrary on her shoulder.
    Mary shrugs helplessly, because this was totally not her fault.
    Epic sigh.
    "Well it looks like we're not the only ones here. And they know we're here too. Sigh."
    Indeed, there is -something- magical happening in that cabin, and not the -good- kind. Anyone approaching the structure would be able to make out a faint red glow coming from the windows.

    Tal curses under his breath when Emily calls out and Morrigan stops in her tracks. "I'll keep them occupied." he whispers. "You get inside and put an end to him...and this time--make sure you finish the job. I suggest your uh--familiar--stay here and keep watch. It would be best to prevent them from tracking your movements."
    With that he casts a levitation spell and launches himself up over the cabin to land in front of Emily and Misaki just as they are approaching the door. "Hello, Emily Nyx." he greets. "It is...interesting that we should meet again here of all places." His gaze goes to Double A and Misaki. "Friends of yours, I take it?" Although he seems to be keeping up the 'friendly' pretense, his body language shows that he has his guard up.
Misaki Sakai
Misaki suspects she knows what Emily is hinting at, "Miss Emily, can you handle things with miss Lor'osa while I keep this guy busy?" She asks, summoning Joyous. "A pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm Misaki Sakai, we're trying to safe someone's life here so I would much rather you don't get in our way." She prepares to flash bright light towards him if he does anything more interesting than talk, including head towards the cabin or trying to block Emily's path.
Emily Nyx
    Double-A takes a step back when Tal Rasha simply flies over the cabin, and gives him a weak wave. "Uh ... hi," she says flatly.

    Emily nods to Misaki, and fixes Tal Rasha with her trademark amused and faintly smug smile. She notes the red glow, notes Tal Rasha's tension, notes the fact that Morrigan is apparently not joining him ... yeah, there's only one possible conclusion.

    Fortunately, trying to block Emily's path physically is a non-issue. "Hello, Tal Rasha!" she says in an artificially jovial voice. Performing quick calculations, she projects a hologram of text in Comic Sans: "THE TAL RUSE WAS A ... DISTACTION"(sic) in garish cyan against a tan background.

    "What!?" says Double-A.

    Emily opens up a staticky portal behind herself leading to the other side of the nearest window. "Goodbye, Tal Rasha!" she says in the exact same tone and cadence as her other greeting. "Releasing Capacitor Seals 3 and 2~!" Her silver, gold, and pearlescent auras appear; the first two shatter and the other one fades as she backflips into the portal without looking through it first.

    "Wh -- Emily!" Double-A exclaims, on general principles.
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> 8^y
    Off goes Tal Rasha to hold off Emily, Double-A, and Misaki.
    Once again Morrigan looks to Mary.
    "You stay here. Keep an eye out. Let me know if they get past him.
    "Uh huh." The shinki nods agreeably as Morrigan makes her way for the house.
    The activity in the windows isn't indicative that anything good is going on within, as she tries to open one of said windows and clamber her way inside.
    Just as Emily portals her way in.
    ".. Hi."
    "Oh? Is that so? Whose life are you attempting to save?" Tal asks Misaki. But then, Emily just goes ahead and teleports inside. "Damn!" Suddenly, he seems to have forgotten about Misaki and casts a portal of his own into the structure before darting through. Though it probably doesn't close up fast enough to prevent Misaki from using it as well as if she wanted.

    Inside, Emily finds that she has teleported into some kind of cabinet that had been positioned in front of a window. However, the door is a crack open, so she isn't trapped. Still, there seem to be some creepy things in here. Like severed limbs, and it smells like dead bodies.
    Morrigan jumps through a window, and indeed would find the Archbishop in the center of some kind of creepy looking glowing rune on the floor, which was the source of the red glow. This whole place reeks of blood and death--indeed, blood is swirling through the air around him. Anyone who knows magic knows he's in the middle of some kind of hellish ritual. But on the up side, he doesn't seem to have noticed either her or Emily's arrival, and he doesn't appear to have any kind of protection spell or other physical shield up so it looks like she has the advantage...
Misaki Sakai
"Don't play coy with me." Misaki answers, and she darts through his portal, "And don't treat me like an afterthought you can just ignore." Disrupting the ritual will be step one, however, and Misaki has an idea for that. Small enclosed space, "This is your seizure warning. If you are susceptible to flashing lights, close your eyes. Lightshow beginning in three, two, one."

