World Tree MUSH


Character Pose
With Wolf's services employed to effectivly quarrantine a space station drifting from universe to Universe Ash has put out a call for assistaince clearing out the rather offending and disgusting things that have taken up residence in the gleamin structure hanging in the space over a pre-industrial Earth.

While Ash took stock of the meeting grounds via his warframe a variety of antropamorphic persons scurried about diffrent tasks involving prepping the craft they were going to take. The warframe made Ash look a foot taller than he was without and built for war. Mostly because it literally was designed for this sort of task.

"Alright folks. Thanks for coming on such relative short notice." The notice had mentioned being able to loot the station's holds after quarintine was lifted. "Just to clarify. Officially I have ownership of this station now. the two factions that had been fighting over rights have ceeded to me on the matter and are agreeing to help with decondamination efforts."

Several humanoid figures in grey and pale blue jumpsuits could be spotted. Their faces pale, but human looking as each readied square boxydevices. "So far we have confirmed the infestation is not airborn, but to hedge bets my associatesh ere," He gestured to the jumpsuited fellows, "Have been pumping Inferon through the station's enviromental systems. Shouldn't bother anyone here, but it'll kill off any active spores in the air."

The lightso f his warframe dimmed as he started pacing. "Our job is to get rid of the bioforms that the infestation has started growing to start doing delicate tasks like... Well... Put blunt? Near as the eggheads can figure they plan on blowing the station up and ride the explosion across to whatever worlds it can reach. So whether you're here because loot, or public welfare, or giggles? You're here to fight."

The briefing continued, noting that bullets, thankfully, wrk just fine. Fire is a wonderful tool for containment and the enviromental systems will probably be able to handle it just fine. Electrical shock, EMP, and the ike are poor choices. Then the list of 'general' threats, all misshapen beats, armor plated animalistic, etc etc. It really wasn't a complex briefing, as it boiled down to 'don't let the violent monsters eat your face' and 'shoot it until it dies.' The rest was just details. That and their job was just to fight back the activly trying to eat people things. Cleanup burn teams were going to sweep the place after it wa safe

"Anyone have any questions?"
Ghost coughed and... oddly. Was standing at attention. Wait, was she taking this seriously? "Sir, yes sir!" Oh gosh, nope. He could hear the mockery in her voice. And see the mirth filled grin on her face. "I am here for the loot AND giggles, sir!" Definitely not taking ANY of this serious.

"Although, in all seriousness. ALL of my arnaments and weapons are electrical based. Do you got like, a flamethrower you can--"

"DON'T OYU DARE GIVE HER A FLAMETHROWER!" A voice would ring out over the coms, making Ghost cringe.

"Come on, Houstan, just a--"

"Do not. Give her. A flame thrower."

"Ugh, fine. I'll just use my acid gun."

".... How did we even let you keep that thing."

"Hee hee!" She was using a red frame today. He may remember it. As the one that was resistant to fire. Oh. Right. AND DROPPED LAVA.
Emily Nyx
Emily Nyx has her usual amused and faintly smug smile. "Definitely for giggles here," she says. She has the same voice she always uses, but there's very little else to recognize about her at the moment.

Right now, she's in a sort of pastel demon form. She has lavender skin, three pairs of her usual glowing purple eyes in two vertical rows, four arms, ivory horns, a spaded tail, and hair that seems so black it's like a hole in space or a graphical glitch. She's dressed in a bubblegum pink crop top that says "I'LL STOP WEARING PINK WHEN THEY INVENT A DARKER COLOR" in white letters, neon blue jeans, and what appear to be white high-heeled sneakers.

She nods in approval at Ghost's antics, and then considers this. "I have a question," she says. "Are directed-energy weapons acceptable?" She holds up her hand, and a golden bolt of energy materializes over it, hovering in place. "Or am I just going to stab my way through everything instead?"
Luke Gray
    The pokemon trainer seems to be a bit... nervous, wether it is because he feels out of place, scared, or even just excited at the idea of some space station adventure is a bit hard to gauge at first. He seems content to watch the... humanoids scurrying around and preparing their vehicle, but mostly, keeps his attention fixated on Ash, fiddling with his hat, his pokedex, and nodding when there is some talk about 'weaknesses' and what to use. 

     Thankfully, that is something he is quite familiar with, even if hearing that 'electricity is a poor choice' hurts his options. "If fire and... strength are useful traits, I might have a good pokemon to use. He reaches for a pokeball, and releases said creature. There is a flash of red light, before a red, cream and black bearlike creature seems to materialize next to Luke, almost the size of a grizzly bear. There is a small huff and a lick of flame emerging from it's snout. "He can produce fire, and is very resistant to it as well." he says, "He is also fairly strong." he muses.
Renya Rimehart
Alturistic endeavors were not Captain Rhinehart's fortey, so let's not make any bones about the fact that she's mostly interested in the looting to be had after the place has been cleaned out. At least, that's the claim the Pirate Princess would make if anyone asked.... But as she was there to see what this infestation is and does, there might be more underlying reason that that. Just that it was a little too close to some of the other elderitch freakiness she's seen in her time upon seas and skies. For all her pompus proclimation of potential booty to be had... something sinister about this had certainly raised her hackles.

