World Tree MUSH

The Waif and the Feast

Family dinner gets a little heated.
Character Pose
Matsu Shuzenji
    Perhaps half a day's ride from the Imperial Capital, on pretty much the exact opposite side of it from Hinomura, the spacious Shuzenji Clan's estate can be found. It's just about a village in its own right; it covers a fair stretch of land, and it's pretty close to self-sufficient, with its own water supply and cadre of hunters. The Shuzenji don't have their own soldiers, strictly speaking, but a smallish garrison of imperial troops provides regular security.

    A few of those troops can be found out front on this particular day, stationed on either side of the front gate. Today is the day the clan's (theoretical) leader, Matsu, is opening their doors to offworlders. There are probably a few wary glances here and there, but overall the discipline of the guards is pretty high, and they maintain neutral stances and expressions towards all those passing the gates. Fortunately, their stoicism will probably not be tested any further than that, as there's also an attendant present at the gate to guide guests towards the banquet hall.

    Unsurprisingly, the table in the banquet hall is low to the ground. Cushions have been set out, and up at the head of the table, there's one particularly well-padded seat that even has a back to it; but the fact remains that not a single real chair is in evidence. More attendants wait in the banquet hall, both to lead guests to open seats, and to take any preliminary requests for something to drink. There's water, tea, sweet fruit juices, and even sake on offer. No food has been set out just yet. Matsu herself is also not in evidence, though it's not hard to guess where she'll be seated when she does show up.
    Drinks are fine, and tea is also fine... but Jessica requests a fruit juice for this one. She, despite her earlier appearance, has made an extraordinary effort to dress appropriately... except her shoes, which were not very correct at all. But the catgirl's air is done up with flowers, and she wears soft-flowing clothing to at least try to match with everyone else. When guided in she gawks about a bit, but some of that is trying to see who else from earlier might be here. Let's play spot the offworlder!
>> SUMMARY[Jessica] >>
Piera Forta
    Approaching the estate, the Assassin walks with purpose, and her hood down, showing her face and likely giving the troopers a little ease in their wariness. Her robes are also a bit fancier than the 'combat' robes she wore to face the bandit ronin. It's inlaid with some gold filigree, flowery patterns shimmering as light catches at the designs. The cape also carries a royal purple crest, though it has no real meaning behind it, a 'fake nobility' for infiltration. This cape rests around her left side, obscuring that side of her body to the hip.

    As the attendant greets her, she sweeps a bow, revealing she's... apparently unarmed, no scabbard on the hidden hip, no visible weapons at all. When she straightens, the cape falls back into place and a shimmer of gold flickers behind the brown eyes of the Assassin.

    She follows to the banquet hall, allows herself to be guided to her spot and kneels on the cushion, selecting tea as she waits for the others and Matsu to arrive.
  Zelda , for some reason, vanished from Snowpeak Garrison this afternoon.

It's been a rare sunny day in the heights, but the princess had descended the mountain to gather herbs and reagents. That was a few hours ago, and now thoroughly cold, wet, and grumpy, the Hylian has made her way through cold, snowy mountain trails and... into the Shuzenji Clan estate?

The princess mutters under her breath. It sounds suspiciously like livid cursing. //Oh, not again//. One can //never// trust Vines to take them to the appropriate destination. Never.

So, a young woman arrives at the gates, blinking a bit blearily at the soldiers stationed there. She's wearing her heavy black robe, freshly trimmed with enough fur to make it heavy-duty warm. Its hood obscures her features; at the sight of the guards she sweeps the hood back, keeping her hands visible and upraised to show she means no harm. She absolutely doesn't reach for the bow slung over her shoulder, or the laden quiver at her hip. Tucked in one elbow is a basket of fragrant high-altitude Hyrulean herbs, some of them still wet from where they'd been dug out of the snow.

Her shoulders slump a bit in relief at the sight of the attendant and subsequent guidance toward the banquet hall. Zelda tilts her head and eyes the seating for a moment, and it takes only a glance to confirm that it's a style not quite familiar but not completely alien -- the Sheikah sit like that, to go by the last living example she knows.

So the princess folds herself neatly down beside Piera, with a gracious nod to the Assassin, and a half-smile. "Miss Forta. I see you've managed to stay out of trouble from the last time we'd met." Summer-blue eyes drop to regard the embroidery of one of Piera's ornate sleeve. "Very nice," she adds, appreciatively. "Whoever stitched that knew what they were doing."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu has opted to keep her appearance much the same as last time. Ditching two arms, two blades and the naginata and being a full foot shorter, but otherwise identical. The obviously mechanical being sits down at the offered seat, and politely turns down any offer of drink.

