World Tree MUSH

The Angel you don't know (May be a Devil in Disguise)

Character Pose
"Operator this is a very bad idea." Ordis cautioned in Ash's earpiece. "The odds of this person being hostile, or at least combative are high if the pattern you've pieced together is accurate."

Ash was out walking, no warframe, only a small caliber pistol as well as a lump of metal that could beexpanded into a bladed throwing weapon attached to the inside of his left wrist. The city he walked in was... well it wasn't dead, but it looked like the local job market crash hadn't been kind.

"Ordis it was as much your analytical work as anything." Ash countered, having long since resigned himself at Ordis's flattery. "I show up loaded for war he's going to run. ANy of Wolf's crew shows up they're so far removed from standard human he might assume they're more of those beast-men-things. I have to be the one on point here."

Here? Here happened to be where Ash's investigations, with no small help from members of Star Wolf finding information to sift through, seemed to lead as the newest sightings that matched this 'Guyver' thing's description. This also was a very ghost town feeling industrial park. Abandoned warehouses, rundown housing takenover by gangs, or converted into crack houses. Places the local law seemed to wish to avoid.

So Ash was dressed in something more to local taste instead of the usual tunic and leggingsthat would makr him as an offworlder. He held no real fear ofthe locals, but the whole pOINT was to avoid drawing attentin on target causing him to flee.

then Ash again spoke, "Hey Guys comm check. How're things on your end?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     What scans can be had of the town out of the way from above, the whine of the Wolfen spacecraft finally goes quiet once the plasma engines power down and the systems are lowered into standby mode. The canopy is closed, the cockpit secured, and boots against the ground mark the passage of a wolf man making his way toward the town proper. A large pistol is on his hip, as usual, but he seems to bear no other weapons. 

     "You take point, kiddo. I'm going to see about securing a place for us to talk without interruption," Wolf O'Donnell replies to Ash over the communications channel.

     Notably, it's one of the craft that was present in the skies over the big showdown against those hordes of creatures. The mystery man may or may not have noticed. If so, that's at least one clue that a potential ally -- or at least a planetary defender -- is now present in the local area.

     "Nichols, I'm thinking about the bar. They have to have a bar, right? Everyone has a bar. When a place looks this run down, a watering hole is a necessity."
Fionn Nichols
     And what kind of a wingman would Fionn be if he wasn't already on sight? Though he hasn't hit the bar proper yet. No, he's just busily skulking in scrap and sideroad. An ear twitches at the sound of the Wolfen's approach. "... I'm still going to want to recalibrate that diffuser when you get back. Should be a couple spots that'll hold well enough. Can't speak for the tap though." 
     He leans out, takes a quick look around, then taps his earpiece again. "If there's any funny business it isn't gonna be a big show. Everything feels... solid down here."
For the most part the reports are spot on. There has been some talk of some sorta bug man, a very dangerous one. The Rumors in the local bars are rather disturbing. A drifter came into town. And when he was hastled by one of the local gangs for toll money. The guy told them to promptly fuck off.

That was when the trouble both started and ended. The figure had been wearing wearing a Cloak, and when the Gang Members has demanded his name to know what to put on his Tombstone. He said one word.


Instantly he was surrounded in an energy field that destroyed his cloak, and in his place was a seven foot, eight foot tall insect being. Horn over the head, spikes over the forarms (not elbows). And he gave them a chance to leave him alone. Of course the drugged out gang members attacked. Which promtply lasted 45 seconds taking down 7 gang members, by breaking arms legs and ribs. No Fatalities.

The Bug man then took their cash and flew off somewhere in town. There has not been any reprisal. No threats no hostilities. Because those seven were known to be tough customers. But so far it is business as usual, no sign he has tried to take down the gangs, or stop the extortion.

But a new face has been in the area. And the local gangs are apparently giving this drifter a wide berth not that anyone saw the man's face before he summoned that armor with the big sound and light show.
More of the same from the local gangers. Ash actually kinda liked the wide-body that offered 'friendly' advice. Sure the guy stole what little money he had carried on hand but what use did Ash have for money on most days? 

"Locals seem about damned friendly once you get past the whole robbing at knife point thing." He'd laugh into the comm. "Bug-BOy's been here. THird guy I'd run into scard stiff by the whole thing two days back. That track with what you're getting."

Ash grunted as he continued along his way, idily wondering if his approach was just driving him in circles or not. Then again maybe this guy escaped a lab rathr than stole weird body horror technology. He didn't want to pick fights, but it felt like he was running in place.

"Got any advice? Or are you guys just laughing behind my back while I run laps?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     A Bug Man is one thing, but now there are some animal folks, too. Sure, the shorter of the two might be a little more cautious and subtle, but the wolf, well... The wolf guy walks right down one of the main streets. People can look. Looks are free. Anybody wants to start anything, that's coming from their bank account. What's that old idiom: don't let your mouth write a check that your body can't cash? One local steps out of a building and into his path, is startled, perhaps even frightened because of the local recent incident. 

     "Where's the bar?"


     "The bar. Where is it?"

     "Which one?"

     "Pick one."



     Wolf frowns and flicks an ear. His voice echoes frustration. "Pick a bar and tell me where it is."

     "Uh, over there?" A finger points. The wolf man looks.

     The wolf man begins to walk off that way. "Nice talk." A few beats and then, under his breath, "Was that so difficult?" Wait, are his comms open throughout this?

