World Tree MUSH

The Feeders

    The powers that be are worried about the reports they've gotten from New Constantinople. The task is simple: investigate the abandoned colony bunker, and bring back more information on what happened in there, particularly what these 'feeders' are.
Character Pose
    The last investigation was assessed and had some time between it and this new request, but eventually, through the various channels, another request has come in! This time it has explicitly requested the logs and any information about the abandoned colony base, which was dug into a hillside by some automated builders.

    Fortunately, not TOO much has changed. It looks like, for one reason or another, the hilltop that the Vine tends to open up to is abandoned, and it's been established that there are at least a few people down in the swamps nearby. The remains of the ship are nearby as well, but pretty well gutted, and Justina investigated the hillside in question to find it was abandoned, but did not go inside. It doesn't look particularly imposing, though it is obviously not functional because the door is wedged half-open, and it doesn't appear that the place has power.
Valerian Railton
    Valerian is here! And like last time, he is wearing a full set of power armor and carrying an assault rifle, rather than his usual attire! 

    The rifle is let go, and he allows it to hang at his side on a quick-access sling while he looks around the arrival site. There's not a whole lot to do while you wait for the rest of the team to show up, so Valerian just decides to... smoke. He takes a pack of stimulant sticks out of his pouch on his armor and lights one up, helmetlessly smoking as he hangs out on an alien planet.
Justina Thyme
    The Sanctuary once more slots into orbit, but this time, two points of light appear on the ground near the abandoned colony. Two machines appear atop glowing rune sigils, unfolding from their storage mode and settling into a 'standby' stance. One is a large, black-plated thing with a digitigrad bodyplan, and glowing blue optics. The other is a more spindly and light-weight model It has teal optics and teal 'running lights' along its joints. The Dolls suddenly shift into a more active state, the larger model emitting a string of machine code, before shifting to stand a bit straighter, and clasps its hands behind its back. It speaks in a deep alto female tone, "Consciousness Split successful. Ra-Doll under control of Sub-Persona of Minerva. Uplink to Central Intellect: Confirmed."

    The lighter doll shifts, looks around then speaks in a much higher female tone. "Be careful, Minerva, I asked you to join me because of the advanced danger... I had that Doll fitted with repeating crossbows and Chain Lightning bolts... don't use them unless absolutely necessary." she remarks, then looks around to see who else has arrived, or is arriving.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu has decided that, given this place is dug into a hillside she needs to be able to clear any obstacles. So, she's decided to embrace the inevitability of carcinization. Eight legs, a pair of front limbs that have giant drills instead of pincers. Crablike body, except for the humanoid upper body where the head should be.

The humanoid body also has four arms, the lower two do end in pincers that come with nasty looking blades. Her entire body is pretty heavily armored and she's pretty large by her standards, standing a full seven feet tall, six feet wide and five feet long.

"I know this is probably the worst body I could have to say that, but I'm pretty sure those sticks cause cancer." Bryllu informs Valerian, and she makes contact with Minerva. > Establishing communications, proposing sensor exchange < "Hello, Justina Thyme."
Samus Aran
    It's not long before the sleek figure of a dark purple gunship cuts through the vine and slowly descends to touch down on the hilltop, dropping its landing gear and boarding ramp.
    The Hunter steps down from her ship, clad in the dark purple armor of the Gravity Suit. One arm braces on the ship's hull as she descends, armcannon held low, before she holds up a hand in silent greeting to the gathering party on the hilltop.
    "I'm back."
    Well, Aloy didn't know ALL the details, but she'd gotten a quick review from the download of what was known already. That being said, she doesn't get Bryllu's joke, since that kind of lore is lost on her world. She also looks both more and less in place than the rest, given that she was wearing what looks like primitive leather armor with tribal decorations, and a spear with a bow and arrow for armaments. Only another look might notice the spear has a glowing electronic device attached, and that her bow has a number of small pullies and a string that's more like an alloy wire. So she's definitely suited for a primitive world exploring the wilderness... yet has some odd technologies.

    Bryllu and Justina and Minerva get a cursory glance, but she doesn't seem particularly freaked out, nor by Samus in her armor. Since she's going into a tight space, she doesn't bother to unshoulder her bow for now, just looking over her companions. "Huh, a lot of machinery here, today." She looks toward the indicated place, already walking toward the entrance. "Anyone know how to restore power to one of these? Are the engines in the ship functional?"
  There's a motorcycle parked here at the arrival site. Well, maybe it's more a motorcycle, but in name only. It doesn't have wheels. The sleek, slick, futuristic aesthetic of its chassis suggests it's from a society that's pretty comfortable with advanced technology.

