World Tree MUSH

Team Skull Causing Trouble at the Beach

Team Skull try to take over the beach by Miwa's home, and Miwa decides to encourage them to leave, with the help of Ash, and Bewul.
Character Pose
Miwa had generally left an open invitation that anyone who wanted to was welcome to visit the quiet beach that she lived near on Ula'Ula island. Situated a fair distance from most of the more developed parts of the island, things were usually pretty peaceful. Some people in their Pokemon were common sights, but the beach was never packed, and Miwa liked it that way. Lately however, things have changed, with the arrival of a gang of thugs from Team Skull. 

Coming down from Po Town to the north, which they have taken over as their base, they now seem to be trying to take the beach as their own as well. Groups of the grunts come to the beach at nearly all hours of the day. At first, they mostly rode their noisy motorbikes up and down the beach, harassing people and wild Pokemon, but today they've gotten bolder and actually stole Pokemon from a few of the trainers that came to the beach today, though most have fled now.

Miwa has had enough, and today she is prepared to confront them. She sent messages to a few of the off world acquaintances she's made so far asking for help, but one way or another, outnumbered or not, she is going to confront these pests today. Currently she is a bit off shore, watching them and planning on how to attack them while waiting to see if anyone she knows shows up to help.
    Bewul certainly got the message, and decided to see if he would help, those thugs sound bad, and someone has to confront them, stop their evil ways!. Bewul migth be a bit too idealistic on that aspect. He even talked one of his friends to come around, but only on a 'if things get too messy' kind of deal. He was still unsure how strong those thugs might be, or if their pokemon were any good, so better to take it easy on them. He arrives at the same beach he met Miwa before, followed by a weird dinosaur made of legos (or duplos, tend to confuse those) and looks around for his friend.
Ash would have normally showed up as himself rather than with his warframe. However Miwa put out a call for help, and all things considered? Ash rather liked having the extra saftey and security a shotgun offered. So while he tried his best to be unobtrusive while wandering the island he was very obviously armed and alsovery obviously from out of town, which made getting directions a bit iffy since very obviously looking for trouble guy looking for someone is something most decent folk want no problems with.

However he would eventually find his way to where miwa was waiting... even if it took far longer than he had hoped. On spotting Miwa he would give a friendly wave before trotting over. "Got your message. Sorry I'm late, getting directions is a bit... annoying." He took a breath, the lights on his visor dimming for a moment before looking the beach over. "So what's the obective. Exterminate or simply drive them away?"
Miwa had seen this particular group of thugs before, there were four of them, and she knew of a few of the Pokemon they had, and also of the two that they stolen. Some of them had a type advantage against her, so she was really glad when Bewul, the toy agumon she met the other day, and Ash showed up to help, as she really didn't like her odds of trying to fight the thugs by herself, even if she managed to rally a few of the wild Pokemon in the ocean to help her. She smiles at the three of them and shakes her head at Ash's question. 

"Just drive them off. Though they stole a Pangoro and a Magneton earlier today from a couple of trainers. If we could get them back I can see that they're returned to their rightful trainers. There are four of them, so why don't we divide it up and each take one of them on. Most of them only have one Pokemon, but the two that stole one earlier today have two. They left to go back to their base I presume earlier, so they may have done something in the meantime to convince these stolen Pokemon to work for them. I'll go out and confront them first, and signal you guys, try to stay out of sight till then, so you guys can have the element of surprise." Miwa explains, then swims to the shore and walks out onto the beach toward the thugs, trying to look as intimidating as she could, trying not to let her fear show through.

"You four! Yes you, thugs! This is my beach, I live here, and you have been spreading chaos around here the past few days, and today is the day that stops. Go home, and don't come back!" She says firmly. The grunts initially look around, not sure who is talking to them before finally realizing it's the Primarina on the beach as no one else is around. After exchanging shocked looks with each other at meeting a talking Pokemon, they regain their cocky demeanor. "Oh yeah? Who's going to make us? You? We're going to pound you into the sand, and then take you back to the base as our prize for the day!"