     "Yeah, I'm just about to step inside somewhere, will see about securing a private reservation for the day. Don't- Don't tell me you've never hunted down a man, before, kiddo." Sigh. "This man doesn't live here, does he? Ask the locals for sightings of strangers, follow the pointing fingers. Alternately, you could try yelling really loudly."

     Wolf pushes open the door and steps inside. Well, if the town looks like a dive, the bar at least matches. Ever have those moments where you step into a room and everybody looks and suddenly things are quiet?

     "What? Do I have something stuck to my face?" the room gets asked.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn is especially cautious for other reasons. Probably for questions that involve some form of 'can I touch your ears?' Unlike Wolf, though, he's not particularly the biting type. "I make a point not to laugh at anyone behind their back," Fionn murmurs. Whether or not he overhears Wolf's exchange, he does't particularly indicate. No, now that the lupine merc has picked his destination out, he starts casing it properly. Fire exits, windows, adjacent buildings and any weird signals he can pick up. Besides, the man has to set the scene before he can come in properly. Don't wanna hit people with too much at once.
Ash is being watched, not that he is being subtle it seems. His target is actually in the area he passed. The comment on Bug boy, and two days past confirm who he is looking for. David is very adept at vanishing in shanty towns like this. He knows how to blend in. Vanish without a trace. The radio chatter has him confirm that there are others in the area looking for him. And with a Quick look around from behind Ash. David starts to walk out of the Alley to carefully approach Ash from behind.

"No sign of sublty, no stealth. No sign of visible back up. But you are on Radio. So you are hoping to either talk, or take me one on one gauge my abilities, then call in proper level of back up." he says from behind Ash maybe ten feet. Hands in his pockets. Non challantly looking at him, David's obviously not concerned by being attacked. "So.... Which is it?"

Of course When David makes himself known publicly. People in the area do start to pull back. It's almost like a Show down. But for Ash. This is the teen after the armor left him. He's much much healither. Not the skin and bone's twig when the armor left him. His posture is relaxed, ready to be attacked to react to flow and glide with the motion. He's dressed in fairly new hiking boots, denim jeans, white shirt, and denim jacket. All of it mostly form fitting save the backpack that appears to be loaded over his shoulder ready to drop or throw.
Ash huffed into the comms, "Well I'm not from here either and I don't stand out as badly as you, but I've gotten held up twice, had someone ask me to take me to see Elvis.... by the way who's Elvis? Weirdo insisted I should know who that is." He sounded confused. "Also three prostitutes of varying degrees of 'No,' and I'm starting to appreciate the work The Lotus went to in finding the target of the day for me to bring in."

Then Ash stopped someone else stepping out of a dive bar with maybe a dozen motorcycles parked out front. "You. You get ot help me out."

"Yea? Whatcha need kiddo, a ride home?" The man's jolly nature caught Ash off guard.

"Actually I'm... well I'm not FROM here." Ash approached the man. "Looking for someone that might've been hassling the locals. Lot of broken bones, maybe some things cut to ribbons like cars and pipes and such."

The man's smile faded as his face grew serious. "Friend of yours?"

"Not... really." Ash watched the man seem t orelax, "I was there when his world got dumped onto the wider web of everything. I've been trying to find him. Not sure if he broke himself out of somewhere, stole the wierd getup he's got, but well been there so I kinda want to try getting the guy to maybe calm down if he can. Maybe get him to stop using the loals as target practice."

"Huh see there's the trick," This tough leaned on his bike as he sized this kid in front of him up. "He's kinda right behind you."

Ash smiled and gave the biker a small gemstone. "Dunno what all the weird currencies are gonna do to the local precious metals and gemstone markets. I'll try to keep out of your hair."

He turned around to lookat David. "Well I left the tin suit back on my ship which would have put me on even footing with you in a fight... MAYBE." Ash smiled as he looked David over. "Sonicsand gravity manipulation all in a biomechanical suit that folds into your own body." He nodded to himself. "And my friends are trying to secure a private place we can tak." Beat, "Hopefully with little fuss since I'm... kinda paying them for their time and i'd rather avoid the mess just for a simple sitdown."

Then another look over of David, "You're looking a lot better than when I saw you last. Was afraid that suit'd been basically leeching nutriants off your body so it coulddo its thing.."

Then he put a couple figers to his ear to signal he was talkingon the radio. "Hey boss I'm talking to the guy right now, you got a nice quiet place to sit down yet?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     The situation inside the bar quickly settles, though. The tall animal person with a gun-knife sidearm, despite being the center of attention, wanders over and lightly slaps the bar counter with a hand. The bartender has the obligation to see what the stranger's order is -- now, is it the same bar as the other incident? ...does it even have to be? 

     "What can I get for you?"

     "A double of something really stiff, your choice. I'm not particularly picky. On the other hand, I have something to offer your owner."

     "That'd be me," replies the barkeep as he uncorks a bottle and pours something brown into a whiskey glass.

     Wolf raises a hand to scratch his chin. "I'm business-minded, from out of town, and looking to invest in the local economy. About how much do you make in a day?"

     A strange question from a strange person, the bartender thinks a moment before replying a rough estimate. There's always a chance this is a shakedown, of course, so imagine the surprise on the man's face when Wolf responds. "All right. Well." O'Donnell unzips his vest, reaches into it, and then pulls out some sheets of gold. They aren't paper-thin. About 2mm thick, other dimensions placing it close to that of a gold bar (if one sliced a bar into thinner sheets), even just four sheets are rather heavy. These samples of pure metal are lain out on the counter.