Despite having no facial expressions to speak of, the synthetic 'samurai' seems to be on her guard. "I hadn't realized Matsu Shuzenji was part of the hierarchical elite. Perhaps I should have, but I suppose I want to see the best in people." The anarchist comments quietly to the Zelda next to her.
Piera Forta
    Piera glances over at Zelda, offering a gracious smile. "Gratzie, Signora. The Brotherhood has many talented people to call its own." she replies, then winks. "Trouble seems to follow me as a shadow follows a man at sunset. I am simply good at hiding from the light." she adds, sipping her tea afterwards.
  The Hylian inclines her head just so, but whether in greeting or in acknowledgement, it's hard to say. There is a regality about the gesture out of proportion to the plainness of her clothing; the hooded robe is masterfully stitched, but the riding clothes beneath it are functional in their colours and style. Her bow and quiver look, well, fit for royalty.

"I seem to have a talent for finding trouble, lately, myself." Zelda puffs out a sigh. "Perhaps I should consider contracting the services of your Brotherhood, one of these days... hm." She looks thoughtful for a moment, distant, before blinking back into focus. At mention of hiding from the light, the young woman can't help a grin. "Perhaps, Miss Forta; you are skilled at hiding in general. I should like to introduce you to an ally of mine, some time when we are both free and there are no imminent crises. Loremaster Yalai shares many mannerisms with you that I find interesting."

Bryllu earns a long and somewhat blank look. Yeah, Bryllu is still Very Strange, so much so that the Hylian is just glossing right over how alien the Sensational Synthetic Samurai is.

"Actually, I don't know who Matsu Shuzenji is. I wasn't even travelling here," the incognito princess adds, by way of explanation. "I was going home, and then... that happened." With some irritability, Zelda gestures back toward the Vine that brought her here. "It keeps happening."
    Jessica sips her juice, opting to just listen right now. She seems pretty composed here, unlike her nervous self earlier, but her ears twitch now and then, turning to listen to a conversation here or there. She can pick out the offworlders pretty quickly, and Piera is known to her. Vaguely.

    But for now, she's trying to track the guards and various peoples. Matsu seemed pretty open to offworlders, but the others? Are all as hostile as the wounded captain? Or was that merely because he thought they weren't necessary?
Matsu Shuzenji
    A murmur or two involving the word 'nekomata' might be following Jessica as she's led through the estate, but none of it sounds disdainful or hateful; if anything, they seem curious. The regular personnel and residents of the estate are definitely watching her, although they try not to stare too hard. The juice she's given is some mix of peach and strawberry, in an excellent balance that ensures neither flavor is overpowering.

    Piera will likewise be drawing curious looks here and there, though in her case one of the guards gives her a more direct appraisal - and then a faint nod. Something in the way he carries himself is subtly different from the others. More controlled, more aware. No one else seems to acknowledge her so directly, aside from the attendants guiding her. The tea is fairly pleasant, as far as green tea goes.

    Zelda's especially warm garb doesn't draw any undue notice. It's the middle of winter here as well, after all. Even if it's not the deathly cold of Snowpeak, it's still cold enough that no one will think her anything more than 'weak against the cold' in clothes like that. Indeed, once Zelda is seated, the attendants bring her a warm cup of tea without even asking. "Here, milady. We can bring more if you need."

    The attendants seem a bit surprised to hear Bryllu's refusal of offer at first, but then one says, "Ah, you must be the one with the puppet body Lady Matsu mentioned." That seems to satisfy them, and the woman attending to Bryllu in specific offers, "If there is anything I can bring you in lieu of food or drink, milady, please ask."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu tilts her head sideways at the blank look, but doesn't continue, not sure what's up with Zelda's response. "I doubt you have anything that would satisfy my needs, but I appreciate the principle of the offer." She tells the attendants. She turns her attention to the assassin, "How are things going with your work, Piera Forte? You know you need only ask if you want my help, I believe?" Her gaze drifts to Jessica, "I hope this isn't rude to ask, miss, but are those ears an in-born trait or a later alteration?"
    The attention given to her is a little awkward for Jessica, but she takes it in stride... she's been out in the tree long enough to know that in worlds where humans are dominant, she looks a little strange. She tries to just ignore it for now, but when Brylly asks her directly about her ears, her tail flicks out too as she perks up the ears to listen, then answers.

    "Oh... they're in-born," she replies. "I'm an Ancient, of the Feline variety. We're um, the dominant species on my world. Ancients are, not Felines specifically. We have humans though, they're just a lot more rare." Not that Bryllu looks all that human but she knows it's an easy reference considering all the ones here.
Piera Forta
    Piera does take note of the one who directly appraises her. He might be dangerous. Marked, filed away, silently tracked.

    Zelda's words earn a quirk of the brow, the teacup set aside as she looks over again. "Yalai, hmm, yes I would appreciate that... however, the Brotherhood are not a group of swords for hire, though if you have a cause enough for us, we can assist you." she remarks to 'hiring' the Brotherhood.