"Don't be forgettin' about ice, mate," Renya called to Ash as she sauntered onto the scene with her usual swagger. "All these things deserve is a frozen hell."

This time the Captain was not alone though, as following slightly behind at her sides was a pair of raccoons, similar enough in appearance aside from gender to be easily placed as twins. Magnum was not shy about the number of guns he carried, including the pair of clockwork naval revolvers on his belt and the musketoon in his hands with an axe-blade affixed uner the muzzle. While his sister Maven had a shield that appeared to be made out of a large boiler hatch, and her fair share of tools. That one probably wouldn't have to worry about fire being flung around too much with that defensive measure.

Renya does pause in her posturing to peer at Luke for a moment. Or more so, at the creature he turns free. "... Ye wouldn't happen to be related to that ice slingin' seal siren would ye?" Hey at least this time she didn't call Miwa a mermaid.
Demi hadn't had a chance to get out much lately since she's been busy doing maintence on Nurvus. The system was stable for the moment so she was free to provide outside aid. She's more designed for combat with other robots than organic targets. She wonders if her statis beam would at least stun them while the others dealt with them. At least she didn't have to worry about being infected by the biospores and she's sure that Seed would be interested in any data that she could gather about their opponent. "All this technology present, I'll have much to study once the threat is eliminated!"
Ash looked Renya's way and even though she couldn't see his face Ash grinned at the captain. "Frozen, burned, dropped in a vat of Acid. So long as the job's done and all hands make it home." His tone was merry even as he mentally reenvaluated the sort of resistances the decking material for the Tenno station could and couldn't handle. Ghost's acid is probably wouldn't do more than scuff the flooring. Probably. 

He looked to Luke and gave angi a thumbsup esture, "How's it going big guy? Feeling up for a bug hunt?"

His attention then shifted to Demi, "just so you're going to keep study to After we're sure it's safe to take time to do so insteadof in a middle of a fight."

Ash would look at EMily, the lights of his warframe dimming for a moment, "Plasma, electricty and directed energy WORKS... but it's not-optimal." He shrugged before gesturign to the transports. "Divide up as you want since we're all headed to roughly the same place."


the trip up would be uneventful at least for those thta have been in space before. Otherwise imagine a plane taking off, except it just keeps going... and going until the sky turns black and the curviture of the planet can be seen. Each ship had a sense of 'down' so no losing one's lunch. And when they reached orbit each ship would be flanked by other star wolf craft. A reminder being sent out that oncee they enter the station they will be considered under quarrentine and needing to go into a decontamination protocol that WILL be heavily and strictly enforced.

Each ship would eventually dock and the pilots giving an all clear to disembark.... into a station filled with grey hallways patterned and swirled with dark threads.

"That's... nnot good." Ash would kneel down and seemingly pick up one of the black 'threads' and pull it up, revealing it as a hair fine tendrel that then wriggled and attempted to pull away from Ash's hand. "Not what we have to worry about. "Final check before we engadge."

Ghost was temporarily distracted from her mockery of military procedure, to glance at Rena. "Ice slinging seal siren? That sounds AWESOME! I wanna meet it sometime!" Oh my gosh... She hmphs as Ash ignores her. She even stuck her tongue out at him. "I jsut wanted a flame thrower..." And, unfortunately... Because Ash ignored her little hijinks. NOW she was getting bored. And with lack of attention... Well...

"Yeah yeah, you do that. I'm gonna go scout ahead!" And thenm, before he could object, she was off, running ahead. Gosh DANG IT GHOST! Running down the hall with her acid gun out and ready. The good news was her acid WOULD only scuff the floors! And melt everything else. Eep.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray tries to distract himself and get a bit less nervous by looking at the others, being more than a bit surprised as everyone seems so well prepared, reaching to pet the big fire bear a bit. Meanwhile, Agni sizes up everyone and give Ash a curious look, before recognizing who it was, giving a nod and a growl... is it smiling?.

    Luke's attention is drawn by Renya, who gets a wave of one hand, "Seal Siren... you mean Miwa?, she is a friend of mine." he says with a smile, "I take you met her?". He seems a bit calmer once around the ship, even if the big fire bear was acting a bit over protective and tried to settle against him during the trip, someone has to keep the reckless kid safe!. Same behaviour happens as Luke tries to come out of the ship, "That can't be good." he mumbles. Agni moves to poke at one of the threads too, growling at it.
Emily Nyx
Emily just continues smiling, as if all this was the height of comedy. She dissipated the bolt early on. "I wonder if I can set myself on fire to hurry along the decontamination," she murmurs. "Or maybe I'd just damage myself."

