World Tree MUSH

The Mysterious Silence

    A new kid in town has shown up, and has a problem he wants help with. Apparently there are some indigenous people in danger of being wiped out, a typical problem seen throughout history on various worlds. Someone's looking to help them out, but there's a very notable silence regarding the issue from one particular corner...

    Kicking off the Global Plot with this scene. This will NOT be required to understand or participate in the plot.
Character Pose
    The port city of Trista's Landing has been seeing a lot of Vine activity lately. Most of them have been very transient, just dropping people off nearby, but it isn't nearly at flash mob levels. Just people popping in now and then over the last several weeks. A few semi-stable Vines have settled nearby as well, but much to the frustration of the Callomia Empire that controls the port city, none of them offer an easy or safe route to land supplies or troops, requiring the port to keep its naval traffic going.

    The city is on a large island, but it's a largely undeveloped one. The city itself is even very new, with only a couple buildings like the port authority made of stone, but it's already had large wooden palasides set up around the perimeter... which must have taken a lot of work. It's also a relatively low-tech world right now, but a clunky steam engine roars in part of the city, providing electric lighting to the military buildings. Speaking of, there are a lot of troops moving about, too...

    And almost all of them are elves, with a few other 'typical' fantasy types such as dwarves or even ogres. This is unusual because the word that's been put out is to meet with a human, but it does make meeting the person asking for 'help' pretty easy. The sandy-haired fellow is leaning against the wall leading out of town, casually chatting about the news from the continent with one of the gate guards. Most unusual is how the request, sent out through dozens of different channels, specifically asked for help in dealing with a possible genocide. This city doesn't look like the sort of thing to do that, and the Bounty Offices of the Gardeners are the one organization that hasn't said a peep about this.
    Luckily for Magilou, she's really easy to mistake for an elf! What with the ears and everything. There weren't elves where she was from, but even so. The witch has shown up for the request, though she'd got it fifth-hand and by then it had been unclear whether the help being requested regarding the genocide was for or against it.

    She was willing to listen, either way.

    Of course, the occasionally questionable humanity of her own world and the manner in which it had been delivered may lead to some issues, as she accosts a dwarf not terribly far away from where the human is talking. "Hey! Are you, or do you know, about the person with the request with the genocide thing? Because I am here to either help, or stop you, or more likely do neither!"
    Being an outlaw has its drawbacks. Like being less likely to take jobs from certain people, like the Gardeners. Then again, Salome Highscribe is not one to take a job unless it directly benefits her or her goals.
    It just so happens that the witch in red is in Trista's Landing for reasons all her own, and the dusky-skinned elf woman doesn't stand out too wildly as a result. Now, she HAD been busy in one of the myriad stores, haggling with the shopkeeper and for once keeping it civil rather than 'bartering' at gunpoint, when a familiar sight of someone in purple-and-pink catches mismatched eyes.
    Cue a curious witch leaning in from around a corner to eavesdrop on Magilou.
Escanor, a gargantuan of a man with an Axe that's almost bigger than he is, was just casually walking along the vines when he heard the request echo through the channels. A sigh touches the expression of the Lion's Sin of Pride before he starts to wander off towards the source of the request transmission. 

Upon his arrival, he finds elves, dwarves, and men...along with other 'typical' fantasy creatures, and his head tilts just a little bit. "Interesting. Now then..where oh where..." his eyes start to explore, even if he's the biggest guy there.
Aurelia Argent
    While Aurelia's 'costume' isn't out of place for a fantasy world, the fact that it looks like organic growths of a reddish gold and is not particularly 'modest' would make her stand out. Along with the fact that she's clearly a human. She's here at the request of her patron, who saw William's notice about stopping genocides. 
    "Travel is lethal to narrowmindness." Aurelia says, mocking her patron's voice as she looks for anyone who might stick out. "Maybe you'll find a date for once." She continues under her breathe, still mocking. Stupid meddling Orania and her dumb out of touch advice.
    Despite being disinclined to aid people who are not directly effecting him, Sparta does have lines drawn in the sand, so to speak, when it comes to the world around him. Word travels; even among the animals of given area, especially those who go up and down the vines, or those who travel the portalways, and it was, not ironically, a small flock of pigeons who's gossip over things had been heard by the aging firebeast, and caught his (non-existant) ear; talk of genocide is never a light subject. Remembering the antics of humans in years past, the tales of which reached even Kanto from the Kalos region, Sparta was displeased to hear that another subset of non-monster were once again intent on learning that life is valuable and fleeting in their own time.
    But the fact of the matter was, though he would normally turn his travels the opposite direction, and avoid it altogether, he is concerned for the animals and monsters that might get caught up in the frivolity of lesser beings such as humans. An ancient sigh deep in his bones draws him thus; and so he makes his way slowly through the gates of Trista's landing, using a travelling wagon as cover, and acting the part of a dalmation, cart-chasing, so to speak, into the city, looking about for sign of this 'human' that is supposed to have all the details. He will listen, and decide then; what part might he play, if any.
    Dante's been poking about here for a while, slurping a strawberry milkshake as he mingles about. Wandering the stores, he eyes Salome as they cross paths. There's no real bad blood between the two, and he's content to keep looking about. Someone might stick out one of these days, but considering all the familiar faces coming, he's certain that may be more difficult than it sounds. PLenty of 'humanoid' folks about. Hard to narrow it down to just ONE particular fellow.
Wolf O'Donnell
     When it comes to matters as large-scale as genocide it might be no surprise that certain individuals like Wolf O'Donnell might make an appearance. As the leader of a shadowy organization that has been steadily spreading in influence since his home World blossomed, O'Donnell and his assets are certainly available for use in any job that pays well. Much like some others, the one-eyed wolf could just as easily be swayed for or against such abhorrent actions. He is, as usual, not alone, but the two that accompany him are much lower ranking than the usual cat or lizard that are seen with him. No matter the company, and even despite current attire, the trio of wolf, dog, and monkey may very well stand out amidst the occupants of the island. 

     Wolf sports none of his more apparent high tech gear. He dresses in a tight-fitting gray muscle shirt with a wool-collared unzipped brown leather jacket over that. A gold pendant accents his chest. Some sort of denim-woven cloth pants cover his lower half and his shins and feet are protected by large boots. While armed, his standard gun is not in view on his hip; the firearm, instead, is holstered in a harness hidden at his side within the jacket. His left eye is covered simply with the usual black cloth patch. Wolf's companions, a wiry-looking simian and a black hound with tall pointy ears, are similarly styled and low-tech in appearance.

