World Tree MUSH

The Beast of the Swamps

    With the colony base infested by strange creatures that seem perfectly happy to stay where they are if left alone, the only place left to look for survivors is the swamps of New Constantinople. But... explorers have already been warned away from the swamps, and if any survivors are there, they are well-hidden. Can they be found without rousing the ire of the mysterious Lyra Neannan? Do the survivors have any clue about this strange power to take control of another's body like a puppet?
Character Pose
    To Recap: The Earth government is growing increasingly concerned with New Constantinople, and has been offering a steady series of rewards for those willing to investigate what happened. Originally a far-flung colony of religious devotees, they were largely ignored, but with the disappearance of both the colony and the team sent to find out why they'd vanished, more worrying thoughts of what might be happening arose, to the point of asking offworlders to investigate and deal with strange threats their own soldiers might not have the ability to handle.

    So once again(or for the first time, in some cases), a small group of people are on... a different hill. The Vine moved, but only a little, the ruins of the ship now a bit further away, and the swamp closer. The swamp being a semi-important feature, given that the bunker/colony was clearly off-limits and dangerous. It's doubtful that those who hired would MIND it being cleared out, but they had yet to offer any bounty for it, and their solution is probably 'napalm' or something similar.

    As for the swamp, it's... stinky and still there. A previous exploration discovered a small shack that warned off any explorers, but there may be other routes to explore, unless the group convening decides to try to track down the stranger who warned them off before.
Justina Thyme
    Once again, waiting at the vine exit are a pair of robots. They're much smaller and lighter this time, though one is still built with fully jet-black plating and looks a bit more reinforced than the other, gunmetal grey with less armour but a pod mounted on the left shoulder. The grey robot comes to life, an automated voice reciting a 'start-up' checklist, before emitting a trilling bleep then the voice of Justina comes through. "I though I'd turned that off..."

    The black machina powers up, and Minerva's voice echos through. "Establishing Battlunit Control, standby..."
Valerian Railton
    Valerian is, unlike the last two times, actually not here to fuck around. The power armor is discarded in lieu of something he can actually use his full power in, which means he's wearing a pair of reinforced slacks with what looks to be patches of scaly leather all over it. His upper torso has his usual shirt, covered with segmented pads of leather armor in reinforcement locations. Over his shoulder, he is carrying his wrapped bundle and is currently continuing to smoke a cigarette. It's part of the weird Valerian/Juicer Paradox that the less advanced armor is actually more protection for him, but there you go. 

    "I hope we get to fight something fun today. I don't get to fight enough fun things. Just really annoying things. And I'm no good at the science stuff." He sighs a bit wearily, exhaling a plume of smoke as he lowers the goggles from the top of his head down over his eyes to cover them as they approach the swamp.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Today, Bryllu is heavily armored and hollow. About the length of a minivan, with thick plates and three seats. Adjustable ports on the sides for people to shoot through. She herself has a series of arms mounted on top which end in rapidly rotating saws, to deal with anything that gets a bit too close. Tracks and thrusters are underneath her allowing her to both fly and move into position. When she lands, there's a thud under her sheer weight. "Who wants some mobile cover?" She asks as plates shift and move aside to allow entry.
Cyber Frost
With a name like New Constantinople, this was bound to get exciting, one didn't take on such a powerful name with no aspirations for greatness.

It proved to be more interesting than initially anticipated! While a certain killer android didn't care in the least for all the religious motivations or what not, this whole area just reeked of violence, and war. Like moth to the flame, like a vulture to carrion- she had no stake in this fight, no real side to take, Frost wasn't at all concerned for helping people, or making the Tree a better place to live. Some one like her was here for one reason, and one reason only.

The Carnage.

Where the robots converged so would she. Blue thrusters and a surprisingly silent jet engine announced the apperance of a woman clad in metal armor, with matching face mask, eyes and spiked blue hair. Frost descended from the sky and situated herself with what appeared to be the 'robot parking spot' along with Justina and Minerva's mechs, and quite possibly near Bryllu as well, just trying to make herself fit in as much as possible and not draw any questions. The less questions people ask her why she was there, the less explanining Frost had to make about being an ammoral killer. Though, that didn't mean she had to be rude.

