World Tree MUSH

Local Heroes

    On the outskirts of civilization on one nondescript world, bandits have been extracting a 'tribute' from many of the local towns. Word has gotten out that one of the villages defied the bandits, and they are now massing a larger force to teach the village a lesson. The problem is that the village insists it did nothing wrong, which has finally forced the nearby city government to consider acting. But what really happened?
Character Pose
Bi De
    It is one of those situations that most aren't happy about, but tolerate. A sort of open secret in this area. It's a somewhat undeveloped world, largely agrarian, though with a sprinkling of higher tech due to cross-world trade and exposure. Really advanced tech doesn't yet work, but on the whole the place has improved... except for the damnable politics. There's a bit of an uproar in the cities right now, because of a 'bandit king' and mobilizing the military, but even just a casual passing through can tell that the real situation is the bandits have been bribing the government. Basically it's an uneasy if immoral truce, where the bandits are effectively tax collectors. They take a little from each village, bribe the government to stop troops from coming out, and yet things are largely peaceful.

    That all changed when the Fire Na- Er, when Vines started dropping in the outskirts with more frequency of late. Apparently the formerly quiet arrangement has been spreading, and now someone took it upon themselves to thrash the bandits in one of the towns when they came to collect! And that is also where the Vine is dropping people lately, leading to panic in the village as they try to figure out what to do about the retaliation that is coming very soon, and the influx of strangers asking weird questions. Most hurry off soon though... because a few patrols from the bandits are scouting around, looking dangerous and ready for violence, though they haven't actually approached the village... yet.
Lian Kamoya
    It is the way of the Jedi that they tend to just end up in the right place at the right time. The Force guides them; sometimes by vision, sometimes by intution, and sometimes just by influencing chance to put them where they need to be, when they need to be there. Today is a combination of the latter two, as it so happens. A certain wandering seer had simply stopped on her travels, but something in the air nudged at her instincts almost as soon as she arrived; and once she paid attention to the general emotional state, she decided that maybe she'd stay for a bit.

    She'd been very warm and kindly about her questions, reassuring as possible, just seeking to get a general idea of the situation. This particular moment finds her sitting on a chair beside the main road, just at the edge of the village. With nothing better to do, the woman is having a drink from her water skin, and just... waiting.
    Rebecca is... Not the most subtle solo to send on a job. And when she had heard of this new issue cropping up, the possibility of making a score either by helping the townsfolk or the bandits... Well it was too much to pass up.
    That is exactly why she stuffed a duffel bag to the BRIM with a load of guns and hit the vines.
    So... A neon colored pipsqueak just kind of shows up in town, duffel bag slung over her shoulder, as she wanders in search of bandits to kill and or mans to shoot when who does she run into...
    "Oh man, Lian, how you doin' choom?" The shorty solo says, stopping short at the sight of the Jedi. "It's been like ages since the Raffen Shiv deal, how've you been?"
    Huh. Belle's not a big thinker, but this situation she can kind of grasp. Basically corruption that is just tolerable enough that it's not worth anyone's time to fix it, and now someone has gone and disrupted the status quo! Always annoying for the people in charge who benefit the most!

    Upon finding out what happened, she's been touring the village, getting an idea of its layout in case they have to pull a Seven Samurai on this.

    And it looks like there are some samurai right here. "I can tell you two aren't from around here," the schoolgirl says, adjusting her glasses while taking a look around for spirits. This sounds like a mundane problem so she doesn't really expect to find any.
    One of those weird off-worlders is a pretty tall Zalak, white hair, piercing yellow eyes and a large, wrapped object strapped to her back. She follows not long after Rebecca, seemingly part of her 'party'. "Did you pack enough guns this time?" she asks Rebecca, her tail flicking irritably as her ears pin down.
Bi De
    This area does not have any spirits directly, but Belle looking through her glasses may notice the area is vibrant and colorful... a sign of a high concentration of spiritual energy. Lian, too, is likely sensitive enough to feel a certain 'flow' of life around her. It's not really a spot 'powerful in the Force' exactly, but one where the Force simply flows more easily.

