Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII

Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
World: Last Refuge-1


At the end of the universe, the 1457th Bryllu Zibhu was a space miner. The job is simple, follow the designated route and collect matter. One day she found herself crash-landing in another world. She is excitable and curious, eager to explore the worlds she can now travel, even if it gets her into trouble. Her modular body can be adapted to fit many situations, but only at facilities equipped for it, like her crashed spaceship. Depending on her setup she can fly, dive or just walk. She might have many bladed weapons, access to various manipulators, or just a pair of hands.


Transhuman Body: Bryllu's robotic body has superior physical abilities
Bryllu's robotic body is capable of lifting massive weights with ease, resilient enough to take a heavy beating, and swift enough to get out of the way of many threats. She does not need to eat, drink or sleep.
Transhuman Mind: Bryllu's digital mind lets her multitask and perform advanced calculations
Bryllu's digital mind allows her to process and focus on multiple mental tasks at once with ease, and includes the capability to do complex mathematics, plan out detailed schematics, keep track of varied observations to great detail.
Sensor Suite: Bryllu's sensors detect audio, light, radiation, vibrations, objects and more
Bryllu has 360 degree vision that includes heat vision. She can detect various sorts of radiation that might be dangerous, including radioactive and ultraviolet, and at levels before they should be dangerous. She can hear sounds outside the range of human hearing. She can detect earthquakes or other significant vibrations through the earth if she's touching something connected to the ground. She's able to generate high detail mental images of an area by emitting sound or radio waves and catching the reflection. Anything she has perceived she can record for perfect playback later. Overall range depends on how easy something is to detect, roughly speaking she can detect things humans can pick up from around ten times the distance a human could, and comparable distances otherwise.
Comms Suite: Bryllu comes equipped with long range communications abilities.
Bryllu can pick up any wireless communication signals as though she was a dedicated receiver. She can transmit powerful long-range communication signals that can be made compatible with most wireless communication systems if she learns how those systems work. She does not have the skills to decrypt encrypted signals without having the relevant decryption keys.
Crashed Spaceship: Bryllu's crashed spaceship provides a homebase to repair and modify herself.
Bryllu's spaceship has crashed and can no longer fly. It still has the tools necessary to make any repairs and modifications that need to be done to her body and provide a relatively safe place to fall back to. She can design new components here though she lacks the skill to incorporate foreign tech with meaningful complexity into her own technology, but she can replicate the appearance of foreign tech just fine. Functionality is limited to what she could already do.
Flexible Locomotion: Bryllu's body can be set up for vacuum, aerial, submarine and underground action
Bryllu's body is made of modular, replaceable parts that she can swap out at her crashed spaceship. One of the consequences thereof is that her locomotion can be altered to suit operations in deep space, aerial flight, deep underwater, or deep underground. She can have the thrusters, wings, turbines, drills, etc. as appropriate. As she cannot alter these on the fly, she is limited to what capabilities she foresees being necessary before setting out.
Modular Body: Bryllu's body can have just about any shape and size she wants it to have
Bryllu's body is made of modular, replaceable parts that she can swap out at her crashed spaceship. One of the consequences thereof is that her body can have just about any shape she wants it to have. While the default is a small humanoid shape with the usual two arms and two legs; if she thinks it's likely to be useful she can have dozens of limbs, forego limbs entirely, include seats to carry others along, etc. She can make herself as big as a cargo van or as small as a 14 inch diameter sphere.
Adjustable Armaments: Bryllu's body can have a variety of bladed weapons and armor plates
Bryllu's body is made of modular, replaceable parts that she can swap out at her crashed spaceship. One of the consequences thereof is that if she prepares to go into a violent encounter, she can make for herself a large variety of bladed weapons. None of these are going to be especially complex. Axe blades, spear points, swords, etc. She does not have the skill to make any complicated weaponry. She has access to durable materials from which she can make armor plates to protect her body. The more armor and weaponry she adds the more it will slow her down, so a large amount of it does not strictly improve her combat abilities, it'll just alter her role in a fight.


Curiosity: Bryllu's curiosity can lead her into all kinds of trouble.
Bryllu's a curious person, and there's so many thing to see, learn and do. This is often harmless, but she's not a good judge of figuring out when it's better to not look further. She might stumble upon secrets that people would kill to protect. She might awaken things better left asleep. She might pull a lever better left alone. There are many more ways for curiosity to get her into trouble.
Post-Scarcity Upbringing: Bryllu's upbringing left her entirely unprepared for money and barter.
Bryllu is from a world of abundance. She has never had to worry about money, value or trade in her life before she left her world. The basic principles are easy enough for her to grasp, but she finds it difficult to appraise what anything ought to be worth or whether any complicated deal makes sense. She's going to need to be able to trust others to help her with that, or she'll end up agreeing to some terrible trades.
Definitely Human: Bryllu is very insistent that she's human.
Bryllu considers herself human. This is an important part of her identity, despite the fact that she is obviously a machine. People who insist that she's not human for any reason upset her. At best, this is going to lead to hurt feelings and shouting, but when tensions are already high, or in chaotic situations, this can lead to unwelcome distractions, injuries, or even an escalation into violence.
Anarchist: Bryllu is incredibly distrustful of formal authorities.
Bryllu is from an anarchist utopia. In her world, the only authority is that of expertise and trust. As such, she's incredibly distrustful of formal authority. She acknowledges that in most societies it is impractical to do away with all sources of authority and that some forms of it are benign, but anything that seems to lean too far into oppressing people rather than merely providing order and stability is going to find her refuse to cooperate and is fairly easy to recruit into schemes to overthrow such by appearing to be better at the surface.
Parts Hunt: Bryllu is always on the lookout for ways repair her ship.
Bryllu wants to repair her ship. So she's always on the lookout for parts that can help her repair her ship, as well as experts who might be able to provide her with the knowhow to do so. While she's not going to rob people of components, she might agree to bad deals, allow access to parts of herself or her spaceship to people who want to study this technology for her own nefarious ends thinking they just want to help her, and other such problems.

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