One of the thugs, presumably the leader, starts reaching for his pokeballs, when his co-grunt stops him. "Ill take her, between my Salazzle and the Magneton we picked up, I'll beat her easily." He steps forward and tosses two Pokeballs. Out of one comes a large bipedal black lizard with a purple stomach which has a flame pattern across it's front in pink. Out of the other, comes a pokemon which looks like three spheres of metal with eyes on the front above a pair of screws, and a pair of U shaped magnets on the sides of each sphere, tipped in red and blue. Miwa blinks, they were going for her type weaknesses. She whistles sharply, and begins planning her next move.
'Just' driving them off. Ash frowned in his transference pod as he looked the thugs over. They were... People. They weren't even the depserate to live so joiined the army sort of people he had seen in other worlds. However they were the target. A convenient objective notifcation popped up in his hud complete with fail-states. It seemed the shotgun he brought would stay firmly in place for the time being.

"Understood." He pulled a pair of throwing knives from the pouches at his hips. The objective marker changed to 'Capture.' After all if they stole once they probably stole others. So Ash waited for Miwa's signal. He had a plan of action in mind, but the order was given to wait.

Then when more voices were heard Ash tossed down a smoke bomb and circled around, using the opprotunity to mark both of the trainer's pokemon for his clones when the signal was given, or if Miwa looked like she would falter. It only took a glance to mark each beforeh e found a place to hide when invisibility wore off. He was ready, waiting... and hopefully hidden.

And then at the signal Ash let bladestorm happen. A smoke shrouded clone would appear for a split second in front of each offending pokemon to slash at each. Ash has discovered the hardway these attacks could be blocked if one were fast enough, and he only had time to mark each target once. However even if they survived, or even took minimal damage, the disruption of 'how things should be' might buy time for Bewul to act.
Bewul approaches Miwa and Ash as he spots them, followed by the toy looking digimon. The pair manage to catch the plan, and Bewul nods, "I think our main problem are the pokemon, I am sure any of us would beat the humans." he muses. He does seem curious about the weapon on Ash's hands, he actually seen a similar one on a digimon before, so he has some clue of what it might be. "That looks strong." he comments. The toy agumon goes to one side, keeping down, there is an advantage on being able to break to pieces sometimes. Bewul decides to follow his friend, figuring Ash might have his own tricks, ducking behind some tall sand mounds, curious to see what creatures they will fight!. 
     He seems rather curious on the pair of digimon that... emerge, and keeps his gaze on the metal one. When the signal is given, he charges ahead, trying to flank the metal looking pokemon, "Petit fire!" he exclaims, opening his muzzle as a stream of blue flames comes from his muzzle, aimed at the Magnezone, the attack is certainly fire!. The other digimon decides to wait and see, just in case. Poor Bewul almost stumbles as he sees the 'flashy' move from Ash, so much cooler than the stuff he might do normally!. In any case, he focuses on get the pokemon attention.
The grunts don't seem to notice or at least don't care why Miwa whistled, and the grunt who sent out the Pokemon begins to call out attacks. "Salazzle, use Smog! Magneton, use... Wait, defend Salazzle from that... whatever it is, and use discharge on it! Guys, I think we have company!" The Salazzle gets it's attack off, creating a poisonous smog that spreads through the area, though it's epicenter is targeted at Miwa. She tries her best to avoid it by dropping low into the sand and holding her breath, but she still breaths in some of the smog, taking damage from the attack itself, and damage over time as the poison lingers in her system. 

The Magneton moves to block Ash's blades from striking Salazzle, taking both his attack, and the flame attack from Bewul, and certainly looking like it did some damage to him as the formation of it's three parts is a little more erratic now. Still though, it fires off with a blast of electricity at Ash. The leader now steps into the fight, tossing out two pokeballs as well, out of them come Dusk Lycanroc, and Pangoro. The first appearing like a hunched over red and white furred wolf with glowing red eyes which stands on two legs. The later looks very much like a giant panda standing upright, with a green twig in it's mouth, though it doesn't look very cute and cuddly, quite the opposite.