     The three wander and the five eyes amongst them search for this contact regarding the matter in question. That the Gardeners have said nothing about the matter in question does not bother Wolf O'Donnell in the slightest. Oftentimes the best source of information for a job is from the mouth of the one needing the help, even if the client isn't always the most truthful or wholly forthcoming. "I knew I should have brought more cigarettes," grumbles the mercenary leader. "Either of you two got a light?"
What brought Ash here? To be perfectly honest? Ash was just out for a bit of sightseeing. Granted currently that sight seeing included a skateboard, a perfectally normal wheeled plank, but it still counted as sightseeing rather than business because he wasn't using his warframe. Right?

In any event Ash's 'fun' was just as much taking advantage of the fact he looked like your average teenager from 'Not Here' to do a little looking around without getting anyone's hair ruffled. Well, more ruffled than they'd normally be at unknown people wearing what looked like early millinial t-shirt and bluejeans might. The glasses would seem a bit weird, who wore gold half-glasses anyway? Ash smiled as he was relaying everything these glasses saw to Ordis who would relay them on to... Interested parties. "Seems like a nice enough place," He smiledd as he seemed to just comment to noone in particular. "Seen better. Seen worse..." Was that in refrence to the town, the logistics situation it was in, the weather, or his ability to navigate? Hard to say really.

He would eventually stop to get a more thoroughly look around, holding his skateboard under his left arm. People might notice i nspite of the casual attire a fairly... large pistol was strapped to his hip. What was this kid doing with a gun?

"Ordis anything new up high? I'm gonna make another lap before suiting up. Mind giving me a few waypoints?" Ash would drop hisskateboard and resume his travels, now abandoning the tourist act and instead focusing on details, travel paths, and hoping his recordings will do some good.
    Someone needed help to save some natives from genocide? Even if it was on a world she'd never been to, Miwa doesn't need much convincing to at least go check out the situation and see if she could lend a hand, or flipper as the case may be. Oddly, the vine she takes to get there winds up placing her underwater a bit off shore from the walled city, but this doesn't bother her any as she has plenty of air to reach the surface and get her bearings before swimming toward the harbor. 

     Eventually making her way onto land at the docks, the primarina tries her best, but probably fails miserably to avoid drawing too much attention as she attempts to make her way through the city, looking for the person who has requested help with this potential genocide. She's not exactly speedy walking on her flippers, but if the citizens and/or military don't attempt to stop her, she would eventually make her way through the city and find William near the gates, as he does indeed stand out against the locals.
    With all the Vine activity lately, offworlders are not drawing too many stares. Some, of course, especially the weirder ones... like Escanor and Aurelia! Humans seem to be in short supply here, so that marks them immediately as odd. Or maybe it's the clothes. Reactions, like with many people, vary but most give offworlders a wide berth. William has been starting to pay attention at all the curious people about, and excuses him from his chatter just in time for the gate guard to turn to deal with another entry.

    The dwarf Magilou approaches squints. "I don't know any talk of genocide, but that offworlder over there has been talking weird stuff lately." He points to William. "I just work here." He shrugs, stroking his beard before moving on. "Probably all bleeding heart for the natives."

    It's also notable that the people here DO seem to know what a gun is. Either it's been a Blossom long enough for them to learn, or from the presence of an engine and electricity, their own kind of gun exists. None are seen carrying them though. Fortunately that makes others easy to see. "Hey! Over here!" William waves to some of the people obviously here to see him, motioning them over. "I'm the guy you're probably looking for." How careless can he be? "About the job right? We- uh..." He scratches his head. "Well anyone here about it come talk to me." He doesn't quite realize Sparta is here about it, even if he did give the old dog a few odd looks. Obviously not a native animal, but not aggressive so...
    "Well damn, look who's here." Salome chuckles when she meets eyes with the silver-haired hunter. "How you doing, slick?" The black cat resting on her shoulders even lifts a paw in recognition. But it looks like she's not out for vengeance today or anything. Then again she's not particularly angry at Dante, right now, either.
    Soon enough, though, the clink-clink-clink of spurs says she's making her way over William's way out of sheer and blatant curiosity, stopping in listening range and resting a hand on her hip.
    "Oh, that's fine!" Magilou will tell the dwarf. "And yes, that's exactly right! Bleeding hearts and artists are coming to invade your city! Run, run while you can before someone paints you and steals your soul!" She'll laugh at her own joke, before turning over towards William and moving to join that offworlder.

    "Hello, Willard! It's wonderful to meet you. Why are you trying to genocide who, now? There were some unclear details, and I'm not sure if I'm in favor or not. Probably not, honestly, but it's only fair to let you explain."
    "What's up, babe?" Dante greets in return, with a cheeky grin on his face. In honesty, he likes the witch. A LOT. She's his kind of crazy. He glances toward William's direction, ears perked as he wanders towards the fellow. "Yo." Slurrrrrrp milkshake. "Heard about town you had some kinda job for folks, specialists like us." He says, cocking an eyebrow curiously at the crowd gathered. Wolf, Aurelia, Miwa...
Escanor approaches, and looks down at William as he calls all participants over, and he seems....utterly unimpressed. "To think a small one like you has a problem with genocide. Very well, I, Lord Escanor, will assist you." He turns his head to Dante and Salome. He tilts his head at the pair as if measuring them up in terms of combative ability. 

Everyone else seems pretty good too. Good! he shouldn't have to carry anyone.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Well, then what good are you?" replies Wolf as both of his underlings admit to not having anything to light Wolf's next to last cigarette that he has on him. With a bit of frustration, the tall imposing wolf-person erratically moves the hand about holding the wrapped leaves as a matter of not having anything to do with it; what good is a cigarette if you can't smoke it. Patting over his pockets one more time, O'Donnell gets a nudge from the monkey, grabbing his attention, while the dog points over toward the man calling out so. "Mm?" 

