World Tree MUSH

Fun In the Sun (at a Comfortable Distance)

Wolf, Fionn, Ash, and Luke wind up meeting up on a beach on Ula'Ula Island in Alola for some relaxation and fun in the sun. Miwa makes an appearance, as well!
Character Pose
Luke Gray
     Visit tropical Alola!, pleasant weather!, lots of beaches!, exotic creatures!, and almost no evil pokemon group activities except for some bored teen punks most people would fend off with a rolled up newspaper!. Hau'oli in particular is a popular spot, right on the coast, with some first class hotels, a mall and plenty of stores. There is even a spot for adventurous folks to try their luck at 'Mantine Surfing!'. 

    It is at the beach where Luke is located, settled down next to what seems like a tiny cat, a panda, and a round tiger!. To be precise, Luke is trying to train the first two, giving them commands, and guiding them through the motions while the tiger watches from its position sprawled under the sun.
This was a diffrent sort of day for Ash. Normally when on the islands he'd go track Miwa down, but the lady does have her own life to live and trueth be told he had hoped a few... friends? Associates? Co-workers? He wasn't sure where he stood with team Star Wolf, but he did recommend they come visit when time permitted as the place had good weather, no real problems to speak of, or warrents out for any of them... that he knew of anyway.

However as a contractor rather than team member proper Ash kinda did what he wanted within reason. Right now that meant walking a sandy beach looking every inch a tourist; what with the eye bleedingly loud hawaian print shirt, knee-length shorts, and sandals. So him seing Luke wasn't all that unusual. He was curious on how 'normal' trainers worked so he made his way to what was going on.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf O'Donnell is on the scene. With the various kinds of pokemon to be found, both native and exotic, some people may not look twice at him. Well, maybe twice -- but not three times. In most cases. Most of his rugged biker fashion is absent. He wears only a black muscle shirt and his pants. His boots have been removed altogether and rest, near some of his other belongings, under a beach parasol atop a lounge chair. His sidearm is hidden amongst those very things. His pendant shines in the sunlight as he takes a step out into the sand with his bare feet and looks around the area for a good moment before sniffing the air and turning back to look over his stuff. 

     Wolf, well, looks really rough. While medical tech in his World is great, it can still only do so much. He still has burns on his ears and hands and a few patches of fur that have been burned down, but have been growing back in. All in all, he's already a scarred figure with an eye patch. The extra damage only adds to his grizzled appearance. Perhaps that's why he's here now -- a little downtime and recovery?
Fionn Nichols
     Sun! Warmth! Sure it's a little on the tropical side, but this is Fionn's kind of ambience. He's traded his flight leathers in for a purple hawaiian shirt. Open, and none beneath; a pair of many-pocketed shorts and almost comically oversized sunglasses. Or maybe glasses proportionate to his ears. He's a ~little~ bit tall to be a Braixen, but one might wonder here and there. He sips at a tall ruby-red glass and glances around the beach basently. If one didn't know any better, they could assume Fionn actually relaxed. 

     "I hope you don't mind if I put down a few feelers while we're here..." The Fennec muses. "Unlike most worlds, it seems like looking for rare and strange creatures doesn't attract a lot of attention. The amount of divergence here is... fascinating." To say the least. He watches Luke and his team in absent attention, as example.
Luke Gray
    Luke is unaware of the visitors, or at least, keepign his focus on his pokemon!. He was wearing casual clothes as well, just shorts and a shirt, and a cap for the sun. After watching his kitten pokemon try to swat at the ghost panda a few more times, he rubs his chin. "Ok, let's try something else." he finally says, "Pangshi, let's try that TM move I got you.", turning back to the relaxed electric tiger. "I need you to be the training dummy for this, but I am sure you can handle that." Dynamo (the electric cat) yawns and stretches for a moment, finally getting up, padding around and sitting in a different spot, just to avoid any stray attack bother another visitor. "Ok, Dynamo, Light screen.". As soon as he says that, something happens, electricity surges from the sleepy looking pokemon, said energy gathering around the cat, forming a translucent yellow dome around it. Of course, at this point, Luke likely catches a few glances, due to the usage of pokemon moves in the beach. 
     Meanwhile, the panda waddles into position, standing 'tall'. "Ok Pangshi, Shadow ball!" The panda lets out a loud 'shiii!' as darkness seems to gather in front of it, it looks... quite flashy honestly, forming an orb of power in front of it, "That's it..." Luke encourages. The energy ball grows to the size of a baseball, a football... the panda makes a motion to launch it!. The orb seems to deflate quickly as it slowly floats towards the intended target, wobbling and twitching, barely the size of a golf ball as it reaches the edge of the 'barrier' around Dynamo, and fizzles out. "Ok, that's progress, you managed to reach the target this time."
"Well," Ash looked to Fionn nd shrugged, "Could argue the locals having a pokemon as a pop singer and several other worlds having peaceful introductions at least on the local sphere has done a bit to help with the whole blending in thing." Unlike Fionn he didn't have a drink in hand. Then again his drink was with the tablet he'd beeen reading under a sun umbrella further back. He looked up, stretching as he did so and laughed softly. "I'd say right about that far away is a good distance to be from the nearest star."

Considering not terribly long ago he was busy helping empty a station of everything and everyone he could before the star it was orbiting gave it a hug? He had opinions on the matter.

"Thing I find odd is how the whole human-pokemon arena pit fighting thing is... well.." He gestured to Luke, "Amazingly cooperative." His mind flashed back to Rathuum's sending the condemned to die in stacked odds matches, and the Index's prize fighting. "I couldmake a case against it, but considering if i had my kubrow out of stasis I'd probably run through live fire drills as a way of playing with her? Who'm I to judge?" He missed his kubrow... even though she was 'at best' a horrifying abomination. It was on his to do list to get his ship fixed so she could get thawed out. Then again by then he might just find someone else to take care of her. Cetus needed good guard animals and she liked running along the plains, so it wasn't like she'd be stuck on some kennel in one of the relays.

Ash nodded at the practice session in progress and smiled. "Hope you don't mind the audiance." He gave the pokemon a small wave. "Don't mind me."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Yeah, knock yourself out, Nichols," replies Wolf in Fionn's direction mostly as an aside (as the fennec seems to get a reply from another at the same time) as he looks around for the sunscreen he purchased at the local beach supplies kiosk. Picking up the little tin, he opens the lid and scoops a little of the material out with a finger before replacing the top and tossing it down onto the chair with his stuff again. He carefully applies the stuff to the area just behind his nose and over some of the patches on his ears and the back of his head where the fur is too short to really protect from the ultraviolet radiation. Sunscreen is often white or clear overall so it blends in well with Wolf's gray and white fur. 