Leaning against it is an average-looking man with short blonde hair, hazel eyes, and an extremely tidy appearance. His clothing suggests a certain affluence: Silk shirt, goldthread-embroidered vest, quality leggings, rings cut of semiprecious stone. A clockwork-looking rifle is slung over his shoulder, ornate and well-cared for. Beside him is a tall, very tall, woman with... hare's ears? They poke up through a cloud of wavy white hair, and the white hair accentuates a mocha-dusky complexion. Her eyes are a little red, a little brown; almost the colour of dried blood. Slung over her shoulder is a greatbow and a quiver at her hip. They're having some kind of quiet, animated discussion amongst themselves.

Bunny and Clyde, right? There's a job, it pays decently, and so the sky pirates are here for... well, whatever it is they can do, really. And maybe whatever else they can 'liberate' from the area, right? Something here's got to be valuable.

Oh. Right. People are arriving. The even-more-technologically-advanced types are eyed curiously, but neither makes an effort to engage. Maybe they're just trying to grasp what it is they're looking at.

Balthier slings the rifle over his shoulder, casual and easy; Fran shifts her weight as the two approach the rest of the arrivals. They're as ready as they'll be.

"Greetings and salutations." It's the man who speaks. His voice is smooth; well-articulated. "I don't suppose anyone has a better idea of just what it is we're to be looking for, here...? Even the leading man isn't always given the right information," he opines to his companion.

Fran snorts.
    It certainly does look like it has halted, and the door has the beginnings of... decay. Not rust, this alloy doesn't rust, but the same kind of damage the ship hull had, where parts of the door have turned brittle and begun to flake off. Forcing through the door for anyone with a larger body would be pretty easy, despite it only being half open.

    It's also kind of a dreary day. Overcast and cold, but not freezing, just sort of... miserable? Now and then the clouds part enough for a few moments of warming, dazzling sunshine, but it's otherwise chilly. This might seem awful, but by all accounts it's the dead of winter here, which means it's a mostly temperate climate with some scorchers in summer. No wonder they chose to try to do an underground colony.

    There IS a secondary entrance, according to the 'standard' plans, but it's not clear where exactly it would be, or if it's still accessible, or if they ever installed it, though 'regulations' say they should have. The main entrance plunges down at a mild but steady angle, and thankfully these things usually have fairly simple layouts. They're meant to live in, not hide a dragon's hoard.
Justina Thyme
    Sub-Minerva routes the incoming comm request to her Central intellect. The intelligence aboard the ship in orbit confirms handshake. >"Hello Bryllu Zibhu. Establishing local area control... standby.< 

    The Sub-Persona, and Justina turn to Bryllu, give a nod. "Interesting shell choice. Adapted for debris removal, yes?" the young roboticist observes, mechanical arms settling into a thoughtful pose.

    As Aloy arrives, a handshake is offered to her Focus, the AI aboard the ship in orbit offering to act as a relay network operator for those who can use the service.

    Aloy's comment earns Justina's attention. "Justina Thyme, Centrian Expeditionary Force, Captain of the CEFS Sanctuary. This is a remote controled Doll frame."

    Balthier gets a look from Minerva-doll, those blue optics glowing brighter for a brief moment. "That is what we are here to find out."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Bryllu Zibhu, digital human." Bryllu introduces herself to Aloy, and she sends out offers for sharing sensory data to Aloy and Samus as well. "Yeah, I calculated a high degree of risk for structural damage and partial collapse." She answers Justina. She pushes open the entrance, and begins mapping the environment to the standard plans on the shared sensor data, looking for any deviation, just in case.
Valerian Railton
    "I appreciate the advice, but being totally honest, this thing is probably the least dangerous chemical I'm stuffing in my body on a daily basis," Valerian says as he still drops the cigarette and snuffs it out under the boot of his power armor, sighing a bit as he shifts in his footing, "You should stop by and see Matsu soon." He remarks, elbowing the crab machine as he adds, "And maybe apologize to her." 

