World Tree MUSH

False Wings: When I Offer You Survival...

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The view from atop this coastal mountain, in the twilight of the mild California autumn, is spectacular. It would seem that to the east all the world shines; the stars above and the lights below. To the west; the stars and the Milky Way brokenly reflected by the Pacific Ocean. The moon shines lazily, only at half its full luminosity, giving the trees spread below a dark ghostly pallor.
    Aurelia rubs her arms, feeling cold despite the fact it's in the mid-60s even at 8pm. "Weiss and Swartz were really weird, Benedicta. Orania has never heard of them either, so maybe they're pretty new to the Hermetic order?" She was glad that Anne and Luke had come along as well; she didn't exactly trust the black and white duo.
Luke Gray
     Luke is a bit... uncertain on all the details about this, AND he is not the best at cold weather, but that's what fire type bears are around, with Agni taking charge as the walking space heater. "So... can someone tell me what is our goal here, maybe?" he asks, "I mean, count me in for helping! just wonder about... what I can do." he says.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta is in a bit better mood since talking to Lizzie, but still upset about what happened to her. Thankfully her fur keeps warm, so it's a comfortable temperature for her. "That remains me did she say anything about Miss Emo Goth?" She's referring to Kira of course. "I'm kind of surprised the Order recruited someone so obivious. I would almost think she was with the Cabal if she hadn't said so herself." Of course she could have been lying, but the girl figures the order wouldn't be too happy about someone lying about their membership.
Anne Read
Anne Read has been falling face-first into the world of being a Magical Girl, or whatever you want to call them. She looks like a veteran but she's the greenest one of the lot. She had been concerned about Benedicta's situation. Which left her giving the younger magical girl some support if only it's about riding shotgun on her. "Lying for attention or to cause trouble could be a sound tactic." She blows a strand of pink hair out of her eyes. 

"Don't look at me, I was last in Japan before I was here so I have no idea of the lay of the land is here. Still, we should be on our guards we're dealing with some very nasty people."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia shrugs. "Orania was vague. The name sounded familiar but she wasn't remembering any details." To Luke she says "I'm sure you'll think of something. I think other mages might have problems dealing with outworlder abilities..."
    A dark-haired woman with glasses steps out of the shadows, with the young boy from the mall in tow. The kid is dressed in jeans with a light jacket. The woman has a dark gray dress on, with a white furry scarf covering her neck and shoulders. The woman looks confused as the presence of the others. "I wasn't expecting more people than just Benedicta. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Ms. Alouette isn't attending."
    Aurelia looks surprised at Alan's presence. "Alan, why- Oh... You're a mahou, huh?"
    Alan looks sheepish. "Yeah... I took the deal."
    The woman gestures to cut Alan off. "I'm Kira Nocturne and I want to know why you're all here."
Benedicta Cornell
"You're involved with this too?! What does the Order only have three people working for them?" Benedicta can't believe the odds. "Lizzie might not be here, but I'm not alone this time either, so don't think of trying the drowning in sorrow trick again." Even with Kira's experience they do have her outnumbered here. Her attention then turns towards Alan.

"Did you do this, or did the monkey? He was trying to recruit Alan before, but I'm sure you already know that." The al-mir'aj's mood at switched back to being annoyed. "I'm pretty sure Sybil isn't going anywhere too far for a while." The Hornet Queen's illusions had a range limit and Millbrae to San Francisco more than covered that distance.
Luke Gray
     Luke nods to Aurelia, "I meant more like... what is our goal for now?" he asks, steppign closer to his friend, with the big bear slowly moving closer. No actual flames around, btu it's quite clear the bear is the source of heat, glowing faintly!. The boy listens closely, "So we are trying to capture that monkey?"
Anne Read
Anne Read looks to Kira for a moment and will be trying to see what magic if any she can sense from her as she speaks. 

"What can I say I see someone in over their head I feel compelled to help. No you don't know of me. Capture? I'm thinking we may need to throw it off the ship in a chest."