     Any comments made concerning the causes of his current physical discomforts goes summarily ignored -- Ash can talk about whatever he wants, but the last things Wolf wants to think about right now are the events that took place around Solar. "Drink isn't a bad idea. Though, I suppose everything around here is going to be...flowery." Wolf hasn't taken notice of Luke, yet. Honestly, it's just another trainer doing trainer things in a world full of such people. Those pieces haven't clicked yet.
Fionn Nichols
     "That it does. Everyone benefits from neutral ground, anyway. Being able to unwind like this..." Fionn nods to Ash stretches and rolls one of his shoulders with a *pop.* "Don't suppose they license off-worlders, do they?" It never hurts to ask. The line of fruity beverage continues to descend Fionn's glass. He also grins at Wolf. "Tourist stuff is froofy. Local might be your speed." He pointedly does not comment on Wolf's injuries or care; no sense in rubbing salt in. If the boss wanted something, well, he's there. 
     Again, he ends up distracted on the details of the training. But where to begin? Even as a passing curiosity there's so much in there to tap into. So much taken for granted. "... I imagine if they minded an audience, they would not be practicing in a place known for crowds," Fionn muses.
Luke Gray
    Luke was reaching around to pet the small panda thing, "That was a good effort." he repeats, offering encouragement, while Dynamo casually grooms it's muzzle, the light screen glowing around it, it was bound to last a bit longer still. As Ash and the others get a bit closer, the 3rd pokemon turned around, a little kitten with a round coin on it's forehead, a 5 yen coin. It greets the fox person and Ash with a curious 'mew?' and a tilt of it's head. 

    In the meantime, Luke finally heard someone talking near him, and turns around, "Oh, I don't mind at all, it's not like I am doing anything that needs to be a secret!, I am also happy to answer questions if I can." he replies with a grin, looking curiously at Ash and Fionn, wiht the fennec drawin his attention the most. This is the second animal person he meets... wonder if it is related to... and then he sees Wolf!, he blinks in surprise, and waves a hand in his direction, before focusing on the pair, "I'm Luke."
"Only so much room on an island, and some people just like the beach." Ash gestured out to where surf met sand. "Not exactly my cup of tea but you can do far worse in life." What was what Ash preferred? Take away the whole 'being on fire and about to be ripped apart' aspect and exploring a derelict space station suited his speed better. Hold on any zombies, genetic abominations, or the like please. That he could do without.

"By the wya Fionn. Did you get those data sheets from Ordis on interfacing with gear from my end of things?" As Ash spoke he settled into a traditional cross legged 'lotus' position on the sandbefore floating roughly a meter above it. He figured Fionn would appreciate a good puzzle towork through better than him be it data or hardware. Even if the interfacing and other technical data provided was incomplete, it'd give Fionn a starting point if the situation called for it.

As for luke? Ash lookd to the catlike creature and smiled. "Hello there. Don't mind me."
Wolf O'Donnell
     O'Donnell doesn't take note of Luke's wave. For the moment, he walks away from the group to go purchase one of those silly frilly drink things that seem to be pretty popular. If the warmth of the sand bothers some people's bare feet, it certainly doesn't seem to bother Wolf. For the moment, he's fairly absent from the goings-on, but give him a few minutes to sluggishly wander along and back again and he'll make an appearance behind Fionn once more to see what the center of attention is. Sadly, just holding the fruit-shaped drinking vessel is a bit painful...but the middle-aged lupine doesn't show it.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn gives a bow, drink in one hand and the other to his chest. He doesn't acknolwedge Wolf's wander but one of those ears does radar after the larger lupine. "Fionn. Just a passer-by, but charmed all the same." Where he felt 'comfortable,' and where he felt 'at home' were two completely different things. Home was not particularly a relaxing place. 

     "I did. I fear it's just moving up from 'late night reading,' but I'm catching up on the duty roster." He lowers his sunglasses down his snoot a bit. "I'm surprised how optimised a lot of your systems are. It makes repurposing a little tricky. May be a... break-down-and-rebuild scenario for some of this, but I'll see what I can do." He smiles over at Luke. "... ah, but don't mind us. Were you just out for the exercise? Or making a day of it?"
Luke Gray
    Luke rests his hand on the hat of the ghost panda, who seems intrigued on the fuzzy person and the fact a seemingly 'normal' person is floating!, tilting it's head and trying to walk out of Luke's reach to check on the Fennec fox!. It seems to struggle for a moment, before remembering it IS a ghost pokemon, and suddenly phasing through Luke's hand, who squeaks in surprise. "Hey, Pangshi!, just be nice!"

     While the pair discuss about some particular details of something... he does not get, the panda wearing a chinese chi vampire costume waddles around Ash, poking a paw under him, and not wanting to be outdone, struggles to levitate a couple inches from the ground himself, floating unsteadily towards the fennec, one paw reaching around to touch the fox's tail.
    . Luke grins to Fionn, "Oh, Making a day out of it for sure, I am a pokemon trainer!, this is mostly what I do, train my pokemon and do stuff with them." he explains, "Just decided to do my thing on the beach today, Dynamo seems to like it.". He points at the 'tiger' who, after realizing the training was on pause, rolls on it's back and resumes luxruriating under the sun. It seems he just now realizes Ash is not touching the sand, "How are you doing that?" he asks, moving a bit closer.
"In fairness," Ash's eyes were closed as he floated above the sand, his position wavering with the split in attention, "As near as I can tell everything from home might as well be completely alien compared to most worlds." Orokin went whole hog into bio-computing at some point. Then you had the mosh of what the Tenno themselveshad done at differing points, corpus reverse engineering, and grineer 'hacks' often literally being to chop away at whatever the offending thing is. To call the computing and mechanical systems of his home a mess would be something of an understatement.

Ash's attention then turned to Luke. "Afraid I wouldn't be up for a 'proper' match, but since it's a nice day out maybe have your team have a sparring match against me?" He wobbled before unfolding his legs and standing. "Wouldn't be much really, but I figure Fionn and Wolf could use the laughs." Ash smiled in spite of knowing full well that in a 'real' fight against pokemon he would get utterly crushed without his warframe. Still. It's all in good fun right?

"I figure worse that happens those two get something to laugh at later." He gestured to Wolf and Fionn. "I mena fine it isn't league standard, but I'm... a little tougher than I look and the pokecenter's yonderway." He gestured in a vague direction towards town.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Figure I could use the what now?" asks Wolf as he steps up behind the shorter fuzzy person, but not too close as to interfere with the inspection given of Fionn's tail by one of Luke's pets. He cradles the over-sized drink in one hand and would tuck the other into his pocket, but that would be far too uncomfortable at present. Hopefully it's not too odd for Fionn hanging out with his boss during 'off hours'. That can be a painful dynamic for some to handle. 

