World Tree MUSH

The Missing Miwa

It's discovered that Miwa has been abducted by Team Rocket and taken to Kanto where she is peforming next in Saffron City. Several of her varied friends come to her rescue, and Team Rocket Blasts off... no, their plans are foiled again.
Character Pose
     Anyone who is close to Miwa may have recently noticed that she sort of dropped off the radar and no one has seen or heard from her in the past several days. After a few days of no one seeing her around, which was most unusual, the local Nurse Joy at the Pokemon Center near the beach Miwa lives near has reported the Primarina missing to the local police, and has posted signs all over Ula'Ula Island asking for anyone who has seen her or has information as to what happened to her, would contact the police. 

     Not long after that however, some news stories have come out of Kanto, seeming to indicate that Miwa has moved there, and is now doing shows on a regular basis in the area around Saffron City, with talks of going on tour. Any who know Miwa, and perhaps even many who don't, would likely find it rather suspicious that she would abruptly leave her home in Alola without telling anyone to relocate to another region entirely. Certainly if anyone asked around Ula'Ula island, pretty much anyone on the island would say that this wasn't like her, expressing a feeling that something felt suspicious about the whole thing.

     Any arriving at the the city of Saffron, would find it to be a large but cozy looking city nestled in with the surrounding forests. There are rows of buildings containing homes and businesses, a Pokemon Center and Pokemart, notable for their red and blue roofs respectively, a magnet train station in the Northwest corner of town, a fighting dojo and Pokemon Gym in the Northeast. However the focal point of the city is unquestionably Silph Co. Tower, rising up from the center of the city, the company who invented the modern Pokeball, among other Pokemon trainer related technology. There are fliers posted all over town, indicating that there is a rooftop concert this evening, staring the one and only Miwa, on the roof of the Silph Co building and looking at the current time, it's starting in the next half hour.
    Some might say calling Navi altruistic is a stretch. Certainly when rumor of Miwa's kidnapping reaches her, Navi's first thought isn't to run to the rescue. Navi, also not exactly a social butterfly, isn't the type to have a surfeit of friends. Could she call Miwa a friend? The primarina had been nicer than most, and *is* a fellow elemental spirit...
    And so it was that the idea took root and spread. Until, finally, Navi did divert back to the world of the Pokemon.
    If one were in the right place at the right time, they might see Navi materialize in front of one of the fliers. Long enough to scrutinize it, but nonetheless wasting no time in dematerializing again, to fly up to the venue indicated. She'll become corporeal again wherever any concentration of anyone that looks like they might be staff for the event could be found. Just to see how they react. Her expression could be called irritable, and her hand is most definitely resting on her longsword's hilt.
"Operator. Ordis has recieved no new messages concerning Miwa's whereabouts." Ordis's voice, in spite of its synthetic nature, somehow managed a note of sympathy. "Would you like me to check local news broadcasts? Perhaps she wanted to surprise you with news of her next outing?" The cephelon offered up helpfully.

Ash paced the length of the room his transferrence pod sat in, "Sure." The last time he saw miwa was a curious event, personal to the point something like a new show or sudden change in venue would have been brought up. Then Ordis piped in a feed of Miwa's sudden and abrupt move to Safferon.

Ash stopped to watch, His head shook and he dismissed the broadcast. "Plot a course for Safferon."

"Operator Ordis does agree that this seems -HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS- Uncharictaristic of Miwa to make such a drastic change without alerting fans or friends, but aren't you being perhaps a little... too..."

Ash glowered at nothing in perticular before stepping into the transferrence pod and bringing his warframe to life. "Course plotted, void cloak enabled."

"Thank you Ordis." As the tenno craft traveled Ash mentall ysifted through what loadout to bring. This may be nothing. It may be lots of thigns. Best to go with the classics. His smile withi nthe transferrence pod had nothing to do with happyness.
Meia has arrived in Saffron City to see this next big concert of Miwa's, currently standing on the rooftop of that impressively tall building and just... waiting. It's odd, this one is taller even than the Battle Tower, yet packed not with monsters, but crafters of items and technology that Meia has never seen before. However, she can't help but shake the feeling that something is... amiss. She can't say /what/ it is exactly, but there's just this omnipresent sense that something is /wrong/...
Leaving one place for another with little warning was Dillon's shtick, and even he usually at least let Russ know where he was wandering off to. The oceanic opera singer was hardly the sort. The missing posters from Joy, followed by the sighting a good half way across her world, without saying a thing? Too supicious.

