World Tree MUSH

False Wings: Anything That Feels This Good Comes With A Price

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    Millbrae (of San Mateo county, California) is a rich city compared to most places, and the residential neighborhoods show it. Its proximity to the air hub of San Francisco International Airport combined with its extensive mass transit linkages makes for quite a bedroom community. While the houses on Numina Street aren't McMansions, neither are they small homes. The Alouette house is big enough that they ought to have three or four children, but they have the one; Sybil. And with her parents out of town, Sybil has decided to throw a Halloween party, inviting all the in-crowds at the fancy schools that Millbrae has. Including hard liquor obtained through... questionabl means.
    The kid was here too. Alan's transformed state was somebody looking roughly like a handsome 19 year-old version of himself in what looks like a Kid Icarus costume. Probably going to be very distracting to anyone attracted to men. He flashes a smile at whomever answers the door and says "Hey, I heard there was uh, a Halloween party?"
Benedicta Cornell
Of course in her drunken haze, Sybil texted an invite to everyone on her contact list. Yes, even Benedicta. Upon getting word of the party she had ran over to Sybil's mansion, this was the perfect chance to go after what she was looking for without attracting too much attention. Plus, the rabbit girl wouldn't stand out too much at Halloween party. Still it was embarassing to look like this in-front of people that she actually knew.

Finding Sybil was going to be a pain in the rear, at least there was only one present at the party. She was too drunk to focus on using her magic at all.
Luke Gray
    Halloween party! Somehow the boy from pokemon land caught wind of the celebration, and having nothing better to do, he desides to simply appear!. He doesn't really have a disguise, yet there he is!, wearing his usual shorts, shirt and Silph co. He heavily considers bringing a pokemon, and finally, just to match the 'spooky' vibes, he allows Pangshi to follow, making sure to explain the small panda vampire/ghost, that this is just a party, and to behave. So, boy and small 'panda' in a costume crash the celebration!
Anne Read
Anne Read is still adapting to her new life knowing there are Puuchus more slimy that Polly is? Has angered Anne a good deal, earlier today she'd been trying to get information out of him. After he made a crack about her needing to flaunt what he gave her more? Then Anne's reaction of shoving him in a pot and turning the water on to boil? He had taken off with her in hot puris intending to get vengeance and answers out of it. The plushie parrot is hiding somewhere on the party ground and as Anne arrive she mutter ducking into an out of the way splot to transform into Captain Sea Foam looking like a pirate captain should be /enough/ right she doesn't even think about her age standing out as she will attempt to find her way into the party muttering about that damn bird. 

OOC closest image ref I have for anne
Aurelia Argent
    The Halloween house party has a lurid and surreal air. Many of the attendees are dressed as the local world's superheroes, though these are not the cheap off-the-shelf costumes but the result of cosplay efforts. Well-made fursuits and faux pokemon trainers with plush pokemon add to the general atmosphere of bizzare.
    Benedicta gets plenty of compliments on her outfit, though she's asked if she's cosplaying as one of the Sailor Scouts from a famous anime and manga series. The fursuiters naturally gravitate towards the al-mi'raj girl.
    Anne is similarly complimented, with the women noting how much trouble it must have been to get the outfit to fit that well without... spilling out. They're also dying to know how to get hair that shade of pink.
    The pokemon trainer is asked about technical things like what pokemon eat, how to raise them, what it's like in his world. The pangshi is fussed over as being adorable.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta looks a bit uneasy about the compliments, "Um thanks...has anyone seen Sybil around? I need to talk with her." Hopefully, she didn't have too many people around.

"I think she was shouting something about being the Hornet Queen, before running into one of the bathrooms. You might want to check in there." One of the fursuiters helpfully answers.