     "Actually, here, can you -- would you hold this for me for a moment, Nichols?" asks Wolf of the fennec fox as he holds out his the fruit-shaped and fruit-flavored drink. He requires both hands free in order to reach down, pull the tail of his shirt free from his waistline, and then cross his arms gripping that end of the garment to pull it up over his head and free. This fully exposes his form from the waist up and, despite the fur hiding a bit of definition, it's more than obvious how ripped he is for his age. The lack of a shirt also exposes many more old scars that shows his face and ears aren't the only parts of him to get abused in his line of work. Tucking that shirt through a belt loop, Wolf reaches out to take his drink back. "That's better. Now, what did I miss?"
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn gives a passing smile to the creature. They were strange things, intelligent, but not having the same pitfalls that other aliens did. At least at a glance. His tail gives an idle flick-flick at the touch. "Not something I can pull apart overnight, I admit, but you yourself should be compatible enough with it for me to come up with ~something.~" He nods to Luke. "... as long as we're not in the way. I'm curious how one goes about getting licensed to catch and train these..." He glances over his shoulder and smiles. "Pangshi, is it? Well, the whole flock." Of course he did some reading up on this place from what literature was available, because why wouldn't he. Even if it was grabbed hastily on the trip. 

     One could wonder if Wolf and Fionn were 'friends,' or what. "Sure, boss." He doesn't need to look up, but he does to be polite, taking the other drink into hand. He looks back, for and only for Wolf to ask for his drink back. Totally. "Oh, our old friend here wants to see how long he'll last against one of the local fighters... friendly sport and all that." Fionn sounds faintly amused, at least.
Luke Gray
    The creature looks cute, it has the panda colors, black and white, but it seems to be 'wearing' a costume, which includs a 'spell tag' (basically a strip of paper with writing on it) on it's front. The only detail that makes the creature look off, are the small fangs and red eyes... and the fact it keeps trying to levitate of the ground to reach for the tail. It lets out a happy 'pang!' as Fionn talks to it, smiling, it is clearly intelligent enough to understand it seems.

    Luke meanwhile smiles, "Well, I figure it depends how seriously you want to handle things... I don't think there is any actual law stopping you from buying a basic pokeball and trying to catch some of the weaker pokemon." he says, "If you mean to participate in regulation fights, try the league and get the better pokeballs and such, then you might need to talk with the people of the pokemon league, and then receive your starting pokemon, or use one you caught on your own, but I don't think it should be too hard."

     Wolf's arrival gets another wave from Luke, noticing that, as he suspected, the fox and wolf do know eachother!. He was about to talk more to Fionn when he hears the offer, "Well, most of my pokemon are... not very battle worthy, and the others are on the higher tier of combat." he replies, rubbing his chin, "I mean, you can certainly try, I am sure Agni might have fun doing some light sparring with someone." Even as he says that, he reaches for a pokeball on his belt, and clicks on it.

     He returns the kitten, before it darts of to try to steal pocket change from other visitors, before releasing a different one. This one is big, orange reddish and cream, the beast stretching around and yawning, before glancing curiously at the two fuzzy people and Ash. "Do you feel like sparring with him?" he asks, pointing at the 'human', the bear creature tilting it's head and finally nodding, 'Bear!'. "I think he does."
A small laugh from Ash when Luke chose what would be his sparring partner. Honestly? He wasn't sure what to make of the furball as he stepped away from Fionn. "Just a friendly match. I'm not going for knockouts, but well..." He trailed off, flexing the fingers of his right hand. "Loser buys drinks sound good?"

He smiled at the pokemon before pacing away from the crowd. Then he extended hsi right arm, pointing at the sand with his palm. There was a sound almost like an inhale before a hand wide bar of pulsating light erupted from his hand. WIth this Ash traced a circle in the sand almost the size of a sumo ring before the beam died down. He took a deep breath, again flexing the fingers of his right hand, making a fist and then letting his arm fall to his side before stepping into the roughly made ring.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Wolf does, naturally, see the wave in greeting this time from Gray and returns with, "Hey, kiddo." Despite knowing Miwa and understanding the general kind of intellect that some of the animals from this world possess, it's hard not to think of them as pets when they seem to serve that role so readily. "This should be interesting," he remarks, then, upon seeing this display of drawing in the sand, immediately follows up with, "Good idea. Get the showing off out of your system before the rumble begins." 

     It might make one wonder if Wolf knows Ash already, too, with that kind of heavy-handed remark that somehow still maintains a level of teasing playfulness about it. The rough-looking lupine takes a few steps to the side using his free hand to reach out to give Fionn a pat on the shoulder. The touch is certainly lighter than normal. "Go easy on him, now." Wait, to whom is he speaking?
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn is forbidden his usual thoughtful habits by having to hold two drinks. He doesn't complain, but his left ear twitches a few times instead. "Something tells me you'd like it better here than offworld..." He muses to the vampanda. "I'm not really interested in the sport of it. I'd just like to make sure that my activities here are... kosher." Above board. Legal. And he makes no passing mention of the Rotom that would likely be of utmost interest to him. Or maybe a Porygon. 
     Fionn scans the beach for any other observers, just as happy to have things as they are. He makes a soft sound at the touch, still holding that drink steady. His own is looking a bit low at this point. "There is showing off, and there's what some call 'fighting spirit'..." He muses.
Fionn Nichols
     The Fennec passes off the glass, yes, leaving little pad marks around the bottom rim in condensation.
Luke Gray
     Luke smiles as he listens to Fionn, "Oh, I am sure that, unless you try to go around stealing people's pokemon, capturing hundreds, or shooting guns around near towns or trying to mess up with other trainers, it should not be a problem for the most part, I am even sure some trainers might enjoy helping you capture your pokemon.". He makes no comment at the talk of sport, he realizes what it looks like, instead, he chuckles a bit and turns around to glance at Ash, nodding subtly as Wolf speaks, "Be careful Agni." he adds. 

    Meanwhile, Agni watches what Ash does curiously, intrigued at the light coming from his hands!. He looks back at Luke, he didn't know humans did that... does that mean Luke can learn that?, maybe he should train the boy so he levels up and learns moves. Still, that comes after the spar, the fluffy creature carefully stepping into the circle, taking his position in front of the human and slowly rearing up to a standing position, forepaws raised as he takes a fighting stance, nodding a bit at Wolf's words.

     Finally, Pangshi settles to watch the fight next to Fionn and Wolf, twitching his tail and vocalizing something towards the fighters, before sitting down to watch, tail twitching.
Trueth be told Ash drew his line in the sand to show Luke that he didn't need to treat Ash like just some crazy person wanting to wrestle a bear. Well that and as much as he would deny it there was an element of showing off. After all when what few memories you have paint you as being treated like some kind of demon freak, people not either wanting to turn you into a lab rat or making some kind of warding like you're the unholy devil spawn of cthuhlu would encourage a small bit of showing off that uniquensss.

He gave a bow to Wolf and laughed, "If this guy doens't punch my everything in it's gonna be a miracle." Sure Ash has fought against what amounts to genetically crafted and specifically grown super-soldier killers that tower over normal men, but that was always with the dvantage of space to work with. He specifically made the ring only a few meters wide to deny himself the ability to dodge around. He won't get the luxury all the time and might as well work on his weaknesses rather than play at his strengths.