She looks over at Ash as he examines the 'thread'. "Hmm." She looks down the hallway as Ghost goes barrelling away, glances around at the rest of the group for a moment, then shrugs and simply rises off the ground. "Releasing capacitor seals three and two."

She's surrounded by three distinct auras, one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent; the first two seem to shatter, and then the third one fades away. Hazy wings of shadow then manifest behind her, and in a swirl of silvery glitter, her tail extends a bit longer, and the heels on her shoes extend and become considerably ... pointier.

Another swirl of glitter, and an oversized longsword materializes in her hand, with a glowing neon pink circuit board pattern running up the blade.
Demi would make to sure to keep her distance from Ghost, corrosive weapons and androids don't mix. "How about compressed air?" Demi does have her impacter rifle if electricity isn't a good idea. It might be best for her to partner up with Luke, since air and fire could make an effective mix. Plus he was organic, so her medical power would work if he did need physical aid. Several of the others scanned to her as non-biological lifeforms.

"Miss, please don't set yourself on fire." There's no telling what effect it might have while they're in the decontamination chamber.
"Did she just..." Ordis's voice deadpanned in Ash's ear.

"Yep." Ash watched Ghost run offf.

She would see black 'thread' gettign denser until it became actual vines covering floor walls and any avalible surface. Then... snarling beast things twisted and half-insectoid-half-fungal. Blind faces turned to Ghost and charged, hissing and screaming as their lopsided gate carried them from varying resting posturestowards the bored infiltraition specialist. Each one wasthe size of a large dog. Problem is there were like... Twenty of them.

the rest of the group would hear inhuman wailing and screams. Something would cause the station lights to flick.

Ash drew a katana-like blade from its sheath at his side, "They're calling for a juggernaught. Thing's the size of a small car, armored carapace strong enough to resist rocket fire, and mean as hell. Basically hive defense." With that he signaled for the pilots to unclamp from the station. "Replacement craft will dock in two minutes. with backup flamer units." His voice was earily calm, almost as if this were just a normal day at work. "You, Airgun girl." He gestured to Luke, "Give him cover. Your rifle might nto damage but anythign that can do crowd control will help cover the kid."

More runners now this time from side hallways. Each dog sized, but now with the occasional... bipedal unit limp-stepping through wielding weapons in misshapen arms. their am was nonexistant but it wasstill return fire.

Ash wouldcharge in to start carving into the lin e of infested chargers, "FORWARD THE LINE!" His voice was loud, perhaps enhanced by the station's comms system, perhaps it was something the warframe allowed. "Prioritize the shamblers! hThe chargers are just fodder."
Renya Rimehart
The response from Luke gets a smirk in return, and a tip of her hat to him. "Then give her my regards next time ye see her. Such facinating creatures, Pokemon."
"You already have a fire spewing p--" Magnum stops as Renya gives him a glare out of the corner of her eye. "--bodyguard," he quickly corrects himself. He meant it as just a jest, but jokes about Vex's status clearly don't go over very well.

At least the transport ship trip doesn't seem to get to Renya as much this time after experience, and the Twins are so use to being around moving machines it doesn't appear to bother them at all. Until they finally come to dock and the trio steps out. "Back again we are to claim this stellar stockpi--" She's cut off by the duo quickly moving to stand in front of her weapon guns and shield ready. "--Ye be blockin' the view of my grand entrance mates!"
"With all due respect Captain," Magnum replied without looking away from having his gun ready and aimed in front of them, "You are much to valuable to allow to prance about haphazardly on this away mission."
"As much as we regard you highly for being willing to embark on such dangerous forays in person," Maven added.
Ghost blinked and... "Awww, they're cute!" 

"They are NOT cute. Ghost, focus!" Jacker snapped.

"It's a bunch of DOGS. I'm fine!" She yelled with a laugh, before shooting one in the face, then jumping , leaping into the air and... Dropping lava down onto the deck. Around them and... Hopefully the station would be fine. Because the LAVA certainly wasn't station safe.

"Yee haw! You guys are missing out on the--" And then a shriek. Something hit her as she hovered in the air. Stupid things with guns! She shot it in its big stupid FACE! And then leaped off the face of one of the dogs, running ahead and likely drawing a few after her as she shot and kept charging in.

"Ghost, get back with the team!" JAcker snapped.

"I'm sorry, Adam, but I can't do that. Having too much fun."


"Psssst, ssssss, oh no, there's too much psssssst static, I can't hear you!"