     "Here, there are three to rent your business privately for today and tomorrow, and there's a fourth to cover costs for your goods consumed during that time." Naturally, everybody is gawking at this point. The bartender is speechless. "And, before your loyal patrons think that I don't care about them-" Wolf looks over his shoulder and offers the staring mass his most charming one-eyed smile while placing a hand to his chest. "-because I really am a very caring and thoughtful guy-" O'Donnell turns back and slaps the bar again, louder. "-there should be enough to give everyone one last round of their choice before they hit the road. Drinks on the House!"

     With the cheers that erupt, can the owner really say no? Not long after, people start filing out. All, that is, save for the owner who is now busy checking the quality of the precious metal. "Yep. At least for now," comes a response regarding a place to be. "Just find the bar with the herd of cattle leaving for fresher ponds...or whatever."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn hears the laugher twofold. That might be on account of the occasional chit he's hidden somewhere clever. Just the basis scutwork with a side of discretion. When most of the patrons have made their way out, it's the perfect opportunity to slip in the front door and give a stoic nod to the gold-counting keep and his grayer boss. 
     Naturally he refrains from doing anything in the way of tinkering in eyeshot of the man who owns the place. "Don't suppose I'm included in 'everyone' there, Boss?" He asks with a single wag of his tail.
As David looks Ash over he perhaps no older than he was when he was bonded to the Guyver. While David looks seventeen he is much older than he appears, he's keeping his eyes on Ash eye contact is constantly main tained as he watches the body language. The words are absorbed carefully, the information he gives on the Guyver is at best theroertical of it's abilities.

But he smiles and mostly relaxes. Evidently, "Fortuantely I'm not looking for a fight. but if trouble starts one word and I'm in the armor. You have me curious enough to bite at the cheese. Name is David, tin suit..." And he starts to put a voice and after closing his eyes... "The armored being, Ash...Correct? As for my armor, what strangers don't know enemies can't find out." He says opening his eyes. He vaugely remembers that and the introduction.

"Well if you have a place to talk I'll follow you to it in good faith. But fair warning this turns out to be a trap I'm not gonna be happy. Deal?"

"By the way Those fighter craft that flew over They your radio contacts?" he asks.
Ash nodded at David's giving name to him, "Yea I'd have to do a bit of juggling to get my warframe out." Probably a side effect of the Orokin's fear of what the Tenno could do keeping them from figuring out hwo t oombine tenno and warframe, or maybe something else made it impossible. Either way same result in Ash being rather disadvantaged compared to this guy.

"Not after your armor's secrets so much as you seem on your own chased by someone willingto throw a lot of disposable goons after you." Ash's voice was carefully neutral. Ash could see Ash kept a fairly loose posture, but also like he wasn't unready. "And yea, that would technically be the head of the organization I do freelance work for. I figure by this point he's already started worming into the local business sector wit han eye towards hooking into any opprotunities he can find." A shrug, "He's honest about who and what he is, and lets people know exactly where they stand. I just figure it'd serve his interests, not to mention your own, to help us figure out both who's got you hopping world to world like you're expecting everyone around you to die, and some idea on if there's any way to make them sod off now that they aren't the biggest scarriest thing anymore."

This is when he started walking, motioning David to follow. "Plus dinner sounds good."
Wolf O'Donnell
     Fionn entering allows him the chance to see Wolf sniffing at the glass of stuff that was poured for him. It's a very strong ethanol smell, one that burns the nose, and the smell of the spirit itself is rather sharp, pungent, and hints at having strength but poor flavor; in other words, it's exactly what he ordered. 

     "Maybe it tastes better than it smells," he comments, half to himself and half to Nichols, before tipping the glass up to drain the double in one go. This is immediately followed by a grimace and a strained, "Nope! more. Gimme one more."

     Somewhat growling at the caustic liquor burning all the way down, the initial harshness passes and the relief that follows is enhanced by the glow from that inner fire. Oh, sure, the aftertaste is garbage, but- "Help yourself. Definitely going to need a drink before we get talking about what kind of hellhole opened up the other day."

     Exhaling deeply, Wolf works on rearranging the chairs and tables within the dive of a bar. He's not overly rough, and he's somewhat neat about it, but when a chair tips over he simply can't be bothered to pick it up. Tables get pushed together, a few chairs in place, and there: a conference room.

     The aging merc takes a step back and looks it over, sucking air through his teeth in thought, then wanders over to the barkeep and asks about something. The tender rummages about for something and hands it over, along with that refill, and Wolf wanders over to have a seat. The small box is placed on the table before him. He pulls out, clips, and lights a cigar. And then that box is opened and the contents are removed.

     When Ash and David arrive -- surely they can find the place -- Wolf can be seen leaning back in his chair, tipping it onto the two back legs, with his boots crossed and resting on a nearby chair with a glass of booze on the table, a cigar in his mouth, and in his hands...he shuffles a deck of cards.
As David follows Ash the talk of his Boss and a Freelance Merc has him pause some just outside the bar. "That boss wouldn't happen to a guy with blonde hair, golden vest and a sorta flint lock rifle would he? Cause I got hostile with the pansy in an abandoned Gold mine." he asks. He remembers the Skypirate from the Gold Mine he got all hostile with. "Cause if he is here to try and settle a score.... I'm gonna grab him by the ear, drag him into the middle of town, bend him over my lap, yank down his pants and spank his ass black and blue infront of his crew." Recalling how he had that insicent with Balthier in the Mine. The idea the pirate might want to put him in his place... just now crossed his mind.