    He takes a helmet off his belt and snaps it onto his head with a loud hiss, the visor lighting up with a basic HUD as he walks through the terrain towards the entrance to the colony. The SAMAS armor is, by and away, the least advanced thing brought here by the team, save for Baltier and his motorcycle. It pales in comparison to Aloy's Focus, Justina or Bryllu, or Samus's suit and AI. Inside the armor, Valerian makes a mental note to try to find a Glitterboy on the black market some day. Outwardly, he says to Aloy, "Valerian Railton. Freelance Hunter and Import/Export Business Owner."

    He has no hesitation just walking into the entrance of the cave, descending down into the darkness as a headlamp clicks on on his helmet to illuminate the area in front of him.
    "Aloy," the 'tribal' introduces herself. "Seeker of the Nora Tribe, if that matters. I don't really go in for titles much." She waves casually to Balthier and Fran, unslinging her spear and prodding at the door to watch it flake away. Tapping the small metal triangle on the side of her head, she nods. "Not seeing any power readings right here, but further down if something is dormant, maybe I'll be able to see. If this was abandoned it was probably for good reason, but I doubt I have to tell most of you to be careful I hope?"

    Aloy glances at Valerian, smoking there, and notes, "You'll probably not want to do that underground, so finish up." She doesn't MEAN to give orders like that, she just happens to see something that needs addressed. And when Valerian just tromps on ahead, she doesn't have a problem following, scanning for any traces of batteries or power conduits to be reconnected, hopefully with some help from the others scanning.
Samus Aran
    What a miserable day.
    It's the kind of day that takes Samus back to her youth on the planet Zebes, rushing to find places to hide from the incoming storms of harsh acid rain.
    Those are fond and good memories.
    There are some new faces this time, but Samus doesn't mind. While she's well used to potentially dangerous ruin exploration all on her own, the more people around to help watch and cover each other's backs are a welcome change from the usual norm for her.
    "Samus Aran." That's her introduction to Aloy, Balthier, and Fran while the party gears up to begin exploration of the colony interior.
    Bryllu gets a thumbs up as Samus' visor picks up the data transmission as she moves to take point with Valerian, arm cannon held low but at the ready.
  Half a glance is cast toward the open doorway, but Balthier doesn't seem very interested in taking point on this one. Whatever's down there is very probably likely to soil the cuffs of this silk shirt. That's just the way of things. Might as well put off the inevitable fuss and mess as long as possible, right?

While the others continue to discuss, Fran tips her head and looks skyward, as though to note the weather conditions and the position of this world's sun. Balthier, on the other hand, has his attention on the others. He watches, he observes; and this time his attention turns toward Aloy. (Fran may or may not be looking at Aloy's bow Very Intently from a distance.)

"Balthier," the hume introduces himself, pleasantly. "And my companion here is Fran. You could call us... enterprising mercenaries, of a sort." He's being looked at by that Minerva-doll and it's really creepy! "Hmm. Well, I suppose we'll keep our eyes open, then."

Aloy earns a wave from the sky pirate, too; although Fran only looks at her. But maybe it's a little less standoffish of a look than usual from the Viera? Maybe? See, look, the hare-eared woman is being nice.


He shrugs as others discuss power reading and the like. No tools for that particular kind of job, but that's okay; the sky pirates can keep watch. They don't have trouble following, either, as the others start leading the way into the bunker.

"And what sort of work do you do, Samus Aran?" Balthier finds himself near the bounty hunter. "As for us, we do... a bit of everything, you could say."
    Once inside the dark tunnel that serves as the main shaft, the 'rotting' of the metal seems to stop, evidently a surface-only phenomenon. The rest is... largely intact? It looks like it's a typical base layout, with various useful monitoring rooms followed by living quarters further in, then utility and storage, and finally a command center and reactor. Not that the group is near those yet, but just going down the hallway there are signs of something wrong. The tunnel splits off, as expected, to lead down to other rooms, but each passage is sealed off... and by sealed, metal plates have been welded over the doors, and the power couplings torn out. There are signs of explosive damage in the main hallway as well, and one of the hallways toward some of the living quarters(there are signs, so it's easy to see which leads where) appears to be partially melted and then torn apart from the inside.

    It's pretty obvious it wasn't just convenience that lead the place to be abandoned. That said, those with sensors can tell that the reactor still has power... it seems to be in some kind of 'low-energy output' mode. Given it appears to be some kind of fusion system, it might be more dangerous to turn it off completely, depending on the technology.
Valerian Railton
    "I know, I know! It's out, it's out!" Valerian calls through his helmet to Aloy as she reminds him not to smoke in a tunnel. With his hands free, he now lifts up the assault rifle in front of himself and continues to march into the depths of the complex. 