"Hey.." She said by way of greetings as she landed softly on the swampy grounds, a metal clad hand running across her sleek hair.
Samus Aran
    On the other side of the Vine is the figure of a sleek purple gunship, the landing gear and ramp already down to let the purple-armored figure of a the galaxy's best bounty hunter descend and cross on through.
    Samus Aran arrives with minimal fanfare, simply walking through the Vine in at a slow pace, more measured than leisurely. The woman has a lot on her mind lately.
    "Railton." That's a greeting.
    "Zibhu." Another greeting.
    "Captain Thyme." Another greeting. This one however is followed by a poignant pause.
    "How is the girl doing?"
    Well this is certainly an eclectic team! Ready for battle! Armed to the teeth! Ready to... deal with the quiet swamp. At least this time there are birds(or the local fauna equivalent) chirping and insects buzzing. Yet there's no army or monster rushing out to meet them. Instead there's only a simple choice:

    Continue on to the shack already discovered, or go off the path to try to find something else?
Justina Thyme
    Frost's arrival gets no reaction from the two magitech machina, Bryllu receives a handshake request from Minerva as is usual for the AI to do to the Post-Human, Valerian receives a curt nod from Justina as he speaks.


    Then Samus comes along, and asks that question.

    Justina holds up a hand, palm up, and displays a holographic recording. A young human girl sat in a wheelchair, wearing a white blouse and pink shorts, and hugging a tablet computer to her chest. Next to her in the chair seat is a raggedy little teddybear with a blue heart sewn into the chest. The recording speaks. "I-I hear I have you, and several others to thank... for rescuing me." The figure looks away from the focus of the 'camera', then back. "My name is Hope... Hope Aesland, and I want to repay your kindness one day. If not for myself, then for the memory of everyone on Severeus-VI." the girl smiles, little tears pressing out of the corners of her eyes, then the recording ends.

    "She is being rehabilitated at LineBase 82... I can have permission to visit provided to your gunship AI if you like..." replies Justina, a softer tone dominating her voice than normal.

    The Magitech Machina pair wait for the group to choose a course of action. They are here to provide support, after all.
Valerian Railton
    "Hey jackass! You said you were gonna come eat me if I came back! Get your weird, uber-Mensch looking ass out of that swamp and come fight me! I'm right goddamn here! I'm here to put MY money where YOUR mouth is so let's do this!" Valerian elects the graceful and noble third option and just begins shouting at the swamp instead, as if beckoning nature to cut out the middle man and come give him the fight he knows may be inevitable. 

    "Let's see if he responds," Valerian says a moment later, returning the nods of greeting to Justina and Samus right after this.
Cyber Frost

It was true that Frost wasn't necessarily fishing for any reactions, but a complete and total lack of reaction to her presence kind of stung her ego. Frost's icy blue eyes turned hard as Justina and co seemingly ignored her, the cyborg going as far as to cross her arms across her chest and give an indignant huff which blew cold smoke from her face mask.

It was fine, really, they would know her eventually. They would all know her! And should never be dismissed again!

Or so she told herself anyway. Now, determined to make a name for herslef in the mission, the cyborg cracked her metallic knuckle joints and advanced into the swamp. With Valerian's kick the door open approach they would surely encounter some Kombat soon, which was all fine and dandy for her..
Samus Aran
    When Justina holds up her hand and displays that hologram, Samus' reaction... Might be a little hard to judge. The galactic warrior goes stock still, making her seem more like a statue than an armored woman, her powered suit not budging so much as a single iota as she watches. For a brief instant, the light hits her glowing visor just right to reveal the face behind it, and the sad expression behind The Hunter's eyes. Before she finally responds.
    "Please do." A simple answer, but weighted with an almost somber melancholy.
    But then the Hunter is back down to busness.
    "I don't think-"
    Valerian bellows his mighty challenge to the swamp.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Technically I'm captain too, you know. Just because my ship is currently out of commission doesn't mean the Just A Matter of Time isn't a spaceship." Bryllu tells Samus in response to the greetings, after anyone who wants to has gotten on board, if any, she closes back up and heads to follow the others. She reaches out to handshake with Miranda and ADAM, and exchange sensor data with any equipped to receive it.
    That's one way to get the swamp's attention. When Valarian yells that there's nothing for a few seconds... and then all the birds and insects abruptly go silent, and a few ripples in the water show that even the local fish and eels or whatever weird creatures this planet has in the swamp are getting the hell out of there fast.