     The black-furred hound guy takes a step in William's direction, but his attempt is halted by Wolf's hand not holding his smoke. When the dog looks to his boss in question, the one in charge gestures with a flick of his muzzle regarding the others being called in closer. The monkey crosses his arms with a 'heh' of amusement. "Batiste. Sanders. You two wander a bit, but stay close. I want to know every face of every person here for this job besides us. I'll be fine." The dog and monkey nod and split from the wolf; Wolf closes the distance toward William casually as one might please for having a partially-crushed cigarette in the mouth that isn't lit. His purple-colored right eye swings from face to face that are most visible.

     "It's quite a party you've got going on here. Just how many do you expect to turn out for this...presumably informative little discussion?" Wolf O'Donnell does not introduce himself just yet. He prefers to be able to shake hands for that.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia might look familiar to folks who were around her version of San Jose around Thanksgiving, as she's the person who fell off a building trying to catch a magic coin. She looks at the other people gathered, thinking how much this would stick out like a sore thumb on her world. 
    "Hi, umm... Just call me Metallia." She addresses to the people who've gathered.
Ash huffed as he neared the waypoint for his lander and again shouldered his skateboard before the underside of the craft shimmered into view for a bare moment, just long enough to pull Ash into a swivel compartment before shimmering back into invisibility. Even invisible the down-force of the craft would ruffle fabrics, papers, loose material ight even fly about before it flew away.

"Unsure on what to make of this place Ordis," Ash stated as the lander portion of his craft dockedwith the rest of his ship and the ramp lowered. "Not enough information to go on, but..."

"I know Operator," Ordis's voice was calm as Ash approached the somatic pod at the back of the ship's living area, "People don't just shriek 'genocide' lightly, and especially not in ways that get the attention of off-worlders."

Ash would drop in piloting his warframe rather 'fashonably' late. The crowd would cause the warframe's varying lights to dim then brighten in approximation of 'blinking, before he approached the crowd proper. "Sory I'm late," He would mumble as apolog if anyone bothered looking his way. As late ashe was to the briefing he didn't want to overly draw notice to himself, so he kept thoughts on the differing folk private. Choosing instead to cross his arms and keep his head turned towards William, which might or might not be unnerving given his frame's sculpted blendof organic and metallic elements making it look like a half poured half grown statue of a person.
     Miwa hears William beckoning everyone over, and is relieved that between that and all the others gathered around, she must be in the right place. She also hears the 'bleeding heart' quip from the dwarven guard and wonders if the people in this very city have anything to do with this threat of genocide. 

     Seeing Ash's warframe show up, she greets him with a smile, the presence of a friend immediately making her feel a bit more comfortable in this assorted group of off world people. She moves a bit closer and joins the others in introducing herself. "Hello, I'm Miwa, and I'm here to help in any way I can, though I am interested to hear more about this threat and the people who are potentially about to be wiped out..."
    "Ah, yeah, hey," William says as more people appear. "Wow, keep your voices down about the G word. It's true but the locals don't see it that way." He grins, "It's William, by the way. That's my name. And I figured that would get some attention but didn't realize it'd be this much." Now that he's subtly corrected Magilou, or maybe just completely missed her improper name, he gets more friendly with the others. "It's fine it's fine. I've been wandering around the Roots for a while, but I'm not weirded out by offworlder's. Been around a while, you know? Haha!"

    While he chats, William passes Wolf a butane lighter and gestures for the gate. "We can meet the people in trouble here in a minute if you want to follow me. No rush though. It isn't a long walk before we hit one of their camps, but going all the way would take a while. I figured people would want to see what they were in for! There's a camp of humans, native to the island here, that are uh..."

    Now he stops, looking between everyone. "Didn't expect to get all of this response. Especially not from weird tech like that thing," he gestures at Ash, though Wolf's tech doesn't catch his eye... maybe because Wolf made an attempt to look low-tech. "The locals have tried to bring in some firearms and stuff from offworld to defend themselves, but you know, reality is weird, and something about their local nature even messes up native tech sometimes. It should be fine for Harbingers like you guys, but anyway- oh I'm rambling, haha!"

    He scratches his head. "So yeah. Long story short, the natives are on a big lump of magic power stuff, and the Empire wants it. I doubt they're setting out with the idea of genocide, but... well, I've seen this before. Like, this exact thing! Parallel world. Happened and things escalated and the native humans were wiped out, the Empire got a nice big lump of magic, and went on to become an even more expansionistic bunch of dicks. Even started messing with nearby worlds."
    "Name's Dante." The white haired mercenary introduces himself with a wave of his hand. "Which G word, anyways?" He glances sidelong at Wolf, nodding to him curtly, then glances down at the guns he has holstered under his coat. "Well, guess we're gonna cross that bridge when we come to it." He muses.

    Listening to William's story, Dante just makes a disdainful face. "Lemme guess, you want us to try and stop it before they start plundering the hell out of the place?" He asks, tilting his head.
    "Is it? Interesting. I was told I was here to see a Willard." Magilou says, peering at William as though he might be a spy. "...Magic power stuff, though, huh?" That's clearly a technical term, but it at least gets Magilou to be a little more quiet, long enough for William to give an explanation beyond just that.

    Also, she's not saying genocide at the top of her lungs anymore, so that might be a plus.

    "So we're here to try to talk the natives into making some kind of peaceful trade arrangement, or..?" Magilou starts to ask. "...Oh, wait, are you wanting to preemptively genocide the empire? Because that really is more work than it sounds like, kid, you don't want to go down that road." Because of the work, not for any moralistic reasons. She doesn't seem too bothered by the parallel world comment, either, at least outwardly.
    So that's the deal. It's a standard case of the natives sitting on top of something precious that outsiders want and are willing to kill for.
    Salome snaps her fingers. "Wow-how, really does remind me of home. I remember the Trail of Tears like it was yesterday and everything. But what's in it for us though if we help out huh? This girl doesn't work for free."
Ash slow nodded at William's explaination. Magic? Minerals? Simply being on a patch of land? 'you are where we want and have thingswe desire. Leave or we will make you disappear' was a depressingly common enough reason for one group to make another group stop existing across universes. Ash's head tilted at the idea of local whatever making technology fizzle out. This had him briefly check with Ordis and, at least for the time being, the transferrence signal between himself ad frame was still strong. This did, however, cause Ash's ship to reposition itself in case Ash needed to show as himself. A little thing like technology breaking down would not hinder his willingness to see a job through, or at least evaluate his capacity to assist.