"What? Ghost, there isn't any.... Ghost? GHOST!" A moment later... Across Ash's coms. "Ghost turned off her coms. Ugh."
Emily Nyx
Emily grins widely at Demi. She'd register as some sort of techno-magical being if anyone were to scan her. "I mean, I'd shapeshift into something more durable, but that might mean the stuff the quarantine was looking for might get buried underneath, so ... pile of nanomachines for the standard procedure it is, I guess."

And then the action begins.

Emily grins, and calls out in Ghosts general direction, "I mean, they are cute!" She lets out a peal of laughter, and swoops forward, spinning wildly in a circle with her sword out as she cuts her way through the chargers towards the nearest shambler. She does a midair somersault, kicks the shambler with her overly-spiky heels, and then follows it up with a series of high-speed slashes with her sword.
Demi really needs to upgrade her weaponry but what's available on Motabia is limited and she's unable to learn techs. Her scans come up on Emily as incomplete, was their something preventing he from being scanned. She moves to provide cover for Luke as she fires her Impacter. Sometimes she wishes she was better equipped for combat like her master but she was designed to provide support all else.
Luke Gray
     Luke tries to stay by Ash, no point goign ahead when he really didn't have much info to go with. Agni takes his position in front of Luke, the air around the fire pokemon seeming to get warmer as it prepares, even as Luke replies, "I will, she is a very good friend." he replies. The mention about offering cover gets a grin, "I promise to try to stay away from problems.". That makes the bear roll his eyes and huff, seems Agni is not quite convinced about it. 

    Luke nods as Ash warns about the potential threats later, "Agni!, Work up!" he calls, "Then use flame charge!" his pokemon to growls again, a light red aura appearing around it, the air starting to heat up a bit more, and the bear roars, charging towards the upcoming creatures, fire engulfing it's entire frame, seeming to pick up speed as it slams into the closest of the chargers, likely sending it flying and moving to charge at another one, seemingly moving faster after the last one.
Renya Rimehart
As much as she feigned annoyance at the Twins intercepting Renya did appreciate them looking out for her. This is why they were two of the most trusted members of her crew, and the closest as she got to younger siblings. The objection is even less so as one girl goes running off on her own, and monsters of various sorts come charging into their path. "Very well then." Renya withdrew her calisabre and held it up and out, angled over the duo's heads dramaticly. "Batten down the hatches and let loose the broadside!"

It's not just using fancy sailing sounding lingo, it's actual orders. Followed in an unusually literal way to a degree as Maven slams down her boiler hatch shield after turning it horizontal, forming a barricade against the enemy attacks, and cover that can be fired from.

Renya makes use of the frigid nature of her weapon, firing icy blasts to debilitate the swarmers of their mobility.

Magnum on the other hand has a slower rate of fire, but the steampunk weapon delivers a much bigger punch in exchange as he hammers several shots into the shamblers with the literal handcannon.
Renya Rimehart
>> SUMMARY[Renya Rimehart] >> The Pirates have ice, cannons, shields... and most importantly Teamwork.
Ash snorted as he carved through another, "You people are strange." These infested chargers were deformed quadripedes with mismatched limbs, an awquard gate, and very obviously trying to eat people's faces.

More shamblers advanced, this time with a larger bloblike thing waddling behind disgourging small six legged 'bug' like creatures that chittered and scurried. Each one was the sizeof a terier and each one would try latching onto anyone. Granted each would die if you so much as sneezedat them, but the walking blob thing kept pumping more out.

"Broood mother," Ash's voice calmly identified the creature before a trio of smoke clones repetedly skewered it.

Another loud shriek accompanyed by the station lights flickering. Ghos'ts magma would drip and condense on the statin floor. Amazingly the hot lava didn't burn through... what was this place made of anyway? Unlike the others Ghost might FEEL the treors caused by these screams.

More of those Brood Mothers would lumber closer to the party flanked by shamblers proiiding what cover fire deformed bipeds can.

"Yea..." Ash would comment in a somewhat lessthan professional tone. "I don't think they got the memo I didn't invite them." More of the infested burn, a particularly unlucky one is slammed bak into a shambling ... thing right as it was going to fire a rocket, causing rocketto explode in its face killing both misshapen forms.

Those units that were already either on fire or getting heated by the fire now had to deal with rapid cooling from Renya's ice, freeezing several.
Luke Gray
    As the enemy fire became more evident, (and Ash pointed out those new creature), both the fire bear and Luke turn towards the weapon bearing monsters, "Agni, flamethrower towards those creatures shooting at us!." The bear pauses on it's charge, glaring at the bipedal things and rearing up, breathing deeply for a moment, the aura surrounding it flashing bright red again as it unleashes a jet of fire towards the closest group of those creatures.
All the various guns certainly get Demi's attention, she certainly needs to get her hands on some of those. She starts to calculate specs on the different weapons and how she might manfacture them. "Where did these lifeforms come from?" They didn't seem like something that would occcur naturally to her. The blob reminded her of one of the monsters on Motabia, but it was only capable of producing more blobs.
Renya Rimehart
Despite the pouring out of force the enemy kept coming, disgorging bigger and grosser units. Though it seemed like 'overwhelm with numbers' and 'saturation over precision' were the only tactics these units really used, like a boarding party with little more tact that blunt brute bumrushing the deck.