    Unfortunately, the village is... spread out and mainly for farming. Making it defensible isn't impossible, but would likely take more time than the bandits are willing to give. Which may be why a nervous man approaches all these offworlders, seeing the guns and Scavenger's weapons. "Ah... please, I'm supposed to tell you not to cause any trouble. We'll just give back their man and explain it was a mistake." He pauses. "The only way this village could support confronting the bandits is if you could send a strong enough message that they'd leave us alone for good."
Lian Kamoya
    Other offworlders have arrived - some of whom are familiar to Lian. A warmer look is given to both Rebecca and Scavenger, the woman nodding her head in greeting. "Rebecca, Scavenger. Good to see you both. I've been well," she adds in response to Rebecca. "Doing well yourself?"

    Belle is a newcomer, however, whom she regards with interest. "Quite true, yes. Lian Kamoya, seer and adventurer." She does finally come to her feet, seemingly at an unseen signal, moments before the nervous man approaches. "Peace, friend. I'd like to resolve this with no bloodshed myself, if at all possible." Her eyes dart briefly to her fellow offworlders when she says this; then she continues, "Before that, there is one piece of information I should like, if you'd be willing to share. How did your village come to be in this situation? Was this simple dissatisfaction with the status quo, or were the bandits causing you enough trouble to prompt you to retaliate?"
    Belle walks right up to Rebecca and Lian. And while it IS true that the solo isn't from around her, she looks between Lian and Belle and then to Scavenger... Back to Belle. Then to Lian again. Then one last time to Scavenger before she jerks a thumb at the teen.
    "What's with this sassy lost child?"
    That's rich considering how short SHE is, herself. But.
    "Scavenger, when have I not brought enough guns?" She does point out, before the man approaches.
    "I can send messages! They're usually bloody and violent beyond reasoning, though, so I mean. That would work, right?"
    Her option is the complete opposite of Lian's.
    But still viable. Right? Right?
    Belle shrugs back at Lian, seeming pretty chill with working with others. "No bloodshed huh? Not my usual MO, but can't say I hade the idea." She's a violent girl, but not bloodthirsty.

    As for being a sassy kid, well... she adjusts her glasses. "I'm eighteen, you know. Not exactly a kid where I come from, and I've been doing these gigs for a while. Well not this exactly... doesn't look like the place is easy to defend, but I'm not really a tactician."

    Something grabs her interest, though. "You say one of their men is here? Would he be willing to help negotiate?"

    Weirdly, the idea that she's standing next to a giant rat-woman doesn't seem to bother her overmuch. Though she does glance at Scavenger's ears.
    Lian earns a nod from the Zalak, but also a rare admonishment. "Bandits cannot be reasoned with. I will let you try but I will also remain ready to fight once you fail."
        Rebecca gets a gloved hand placed atop her head... R U F F L E.

    That's all the response the solo gets. Belle does earn a quirk of a brow from the mercenary, but otherwise doesn't really pay her much mind. Not that she's disregarding the younger woman, she just doesn't people well.
Bi De
    The functionary looks a little sheepish. "Ah, well, you see... I wouldn't mind being rid of them, but they can be numerous. They are mostly out for vengeance, but I don't know if anyone from the village are responsible. We believe it was an outworlder, but we haven't seen many capable of besting that number. Perhaps one or two of you could, but I don't believe any of those who came before could. Then again I am not an expert at the martial arts."

    Stiffly, to Belle, "We are... hoping that he can convince them we are not at fault, but not in the way you might think. We found him dazed and with two broken arms and a broken leg. He's been babbling about a moon monster ever since. No villager has been atttacked, though..."

    He smiles, "Just, please don't escalate the situation? I know there are several scouts nearby, don't antagonize them."
Lian Kamoya
    Rebecca speaks. And then Lian gives her what can only be described as a Mom Look. It is flat. It is no-nonsense. It comes without words, but does it really need them?

    To Scavenger, however, she gives a more somber look, and nods in agreement. "I've enough world experience to know you're entirely correct. There's a reason my order carries weapons. But..." A soft sigh. "I must still try. Else I wouldn't be who I am."

    However, it's the functionary's words that catch her attention - quite sharply, in fact. "...babbling about a moon monster, you say? I think I may see a way through this." She looks to Rebecca, Belle, and Scavenger. "With my talents, I may be able to bring the bandit enough calm that he can speak lucidly. If we can have him directly tell his comrades it wasn't any of the villagers, we may cut this off before any blood is shed. Perhaps even garner their aid in investigating further."
    "Mmm, maybe," Belle looks dubious. "A 'moon monster' that only attacks bandits? Sounds like lunacy." Some may wait for her to react to her pun, but it actually looks like it was unintentional. "I guess it's possible there's a friendly werewolf about but..." She scratches the back of her head.