    When they come towards the branch in the hallway, Valerian inspects it with his headlamp, "A battle was fought here. Either to keep something out or maybe to keep something in? Hard to really say."
    "Looks like the generator is active, just shut down," Aloy relays to the others who may not have sensors to tell them that yet. "Minerva was it? Be careful, but if you can scout ahead that might be nice." She's suggesting that but letting Valerian and Samus take point, and in the meantime just hanging back. This is clearly not the terrain she'd normally choose. "I've done my share of wandering in abandoned ruins, but they're usually more spacious than this."

    Fran's look at her bow isn't missed, and she glances to the tall lapine woman. "It's one of the more advanced bows on my world. Guns aren't that common." So apparently they're known? "Bryllu was it? I don't really know what a digital human is, but I'm guessing your mind is in that machine body or something. We may need your help there. I suggest we get the reactor on and then get what we need, I don't like the idea of looking for unknown trouble without a backup plan."

    Now if she were alone she'd probably be checking out the living quarters, but she's not. All she says to Valerian in reply is, "Yeah, let's hope whatever or whomever they were facing got bored and left. These metals aren't just iron or steel... they're a lot stronger, and the damage is pretty bad even so."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Looks like they're using a primitive power supply system, might be dangerous to shut off depending on their security systems." Bryllu states, completely oblivious to the fact that calling fusion primitive is... a nit of a faux pas. She takes a closer look, "I'd suggest hooking my ship's generator to power up the place, but I'm afraid my ship is currently immobile and this body lacks the output to power the whole facility."

The digital human points out the blocked passages on the people she's sharing sensor data with, "I could probably break through those barriers if we think that's a good idea." She briefly spins up the drills for emphasis. "My very distant ancestors turned their minds into machines, I've always been a machine. This is the simplified version, but it's hard to figure out how much you would understand based on your... eclectic array of equipment."
Samus Aran
    What kind of work does Samus do? It is a question that she answers quite simply:
    "I'm a bounty hunter."
    She's all focus and all professionalism right now as she takes slow, measured, steps down the hall, boots clanking softly with every pace as her helmet visor drinks in the details.
    As for Balthier's question PRIOR to that, she does afford him another answer; "We're looking for information about just why this place was abandoned." She says while squinting into the gloom.
    Doors are welded shut. And the signs of explosive damage do not bode well.
    It reeks.
    "Some kind of firefight." She offers her thoughts before Valerian gives his assessment.
    "And most of the doors are welded." She points out the obvious. "If they're holding something inside, it's probably best not to disturb them." Asided to Bryllu.
    She would rather not repeat ZDR if it can be helped.
Justina Thyme
    Minerva-S slots in at the back of the group, 'plugging' the back against any surprise visitors following them in. Justina looks to Aloy, and takes a step forward. "This frame is built for scout duties... Minerva's is a combat model and meant to take damage." she says, then heads off down the center path toward the reactor, shifting her vision modes through the various filters as she goes to try and pick out anything different about the walls, floors, and any hidden or trapped survivors. Thermal, UV, and 'Magic Aura' vision modes.

    Minerva, meanwhile deploys a pair of blades on her arms, setting up a roadblock in case they need to get out of the bunker quickly. "I will hold the door open, proverbially speaking." she announces the heavy frame hunkering down into a guard position.
  "Curious," Balthier mutters as they file through the doorway, eyeing the threshold carefully in passing. "It almost looks as though some sort of corrosion. Fran?"

"Mmm," the Viera murmurs, distracted.

He sighs, shrugging as he walks. "A scintillating conversationalist, Fran."

A shrug has the Viera's bow in hand. Her nails are long, almost claw-like, and they look like they're probably capable of inflicting damage all by themselves. (How does she draw a bowstring like that?) Her own weapon is a pretty thing, dark ebony wood carved and filigreed with delicate silver. It looks exceptionally well cared for. "No finer bows exist in our world than limbs shaped in the Wood." Fran's voice is odd. Scratchy and smoky. Exotically inflected.

Balthier glances toward the ceiling, frowning thoughtfully. "I do have a ship, but I'm afraid the Strahl wouldn't be able to power this, either." His voice sinks into a mutter. "That, and the effort would knock out the glossair rings for a month. No, we can't have that."