... And of course it had to be a big city. Dillon doesn't like big cities. Too noisy, too crowded.... And what the blazes kind of train was THAT? No smokestack or nuttin', how does it not blow up?

Not to mention too many people confusing him for a Sandslash, whatever the tarnation that was. Eventually, he managed to find an alley to stay mostly out of sight. No need to work the locals up and have them get in the way while he's staking out the local.
Noriaki Kakyoin
And the part of Spider-Man will be played by Noriaki Kakyoin this evening.

In all seriousness, getting around a city like Saffron via Hierophant Green and rooftops makes things a lot easier. With any luck, it'll be less likely that someone will be looking for a green-clad student up here. So what he's doing is hanging onto his Stand while it swings through the city with those tendrils it can unravel its body into.

Stopping on a building far enough from the one the concert's supposed to be on to look around, he takes stock of the area and finds... "...That's certainly not suspicious," he murmurs sarcastically to no one in particular. Those black-suited guys are there, guarding the entrance to a building nearby. Nobody seems to be bothering them, so... Noriaki has an idea.

He goes around to behind the building, via Hierophant Green 'Spider-Manning' around to the back (hey, if 'Batmanning' can be a thing, 'Spider-Manning' can be too!), and perches on a ledge. Then he sends his Stand around to the front, low to the ground... and pounces.

Kind of.

The Stand, in tendril form, tries to grab one of the Grunts by the throat and yank him up and out of view before his coworker can see what happened.
Mirage Mouse
"Miwa~ I got you a seaflood patter from McStarmies--Miiiwaa~" Mirage Mouse had happened by the seaside retreat of the primarina sometime that day. The place was silent as the grave. She blinked, looking about with the package of food--setting it down inside the entrance. She was psychic--but there was a great big lack of things to read /from/ around here. She struggled for ideas on where the Primarina might be. It was then when she went for a stroll to the nearby Pokemon center--coming face to face with a poster that had been set against a telephone pole. She stuck her head in close, reading it--brain not quite understanding it--trying to process it. The nails of her right hand had dug into the bottom of the poster and began dragging across it--ripping into the paper and digging gauges in the wood o fthe telephone beneath it.

Only an unintelligble howl issued forth.

The fortunate part of this whole thing was--as a criminal herself, it wouldn't have taken her long to figure out who might have wanted to 'steal' a Primarina. This is what brings her to the concert.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag had not been seen in the winder universe for some time. She had been dealing with what her father called Bobs, namely raiders on her home world of the Ark. If it wasn't that it was a tourist rush she was dealing with given her her tribe made it's living. So here she hired on by Ordis of all people, she didn't know what to make of the snarky and sometimes blood thristy glowing disco ball. Still Ash had been a good customer and brought a good deal of business to her tribe's fishing tours. So here she was with a shoulder dino and fiarly well armed. Her raptor Clever girl is along with er and her saddle bags are full.
     The crowd had indeed already gathered on the rooftop, where Meia was. The stage was empty, but Meia was already on her way, escorted by two men dressed in black. They were Team Rocket agents, but due to the fact that the organization was attempting to keep it a secret that they were behind this as long as possible, there were no red 'R' emblems on their uniforms. Soon Miwa would take the stage, dressed with some fake kelp strung around her tail, several pretty sea shells tied into her hair, and what looked like a solid silver collar around her neck, with a wave pattern along it and sapphires set into it. 

     "Thank you all for coming to my concert tonight. I hope you all enjoy the show. Be sure to tell your friends and come to my next show in Cerulean City." She greets the crowd before starting to sing, not so unlike how she did for her debut show back home, but there was something hollow in the way she spoke, like she was reading from a script, rather than her heart.

     As Kakyoin takes out one of the guards at the secret Rocket outpost here where Miwa was being held between concerts, the man he doesn't attack is shocked to see his fellow guard yanked away by some unseen force. He pulls out a Pokeball and releases a Muk. "Muk, follow that... whatever it is, find out what's going on!" The grunt orders, then calls his boss.