Bright flashing light fills the room, pulsing to the beat of some song Misaki is humming, the origins of the light move around, and the colors of the light vary.
Emily Nyx
    Emily kicks through the cabinet, basically smashing it to pieces from the inside. "Growl!" she says brightly. She pauses, frowning at the corpses -- very human corpses, she realizes. "Oh wow --"

    But she has no time to dwell on that, because Tal Rasha had the same idea as her. She hurriedly interposes herself between him and Lazarus. "Uhhh, Misaki you take Morrigan I'll take Tal --" She hurriedly moves to interpose herself between Tal Rasha and Lazarus.

    Misaki begins her light show.

    With only a split second of hesitation, Emily projects the text "Cover Your Ears" in tiny characters in Japanese in Misaki's field of vision, then starts playing the English version of Caramelldansen. Ua ua au! Dance to the beat --

    And then it jumps in volume to an earsplitting level. -- WAVE YOUR HANDS TOGETHER, COME FEEL THE HEAT, FOREVER AND FOREVER ...

    Outside, Double-A facepalms, and starts making her way around to the entrance.
    SO in through the window and things are looking pretty bad. Body parts and blood everwhere? Neat. Evil priest performing a diabolical ritual? Yeah that's happening.
    Morrigan lands on her feet and opens her mouth to start saying something.
    Before she's freaking blinded.
    Misaki busting in and making a strobing, pulsing, lightshow catches her off guard and she's forced to cover her eyes before she can do a thing.
    Then Emily makes things infinitely worse.
    Morrigan near screeches as she covers her ears to keep them from egtting damaged by blaring Caramelldansen.
    "OH MY GOD I CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS!" The Warlock shrieks. "BEGONE!"
    Her voice echoes with power as she snaps her fingers and--
    Assuming all goes well, the music will stop for at least a short while as she tries to displace Emily to another plane of existence for about a minute. It is a harmless plane. But dark and shadowy, full of echoing whispers of things lurking beyond that darkness.
    Morrigan takes a slow breath.
    "Now will someone stop the satanic ritual please?"
>> GAME >> Morrigan spends an Edge for: I cast Banishment! ... On Emily.
Emily Nyx
    Emily winks out of the current plane of existence, and with her, the music.
    Everyone is now in the room. And chaos immediately breaks loose. First, bright lights flash everywhere, then Emily bursts out of the cabinet, exposing the myriad of dead human bodies and severed limbs that had been inside. They spew onto the floor. It's quite disgusting. Unfortunately, neither Misaki's nor Emily's boisterous show do anything to disrupt the ritual, as it seems Lazarus' mind is fully focused on the spell, having tuned out his surroundings completely. 

    Tal grumbles in frustration as the noise and lights -do- serve to disrupt his own concentration. He was about to try blowing Emily and Misaki out of here with a whirlwind or something, but then Morrigan takes care of the noise at least by sending Emily to another plane of existence. He turns to her. "Morrigan, I will deal with these fools. You finish what you started." With that, he turns toward Misaki and focuses as best as he can for the conditions, attempting to cast a darkness spell on the part of the room where she is standing, hoping the dark will counter her obnoxious lightshow. If it works out the way he intends, the blackness is utterly impenetrable by any natural source of light.
Misaki Sakai
Tal's darkness does not entirely suppress Misaki's light, but it does dampen it, and there's a primal scream of terror from the magical girl whose sight is suddenly robbed from her, and she summons as much magic as she can bear to bath the room in light to try to banish that darkness. "Miss Lor'osa, I'm offering you one ticket to torture one person while I'm around with my approval, provided you first torture that awful person you brought with you."
Emily Nyx
    In that demi-plane, Emily blinks in confusion, looking around at the shadowy plane she finds herself in. "... What?" she says, stopping the music.

    She listens to the whispers for a few seconds, then turns the music back on.

