Anne Read

Anne Read
World: Maho Wars-1
Actual Age: 41
Apparent Age: 20
Quote: "I have my life to do over. I think I'm going to actually enjoy it this time."
Role: Magical Girl
Species: Human
Theme Song: Over the Seas - Alestorm


Anne Read, aka Captain Seafoam, was once an office lady who was having a midlife crisis. She'd taken time off going on a whirlwind trip of places she'd been when she was younger, ending in a returned to a region of Japan where she attempted to catch up with friends met during an exchange program. There was a car accident on a lonely road. She didn't see what it was, or the girl chasing after. With the girl dead and threats still out there, Anne was chosen as her replacement to protect the world from the terrors of the deep and void. Finding herself, young, possessing a new body and identity, Anne is trying to cope with all that came with; school, a peer group that doesn't know her past, fake-parents, and having to deal with the life of a magical girl. She's generally trying to do what she was afraid to do when she as young originally; party, adventure, and stick her nose where it doesn't belong alongside new hobbies such as card games, and model making. Now her life is a tightrope between runes sorcery and monsters, and trying to make the most of this second chance at life.


Forever Young: Anne has been rendered unaging and very fit by her transformation into a Maho.
Anne has been rendered unaging by her transformation into a Maho, she's forever to be physically 20 something until she killed by something other than ageing. This renders her civilian form to be in good shape and comparable to a decently trained athlete. However she is not immortal, she can be killed normally otherwise. Though upon her death unless her soul is bound somehow, he will be reborn at a later time when she's needed again, be it weeks, Decades, centuries later.
Sorceress: Anne has a number of spells: wards, sense magic, bolstering, pierce illusions.
She has a number of magical powers such as? A third eye which allows her to see through magical illusion and sense sources of magic. She is also now able to use Runes to make wards that can protect places and things. This includes protection from various elements or supernatural monster types, or even the ability empower weapons to be able to harm supernatural beings and items. She can also use basic cantrips, which includes basic utility tasks like lighting a fire, condensing a glass of water, and similar actions. She can still heal minor cuts, scrapes and minor injuries.
Transformation: Anne can transform into a Maho and gains superhuman physical abilities.
To access the majority of her magical powers, Anne needs to transform into her Maho form. This will require a somewhat silly costume change, once transformed she's able to wield the full scale of her abilities as she knows to them. She is a massive found of magical power and gains supernatural strength, agility and endurance. it takes her a moment to set this up, using the right phrase and having to do a bit to do this dance and phrase. When transformed she goes by the alias Captain Seafoam. The name and the whole sequence is a source of embarrassment to Anne.
Magical Flintlock: Anne has a magical pistol which can purge supernatural corruption from a target.
Anne has a magical flintlock called Davy Jones' Judgment. This magical weapon is not a tool of war but one of purification, it can drive supernatural corruption of mind and body from a target she successfully hits with it. (Consent required)
Hammerspace: Anne has a magical backpack of holding.
Anne has a backpack in her civilian form which can store several times what it's normal volume can hold with no effect on her own carry weight when moving. She's also able to banish and summon her various bits of gear while transformed at will.
Weapon Training: Anne is trained in the use of pistols, staves and swords.
Part of Anne's transformation has left her adept in the use of staves, pistols and swords as weapons, she has an innate skill of someone who is component with such abilities. Which she can make use of in either state.
Wealth: Anne has a fair bit of money to put to use when needed.
Anne due to some of her connections has an influx of money that allows her a fair bit of flex when it comes to getting low and medium level services or items. If she needed to she could live off this income if she was smart about it.
Water Magic: Anne has water magic, which lets her attack, bind, breathe and shield with it.
Anne can generate water-based attack spells that can be used to assault or bind targets. She can also shield others. Anne also grows in power and the amount of water she can control when she's near a sizable body of water. She can even allow herself and others to breathe underwater or gain the ability to swim as easily as one might walk.
Healing Magic< Edge >: Anne knows several healing spells.
Given her ties to the element of water and it often being seen as the source of all life? Anne can heal wounds, broken bone and other forms of injury. This comes at a cost however of intense focus required to do so. There are rare situations that she can attempt such but it taxes her greatly and requires the uses of edge.


Polly< Named F-Tier >: Anne's Mascot, Mentor, and loudmouthed tutor in the form of a tropical bird.
Polly appears to be a Parrot of some sort, this is far from the case. He is a magical creature connected to the power that empowers Anne. Polly generally will advise Anne on the supernatural world. From political situations to monsters, and the like. He's also prone to sassing, teasing and otherwise trying to distract Anne from her current situation. He can also act as a messenger as well.


Hello Fellow Kids: Anne used to be far older, she has trouble with some modern things.
Anne went from being a Forty-something-year-old Office worker, into a 20ish college student. As a result, she does not get this generation even if, in her old life, she was a bit of a nerd (Okay a big one) and might have some of the same interests. She doesn't get many things, the lingo, the social media, the constant upgrade cycle of technology (she rather have a Noika than an Iphone whatever they are at now. So she's out of date, and often will mess up on things that are no brainers for her apparent ages. This will lead to slang going over her head and general confusion about modern life for people that age. It can leave her into very confusing situations.
Not born into Magic: Anne wasn't born with magical powers, this causes it to hinder herself.
Now a full-on sorceress and mahou, Anne has a lot to get used to the supernatural world is a confusing alien and goes against her old perception of the way things are supposed to work. This will often limit what she will do in a given situation because she doesn't understand the full scope of her powers, mostly due to how old she was before gaining said power leading to a somewhat inflexible mindset.

She thinks in the terms as someone would from the viewpoint of the mundane, water flows, it freezes. She does not have that unrestrained way of thinking a proper magic-user might have, she looks at it as a tool, a piece of kit. Not something that is a part of her and should be embraced entirely to get the most out of it. She would be hard-pressed to feel her way through things with her magic.
Young Again: She was too well behaved in her old life. She won't be this time.
Anne has got what many people would sell their souls and the souls of others too dark powers for without some kind of damning catch in the process. She was a good kid and adult did things properly and it was boring she ended up a dead-end office lady in a dead-end job. She's more interested in enjoying this second life and is very impulsive about doing what seems fun to her. She's not going to waste time by being the prim and proper behaved girl this time around. She will mouth off when a more polite person might not. Turn off her mental filter and just say what's on her mind even if it leads to conflict. This also makes her very implusive about the choices she make. She hesitated too much the last time she was young. This time? She won't be doing that, this time. Which will get her into trouble.
Polly: Her mascot causes her problems.
Anne's guardian and guide will drag her into things at the worst of times, to faraway places and never accounts for anything passing for public or personal life for her.

This gets even worse as Polly loves to give colour commentary on Anne, her friends, and their lives. From sassy comments to playing the troublesome parrot. He could easily start a fight with his mouth which Anne would have end up fighting.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
749 A Song of Time and Space III Oct 10 2020
719 The Barricades of Heaven: Faded Pages Open In The Sun Aug 20 2020
643 Rabbit Season Apr 07 2020
635 Viva La Vida Mar 22 2020
634 Life In Technicolor Mar 20 2020
632 Vae Victus III: Then Spoke The Thunder Mar 12 2020
594 False Wings: When I Offer You Survival... Nov 11 2019
591 False Wings: Anything That Feels This Good Comes With A Price Nov 01 2019
585 False Wings: Stacks of Paper in His Red Right Hand Oct 21 2019
See All 9 Scenes


Title Date
Reset Oct 20 2019
See All 1 Cutcenes