     "Um, Boss, we may have a problem. Seems someone is trying to get into the base here." Kakyoin will soon have a very large sludge-like Pokemon to deal with if he doesn't move quickly, and soon several men arrive at Silph Co. guarding the building entrance, as well as the roof, while more head for the outpost. Navi materializing on the roof near a guard causes them to jump a bit, but for now, the guard just relays suspicions to the rest of the team over the radio, and watches her very closely
    Navi approaches the guard, eying him up and down. Her right hand remains on the sword's hilt, while her left brushes against the side of her spectacles. "A little bird told me you're holding Miwa against her will," Navi starts conversationally. "You can take me to her so I can make sure that's not true, or I can cut you until your change your mind."
    She loosens the blade in its sheathe just a little, expression turning thoughtful a moment. "What's that phrase you city slickers use...? 'Tick tock.'"
Meia glances around, taking in the surroundings, listening to Miwa's voice. No, this /isn't/ right. Who are those men in black suits? Why does Miwa suddenly sound so lifeless? Maybe she's just tired, or security here is too uptight, but the Azure Witch definitely doesn't think it's that. Blending into the crowd, she seemingly disappears as she heads for the backstage area, doing her best to keep out of sight until she can maybe glean /some/ details about the situation...
The concert lights flashing against the sky from the rooftop draws Dillon's attention up that way, reaching up with one hand to tip his hat back from his narrowed eyes. The other hand pulls a pair of binoculars from his belt pouch and holds them up to his face to get a closer look. Bunch of suspicious men and women in black uniforms... Looks like a band of outlaws if ever the Ranger saw one, gang symbol markings or not.

And even down on the street he can faintly hear Miwa's voice. And how hollow it sounds. Nothing like her at all. That tears it, and tears it good. The binoculars are put away, his hat readjusted into place, and Dillon hunkers to the ground to roll up.
Followed by spinning in place for several seconds, building up as much kinetic force as he can before he finally lets himself go, the Red Flash living up to the nickname as he rockets out of the alley towards the side of the building. For once not trying to smash through the wall, but rather, to catch the surface with the spurs and ridges of his shell.

And charge UP the side of the building towards the rooftop like it was any other road.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin is indeed intending on moving fast. No sooner is he certain he's got a grip on the uniformed fellow than he makes for the roof. Not just THAT roof, but another roof -- far enough away, high enough up, and behind a billboard. Hopefully that'll give him enough time to have Hierophant Green choke the guy out, so Kakyoin can divest the guy of his uniform and put it on himself. He's not sure what these little red-and-white balls are, but if they're part of the uniform, so be it...
"Operator I'm seeing activity..." Ordis announced as Ash clamped himself into the lander's drop bay.

"Understood." The lander detatched from the orbiter and shot towards Saffaron proper before coming to a hover high above where the stage was. The ship would very briefly uncloak part of it's underside just long enough for the drop bay to swivle and let Ash freefall. This was standard insertion protocol when the lander could not properly get to ground level.

He would land on stage, arms spread in a kneeling position in the classic' superhero landing' pose.' It hurt, but unlike an unaugmented human body hthe warframe had no breaks, cracks, or other injuries to show for it.

For this occasion Ash had colored his frame white with gold armor. As he rose he gave Miwa a deep formal bow before looking at her two attendants.

"This one apologizes for tardiness." Ash's voice was a soft his as the green 'eye' lights around his warframe's head dimmed. When he straightened from the formal bow he noticed the collar.

He was very obviously armed wit ha sword at his hip and two hip pouches full of throwing knives. "I missed your show on the islands. I refuse to miss the show now." To the untrained eye he stood relaxed and loose. To those trained to spot trouble they would see the aggression of his stance, the fact he couldat any moment spring in a number of directions to counter an attack. However what Miwa's two handlers would not recognize is that they were being marked by Ash.

"Shall I dance for you the dance of my people as you sing?"

A flashing prompt appeared on his hud: 'DO NOT ENGADGE UNLESS FORCED. CONFRONTATION WILL ENDANGER HOSTAGE. - Ordis.' Ahs nodded to himself. He had no desire for a bloodbath. However Miwa's voice held none of the joy it should have. Hence why he went with the direct approach in convronting the situation as opposed to stealth. Plus he knew others were here, Ollie as well as several others. IF he could get rocket to pay attention to HIM as opposed to cavalry?
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag takes note of the various Team Rocket agernt she knows there may be others here. She'd never seen a concernet like this before but something seemed off about the lead performing. She's not here to see that. She's hanging back with her own dino for the moment, she has another in the shoulder and it has wing. Wing Tooth takes flight trying to get a bit of a better view of the concert from her roof top perch, hopefully he would be mistaken for one of the local monsters.
Mirage Mouse
Sometime after... recovering. Mirage Mouse made her way to the part of Kanto where Silph Co. was. She was going to see this concert for herself--while disguised as a human via her holograms, of course. She might not be noticed by anyone who has seen her before, recently--her appearance that of a young girl in tanktop, shorts, sandals--longish red hair. Sort of ginger. She could have been any trainer running around the region, really.