    "Anyway I'll try my best," she says to the man, before turning to the others. "I'm uh... kind of an investigator but mostly was the muscle in my group. The name is Belle. But I kinda don't like the situation here of institutionalized corruption. Still... better that than lots of murder, right?"
    Lian gives Rebecca a look. Rebecca winces.
    "GEEZE, fine! Fine!" She relents, holding her big, mechanical, hands up. "I won't zero anyone unless I have to!" She huffs before she's RUFFLED MIGHTILY.
    But once she rallies, she does frown.
    "Moon monster?" That sounds... Strange. But then she motions at Lian.
    "Well if anyone can do the peaceful mind juju it's probably her." Which is probably for the best.
    "This place is about as defensible as a..." She trails off.
    "Hey." She says to Belle. "Whoah. Hey. Hey. Whoah. Whoah. ... Hey. ... Whoah. It's not murder if it's justifiable self defense."
Bi De
    The man nods, "When you wish, he is in the town hall. I need to speak to some others first, though." He takes his leave hurriedly, as a loud squabble has erupted not too far away between another offworlder and a fruit stand.

    Which gives the opportunity for some motion from nearby. It's possible that such keen warriors will see it before hearing, but it is obviously not normal. The voice is rich and melodious, but deep, speaking firmly, "There is no need to investigate. In self defense, it seems I may have caused this village great strife. It is my responsibility to correct this."

    The speaker is, apparently, the large rooster that walks placidly from around the building. Not just a rooster though... this one carries a satchel, and wears a fine fox fur vest. Clearly he'd be a favored pet, even if he weren't obviously speaking(though technically the voice comes from the crystal dangling from around his neck).
Lian Kamoya
    Belle's comment about institutionalized corruption draws a nod from Lian. "It's a difficult situation, to be certain. Ordinarily I would be against it as well. But situations like this tend to be... complicated. I'd like to learn more before I'm willing to make a judgment." The Jedi does, at least, look pleased by Becca's willingness to play ball.

    That's when a newcomer speaks; Lian turns at the sound of the voice, only to look downward in mild surprise. Not so much at the peculiarity of the talking rooster, oh no. She's used to all sorts of sapient, verbal species. What draws her eye the most is the way the newcomer talks. "I see. Good of you to step forward so willingly. My name is Lian Kamoya; whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
    Spending so much time on the Warden with all the mutant animals really makes Belle less shocked than she would be, but a talking rooster is still new to her. She stares for a moment, but shakes it off. "I'm not sure how this is supposed to be a moon beast, but those claws can probably be vicious."

    She recalls what the rooster said. "Right. I'm Belle. I'm guessing they were wanting to swipe you for an easy meal or something?" Then she bites her lip. "Uh... sorry if that's offensive or something?"
    So like one minute Rebecca is being totally chill with Lian and Belle, gearing up to talk to a bandit and do some investigation stuff all Scooby Doo style when...
    A rooster comes out of nowhere and starts talking at them.
    For one the sight of a rooster has her staring.
    "Holy shit, that's a real bird."
    Then realization hits.
    "JESUS FUCK IT SPEAKS!" She blurts. Before *another* realization hits.
    "Ah shit stay away, I don't think I'm immune to bird-diseases!"
    Because birds are kind of kill on sight in Night City.
Bi De
    The rooster... bows. Wings spread, leg tucked back, head lowering politely. It's a perfect bow of respect, just from a chicken. "This Bi De is grateful for your understanding, and wishes to be no burden upon you all."

    He straightens up with a fluff of feathers, looking mildly indignant. "I can assure you that I carry no such diseases. My health is carefully monitored by myself, and the Great Master and his Great Healer. Who are human, by the way. Or... it was. Until I showed up here."

    His head bobs though. "Yes, they sought to nourish themselves with a stray chicken. The idea itself is not offensive... even in my land, I am the only one of my kind I have seen that has the Spark of Identity. I understand that most are food animals for humans, though I decline from partaking, myself. Still, I must defend myself, and they also were fully aware that the chicken they were taking was not theirs to slaughter. My experience with bandits in the past has been... most unpleasant. These seem rather tame in comparison."