A look to Miwa then to Wolf before attempting to slide closer to Miwa. She was no fighter, but this situation had many respond to the call for aid. Talk of pay would be for later, and rude to ask after as yet. Now was when the situation would be asesssed.

"I am Ash," The warframe would bow slightly, "Show us what you can so we can make an informed descision on the matter." Plus it would help him know what his options were going to be. He was grateful for the fact his warframe lacked the ability to emote in subtle manners, though if any here were empaths they would get this rolling sense of disgust and a tired resignation from Ash on the 'why' of everything.

All that said? Escanore would get a raised eyebrow from within the somatic pod. Guy was quite large, as in 'made rhino look positively humble' largeness. That... was not something one encountered every day. Usually anyhow.

Then Salome had to be the rude one of the bunch and ask after money. He couldn't help the sigh that he let out or the slump of his warframe's shoulders. However he said nothing, instead letting his posture convey a sense of 'implied facepalm.'
Escanor tilts his head at William when he mentions this mysterious 'G-word'. He ponders if it was genocide, but thinks nothing of it. Instead, he listens quitely to the briefing, his eyes locked onto William by the towering figure. "hhnn. I suppose we are the right people for the job." he shrugs. "Though I wonder if this will be the day an EMpire falls by my almighty light." Escanor wasn't called Prideful for nothing. 

He proudly looks to Dante as he's the next person to introduce himself, before he seems to chuckle.

"I wonder how many pests I'll be permitted to destroy."
Wolf O'Donnell
     The lighter is accepted without a word at first which allows the cigarette drooping from O'Donnell's muzzle to finally realize its true destiny and purpose. It isn't until William calls attention to 'weird tech' that Wolf takes notice of the Warframe now present. The end of the lupine's cig glows brighter a few moments before smoke begins to drift out of the fellow's nostrils -- that smoke puffs free seeing Ash. Of course the Tenno would take notice of such a thing. All he needs now is for McCloud to swoop in trying to play hero on his own. Ash does not get a greeting, however. Not yet. 

     The leader of the space pirate gang and mercenary organization Star Wolf begins to reach out toward William as a means to return the lighter but is interrupted as Dante catches a side glance of his own in return. The scrutinous gaze given over the merc's outfit, including his concealed handgun, earns the white-haired man a narrowed right eye in turn and a studious stare in reciprocation. Last he saw of the youth he was leaping out of a window to save a hostage. Interesting.

     "I respectfully disagree," Wolf says, speaking up in turn regarding Magilou's opinion of counter-genocide. "War can be very profitable. Here you go, William. Thanks." Wolf's right hand holds that butane lighter, but he holds it out to offer it in return if just try to open a channel between the two in which to offer a very firm and rough handshake, if accepted. His left hand reaches up to pull that now-lit cigarette away so his words are slightly less mumbled, although this comes with an exhalation of smoke to one side. "I'm Wolf O'Donnell. Leader of a veritable army of mercenaries with full availability, even for war, if the payoff is good enough. Still, it's a valid point from them. This dance is your idea, so maybe you can explain to us what your intentions are on the way...and what you believe this Empire is going to think about it."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia listens to William's explanation and narrows her eyes. "So what do you propose we do then, eh?" She says, slightly annoyed at Salome's blatant self-interest. "Taking down an empire usually involves world wars, you know. We had two of them back home to deal with the last of the big ones in Europe." She says for the benefit of people who're thinking they'll get to take down an entire empire today.
     Talk of something about this world causing technology to not work properly makes Miwa worry about about Ash's frame, though it does seem to be functioning normally for now as far as she could tell. She also wonders a bit about the guns she sees several of their party carrying, but at least she didn't have to rely on tech to defend herself, and hopefully she wasn't the only one in that boat. 

     In any case, so these natives were on land that held some sort of powerful magical material, and this empire wanted it. "Well, I guess if we don't want to fight the empire itself, the only thing I can think of is trying to talk them out of it, which seems unlikely to work, or convincing these natives to move. Anyone have any better ideas?" She questions as she looks around at the others.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia suggests, when Miwa brings up the idea of alternatives. "If the natives aren't attached to the magic stuff, we could maybe remove it from the equation?"
Ash nodded at Aurelia, "On the other hand they might need whatever it is and not realize it." A shrug, "I do like the idea of exploring options rather than going to war with an entire Empire." A pause before elaborating. "Even if you have the muscle to do the job ther'es the messy question of 'what happens after' and politics, along with nature, will always seek to fill a void, often with little rregard for anyone's wellbeing or lives."
    That's a lot of assumptions! William doesn't mind people being mercenary though. "I can compensate you, though money would take me a little while to get together. I can also trade other favors, like passage to worlds quickly, or call in a few favors with my own allies. I'll owe all of you a favor, and if you want that favor to be in the form of getting money, I don't really have a problem with that. I can get my organization to pay."

    William accepts the lighter, and the shake he gives is surprisingly firm for such a small guy. He looks mildly surprised at all the interest, then smiles jovially. "Well, the mermaid-sort here has a good idea for all of you wondering what I want. I mean... if you want to bring down the Empire, it is a thing Harbingers like you can do, I'm sure, as I've seen it done." He laughs, "But really, I'm afraid it is quite immobile, so you'd have to either convince the natives to relocate without problem - difficult, I can tell you - or stop the Empire from trying to claim it. I really don't care how any of you do it, but if I may suggest, they are planning on moving in later today. This is probably going to spark hostilities. You may want to do something about that now, and buy time to figure out something more long term. I'd be willing to make this a long term arrangement if you manage to even soothe things over and delay it. Just let me know if you do declare war on the Empire guys... I think Mister Abs here-" He jerks a thumb at Dante - "Would look pretty cool mowing down the troops, and I want to film it. There's probably a way that involves less bloodshed though."
    "Makin' a lot of assumptions there, dude. I don't normally go up against human forces willy nilly. I'm more in the demon hunting business." Dante says dryly, eyebrow cocked still as he tosses the remains of his milkshake over his head...right where it lands into a trashbin like a sunken basketball. "I can't promise this'll turn out pretty, either. Just make sure it's clear what you're asking us to do." Arms folded, Dante just eyes William cooly. He's obviously not a negotiator, given the amount of fight-happy types present, this is gonna get ugly fast.
    "...What organization is that, then?" Magilou asks, curiously. She'd been thinking this was something that this person was running all by themselves, rather than anything that had true backing. Magilou didn't really get along very well with organizations these days.