    In contrast, after just a few minutes, enough time for people to load up in Bryllu's van-body if needed, a lone figure wades toward the group. It's a... dark-skinned woman, this time, but her clothes are equally rugged and simple as the first one, and she wears a mild scowl on her face as she looks at the group assembled. "We told you not to return here, now you call us out?"
Valerian Railton
    "Yes, you did. And yes, I do." Valerian says firmly, staring at the woman as she comes out of the water, "So I'm guessing you're a Hivemind, then? Or a Collective Consciousness. Or whatever the fuck term you're using for whatever you are." 

    "After the colony cave, I'm actually done playing grabass with this. You want me off this planet and out of this place? You come over here and you MAKE me leave." Valerian points at the patch of swamp directly in front of him, "Otherwise, I'm gonna find the biggest, ass-ugliest prefab building and drop it right in your swamp."
Justina Thyme
    Justina nods, and silently has Minerva send the secure datapacket to ADAM via a tightbeam link.

    And then Valerian calls out the Swamp People, who then proceed to tell him to GET OUTTA MAH SWAMP.

    The pair of machina look at one another, then to the woman emerging from the waters and Valerian. "Should we prepare for trouble? asks Justina.

    Minerva takes a pause, then with a mild amusement in her voice, replies, "If we do, It should be double."

    Justina's machina body just slumps slightly lacking any other features to express emotion.
Cyber Frost
Always ready for battle, Frost simply limbered up her feet and hands by giving them few shake each. This Valerian guy was itching for combat nearly as much as she is. -Almost- as much, she'd wager. Either or, it seemed plausible that he'd piss off the locals enough that they'd attack them and that was just the opportunity that Frost was looking for. She lowered her head slightly, upper body slightly bent, hands relaxed but ready close to the center of her body, feet ready to spring forward. Come on.. she was just waiting for the dark skinned woman to try and swing at them..
Samus Aran
    Samus opts to not load into the Bryllu-mobile. She's equally mobile in the water as she is on land so the swampy boggy mess doesn't bother her in her environmentally sealed suit.
    But Valerian called out to the swamp and now the people of the swamp respond.
    So much for diplomacy.
    Samus readies herself for the inevitable conflict to come, slightly shifting her footing in the mucky water in a subtle ready stance.
    "Just tell us what happened to the original investigation team that was sent to check up on the colony. This doesn't have to get violent."
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"While it technically doesn't have to get violent, my calculations put the odds of violence in excess of ninety nine point six eight percent." Bryllu answers Samus, landing in the swamp and facing herself to engage in the violence if necessary.
    Blink. The woman tilts her head, shrugging, as if baffled. "We never saw such a team. They must have been killed by the Feeders or the wildlife. We remember what such a team would look like, they never bothered us." Looks like she's answering Samus, and simply strolling over to the nearest tree. Perhaps she didn't want to fight after all?

    Or maybe Valerian annoyed her enough to give him exactly what he wanted. Because after a moment to answer the question, she looks at everyone there, Bryllu and Minerva and Justine being, well, mechanical while Valerian challenges her. "Many with artificial parts," she muses, though it sounds vaguely interested rather than disgusted or worried.

    In the next moment she grips the tree, roughly five feet in diameter, and heaves up to tear the entire root system up with a slurping whirlpool of much that burbles into the gap left, and with an all too casual toss, hurls the massive tree at the entire group.
Valerian Railton
    When the woman lifts the tree up out of the swamp and hoists it, Valerian grins widely, "Now that's what I'm talking about! YES!" Valerian seems glad to see the woman has such a casual amount of strength to be able to do such a thing with minimal effort. The Dragon Juicer steps to point on the group, reaching towards the bundle of rags on his back and gripping the handle. 

    Abruptly, the wrapped object on his back turns to shreds as a chainsaw almost as tall as the Juicer whirs to life, shredding it instantly. And with a heavy overhead swing, Valerian's WI-C8 Close Combat Weapon System makes contact with the tree with a screaming noise of teeth on wood.

    The Juicer digs in his feet as he swings it overhead, the goggles preventing and splinters or wood chips from getting into his eyes as they shower his face and the swamp around him. However, the tree splits evenly in a vertical cut as it flies towards the group, veering off to either side and kicking up waves and muck in the water as the Juicer holds the chainsaw sword as if it were a regular longsword.

    "This is why I came here." He says, panting a bit from the effort of splitting the huge tree as he steadies his stance as best he can in the murky, muddy swamp.
Cyber Frost
Oho!! Even better than she was expecting! Frost had anticipated and attack, indeed, she overheard what that Bryllu car person was saying and the chances for Kombat were inevitable.