    Bryllu earns a nod in greeting, "My work progresses, I shall keep that in mind however." she replies, then returns to her drink.
Valerian Railton
    Valerian was here the whole time, we promise. His player didn't wind up taking a super hot bath and sure didn't doze off while playing Nintendo Switch, so any accusations that that did happen are purely false. 

    Valerian is wearing big ol' hakama (Umanori to be precise) pants and a kimono top. Though the Kimono top is currently undone leaving him bare-chested and showing off just an absolute metric ton of wounds from prior battles across his upper torso, which also probably doesn't have an ounce of fat on it. There's a good reason he's topless though:

    He's currently over in the corner with a table, and there's a pretty impressive line of gigantic muscle men from around the palace. One of them is sitting across from him as he and Valerian arm-wrestle with one another. There's a loud slam as Valerian cracks the back of his opponent's hand into the table, "Alright! Good try, good try! Everyone line up if you want em! Bet 1 ryo, win 10 Ryo! Same for lower currencies. One to ten ratio! Try as many times as you like, one try per pay and then back of the line."

    It's a pretty standard hustle, but the men around him seem to be having fun with the fact that Valerian seems much stronger than his compact frame would allow.
Samus Aran
    [You are fashionably late, Lady.]
    Samus Aran pays ADAM no mind as he tells her what she already knows, the purple gunship swooping down from the sky and descending at the entrance to the Shuzenji Clan estate, touching down to drop off the Hunter.
    She said she would accept Matsu's offer, and so here she is. But the figure that emerges from the gunship is not the armored bulk of the Hunter in her Gravity Suit.
    She's in her casuals.
    And no, it's not the zero suit; Samus Aran is battling the winter cold with a brown jacket with a fur-lined hood, orange turtleneck sweater, and dark jeans as she approaches the estate, to be led in by the attendants, where she settles down at the banquet table and realizes...
    No one here probably has any idea who she is outside of her armor. Oops.
  At the tilt of Bryllu's head, Zelda shakes her head in turn. "My apologies for staring. There are... not many quite like you where I come from." Maybe Bryllu won't take that too badly, considering Zelda looks more 'elfin' than 'human.' Maybe she means humans! Yeah. Yeah, no, Bryllu is totally a robot to average Hyrulean sensibilities, and that's weird enough to be novel and fantastical.

A hand raises to sweep back her hood, and at about the same time, an attendant arrives with hot tea in hand. That, it seems, is all the incentive Zelda needs to stay here at this time. That, and not wanting to deal with the freaking subarctic cold of Peak Province again just yet. She can stay long enough for hot food and drink and then she can go freeze to death hiking back to the garrison. The others are bound to start worrying by now.

Shrugging out of the robe, Zelda bundles it up in a quick, practised motion and tucks it on the floor beside her; as she does, she shakes out long, loose, coppery-chestnut hair. Her garb is like some kind of necromancer's robes but the young woman under them is pretty normal. Early twenties, maybe. Pointed ears.

Wait wait, pointed ears? Yup. Like some kind of elf. If people are staring at her, she isn't really noticing. Or she's tactfully ignoring them.

"She isn't here." Zelda's mouth quirks in a half-smile to Piera. "Even if she were, I expect you would find one another sooner or later by virtue of both of you skulking about the shadows so much." faint pause. "I have a cause, yes? I believe you will find it a worthy one." The Hylian tilts her head, eyeing Piera appraisingly. Briefly, there's no youth, there; just a frightening age and wisdom, and a soul-deep weariness. It's gone in an instant. "We will see later. Will you travel to Snowpeak Garrison? I will give you the directions to reach it."

The arm-wrestling in the corner earns a glance, and it's only then that Zelda double-takes, recognising a familiar face. "Oh. I do believe I know that man." Zelda blinks in Valerian's direction, and she winces as he summarily puts down his opponent. That looked like it hurt. With polite mutters and a bit of a half-bow, Zelda sidles over to where Valerian mows down the arm-wrestling competition. "Hello, Mister Railton." Zelda is just kind of there. "Well, at least they seem to be enjoying the spectacle, even if they... well." Her head tilts. "Not much of a challenge for you, are they...?"
Matsu Shuzenji
    Tap. Tap. Tap.

    A soft sound, the sound of a cane against hardwood - and then it gets even softer as it transitions to tatami mat. Preceded by one attendant and followed by another, the small form of Matsu Shuzenji steps her way into the room. The others present will recognize her, but to Zelda she is a new sight; she looks somewhere around 14 years old, dressed in a more formal version of a shrine maiden's outfit, with bandaging covering her entire left hand and continuing on under the sleeve. Despite her age, she walks with a limp, supporting her right leg with a cane, and her expression is best described as a mix of vague grumpiness and a perpetual deficit of sleep. Her brown hair is ornamented with ribbons and flower petals, and her pink-red eyes...