    "And what would they be moving in with, anyways? I bet if it's just a small amount of equipment we could buy some time by making that not work. If it's a little bigger, we might have to try talking. We can probably talk them out of it. I'll let the rest of you try first, though." Because she wouldn't want to show them all up with her elite level diplomacy skills...
    Salome displays absolutely zero care for all the dirty looks she's getting.
    "I'll take favors over cash." She decides pretty quickly, flashing a fanged grin. "I have things I need to handle and throwing money at the problem isn't going to solve it. SO. Looks like you've got my attention. For now."
    Then she waggles a finger right at Dante. "Slick looks pretty good in a fight. Take it from me, we've been in each others sights enough. He's got style in spades."
Ash nodded at Williams's explaination of their apparent options. Gurrila actions and making the cost of an area more than a people are willing to pay. "Let's just do a look around and see what we have to work with," Then he gave a meaningful look to Miwa, "Unlikely but the fact we're here at all might make this Empire reconsider since one thing to roll over a small group of natives for whatever they own. Another when you introduce outside elements."

Then a look to Wolf, "Then again they might have mercenariesof their own which will probably complicate things further so..." He then lookedagain to William, "Best to start with the ten credit tour."
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Money isn't everything. Services and information are just as useful and often worth more than any kind of currency that travels between dimensions." 

     O'Donnell slips the hand not cradling his damaged cigarette into his pants' pocket as he turns away from William and gives a cursory glance about for his two boys. "It's a bit early to start talking fighting, though. I want to see this thing your local Empire wants so badly, the people you're trying to protect, and how defensible the land is -- and, hey, no offense, but I have no idea how good your word is on payment -- but if everything looks like a solid case, it should be easy enough to provide some resistance. Often just having unknown entities in play when it comes to military expansion is enough to give invaders pause...and that gives us all time to talk shop."

     Of course William is a representative of some unseen organization. There are ALWAYS more angles at play than what seems apparent. Bought time is a purchase well invested in the pursuit of more knowledge. While Wolf respects the contracts made of those whom have contracted services of him first, leaving out key information or providing misinformation complicates matters in ways that often leaves clients 'not friends' with Star Wolf and its business associates...some of which are already present independently.

     Wolf O'Donnell excuses himself momentarily to step aside and trade whispers with the dog man that was with him before. The monkey is gestured over, they whisper some more, then the monkey leaves altogether. When Wolf turns to walk back to the group, the dog, Batiste, tags along, too.
Escanor shoulders that massive battle-axe and tilts his head at William. "Hmm...make whatever happens at least somewhat amusing, and you will owe me nothing." he seems to look approvingly at Dante, before Escanor straightens out further. As the day goes on though? it's noticeably getting hotter, whether or not it's usual or normal for this kind of world. 

Either way, he does glance to Wolf for a moment longer before he looks back to William. He humms as if in thought.
     Miwa nods at Ash's sentiment that their presence alone might be enough to give the empire pause, at least temporarily. "Well, I could always sing them to sleep, you all just might want to cover your ears real good." She offers with a bit of a grin. "But in all seriousness, I agree that heading out and seeing what we're dealing with first is the best way forward, we can further decide what we're going to actually do once we know more right?"
Aurelia Argent
    A roughly lion-shaped beast, seemingly made out of the same weird organic metals that Aurelia is clad in, saunters into the discussion and sits down by the gold-armored girl. The big cat seems content to watch the others and listen for now.
    "Oh, this is my familiar, Zero." 'Metallia' explains before anyone asks. She nods and agrees with the sentiment that the group should see what the lay of the land is before comitting fully.
    William holds his hands up to Dante. "Sorry, sorry. I mean, they arent humans, but I guess elves are close enough for what you meant," he says. Then he grins, "Oh yeah. Well... I work for the Groundskeepers. I mean, this isn't an official Keeper job, but they owe me a few favors so I get to pull strings now and then. Money isn't really a problem." He laughs awkwardly, "I know they don't have the best reputation, but that's a long story."

    He puts hands on his hips. "You've got the right idea though. Well... you've got some options. They're putting together a team over at the fort over there, so you could delay them somehow. Or mess with the logger." He then changes direction to point at a large steam-powered contraption. "The natives hate that thing, and if it's down they'll have to wait anyway. Should buy us some time and not really hurt anyone. Or you can try putting the delegation to sleep, that works too. Whatever you do, I think most of you will get along fine with the natives, even you." He gestures to Wolf.

    William adds, "The natives rely on their own brand of magic and spiritualism, so animal sorts like the mermaid here or the wolf guy will get on pretty well if they don't cause trouble. If any of you are gearheads, they also find technology pretty interesting. I can take some of you to meet them later, so you can take a look at what we're talking about and you don't have to just rely on my word. I'm good for it though. Even the Gardeners will tell you that much... grudgingly."
    "Hmm. I'm not really much for being motivated by money, myself." Magilou says, truthfully but somehow not at all altruistically. "Still, it HASSS been a while since the last time I ran away from a town that was on fire behind me. Days, even. It's going to eat into my fitness if I'm not careful."

    Her familiar, who had been hiding within her, will take that opportunity to form atop her shoulder and speak up. "You're definitely getting pudgier, Miss Magilou."

    "Quiet, traitor!" Magilou will say, before sulking at that. Especially given that she actually is fairly skinny. Still, it'll give people more inclined to act plenty of time to do so as the witch is distracted, asking. "How are they about spirit pacts and elemental magics?"
"So long as the natives arne't going to preach at us at how all technology is evil and only they posess the True Path and all othersare heathen savages." There was a deliberate choice to his words as he added, "I have gotten enough of that from New Loka to seek it out from others." He would ponder the situation at hand before looking to Miwa. "We couldgo speak to the deligation they sent and put them to sleep if they refuse to talk while others go about doing diffrent things elsewhere." Granted his skillset was better suited to sewing chaos with well placed murder he rather didn't want miwa undefended. 