It was then that she noticed Ash of all people--landing on the stage. Mirage sighed a bit and looked down--hand covering her face. It's a pretty classic 'that boy ain't right' sort of sigh. Mirage had been trying to approach this subtly.
     Miwa was quick to notice the increased security, and knew something was up. Most performers might actually be afraid for their safety in such a situation, but since she was being held against her will, Miwa was hopeful it meant her friends had come to the rescue. It was then that she spotted Meia slipping backstage. Meia would soon run into a pair of Team Rocket grunts who were guarding the stairs leading up to the stage, and they would immediately try to stop her. "Hey, you're not supposed to be here! You have two options, either I escort you back to the roof and you can enjoy the show, or I escort you out of the building!" He warns, summoning a Golbat from a Pokeball, while his partner calls out an Alolan Raticate. The large bat and rat both eye Meia threateningly. 

     The grunt that Navi appeared before was surprised to hear the girl knew of their operation, but his expression grew cold quickly. "The prissy little Primarina is on the roof, doing a show, but I'm afraid you're not on the guest list!" He tosses out a Pokeball which sends out a Houndoom, the devil dog Pokemon glaring at Navi menacingly. "Houndoom, flamethrower!" The grunt cries, and the dog obeys, spewing out a stream of flame at Navi.

     Meanwhile, when Ash lands on the stage, Miwa almost gives him a hug, but this is not the time. The grunts in black suits working as security immediately move into action, bringing out their Pokemon, a Mightyena, a Scolipede, and a Toxicroak all appear out of Pokeballs, and at the grunts calls, attack Ash. The Mightyena attempts a powerful bite with Crunch, the Scolipede charges head first at Ash with a Megahorn, and finally Toxicroak goes for Poison Jab, attempting to attack Ash from behind.

     The rest of the grunts attempt to grab Miwa and pull her toward the elevator leading off the roof. The lead one sends out a Tyanitar, which kicks up a sandstorm, while another of the grunts presses a button on a device causing the silver neck color Miwa is wearing to shock her. She cries in pain, but doesn't resist the men trying to take her away.
     Bah, it was only a matter of time before Meia ran into some guards... but then, maybe that's exactly what she needed to find. As the two Grunts bring out their Pokemon, the Azure Witch says, "Oh, I was just doing a little investigating. Call it a hunch, but it felt like a certain damsel was in distress, and I didn't see any knights in shining armor around..." With a smirk and a playful wink, she glances between the two men. "Perhaps you could provide a few answers, gentlemen?"
Ash snorted at the pokemon being sent out. "Void and Fire you people idnd't get the memo about the backup dancers and show entertainment?" The trio were powerful and worked in a coordinated manner. However ash lept straight up, gaining verticality as his body spun. Then he seemed to almost hover in place for several moments too long as he started throwing knives at the attacking pokemon. 

"I'm giving you one chance. Stop the shennanagins." Ash would land on the largest of the attacking pokemon as he drew his sword.

He would pull back, aiming the sword along his body at one of the security goons while making a 'come here' gesture with his other hand.

"You are also acting outside of the bounds of league rules," He quipped, "By attacking a non-trainer who posed no immediate personal threat."

He was lucky in evading the first attacks. They hadn't anticipated how fast he would move nor how he moved in ways normal people couldn't. He doubted they'd make the same mistake again.
And that is when Dillon comes roaring up, momentum carrying him up past the edge of the rooftop. He's only got a few moments to get a scope of the situation but that's all he needs to spot some kind of rock monster kicking up one mean looking sandstorm while the black banditos are trying to shock and drag Miwa out.

Passing the apex of the dash vault Dillon unrolls, bandana fluttering dramaticly in the buffering of the sandstorm as he uses the rest of his momentum to drop down hard on top of the Tyranitar and knock it out of the way. DYNAMIC ENTRY!
    The moment the grunt reaches for a Pokeball- Navi might have no idea what it is, but she knows what it looks like when someone is reaching for a weapon- she draws her blade and slashes in one motion, trying to take the man's wrist off. She yelps when the flames come her way, briefly becoming incorporeal as she tries to windstep out of the way- yet ends up singed anyways. When she reappears, she's behind the grunt, placing the edge against the back of his neck- the grunt between Navi and the 'Houndoom.' Or that's what Navi tries to do, so long as the guy doesn't have any more surprises and, hopefully, would be busy with a maimed arm.
    She hisses, "Call off your pet and tell me where your boss is."
Mirage Mouse
<So this is where you've been--what have they been doing to you? Are you having fun up there~? Just think your response, I'll hear it--I'm nearby,> Mirage Mouse would psionically reach out to Miwa, in the meantime--she wasn't rushing the stage just yet to try and pull the Primarina down--though she'd definitely throw up a shield her way if it looked like something was going to come flying at her.