STill with people out of the ball if a fight happens he won't have to worry about civilians being hurt.

When he enters the Bar with Ash he almost double takes at Wolf and Fionn, eyes going wide just a little bit. Clearly he wasn't expecting an anthro wolf, and fennec? David gives a quick look around the are noting position of windows, doors, ceiling (most don't look up mind you) and looking around he slowly approaches. Assuming he can find a seat with a wall behind him, out of window line of sight, he will take that. "Name is David, And you are Sir?" he asks respectfully.

David's movements are measured and careful checking the seat when he sits down even under it to make sure nothing is there. But David's face is young without blemish. Not the skin and bones kid he was when his armor left him. But fit vital.
"Eeeeehhhhh," Ash mentally flipped through noteable outfits he'd seen here and there. "Doesn't sound like anyone I've either worked or tangled with." A shrug as he mad ean 'after you' gesture t othe bar door. THen he just savored the moment, both watching or hostile responses to 'oh snap animal people' and then amusement at Davi'dstwitchy nature. To be fair these werne't his people and the trope of 'hey we're here to sit down and talk' beinga trap seems to be a universal one.

Ash shut the door behind him and found a seat facing the front door after looking the bar itself over.

He seemed inclined to let Wolf make introductions for himself. Instead he sat a tablet down in front of David with a document pulled up that has a glossory of terms as well as what few comonalities he's observed about money changers popping up, the whole problem of communicating between worlds, and other 'hi welcome to the multiverse things.

"Don't mind me David, I'll let bossman there set things to order before asking my own questions. No sense bumrushing you with everything up front."
Wolf O'Donnell
     While there are only four chairs pulled up to the joined tables, there is plenty of room for people to move them around to be where they want them to be so long as that spot isn't where Wolf is sitting, because he's just now gotten cozy so he's not moving. Plenty of other space to choose from. The eye patch-wearing wolf man raises an eye to peer at those entering. There's always the chance that people will have to be told to head elsewhere if others wander by. But, no, this stranger is accompanied by Ash. 

     David's initial reaction to seeing him and Fionn is noted and mentally filed away for use later. It's not an uncommon reaction, especially around this place. Wolf's hands move away and together in repetition as those cards are lifted and slipped together over and over during this observation, but it ends with a practiced riffle shuffle and that transitions into a bridge shuffle!

     Reaching over to place the deck of cards upon the table near his drink, the same hand pulls his cigar from his muzzle. Using the burning roll of tobacco, Wolf points toward the bar. "Open bar, gentlemen. Ask the nice man and he'll get you something to drink." As he speaks, smoke rolls from his maw. The cigar, in turn, is also placed on the table with the cherry resting just off the edge. He lacks a tray for the smoke; ashes will likely wind up on the floor, but with the state of things it may not even be noticed.

     "I'm Wolf O'Donnell, head of the mercenary group Star Wolf." While David may not have seen his ships overhead during their strafing run, the message loudspeakered to those present through the use of resonance in the local trees clearly used the same identifying name. "That over there is Fionn Nichols." The 'o' in Fionn is 'silent'. "Ash, whom you've already met, I see, is an independent contractor that works with my group from time to time."

     This 'Wolf' guy reaches for his drink and takes a smaller sip this time. It's like savoring paint stripper. "And you," he points to David with his glass this time. "You're the one that laid waste to a portion of the nearby forest where you popped out of that wormhole fighting those things. You know...I went and got people, we showed up, treated people, patched them up. But you... Well."

     "We need you to answer some pretty basic questions. People around here are talking about you; quite frankly, I don't care what you do so long as we have an understanding. But, still, I figured it'd be nice to have a quiet place for some civil conversation over the crazy mess we all witnessed from the other day. Why don't you tell me who you are, in your own words, mm?"
As David sits down and orders himself a nice strong whiskey on the rocks. He's assuming Wolf is buying, the Comment on the Forest makes him smile partly. "Mega Smasher does have that effect when used. I do hope, " And he sounds geuinely concerned about this, "no one but the Zoanoids, my enemies got obliterated correct?" he doesn't recall Wolf Showing up. Once the battle was over, he was struggling to remain awake as he healed.

"That's not an easy question to answer without an indepth explination. But... to summarize, I am a living weapon. I am also the last survivor of a world that was taken over by the masters of the Zoanoids. The Zoalords when the last one died, Chose to enact a plan that slammed several asteroids into the planet Earth and chose to order their mind slaves, The Zoanoids, who are genetically programmed to obey their masters without question. To hunt down and exterminate any survivors. With The Guyvers being their top priority."

As he gets his whiskey He smells it and coughs, "I think that's... an effective summary." and he inhales before sipping the Whiskey. Not gulping it. Apparently he wants to stay Sober, or make sure there is nothing in the drink.

"Now a question for you, Are you trying to recruit me or just find out the who what where when why and how of my situation?"
'The Science team we were guarding reported no casualties other than a few changesof underwear," Ash commented dryly as he relaxed in his seat. Unlike David or Wolf he hadn't bothered getting a drink.

Then the depressing finality of reality. Ash's face was an impassive calm as he processed this. The whole 'oh hey the leader is dead, let's genocide everything, sounded depressingly familiar. "That takes care of part of what I was going to ask." He closed his eyes and considered his words, "Just so we are clear. Your home world got taken over by those creatures that were in a death-mosh-pit-rave with you. Their leader dies so the surviving minions go Scorched Earth Everything Must Die... Rather than some sort of government that could be negociated with right?"