"Any chance," A concern hit that he decided to voice, "These natives will actually want our help, or is this a taks you're taking up on your ow?"
    "Cash up front, and I'll see what I can do." Dante says. "Lights need to keep on, and I rather like having plumbing." He adds dryly. Ash gets a smirk from the Devil Hunter. "That too. It'd be a real pain in the ass to do all this work just to get chased off by the people we just saved. So y'know, may wanna make sure were actually WELCOME here."
    Fingers drum on her hip for a thoughtful beat as William points out the fort. And then Salome whirls on a heel, beginning to saunter over in that direction. "I'll handle whoever they're putting together for iiiiiiit." She chimes, sweet as sugar.
    "Anyone else wants to come with, feel free, but it's going to be messy~."
    Oh dear.
>> SUMMARY[Salome] >> Read: I'm probably going to kill everyone there.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia looks in the direction of the logger, squinting and focusing on sensing the shapes and compositions of the metals inside of it. One can hear her muttering something about what science class said about steam engine as she bites her lip. 
    The metal lion suddenly looks alarmed, ears perked up and looking wide-eyed at the logger, hearing noises that weren't there a moment ago. Little by little, Aurelia is focusing her magic and removing nuts, then bolts, and then popping rivets. The small things, since affecting the big things would be way more draining and be slightly beyond her capabilities. Even so, Aurelia will look noticeably more fatigued by the time the logger is ruined. Those who can sense magic will definitely sense such forces emanating from Aurelia. It's even obvious if anyone stops to examine the fasteners that were removed since they'd look laced with organic-looking metal growths.
    "Why not?" Dante says, spinning on his heel as he takes off with Salome. "Might as well do something productive today, y'know? Time to go knock some heads."
Aurelia Argent
>> GAME >> Aurelia Argent spends an Edge for: Down to the nuts and bolts
Escanor cracks his neck before he starts to follow Dante and Salome. Seems he's lookin' for a fight! He's starting to like Salome's character, at the very least. It's amusing. Though, he looks back to William, giving the fellow a smile. 

His blue eyes shift to those around him as he holds his battle axe a little tighter. "Perhaps this will be amusing after all."
Wolf O'Donnell
     If one thing is for certain out of all of this, Wolf O'Donnell is in no amount of haste to stir up trouble with the local militarized governing force just yet. One simply doesn't snatch purses in front of a police station. "Well, whatever you want to do, if it's going to be local might I suggest a tactful break. If one person goes throwing stones, everybody here is going to be held accountable and you only get the element of surprise once." The Doberman-like Batiste finds this statement amusing considering that surprise tactics are heavily favored amongst the space pirates. It rarely ever has to be said aloud. 

     "Aside from that, I don't make a habit of picking fights without knowing specifics: Troop numbers, tech level, magical prowess..." Wolf narrows his right eye as Salome starts off toward the fort with murderous intent, Dante and Escanor joins along and, aside, the logger faces technical issue that will likely result in mechanical fault and -noise-. He frowns in thought; this is not a good way to do business. Batiste trades glances with his boss before the two begin to walk away. They aren't in a huge hurry, but they aren't standing still for this mess. Besides, Wolf wants to see the things in question before he acts. He's not taking any of this at face value and he's not going to repeat himself.

     "Yeah," says the lupine with a gravelly tone. "Have fun with that, kids. The adults will work on the adult things in the meanwhile." ...while keeping tabs on comms for any news or word otherwise.
     Miwa watches as Aurelia takes care of the logging machine, admiring how her magic was basically breaking it apart by bolt and rivet. But before long her attention is diverted to Dante and Salome as the pair start heading off in the direction of the fort, and Escanor follows instep with his axe held ready. 

     Agreeing with Wolf that they shouldn't go charging in for a fight without knowing what they're up against, she takes a moment to look back at Ash helplessly. "I don't know about you, but I have a bad feeling about this. Should we follow and try to keep this from becoming a bloodbath, or do you have another idea?"
Ash took a deep breath once he made the connection between Aurelia and the logging machine going out to lunch. However that was nothing compared to him looking at thetrio headed fort-ward and his frame's right hand went to cover its face, "Void save us...." 

He then looked to Wolf, Miwa, and anyone else still around. "I do have drinks and a few large crates of diffrent food if anyone wants anything while we figure out a 'now what." He reached over to lightly touch Miwa's shoulder before looking to the primarina, "Given their equipment just fell apart and a hit squad is headed to their fortification talking peace is going to be difficult." Then again he had just managed to talk peace between two elements from factions of his own home that had been at war for ages.
    William laughs at Magilou's comment, and then addresses what she and Ash brought up. "They're big into nature spirits and stuff, but they aren't as backward as you'd think. As long as the tech isn't actually hurting them they don't see it as anything more than a tool. They REALLY want refrigerators even. Been trying to get that to work for years. This world doesn't seem to have quite the same problems with religious fervor about tech that most do."

    Dante, Escanor, and Salome are going for the fort, so William offers, "I can give you a down payment immediately, but I will need a few days to get a final payment. I have some money, just not enough to pay an entire mercenary group without, you know... making some calls."

    Some shouts rise from the logger getting messed with, and William clarifies, "That should buy us some time. Now since you were asking..." He looks at those who stayed. "Mostly they use magic. Swift movement and support spells, for rapid skirmishes and infantry movement with battle mages for range. Rifle corps do exist, and airship support, but the latter are for serious operations. The Empire DOES have a tech division, but it's largely experimental because they've relied on magic so much. If we can stop them here they will probably ease back on that reliance, so in a way it will make them stronger and more flexible. Also, the natives do know I'm helping. Mention my name if you meet them without me, it'll get you to speak with people." Yeah, pitch it like it is helpful. Wolf's men though, find that William is actually in the right here. The Empire's people have varying thoughts, but in general the natives aren't hostile unless provoked, and an uneasy peace exists. They're seen as backward and primitive though, and most aren't really concerned about the damage the Empire might do. It's not out of malice, they're just not empathetic.