Though little did she know, that when Frost was here.. Kombat was always inevitable..

Still, it would be no fun if her opponent was a push over, and it appeared that this lady was anything but that! Ripping out a WHOLE TREE with one hand and hurling it at the group was certainly impressive. If Frost was at all coordinated she might shout out that she could block the tree leaving the rest to retaliate.. however, Frost didn't know these people, hell, they didn't even greet her when she arrived. She'd let them fend for themselves whilst she finally had her fun.

Frost dashed forward, ice trailed behind her feet as she not so much ran but -skated- towards the woman. Fast enough that she was well and away from where the tree would make impact, whether the group could defend themselves from the attack was up to them. Frost had bigger fish to fy. Take this fool out and everyone would have no choice but to notice just how utterly awesome and COOL she was.

"You called it, lady!" Frost snarled, icy breath smoking out of her mask. She flew quickly and directly towards the woman and cranked one fist back. Just before the point of impact, Frost's hands turned into ice drills that spun with deadly intent as she tried to drive them into the woman, one drill on her chest, and the other down onto her solar plexus.

"Auger Lunge!!"
Justina Thyme
    Justina looks over at Minerva. "Not a word." she says, before the machina split and go around the flanks. As they move, their arms transform into long, curved katana-style blades, their feet sinking slightly in the muck of the Swamp as they try to pincer in, following up on Frost's direct lunge... they don't have any fancy attack names, but bring their blades in high and low and crossed slashes.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Bryllu's powers of analysis prove to be accurate tonight. "See." She tells Samus, before approaching to just the edge of her range, two arms coming down with their saws, swiping at the lady from oppposite directions, trying to catch the neck right after Frost's punches.
Samus Aran
    Well that at least answers one thing. The swamp people apparently had nothing to do with the original investigation team going missing. If this woman is to be believed, anyway.
    Then there's a tree flying at the party.
    To Samus' credit, her reflexes are enough to dodge.
    Just as Bryllu had called it.
    Fortunately, Samus doesn't HAVE to dodge, the Hunter remaining right where she's standing for a beat as two halves of giant tree go flying off to either side.
    Samus doesn't even sigh.
    "You called it, captain." She says dryly to Bryllu.
    With a whirr-click, the muzzle of her arm-cannon splits apart and a blue-tipped warhead locks into place before she takes aim and launches.
    The ice missile is actually considered a non-lethal part of the Hunter's arsenal, designed to flash freeze targets on impact with a sudden eruption of mixed chemicals and coolants to chill a man to their very bones while maintaining the target's cellular integrity.
    And she fires a small volley of these at the woman.
Samus Aran
>> SUMMARY[Samus Aran] >> Chill out, lady.
    The tree is split in twain! And then everyone converges on the woman who... well, she is a lot tougher than her normal-looking flesh seems. A LOT tougher, indeed.

    But far from invincible.

    So much converging on her manages to get the drills and the blades to slice into her skin, though it feels more like supple metallic armor than skin. The impacts seem to fare a little better, perhaps... perhaps. At least her head is jerked back, and her body sent stumbling backward an instant before it's frozen solid, splashing into the muck to sink slowly downward.

    The problem is the splattering. Splattering that causes loud hissing and steam to rise from the muck, and from anyone that the blood splatters upon, spraying across Cyber Frost and Minerva and Justina. Fortunately, the impact flung her back, and the spray of blood largely missed everyone there. Very fortunate, because said blood is so incredibly acidic, it's pitting even metallics within an instant, and the smell is not just strong, but causing anyone breathing it to gag from the burning sensation that is clearly poisonous. Fortunately, it's just an irritant when smelled, but anyone organic had best avoid ingesting any.
Justina Thyme
    Justina lets out a surprised yelp, staggering back as blood splatters over her frame. The hissing of it eating into the metal lingers for a few moments, before those plates are ejected to splash into the swamp, being replaced a moment later by flash-fabricated replacements that appear in a glow of blue-white light.

    Minerva reacts much the same, though the AI doesn't exactly feel any pain feedback from her proxy body. The damaged plates are ejected in kind and replaced, and the machina back off, out of the swamp itself again to avoid the quickly diluting blood in the water.
Valerian Railton
    When the blood hits the swamp... Valerian goes wide-eyed. That acrid smell, that tinge of magic. He looks towards the woman and then... drops the chainsaw, letting it sink into the muck as he dashes forward towards the woman as they knock her back. 