He took another deep breath to give David time to absorbe that before continuing. "I have no interest in recruiting you, but bossman over there might or might not feel diffrent than me. I'm simply trying to figure out if the world you're from is either going t otry exploding into a cancer ball of conquest to every surrounding world, or try hiring Star Wolf to try capturing or killing you." He would look across the table to David t otry staring into his eyes. "I want your opinion on how likely that latter is since while I likely wouldn't take that contract, having some notion on these things is important."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "So, what, that makes you one of these...'Guyvers'?" Wolf's question comes with a bit of uncertain pronunciation of the last word. It's not something he's familiar with, clearly. Sure, the question may as well be rhetorical, but there's no harm in being thorough. 

     Wolf takes another draining sip from his glass. There's nothing quite like sampling the local delicacies, and this is nothing like sampling delicacies. He holds the glass in front of his face for a moment, gives the liquid inside a swirl about with a shake of his head, then voices, "Ah, what the hell," and knocks back the rest before clapping the glass vessel upon the table followed by a strong clearing of the throat. He really should have ordered -after- paying the man.

     Trading the glass for the cigar, Wolf smokes the thick-bodied dried and fermented tobacco as a means to at least have a more pleasant taste on the tongue. He listens to the question asked of him and, following that, listens to Ash's response. His eye rolls at this. Ash is jumping the gun. Again. Still, Wolf let's him finish speaking even if he takes great offense at somebody suggesting business possibilities regarding HIS organization. That's just rude.

     "I believe he was asking me." Wolf doesn't bother clarifying further just yet. He's content to draw a deep breath of rich smoke before leaning back a little bit further. Sitting as he is, this means O'Donnell does not directly face anybody in the room with his body. He turns his head, however, to regard this 'Guyver'.

     "I can understand how you probably feel this whole meeting is about you. I mean, we tracked you down just to have this little talk and all, but this isn't how I go about scouting 'recruits'...which, I might add, is a very coarse way of stating the facts. I have employees. Everybody that works for me does so of their own choice. I don't even necessarily like them all personally."

     Wolf reaches to the side to tap the ashes from his cigar onto the floor beside his precarious perch. "Look. David." Wolf speaks slowly, directly. "Some of those things we melted out there, that came out of that Hellmouth? Some of them got away. This is more us wanting to know more about them. You have information regarding them. You tell us what you know and it'll make things a lot easier to handle if and when more of those things come pouring out into another dimension somewhere. That's why we're having our little talk. We're giving you the chance to say what you want, share what you want. If you want to walk out right now..." A jerk of the wolf's chin gestures to the entrance. "...there's the door. I'm not worried about you. You seem to be able to handle yourself."

     "For now."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn finally settles in, cold drink in hand, joining the motley crew in the midst of their.. negotiations. An ear wiggles and he raises a hand. "Don't let the outfit give you the wrong impression. We're... professionals." A warm smile is given. "Satisfaction is important in that regard. However, given how... volatile things are." He raises that same padded palm to Wolf, and bows his head in deference. An 'if I may,' almost. "Our... the... 'worlds' are expanding quickly. Moreso than the comfort of many... the flip side--and you might not be used to this--is that if we're in what you would call a... mutually beneficial situation. A friends with benefits deal, as it were." He laughs softly. Well, he just likes space in working order, is that so much of a stretch?
As he listens and says after listening to both Wolf and Ash on the Recruiting, he answers first. "General Question. And some of them escaping is something I was concerned about...Fuck...." And at this point he downs the Rest of the Glass of Whiskey in a single shot as he looks to the Cigar. Inhaling through the nose he smiles and asks, "Got a spare one of those Cigars?"

David is thinking, "To truely understand the Zoanoids and what a Guyver is... I would have to give you a very very long summary of what I know. But yes they will be a problem, it will be difficult to locate them. They are shape shifters, Orginally they were humans. They were subjected to a genetic Treatment which not only gives them the ability to transform into a preset battle form. But the treatment also makes them be obediant to the telepathic commands of the Zoalords. If you capture them they will simply commit Suicide as pre ordered to both prevent study, and interrogation. At which point their remains disolve completely in under two minutes."

"Being telepathically programed with military stratagy... If I were them, Obtain clothing, split up into multiple groups. And investigate this World Tree. Once they understand enough. They will try to establish a temporal connection to my world. Going back in time if such is possible to save and bring their masters. The Zoalords or worse... Archanfel here."

David at this point orders another drink from the Bar.
Ash took Wolf's mild scolding with a simple shrug. The whole poitn of him in a business arrangement with Wolf was to fill knowledge gaps, and dealing with people in situations beyond 'hi I am going to use you to demonstrate how sharp this sword is' in a business enviroment counts as a knowledge gap. 

He listened to David explain the Zoanoids method and likely goals as he saw it and nodde, "If they can establish communications through a gate they would probably be one of the first entitites to do so.... at least that I'm aware of, which..." He gave a helpless shrug before looking to Wolf. "You know of anything that can get a signal through those gates?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Well, that clears that up," is all Wolf has to offer in reply to the explanation around the concern for the escaped shape-shifting dimensional aliens, spoken with cigar held between his teeth and accompanying change in speech from it. He reaches into his vest and pulls out his other cigar, holding it up to examine it and give it a sniff, before using a tiny metal guillotine to clip the end off and holds it out. Somebody can reach over, pass it along, or stand up and walk over to get if needed. Wolf isn't moving from his spot. Lighting it is going to be David's responsibility. 