Mirage Mouse stayed in the audience of the concert for now, watching Ash try to duel with the pokemon.

<Hey there, Dr. Swordopolis--you having a little trouble with the Pogeymans there?> she telepathically spoke to Ash as well, not giving out her location--just yet.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin seems to have mainly gone unnoticed. The Rocket Grunt gets left on the roof and Noriaki heads back to the rooftop where Miwa was performing. And if the Muk is determined enough, it might find the guy, stripped to his skivvies and unconscious, but alive.

For Kakyoin's part, he'd heard the concert stop, so he's going to try to get there so he can figure out what the hell is going on. Notably he'll be trying to approach from the back. This might put him near to where the trainers are trying to muscle Miwa into the elevator. Surely another Grunt means no harm, right? A friendly face inamongst all this antagonism is a good thing, right?

Except to any of the male Grunts have hair that color? He's got the hat pulled down over his face, hoping he can get close enough to the grunts manhandling Miwa. Why? Because he's trying to thread thin tendrils throughout the rooftop floor area -- tendrils that Miwa would probably not trip, since she technically has no feet.

With any luck, if he can get these tendrils placed in time, whatever grunt is unlucky enough to step on them is going to get a painful surprise -- a small burst of sharp, pointed, emerald projectiles aimed in their direction!
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag is still perched on the roofs as heer small winged reptile as it's not a dinosaur is up in the air flying over the crowd. She sees Dillon making his ready to go, and she looks to CleverGirl, she'll climb on the saddle on the Raptors back make a single whistle. Clever knows what to do, she breaks into a full-on run and leaps right after Dillon intend to land near by and Olivia will jump off her raptor. She also has a lever rifle of some sort in hand, what's it loaded with who knows. 

Wing Tooth will be on his own for a bit while Clever and Olivia have dropped in looking like something that just lept out of a Movie or TV show, The Rocket may have Pokemon? She's got Dinosaurs and more. She'll fire a dart at the creature that Dillon made his attempted landing on, it's not a bullet but a high powered tranq dart of some sort.
     The two grunts who Meia ran into listen to what she has to say before glaring at her for asking such an audacious question. "It sounds like you already know too much! So I guess we're going to have to take you out! Golbat, Air Slash!" The grunt calls, and the other joins him with an attack command of his own. "Giga Impact!" The Golbat's wings glow blue as it sends a flurry of what look like buzz saw blades flying toward Meia, while Raticate is surrounded by a purple aura with yellow stripes as it charges at Meia with full force. Out on the rooftop, with things heating up, the crowd that had been watching the show goes screaming for the stairs leading down and out of the building. 

     The Pokemon fighting Ash manage to avoid most of the blades, though Scolipede takes a gash to it's side, which starts to ooze a strange fluid. It grunts in pain but doesn't appear deterred. By the time Ash lands on the head of Scolipede, most of the innocent people were cleared from the roof. The grunts laugh at his warning. "We're Team Rocket, we don't follow league rules you fool. I would say we're about to wipe that smug look off your face, but it doesn't seem you have much of one." The senior grunt taunts, then calls out his next attack. "Infestation!" With the others following up with Dark Pulse from the Mightyena, and Dynamic Punch from Toxicroak. From the millipede-like Pokemon, comes a swarm of tiny insects that attempt to surround Ash and get into his warframe. From the fierce canine's mouth streams a beam of black and purple circles, and the bipedal poisonous frog leaps toward Ash and delivers a flurry of powerful punches as it's fists glow.

     The grunt dealing with Navi nearly loses his whole hand to Navi's blade, and as it is, even with his quick dodge backward, he nearly lost a finger regardless. None the less, he soon finds himself with a blade against his back, and no way for his Pokemon to help without harming him in the process. The man just slumps to the ground, defeated. "Our boss is in Vermilion City, you'll never find him, and I'm sure your friend is already being whisked away by others in my team while the battle goes on." He speaks still in a defiant tone, despite the fact that Navi has bested him.

     The Tyranitar lets out a grunt of pain as Dillon slams down on top of him. He staggers and nearly falls, but manages to recover after a moment, turning on Dillon and without it's trainer even giving the order, in it's rage, attempts to use Ice Fang on Dillon, it's mouth glowing bright blue as the chill builds up before the bite.