"Pangoro, Lycanroc, help out with rock slide and hammer arm!" Says the lead grunt, and the Lycanroc sends an avalanche of large rocks at Ash, while the Pangoro aims a powerful punch at Bewul, putting all his weight into it. Shaking off the attack against her, Miwa rises up again and begins to sing. A large orb of water rises from the ocean behind them and once it's grown to the size of a large beach ball, Miwa's song reaches it's high note and the orb of water launches at the Salazzle with impressive speed and power. It hits, knocking the lizard firmly into the sand. "Take that!" She cries out.
Right. Rockslide. Giant pile of rocks that are as big as Ash himself sliding in the Tenno's direction. His legs bent and he spiraled airward. He saw the pokemon taking orders from this person and briefly considered using his shotgun before reconsidering. Orders were clear. So a pair of throwing knives got tossed at the trainer's legs. "Surrender now!" He commanded, "THis is not a fight you are equipped to deal with."
     Bewul himself was not even considering attacking the thugs, he felt that might be too much, he knows 'humans' tend to be a bit too vulnerable. At least the small digimon is quick enough to deal with the angry looking panda. He growls, "Petit fire hook!" the small pelt wearing lizard exclaims, rushing ahead as he lights his left paw on flames and tries to uppercut the panda's chin, barely dodging the slow punch with a swift movement to the side. This might work just once!. 
     The other digimon decides to continue creeping closer, watching closely.
>> SUMMARY[Bewul] >> Bewul tries doing a shoryuken to the bear's chin! it might be more flashy than strong.
Even though the grunts were pretty awful people, their Pokemon were still quite loyal to them and would do whatever they could to protect them. When Ash tosses knives at the grunts lets, Lycanroc uses Stone Edge, causing several large pointed stones to shoot out of the ground in front of the grunts, forming a short of shield, leaving the blades to bounce off and harmlessly fall into the sand. 

The Magneton has recovered a bit, and the grunt who stole it decides to attack Ash. "Magneton, use Zapcannon!" The Magneton obeys, charging up for a moment and sending a cyclone of electricity toward Ash, if he was a Pokemon, it would have a 100% chance of paralysis on hit. The Salazzle that Miwa had attacked, swinging back with a super-effective move after taking one herself, begins to get up, and now it looks angry. The lead grunt notices this and elbows it's owner, whispering. "Hey, that Primarina seems to be poisoned, why don't you try out that new Venoshock move from the TM we stole last week, should finish her off in one hit." The grunt grins and nods, turning his gaze back toward Miwa.

"Salazzle, use Venoshock on the Primarina." The lizard nods and the pink flames on its stomach begin to glow before it fires several purple globs of poisonous liquid toward Miwa. The Primarina hastily forms several orbs of water in the air above her and begins singing to send them flying toward the orbs of poison. She is able to intercept several, but a few still continue flying toward her, as her eyes widen and she then cringes in anticipation for what will likely be a devastating blow.

The Pangoro that Bewul is fighting however, takes the firey blow to the chin directly, staggering back a bit. "Come on Pangoro, don't let that strange Pokemon beat you! Use Crunch!" The Pangoro nods and charges forward, it's teeth glowing brightly as it attempts to bite Bewul.
Ash unfortunately had already used what mobility he could to get above the initial avalanch of stone so was stuck in freefall when the electrical attack hit, causing the warframe's muscles to spasm uncontrolably and Ash's hud to frazzle and glitch. Perhaps unusually given the electrocution but Ash didn't scream, sure that hurt like well... getting a tazer t othe everything, but Ash has felt pain before. Even as he landed face first rather than in an legant roll to conserve momentum he wouldn't give these two bit thugs the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

"Ordis you getting this?" Ash gritted from within the transferrence pod of his orbiter. His limbs pulsed uncontrolably as transferrence feedback made him feel what the warframe felt, but it was dulled enough that he could speak