     "As far as I've heard, no, unless you're closer to the 'Trunk'. In general, from one dimension -- or World -- to another, no. Technology, Psionics, Magics; it all seems to fall short of being able to manage. It likely has everything to do with the way such a, eh, what's the word, Nichols? Metaphysical construct? built. From what I've heard from various sources, it's no doubt a matter of purpose rather than consequence. And that says a lot about the beings that are...gathering these Worlds together onto this 'Tree'."

     Wolf O'Donnell lifts an eyebrow as he pans his cyclopean gaze between the three others gathered. "It's a bit off-topic, but, while I definitely aim to capitalize on this multiverse thing, something about the creatures that tend this 'Tree' stinks." It's an instinctual to sense, such ulterior motives, and Wolf cannot help but foster a flash of mental imagery of James and his son; heck, Fox would likely agree with him on that. For once. He sighs. "Anyway. That is to say that your bad guys are going to be a problem and we really don't want more infecting other dimensions, which means the ones that got away need to be hunted down. Simple. Just need a way to track them, and that's where you come in, David. We have some experts we know that you'll need to talk to about all this."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn has half a mind to suggest, if they ARE capable of doing it, of letting them, and then reaping all the rewards of watching. But he knows better. A finger stirs a circle around the lip of his glass with faint and constant focus as he thinks. "I don't like metaphysics. If anything I think it would fall into a previously undiscussed field of quantum mechanics. Needless to say that Pandora's Box has already been opened, and the sooner we understand this, the better." 
     Despite differences, he seems to be of mind on Wolf for this one. "Once we've gotten ahold of them, well, I think that's the harder part, no? Their connection to the Zoalords, so you call them... maybe capture and interrogation wouldn't be feasible, but at the same time that opines a possible weakness..."
David as he gets his drink he takes a sip and then looks wolf directly into the eyes. Not a challenge, but he maintains eye contact. "I understand, I'll help. But you need to understand how evil their masters were. They came after me for my armor. They wanted it. Knowing they could not defeat me directly in a straight power on power fight. They targeted my friends, my family. They captured two of my older siblings, three of my closest friends. They were transformed into Zoanoids specially designed to kill a guyver. And they were sent to attack me. They transformed, screamed, pleaded begged me to help them. Begged me not to hurt them in their voices as they were driven to try and tear me apart. That was when I realized their masters were pure evil."

Pulling out a lighter after getting the Cigar he lights it. "I managed to find the strength of will to kill them quickly. The Zoanoids here are as much victims as were my family. Kill cleanly, kill quickly kill with as minimal pain as possible. I'll help you destroy them. But you need to be ready incase they go after your loved ones. And as for it being impossible... One of the Zoalords had dimensional shifting abilities. Managed to open up a hole in my reality... and knocked me into an alternate universe, quiet the adventure before I got back."

"For all my power and ability. If I were to face a Zoalord in a fight to the death one on one. I would loose that fight. It normally took between five and seven guyvers to kill a Zoalord. The one Zoalord we can not suffer the risk of arriving here is Hamilcar Barcas. The second in command of Chronos, their group name. Chief genetists. He made the Zoanoids, hyper Zoanoids, and the rest of his fellow Zoalords."
>> SUMMARY[David] >> David looks Wolf into the eye so wolf can see the pain and truth of what he is saying.
Ash listened as David got what was doubtlessly years of Badness off his chest. He simply watched, only infrequently blinking as he listened into this rather intimate level of detail with David's life. "Speaking from experiance David? Having been through my own Problems? Find a group of friends." There was a seriousness to his voice. "Even if you cannot share Everything with these people, being able to set that burdan aside and make your life more than runningand fighting will keep you from turning in on yourself."

He then seemed to decide to go back to being quiet after that for a few moments before looking to Wolf and Fionn, "I suppose the fact cross-world communication being out helps," He then lookedto David. "Can these Zoanoids just... grab people and infect them into bulking up?" he had lots of questions, but if David was unloadinghis Deep Tragic Backstory on what were complete strangers? He was basically done with asking questions regardless of what David had to sayon if they had faint riments of remnents of a psychotically loyal army, or if this was an epadimic brewing. Either way he would have to find and kill these things, but David needed timefor his psychi to heal more.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Yep. War sucks." It's about as truthful and as succinct as a statement can be made on the subject. Wolf removes the cigar from his mouth for a moment to speak. "And atrocity is part of long as you're on the other side of the line. Otherwise, it's called daring strategy. I'm not going to justify what they did to your family, because I don't know you or your family or these Zoalords, but I -will- say that the places you're going to wander and the people you're going to meet in your Hunt for these Zoa-things...aren't going to be so polarized one way or the other. It's all about perspective and how well your goals align with others'." 

     A gesture is made with that cigar between Fionn and himself. "And while I'm not saying you do, don't ever think you're the only one that has survived against all odds and stared down unimaginable evil in its most powerful form. I'm willing to bet that each one of us sitting here has witnessed genocide in one form or another. That doesn't make us buddies. But it does offer perspective, and, David, where you trek and why you venture is going to need a LOT of perspective."