She notes before looking to Kira again. "Anne Read is what I go by now."
Aurelia Argent
    Kira and Alan both register as magical. Kira's aura resonates with Darkness, while Alan's seems to resonate with gravity. Aurelia's magic aura seems to be a corrupted thing that resonates with Metal.
    Kira sighs. "Look, I'm trying to figure out what is going on. By our count we have two unaligned mages; Sybil and you." At this she gestures at Benedicta. "Which the Order considers to be dangerous for maintaining the veil of secrecy. My superior got a message to bring Alan here for a meeting with Mephy, whom we're looking for. And instead of Mephy, you bare here. So... where have you hidden the puchuu?"
    Emerging from... thin air, the black garbed William Weiss and the white garbed Susan Swartz appear. "Well! We'd also like to know where the demon is! But for now we think that compensation for the obols the little bastard stole to create him would be appropriate!" They say together, gesturing towards Alan. "Don't worry, we plan to put Mephistopheles into a soul forge and turn him into a black obol." The fact they are talking about black obols means they are not members of the Hermetic Order at all. This dawns on Kira, Aurelia, and likely Benedicta at the same time. Adding to the strangeness is that the duo are blurring and blending together into one person, who seems to be completely androgynous and have a distinctly grayscale color palette and a very dapper tuxedo. "Grayson Grau, if you please. And I'd really like it if you'd sign the kid's contract over to me." He again gestures to Alan. "After all, he represents quite an investment!"
    Alan shakes his head. "Uh... NO! I don't want to!" Alan transforms, turning into what amounts to an adult version of Pit from Kid Icarus, with wings and a sword that looks like it could turn into a bow. Kira follows suit, her own form swathed in darkness and becoming an elaborate Victorian gothic dress with black ruffles and silver chains.
    Aurelia also transforms, albeit in a flash of light instead of a whirlwind of magical power. The elaborately decorated heavy orichalcum armor makes her look much bigger than she was before. She's expecting a fight it seems.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia points to Grayson and says to Luke. "The plan is to beat the snot out of that... uh, guy!"
Benedicta Cornell
"Wait, Miss My Soul is Liquid Darkness here is concerned about secrecy? She certainly doesn't act like it." Benedicta suddenly takes things a bit more seriously though upon hearing the pair. "Wait, a moment you mean the mirror was created from a black he was trying to corrupt us?" Her attention then turns towards Kira. "I guess I owe you a bit of an apology. you might be made of darkness but those two are pure evil!"" She suddenly grows a sharp of pair of claws and leaps forward at Grayson slashing then.
Luke Gray
     Luke seems somewhat... confused, he knows this is magic, he is aware this is just... weird, but he also has no real clue what or how this is happening regardless. "Beat him... how?" he begins, moving slowly behind the grizzly/polar bear sized pokemon he was using as a heater, and reaching for one of his pokeballs. Seeing Benedicta prefers to attack from close range, and is of the... fluffier constitution, he hazards fire is a bad idea.
    There is a flash of red as a, likely by now, familiar pink black and white 'bear' appears, letting out a sharp chirp and looking around, "Bewear, go hit that guy!" he tries, "Dragon claw!". The pokemon nods and rushes towards Grayson as well, both forepaws raised, the tips of the 'digits' (does it even have claws?) glow light green as it brings them down in a slashing motion following Benedicta's strike.
Anne Read
Anene pauses for a moment "Dunno where he is and My Puuchu has no idea either." 

She also gives Kira another look for a moment. She's about to say something but Benedicta cuts her off. Anne looks at the new arrival and she too also transforms it's flashy it's somehow censored and Anne is utterly embraced but bu the time it's done Captain Sea Foam is standing before them and she's got cutlass in hand looking at the two hunting the fuzzball.

"Oh I see lure the kiddy in with power then make them your virtual slave I get it. How about you turn around and go away."

She was about to give them the chance to run but well? That's not going to go anywhere at this ping she chants sending several bursts of water at Grayson to back up Benedicta.