Renya tucked her weapon under her arm so she could use both hands to adjust her hat. It was time to show these people, ally and enemy alike, why she was the revered and reviled Pirate Captain she was. Her manner may be unorthadox, but there was usually a method to her madness.

"Aright you two." Renya quickly calculated a strategy in her head. On the fly is when she thought best. "Front and back assault. Give 'em no bloody where to run."

"Aye Aye!" The Twins chimed in literal unison. The ice was keeping most of the foot soldiers at bay so Maven picked up her shield and reslung it to her back, instead pulling out a weapon of her own. Magnum ejected the ammo chamber from his weapon, and loaded a larger one in its place. This time he aimed upward with the weapon and fired, arcing shots towards the backline of shamblers and brood mothers like mortar fire. Only for the projectiles to shatter apart, turning single rounds into a hailstorm of high velocity grapeshot.

As for the 'front' of the offensive, Maven fires her weapon with a belch of steam and fumes. No, literally. The gun doesn't use steam to fire, it fires steam. Heated and pressurized to the point that it may be gaseous water but it burns as hotly as any fire attack would. She was aiming to finish off the wounded at the front of the fight while her brother was bombarding the ones in the back.

And after organizing her subordinantes in their counterstrike, Renya goes back to being showy and flippant. In that she pulls a seabiscuit from a pocket, sticks it on the tip of her sabre.... and holds it out Agni while is spewing flames, just proximity being enough to toast the exterior crispy and dark. "Yep. That's definately a bear. On fire," Renya quips, plucking the biscuit from the blade and munching on it.
Emily Nyx
Emily grins at Ash's pronouncement of strangeness, hovering with her back parallel to the ground while the sword floats beneath her, and she extends her head on a mechanical arm so she can look at him. "Thank you!" she says cheerfully, dodging this way and that in midair to avoid some of the attacks and using her sword to parry others.

A staticky portal opens next to her leading to a point right above one of the Brood Mothers, and she slips through feet-first. A swirl of silvery glitter, and her legs grow massive scythe-blades, with which she kick-slashes at the Brood Mother beneath her. Another swirl around every part of her except her legs, and ... her legs are now her arms, and she's facedown as she directs the floating sword to give the Brood Mother another stab!

A more thorough scan would reveal that the "glitter" is actually a swarm of sub-microscopic nanomachines. Her body? Made out of nanomachines packed into place with extra pigmentation and structured to act like skin. Her clothes and her sword? You guessed it: more nanomachines. There's a more solid cylindrical machine carefully hidden inside her torso, but it looks like she's mostly nanomachines.
Ghost had been having a grand ol' time. These things weren't REALLY a threat to her. She melted them with ease, the acid cutting through their bodies with ease. And the lava making it worse... Then... Boom, boom, boom. "The..."

And then... The juggernaut. Her eyes actually sparkled...

"Okay, I got a fix on her location," Jacker said. "Finally. I got her on camera and... You gotta be kidding me..." he said with a sigh. "I'd say I was surprised but... I'm really not."

The thumping was getting louder. Louder. Louder... And then the Juggernaught was here! With... her on its back and trying to shake her off. As she shrieked with giggling glee. "Oh my gosh this is awe--" It finally slammed into a wall and send her flying off, scattering across the ground... To land by Ash's feet, her robotic eyes @.@ "That. Was. AWESOME! I'm just gonna lay here for a moment. Don't mind me. If I could be nausious I'd throw up."

The juggernaut was of course, likely very pissed. Possibly because there was cooled magma on its hide. And it finally had tossed off its joy rider. Or maybe it was just filled with hate to begin with. Who knew? Also. Ghost down. Ow.
"FORWARD!" Ash called as he held sword in one hand and pistol in the other carving and hewing a path for the others tow iden in his wake. Noteably they were not headed in the direction Ghost had sprinted off to. "Their main nest is in the labs! We clar that the rest will take weeks to grow enough mass to create new bioforms." His voice calm as the party hacked and fired and wedged through, inchingforward far slower than Ash would have liked, but he liked splitting up even less. 

By now burn teams were already entering through the station's airlocks torching the black vines andgrowth beds directly, and behind them men in grey and ice blue jumpsuits deployed automated drones to roave the hals, mapping for any concentrations ash's party would needto know about.