    ...are staring straight at Valerian. Valerian and the estate workers, and even a couple of guards, having an arm-wrestling contest.


    She stops in her tracks for a moment, and the attendant behind her utters a scandalizd sound. "Honestly, we have guests and-" Matsu holds up a hand, silencing her. "Long as they're not on duty, they're fine." The attendant huffs, muttering, "That is not the issue..." but Matsu is already working her way towards that special seat.

    She has to ease into it, and she obviously can't sit seiza-style with her right leg in the state it's in. But she finally does manage to seat herself, and then there's a big look around... before her eyes settle on Samus, and then Zelda. "So. Which one of you was the one in the armor?"
Valerian Railton
    "La Jefa! How're you doin? Didn't expect to run into you here." Valerian says between matches as he smiles at Zelda. He gives a slight laugh and says, "Challenge or not, it's all in good fun. It helps me make money in case I need to spend a lot of time in a world and as long as no one gets too upset, it's all in good fun. Half the fun of these types of things is commiserating over how tough I was later. It's good for morale and it shows the kind of people the estate owners can hire. So it can also quell possible betrayals later." He taps his finger to his temple a few times. 

    He sighs a bit, "I kinda wish my new Bestie Enrou was here. But you can't win em all." He seems to be taking a break from the challenges at the moment as he looks over Zelda, "Isn't this place awesome? Samurai and eastern mysticism is so goddamn rad."
Piera Forta
    "I am tasked with seeking allies far and abroad on the Tree." replies Piera with a side eye at the Hylian as she removes that heavy robe. "Provide the directions to my partner, we will see if our travels take us that way any time soon." At the mention, Aquila peeks out of the folded down hood, pulls herself out onto Piera's shoulder and gives a wave to Zelda, a digital ping to Bryllu, and then materializes a Jellycan to sip from as she sits lotus-style on the Assassin's shoulder.

    When Matsu arrives, the pair of Assassins both turn to look, then exchange glances before resuming being rather passive about things.
  Settling more comfortably, Zelda looks up at the sound of a wooden cane tapping against the hardwood floor. Summer-blue eyes flick to the source of the disturbance, and as Zelda observes the wounded girl's approach, she does a few sums in her head.

The presence of the two officials and the way they're at her beck and call identify Matsu as a person of interest, and Zelda settles back to study the young woman. For a brief instant the Hylian's eyes are all age and wisdom again; the frightening weight of the ages as she regards Matsu Shuzenji calmly.

No this one probably isn't ordinary humanoid either.

At length she smiles, fleeting but genuine.

Which one of you was in the armour?

As Samus gives her answer, Zelda shakes her head briskly and tosses her head to indicate the galactic bounty hunter. "We have not met previously. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sheik. That isn't imporant; what matters is that I may be able to help you." Gesturing at the bandaging, Zelda's gaze flicks between Matsu's face and her wounds, studying the damage and attempting to read Matsu at the same time. "I am a healer, by trade, in a manner of speaking. If you wish, I would not mind examining your wounds."

Isn't this place awesome? Zelda twists to regard Valerian over her shoulder, from where she's seated at the table. Sitting seiza-style isn't comfortable for someone used to sitting in western-style chairs and she's not sure how that lunatic Sheikah does it for hours on end.

"Still alive," she replies dryly, to Valerian's question. The princess' response comes along with a wry half-smile. "No one seems to mind too much, so as long as they're enjoying themselves, I suppose it's all in good fun." Zelda wrinkles her nose. "'La Jefa?'" she echoes, a little belatedly. Then, a bit more blankly, "Samurai? 'Eastern' mysticism? Eastern relative to what? I admit, some of the stylings here are reminiscent of my Sheikah attendant, but for the most part much of it is different." She shakes her head. "I quite like some of the styles of armour, to be honest. Some of them almost look like something even I could wear."

Piera earns a glance in reply, and a hand is upraised briefly in a wave to Aquila. "The way is not difficult, though it can be dangerous this time of the year in Hyrule. Peak Province is among the highest of Hyrule's mountain ranges, and severe blizzards are alarmingly common. If you go, I bid you tread cautiously, and dress warmly."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"I guess where I'm from, humans like me are the ancients, but I guess that means something more specific?" Bryllu asks Jessica. She turns to look at Matsu when the woman arrives, a relatively intense stare as she studies the woman in detail, even going so far as to look at infrared to try to estimate the woman's body temperature, and see if there's anything off about the bandaged arm.

"Miss Shuzenji." She deliberately does not use lady or the like, "I feel compelled to ask, but I must request that you do not answer until you've had time to think, and to provide your answer in a manner that cannot be overheard by your... attendants." The way she says the phrase attendants, it's clear she's displeased. "Do you feel, in any way, compelled to use your self-sacrifical abilities because of social or legal pressures; and if so, would you still use them were those pressures absent."