    Double-A opens the cabin door, and ... stares at the unfolding scene. "... Wait, where'd Emily go?" she says, slightly alarmed. "... ew, are those ... human body-parts!?" She does a double-take at Misaki, having caught the last part of that exclamation, and furrows her brow. "Wwwwwwwwhat the hell, Sakai."
    Fun fact: Morrigan can see through magical darkness as clear as day.
    Looking at Misaki's corner of the cabin is like looking at the freaking sun.
    "I'm sorry, Misaki, but priorities. Stopping a demon ritual takes precedence over my personal passtimes. Surprising you of all people would offer me such a thing though. BUT: The greater good is more important right now." The Warlock says as she rummages in her backpack and pulls out a book.
    Holding it in one hand, it flips open on its own to the proper page on dispelling demonic magic, eldritch green glowing eyes flit over the pages as the Warlock begins to speak.
    Words flow from her lips echoing with power as her fingers dance in the proper somatic gestures to try and shut down Lazarus' ritual before he can complete it.
    "Emily is fine, I just put her in time out to think about her heinous taste in dance-pop Eurodance." She asides to Double-A.
    When Misaki desperately tries to bathe the entire room in light, Tal just tries to counter it with more darkness, which just results in this sort of...grey haze. Unfortunately with all his efforts focused on countering the light explosion, Tal Rasha can't summon up any more magic to hit her with while she's immobilized by her fear. But her words give him an easy verbal jab. "You claim to be so desperate to rescue demons who have clearly inflicted countless horrors upon innocent humans, yet you are quick to give license to torture one who has yet to lay a finger upon you? How ironic!" he remarks through gritted teeth. "Do you not realize this is what they -want-?! They -want- you to pity them, they -want- us to fight over them!" 
    "Yes," The mage says to Double-A's question about the human body parts. "Humans who have been ruthlessly slaughtered by the man your friend is attempting to save!"
    " what you came to do. End him, quickly!" Though he grumbles when she only dispels the ritual, now she has lost the element of surprise, and this is going to be far messier than he had hoped...
    As Morrigan casts, the floating blood thins and dissipates, fading away as the glow of the rune also becomes fainter and fainter until it has gone out completely. Finally, Lazarus gets up, his focus finally back on reality and stares at them indignantly. "Such disrespect! I came out here to live in peace, after you falsely accuse me of attempting to assassinate my oldest friend! But as if that is not enough, you come barraging into my home, disrupting my meditation! What more do you want of me?!" Never mind the bodies.
Misaki Sakai
"Yet to lay a finger upon me? You are torturing me right now you monster." Misaki answers, further intensifying her light to try to completely flood out his magic. "Miss Lor'osa knows quite well you don't need to touch someone to torture them."
Misaki Sakai
>> GAME >> Misaki Sakai spends an Edge for: Banish the darkness
Emily Nyx
    Double-A furrows her brow. "You what?" she answers Morrigan.

    She glowers at Tal Rasha. "He's possessed by four demons," she snaps. "The whole point is to dispossess Los Diablos." She shakes her head. "Even most Eudaemons aren't shoot-to-kill ask-questions-later!"

    She stops as Lazarus starts making ... the most ridiculous accusation. "... Can you actually, like ... not see the situation you're in?" she asks, in an almost conversational tone. "Whoa!" She flinches back from Misaki's sudden increased brightness. "Hey, Sakai, settle down! You're, like --"

    At that moment, Caramelldansen begins playing midway through as Emily rematerializes. Except this time, it's an arrange in the style of Megalovania, and now Emily has her glitchy flickering signet ring on her middle finger. "Releasing Capacitor Seal ..." She raises her middle finger. "One!"

    She's surrounded by the pearlescent aura, which shatters. In the immediate vicinity, everyone becomes frozen in time; however, they can still see and hear her movements. "Let the clownery commence!" she says. She pauses. "... hm, I actually kinda like that line. Anyway!"

    She fires a large number of golden bolts in stun-mode. Several at Tal Rasa, several at Morrigan, and just two at Lazarus; the bolts also become frozen in time as soon as they manifest. Emily moves her hand to snap her fingers --

    -- and time resumes immediately before she does, an unhappy-sounding whine emitting from the ring as she does; the bolts go flying at their targets.

    Emily, with the expression of someone who just bit into a lemon, snaps her fingers belatedly.
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >>
    Okay, one demonic ritual dispelled. That out of the way, Morrigan slams her book closed and stuffs it back in her backpack.
    Now on to other matters as Misaki dispells the darkness.
    But Morrigan knew the girl's scream for what it was. One of terror. She holds up a single finger at Lazarus though.
    "... You call this meditation? You're surrounded by dead people you know." She notes, a flickering green light dancing on her fingertips. "Hold that thought."
    She'll blast him in a second.
    "Misaki, are you o-"
    Nope she doesn't get to finish that thought as Emily re-appears. "-oh na--."
    And stops time.
    And fires stun bolts everywhere.
    When time resumes, Morrigan deftly--- eats every single bolt aimd for her.