Aaaaand then a car sized beast came charging through. Ash Pivoted, instinctivly puiutting a trio of rounds in the juggernaught's chitenousarmor.

It bellowed as it turned towards Ash, who jumped to the cieling, clinging to the surface much like a spider. "I'll distract it!" He yelled, "Save your bullets til its underside is exposed it's hide is too thick unless you've got something a lot stronger than man portable!" Ash threw shuriken at the juggernaught as he fell, clamping on the thing's back and holding on, which caused it to run, slamming its side into a wall, then its other side.

Ash grunted in pain as warnings flashed across his hud. He reached with his sword and stabbed, or at least tried to. Causing it to rear up bellowing in pain as it slammed Ash into a wall, intnet on crushing him for daring to cause it pain.

Renya Rimehart
Renya would make a smartass remark about how, being a fox and two raccons, and two females at that, none of her little fireteam were technically 'men'. But she's busy finishing off the end of that toasted biscuit. Save the bit that's still held between her fingers as she holds her hand up in a gesture for 'hold your fire'.

The pause to wait for Ash to get into position is just long enough for Maven to fiddle with the dial on her scalding steamblaster, while Magnum stows his main gun to pull a pair of clockpunk pepperpot pistols from his belt. Renya does have her weapon drawn in the other hand though, cocking back the hammer with her thumb. Though rather than your standard flintlock gun it was more of a lever, opening up the aether chambers to overcharge, mosts of icy mist crackling around the calisaber barrel as the frostburn metal energizes.

The creature rears back to try and slam Ash into a wall, bearing it's bottom in the process. "Keelhaul its stern!" Renya commands as she fires, combining her freezing effect with Maven's steamblast. The idea being the combination of temperatures flash freezing the steam spray directly to ice and crippling the alien monster before it can drop back down to guard it's bottom.

Which is fired up by Magnum unloading both multi-fire guns into the exposed underside to follow up.
Demi watches as Ghost gets knocked off of the juggernaut and into a wall. She cringes a bit before opening her chest and firing two photonic laser from it at the creature. She's not quite sure how effective this will be but at least maybe she can stun long enough for the others to get a clear shot. It was better than getting trampled at least.
Luke Gray
    Of course the fire bear is goign to charge towards the largest thing in the room, snarling a challenge and making a straight line towards it. "Agni, super power!" Rather than using actual fire on the big monster, the sizable fire bear tries to handle it head on, "Agni will hold it back!" he calls. The bear decides to stand in the path of the Juggernaught, the bear seeming to bulk up as muscles flex under the fur. 

     As Renya's attack hits the distracted thing with the ice and photonic beams, the bear pushes ahead and attempts to grapple the crippled monster, ignoring the coldness around it and doing it's best to keep the underside exposed, or even flip it on it's back if it can!, buying a bit of time for others to position better.
Emily Nyx
Emily's six eyes extend from her head like a cartoon character as she regards Ghost and the juggernaut.

And then she shrieks with laughter. "I like you!" she calls out to the fallen Ghost. "Adorable and hilarious and you brought us a nice big target!" At first, she just seems to ignore Ash's comments about their destination.

She waits patiently as Ash rides the juggernaut around. As soon as he gives the command, she leaps into a staticky portal.

When she floats out right next to it, she has six arms and no legs, and each arm is holding a sword like the one she had before. She then launches out a flurry of stabs, flitting this way and that to avoid friendly fire, tearing into the juggernaut with what must seem like reckless abandon!
Ghost groans and, slowly, sits up. "UGhhh... dizzy..." She knelt down, and shot one of the infested that thought she'd make a good target to charge at. "Ohhhh wow. that's a LOT of red flashing lights. Heyyyyyy. Houstan? What does 'Lava containment protocal offline' mean?" Pause. "Oh, right. Coms back on."

"--Of all the immature, stupid things she's done this doesn't even get in the top three. She's gonna get herself killed at--" "Light's green!" "GHOST! Gahhh! What in the world were you thinking?"

"That it'd be like riding a horsie."

"You've never ridden a horse!"

"Oh yeah... So. What's this about lava containment protocal offline? It keeps flashing. Also, the temperature in my suit keeps going up. And there's like... A looooot of flashy red bits."

"Wait, what? We're monitoring... GHOST! Dang it! Eject your. Ugh! We'll do it from here. Just hold on!"

"Huh? Do--" And then... something smoking was ejected from Ghost's body... and... Her body just went limps. It collapsed like a rag doll.

Ghost, now outside of the body, stared down and hmphed, pacing back and forthi n in her ghost form and likely invisible to the others. IT was just getting fun!She looked around... and groaned.

Suddenly one of the moa's lights all changed and... the lights turned... Blue. "I just want you to know, this thing is SUPER LAME!" A rather... squeaky... almost adorable voice came out from the moa. Oh my gosh.