"Yes operator. Filing away for later training simulations." Ordis's neutral tone conveyed no sense of concern as he monitored the situation.
     The fight might be going a bit less nicely than he expected, and being suddenly charged by a big bear after hearing the command 'crunch' certainly did not make the gabumon want to stick around to learn what it was!. He jumps back with a squeak, his 'fox' cloak floating in the the air as the 'panda' took a snap at him, grabbing the gabumon on the shoulder for a moment!. He snarls loudly, and as soon as he can, he tries to jump back, his form glowing brightly, replaced by a fox about as tall as the mean black and white digimon!. The fox seems to have a bit of a limp on one foreshoulder, growling again and opening his maw to blast with a large blast of dark energy point blank, "Blast coffin!". 
     Seeing that one of their allies seemed in... a rather bad situation, the lego digimon jumps into the fray, "Hey!" he tries to call the Magnezone. "Fancy star!", the digimon somehow producing tiny stars shapes around him, before a much larger one appears in front of him, and is tossed at the electric pokemon.
The Venoshock hits Miwa, and though it's not the full force of the attack, it still does double damage due to the fact that she was already suffering from poison previously. Miwa cries out in pain and falls still onto the sandy beach with a dull flop. With the Primarina who challenged them in the first place down, and the strange man in the power suit shot out of the sky, the grunts were feeling bold as victory seemed to be within their grasp. 

But suddenly another Digimon enters the fray and starts throwing tiny stars at the Magneton, which bounce off with metal clinking sounds. The grunts laugh. "Magneton, use Magnet Bomb, Pangoro, Sky Uppercut, and Lycanroc, Stone Edge!" The Magneton fires a greyish white orb of energy at the toy augumon which explodes when it gets close. Pangoro mirrors Bewul's last attack and tries to send him flying into the air with a powerfull uppercut, and Lycanroc causes the pointed pillars of rock to shoot out of the ground again, this time aimed at Ash.
Warframes were made to be tough, resilliant, and even if that shock would have fried a normal human it only caused Ash to faceplant. However nap time was over and he rolled for it in hopes of getting out of the way of the things coming at him while making himself invisible again. "Alright that's it I'm done playing nice!"

Ash pulled his shotgun out and charged, or at least tried to as it was more like stagger stepping towards the trainer. Then in the final momentso f his invisibility fired his shotgun at the trainer's legs.
     The now fox grumbles loudly as his attack does not seem to be strong enough to finish the big bear, and yelps quite loudly as he is caught by an uppercut thrown by someone who might actually have the mass to make it count. Fox in the air!. He begins to panic a bit, especially as Miwa faints. He decides he does not want to play nice anymore. As he comes down ,he tries to aim for the dumb bear, claws bared, "Snipe steal!". He basically slashes the heck out of the bear, with large, sharp looking claws, and decides to rush towards the trainers, getting a similar idea to Ash. Well... wanting to subdue at least!. 
     Meanwhile, the Toy agumon seems a bit of a tricky target, letting out a loud squeak as it jumps to one side, following Bewul's example and evolving, and attacking! "Spiral blow!". A vortex of wind coming from the big dog, aimed at the Team skull pokemon, powerful wind slamming onto them, and sending sand at them as well.
Just when things seemed to be going so well for the Team Skull grunts, it would all fall apart. When Ash pulls out the big guns and fires a shotgun blast at the trainers, the Magneton just manages to get in the way of the shot, but for blocking it takes several large dents in it's metal skin before fainting and falling to the sandy beach with a clank and a thud. 

Bewul's slashing claws manage to slice through the Pangoro's thick hide, and fresh blood begins to turn his white fur red as he staggers backward and holds a massive paw to his chest in pain, and then the vortex from the toy agumon sends both grunt and Pokemon flying backward a bit along with a lot of loose sand into the air.

After they are able to regain their footing, the now terrified grunts quickly recall their Pokemon, and don't even bother with the ones they stole, leaving them behind as they run for their lives, jumping on their motorbikes and zooming up the road to the north at full throttle.