    Morrigan takes XXX points of Non-Lethal Damage.



    Morrigan has fallen unconscious.
    Tal stares at Misaki. Is she -actually- serious right now? He's not stupid, he -knows- he just hit her with darkness. No pain, or actual injury. Not even dizziness. Annoyed, he finally does drop the spell. "If you're so delicate that you can't even handle the darkness, then perhaps you shouldn't be attempting to rescue demons." he remarks. 
    "The questions have already been answered, and you are the one who does not know the nature of the forces you are toying with!" The mage throws back at Double-A. "If dispossession were possible, it would have already been done."
    But then Emily reappears suddenly, stops time, and then fires stun bolts at Lazarus and Tal, both of whom fall unconscious. Unfortunately the mage hadn't had time to counter it because he'd been so busy arguing with Misaki and Double-A. Go figure. Lazarus also doesn't get a chance to answer Morrigan before falling flat.
    Right about then is when Tyrael makes his usual dramatic entrance. Misaki needn't worry about the dark any more because the light floods in from the doorway. Except this time, the archangel doesn't sound as...stoic as he usually does. No, he's -pissed-. At Emily and company. But mostly Emily. "Emily Nyx, I -will- put an end to these demons. If you choose to stand in my way, then I will have no choice but to end you as well. Do not force my hand." Despite this, he doesn't make any move to attack Lazarus or try to kill him.
Misaki Sakai
Misaki ignores Tal's remark, especially since by the time she formulated a response he's already knocked out. She drops her own light, but summons Marvelous and points both her weapons at Tyrael. "Mister Tyrael." Her voice still clipped with tension, "I'm in a rather poor mood after your associate decided to torture me, and I think you would rather not test my patience. We're going to take this man away, keep him somewhere he can't do harm, and try to find a cure. If you choose to stand in our way, we can find you a cell, too."

She slowly moves towards Morrigan, just to try to make sure the woman is going to be okay. No such consideration is offered to Tal.
Emily Nyx
    Double-A, who was irrationally trying to move in the stopped time, loses her balance and stumbles against the doorjamb. "Both of you, what the shit. Whoa!" And then she hurriedly darts to the side to avoid Tyrael's grand entrance.

    Emily shakes her head at Double-A. "Hey, whatever the darkness was, it was enough to rattle her, okay?" That brief look she had of the situation was enough to get an idea of what was going on; it seemed similar enough to what some Eudaemons had ever gone through. A hand extends unnaturally far, nanomachines swirling around it, to put a comforting hand on Misaki's head.

    But otherwise, she doesn't move, and simply smirks at Tyrael. "The World Tree is huge, dude," she says. "It's like I said before -- never say 'never'. Like, we know exactly what he's got inside him, there's exactly four demons. Have you even tried to exorcise him?" Beat. "Without murder, I mean."
    If Tyrael had a face to scoff at Misaki and Emily with, he would have. But as it is he just fixes them with that empty, dark visage of his. "Do you suppose that you know these demons better than I? Or that imprisoning me is within the realm of your capability? Such arrogance." Hey, he's better than Imperius, guys. You haven't seen actual -Imperius-, yet.
    Anyway, he has better things to do than argue with mere mortals about things they -think- they know better than him. So off he flies, because he already knows what Emily's going to do, anyway.
Misaki Sakai
"No, I do not know these demons better than you. But I do know that if you murder this man because you refuse to acknowledge that there is a whole lot of worlds out there with methods we can still try, all you are doing is choosing expedience over justice, and in doing so you become an agent of evil." Misaki answers Tyrael, "Perhaps we'll never find a solution, but we won't know unless we try. To ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom, it is indolence."
Emily Nyx
    Emily blinks in surprise as Tyrael just up and leaves. "... Well, that was ... surprisingly easy," she says uneasily. "Well ... I mean ... at least talking worked? Sort of ...?"

    "It didn't, but yeah," says Double-A.

    Emily sighs. "Let's just ... find a place to put Badzarus ... and ..." She shakes her head. "I dunno, I have like one person I know who might be able to help? Josuke Higashikata, he used his power to stop an android from getting hacked once. Maybe we can ask Tachibana or someone for ideas ..."