World Tree MUSH

A Moonlit Sea Side Serenade

Miwa has her first show as a solo performer after leaving the musical theatre troupe she used to be a part of. The show seems to be a hit with everyone there, and ends with some socializing with friends both new and old.
Character Pose
     Tonight the beach on the west side of Ula'Ula Island has been transformed. Food and souvenir vendors line the edge of the beach furthest from the water, while the beach itself is lit by tiki torches scattered along the beach. A large temporary stage has been built over the water off the edge of the beach with several microphones spaced around it. In the middle of the stage Miwa sits on her tail, watching as the crowd files in onto the beach. "Welcome, and thank you all for coming. I really can't thank you enough for coming out tonight, and I really hope you enjoy the show!" She offers, before whistling loudly for some of her Pokemon friends from the sea to join her.
     Bewul was guided to the location of the concert by Miwa of course, and decided it might be for the best to go around as a Gabumon, and to try to not draw much attention to himself, even if he takes front row seats and waves to the artist, cheering at her. He certainly hopes to avoid getting confused by a pokemon or something.
     Meia has sort of gotten the hang of using those portals that connect the different worlds together, so she's split off from Krystal for the time being to do a little solo exploring. And wouldn't you know it, she wandered right into a concert!

"Oh, my. I wasn't expecting something so pleasant on my first outing. Well, I may as well enjoy the show..." she says to herself, casually striding up toward the front and taking a seat near Bewul, one leg crossed over the other all lady-like.
    Miwa may have piqued Navi's curiosity, but if anyone noticed the woman's arrival, it would still be pretty apparently she's no social butterfly. She materializes at the edge of the festivities, but still within easy range of the stage, content to sit cross legged in the sand and await the start of the music.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin did expect it; he'd heard about it, after all. He'd met Miwa a handful of times and was curious to know what she sounded like when she wasn't trying to put people to sleep. Hopefully that doesn't happen every time she sings, otherwise this is going to be a very short concert! He doesn't sit just yet, but also lingers at the edges of the stage area's perimeter.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage Mouse is here--or rather well, a seemingly dapperly-dressed mouse person clad in what looks like a black and charcoal-gray pinstriped suit--jacket, trousers, black patent leather shoes with spats, even--and a trillby or fedora in matching colors. A pair of white caps for cufflinks--the mouse's white-furred hands, large ears and face signify this is definitely a mouse--wearing a pair of sunglasses at that.

They don't speak quite a bit--their long tail trailing in the sand behind them as they approach, grinning with their large white buck teeth showing when they notice Miwa and the stage, doffing their hat--their semi-longish silvery hair visible as well. It'd probably be pretty obvious to Miwa who it is.
     Miwa smiles brightly as she sees the crowd fill in onto the moonlit beach, noticing both some familiar and fresh faces. She waves to everyone, and exclaims happily. "Alright, looks like we have a really nice crowd tonight, so let's get this show started!" She cries as a Lapras swims past the stage, the plesiosaur-like Pokemon singing her own call. Miwa dives in and leaps up to land on the back of Lapras and starts things off with an upbeat melody, and soon with her aquakinesis orbs of water begin to rise into the air, taking the shapes of various creatures featured in the song as Lapras carries her around in front of the beach. Soon a pair of Starmie appear on each side of the stage, and together the pair shoot a crisscrossing watergun attack over the stage while Lapras swims back in front of the stage.
     As the song progresses, the music itself doesn't really interest Meia much. Sure, it's a bouncy, catchy tune, and it's whimsical enough, but it's not really her style. However, she /is/ impressed by the water "magic" on display, her eyebrow raising as she curiously analyzes Miwa's technique. "Hmm... Not bad, not bad. An artist, certainly. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from each other..." she mutters, never breaking her focus for a moment.
Bewul seems to quite enjoy the show, cheering and watching the display with interest, he does not even notice Mirage arriving, which might be for the best, he is still very freaked out about the psychic mouse. He barely notices Meia moving to sit by him, offering her a polite wave and a nod, his focus on the fancy display of water powers and singing.
Mirage Mouse
Mouse had already gotten herself a drink, and by the time the first song starts up she has to do a spittake--thankfully missing anyone with it that might have been standing close by. She does almost hose Bewul down with her punch, though--and is quick to apologize.

"Oh hey there you, who's your new friend?" she asks the fox-like digimon, peering over at Meia.