He bounced on the toes of his feet, keeping his heels raised as he streched his arms. Frankly he was hoping the cat or the panda-thing were going to step in. Not that he wanted an easy fight, but he wanted to give the proverbial new kids a warm up target rather than 'here you get to fight a literal fire-bear.' Done is done though. He gave an easy smile as he faced Agni, "OK, that little trick there? Most people can't do that and can't learn it." He then stood straight and bowed deep to his opponent before taking his own widestance.

There was that little voice of panic in the back of Ash's head, which promptly got gagged, chained, and thrown in the depths of his mind. His features hardened as he made a series of experimental jabs, testing to see if he could force Angi to make the first commital move, or if he'd have ot figure out hwo to deal with a defensive opponent that had a mass advantage on him and limbs short enough to make leveraging more of an issue than against a human opponent.
Luke Gray
Agni takes the fight seriously, ears twitching to hear commands from Luke, even as he heard the explanation and offered a nod, looking serious. The bear even tries to return the bow, bending forward a bit. Luke just motions 
    Agni to consider his actions, and seems the jabs do get a reaction from him, the lumbering beast suddenly trying to move out of the way of the 'attack', before raising one heavy paw and swatting at Ash, there is a complete lack of fire, and seems the bear is trying not to 'slash' at the human at least!. Of course, this is not what the bear usually does, and thus, the move is clumsy, and slow.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Under normal circumstances Wolf would be happy to make more jabs about stepping in to show people how it's done if the 'kid' (Ash) is unable to manage properly. However, he's...just not in the kind of physical condition to back up such words. This allows Ash more room to just be himself without that level of added pressure. No, he stands there with drink in hand taking in the scene with interest, although with much less visible excitement. He almost looks like, if one didn't know any better, like a father passively watching kids play. "If you don't come out of this having fun, then you've done something wrong," he says. And that's all.
Similarly Ash was fighting instinct to do what came natural, which frankly would have been to take advantage of his opponent's clumsy swing by hopping just out of range and either shooting them i nthe face, in the knees, or other sensative and thinly armored areas. That is not what Ash did. Instead he moved his upper body out of the way. He couldnt' call it a dodge if his shirt got ruffled from the force of the swing now could he?

In that moment between swing and recovery Ash was essentially on the pokemon's right side and swung just below where the rib cage would be on most people. No overt void tricks yet, but even without flash and roar it still suffused hsi body meaning the blow would hit harder than what his size would suggest.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn waves his free hand. "I remember last time someone tried to rope Star Wolf into the poaching business. What was it you said...?" The desert fox curls a bit of a smile, watching the brewing fight with increasing interest. Fionn rarely has an opponent of similar size in life. "Try aiming for the horn," he offers helpfully, before attempting to pet the vampanda nearby.
Luke Gray
    The small panda thing lets out a chirp when petted, leaning into the attention and watching with quite a bit of interest, twitching a bit on the sand. Luke seems to notice that situation and smiles, "What, did you want to take a shot against Ash, Pangshi?" he says. The fact that Ash manages to dodge Agni's clumsy swipe and sneaks some hits on his right side seems only to impress the small pokemon. Agni seems to notice that, grunting (mostly in surprise) by the hits on his fluffy frame, his other paw moving around swat at Ash's left side, or at least, maybe force some distance. "Hey Ash, would you agree for someone to tag in?"
Ash responded to the swipe by attempting to roll away. He could feel the claw briefly make contact which were this afull 'proper' match would likely present a fire hazard. 

As is He managed a grin as he hopped back, "Your call. Thisis your team so treat this like a proper fight." He smiled at Agni and lunged forward fist first to try punching Agni in the chest. An experianced fighter like Wolf would note Ash overextending himself, sacraficing sure footing for more forward momentum, something Agni probably would also recognize.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Of course Wolf notices this. Ash made the same mistake the night they met trying to get in yet another free hit. But, it's not Wolf in the ring and he's not the one that might get potentially tagged in. He says nothing about this, but he does click his tongue twice about it. He sips his drink fairly quickly, but not too fast for the super-chilled beverage made with crushed ice to give him a freeze headache. "Yes, well," he says regarding Fionn's recollection and analogy. "He might be a rare breed, but I don't think he'd make a very impressive rug. More...maybe a tablecloth."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn does some quick mental calculus and glances at his empty drink. "... I suspect I'll be able to get a refill in about three minutes..." he murmurs. A glance is given to Pangshi, and then the sparring pair. "If you say so, sir," he answers to Wolf's jest. "Perhaps you ought to give up the rough life and take up interior design."
Luke Gray
    Agni's chest is covered in quite a bit of fur, but it does little to cushion the punch from Ash, which ends up as a solid hit!. The bear grunts loudly, before to the attack with a (delayed) growl and stepping back, visibly just hamming up the fight for Pangshi's benefit. As they talk about 'tagging' the fire bear turns around towards Luke for a moment, nodding and rubbing his chest. The small ghost panda quickly walks closer, waving its short limbs, "Ok!, then Agni, come back, Pangshi, go ahead.". The bear offers the closest to a grin it can to Ash, and trundles out of the 'arena', while the overly eager panda hops in its instead. 

     The ghost panda's eyes glow, and it begins to float slightly from the ground, clearly doing an effort at beign intimidating, while Luke tries not to chuckle at the fire bear. "Ok, are you two ready?" he asks. The small ghost panda lurches ahead, trying to tackle Ash.
To be honest Ash was surprised Angi even felt the blow through the fur. That was a very very solidly built pokemon. Solid enough that it felt like hitting armor instead of muscle. He grinned as he slid back and raised his right hand behind him while extending his left forward palm up before making a 'come here' gesture by curling and uncurling his fingers.

Then as the little panda trundled forward Ash had to mentally check himself. winding down to helping the new clannie get used to their warframe legs. So his movements slowed, making an apparent effort to get out ofthe way in an attempt to keep the impression that he wasn't completely dismissive of the little panda ghost, but at the same time the audiance would likely understand Ash was drastically slowing himself down for the sake of the little guy.

When contact was made Ash had already braced, but he'd rait it at a good solid panda and a half, causing his body to tense. He didn't feel in any way threatened as he held his position and looked at his opponent. "Alright little guy. Now how well do you take getting pushed back?" His tone was friendly as he gave a quick shove to see how the wee panda reacted. It wasn't an 'everythign he had' sort of shove, bu givnen simple physics it'd probably send the little guy away quite easily.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Already beat you to it, Nichols. Sargasso Station might be Venomian in origin, but who do you think decided how to best set it up after I took it over? Here's a hint: It's not hot pink, so it wasn't Leon." Wolf is so much more tired-looking than he really is, but while such intense body-strain might be impressive at the time, it often comes with a heavy price in the long run. Especially when you get some years on you. 