     When Mirage calls out to her, Miwa thinks back to her. <No, I'm not having fun up here. Ash is battling back the Team Rocket grunts, but another group of them is trying to take me away, and I can't fight back because they put a shock collar on my neck.> Then, as the grunts are continuing to pull her toward the elevator, one of them rushes to hit the button to call the elevator car. This runner trips Kakyoin's tendrils and soon has a burst of sharp emerald bullets striking him, and a few even strike the grunts nearest the elevator. The one who was running to push the button slumps to the rooftop, while the others suddenly stop and look around, trying to figure out what happened. One of them pulls out a radio. "Boss! Looks like we're going to need some backup, though our cover is most likely blown anyway. This Primarina has some powerful friends."

     Finally Olivia arrives on the scene, and the grunts stare at her raptor mount, yeah, they definitely needed backup. The tranq dart however bounces off the Tyranitar's rocky skin, and it turns to roar at her with a bestial rage, using Focus Blast to send a large orb of white energy toward Olivia.
     "Well, I didn't know /anything/, but thank you for telling me that there is too much to know." Meia says with another wink, summoning her axe-like battlefan into her hand just in time to use it as a shield against the Golbat's attack, the force of the winds blowing her back a couple inches. "Hmm, not bad, there."

The Raticate, on the other hand, will find Meia vaulting over it, ignoring the two Pokemon in favor of closing in on the two Rocket Grunts themselves, the air in the immediate surroundings taking on a sudden chill as she swings the Arc Mirage at them. Rather than try to strike them with the blade, though, it's instead an arc of sheer cold that threatens to freeze them solid.

And, y'know, give them some nasty hypothermia.
Ash bowed as the infestation swept over him. It hurt. Gettign pelted by a thousand thousand locusts was going to hurt like... well... getting pelted by a few thousand bugs getting sandblasted at you However his armor had no chinks, it had no 'inside' to crack into. It was a wall of meat and metal. Ash's overconfidence cost him, however, as he had to hastily reposition to block the flurry of punches with his blade. He threw more knives with hsi free hand as his gaze swept the area taking in all that he saw.

"I gave you your chance," Ash weezed between blows. "No. More."

He set off his bladestorm; sending smokey apperitions that looked much like his warframe at each grunt he had targeted. Each clone would appear for a moment and slash at its target before disappearing. None acted with any intelligance so even if they only existed for a moment their attacks could be dodged or blocked if one were fast enough. Ash was... just wanting ot end the fight at this stage. This 'team rocket' had already tipped their hand. He needed to finish this. Now.
>> GAME >> Ash spends an Edge for: Lots and Lots and LOTS of ninja Smoke being used here
    A different city. So much for cutting off the snake's head. Navi lets out an irritated sigh, but without wasting further time on the grunt, she's gone with the wind once more. Navi finally heads back up to the concert area, circling the chaos as her incorporeal self but- on seeing how much is already happening to rescue Miwa- she doesn't enter the fray nor materialize.
Dillon would really like to help Miwa a bit more directly, but as the Tyranitar doesn't topple entirely he's got a bit more than he can handle. The beast lunges in with a frigid bite that doesn't completely close as the Ranger grabs its jaws in his hands. Then leans his head back and away from the beast's breath with a cringe. But even as he's keeping the jaws from biting down the icy effect is starting to form thin frosty sheets down his forearms while the two are grappling.

Then Olivia shoots a dart at the Tyranitar. Which does diddly to the beast sadly, but does get it's attention as it yanks away from Dillon to turn and attack the woman instead.

Capitalizing on the moment Dillon falls back on his brawler instincts to wind back and swing a powerful haymaker at the Tyranitar's head. Except instead of a punching fist he's using his claws, which he's smashes his way through many a rock monster before with, to get through that thick stone hide.

Then pull his arm back a moment after, shaking it a few times. The cold effect combined with the strike have made it feel a little numb. Cold and desert dweller don't play together well.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Noriaki makes a show of looking around, slightly crouched down as if he was trying to discern the source of the attacks. But see, even if the Grunts can't see it, Miwa would probably be able to see not just the tendrils, but the green Stand hovering near the black-suited Kakyoin, at least in some form. He doesn't realize it, but his cover's not going to last too long, though -- as soon as one of these grunts pulls out a Pokemon, the jig is going to be up.