"A very tall ane slender lass from the looks of it, eh?" she grins, with almost trademark sleaziness. It comes with the territory, and the suit.
Noriaki Kakyoin
As the first song starts, Kakyoin looks around, to make certain that no one's falling asleep. He doesn't want to have to carry someone out, after all. When he doesn't see anyone falling asleep from the song he relaxes a bit, and actually begins paying attention to the song. And he smiles a bit, a muted expression. He does notice the others here now, though, and begins to mentally take notes.
     Miwa's next song is decidedly more serious in tone, and slower in tempo, but even more so lets her show off her vocal capabilities. Now instead of simple shapes, she forms a pair of double waterfalls, one on each side of the stage, with the trick being the water flows up from the ocean on once side, flows about 10 feet as a floating river, before crashing down the other side back into the ocean. An Alolan Ninetales appears on the stage behind Miwa, looking like the mythical kitsune, only with fur as white as fresh snow. The Ninetales accents Miwa's display by crying out and causing a rainbow colored aurora to surround the stage. All the while as she continues to put on her show, Miwa is enjoying seeing that everyone seems to be enjoying her performance in one way or another.
He is a bit too interested in the act from his friend to pay much mind to Mirage, only looking back at her after the second question and blinks, inmediatly tensing up and sememing to get nervous, "Hey." he says softly, "I admit I was just focused on the show." he says softly.
     Meia almost misses when someone's talking about her, but something in the back of her head nags her to glance toward Bewul and Mirage. That something being a little fairy in a black dress who's /perched/ on the back of her head.

"Hey, they're talking about you. You should tell them to jump off a cliff. Or maybe you could drown them." says the Echo, whispering into Meia's ear.

Instead, the Azure Witch simply turns her head and smiles at the mouse and the Gabumon. "Hello there. I'm afraid I've never met this creature before; I simply took the first available seat I could find. My name is Meia, and I hope you're enjoying the show as much as I am."
Mirage Mouse
The Primarina's song winds up making Mirage feel just a might sad--it's got a sort of melancholy quality to it. Like Melody of Life. God, she can't listen to stuff like that without getting a bit misty. To alleviate this, she chooses to harass the awesome-looking bishounen red-head.

She sliiiides up to Kakyoin's side, tipping their hat to them as they grin. It's probably a bit of a strange sight--a 5-foot nothing sized mouse lady in a gray pin-stripe suit. Mirage slips her sunglasses down a bit, looking up at Kakyoin a bit.

"You come here often, hon?" of course, in the instant she launches something of a psychic probe--groping around inside that red-head's skull for anything interesting.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin is surprised by the appearance of the Alolan Ninetales. He of course has no idea what it is, only that yes, it looks like a Kitsune -- a nine-tailed fox. His eyes go a bit wide, particularly at the rainbow-colored aurora. It's quite beautiful.

And then suddenly there is a human-sized mouse next to him. Technically Miwa's the only visible non-human he's actually -met-, though he's seen a few, here as well as other places in his travels. It's still a bit surprising, particularly since said mouse is dressed like a gangster from the 20s or 30s.

The abrupt sensation of being watched, -exposed- somehow, takes him off-guard, and he makes a quiet, choked sound of surprise. While he can't be sure the mouse is responsible... somehow he can't help but think so.

Mentally, Mirage will get the sensation of someone stubbornly folding their arms and trying to block the probe. Read: -trying-. Kakyoin is not a psychic or a mentalist. But it's not the redhead himself that's trying to block it. It's a strange, green-colored, almost robotic-looking entity.

Meanwhile in the real world, Kakyoin stubbornly ignores that weird feeling; he's used to it, after all. He grew up feeling like that whenever he talked to people he didn't know. So instead he turns to the mouse-person, and answers, "Not... often, no. But I have been curious about the creatures in these worlds, and Miwa's concert was just as good a reason to come as any. Besides, I did want to see her perform."
Bewul is not sure how to feel when Mirage suddenly slides away from him and Meia to instead talk with someone else, but at least it causes him to notice the person next to him!. He tilts his head as he sees the tiny fairy, his tail wagging, "I am Bewul." he says happily, offering one hand, "Nice to meet you, this is quite a show, Miwa is great." he says with a grin, glancing back at the stage to see the part with the ice fox, "Wish I would do flashy things like that, or sing!" he chuckles.
    Navi is simply content to watch and listen. But, her homeland lacking the technology to make music easily available- not to mention seeing what looks like another elemental creature of this world- she's plenty enraptured by the show.
Mirage Mouse
To be fair, Mirage can sense when she's causing fear, and decides not to harass the Gabumon, rather choosing to mess with Kakyoin instead, for a hot minute.