Samus being revealed to be an organic gives Bryllu some pause, "Oh. I thought you were another synthetic like me." She sounds sad. Aquila's ping is responded to equivalently.
Samus Aran
    And there arrives everyone's gracious host. Blue eyes watch Matsu and her attendant arrive like a hawk as they emerge, gaze drawn to the sight of the girl, her cane, and that limp.
    "That would be me." Samus replies as the girl arrives and eases into her seat. The Bounty Hunter sits herself ramrod straight, one hand setting upon her chest as she dips her head in a polite bow.
    "Samus Aran." That is her introduction. Polite. A little curt, but not out of rudeness. She simply appears to that professional even when out of the armor.
    "Sorry." She asides to Bryllu. "I'm not."
Matsu Shuzenji
    "Lord Enrou is a very busy man, unfortunately." one of Matsu's attendants replies to Valerian. "As one of the Emperor's most skilled swordsmen, his duties take him around the province frequently." Matsu herself glances over at the juicer, then adds, "He also had to deal with an award ceremony for defeating that ronin spearwoman. Apparently she was a big deal, or something."

    And Zelda is offering healing. At this, Matsu shifts her attention to the Hylian woman... and that attention is a long, suspicious stare. "...what's it going to cost me?" she finally asks. A pause, and then, "Also, don't get your hopes up."

    To Bryllu's eyes, Matsu is a... relatively normal human girl in her early teens. Her body temperature trends a little high, perhaps. At this moment, there seems to be nothing odd about her arm, temperature-wise; it's just an arm completely bandaged up. Of course, then comes a question that probes in an entirely different way. Where her look at the Hylian was suspicious, the stare she gives the transhuman is outright harsh, if only for a moment. "I've got my reasons."

    But the identity of Samus is revealed at last. The look Matsu gives her is only one of appraisal, curiosity. After a few seconds, she observes, "'re tall."

    With everyone seated, however, the food is finally starting to come out. A fair mix of grilled meats, stir fried vegetables, it's relatively luxurious for a world akin to a fantasy medieval Japan... including a few anachronistic dishes, like teriyaki. As the food is set out, Matsu takes a deep breath, looking like she's swallowed bitter medicine for a moment. Then she begins speaking, quite formally. "As the head of the Shuzenji Clan, I am once again thanking those of you who acted in the defense of Hinomura. It is the village in which I was born and raised, and so in protecting it you have done me a great service. I hold this banquet to show thanks to you, and also offer welcome to offworlders in general."
    To Brylly, Jessica lightly shakes her head, "No meaning. Um! Well, no meaning anyone remembers. The Catastrophes have made us lose a lot of what we knew before... nobody remembers why we're called Ancients." She shrugs a little, having dealt with this for her entire life.

    "Ooh..." Ears perk up and Jessica brightens suddenly, seeing the spread of food. She waits for Matsu to speak though, and says with a little more seriousness, "Blacksteel was quite happy to provide aid, it's our job. We're glad you're satisfied with our service."
Valerian Railton
    "Yeah. La Jefa. Spanish for 'Boss' for a woman. You look like you can handle yourself, so you're a Boss." He grins and leans on an elbow as he replies, "As for East, well... I guess that's subjective. Where I come from, Japan is East across an ocean. And this place is heavily similar to that, so I consider it Eastern Culture. Or at least, it's similar to South Japan. Northern Japan is waaaaaaaaaaaay different from this place in some ways, but a bit similar in others. It's not as much as a crapsack as where I grew up in Japan, so I idolize it a bit."

     "Oh hey! You're hot!" Valerian then immediately blurts out to Samus with about as much subtlety as a brick through a piece of plate glass, "That's pretty neat. Glad to finally meet the badass under the armor. I guess this is like meeting a Glitterboy out of their suit, haha."

    Valerian then looks towards Matsu, "It's no problem. You can rely on me if you ever need a job like this in the future." But then he follows up with, "But are you sure you want to be here? You seem pretty miserable."
  In the face of Matsu's suspicion, Zelda remains placid. She only shakes her head at the question of what it may cost, and flicks a hand in clear dismissal. Apparently it's not going to cost anything at all, although the later line brings her to tilt her head a bit. Don't get her hopes up? That's an odd warning.