    The Dragon Juicer, as the woman begins to sink, grabs her by the throat. His other hand comes up and grabs the side of her frozen head, just above the purchase he has on her neck. Using the weakened material where her head meets her neck, he tries to separate the head from the body and then grab her by the shoulders.

    In the same way one would drink a particularly large bottle of water, he holds the stump just away from his mouth and then starts pouring the acidic 'Blood' from the creature into his mouth. It steams against his face, but it doesn't seem to hurt him at all. If anything, Valerian seems to look like it is healing him or restoring some form of energy to him.
Valerian Railton
>> SUMMARY[Valerian Railton] >> Dragon Vampire
Cyber Frost
Acid for blood, eh? A cheap trick that won't stop Cyber Frost from Finishing this wretch. What are a few singes and burns compared to all the pain that she can deal out?? As some of the acid splatters on her mechanical body, Cyber Frost actually cackled in masochistic delight feeling it burn her body. "Yes!! Now this is a fight!!" She howled in furious delight as the woman was flung backwards, it took all her willpower not to chase after her and continue the fight up close and personal, and truly, the only reason why she didn't was because she had a group at her back and getting in the line of fire would only make her look like a reckless idiot.

Some of Frost's metal plates melt into the swamp and are replaced by ice which quickly hardened and turned once again to steel, seemingly capable to repair herself on the spot.

She looked ready to continue the assault after a moment's respite, until that Valerian guy surged forward and started drinking the woman's blood as if he were some vampire. "Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" Frost's blue eyebrows furrowed, not out of concern for the guy drinking acid blood, but confusion, what was the purpose of that other than to kill her?

Well, as it stood, there was no point to follow up on that attack if the woman was beheaded, she was good and dead if that was the case. So Frost did the only sensible thing anyone could do..

She went and grabbed the woman's decapitated head by the hair and held it up. Just in case it was important.. and besides, maybe she could use the brain for something.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
Acid sizzles and burns, the plates the blood hits get forcibly ejected to prevent any further damage. "Valerian Railton, I am going to need an explanation quick or else I'm going to have to restrain you for your own safety."
Samus Aran
    And then it's over as fast as it began.
    With Valerian drinking the woman's acid blood.
    Samus doesn't even flinch. She just looks on in the manner of someone looking on at a bad accident on the freeway.
    "That's disgusting." She notes, dryly.
    That's disgusting.

    It's pretty clear the woman is dead. Like, the head was bitten off and blood spraying everywhere now. The head falls into the water, body limp as Valerian feasts upon the dribbling acidic lifeblood, which may not harm him but is doing a number on his armor.

    Then the body twitches.

    Abruptly, another spray of blood erupts from the neck, as a bloodied head with matted hair bursts from the spinal column. One arm immediately comes up and slams fist forward toward Valerian, and the phrase 'hits like a truck' is probably apt in this case.

    As for the others, well... Justina and Minerva and Samus and Bryllu all have various sensors that read a sudden spike in heat and motion near Cyber Frost, and Cyber Frost being a trained fighter will probably notice in time to prevent a complete sucker punch, as the woman, or an identical copy of her, ALSO rises from the muck near the cyborg cryokinetic, immediately leaping forward to attempt a very impressively powerful tackle.
Cyber Frost
To be fair, Cyber Frost came from a world where that sort of behaivor was fairly common place and she herself might have done similar things to her victims- and unlike Valerian, not for practical reasons at all aside from just causing as much pain and suffering as possible. As such, the cyber kunoichi was pretty desensitized, and stared at the grim vampiric display more with dissapointed that the fight had ended quickly than any real disgust. She shrugged in annoyance even, discarded the bloodied head-- and then..

*beep beep*

Inner sensors warned her of an incoming attack, but as indeed a true and well trained fighter, Frost's body was already reacting before she knew what was happening.

"Shit!!" It was too quick to do any fancy defensive manuevers, as the clone of the dark skinned woman emerged from the swamp, all Cyber Frost managed to do was dig her heels on the swampy ground to resist the tackl and put her attacker on a fierce guillotine head lock to keep her from taking her to the ground.