     Despite the fact he has his stuff sitting on a chair a short distance away, the eyepatch-wearing wolf seeks to claim a nearby beach chair/parasol table combo to sit, put his drink down, limit the sun exposure to his burns (despite the cream applied to the bare and thin spots), and relax with a view of the void-drawn sandy sparring ring and its occupants.

     Grunting as he eases back into the chair before taking a moment to rub over his face, O'Donnell tries to not show his soreness too openly while spectating this sport. "Go get another drink if you want it. Maybe grab something for the kids having fun in the sand, too? I' theirs."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn grins and puts a hand on his hip, peering at Wolf. "As if anything on that station would be there without your say-so, heh... still. I'll have to make sure that's added to your list of fearsome epithets. Decorator of outposts..." He has his own empty glass to return, too. And strongly suspects that he'll miss something fun; but it's technically instructions, and he feels compelled to follow without complaint. 
     For a moment longer he studies the group. Limited drink selection makes it at least somewhat easy to guess favorites, which he thinks on a moment before tromping off, brush-tail swishing.
Luke Gray
    Pangshi lands the hit 'headfirst' bumping back and still 'hovering' somewhat on the ground, shaking it's head from the clumsy tackle, before it replies to the comment with a grin and a 'come hither' motion of paws. There is a look of concentration on the ghost panda, actually closing it's eyes as Ash's hand reaches at him, turning intangible just as the hand brushes his fur, causing it to go through the small creature!. Ghost powers!. The panda remains, eyes closed for a moment longer, before opening both eyes, smiling brightly as he managed to dodge!. It wastes a bit of time feeling happy it actually worked, before trying to attack again. 

     The counter attack seems to be a bit odd as well, the panda's shadow suddenly growing more solid and extending over the ground, a shadow limb raising to try to 'shove' Ash from behind.

     It seems the kind of move that might be useful, if done... swiftly, and as inmediate reaction... but the small panda seems a bit too slow. Still, if it 'hits' it feels about as strong as the previous tackle attempt, perhaps a bit stronger, surprisingly.

    Luke watches curiously, leaning on Agni and cheering from the sideline, "That's great work Pangshi!" begins, then facepalms as it decides to try to be 'fancy' rather than fast, but says nothing. Luke seems too focused on the 'spar' to reply to the others.
The ghost trick caught Ash off guard, causing him to wobble before recovering. "OK Good!" He gave a laugh, "You're gonna need to work on doing thta with your eyes open thoug- Hey!" Ash stumbled forward a step at the shadow shove, inwardly laughing. This was just a kid after all. One that's found a neat toy to play with.

Ash then kicked sand at the little bear , waiting to see if the little guy could react to the sudden new thing happening. Normally ash would have either dove straight in punching, or fire a void blast, but it's like fighting a child. He's trying to avoid overhwelmingthe little guy.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Settled in for the time being, Wolf watches the fight without actually saying too much. Well, aside from, "Great Sand Attack, Ash. Follow up with Iron Tail." The mercenary knows little about actual pokemon rules or moves; he just tosses out a little from what he has heard in order to be amusing. 

     The watched fight is similar to watching the younger kids learning basics in the Academy back on Corneria. Some kids learn a lot at a very young age, but the system's militaristic society is the linchpin of its overall success interstellarly. He makes mental notes as the friendly spar continues; perhaps they can be points of conversation later if those like Ash ever decide to step in a ring with somebody like Wolf. He is both relaxed but scrutinous.
Fionn Nichols
     Such thoughts in turn might be bittersweet for Fionn, who is focused more on the beach atmosphere than the intricacies of the combat. After a few moments, he returns with a small tray and several tall glasses, different fruity shaves and different colors of juice inside. He sets them down on the table Wolf has claimed and picks his own back up. "Mmm. There's sparing... you ever play-fight?" he wonders to Wolf. Continuing idle banter, though not providing quite the same... color commentary as his boss.
Luke Gray
    The sand certainly surprises the bear, causing a squeak and getting right into it's eyes and snout, coughing and trying to clean it from there!, the bear wobbles in the air, before the half blind little guy tries another tackle, wildly out of the mark!. Luke just chuckles loudly at Wolf's clear expertise, "Seems you been checking info about this!" he calls.
Ash dodged... right into the path of the little guy's literal shot in the dark, throwing himself bak and letting himself get knocked off balance. The whole time he grinned, having the time of his life as he hammed up the fall, arms flailing until his back hit sand.

"Nice hit smallfry. You alright?" Ash pushed his opponent off of him and rolled away before getting to his fet.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Lifting an eyebrow, Wolf turns his head to look over the table to Fionn. "What, like with pillows and foam noodles?" He reaches over to pick up that large Pinap-shaped drinking glass of his to sip some more of the fruity mix. "Not really. Imagine if a video of me doing something like that got out on the extranet. Such scandal." He does smile a bit as he makes the joke, but only just a bit. Blink and you'll miss it. 

     "What? Nope. Just echoing stuff I've heard other battlers says. Or pokewarriors. Or whatever they were called. What, is Sand Attack really a thing?" he calls out to Gray in return, then quickly asides to Fionn a repeat. "Sand Attack is a thing?" A pause, then raised voice to Ash states, "We'll make a pokemon out of you yet, kiddo. Drinks over here on the table if you get too hot or thirsty." For a moment -- for the barest possible moment -- Wolf almost sounds like a father.
Fionn Nichols
     "Well, even just a good tumble... pup's play mostly. But I'll keep your other meaning in mind." Fionn laugh-yips quite softly. His ear swivels towards wolf, then back, as he leans one palm up against the table. "Rather peaceful here, all things considered." He looks in at the panda in concern, rubbing at his face automatically. Sand will do that. "... Oh. Yeah. One of the sanctioned moves, believe it or not? It's not considered dirty fighting, except in the most literal sense. I guess with the wide variety of abilities these critters have, almost anything is game."
Luke Gray
    The ghost panda seems to be kind of worn, even as it ends up on top of ash, chuckling a bit and taking the offered hand to stand up, this time touching the ground, still cleaning sand from it's face with oen paw.     Luke chuckles a bit more as Wolf continues to tease Ash, nodding a few times "Yes, it is." he replies with a grin, before glancing back at the Panda ghost, "Want to call it a tie?" he tells Pangshi, who glances back at his opponent, tilting it's head a bit before nodding slowly.
Ash gavea faint smile while extending an arm, fist first, to the little panda. "Draw sounds good. "Youv'e got learning to do, but that's what these things are for ya?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Come on, now," Wolf jabs at Fionn. "This kind of downtime already has me impatient to dig my fingers back into work -- a sentiment I'm sure you understand -- and it's only because I /know/ I should take the time to recover that has me able to just sit about like this. You can't expect me to roll about in the sand, too, yeah?" 