    He bows again, "Perhaps I should present myself to these bandits and explain the situation. If they are amenable, then we can part ways without violence, and if not they can be freely eliminated."
Lian Kamoya
    Lian doesn't bother to hide her amusement at Rebecca's reaction, muted though the look is. She does look at Belle briefly when the girl suggests possible motives, and then back to Bi De when they're confirmed. "I see. If it will mollify the bandits without bringing further harm to the locals, I think that would be for the best... although it is perhaps a bit unsavory that they believed they could simply take livestock." Not that that's what Bi De was, but it's what they thought he was - and they thought that made him free for the taking. Her estimation of them is dropping a good bit. "Perhaps we should accompany you, just to make sure things end... equitably."
    "That sounds like a good idea," Belle agrees, jumping onto Lian's suggestion. She can investigate, a bit, but coming up with solutions isn't her wheelhouse. "I mean, with offworlders coming here a lot more often, they'll have to be careful or stuff like this will happen again. Even if they retaliate, it'll just escalate, you know? It sounds like they've been pretty savvy up to this point. Maybe they'll figure it out for self-preservation, if nothing else."
    Becca, meanwhile is making the sign of the cross, with clunky mechanical fingers, at Bi De as though she were trying to ward off an avian vampire. It likely will not work.
    "Shit, I need like... A plague doctor mask stuffed with flowers or something. How did people protect themselves from Avian Flu back in nineteen-ninety-whateverbumblefuck-year this is?" She huffs, hiding behind Lian from the terrifying talking rooster.
    She doesn't want to contract The Bird Death or whatever, regardless of whether or not his health was monitored.
    "Dude..." She does point out. "They're bandits. Of course they're gonna try and eat you. And if you go to them alone all 'it was me, I did it' they'll definitely try again." She notes before reaching into her satchel.
    Rebecca pulls out a pistol.
    Slowly approaching Bi De as though he were infected with leprosy, she lays the pistol down in front of him.
    "At least take that for protection." Pause. "And you can keep it."
Bi De
    "I would appreciate the company, for those reasons stated," Bi De says, giving Rebecca a weird look as she freaks out yet tries to help. He doesn't touch the pistol, and after a moment of thought, he decides to address that first.

    "I refuse," he says, firmly. "For one, how would I use this?" He spreads wings, showing a lack of fingers, though his pinions are remarkably dextrous. "For another, my Path of the Moon will be sufficient. It was able to easily deal with them before, and I doubt they have too many stronger. I have killed powerful leaders before, and I was much weaker then, barely more than a chick."

    He strokes his wattles with a thoughtful look, as if a kung fu master stroking his beard. "Perhaps we should retrieve this man and handle this swiftly. I intended for the villagers to punish him themselves, unaware of their agreement. I still have much to learn about the world of humans beyond Fa Ram."
Lian Kamoya
    Lian arches an eyebrow slightly at Rebecca, then looks to Bi De as the rooster gives his reply. Gently, she reaches down, taking up the pistol and handing it back to the cyborg. "Well, your heart's in the right place, at least." Turning back to Bi De, she inclines her head slightly. "I find patience and inquisitiveness to be a very important combination in the World Tree. There are quite a few situations that can't be judged at first glance. And you see many interesting things that way," she adds, smiling. Ever the explorer, this one.
    Becca takes the pistol back... Between two fingers, holding it at arm's length and making a face as though it were something immensely more vile than a polymer pea shooter.
    "Euuughghhghhgghh..." She shudders.
    "He didn't touch it, you should probably not worry so much," Belle looks on, half amused and half worried. "Yeah though... there's a lot of weird stuff out there in the tree. I admit I've never seen a talking rooster before, but uh... I know some talking badgers I can introduce you to. And some telepathic mold..." She scratches the back of her head.

    "Anyway, yeah. We'll just bring this dude along and convince them discretion is the better part of valor. I doubt they'll want to fight an entire army."
Bi De
    Another bow, and the chicken clucks, then speaks again. "My thanks to all of you for this aid. Travelling alone is not what I had in mind, though I have done so before. I will endeavor to be more careful in the future in judging the situation, though the ways of the humans here are strange and often discomfiting."