Ghost!Moa unleashed on the juggernaut. PINGPINGPINGPINGPING!
Ash saw Ghost go limp as a... THING was ejectedfrom her body. He was about to say something and then the Juggernaught threw him from its back towards Emily's staby skewers of puncturing. Instead of collding Ash simply disappeared in a puff of smoke he appered again on the juggernaught's back firing his sidearm into it's carapace.

It roared, firing sharp spines into the large firebear pinning it into place as Demi and Renya's crew fired into it.

And then a moa squeaking. Ash would have giggled but that would requir breathing ad his warframe was helpfully informing him... in case he didn't already figure it out, one of its lungs was collapsed. So laughing. Not an option.

"keep it up guys... Hives can only field one of these at a time. Take it out we get ridof its biggest guard unit." Well phorid in thoery could come close except no not at all. Phorids were just juiced up chargers. This thing was essentially an anti-personnel tank.
Renya Rimehart
Downside to all that focused fire at once is Frostbite has expended most of it's aether charge-up, the last of the vapors whisping away as Renya holds it to her shoulder and considers the situation. That fire-bear is getting up close might be a sticky situation, but it looks like it could handle the potential danger.

"Did ye bring our special li'l housewarming gift?"
Magnum pulled a canister shape out of his various pouches and handed it to Renya. "Of course. Just twist the top and throw it."

"Oh, I have a better idea mates." And before either of the Twins can question what she means Renya bolts from their position.

"... I hate when she does that." "You know she does it on purpose because you're going to object." "All to well, sis. All too well."

With her swashbuckler grace Renya quickly yet elegantly weaves her way through the frenzied fight, evading various ally attacks to get right up close to enraged beast. "Ahoy ye scurvy spacelubber. Just here to deliever a final meal."

To which she twists the cap on the pipe bomb-like device and goes to shove it in the juggernaut's mouth/mandibles/reasonable similarity and makes a hasty withdrawl from it's proximity. Shoving an explosive inside it has got to be almost as effective in getting past it's armor, right? Renya's a gambling fox, let's find out!

While they were gawking at their Captain's antics at first, Maven is swiftly distracted by the plink plinking and the small robotic thing it's coming from. She only gets as far as opening her mouth to comment on it being cute before Magnum grabs her tail and yanks her back. "No. You have enough gearworks roaming around the engine room." "But it's cute! And still has a gun!" "No."
Demi's doing her best to try and stunlock the Juggernaut but she has only shots before she has to recharge. Hopefully they had enough firepower to take it out before then. She wonders if Maven is referring to her or the moa. She rather not be kidnapped by pirates, she has duties elsewhere after all. "I would advise you don't try to capture me." She could likely bring down an airship if she wanted to.
Luke Gray
    While Agni was certainly tough, he was far from a 'steel' type pokemon, those sharp spines seemed to have little problem piercing the bear's tough hide, causing it to growl and snarl from the pain, shifting it's stance as it seems to grab onto the Juggernaut even more firmly now. Luke clearly gets more than a bit nervous, knowing how stubborn the pokemon was. He is already reaching around to his belt when he spots Renya moving closer to feed something to the large bug, "Agni, pull back!" he calls the wounded bear. 

    The pokemon snarls at the command, but finally does as told, shoving at the Juggernaut one final time before trying to make it's way back to Luke, limping somewhat from the wounds on it's body, which causes Luke to quickly reach for the bear's pokeball.
Emily Nyx
Emily blinks, looking directly at Ghost's ... ghost, and she watches as she takes over the Moa. "Huh." She doesn't even blink when Ash goes flying towards her and then vanishes.

She pulls back for a moment, and taps her chin thoughtfully with one of her swords as Renya bolts forward and Agni withdraws. "I wonder if ... nah not gonna work. Wait, I know!"

In a swirl of glitter, the swords transform into six spikes with sort of spiral grooves. She thrusts one hand forward, and the spikes shoot forward like rockets into the monster's underbelly.

And then the grooves slide open, revealing that they're actually drills.

All six of them whir to life as they bore into the juggernaut.

She keeps one of her six current arms held out. They won't last very long without physical contact wtih Emily, of course, but in this case they don't need to.
Ghost wasn't really doing much to the juggernaut. But then. Wait. WAS SHE CALLED CUTE?! Normally she'd be okay with it and... She turned and PINGPINGPINGPING! Right off the girl's shield. "Hey!" came the squeky, adorable voice. "I'm not cute! I'm a death machine of--EEK!" And then her legs had kicked up to show annoyance and, well... She'd fallen over. She flailed a fit, before finally giving up.

"... Will... Will someone pick me up when the fight's over?" Awwww, sad ghost!moa.
Ash saw the pipe bomb in the juggernaught's maw and stuffed his fist down it's gullet, driving the explosive deeper. "Ghost!" He tossed the moa his sword and pistol. "I'm gonna make sure this thing doenst spit the bomb out all of you run for it!"