Once the dust has settled, if Bewul and Ash would go to check on Miwa, they would find her laying still in the sand, feeling rather feverish, with labored breathing and a worrying purple color around her muzzle. She obviously needed medical attention, so hopefully Bewul remembered when she mentioned the Pokemon Center north of the beach back when they sparred here for the first time.
Ash snarls at the retreating grunts before turning to Bewul. "I'm not letting these idiots get away." He then took two large steps away from whereh e was. "Ordis. Archwing. I need the Lenz, and aklex."

"Understood Operator." THen Ordis's voice glitched, growing harsher, more artificial, giving it an almost angry quality in spite of the continued monotone. "Obliterate those Savages."

And at that point a pair of wings would decend, stopping just short of impacting the ground before interfacing with Ash'swarframe, connecting at the base of its spine as hand sized drones swapped his shotgun and throwing knives out for a pair of pistols and something maybe looked like a scifi bow? The transition only took a handful of seconds, but that time would give locals with a history of running from a fight plenty of time to go to ground. "Ordis. I want you to keep ears open for any inteesting radio chatter." THen before doing anythning else Ash tossed bewul a fairly boxy, but simple to use, radio. "Just hit the button if you need me. Talk into the front speaker and I'll hear you."

THen he rose into the air and flew off after where the two team skull grunts ran, hoping he could pick up on their trail.
     Bewul's attention seems to quickly turn towards poor Miwa the moment he notices what happened, and calls his friend to run around to ffer a hand as well. "Try to capture them." he calls. He is quite sure killing humans might be considered not good, even i fthey are evil!.. The fox seems surprisingly dextrous, casually catching the boxy radio and sniffing at it, "I will." he muses, "I'll take care of Miwa, you get them." he barks to his 'friend'. He quickly moves to try to pick up the poisoned mermaid seal, placing it on his friend's back carefully, and moving to the north, trying to find any building that might be an hospital.
If it wasn't for the fact that the grunts were already pushing their bikes to go as fast as they could, they would have tried to go faster as they noticed that the man in the suit with guns was now chasing them, from the air. The bikes would actually pick up a little speed once they made it to the road a the end of the beach, due to better traction. Past the Pokemon Center, which was a large white building with plenty of windows, a red dome roof, and a giant red and white Pokeball logo above the entrance, there was a forest. The grunts race for the forest and then all go in different directions, trying to hide among the trees and lose Ash. 

Bewul would find the same Pokemon Center after walking a short distance up a dirt road near the west side of the beach. Once inside the automatic doors at the entrance, he and the toy agumon would find themselves inside a large open room, with plenty of seating and tables for people and their Pokemon to rest and eat, while straight ahead, there was a counter, behind which stands Nurse Joy a pink haired woman with a white and pink uniform, and standing beside her, Blissey, a oval shaped pink Pokemon with an egg in a pouch on it's belly.
Ash grunted, but had waypointed one of the grunts. He wasn't sure if it was the leader, one of the followers, if he was serving as a means of survival, or a willing member. However what he needed was information. So he hovered high, making a very obvious target of himself in the process and lowering his speed to almost hovering before drawing his bow. It had no string, no arrows. However as he mimed the motion his suit gave him feedback as glowing rings appeared, circling his forearm as a bolt of energy formed at the central part of the bow. He wasn't aiming AT the grunt, only at a space close to the waypoint. THe energy bolt flew groundward and would produce a hemesphere of blue energy that would last for a couple seconds before exploding. Anything unlucky enough to be IN that dome of energy would find its movements slowed, and then detonation would be..... Painful. It was a weapon Ash rarely used as there were no saftey protocols on the prototypes tenno stole the blueprints of, and it was diffrent enough they couldn't just slap from another weapon onto this. His goal here was to flush his quarry out without burning the forest down no matter what Ordis was screaming in his ear that was a horrible idea.