Her attention then turns towards Anne, "If you detect a compact mirror with magic coming from it let me know right away. I'm going to look upstairs." She doesn't want to go into too much details on what it's for with others around, but she trusts the pirate as she makes her way upstairs to try and find Sybil's room.
Luke Gray
    Luke seems a bit surprised to see people dressed as pokemon trainers and plush pokemon, and for a moment, he regrets not calling Bewear and trying to pass him as just a friend in a suit. He is happy to share his knowledge, and even offers to show people his other pokemon, since he always carries them with him while outside!. The teen is well versed it seems, but he is a very experienced trainer!.
    The small pokemon seems to be quite enjoying the attention too, making happy growl noises, trying to get snacks, and showing off basic things like floating and phasing through thin materials, and in general, just looking for more attention!. Luke barely notices Anne or Benedicta, given the costumes and the group, simply waving to the 'pirate'.
Anne Read
Anne Read is taking note of how high end the costumes are? It's a good thing as Captain Seafoam? She's more or less able to pass as someone with he money for costumes like this. She doesn't stand out too much save for her age why is someone that old here, however, she's not saying too much as she looks about. She senses something there are magic users here she can sense them on the first floor and starts to scope them out trying to figure out who's there and she'll move to swing by the punch table. 

Well that was her plan before at least one of the contacts makes herself known to her.

"I will but if you see plushie like parrot grab him for me he has a date with a soup pot." She will gives Luke a look before she starts hunting the other contacts again.
Aurelia Argent
    Late to the party, a shorter platinum blonde girl dressed in what appears to be a suit of foam half-plate armor ("I'm Joan of Arc." Aurelia explains to anyone who asks) enters the house. She'd heard about something going on from Benedicta, and quickly scans the milling crowd for the beast-form maho. She bumps into Luke, and greets him warmly. She sniffs, rubbing her nose. "Uh, I'd avoid the punch." she says, commenting on the strong boozey smell coming from most of the red Solo cups.
    Alan scratches his dark hair and watches the crowd. People are around him, he's being mobbed by girls but... he just feels like he's all alone at this party and he can't exactly just turn back into little nerdy Alan in the middle of the party. Rules and all. He kind of just gravitates towards two of the more familiar faces, which are Luke and Aurelia. Weird that a winged Adonis-type is hanging out with a pokemon trainer and a Joan of Arc.
    Benedicta and Anne can hear something going on upstairs. A muffled sort of argument coming from what's probably the upstairs bathroom. A squawk, then a thump, a monkey-like screech, a girl yelling. The crowd on the first floor doesn't really notice, as their own noise is masking things.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta hears the monkey like screech and frowns a bit, he couldn't be here could he? Was that Sybil yelling at him? Her horn glows yellow as she walks past the bathroom. She doesn't think her rival would keep the mirror in there and keeps going, trying to not attract too much attention as she does so. She does smell the faint smell of pollen coming from one of the doors and figures it must be Sybil's bedroom. She does her best to try and sneak inside without being noticed.
Anne Read
Anne Read makes note of Aurelia's arrival, she's snooping about she hears something a squawk? A monkey-like screech? Okay she's heading up there she bounces along trying to make her way upstairs to see just what the heck is going on and she'll gesture to Benedicta to follow her. She keeps going making to head up there she doesn't even try to hide she has means to deal with anyone spotting her she's not so big on the whole Masquerade thing /yet/.
Luke Gray
    The young boy seems a bit surprised by the armored person, and the... smell of booze, "I'l... make sure to keep that in mind." he says. The small panda Pokemon hovers a bit away, not quite fond of that boozy smell either. Still, Luke tries to be friendly with Alan and Aurelia, smiling and chatting a bit, not used to lots of parties really.
    It's Pangshi who hears the weird screech, looking up and quickly moving to tug at Luke's arm fo rattention, "What's wrong?" he asks, even as the small ghost points up towards the source.
Aurelia Argent
    The bedroom has the simulacra of human-form Benedicta, which will come as a shock to Benedicta. The puppet-thing is simply sitting on the bed, staring vacantly at the vanity mirror, seeming to just be... waiting for something. If it wasn't for the fact that it was really happening, it would be something straight out of a Twilight Zone episode, only without any sort of moral lurking in the wings. 
    The bathroom door bursts open and out flies an animate plush parrot, chased by one very angry looking caricature of an Emperor Tamarin. Sybil was probably in there too. The parrot zooms straight for Anne, being a familiar if not friendly face, squawking about the evil monkey that was in the linen closet. The 'monkey' screams about giving back his spare change. "Come back here thief!"
    Alan is showing off some "magic" tricks involving levitating a glass between his hands when the commotion reaches the ears of the other attendees. Aurelia uuuuhs and glances upstairs as well. Like Luke, Aurelia is not used to parties, preferring instead to be tinkering with science projects. "What the-?" and then to Luke. "Got your bewear just in case it's serious?"
Anne Read
Anne Read sees Polly show up and Anne seeing how pissed off the other one is she's not going to try to boil Polly for a moment and her eyes narrow a bit. 