    The fort is... pretty busy though. Bustling with people getting ready for the expedition. Some of them look to be arming themselves, but it's obviously not an invasion force, just escorts for the group of civilians further in. They're visible, but the gates are guarded, and three offworlders approaching makes for a series of frowns and four guards to step forward. "I'm sorry, this area is off-limits to visitors."
    Annnnnd Dante and Escanor come hot on her heels.
    Salome is fine with this.
    "Okay, Slick, Muscles, here's the plan." The Witch says to the two. "I'm an elf. They're all elves. I'm going to act like I wanna join in on their thingy. Then. When they lead us to who's in charge... Well..."
    The dusky-skinned elf pats gently on the revolver at her hip.
    "Really though, this place gives me memories of back home, huh. It's just like New York except everything's fine and dandy."
    Then the guards step forward. Of course it would off limits but the elf woman puts on her biggest saccharine smile, flashing sharp fangs as she beams brightly.
    "But we're not visitors! We're here to join the expidition!"
    Dante immediately tries to hide his ears. Maybe he'll look just chiseled and handsome enough to pass for an elf! He has the hair and complexion. 'Slick' plays quiet, hands at his sides, while Salome gives a spiel.

    He's not at all keeping Ebony and Ivory within reach.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia glances back at the fort, looking concerned, listening to Wiliam's explanation.
    Finally, the metal lion speaks, swishing his tail. "Metallia, I think it would be best to help the natives." He glances over at the weird amalgamation of flesh and metal that's not entirely dissimilar to Aurelia's armor or his own war-form. "If you agree, then let us get directions and depart before..." The big cat nudges his head towards the fort.
    Magilou will give William a Look. "...I'm sorry, are you implying that being into nature spirits makes you backwards? Bienfu, why don't you tell Willard here all about nature spirits?"

    This may be overkill for what was a pretty innocent comment, especially given that it means Magilou won't be either helping with the murder of random imperials or with guarding the village! Not that she'd really been planning on helping, but still.

    The knee-high nature spirit - if you count his top hat - will start to say in his particularly screetchy voice. "Well! We nature spirits - or malakhim, if you want to use our proper names, unlike Miss Magilou! - are VERRRRRRY Important. We really don't have any limitations on our ultimate powers, other than our imaginations! If you displease us, we will destroy your world with a fiiiiery wrath! Or a watery, windy, or earthy wrath, depending on the spirit."

    "Just tell him the true version, Bienfu!" Magilou chides, but that's going to just loop Bienfu's same speech.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "I'm not sitting idly by while other mercs start a war, Ash," Wolf says with an edge of grumpiness as he and Batiste continue their leisurely stroll in the opposite direction. "But if that's what Tenno like to do in their free time while soldiers with families that are just doing their jobs get slaughtered by people happy to take contract information at face value without actually signing over the details, then go for it. Otherwise, find something to do." This time, what Wolf says has a sharp and bitter edge to it. 

     O'Donnell puts a hand to his head and a finger to the base of his inside ear, a motion that Ash and Miwa may recognize as turning on outgoing personal communications. "Roger that, Sanders. Good to have a better understanding of what the locals think, but they won't be able to stand idly by for long. A storm is brewing and death has arrived knocking at the gates of the city. Keep me appraised on anything else you hear. Batiste and I are going to make our way out to visit the natives as soon as we can. We're not going to have much time to prepare more bloodshed prevention."

     Speaking up, to anybody in earshot that has interest, "William, I'm not bringing in my men to help against this yet." It cannot truly be expected, anyway, as any smart client would understand all too well. "But those of us that are heading out to meet these people and see this magical object the Empire here craves so badly need to do so ASAP if we're going to organize a defense. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the murder about to take place is going to be tied to you and, through association, the rest of us, yeah? Is that going to complicate things for all off-worlders here or just us?"
Escanor looks to Salome, shaking his head. "I would much rather knock on the door and wipe it all off the map. But...if you say so, I will follow your lead until this role of yours in this charade becomes useless." his eyes narrow just a little bit before he looks to Dante, tilting his head as 'muscles' goes silent. His axe, Rhitta, was still in his hand. Temperature rising as time goes on in the day.
    The three approaching the gates get a suspicious look. Salome is not dressed like a native, even if she's an elf, but it gets her to not get immediately dumped away. "I really doubt that," he says. "But I can have a quick check with my superiors. Maybe offworlders-" And right then there is an interruption, as a higher-ranking sort steps in. A female captain, staring at the group.

    "What, exactly, are you intending to offer? This is a simple negotiation, with some defense against wild animals," she points out. "So we expect to be there and back again. This is the third group of offworlders nosing around today."
Ash just... STARED at the direction Escanore and company gleefully ran off to, "I'm no diplomat, nor negociator, nor someone that even functions that well in a normal society and even I think they might have screwed the rest of us over." Then the warframe looked to Wolf, "Yea about that. You have a better idea on wider scale deployments so if we're past the point of peace...."

He again glanced fort-ward and shook his head, "Maybe this can be spun. Give the order to pull out and the kubrow gets put back in the pen." Yea he didn't sound like he believed it either. "Ill join you on that walk, maybe run ahead if Leon's unavalible to do eyes and ears." He really had ment the offer of food for any long duration meetings, and the head hunters basically left him loooking like an idiot in front of the next best thing he had to a boss. Angry was a pretty accurate describer of his feelings right now.

"I really wish those idiots hadn't done that..."
    William eyes the fort, and then grins, "Well, Metallia, that was nice work. It should buy us some time regardless of what those guys do. It's fine, I'm not really judging. I prefer to do things the nice and clean way, with fewer casualties." He laughs, "Well, as few as can be managed."

    Looking at Wolf and Magilou, he sighs, "I only meant that there was a commonly-held stigma... but I think I will point out where you can go." He gestures toward the forest, and then draws out a few copies of a map, handing them out. "Don't worry about it," he says to Wolf and Ash. "Harbingers are often quick to act. I kind of counted on it, because we do need to move fast. But messing with the logger has bought us some time, feel free to take a look around and decide for yourself. I'm pretty sure it's a straightforward case of just needing to divert the Empire."

    William looks at the fort. "Fortunately, offworlders are also troublemakers. I can take the fall if you need, I've been called worse. Just save the natives, that's all you need to do."
    "Third group?" Salome asks, cocking an eyebrow. But the witch keeps up her smile.
    But 'simple negotiation' is entirely different from what she had assumed the party was gearing up for.
    That smile falters as she flashes a wordless look with the cat on her shoulder, and then a glance to Escanor and Dante. The kind of look that screams 'Abort Mission.'
    "Well if that's all it is, I'm certain you could use a few extra hands against those wild animals, hm~?" She says, suddenly patting Escanor on his huge and muscley self.
    "This bad boy can hack so much wild animals."
>> SUMMARY[Salome] >> Not as planned. Abort kill all elves mission. Car Salesman meme with Escanor involved.