Valerian earns a look, before her mouth twitches. It's not quite a grin, but it threatens to be. "Thank you for the compliment, in that case." The Hylian dips her head, both amused and respectful in the same breath. "I'll have to show you other regions of Hyrule when--"

She shrugs as Valerian gets distracted with Samus, turning her attention back to Matsu. "I will do whatever your attendants wish to soothe any of your suspicions. Consider it an act of spiritual devotion; I... am... a... priestess, in a manner of speaking." It's not really the truth, but it's also not really a lie.
Piera Forta
    As the food is brought out, and the young head of the house speaks, Piera looks over toward her. "The Brotherhood seeks to aid those who wish to aid themselves. Our blades are your blades, so long as you keep the needs of your people first in mind." she responds cryptically, before selecting a few items to nibble on while observing the rest of the gathered. Aquila waves back to Zelda, then opens a holographic panel. She types on a keypane, the kanji for each place Zelda mentions appearing on the panel.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Let me clarify, miss Shuzenji. If you do not at least promise me to consider the question and get back to me on this later in a manner that cannot be overheard, I will operate under the assumption that you are being made to sacrifice yourself against your will." Bryllu's clearly passionate about this.

"If you're doing this of your own free will, then it's your choice to make, but I will not take a final answer for at least a month. Until then, all I ask that you give it your honest thought, and I do not need to know your reasoning for doing what you do, so long as it's because you wish to do it." Bryllu turns her gaze away from Matsu to look at the others, "I see." She tells Jessica, and sounds horrified. She stares at Valerian openly hitting on Samus, but in a largely emotionless tone states, "I did not know you had infrared vision or other means to assess her body temperature."
Samus Aran
    To her credit, Samus retains a straight face as Matsu comments on her height. At a staggering 6'3" out of armor, she is quite tall indeed.
    Further to her credit, Samus maintains said straight face a Valerian declares her attractive so brazenly and openly. It seems to breifly halt her though, a slight tension in her shoulders as she stiffens, as though the comment left her stalled for a beat.
    It is Bryllu who makes The Hunter crack, lips curling up into a slight smirk when the synthetic human assumes that prior comment to be in regards to her physical body temperature.
    "Thank you for your hospitality." She says, battling a mild awkwardness after Valerian's open catcalling. Ahem. "If you ever have need of my services again, don't hesitate to call."
Matsu Shuzenji
    Well, at least Jessica replies in a manner that's easy for Matsu to deal with. Mercenary work. A business transaction. "'Blacksteel,' huh. I'll have to remember that. Maybe the Emperor or the Shogun will have work for you," the girl replies, bowing her head politely.

    Valerian is, as ever, hard to ignore, and she regards him with a confused look. This 'South Japan' and 'North Japan' business sounds perplexing. But a more serious question comes from the man, and it puts a faint scowl on her face. "Still don't like being all formal. I was a shrine maiden trainee in Hinomura until about a year ago. But it's fine. I can be uncomfortable for a few hours." Especially if it makes more headaches for her head attendants.

    Then there's Piera, whose words are cryptic... and a touch ominous. "I'll keep that in mind." More than that really isn't for her to say, but she does give the Assassin and her 'familiar' a wary side-glance before moving on.

    Specifically, to Zelda. "'In a manner of speaking,'" the girl echoes, dubious. "...well, whatever." She reaches up and draws back her sleeve, revealing that the bandages go allllll the way up, stopping just below her shoulder. "I'd rather you didn't unwrap it, if that's possible. But if you have to, then fine."

    Something in what Bryllu says, however, serves to transform Matsu's expression to outright anger. Her left arm is still being held out for Zelda's examination, but her right hand is free, and the fingers curl against her seat. However, she manages to quell any outburst... for the most part. After a brief pause, there's a tense, "Fine. I'll tell you off in a month then. Not while I'm hosting you as a guest in gratitude."

    And then there's Samus, who comes in at the same angle as Jessica did; mercenary work is, ironically, easier for her to trust than 'charity'. "I know the village couldn't pay you very much, but you did exemplary work. I can try and make sure you get compensation from the Emperor or the Shogun next time. It should be better."
Valerian Railton
    "Yeah! I'd love to see other regions of your kingdom that aren't snowy mountains! Hopefully as we liberate them and return them to rightful owners." Valerian says, giving her a thumbs up and reminding Zelda that he is all-in on defeating the false King's forces and helping the throne be retaken by her rebellion, "So send me to fight in some good places." 

    And then to Bryllu, "Ah yeah. Yeah..." He sort of vaguely trails off after that, "Magic eyes and all that." He doesn't feel like explaining human courtship rules to Bryllu on top of already committing to helping her find an organic body AND learn to fight.