"Surge of the tides!"
Aurelia Argent
    Kira shoots Anne a dirty look. "We don't enslave other mages." She says as her magic tome appears unbidden in her hand. Bolts of purple lightning snake towards Grayson.
    Alan flips open the big sword to form a bow, taking to the air on his wings. An arrow flies towards Grayson.
    Grayson, to Anne's magic sense, is keyed to illusion and misdirection. This seems correct, as Grayson appears to be rent asunder by claws, buffeted by water, and then struck by lightning and an arrow. The androgynous mage appears to fall to the ground, then fades away.
    And then he's grabbed Aurelia and has the point of a rapier by the joint between her armor's collar and helmet. "Guess I'll take this one." And Aurelia reacts by flinging a hand out, willing the magical sword to pull away from her neck. The rapier trembles in Grayson's hand as the two contest wills. It seems to pin the illusionist in place instead of creating an uncertain position he can abuse.
Anne Read
Anne Read says "Unhuh." 

Is all Anne has to say to Kira as there are bigger things to worry about she doesn't even blink as the illusion is taken out she has an idea bout this being fate and then she'll see Aurelia will be the target of Grayson's attack she doesn't cast a spell this time, she'll take her staff and aims to slam the butt her weapon hopefully into the back or side of Gray's head. Miss pirate is fighting like a pirate it seems, very dirty and she does not seem to care.
Benedicta Cornell
"Oh come on, we have four mages and a pokemon trainer here. Do you really think you can win?" Benedicta really can't believe the nerve of Grayson here and she kicks at the mage's head to try and take their attention off Aurelia. She can't really bring herself to show mercy to the pair after what they did.
Luke Gray
     Neither Luke nor Bewear seem too surprised at the 'decoy' vanishing, both seem familiar with abilities that work in a similar way, "Nice trick, Bewear knows a similar one." he says, smiling to his pokemon. He does seem a bit concerned when Grayson and Aurelia begin to grapple poor Aurelia. "Bewear!, try to stop him, Bind!" 
     The bear barely wastes a moment, and as soon as Benedicta attempts that kick, the bear rushes right behind the struggling illusionist, those large, fluffy arms wrapping around the attacker, hoping to pin Grayson's arms to the side, and starts squeezing. "You should give up!" he tries, while the fluffy pokemon tries to hold 'poor' Grayson in a submission hold.
Aurelia Argent
    Being kind of pinned down by Aurelia trying to disarm him, Grayson gets a staff butt to the head, which disorients him enough to take a Benedicta foot to the head. This dislodges hims from Aurelia and causes the rapier to go flying and get stuck in the ground. In turn, the Bewear gets him all locked up in a submission hold. Unable to really escape (or use illusionary tricks to do so), as well as being very woozy from the repeated blows to the head in quick succession, the Cabal mage is limp in Bewear's grip.
    Aurelia whews and gives Benedicta, Anne, and Luke a hug of thanks. "Go team us, I guess?"
    Kira regards the group quietly, floating on tendrils of darkness with her arms crossed. "I suppose you ought to socialize with people you know." She says to Alan, gesturing for the younger mahou to go join the others. The darkness mage floats over to where Bewear has the unconscious Grayson and rubs her chin as she squints at the strange mage. "Would it be alright if the Order takes custody?"
Benedicta Cornell
"I don't think Beacon could do much, they don't really seem like the time to regret what they're doing. I'm glad you're alright Aurelia." Benedicta hugs her back. "Kira doesn't really strike me as the hugging type though." She was still teasing the older mage but she did have a bit more respect for her now. "Though I can imagine it's hard doing your job by yourself." The rabbit girl certainly couldn't do it.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray is happy to accept a hug, "Don't forget to hug Bewear." he says, smiling, even as the large pokemon holds onto the limp mage, slowly turning to face Kira, then glances back at Luke for permission. "If you all think it's safe, I mean, sure, will be glad to help take him wherever he is supposed to go." he says, before smiling to Alan. "I'm just glad i would help."
Anne Read
Anne Read ends up hugged by Aurelia and hugs back she'll break it off after a moment and Anne is just looking at those Tendrils of darkness slike they did something to her family. "I don't object to it." She notes looking to the rest of the younger people which inside makes her feel even older. "I honestly expected to be a lone operator I'd keel Haul Polly if he started zoting more people as he did me." 

It doesn't seem like it's that the affair for any longer.

"We shouldn't linger her too long if we want to plan we should go get something to eat. Away form here."