     Wolf replaces his cigar to his mouth, allows his chair to rock forward into a more stable flat-footed position, and then stands. "Gonna go get something to else to drink, kiddos. Talk amongst yourselves. This isn't my party," he states, despite the fact that everything he has done so far has been as a measure to establish self-importance and dominance over the conversation. "Nichols, what the hell are you drinking? Tsk. Let me get you something decent. I paid for it, I want to see some consumption going on! I paid for tomorrow, as well, people, so pass out if you have to and sleep it off."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn's eartips tilt forward and he only offers a soft, "noted," in terms of what the proverbial body-snatchers were capable of. He doesn't offer a hard or a soft option. He seems to be chewing on and choosing over his words when he gives the bottle in his hand a little raise, as if in excuse. "Oh--ah, yessir." This isn't really a fruit town, is it. Well, at least the mood was settled for something a bit harder. Sour.
David has to actually think on the question of them being able to transfor others. "Like a Virus no. Although I suppose it is possible that some of them could have the genetic knowledge to create more Zoanoids. But... without a Zoalord to enforce obediance... their ability to control them would be very limited at best. Once the process starts of Zoaformation... that's it. the first step is to inject a viral recombinator... this breaks down the dna to be resequenced. if even one drop gets into you. It runs rampant through the body rapidly replicating. I know I interupted the pricess on my parents and little bother just as it got started..." And at this point he just locks up as he struggles to contain his pain and rage...

David listens to wolf on the speace of survival and genocide. As he has composed himself. "I'm no hero. Nor do I claim to be entirely on the side of angels. I don't hurt people or break laws just for shits and giggles, I don't like killing either. but I will protect myself, even if I have to kill to do so. And I don't suffer those who name me enemy... gladly."
Ash steeples his fingers and looks over them at Wolf then David. "To be blunt? None in this room are saints. We each carry our own baggage and deal with it in our own ways." His tone was level even though if he had to be honest with hiself? He felt he wasn't measuring up to what Wolf would consider Professional. "I am not your Judge, nor am I a Priest. I was simply there when you got spat out and noticed you wererunning like hell was opening up in your wake so I wanted to know what my employer should expect if anything."

He gave a tight smile before inclining his head to Wolf. "My own knowledge of fighting is in a more 'total war' theatre, so I'll reserve opinion, but since you seem the type to sit down and talk rather than treat the entire world as hostile by default? I'll try pointing you to a few gentler places where you can get some rest, aybe find some stable work. I cannot speak for my boss, but I personally would like to keep tabs on you especially if those... Zoanoids resurface."

Then a shrug before looking to Wolf. "Anything you'd like to add Boss or have I quite firmly stuffed both feet in mouth?" He managed a small smile at his own expense. He's a rank newbie when doing Business and knew it.
Wolf O'Donnell
     In as casual a manner as a middle-aged mercenary wolf person in a run-down town full of people afraid of the local punks and scared of strangers, Wolf O'Donnell grins around the cigar held in his mouth and reaches out to give Fionn a pat on the shoulder as he walks past and toward the bar while David spills his ethics all over the table. Sure, he could comment or judge, but he already said his piece on the matter. Anything else would just be redundant and Wolf absolutely hates having to repeat himself. 

     Wolf's tight pants elicit a leathery squeak as his form settles in against the counter, leaning forward a bit, to have a quiet side conversation with the owner of the bar. They aren't words that matter to the situation, however, so he keeps his voice down. His little chat continues as the bartender works on mixing up a couple of drinks. Any glance given that way would show that, despite the odd circumstances, the talk is a rather cordial one. Wolf has seen the inside of many many bars in his life; perhaps he simply knows how to talk to the type of people that enjoy running them.

     Reaching to the side to tap ashes onto the floor (despite an actual ashtray being less than a meter away on the counter top) and following up with a smooth pull of air through that gorgeous cigar (which David had better enjoy; they aren't cheap), O'Donnell nods along to something before gesturing over his shoulder. The bartender points toward the tables and the three there, stating something, and Wolf turns at the waist to look, as well.

     "What? Can't you see the adults are having a conversation over here? I said 'talk amongst yourselves'." Again, Wolf really hates repeating himself. "First of all, I'm not your Boss, kiddo. You don't work for me." A finger points to the fennec fox. "-He- works for me. You won't accept an official position. That makes us temporary partners under contract, when under contract, but I'm flattered you enjoy the direction of the experienced. I'll keep that in mind."

     Turning about fully to rest his lower back against the lip of the counter, one elbow also propped upon it, and with his free hand toying with the cigar emitting the smoky scent that is slowly filling the establishment, Wolf offers a shrug. "I think it's a total shit show, Davy. I think you need to talk to more people. I think you're going to have to network with various specialists to have a chance of hunting down this threat. I think you're partially responsible, even if indirectly, and that the task is going to have to be your priority or else you're never going to be able to move on and heal no matter the dimension you visit. I also think I haven't had enough to drink for this to be an official business date."

     "But that last part I can fix!" Wolf points to the ceiling with his cigar to emphasize the matter of priority. "Let me just bring these over...once I'm done having my little chat with Stanley."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn folds one arm over the other and leans back, tilting his ears to follow words. Conversation. A sound outside that passes from interest fairly quick enough. "I'd like to not think of this situation as total war. You act like you're at war with the world..s... and you'll soon find that you are." He smiles and shrugs. At every opportunity he's asserted his own brand of charming 'optimism' and been eager to front Star Wolf as something of a sovereign body in the greater scheme. One that could build positive relationships. 