So he watched, waiting, wondering if he was the one about to be ambushed instead of the one ambushing.
     The duo rush around, likely startling and causing any poor bystanders freak out by the weird pair of oversized dog and fox running around with a fainted primarina on tow. He finally runs into the pokemon center, trying to ask a nearby person if this was the pokemon 'hospital' he heard about, before the pair of digimon just carefully push inside and approach the nearest counter, "Sorry... my friend here is not feeling well... is this the right place?" he asks softly, trying his best not to scare the poor nurse, or the big pink pokemon near her, motioning towards Miwa on the Gaogamon's back.
The grunt that Ash had zeroed in on was unfortunately not the leader, but still could loosely be considered his right-hand man. He was the one who fought Miwa with the Salazzle and Magneton. When the energy bolt struck he cried out in pain, and moments later called up in a fearful tone. "I'm sorry, we'll never mess with that beach again, I swear, just please, don't kill me!" He pleads as he drops to his knees in a small clearing between the trees not daring to even look up at Ash. 

A few of the people and other Pokemon trainers give Bewul and his friend strange looks, but once they are inside the Pokemon center, Nurse Joy cries 'Oh my, what happened?" and rushes over from behind the counter while calling for Blissey to bring a large gurney. She doesn't seem phased by either digimon, or the fact that they talk, apparently this Nurse has seen it all. "We'll take good care of your Primarina friend, don't worry, please wait over there." She says as she points to a waiting area with a few soft couches to sit on.

Blissey soon comes out with what appears to be a special gurney for water types. In place of the normal bed is a large acrylic tank filled with water, and what appears to be rubber padding at the bottom. Nurse Joy and Blissey lift Miwa up onto the gurney and quickly disappear into the emergency wing of the Pokemon Center.
Ash marveled at the fact the poor kid /survived/ much less was able to speak in the same breth he was cursing the fact he actually hit a possible informant with very lethal force. So he disengadged from the archwing, turning invisible as the pair of wings slowly hovered groundward. Ash meanwhile used a tree to break his fall, causing several limbs to snap as his invisible frame slowed and gently landed in front of the poor grunt. Had the boy bothered to look he would see Ash's rmor coloring had changed between his going invisible and reappearing to predominantly black with red acents and bright staring spots on his visor that could be considered eyes. All this as smoke swirled around the warframe-clad Tenno as he lifted the grunt so they were eye level.

He drew his blade, a one handed ornately crafted katana, and put the blade against the grunt's neck. "Give me reason I should not put your head on a pike?" His voice was hard, angry, and above all else it never raised above a bare whisper as the warframe's 'eyes' stared into this poor grunt's.
The grunt finally does look up at Ash when the katana blade is brought to his neck and Ash is threatening to relieve him of his head. Poor guy does indeed piss himself as he stammers out a response. "P pl please! I don't wa wanna die! I just wanted to have some fun, it was the boss's idea to steal the Pokemon from some kid trainers. I swear I won't do anything like this ever again, I'll quit Team Skull and go straight, promise, just let me go, please!" The terrified grunt professes with a whimpering tone.
This child.... No. Ash took a deep breath, forcing the visor lights of his frame to remane steady. This was someone that was not like him. This was someone that /CHOSE TO DO THIS/. In the transferrence pod his muscles tensed, his mouth formed a snarl which transitioned to the warframe tensing, the blade shifting barely to draw a bead of blood. 

"You.... wanted to have FUN." Ash's voice never raised. In spite of the volcanic torrent of rage Ash felt his voice remained steady. "OK."

And then he resheathed his sword and punched the grunt in the face. At this point he would be annoyed if the blow snapped his neck, but he had no way of making the child shut up.

Only then did he rebind to the archwing's systems to fly the grunt into town to the pokeball-looking-structure. He had heard this 'pokecenter' took care of inguries. Maybe they treated humans too.
The grunt's eyes widen and he lets out another whimper of fear as the blade nicks his neck a little, drawing blood. He cringes as Ash sternly replies about the desire to have 'fun' fearing the worst. But when Ash punches him in the face, the blow lands squarely and he falls unconscious. When Ash drops the teen off in front of the Pokemon Center, despite the group's bad reputation, someone does call for an ambulance to come pick the boy up. Miwa is later released from intensive care and moved into a recovery room to regain her strength.