"Ahh... curiouser and curiouser~" Mirage grins, their large buck teeth displayed as they broadly grin, it's much more fun when they /resist/.

"Ah, you're a friend of hers, then?" Mouse is almost disappointed, she'll have to use kid's gloves with this one then.

...<Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before? wouldn't happen to know the jolly green giant, would ya~?> Mouse, in the boarders of Kakyoin's mind, finds herself balked by the green figure. In this place, she's in her usual outfit--zipping toward the green figure as her tail comes around and attempts to wrap itself around Hierophant Green's wrist and tud it down, slowly--a visual representation of her subtle psychic battle against Kakyoin's defenses.

<Just relax, I'll be... gentle..." Mirage Mouse grins, the message taking on a soothing quality.

"She's so graceful and has a great voice, doesn't she?" Mirage remarks, meanwhile, in meatspace.
     For her third and final song for the night, Miwa switches things up and actually changes the language she is singing in. Most from off world would likely not even recognize the language, let alone understand it, apart from maybe Mirage, who can cheat and just read the meaning off of Miwa's mind. The language is Alolan, and if anyone happens to know Hawaiian, they would find it almost identical. As she sings, she pulls out all the stops for the visual show to go along with the song. 

     Orbs of water rise high into the sky, with the Ninetales' aurora expanding to cover a large portion of the sky. Suddenly the orbs of water Miwa is sending into the sky begin to explode like fireworks, and a pair of Dewgong, which look much like white seals with a little horn on their head, perform a powerful Icy Wind, chilling the air above the ocean and causing Miwa's water balloon fireworks to freeze into a sparkling mist as they slowly fall back down into the sea.

     Once the song is over, Miwa stands atop Lapras' back and takes a bow, then dives deep into the water and takes a flying leap into the air, waving at the crowd with her flippers before diving back in with barely a ripple. She finally swims to shore and smiles brightly at all her guests. "Thank you all so very much for coming. I'm so happy to be doing this again, I know it's my true calling, and nothing makes me happier than seeing people enjoy my performance. Lets hear it for my friends who helped me make tonight extra special!" She cries happily and claps with her flippers, encouraging everyone else to do the same.
     "Bewul, hm? Such an unusual creature. Kind of cute though, I will admit." Meia says to the Gabumon, shaking the offered hand before turning back toward the show, her lips curling up into a smile. "Yes, she has very fine control over her abilities. Someone who's practiced her whole life, obviously. Oh, and the music is good too."

"Pfeh, I've heard better." Echo grumbles from her perch atop Meia's head. When Miwa's finished singing and comes ashore, the fairy chooses not to join in with the Azure Witch's polite applause.
Bewul seems to forget he was trying to avoid drawing attention, cheering and clapping furiously at Miwa as she encouraged teh audience to do the same, jumping a bit as well, "That was great!" he says outloud, before smiling back to Meia, blushing a bit at being called cute. "Thanks!" he says, before glancing at Echo, "Is that a friend of yours?" he asks, refering to the small fairy.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin actually has to stop and thing about the answer to that question. 'Friend' is a word that has stronger connotations to him than it does to a lot of other people. It's not something he'd casually claim of other people, it's not fair to them. So ultimately he hedges, "I... would be, yes. Though I haven't spoken to her about it." Awkward teenager is awkward! But also trying hard not to show it.

-In Mindspace-

It's a different story here though. Kakyoin's 'imaginary friend' is prepared to fight the intrusion! But the soothing quality of the not-words, it brings the being pause... and the hesitation is enough to get the being in his mind snagged! And pulled down and away, slowly... A moment's hesitation and all is lost... and he hesitated.