"Polly what's going on?"

SHe also looks to what's going on here change? She has an idea about what sort of coins they might be.

"Did you net me something useful there or did you just take someone's beer money?"

SHe looks back she doesn't summon a weapon yet or anything else she's there hands on her hip looking annoyed though.

The horror of the Benedicta doll though distract her now.

"...Oh deep-six me doe they have /one/ of those?!"

Okay whoever owns that doll has moved up on to the A-grade creepy list for Anne.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta screams as she sees the lifeless puppet of her human form, so much for being subtle. There seems to be no magic coming from her mirror either. If things couldn't get any worse, Sybil drunkily stumbles out of the bathroom upon hearing the screaming, in fact she's about to crash on her bed wheen she sees Benedicta and Anne, "Oh it's the rabbit, sorry I don't have any Trix."

Benedicta isn't in the mood for jokes as her attention turns toward her rival, "What the hell did you do with my mirror?!"

"I don't really feel dealing with this right now, Mephy you explain it." The teenager slumps against the wall still in a drunken haze.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray just tilts his head a bit at the conmotion, "I take that's the parrot that pirate person mentioned." he muses, staring at it. Quite near to him, the small ghost bear just stares at the 'show' of bird and monkey, it cheers and claps a few times at the 'show'. The question from Aurelia gets a nod, "I have everyone with me, just wasn't sure if any pokemon might be allowed here." he muses, his hand reaching down, "Why what do you think might happen?... wait, is that the same evil monkey from the mall?" comes later, the boy mostly thinking outloud.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia nods to Luke's question. It looks like the same monkey. The attendees are wondering what kind of pokemon the parrot and monkey are, with some drunken arguments over the finer distinctions between pokemon. At least one is making jokes about evil animals in the bathroom. The young woman draws a sword from the scabbard at her hip, the Roman gladius looking extremely well-kept for its age. "Something feels off, but..." Aurelia seems hesitant about acting, not entirely sure if this is maho-related or just some outworld stuff. Hestitantly, she puts the sword away because she might accidentally hurt somebody. "Let's go see, huh?"
    The worst part is that Alan can't actually tell Luke and Aurelia who he is. He dumbly follows them, being the most adulty looking adult in the room and sort of forcing himself to conform to the expectations of the crowd. "Hey, what's going on up there?" he tries to say in an authoritative voice.
    Polly has a bronze obol clutched in his talons, which he drops in Anne's hat, since dropping it where he wanted would probably result in another visit to the cook pot.
    Mephy stops cold when he realizes Benedicta is here, in the flesh. He gets a cross look on his face as 'Queen Hornet' delegates her part in this farce to the help. "She made a simulacra of you from the mirror. I think. I wasn't here for it, see?" He's mumbling, not really wanting to stick around and face Benedicta's wrath. "Probably broke the mirror." He lopes over to Sybil's drunken form, growling. "Learned a lesson yet? Undoing's harder than doing, mmyes?" The monkey takes off his blue fez, retrieving a permanent marker from it and proceeding to draw on Sybil's face. Clearly it's the puchuu's take on revenge at the moment.
Benedicta Cornell
"Dammit, she must have figured a way to create an illusion of my untransformed state...I'm going to have to drag her to Camino Al Atardecer. Hopefully the alcohol didn't fry what little brain she has. Getting my body out of here is going to be a problem though, someone might supicious. We might to wait until the party's over. But then again all these drunks will likely attract the cops." Benedicta trying to figure out they're going to sneak out of here without being seen.
Anne Read
Anne Read had an idea it was a coin she could make use of that given Polly didn't drop it where he wanted she might just forget about the cookpot today for a haul like that. She looks to them both for a moment and the Queen Hornet says. She steps back seemingly about ready to give up but she's muttering something softly Polly would know she's doing a ward spell of some sort it's not flashy she looks to Benedicta for a moment. The then goe up to her and whispers quietly. 

"I got your back on this."

Even if they can't get the body out today? She can, however, make Sybil's life harder to use it.