    And finally, towards Matsu, he smiles, "Makes sense. Here..." He reaches into a pouch attached to his hakama pants and takes a business card, "Railton Imports and Exports works in exotic materials, and we also handle mercenary work at reasonable rates. Whether you need dragon scales, pegasus hoofs, or just someone who can fight for you. Call us any time you need assistance." He politely and, a bit more formally, sets it down in front of Matsu on the table.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Ok." Bryllu doesn't sound like she's convinced by Matsu's attitude, but she drops the matter for now. She leans back and begins to form a mental map of the place in case she needs to run an extraction in the future. "Magic, huh. I really should stop being surprised people treat the laws of physics as mere suggestions."
Samus Aran
    Samus acquires tea. Somehow. She asked for it and someone brought it, we're not going to sweat the details as she takes a slow sip, remaining in her own ramrod straight formal seating position.
    "What's a Glitterboy?" She does ask Valerian curiously.
    Though she goes silent for a long moment, the hunter keeps her cool as Matsu is apparently angered by Bryllu's line of questioning, the Chozo Warrior waits patiently before her hosts' attention returns to her.
    "As I told my companion aboard my ship: it's not always about the reward. But that is appreciated."
  "I promise there are areas of Hyrule other than snowy mountains. The lowlands see snow in the winter, but... not like this." Not 'man-sized drifts deposited overnight.' You could lose a castle in that stuff. "I'm working on that, actually, although whether it's a 'good place' or not is... subjective." Zelda's voice drops into a mutter. "Really subjective. I still have a little research to do, I'm afraid. Please be patient."

Meanwhile, she reaches out to take Matsu's offered arm. Her expression sharpens -- no gentle dove of a healer, this, but a trained and focused professional; a master devoted to their craft. Her eyes flutter nearly closed as she thins her lips thoughtfully.

Well, she can try, but it's really up to Matsu whether the goddesses of Hyrule hold any sway over Shuzenji soil or not. There's a feeling of something. Warmth. Light. Even if there isn't any actual luminance, there's a feeling of it. A sense of monstrous latent power, too, wildly out of proportion to this slip of a young woman. Something terribly old and powerful, but not malicious. The whole healing process only takes a few seconds, whether it's successful or not. Zelda leans back a little when she's done, tilting her head curiously: Well?

Wait, were Zelda's eyes such a dark shade of blue, before...?
Matsu Shuzenji
    'Liberate' regions of her kingdom? That draws Matsu's eyes. She looks between Valerian and Zelda, trying to discern whatever she can about it from their banter. That turns out not to be much, however, and she's not inclined to pry. Instead, she focuses on the business card, reaching out to take it with her right hand, and offering a polite, "Thank you, Lord Valerian."

    It seems that when Bryllu leaves behind that particular topic, Matsu is much less irritable - downright conversational, even. "To us, magic is part of the natural order of things. All of your technology is still strange to me, but I've grown up learning about the seven elements, the gods. I'm still trying to figure out how an airship can fly without a wind crystal at its heart."

    She gives Samus a... somewhat dubious nod, but leaves it at that, and instead turns her attention to 'Sheik' as the Hylian woman starts to work. There is a bit of a nervous fidget, but the girl manages to sit still aside from that. As the magic awakens within Zelda, it brushes up against something... not all that dissimilar. Large. Old. Powerful. And... warm. A power with aspects of Light and Fire, a gentle, radiant warmth. But unfortunately, something of that power is settled into the damage to Matsu's arm.

    It's not that the power itself doesn't work, or is rejected; more like the wounds - or rather, the burns - themselves are not something that the power can heal. They were created by Matsu's power itself. When Zelda draws back, Matsu's brow furrows, and she flexes her arm a little; the faint wince tells all the story it needs to. "...didn't think so." She lets the hand rest on her lap, and reaches out with her right to take up a skewer of meat for herself. "My power is healing, too. The flames of Suzaku. But I can't heal myself. A mortal body wasn't meant to wield divine flames."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"How about an immortal body?" Bryllu asks the immediate and to her obvious question. "My people do not as a rule see an end from anything other than their life's work being complete, having nothing new to experience, and wanting to move on." She states, "My parent is by the way time is measured in most worlds in excess of a billion years old. I may be young and inexperienced, but I believe that it's possible to replicate the feat of my ancestors and grant you the immortality I had always taken for granted."
Valerian Railton
    "Have you considered injecting phoenix blood to adapt your physiology to handle the strain of the powers?" Valerian asks Matsu as she explains that particular aspect of her power, "I mean. In theory and barring them being a taboo creature to hunt in your world, which may make it unacceptable in your case." He adds as a caveat, shifting in his seat a bit to watch Matsu.

    "Some mystic arts require a physical body to function," Valerian asides to Bryllu, "It's possible that swapping to an inorganic body may go against her religious views regarding spirituality, reincarnation, or the afterlife. So don't be offended if she declines on those grounds."
Matsu Shuzenji
    Matsu stares at Bryllu again - not as hard as before, but it's still a sharp, displeased stare. "A goddess dwells in me. She has granted me Her flames. I will pay any price I must pay and deal with any hardship to keep this gift for as long as I can, including my body if I have to. For all I know, moving myself to a puppet body like yours would leave Her behind, or displease Her. And I have no guarantee that you aren't trying to trick me out of my power. We just met."