    "Hang on. What third group?" Dante asks. Salome's look says everything; Abort Plan A. Besides, this might give the gang much more information.
     Miwa looks as Wolf goes off toward the natives, trying to do... something to avoid further bloodshed when this all comes together later, she wonders what his plan is. As for her, she for a moment is torn between going after the three that headed to the fort and trying to keep them from doing anything rash, but figures that the chances of the trio of off worlders or the forces at the fort listening to a talking mermaid sea-lion they don't know, are not high. So she sighs and shakes her head a bit before quickly running off after Ash, before eventually falling into step beside him.
Ash simply follows after Wolf both because he wanted to be there in case Miwa got in over her head, and because going to Fort Bloodshed didn't sound like a particularly productive use of his time. What? Ash could do nice. HE did nice before. 

Thing is he wasn't stupid. He would be invisible as long as possible, darting from cover to cover when he couldn't be invisible. Let whoever it was think it was just Wolf and Miwa. Of course he was more 'ruins and urban enviroments' so his woodscraft left much to be desired. For all he knew he was blindingly and comically obvious to anyone that actually lived here even if he made few noises relative to his companions and understood the value of cover.
    William nods, turning around to join the group heading for the natives. "It's not far, but there's not a lot to do so far." And indeed it is only a short trip to a small hut. Not a tent, just a primitive hut near the forest. A middle-aged human in rough hide clothing is there, sharpening a stick with an alloyed metal knife.

    William introduces the group, "Nitan, these are the offworlders I said I'd get to help. Can you give them the basic idea of what's going on?"

    Nitan puts down what he was doing, looking everyone over. He seems rather fascinated with Ash and Miwa, lingering on them a little longer before explaining. "Greetings. My people are concerned, as the elves have come many times asking us to move. They want what they believe is a great well of magic beneath our land. It is the spirit of our land, though... we worry they will destroy it, and with it our lifeblood. This is our last home... we simply wish to live here peacefully, but the younger in our tribes have asked for war. William has said we would not need to fight... and the elders know we cannot win if we do."
    The captain sighs, "Yes, third. There was that... one fellow, blonde, carries a spear?" (Note: William doesn't appear to carry a spear) "He wanted to get us to pull back and stop. Then there was another, a group of mercenaries who were pretty pushy about wanting to push into the escort. They seemed too violent. We're a diplomatic mission, not an army-" She looks around. "Well, this expedition is. The port is a military port."
    Magilou will tag along at this point, but once it comes time to actually talk, she seems remarkably reticent, holding her hands behind her head and staying quiet as the village elder speaks. Nitan seems nice enough and all, but the witch doesn't actually want to get in the middle of tense negotiations, or to impact everyone else's decision making.

    She's here to see where things go, not so much to help them with going there. At least, not right now.
Escanor has just been standing there for a while, listening to Dante and Salome talk down this captain lady, whom has already greatly sullened Escanor's mighty mood. "A third group? Interesting." he narrows his eyes just a little bit. He doesn't make a move, though he does look at the fort. 

He looks like he almost //wants// to see how much damage he can do. But, perhaps it's more important to wait it out.
Wolf O'Donnell
     "Good. With this we'll navigate ahead and try to establish relations with the natives with what information we have at our disposal, but I expect us to talk over details for this job in more detail. I'm not exactly doing this out of the kindness of my heart, but I know a business opportunity when I see one." Besides, Wolf O'Donnell thinks, until such a time as he has a signed contract between himself and William with specific goals to accomplish, this is anyone's game and many potential prizes are still up for grabs. 

     Wolf's employee, the monkey man Sanders, remains in the city under the premise of just being a visiting off-worlder looking for the trade of goods and, coincidentally, information. Batiste, the dog, helps to prepare for the journey there and accompanies his boss without saying much. While the two can certainly fight, they weren't brought for a battle. They were brought for their espionage and observational skills.

     O'Donnell drops the butt of his cigarette, leaving him with one left for later, and snuffs out the remaining signs of flame underneath one of his large boots. Exhaling the last lungful of smoke, he pushes on through the path to meet these natives. Once there, and once introduced, the middle-aged mercenary nods. "It's not a good situation, Nitan, but it's best to prepare for the worst while you hope for the best. My name is Wolf O'Donnell, and, if it's possible, I'd like to be shown around to get a better idea of the lay of the land here for your village. You may not need to fight, but it's best to have defenses and not need them. If you can show my associate Batiste here what exactly it is, or the actual location of this Spirit of your Land so we can better cater potential defenses if negotiations do not work out, that would help us a lot. We're here to help, but you're going to have to work with us, even if what we ask might, at times, be a lot to ask."
Ash would become visible a few paces from the group proper with his hands clearly visible before bowing slightly to nitan. He said nothing andinstead chose to stand with Miwa, simply watching what was going on, recording as events happened, because at this stage? He felt out of his depth and watching a replay felt helpful. He would follow behind Wolf, because what they needed was a working relatinship with the people they were going to defend.
     Miwa quietly listens to Nitan and then to Wolf. Since this source of magic was important to their culture, and the empire wanted it, she knows that Wolf's interest in helping them set up defenses is definitely warranted, even if they all likely hoped they wouldn't be necessary. Speaking up herself, she goes ahead and adds her own two cents. "My name is Miwa, and while I believe Wolf is right, that we should be prepared for the worst, I also hope we can help your people and these elves talk this out peacefully. None of us want to see conflict between your peoples."
Ash was annoyed by the news that the Empire saw this magic as vital while thenatives apparently depended on it for... Reasons. "The only idea that comes to mind is making it too expensivefor the Empire to consider it worth," There was a bitterness to his voice at the notion. "I can do some here and there to destabilize, but it's still a lopsided field in the empire's favor." he stood with miwa, "It just feels like ther'es too many unknowns."
    William nods, looking over everyone. "I'm not asking you to bring down the Empire, remember. Just save one little group of people, that's all. How you do it? Not my concern. If you want to destroy the army and the city that's one way, but if you just want to convince them, that works too. It's all fine with me. Take your time, I think you've gotten a delay with the mess with the logger and the ruckus at the fort. I'll be around."