For now, though, Hierophant Green starts trying to pick off the grunts with more of those emerald projectiles. There is a distinct noise as more of those projectiles start exploding from the tendrils on the floor, this time at Kakyoin's mental command. It's not his most powerful attack, but he can't use that full-strength, considering how close Miwa is to where the projectiles are coming from.
Mirage Mouse
<Okay then, do you want me to take you out of here? Are you rigged with any explosives? Or do you just not want to... hurt humans?> Mirage asks Miwa in return, making sure she understands the situation--her reply only taking seconds--much less time than verbal communication. Ditching her disguise, Mirage Mouse floats herself up and out of the crowd--hovering before the stage.

"Electricity and mermaids don't mix, didn't anyone teach you guys that?" Mirage's booted feet are flat against the air, as if she's standing on something invisible--her long rodent-like tail flicking behind her.

Mirage Mouse would direct her hand up, vaguely in Miwa's direction as she attempts to reach out and kinetically prise the silver collar off the diva--this is some neck jewelry that clashes with her natural colors, anyway~ It would basically be pulled off from all four cardinal directions--without exerting any pulling or wrenching of the Primarina's neck.
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag was not expecting creatures to shoot energy. There's a look of oh frak me, as she's caught full on by the beam and she's sent flying from it. It's a good thing she's wearing some flak armour today rather than the lighter clothing she normally does as that flak chest looks pretty bad, her dino got clear of it and is now moving to pounce the pokemon making use of it's infamous foot mounted claws.
     The Raticate that charged Meia slams into the wall, leaving a dent, and leaving the rat Pokemon a little dazed. Golbat however swoops down to try to bite Meia as she attacks the two Rocket grunts, but the frigid cold brought on by the slash of her Arc Mirage chills them to the bone, and they lose their will to fight, seeing that they likely stood no chance against this woman on their own. They recall their Pokemon and back away from Meia shivering in their hypothermia. "You win, just don't freeze us to death!" They plead with her. 

     Ash's blades strike the Mightyena and Toxicroak this time, and the two stagger a bit at the pain endured from the physical blade attack. They don't back down however, at least, not until Ash's ninja smoke clones appear and slash at the grunts. They cry out in pain as they double over from the wounds they receive. None are killed, but they all need a trip to the ER soon. Dillon's haymaker strikes the distracted Tyranitar like a blow from a heavyweight boxer, cracking through it's stony hide and causing the large rock type to stagger a moment before falling flat on it's face and laying still by the time Olivia's dino pounces it.

     The remaining grunts are looking pretty desperate at this point. One reaches for his Pokeballs, but as more are being picked off by Kakyoin's emerald projectiles, and the fact that Ash had severely injured their comrades in crime, they grunts who were trying to escape with Miwa finally let go of the Primarina and make a run for the stairs, with one bringing out a Hitmonchan and using it to jam the door shut, securing their escape.

     When Mirage pulls the collar off, it gives the tortured Primarina one last jolt as it breaks, but she is relieved to have that awful thing off her neck. Smiling brightly to everyone who came to help her, she feels overjoyed to see them all. "Thank you, everyone. I hoped eventually someone would figure out where I was, but I didn't expect this big of a rescue party. This was truly awful, so I'm really glad to see those horrible grunts fleeing down the stairs." She says before looking down at the ones Ash had wounded. "I'm half tempted not to call an ambulance for them, after all they put me through..."
    Chaotic a battle as it is, you didn't need to have an Elemental's gift to see which way the wind was blowing. The grunts fleeing only punctuated their defeat. Silent as the wind, the already distant incorporeal air sprite departs to resume her journey once more.
Ash grunted as he slowly walked towards the wounded grunts. "Death is a mercy I do not plan onn extending." There was a hardness to his voice as Ordis was busy explaining the number of injured, the typesof injuries, and yes Ash would be willign to stay for statements if need be.

He looked around and only then realized he was not alone. His warfram stared, the eye lights brightenig as he took the sight in. "Besides. How will you feel in the morning if you stuck to that call?" He didn't know much about healing, but he looked about to try turning over any that were face down and setting them upright. "Alright who here knows anything about first aid?"
     Meia chuckles quietly at the grunts' reactions, leaning forward to stroke a hand along one's cheek. "Good boys, looks like you can learn after all. Now, I'd like to learn a few things myself..." she says, then glances over her shoulder as things seem to quiet down around the stage area. "Looks like whatever's been going on out there is over. But that's okay, we can still have a little alone time~"