A bounty hunter? Balthier jerks his chin in casual acknowledgement. "A fine and illustrious vocation, if any there existed... and an outrageously profitable one, under the right circumstances. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my good lady." There's an edge of the theatrical to his tone of voice, as though he were putting on a show for the benefit of... who knows. Despite these seemingly frivolous mannerisms, Balthier's eyes are not in the act. His eyes are cold, still; they take in everything around them, always moving, always studying.

"Yes, yes; that's what the bill said." Balthier waves a hand dismissively at mention of looking for more information. "I'm afraid we lack the equipment to work with these systems, and frankly, my engineer is a coward. It would take a month of Sundays to convince him to venture down here."

That is to say, welp, he's out of tools in his toolbox if it's all about raiding computer databases.

"We can, however, bring up the rear on the way down." Balthier's mouth curls, slightly, in a half-smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Viera archers never miss, you know." He shrugs his rifle down. "The leading man isn't half bad, himself, either."
    The place is quiet as a tomb, which probably sets many on edge, given it's supposed to be dangerous. The command center is also blocked, but this appears to be a simple structural collapse, and a minor one. Shoring up the archway and removing the rubble should make it easily accessible. A little further down, Justina moving ahead(perhaps with cover from the others) will find the small room with the auxiliary controls for the reactor. It's giving off a very faint amount of heat, but the controls appear to have been safely shut down, if done so in a hurry. They aren't locked or anything, and flipping a few switches should be able to restore power.

    This would allow the control center to be opened more easily, but it should be noted that there are signs of combat just outside the door there, as well. It also... smells. Smells of blood, ozone, and something that is like rotten meat. Fortunately it's very mild, so not gag-inducing, just... unpleasant. This place has decent ventilation even without power.
Justina Thyme
    >"Justina to group. Found auxillary reactor controls... they look to have been powered down in a hurry. No locks detected. I am bringing the reactor back online now."< reports the astral projection-in-a-robot-suit. She walks over to the panel, and starts flicking the switches to reactivate the reactor to a standard power output.
Valerian Railton
    "So..." Valerian frowns a bit behind the helmet of his power armor, "If we combine all this with what that guy in the hut in the swamp told us..." 

    He thinks for a moment, "I think something. Or some THINGS.... came in here and tried ate these people." He recalls the conversation, "He called them Feeders. Told us they perished when they refused to leave. And they might have perished when they tried to leave. They also got the scout party."

    He touches some of the scorches and damage to the wall, "He also said they live in the rocks. Did he mean the mountains? Or did he mean somewhere else?" Valerian muses over the idea.
    Sigh, Aloy starts to prod at the rubble, then steps aside for Bryllu to handle it. "Getting the power online I think is needed if we're going to get any information out of this," she grumbles. Though Bryllu's assessment of her technology may be helped when she mentions, "I had to turn on a lot of reactors exploring ruins, but most of the computers had at least backup power that lasted a few centuries. I'm a hunter, not a... builder, so I don't know how, but it doesn't look like this technology has that feature."

    She steps back to make room, frowning at what Valerian said while waiting for the power to be restored. "That doesn't sound good. Let's get in and out then, I'm liking this less and less." She's definitely going to be downloading files the moment she can.
Samus Aran
    While Justina works on getting the power up, Samus lingers by the entrance to the control center. The scent of blood and carnage, even mild, filters into her helmet and the Hunter frowns.
    "It pays the bills." She says in reply to Balthier.
    "If something came from the outside... Why are all the doors welded from our side?" She mutters to Valerian. "That's an act of someone trying to keep something in."
    "I agree. Let's make this fast." She says in accordance with Aloy.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu examines the things as they go back up. "And I'm a miner not a builder, so I know how to use my stuff and how to handle being alone for a few centuries but I couldn't build half the stuff I need to fix my ship, and this technology doesn't work like what I'm used to." She responds to Aloy. "Are you from Earth? Most humans seem to be, though in my time Earth is long gone."

Bryllu heads towards one of the welded doors and starts trying to see if she can sense something past it by throwing out some active audio and electromagnetic sensors at several different frequencies, hoping to get a sense of what's behind those barriers.
    Flipping the switches causes a surge of lighting, illuminating the complex. A few sparks shower up the hall, but nothing shuts down and no alarms go off. Some of the conduits are damaged, but the breakers must be handling any problems in the circuits, as the lights are mostly intact. The door to the command center glides open, though a few pieces of rubble do need kicked aside. The computers and controls flare to life, showing a map of the complex on one wall, with sections in red mapped to the sealed areas.