     In response to the fight, well, Wolf ponders clapping, but with the state of his fingers that would be a very bad idea. "Come get something to drink and cool off a bit, or maybe go wash some of that sand off or you'll get itchy. I'm not getting up, though. You'll have to fetch your own chair."
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn will give a delighted clap in Wolf's stead, at least, and smile back his way. "I know, I know.. gotta come back with something big to get that energy out." And make it look like that downtime was all about plotting and planning. Well, someone is certainly in charge of that. There's at least one chair he hasn't laid claim to, but that certainly won't be enough for the lot. Honestly, Fionn might be content just flumping in the sand. Especially if it's groomed, touristy stand. "Good work, you two!" Fionn praises Ash and the Panda in equal measure.
Luke Gray
    Luke makes sure to go over there and check on Ash and the pokemon, chuckling a bit and picking the sandy bear, "I need to get you clean later, how about a snack for now?" he says happily, while the bear takes the praise from the fennec with a happy chirp. 
    The boy moves back with the others for now, finding his own chair and simply smiling, "Thanks for the little practice, Ash."
"Hey I need the practice out of the tin suit and I have a feeling the big guy there will want a rematch." Ash busied himself brushing sand out of his clothes, "All in all I'd say everything's good."

He wandered over to where Wolf was and smiled, "So how'd you like the show old man?" He wasn't expecting much from the bounty hunter, but this was a nice distraction from the usual mess that went on in life.
It's rather fortunate that no one was looking for Miwa earlier, as she was not currently home. She was however heading back that way after a visit to the neighboring Akala Island. As she passed through the barrier reef surrounding the beach area she called home, and headed closer to shore, at first the beach seem to have it's usual crowd of locals and tourists. However as she got closer still, she noticed that a few of the people gathered were friends, and the whole group was off worlders. 

At this point they could probably see her too, but it wasn't long before she swam up onto the beach and began walking on her flippers toward the little beach party. "You all throw a party on my beach and don't invite me? I feel like I should be insulted." She teases, punctuating it with a laugh to make it clear she wasn't really hurt too much by the situation, and she also offers everyone a big wave.
Luke Gray
    Ended up settling near the others, focused mostly on his Pangshi, using a brush, a comb and such to try to clear the sand from it's face, and thus, not quite seeing his friend coming around at first!. Dynamo, being a bit farther from the others, and casually soaking some sun, spots the water type first, offering a growl and slowly padding towards her in greeting. Agni was returned to it's pokeball to nap some more. Luke only truly notices Miwa when she speaks, chuckling a bit, "I'd give you a call, but I don't think you have a cellphone!" he begins, before pausing, "Wait, do you?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Eh, it was all right for watching a couple pups roll around in the sand in a tickle competition," retorts Wolf with a cold edge that is tempered with a predatory grin at Ash's question. He rests his drink on his lap; the cold is nice against the burns on his fingers, but they feel sore after too much contact. His ear turns before his head does, however, at a voice he's heard before. 

     And so the couple is complete once more: Ash and Mina. After all, Wolf met them as a pair to begin with back on Macbeth. "Gotta blame Ashley for that one," he says in Miwa's direction purposely making fun of Ash. The back and forth jabs don't stop. Wolf looks a lot worse off than any previous encounters Miwa has had with him, though. He thumbs at Fionn. "That one is innocent. This time. That's Fionn Nichols. He's with me. Fionn, that's, uh... Miwa, was it? She's a local."
Ash looked at the voice and smiled before walking over to greet Miwa proper. "Hey you, been a few days huh. What's new?" He was unreservedly and unashamedly happy to see the primarina.

Then he looked over to Luke and continued smiling before walking back to the group proper.
Fionn Nichols
     Fionn laughs into the back of his hand. "It looks like they had fun, anyway... good." His brush-tail gives a swish and his ears a perk at the approach of Miwa. Sunglasses lower down his snout as he considers the new visitor, or as he would be quick to suppose, one who they were visiting upon. "Friend of yours, then? Ah, I think you've mentioned..." He nods to Ash, and Luke, and gives a little bow and smile to Miwa. "Sorry for getting started without you, all the same! I'd be happy to scamper back and get you something, ahh..."
Miwa pats Dynamo gently with her flipper as he greets her, before retaining her smile as everyone else greets her in turn. "It's nice to see you all. Sounds like my name has already been mentioned, but I'm Miwa, and I belatedly welcome you all to Ula'Ula Island's largest beach, it's not really mine, but I do live nearby. As for having a phone, I sort of do." She answers Luke as she holds up her left flipper, revealing a small watch-like device strapped to the upper 'arm' of her flipper. "Bought it a while back when Ash and I went shopping one time." Finally her stomach growls and she blushes, her white cheeks turning bright pink. "Heh heh..., long swim from Akala, guess I'm a bit hungry."
Luke Gray
    Luke moves to greet Miwa with a hug, and of course, to offer her some snacks he still has left, whatever a hungry ghost panda hasn't tried to eat yet. "Glad to see you again Miwa." he says with a grin, glancing at the small device, "Remind me to ask you the number later." he says, "Might come in handy.". Dynamo seems content to stay near the source of petting, purring loudly and swishing a tail. Finally, Luke smiles to Fionn, "Don't worry, I can get something!." he says, "What would you like?" he asks to Miwa.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Clarifying to Fionn, Wolf states, "As you may be aware, Ash is one of our independent contractors. Miwa was looking to get some training from our personnel at Ash's expense, but she does a lot of travel." He gestures to Miwa with an injured hand. "Clearly. And Ash is lucky she didn't see him battling a different pokemon. If she knew that, she might get jealous," he jokes before lifting his drink to swallow down a bit more. He's nearly drained the large container, but it keeps him cool enough to keep from panting. To Miwa, Wolf asides, "There are a few drinks over here, but it's not food. Just trying to keep the kids healthy while you're away, apparently."
Fionn Nichols
     "Well, it's not like it's a vacation if you don't spoil yourself a little..." Fionn counters to Wolf, giving a little nod. "Clearly I need to spend more time socializing and less time with my head in the gears. What was that local specialty again...? Malasada, was it?" The fennec smiles over at Miwa, and glances at her wrist-bound device, genuinely curious. "... as mentioned, I'm Fionn, and apparently a waiter at heart."
Ash laughed at wolf's warning before looking to Miwa, "Luke's team needsa bit of a workout. I provided the training dummy." His head shoo at the self-depredation. "In all seriousness works' been..."

His mind flashed to the burning space station orbiting almost within the sun's coronasphere and in the process of what would technically be referred to as 'rapid unplanned disassembly' as a result. That along with the following 'having to go pick up the team leader because of a local political kerflaffle and a lot of warrents out for his arrest put it at a very not fun job at all. Nightmare inducing even.

"-Eventful." Ash saidafter a moment's pause that lasted too long. "Work has been eventful and I convinced bossmanhere to drop by the islands for some quiet." After all what's the worst that happens? team skull shows up only to run away if you towlsnap them?
Miwa leans into Luke's hug and smiles. "Missed me too I see. I guess next time I'll have to invite you when I go on a trip. As for what I'd like to eat, maybe a couple sandwiches and big malasadas, and some iced tea to drink? That would be lovely, thank you." Wolf's comment about Ash battling another Pokemon gets a grin from her but she doesn't dignify it with a verbal response. As he mentions drinks, does pose a question. "That wasn't one of the options you had at the table was it by chance?" 