Stepping back and leaning against the wall with her arms folded over her chest, Meia tilts her head as she watches the two frozen grunts. "For starters, what exactly are you /doing/ here? Followed by, who are you working for? Don't keep me waiting, now."
Dillon watchs the raptor a moment as it jumps on the downed Tyranitar. "Don't eat that, y'all don't know where it's been." He hunches down to grab his hat from where the beast's breath had blown it off, and stood to put it back on his hat. Grabbed the brim between his claws to give it a few tugs into place so it's not muffling his ears. So he hears Miwa's comment clearly even as he's looking at the various unconcious Rockets and pokemon. Shakes his head a little. "Don't lower yourself to their level missy. Better than that." Most he's said tonight, but it was worth saying.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin is not about to pursue the Rocket grunts. The objective has been achieved, from the looks of things, so there's no need to pursue them further. Besides that, following them would be following them into their territory, and he's not about to do that. The potential for a trap is far too high. Good thing for Kakyoin that these guys have no sense of honor amonst their brothers and don't think to try to pull him along.

To others, though... there is one grunt left on the roof, it seems. But then, no sooner is the door barred than the final 'grunt' reaches up and pulls the hat off. The hair-tendril falls from where he'd stuffed it into the hat as the hat comes off, revealing his face. Nope, it's not a Rocket grunt. It's Kakyoin! Though that said, Mirage could probably already tell that, telepathically.

Now that he doesn't look so much like a Rocket grunt, he will approach Miwa. "Are you hurt?" He's aiming that to anyone in the immediate area, actually. They DID help rescue Miwa, after all.
     The half frozen grunts glare defiantly at Meia, very angry that they were beaten by a woman with some fancy weapon. "We are Team Rocket, and this was just a simple job, I'm not telling you anything else. I'd rather die than betray the boss." Says one of the grunts, with the other simply nodding in agreement.
     Miwa nods to Ash and Dillon. "I only said part of me. They are awful people who do awful things, but it's not our place to decide their fate." She comments before turning to Kakyoin. "I recognized you by the hair, between that and the shards of emeralds flying around, I knew it had to be you. To answer your question, I'm fine, just tired. Those thugs had me doing shows day and night. If you didn't come soon, I felt like I was going to lose my voice, and I really don't want to think about what they'd have done to me if I couldn't sing for a few days..."
Olivia Montag
Olivia Montag calls her raptor off the Pokemon the moment it submits or is called back by it's trainer. 


She does not know the term so she asks but gets it's something to do with healing though. She looks to Clever Girl, just as Wing Tooth is off having an adventure somewhere else at the moment. She looks down at her damage flak makes a face but is glad she was wearing it. Otherwise it would have been a very bad day for her.

She looks to the grunt fdr a moment, then to Miwa and to Ash.

"There is a local Sherrif right? We won't have to just string these guys up or break their legs for this?"
"Miwa nods to Olivia. "Yeah, I'll call the local police. They'll get these poor excuses for men treated and charged for their crimes." She offers as she moves to the elevator and slaps her flipper against the down button. Soon the car arrives and she gets inside. "Anyone else coming?" She calls as she hits the button for the first floor.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin gives a small half-smile when Miwa recognizes him. "You should probably rest for a while. Recover your strength." He frowns a bit, looking in the direction of the grunts' departure then. "It would have been stupid to 'liquidate' you over needing a few days' rest. I also couldn't guarantee someone wouldn't have been killed. And not just by me." Olivia gets a look. "There should be police in a city this big." He'll go with Miwa to the elevator, and once it gets there, he indicates she should go first, with one of those flourishy old timey gestures.
Once the elevator reaches the first floor, Miwa nods to Kakyoin and heads to the reception desk. She looks at the phone, and sighs. "It really bites sometimes not having fingers. Mind dialing 911 for me?" She asks as she looks back at Kakyoin. "After that, I think I just want to find a hotel somewhere here in town and rest for the night and some of the day tomorrow before I make the trip back home, as much as I'd like to be in my ocean right now..."
Ash shook his head, "Ordis is already on the line with the local police. I'll have to stay as my warframe has a recording of events and that can help ID anyoen that escaed." Ash explained as he looked about before reaching over to gently touch Miwa, almost as if he were reassuring himself she were alright. "I'm...." He shook his head. "It's good you have a lot of friends." Him rushing headlong would've been stupid, moreso if he continued showing restraint. Still, it paid off?

He looked to Kakyoin and smiled. "Thank you. Seriously.... You've been a pretty amazing friend especially for someone i barely know."
Mirage Mouse
Once Miwa is free, Mirage would take off for a bit. She's still a little frazzled after what happened and needs some time to collect her thoughts. She'll likely hit the Primarina up later to speak. All in all it was a rather hectic day for her--and she still needs to finish some other business.