    Speaking of sealed areas, at first there's nothing detected beyond the sealed door... but with the surge in power, there's... something. Faint movement by audio, though the temperature is still far too cool for human life, nor is anything radiating heat.


    When the computers come on, a holographic image of a woman flickers into being. "Greetings. If you have turned on this system and have yet to clear the complex of the infestation, leave now. It is too dangerous to remain. We don't know what this infestation is, but our digging awakened some kind of creatures. They feed on our power systems and our bodies, but we think shutting down the reactor may send them back into hibernation long enough for the survivors to escape. Or at least, most of them. This is the last log before shutdown is initiated. We'll try to take shelter in the ship, but whatever is eating our alloys is making that hard, so we will probably retreat to the swamp."

    She hesitates, then continues, "Unfortunately one of our own, Lyra Neannan, also fled to the swamp after showing some aberrant behavior. We don't know what happened but she was able to override our cortical stacks and control our bodies, but only sometimes. We couldn't make sense of what she was saying or why she couldn't do it to just anyone, but she seemed willing enough to just leave suddenly after taking over eight of us. We'll try to come to an agreement with her, but if you are listening to this and have not seen us, we may have fallen. I apologize for my failure as mission commander."

    By the time the message ends, there's some definite noises coming from all over, like scratching and hissing, and the auxiliary control room overlooking the reactor pit where Justina is... she can detect movement, and sudden energies, both heat building up from hundreds of small, cat-sized creatures... and a faint wave of magical energy.
Valerian Railton
    Valerian lifts up his rifle and sways it twards the sound of scratching and hissing coming from all over, aiming at the walls as he tracks the movement through sound. "So based on the hologram, I see two options. Either way burn the nest out, which will probably be long and a pain in the ass, or we retreat and come back for it later and with better equipment. I'm down for either, but not everyone here is exactly combat-spec." 

    He moves to a defensive position, trying to cover one of their flanks and raising up the rifle as he takes a steadying stance to aim.
Justina Thyme
    Justina picks up the audio of movement, then the heat of many cat-sized signatures... and a wave of magic? >"Justina to group... I have a lot of movement down here... thermal is picking up at least three hundred cat-sized heat signals... and I am picking up magical auras. Cannot determin the origin."< She starts backing out of the control room... there's too much incoming to try shutting down the reactor again, and she doesn't want to find out what it feels like to get eaten alive by tiny murder monsters. >"Minerva, prepare for immediate teleport once we're outside the bunker!"< she turns and starts running back up the hallway to where it branched off. "Sub-Unit, break-out protocol, clear the entrance-way for immediate evac!" she commands the sub-persona Doll, who starts moving toward the surface with its weapons ready, in case these things start coming down the tunnel from the surface.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Let's pull out and when we come back I can try out my new idea for a warform." Bryllu agrees with Valerian, though she doesn't seem afraid and strolls besides Valerian, "How many spots should I include for ranged organics who could benefit from being inside a walking fortress, do you think?"
    "We don't know enough about what we're facing, and I'm more used to fighting machines than strange creatures. I'd rather not waste arrows on a swarm when I don't have any way to replenish them!" She thinks about cryo arrows but... no, that isn't the point.

    Aloy taps her Focus and speaks to everyone. "Justina, as soon as I give the word, shut down the reactor and get out of there! I'm going to download the data and then we get moving. Everyone else, keep an exit path for us."

    She hopes she can download this quickly.
Samus Aran
    The hologram says enough.
    "Justina get out of there." Samus says as soon as the half-elf reports that she isn't alone. The Hunter takes up a defensive position with Valerian, armcannon raised and charging a superheated ball of plasma at the barrel.
    "If we're not all prepared to burn out the nest now, we come back later. Assuming we even have to." Technically she's more than armed to the teeth, but sometimes discretion really is the better part of valor. Like right now.
    The download doesn't take long. It does take time though. Rattling noises come from the sealed doors, but then it becomes clear... SOME of the seals had already broken. The creatures that skitter out are a deep black in carapace, with huge forward-facing jaws, looking more like giant ant heads without bodies than actual insects or creatures. FOrtunately, they aren't 'swarming' yet, but they are already... what is the term? A target-rich environment?