Fionn gets a nod in turn. "Oh yes, did you already have some? They're the best when they're freshly made. But yes it is nice to meet you Fionn, have they been running you around getting everyone food and drinks?" She asks as she catches him eying her Poketch. "Curious? It's called a Poketch, it's made for Pokemon Trainers, so it does a few things I don't really need, but it has everything from an alarm clock to a Pokemon matchup checker, and of course makes calls. This one is fortunately a new model which is voice enabled, as it's a bit tough for me to work the touch screen with flippers. Finally, nodding to Ash, she questions. "Now that you mention it, Wolf does look like he narrowly survived having his house burn down. What was this 'work' you speak of?"
Luke Gray
    Luke admires the device for a moment, almost racin Fionn to the chance of getting snacks, taking barely moments to get some Masaladas and drinks, returning with a paper bag and some big glasses, one for Miwa, the other for himself. Meanwhile, his two pokemon remain near Miwa, Dynamo just flops next to Miwa. purring contently as it keeps trying to coax attentions from the primarina, and his Pangshi devours the last bit of a poffin he left for it, before it joins Miwa, apparently amazed by the water resistant device.
Ash shifted about now that he was very explicitly put on the spot about what work he'd been up to. After holding up a hand then pointing to a beach towl down the way he jogged off to go retrieve his tablet. Sure he could have just told Miwa what work was, but he needed a few moments to tamp down the mental equivilant of deer-in-headlights screaming.

As he jogged back he had flipped the device to a few of the more awe inspiring and only terrifying if you understood astronomy in any sense photoes of Ash's warframe with an archwing strapped to his spine approaching a very obviously damaged space station that was also very obviously terrifyingly close to the star it was orbiting. There would be other photoes all during Ash's rather frantic few hours of cleaning the place out of anythign and everything useful.... apparently up to and including a pair of fuzzy dice that were lazily floating in space.

"Short version? We had to evac the place after things went badly." He had taken the precauton of having these photoes and the less terrifying ones in their own album on the device. Some would even look rather beautiful, at least if you enjoyed pictures of space.
Wolf O'Donnell
     O'Donnell grimaces a bit at the question over recent events. He informatively replies with, "Yeah, there are drinks over here on the table. Fionn got them, I bought them; for them. They aren't alcoholic or anything." He lifts his own drink, or what's left of it in the Pinap Berry-looking glass. "Neither is mine." See? That's answers everything. Yep. Totally. 

     "Oh, also, there was this whole thing with rescuing people from a space station that was falling apart inside a red giant's atmosphere with lots of fire and we were all badasses and saved people. The end." His muzzle twitches. His statement somewhat punctuates the fact that he doesn't want to talk about the events that followed. He leans back in his seat and tries to get cozy, for what he can, and rests his eyes a bit while Luke and Fionn deal with making people happy with food and things. Wolf isn't getting up now that he's settled.
Miwa grins as Luke shows great interest in her poketch as well. "You should definitely get one Luke, like I said, they're made for trainers, so they have a lot of functions to help with various things." She offers before excitedly digging into the food Luke brought over for her. She starts with the sandwiches, munching on one as she holds it between her flippers. While eating, she listens as Ash and Wolf recount about what their last job was, and she is shocked by some of the pictures Ash shows her. "Wow... I don't think I ever want to be that close to a star. I'm getting hot just looking at the pictures. Ouch, that really sounds like a rough job. I'm really glad you're both OK."
Luke Gray
    Luke nods to Miwa's explanation about the device, "I have an old Pokenav, but i should get one of those more modern things." he says with a chuckle, "I think mine is past warranty." he muses, eaing a bit Masalada, even as his Pangshi tries to 'float' up and grab the electronic thing. "That sounds quite cool... my last adventure was in a wizard's tower, it was kind of scary... but nothing as amazing as going to space." he says, smiling. After a moment he grins, "Thanks for your help catching that little guy Miwa, I'll have to focus hard on training it."
The pictures really idn't do it justice, which was the whole point trueth be told since Ash didn't feel like sharing the down and dirty details of all the thigns in said station as it was burning up. "Yea i like the sun about tat far away," He pointed at the sky. "That is a good distance."

"Ordis thankfully could get both lander and warframe patched up. It's just that both would take time, which meant no warframe shennanagins for awhile. Oh well, that's the whole point of the thing right?

Ash flipped the tablet back to a book he had been reading before finding a steat on the sand. "So what's ben doing on your end. Music and mayhem?"
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Well, I mean, back ten years ago during the Great War there were a few missions around Solar. It's surprisingly cool once you get through the photosphere to the surface...comparatively. Andross wanted to find a way to weaponize the extremophiles living in the plasma around the surface of Solar." Wolf says this with an edge of tiredness to his voice, but is otherwise very nonchalant about the idea of having spacecraft buzzing just over the surface of a red giant. This might be a fact that could even surprise Ash. "Didn't happen. A lot of things during the War didn't happen..." he mumbles. Once upon a time such a statement might be laced with venomous anger. But now? There is only something distant and sad.
Fionn Nichols
     Apparently unlike Luke, Fionn is taking the scenic route. And while he does have his share of local specialties, he seems have taken an opportunity to stock up on fresh local fruit, too. Those bags are for back home. The mood has shifted certainly, and his radar ears swivel and lean in as he thinks. "... y'know, we could probably do some off-world tourism for a modest fee...."
Miwa finishes her sandwiches and washes them down with a few gulps of her iced tea, then rejoins the socializing while she anticipates how good the malasadas will taste. She does nod to Luke about his Pokenav. "Would be quite an upgrade. I'm really impressed by how much it can do despite being incredibly water resistant. I don't know if diving super deep in the open ocean would be a great idea, but it holds up to casual swimming around the islands just fine." Ash in turn gets a nod in agreement about the sun being a good distance away here, but Wolf has her blinking in surprise and she thinks she must have mis-heard him. "Did you just say that there are things living on the surface of a star where you come from? I mean, coming from a world where there are Pokemon who are more or less made of magma, I guess it shouldn't be too strange, but it is an order of magnitude hotter temperatures we're talking."
Luke Gray
Luke nods as Miwa mentions that, "Maybe they should get you to test how that works." he says, "I mean the diving deep bit." he adds, attention going again o the mention of sun creatures, tilting his head a bit, "I think... he did."
Ash sat there listening. He had his turn as the center of attention with the pokemon sparring thing. Now was someone else's turn, plus he didn't know much about these sun creatures or Andross really. Victors wrote history so naturally Andross was this horrible abomination but Wolf struck him as... oK he liked having his bills paid, but he didn't seem to go all in on the whole 'murdering for giggles and a pay bonus' thing.
Wolf O'Donnell
     Clearly, O'Donnell sounds like he's close to just falling asleep entirely. Maybe he found a comfortable position after all and the parasol at the table, at least for now, keeps him from getting overheated or sunburned on the thinly-furred spots. "Would be rough trying that with the Cornerian Alliance trying to control as much of the ins and outs as they can. They've backed off a bit, at least, since they lost money over some checkpoints around some of those wormholes -- the wormholes apparently moved rendering the outposts useless. But they still want to process as many as they can through inter-dimensional customs. It's a pain enough as it is for us using them. But, maybe." 