-In Meatspace-

Kakyoin doesn't seem to realize this is all going on, at least not to the -degree- that it's going on. All he knows is that he's becoming more favorably inclined towards the mouse-person. And he doesn't see anything wrong with that, said mouse-person hasn't done anything overtly rude, upsetting, or angering. He also does join in the applause for Miwa's performance, agreeing to Mirage's compliment, "She is, and she does indeed. She has a good eye for effects, too."
     Miwa looks around at everyone, a big happy smile still pasted on her face as she's running on the high of her first solo concert, and first performance in general in quite a while. It felt really good. She makes her way over to a couple of the vendors and orders malasadas and Pinap juice for everyone, with a little extra for them to bring the order down to the edge of the beach where everyone was, since she couldn't really carry things terribly well. She heads back down to join Meia, Bewul, Kakyoin and Mouse, but spots Navi along the way, offering a wave. "Hello there! Care to join the after party?" She asks kindly. Soon a couple bags full of malasadas with various sugary toppings are delivered, along with several bottles of pinap juice. "Everyone dig in! It's on me!" She says with a grin.
     Meia can't help but smirk a little at Bewul's blush, standing up from her seat to head toward Miwa as the performer comes down for the after party. "Well, 'friend' is a strong word. I more... tolerate her, really." she says over her shoulder to the Gabumon, while Echo scowls.

"Hello there, Miwa was it? Very impressive work up there." Meia greets the Primarina, slipping through the crowd as easily as water through the cracks of a rock formation. Taking a donut, she bites into it and lets out a small noise of appreciation for its sweetness.
    It's not till a few moments after the song concludes that Navi really seems to return to the present. Another moment, and she picks herself up off the sand. As Miwa waves Navi flashes back a quick smile and gives a thumbsup- but shakes her head at the invitation. Then the wind sprite is gone once more, a brief shift in the air currents marking her passing.
Mirage Mouse
<That's right...> inwardly and outwardly, Mouse grinned. He'd put up a bit of a fight--but Mouse was confident in her abilities--thankfully a bit more than Kakyoin seemed on the inside! D'ohoho.

Introverted cases like this--ultimately quite tedious and annoyed Mirage, but she was intrigued. Something in there seemed to startle her, however.

Mouse found herself shaking her head as the contact was broken by her--taking a moment to recollect herself.

"Say--you should loosen up a bit more, hon--relax, watch Miwa's show, Mouse will bring you a drink, okay?" she was at once cheerful again, bringing Kakyoin what looked like a mixed drink consisting of something stiff liquor-wise and orange juice, with a little pink umbrella in it, in a large floral glass. She had brought one for herself, too.

"Ooh, what's this?" she had lifted out from the top of the glass... a small red object. A red cherry.

"Do you like cherries? Sorry, you were...?" she asks even though she already knows it, of course.
Bewul is quick to get up and offer Miwa a friendly hug when he gets the chance, wagging his tail and moving to take a seat near the singing mermaid seal once there is a moment to settle down, chuckling a bit when Meia talks about 'tolerating', "Ah, I know what you mean." he says casually, grabbing one of the delicious Masaladas and devouring it messily.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin's a little confused right now, probably understandably so if one really knew what was going on, but ... Oh hey, there's refreshments! "Thank you," he notes in Miwa's direction. He's not sure she can actually hear him, but it's worth trying anyway.

And then Mirage unexpectedly brings him a drink. "Oh, er... thank you," he says quietly, accepting the drink. He does think to ask if it's alcoholic, but after a moment, he's fine with letting it go. One won't hurt, he's sure. The question of whether he likes cherries gets a nod. "Yeah," he answers. "They're my favorite fruit."

Oh, he's being asked his name, he should probably answer, shouldn't he? "Noriaki Kakyoin," he introduces, with a polite bow.
     "Good to see you Bewul!" Miwa says as she smiles at Meia and gently pats Bewul as she is hugged. "Yes, Miwa, that's right." She answers warmly, then glances over toward Mirage and offers a wave. "Hey Mouse, glad you could make it! Been a while since I saw you and I honestly couldn't remember if I told you about this or not." She says before also offering Kakyoin a wave. "Looks like Mouse found someone to butter up." She comments with a giggle. "Please, enjoy the refreshments, and each other's company, I'm very happy to see friends from off world both old and new."
     "Your singing sucks and so does your water magic!" Echo calls out over Meia's head, the witch simply letting out a small sigh and rolling her eyes.