    Valerian offers an easier question to answer... but it's not one Matsu has an answer to. So instead, she looks over her shoulder at the attendant behind and to her left, a woman who looks to be in her 40s or so. The woman bows her head politely. "It is... not taboo under any religious law, but many would call it distasteful. They are also exceedingly rare and reclusive, and formidable besides." She pauses, then adds, "...but you aren't the first to have such a thought, despite the difficulties. It was attempted some two centuries ago, according to our records." A faint frown. "The goddess... strongly indicated her displeasure with her host and the physician performing the procedure, then immediately moved on to the next Phoenix Maiden."

    Matsu grimaces, then gives Valerian a shrug. There's the answer.
Valerian Railton
    Valerian nods his head and says to Matsu, "Well if the suggestion is against what the Goddess wants, then not much I can do. I respect that." He seems content to just let the topic drop rather than press on Matsu or her attendant about it. All he has left to say is, "If you decide to go that route, let me know. My company can handle that." 

    And then he gives her a bit of a smile, "Unrelated, Matsu, you wanna grab a cheeseburger some time? It's an off-world food. Imagine like... a sandwich. But better." He might be trying to get Matsu into something besides her duties, "I can stop by a world, bring a couple over, and let your retainers test it for poison and all that. Or give them a basic recipe so your estate chef can make it."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"A simple no would have sufficed, miss Shuzenji, it was simply a suggestion for you to consider or reject as you so please." Bryllu answers in turn, not bothered with the answer. She turns to Valerian, "I know many organics have an irrational attachment to their frailties, I was expected the answer to be no, but I had to voice the option." Back to Matsu, "If your so-called goddess is that demanding, then I suspect my proposed option will not work, so please forget I ever mentioned it, but I must warn you, it very much sounds like she is taking advantage of you."
Matsu Shuzenji
    Once again, Matsu is throwing around a dubious look - this time at Valerian. "Cheese... burger?" There's a deep, conflicted look on her face. Strange offworlder she barely knows, offering to bring her super tasty food. On the one hand, that's terribly suspicious. On the other... food. After a few seconds of debate, she offers a hesitant, "Maybe... maybe the recipe." If her own staff is making it, that would be fine, right? Right.

    The frail girl looks as if she's content to let things go after Bryllu's first comment towards her. However, on the tail end of that second comment, comes something that stalls out not just Matsu, but every attendant in the room. There's a moment of stillness. Disbelief on Matsu's face transforms to something beyond simple anger. It's probably obvious that something deeply offensive has been said, and the elder attendant opens her mouth to say something - but Matsu lifts a hand before she can, and the woman stops before she starts.

    The tiny girl then levels a furious glare at Bryllu, and declares a simple, sharp, "Get out. Now."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"I see I'm not the only one with a 'puppet body' after all.' Bryllu states as she gets up and leaves, "If you ever want to deal with your puppet mistress and acquire your freedom, let me know. Until then, feel free to remain her tool." This is said as she walks out, clearly furious at the goddess in question, but she is gone.
Valerian Railton
    "Yeah. I can bring you a book of offworld recipes or something as a gift when I travel. Consider it a diplomatic offering to establish good relations between your estate and my company." Valerian nods his head as he rests his hands on his knees. He figured he wouldn't get to actually bring a burger, but it's important to start high so you can negotiate down.

    He pretty much sits there in awkward silence at the spat between Bryllu and Matsu, before bowing his head a bit as Bryllu storms out, "Lady Shuzenji, my apologies for being forward. But Bryllu is unfamiliar with a human society beyond her own version." He bows his head politely, "I do not believe she can fully grasp the sacrifices people like you or I are willing to make when we trade our lives or our health for the ability to impact the world, make a difference, or even matter at all. Nor the responsibility we feel when we take up those powers." He keeps his head bowed politely, "It does not excuse her actions, but I wished to provide context to her viewpoints."
Matsu Shuzenji
    The attendants are scandalized by Bryllu's parting shot. Matsu is shocked a second time, settling into quiet, quaking anger. She very nearly musters up the ire to follow after and start shouting - but Valerian speaks up, and the girl settles in her seat, silently fuming while she listens. Only after he's said his piece does she mutter a soft, irritable, "If her viewpoints let her walk into someone's house and insult-" A hand, gentle but firm, rests on Matsu's shoulder. "Lady Matsu, perhaps not in front of the guests...?"

    Matsu glares at the attendant, but then lets out a soft breath, and shakes her head. " apologies for such an outburst. I hope that it has not soured your dinner."
Valerian Railton
    Valerian shakes his head and says, "No, I understand well enough why you are offended." 

    "It has not soured my dinner, I am merely sorry that your hospitality has been insulted tonight." He lifts his head back up and smiles at Matsu, "Anyway. I look forward to working with you in the future." He says a bit more casually.