     And, to Miwa and Luke regarding such creatures on Solar, Wolf has only one statement to sum it all up: "Life is strange." He says something else after that, but it's heavily mumbled and under his breath. He doesn't seem to bother repeating himself; he stays silent while softly breathing. Did he fall asleep? He would never normally do such a thing in public. Then again, Fionn is around to watch his back. That's...really, honestly, saying something, but it could be lost amidst the numbers kept in company at present.
Fionn Nichols
     "If it's paperwork you're concerned about, I can handle that part..." Fionn stretches his arms high, and smiles around the beach. "Anythin' to get a chance to help our newfound friends experience the cosmos. 's a gift we can never take for granted!" But he needs his rest, and so he wiggles a left ear. "... well, we'll think about it." Before promptly, finally reclaiming his spot in the sand and unwrapping one of those fried delicacies. He smiles at Miwa and Luke. "Well, there are some extrodinary things where I come from, but in comparison, this world is just... so much richer in mystery." Not that his was devoid of it, just... magnitudes.
Miwa nods to Luke. "I'm no expert, but I think it's more of a matter that the higher pressure makes having the speaker and microphone required for using it as a phone a much bigger challenge. They do make poketches that can go deeper, but they have reduced functions, despite being just as, if not more expensive than the one I have." She then turns to Wolf and Fionn. "I would love to travel through space sometime, I bet it's even more pretty when you're up there. As for the rich wonder and mystery here, if any of you ever want to go wandering Alola, or even other parts of this world, I'd be happy to go with you. I've done a lot of traveling, but I'm sure there is still plenty I haven't seen. Not much time to see the sights when you're traveling as a performer."
Luke Gray
    Luke nods to Miwa, blinking a bit at the technical knowledge an dchuckling, "Guess you know far more than I do on that kind of stuff." he says, reachin over to grab his panda ghost before it slips out of reach. The talk of space traveling gets a nod, "I admit I'd love to see such things too, but then again there is still a lot of things I haven't seen yet in this world." he says softly. "I haven't seen a totem pokemon, or a legendary creature, or victory road back at Kanto." he muses, "Maybe I should finish things and explore this world before trying to make plans to move through space.
Fionn Nichols
     The fennec tilts his head to the side and smiles. "Well, it's an invitation, not an assignment. 'm just happy to show off our stars if I ever get the chance... I'm sure there's more to see than can ever be seen even here." He wiggles his nose and leans in to peer at Miwa. "Performer. I hear that a lot! Do you do any prints, or is it all live performances? I collect music back at the station." He glances over to Wolf, to see how much attention he's paying, and then smiles back. "... I do my best work when I'm listening to sommat or another... ahh, but don't let me put you on the spot. I'm just curious."
Miwa grins at Luke. "Well, if you end up taking the island challenge, you will certainly see a totem pokemon. Legendaries are more uncertain. I've never seen one either, but if you keep looking, maybe one day you'll find one. They don't call them legendary for nothing after all." She offers before turning her attention to Fionn. "Well, I used to be part of a musical theater troupe, so to get the full experience you really need the video. I think there is a shop on Akala which has the whole collection. I only just started my solo act, and it does have a lot of visual spectacle too, but maybe I should release some recordings. I'll let you know."
Fionn Nichols
     Island challenge. Totem pokemon. Legendary. Some terms Fionn is familiar with, others not so much. He makes a quick mental list of things to look up, though it seems outwardly that Miwa's clandestine discography is a part of it. "Best way to get ahold of us is probably through Ash right now? But I'll make sure you can have a line open, anyway." He winks and flicks a finger. "If I can make one of your shows, I will! I just might snag those though..." His gaze wanders back to Wolf, and he gives a little shrug. "We'll be in town a biiit longer, of course. No need to worry overmuch."
Luke Gray
    Luke smiles to Miwa and nods, "Yeah, one step at a time." he says softly, petting Pangshi and feeding it a Masalada, "I should get one of your records, Miwa." he says with a chuckle, sitting down again and glancing back at Fionn, "Sorry if I use random terms you might not get." he says, chuckling again, "If you ever want to know more about pokemon, I can try to help." he tells Fionn.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "...only as long as I absolutely have to be. I hate staying too idle," says Wolf as he stirs, even before his right eye opens up, before affording himself the opportunity to stretch his legs a bit. The fully topless lupine starts to sit up and reaches over pick up the overly large drinking glass a bit in gesture (it's clearly empty) which is accompanied by a grunt. "I drank that whole thing, crushed ice and all. Yep, that was way too much." He makes a face as he pushes up onto his feet. The shirt he removed and tucked into a belt loop has fallen free onto the ground during his little nap and the rest of his stuff still sits on a chair a distance away unattended. "Have fun, kiddos. I'm going to go find the local facilities. Whatever they put in these drinks will go right through you." With a grunt, O'Donnell snakes his way around and through the small gathering to begin wandering off.
Miwa chuckles at Fionn. "The name of the troupe I was in is Kailani, though you could probably just mention my name and they'd know what you were talking about anyways. I hope you like it. Also, I should be able to get you both a copy of my first solo performance. It was recorded on video now that I think about it. I already gave Ash a copy because he couldn't make it. The performance was right on this beach actually. It was great fun and I am excited to do more." She offers, smiling at Luke's interest. She nods at Luke's offering of info, and adds. "I know a lot about the Pokemon and traditions of Alola, but for things related to battling, Luke is probably better to ask. I've grown interested in that side of things as of late, but wasn't exposed to it for much of my life, not until I went out on my own." 

She momentarily turns to Wolf as he stirs and speaks for the first time in a while. When he mentions facilities, she realizes what he's talking about after a moment of thought. "Oh!... There are some toward the east end of the beach, and probably cleaner options at the Pokemon Center just a short walk up the road from the west side of the beach." She then turns back to her two remaining guests. "Well, looks like things are winding down. If either of you need me, just call, you can use the phone at the Pokemon Center if you need to." She says as she pulls out two cards of waterproof paper-like plastic with her name and number on it, offering one each to Fionn and Luke. "I can't write, so this was easier."
Luke Gray
    Luke takes the offered card and carefully places it in a pocket, "Thank you." he says with a grin, "I'll make sure to give you a call later." he says with a grin, before waving a hand towards Wolf. "Take care!". He glances at his pokemon, "I might laze here a bit longer."