    There's a good chunk of data, but with Aloy's Focus being so advanced, it manages to snag it swiftly... just not quite so fast that the shooting doesn't start first, since a few of the creatures burst out of the ceiling to drop down into the main corridor.
Valerian Railton
    "Focus on moving. I'll lay down covering fire." Valerian says to the less-combat-inclined members of the team as he opens fire, hitting several of the creatures with a volley of high-caliber gunfire. He's mainly focused on protecting Bryllu, who is currently strolling next to him, "You know. How is it that you shoot down sexy gynoid Bryllu , but now we're gonna have PillboxTurtle Bryllu next time I see you? I feel like my suggestions don't get taken seriously." 

    It's as much an effort to lighten the mood as anything. With one magazine empty, he drops it out of the gun and onto the floor before slamming a new one in and taking aim at any stragglers that might block their way out. It's a standard military tactic of advancing and shooting, and one that's easily emulated or adapted into regardless of whether you have a rifle, a cannon, a bow, or a melee weapon.
Justina Thyme
    Minerva-Sub deploys the Heavy Crossbows. They unfolds from the shoulder mountings and deploy bolts that are tipped with glowing yellow runes. As Justina books it clean past the larger Doll, and the others start backpedaling up the ramp, she unloads... Not into the monsters, but instead into the walls beside them.

    The Bolts shatter on impact, and a veritable lightning storm dances amongst the 'Feeders' from each bolt. The Chain Lightning spell aiming to slow down the incoming bugmonsters long enough for the others to escape to open terrain.

    Justina herself turns at the top of the ramp, summoning a blade for one arm and slashing at any creatures that come too close, trying to keep the entry clear for the otheres.
    Aloy is going to take up Brylly on the offer. Her spear at the read to swat anything away, she yells over comms, "I've got it let's go!" She'll transfer it to the others once to safety, for now she just dashes over and does something that is way, way too practiced to be sheer luck, the tribal leaps up to land atop Bryllu's frame.

    "You going to be all right there?" To Valerian, because Samus seems to have a giant Arm Cannon and Justina is hopefully already on her way out. She's tucking her spear away, and drawing out her bow, firing an arrow downward toward the ones pursuing that sends out a burst of flame in the hopes that it will deter them if Justina's lightning doesn't.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Because I have no interest in sexual relations, but I can see the tactical value in providing a protected space for my allies to fight from." Bryllu answers Valerian deadpan, "Perhaps I should remind you that, despite the fact I am much older than you, if go by relative maturity by the standards of our people, you hitting on me is basically cradle robbing." The young ancient one is clearly teasing, despite trying to keep her voice deadpan.

As they make their way out, Bryllu uses both the drills and the claws as weapons, but prioritizes an exit over maximizing her kill count.
Samus Aran
    "I've got his back, don't worry about it."
    That is Samus to Aloy when the Nora tribeswoman asks if Valerian will be fine.
    This is when Samus releases that charged bolt of plasma; a superheated ray of scorching energy lancing from her armcannon towards the feeders before she starts moving. Moving and shooting as she fires off rays of plasma while keeping up with the others.
    Covering the back is a good idea, because as Aloy begins to move, more of the swarm starts to surge out from nooks and crannies. The Chain Lightning briefly stuns these creatures... but they feed on energy, so at first it looks like that was a bad idea. Some of them immediately start moving FASTER after the initial stunning. However, this is compensated by others, that quiver, jerk forward at high speed, and then just... explode, having absorbed more than they were meant to and overloaded, making a messy splatter of a few, while speeding up the others. Fortunately those run right into Aloy's flames as they erupt, causing them to careen out of control. It doesn't look like it's really causing much damage to them, but it's definitely painful, and a few of the exposed organs like eyes are burnt by the flames. These things must have been hell to deal with for the colonists, with how erratic various elements are with them.

    Fortunately, good old kinetic or plasma weaponry works just fine, outright damage able to cut through them, and the 'supercharged' ones are still sometimes 'cooking off' behind. Bryllu hardly has to use her claws, and with Balthier, Fran, and Minerva keeping the exit clear, the group erupts into the light with a crash of the failing bunker door.

    Fortunately, these 'Feeders' seem to have no real desire to exit into the sunlight, even as dim as it is. Leaving the group basically unharmed but for a few scratches on the armor, but with the distant sound of a rustling, bustling nest of hundreds of the creatures to make it very clear why the colonists chose the rank-smelling swamp over the cool underground.

    Mission accomplished? For now.