"Operator that is incredibly reckless!" Ordis warned.

Ash made shooing gestures, "This is just a proxy body I'm going to disconnect." Ash made shooing gestures at the party before his warframe went limp, his arm still in the Juggernaught's maw as the bomb exploded , sending Ash's mangled frame sailing across the chamber and bitsof the juggernaught Everywhere in a gory icky mess.

"Owe..." Ash cringed and tried taking a deep breath within the somatic pod. He hadn't actually been connected when the bomb blew up, but his arm was still down it's gullet andthat rather hurt. "Ordis patch me into station comms."


"Alright guys Ordis is feeding me station data and I'm acting as overwatchfor allied units doing cleanup. ther'es a few more units but it's looking like that was the biggest thing the hive had to field. Now all that's left SHOULD be getting ot the hive proper and torching the place. Also ghost I will want my sword back at some point."
Emily Nyx
At Ash's warning, Emily quickly opens a staticky portal and slips through, grabs Ghost and the weapons Ash threw, and then moves the other end of the portal to the far wall, as far away as she can go.

And then she staggers back at the explosion, as if it had somehow hit her. "OUCH!" She turns up her nose at the gory mess. "Gross!" The erstwhile drills disintegrate into silver glitter and return to her body; she carefully sets Ghost!Moa onto her feet, and changes back into the two-legged four-armed configuration.

And then she smiles, shrugging with two arms while the other two are on her hips. "So!" she says. "What now?"
Ghost flailed and kicked. "I can't run you--" And then was GOING to say some very un-ladylike words(See, this was why her two best friends said she wasn't very lady like.) Instead though, she got grabbed, picked up and... Tiny little moa stared up at her. "Thank you," its squeaky voice said.

Then looked at the sword. And the gun. Coughs. And... "Ash. I will give that sword back to you. WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I'M GONNA RAM IT UP BETWEEN--!" The rest of the threats were cut off.

"Ah, there. Muted her system. Don't worry, she'll work it out in a minute. Just don't say anything," Jacker's voice came over the coms. "Let's get this done."

"Then I'm going to grab you by what's left of your hair and--" And then Ghost was muted again. Eesh. Angry Moa was angry.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems more concerned on his pokemon, moving to check on Agni, who stops running and falls over, grabbing his first aid kit and removing the sharp spines stuck on it's frame, before spraying the open wounds with some kind of medicine. "Good job." he calls, trying to clean all of the wounds, "Good thing you didn't try Explosion against that bug, I am not sure how you might have taken that bomb when you are already like this." he says softly, getting a grumble from the bear.

     "Ok, let's put you back to your pokeball and get you to th epokemon center." he muses, raising his pokeball and clicking a button, the bear unable to protest as it seems to dissapear in the same red light it appeared in. "I think I should wait back at the ship to return, just to be safe."
Renya Rimehart
The Twins back off, and as Renya gets close Magnum grabs her coattails to yank her down behind Maven and her shield. Fire in the hole!

After the explosion Maven peeks over the top of the shield. "Bloody hell, that's gonna take forever to clean up!"
"Better than cleaning our own viscera off the deck," Magnum retorted.
And then Renya stood and planted her foot on the top edge of the shield between them as she postured. "Chew on that on yer way to the cold depths, ya oversized bedbug!"
"Captain, it can't hear you, it's already dead."
"No excuse to waste perfectly good parlay!"

Maven on the other hand starts giggling to herself at Ghost!Moa. "It's cute AND it cusses like one of the deckhands."
"... Still no." Magnum slapped a paw over his face. Between the Captain and his own sister, he knew all too well how Ghost's handlers felt.
Thankfully Maven wasn't referring to Demi, because that would certainly be awkward. Demi makes for cover as fast as her small legs will carry her before the bomb explodes. Sure, she can self-repair but it would still be a mess to clean up. Hopefully, the technology present is still intact enough for her to study.
Ghost wobbled after them. And... Oh gosh. She didn't even know how to properly run. So she just kind of like... Wobbled and swayed as she walked. Eventually, unmuted again. "Just you wait, Ash!" she hmphed.

Boogan comes over the coms a moment later, to ash only. "Hey. That thing she's in, the moa? How hard would it be to make something like that? Cause I think it'd be the perfect spare body when we have to repair hers."
"Alright," Ash's voice echoed over the soundsof wailing and screamsfrom the hive. "That's the worst of it. Ghost and Luke need evac to decontamination. If the rest of you want to press on it's all done but screaming. Burn teams will clear the rest out while you folk are getting scrubbd and wecan go over loot division. Thanks... don't forget your free t-shirts on the way out."