"I could do a diversion if needed."
Aurelia Argent
    Mephy does his best to quietly escape Benedicta and Anne's attention after drawing all over Sybil's face. Likely by scooting under Sybil's bed. The doll-like clone is simply looking directly at Benedicta, as though it knows it should be connected to her.
    Meanwhile, Aurelia and Alan are moving up the stairs to find out what is going on. "Hey, everything okay up here?" Aurelia asks, trying to keep her impulsiveness under control. Alan tells the curious party-goers who try to follow the pair up to stay back in case somebody needed to be carried down.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta would prefer if they can get the doll and if possible Sybil out of her without attracting too much attention. She doesn't want to have to come back, and she knows a sober Sybil isn't going to let her inside the house. "We need a distraction." Then again, it's going to be difficult for her to grab both of them without using her powers. She settles for the doll for now. "And if possible for someone to get Sybil out of here."
Anne Read
Anne Read says "Look whatever we're going to do we need to be quick about it." She looks at Benedicta for a moment. Anne grins for a moment "A Diversion huh, I could rat the party out to the cops." She pulls an old ass looking Nokia cellphone from her jacket. The thing is likely older than anyone else in the /room/. 

"I can help with getting the doll out after I call the cops, I could also go shake down the party down stairs telling them someone called the cops and they want to book it now."
Luke Gray
     Luke is the last one to get there, with his small panda lagging behind, distracted by the group of folks that seem to be giving all the attention it ever wanted!. "What's going on?" he asks, peeking around. "Do you need help with something?"
Benedicta Cornell
"Well, we don't want to have everyone leave at once someone might trampled. "Maybe, just have people clear a path so we can get Sybil out of here and then while people are distracted we sneak my body out of here." Benedicta thinks making a huge scene might not be the best idea.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia lets Luke and Alan go up ahead, concerned with keeping lookie-loo types from getting up there. "Hey, what if you were up there doing something embarassing? You want all the world to look? Have some respect." Being the teenage and early college set, this is totally getting out on social media platforms. 
    Alan glances at Luke, then at Anne and Benedicta. "Uh, you guys need some help?" he asks when he overhears something about carrying somebody out. His maho form is pretty strong looking.
Anne Read
Anne Read is looking to Aurelia for a moment then pocket the phone "Ya we could use a hand here, someone brought booze and well? We got some candidates for a stomach pumping and should get moving on that." Anne will move to help with the doll leaving Sybil to those who know her better. She looks to Polly for a moment. 

"Not one word on this."
Luke Gray
    Luke is still a bit unsure on the exact situation, but he nods, "Sure, I can help carry that... doll if you want? I am sure Bewear can handle that." he offers.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia glances to Anne, trying to hear over objections of party attendees. Then she catches Anne's meaning and just starts saying. "Make room, this is what you get with too much booze. People gotta go to the ER." She's waving around her arms and gently nudging people.
    Alan hrms. "Guess I'll haul the queen bee?" He moves to scoop up Sybil. "Oof, heavier than she looks. Some help?" He glances at the pink-haired pirate as he tries to get the uncooperative teen to her feet.
Benedicta Cornell
Benedicta picks up her doll form and tries to slip in behind the others carrying Sybil, she gets a few odd looks and comments. Thankfully it's lighter than her actual body would be. "Isn't that Benedicta?""

"It can't be, don't Sybil and her hate each other?"

"Well, whoever it is, she looks like she passed out too..."
Luke Gray
     Luke does his best to help distract people, and continue the story of them being sick, with his pokemon doing some of the heavy lifting of course!. Big fluffy things are handy for that.
Anne Read
Anne Read sees Aurelia catches what she's dayin once they get the doll and the queen hornet the heck out of the place, she's going to pull out her Nokia and make the call as she moves. "Oi Kids these days." She mutters as they go.
Aurelia Argent
    IT's a bit of a drama production, but things calm down and the plan works. Sybil and clone-Bene are brought out of the house with the help of our concerned parties. The party-goers were only really there because of the promise of booze and Sybil's popularity; once its clear the booze is going to get them in trouble and Sybil is out of action, they pretty much scatter. Nobody wants to take responsibility for cleaning up the remains of the party either. Aurelia makes sure everybody else is out before ensuring the house doors are locked behind her. She glances at an empty vodka bottle sitting on the front steps and makes a face. "Blech."