     Part of that is talking sweet while Wolf gets down to the real sides of business. If anything, he's just a cherry on the whole situation.
With a nod to Ash after inhaling that Cigar and blowing the smoke up into the air, Yes he is enjoying that Cigar. he says. "I can understand that Ash. They will resurface. It will just take time. For now they will go to ground, hide." and then he listens. "I do need to be forward. In the event that I loose consiousness when the armor is active. It has what is called a Hyper defense or Hyper protection mode. It assumes total control of myself, with blood red glowing eyes. It can't tell friend from foe, and it will defend it's self from percived threats to the fullest extent. That said I won't hesitate to run from battle if I fear I will end up in that state. Keeping people away from me is the best course of action."

"I haven't actually decided what I am gonna do. And I won't deny the idea of finding some kingdom over run by some petty tyrant that needs a serious and permanant change in leadership, has crossed my mind. However that is always easier said than done." He seems to have emotionally stabilized when Wolf told him there are others who have been through similar hell.

"I agree with you there wolf. I won't deny I need to make connections here. But I also know mercenaries dislike working for free. And with you willing to help me."

"Getting funds is of no trouble to me. The Sonic weapon I used against the Missle Launching Zoanoid has other uses. Such as mining gold. I can use it to get any amount of money I need. I normally carry just enough to make sure I can afford food, maybe a cheap motel room. I dislike being forced to steal for survival. Like the clothes and such I have."

"As long as I don't flood any given market." Reaching into his back pack he pulls out a small gold bar maybe five inches long triangular an inch high maybe a few ounces. "Seeing as you most likely paid for the establishment..." he Tosses the bar in Wolf's direction. "I have plenty hidden in other locations."
Ash grinned at David. "Well take me for example. Similar feeling broad strokes to yourself David." He then leaned forward, "I can call you david right?"

He then would continue reagdless. "So i land Here... well... wherever really. Find 'oh hey ther'es a lot more going on than just punching people in the face.' I meet Herr Wolf over there because this line of work comes easy to me, has few attachments, adn to be fair? It gets me to do something other than brood in my ship." THere was a soft chuckle at that mental image, which would be immediately followed by the mental image of Ordis forceably dumping him on some random world just to get him out of the provrbial house.

He held up a hand to gesture with as he spoke. "Case in point. ther'esthis nice place, Alola, lot o nice beaches, real tropical. Not a lot of work for someone in the face-punching business, but a few of the locals are helping me round out my skillset. Teach me dancing, do courier work." Beat. He looked david over, "Then ther'es the Mushroom kingdom. Nice place, stable well liked fair minded monarch in my opinion. Because of all the worlds bumping into eachother business? Their capitol has been in a bit of a building boom. So spent a week helping with that."

He failed to mention almost getting eaten by a giant fish while there, but immaterial to the discussion.

"I have a few friendsthat maybe could give you some pointers or at least a few ideas on things you can do now that the crush and strain of 'not dying' is quite as pressing."

He then got up and walked to the bar. "Whiskey." He paused then shook his head. "On second though give me one of your local mixers. Don't care what," he had a feeling he was going to regret that. Then again no matter how old Ash might actually be, he still looked barely old enough to drive so would they even serve him anything?
"I like the idea of relaxing and emotionally Detoxing. I know I need it Ash. But I MUST fight. The armor to ensure that I have a strong survival instinct has upped my aggression levels. I can Do hard brutal work, or I can fight."

Looking between Wolf and Fionn, "The Idea of becoming a Mercenary for the fighting has crossed my Mind as well."
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf has no problem intercepting and catching the metal projectile. He uses the nail on the thumb of the hand holding the gold to give it a little scratch to test general purity, responds, "Mmh," and quickly chucks it back over toward David. Sure, David didn't see what Wolf paid the bartender with, but if he accepts something like this, it's no different than accepting charity. If it's meant to be a gift, then he's regifting it back. 

     "Keep it. I'm a person of business. If you insist on giving it to me, it has to be for work, but I'm not sure you understand enough of the world around you to be a viable client just yet. If you want to work for me -- or with me, as some insist -- things can be arranged, but this is not the time to discuss that." Time, no. Place? Why not. Ash met Wolf in a bar on Macbeth, after all. Then again, so did Raven. Same bar, even...

     When Ash gets up and comes over to order a drink, despite the fact that WOLF IS IN THE PROCESS OF GETTING DRINKS and he would have been back to the table by now had people not INTERRUPTED HIS CONVERSATION, Ash gets a stern look from the one-eyed wolf who lifts a leg. "Go si'down, pup. I'll bring drinks over in a second. Have some hecking patience or I will put this boot against your backside, so help me."

     Unable to finish his private chat, though, Wolf calls it quits and grabs the drinks already prepared on the bar top and carries them over. "Eh, anyway." Plunk! A drink is plopped down before Fionn. "Just sip on it or something, Nichols. Do it for me?" Brow raised, offering the same flash of a grin that he tried charming the locals with before buying rounds and kicking people out, he aims to meet Fionn's eyes with a bit of put-upon charm. It's a little forced, but it's not Fionn's fault. A few steps along, and plunk! Another drink down in front of David. Plonk! A glass for Ash. Wolf carries the fourth over to the seat he once say in, cigar cradled in the fingers of the same hand grasping the cocktail glass, but he doesn't sit. A large boot is placed upon the chair instead. Why? He...seems like he's preparing to offer a toast.