"Ignore the fairy. It's her job to cause trouble." Meia clarifies, her smile soon returning as she finishes off that donut. Daintily wiping her mouth with the corner of her sleeve, she then continues, "I thought your performance was wonderful, personally. Much more sophisticated water work than I've ever been capable of."
Mirage Mouse
"These are really good, I can see why you like them--" Mirage smiles, slipping one into her mouth. "I'm Mirage Mouse, by the way," she takes a sip of the fruity but alcoholic mixed drink, cleansing her palatte. But, as Kakyoin might notice after she swallows, she's still got the cherry--prised between her teeth. Right between her lower jaw and the large upper buck teeth--deftly popping the round fruit back into her mouth and... juggling it with her tongue?

"Rerorerorerorerorero~" she makes a bit of a show of it--the cherry dances wetly from the mouse girl's tongue, around and around--before she finally slaps her teeth back down with a sound of clamping bone--putting and end to the cherry mischief!

"Oh hello Miwa! C'mere babe~" she reaches out with her TK to float Miwa over to her--clasping her free arm around the mermaid pokemon and giving her a bit of a hug. Mouse is already feeling a bit buzzed from the drink, apparently!
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin chuckles at Miwa's statment of 'finding someone to butter up'. "I don't know that I'd call it that," he defends. Though whether he's defending himself or Mirage is anyone's guess. And then Mirage is doing that thing. That thing HE does. He blinks at the mouse-woman, confused.

And then... y'know what? Yeah. He does the exact same thing with the cherry in his own drink. Though he's probably not being -quite- as obvious about it as Mirage is.

     Miwa blinks at Echo, then chuckles as Meia tells her to ignore the fairy. "Well, it seems I have a staunch critic. But I think you are in the minority about my singing, and I wasn't using magic." She responds with a chuckle, then turns her attention to Meia. "Thank you though, that's probably the biggest aquatic show I've ever put on, simply because I used to be part of a musical theater troupe, and was just a part of the show, now, though I did have lots of help from some of my new Pokemon friends, this was my first ever solo performance." She explains, but before she can say any more, Mouse is floating her over for a hug, and she grins at the mouse woman. "Well hello there, I guess I can't really refuse a hug from you, now can I?" Also now that she's closer to Kakyoin, she offers him another wave. "Well, call it what you want, but I think she likes you." She says with a big grin.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage Mouse inwardly, is hellishly pleased at this--her mental prowess is serving to make Kakyoin less introverted! Swish! Nothin' but net with this Meece!

"Of course you can't m'dear," she however doesn't show her elation, even as she rubs her cheek against Miwa's for a sorta semi-nuzzle. Psuedo-nuzzle?

"He's feeling much better now--I think I heard him say he'd love to try singing or dancing sometime, right?" Mouse, devilish.
         As Bewul goes to do whatever Bewuls do, Meia watches Miwa get floated over to some more friends, letting out a small chuckle. "I see, she's quite popular. I should let her be for now, don't you think?" she asks Echo, who folds her tiny fairy arms and grumps.

"I think you should've just stabbed her. She might talk, but she looks like a Fiend to me. You're missing out on a chance for loot, you know!" Echo insists.

Meia shakes her head slowly. "No, I don't think that would be a good idea, or even useful in any practical sense. Now, that... magic, or whatever it is, /that/ I'm interested in learning more about. But we can approach her later, when she's less preoccupied." And with that, she wanders off into the crowd, seeming to disappear entirely the moment she's out of sight.
Noriaki Kakyoin
Kakyoin chuckles quietly at Miwa's mention of Mirage liking him. Though he is actually polite enough to EAT the piece of fruit he's been harassing for those few moments before trying to speak. "I tend to have that effect on people," he says teasingly.

Now, Mirage's mention of him wanting to try doing something of the performance art variety gets a surprised look. "Oh now, wait just a minute," he hedges. "I'm not exactly a singer or a dancer."
     Miwa blushes a bit as Mirage nuzzles her, but doesn't seem to mind the affection as she simply hugs tighter with her flippers. "Missed me didn't you?" She asks with a smile, then turns her gaze toward Kakyoin. "Well, maybe not, but it's never to late to become one, just gotta learn how!"
Mirage Mouse
"Whoops, I sorta stole her, I realize--sorry there--force of habit!" Mirage lets go of Miwa, and heads over to tip her hat to Meia finally. "Sorry, we haven't been properly introduced, I'm Mirage Mouse," she offers a hand to Meia for a handshake. No mental intrusion this time, even!