Elise (Dropped)

World: Azure Striker Gunvolt-1
Groups: Keepers
Actual Age: 16
Apparent Age: 16
Quote: "I-I'm sorry!" "Quit apologizing, damnit." "DiE dIE DIe!!!"
Role: The Eternal Envy
Species: Human (Adept)
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I4CcE28D98
Voice Actor: Ayano


Elise is a nobody born with a power far too desirable for her own good. Bullied in school for having powers, she was captured by a group and experimented on in an attempt to control said powers over life and death. The experiments resulted in Elise having three separate personalities: a submissive alter (Elise herself), a dominant alter and a crazed, berserk alter. Envious of others' normal lives, meek and apologetic, Elise's weakness is mirrored by her dominant alter, who is confident and strives to actualize her desires to rule over others. Elise wields the ability to raise the dead, as well as the power to manifest each of her personalities into separate bodies, making her unpredictable and confusing in combat.


Glaive: Elise's blade provides armor, means of attack, and unlocks her other perks.
The Futsunomitama, or "Living Blade", is a sword-like device. When summoned, it forms armor for Elise, enhancing her body with a focus on agility and acrobatics. The sleeves can stretch out like whips, it turns her hair into a prehensile tail with a stinger, and unlocks the rest of her powers (see other Perks for details). Elise looks and feels like a normal human to all methods of detection while not transformed.
Unlimited Animus< Edge Feature >: Elise can bring the dead, or her alters, back to life.
Also known as Rebirth, Elise's primary power allows her to bring someone back to life, recreating the body if necessary. Used on herself, this ability allows her alters to resurrect each other - in other words, Elise can only be killed if all three of her alters are killed at once or if her powers are nullified. Used on others, the ability is deeply flawed. Normally, it can only create zombies (see NPCs). By spending a point of Edge however, the dominant and crazed alters can make full use of this ability to resurrect a single target. This may not work in worlds where the soul becomes unavailable after death, or if something happened to the victim's soul or body that would prevent resurrection, such as the soul being imprisoned somewhere.
Corpse Kunai: Elise can turn corpses into objects and vice versa.
Using her powers, Elise can transform corpses into small, simple objects up to the size of a fist. She typically uses this to make kunai, which she uses to fight. The objects can be turned back into corpses at will, allowing Elise to keep a stock of instant zombies. These are usually made with dead animals, especially snakes.
Gorgon's Gaze: Elise can turn foes to stone, greatly increasing damage taken.
By activating her visor, Elise can put victims in a state between life and death if they look directly at her, turning their bodies to stone for a few seconds. During this time, targets are especially vulnerable to harm. Shattered victims don't revert back to flesh.
Digital Transference: Elise can use her powers in digital environments with valid targets.
Primarily used to cheat in games by resurrecting her character or by petrifying opponents, Elise possesses the unusual ability to use her powers in digital worlds, even if they shouldn't support what she can do. This has few uses outside of video games, but in worlds where video games are unusually important, or worlds where all digital interactions happen through avatars, she can be quite dangerous.


The Eternal Envy< Feature >: Elise's psyche is split into three alters who can take form.
Due to experiments conducted on her, Elise has three distinct personalities: the submissive alter (her main personality), the dominant alter and the crazed alter. Aside from whichever is in control, she can manifest bodies for the other two. While the crazed alter is normally fully repressed and sealed, it can manifest in moments of great stress or near-death experiences. Elise's alters fight together, possessing identical perks. The submissive alter is D Tier when fighting alone, while the dominant alter is C Tier, and the crazed alter is B Tier. When the submissive and dominant alters fight together, they are B Tier. When all three alters are together, it is represented by spending Edge. The crazed alter will never fight in a duo.
One-Girl Zombie Apocalypse< Basic C-Tier >: Elise can turn corpses into superhuman zombies. They can spread.
Using her Unlimited Animus power, Elise can turn dead bodies into zombies. They have no personality, nor do they retain memories, skills or powers, though they retain natural weapons (such as claws). Their blood is acidic and poisonous, and their bite can turn victims into more zombies. In the case of creatures with natural abilities such as fire breath, those abilities would shift to either poison or acid. Unlike traditional zombies, Elise's are agitated into action by light, while darkness causes them to hide and wait. These zombies will decay rapidly if they don't feed at least once a day and crumble to harmless dust when defeated. The Tier of these zombies varies depending on the severity of the outbreak: small groups of zombies have a Tier of F, small armies of zombies or especially large/boss-like zombies have a Tier of D, and a full, out of control zombie apocalypse has a Tier of C.


Memory Loss: Elise's main personality frequently forgets things.
The experiments performed on Elise left her a deeply traumatized teenager, making her submissive alter (i.e. Elise herself) liable to forget things on a daily basis. It might go so far as to completely forget who she is. This is usually temporary, and the sudden rushes of memories can be quite shocking and destabilizing for her. The more traumatic an event, the higher the chances she'll repress it.
Disagreeing Alters: Elise's personalities are quirky and don't get along much.
Due to their significant differences in personality, the three alters that make up Elise's psyche don't get along much. It's possible to make them turn against one another, infight, disagree or otherwise distract them using each other. For example, the submissive alter is easy to order around and manipulate, while the dominant alter takes things too seriously. The crazed alter deserves her own entry below.
Die die diE DiE DIE DIE DIIIIIIIIE!: Elise's crazed alter wants to kill all of you.
Elise's less stable personality, the crazed alter, absolutely does not care about you, specifically you, yes you. Sometimes she doesn't even care about her other alters, refusing to help them. She may go as far as to kill the other two alters if released. She's a rampaging beast, a psychotic killer, and counting on her for anything but that is taking a huge risk that she won't comply. Neither of the other two personalities have any sway on her: the crazed alter is a dangerous loose cannon and only cooperates with others when her survival relies on it. There's only one thing that can calm the crazed alter: games. Playing with her can make her behave, but she's a sore loser.
Scaredy-Cat: Elise's main personality scares easily.
The submissive alter is easily scared. By shadows, by strange movements, by scary people or monsters, even by her own zombies. This is counteracted somewhat when the dominant alter is out and giving her orders, but even that only goes so far.
The Mean One: Elise's dominant alter is kind of a huge jerk.
The dominant alter more or less operates on schoolyard bully logic. She singles out people who are weak and picks on them, refuses to help them, and generally can't stand their flailing. This could cause friction with allies or make her uncooperative when the job entails helping the helpless.
Backseat Drivers: Even when acting alone, Elise's alters still have to deal with each other.
Unlike typical cases of dissociative personalities, Elise's alters are in constant communication in her mind. This means they can still influence the manifested one's decisions or make a lot of internal noise that can interfere with their thought processes.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
207 The Forbidden Valley Aug 02 2018
133 Envious Rampage May 30 2018
130 A Slothful Apparation May 28 2018
124 Those Dagon Tourists May 24 2018
121 Azure Phosphorescence May 20 2018
117 Takhamuns For Days May 19 2018
98 The Tomb Of King Takhamun III May 02 2018
82 Reversal of Fortune Apr 17 2018
49 Rancor in the Fog Mar 15 2018
27 Tea and Keepers Feb 04 2018
See All 11 Scenes


Title Date
The Laziest Hunter May 23 2018
Envy May 30 2018
See All 2 Cutcenes