"Don't just stand there! SHOOT HER!!" The cyber Lin Kuei bellowed angrily as she kept her foe grappled, and an easy target for everyone else, provided they actually took the shot.
Valerian Railton
    The fist cracks Valerian clean in the jaw, causing him to release his grip and drop her as he flies backwards and skips across the surface of the swamp a few times before crashing to a stop, kicking up a huge spray of water as he does so. He slowly stands up and pops his neck to the left and right, "Come on, Bryllu. You're a smart girl. I've said before I'm a Dragon Juicer. This thing's a dragon-alike. Not all of us can be as clean and tidy as Miss Hyouka Kiyama in how our Dragon Powers work." 

    He wipes his mouth with the back of his glove, flicking a mixture of the dragon's blood and his own into the water as he raises up his hands in a boxing stance, speaking to Cyber Frost, "I just saw an opportunity to top up the tank a bit, so to speak. Refuel and add a couple months to my life." He clenches his hands into fists, looking to Samus, "I'd say that added a month or two to the back end before the burnout sets in. Was it any less gross than you eating that Oni?"

    "Now then. Let's you and I tussle, Miss Dragon." Valerian dashes forward towards the reanimated body and throws a few quick jabs, trying to box with it in the murky waters of the swamp.
Bryllu Zibhu MLDVII
"Well forgive me for lacking an intuition on how your physics defying abilities work." Bryllu verballu huffs in response to that answer, "Incoming." She yells when she spots more popping up, and immediately gets to work lashing out with those blade arms when more heads of this strange hydra come up. "So what should I expect from this dragon?"
Samus Aran
    "I'm not a messy eater." Comes Samus' simple reply to Valerian.
    And it's true, when she dealt with the oni it was pretty clean, all that was left was dust and echoes of what had once been.
    But that's neither here nor there as the woman suddenly regrows her head. To top it all off she's suddenly joined by another copy of herself joining the fray.
    A hot point of red-white light builds, gathering at the barrel of Samus' arm-cannon as she charges up a shot of boiling plasma with a shrill hum.
    "Hold her steady." She says, perfectly calmly to Frost, before unleashing a red hot bolt of superheated energy for the woman's center of mass.
    "You are surprisingly strong," the woman says to Valerian, stating the obvious but not particularly shocked by her apparent death and rebirth. As the fists come up, so do hers, taking on a pretty confident and skilled-looking stance. Slower than Valerian though... partly due to his Juicer upgrades, and partly because her body, revived or not, still has bits and pieces that are frozen and thawing. Thawing rapidly, though... and faster still as the fight wears on.

    The copy that is grappled by Frost proves to be persistent as well, and super strong. Hands rise to the arms, gripping just above the elbows. REALLY gripping, pinching like a mechanical vice using hydraulic levels of power. It's enough that it threatens to damage even the fighter's durable frame, and perhaps even does before Samus gets a clear shot through the chest, blasting through it and vaporizing a good chunk. Thankfully, the plasma cauterizes as well, meaning there's minimal blood to worry about as the copy goes limp. It doesn't seem to be stirring back to life, either.

    The one Valerian is fighting, though, takes a few jabs that stagger her, and when Bryllu comes in from the sides, she gets some solid cuts in, since a single Head is certainly outclassed by Valerian, and it's taking all her concentration to keep him from cracking her skull open. The problem is these cuts, while they stagger and weaken her, cause more acidic and poisonous blood to pour into the swamp. It's diluted enough that the swamp water isn't eating away at anyone, but the act of handling that is a chemical reaction, and the immediate area is doing that reaction... and heating up to the point that the water around her legs and in an expanding circle is starting to boil and hiss as the temperature rises dramatically.
Valerian Railton
    "No idea, to be honest. Never fought a dragon that can regenerate at this rate before." Valerian confesses to Bryllu as she asks what she can expect, "So I'm operating off of the standard dragons I know. Probably really tanky. May have some sort of breath weapon. Probably acid or poison based on the blood." 

    Even as the water around him boils, the ambient environmental pressure doesn't seem to phase Valerian as he presses in on the woman, throwing a few jabs and taking a couple shots to the jaw of his own from her as the two box one another, "Thanks. So're you. Don't worry, though. I'm not gonna drink you again. I have to wait a few weeks for you to have enough Potential Psychic Energy for me to siphon off a bit again if I want to extend my life more." He at least tells her she doesn't have to worry about him biting her again.

    "So tell me what you know about the Feeders. Why are they attracted to energy? Are they part of yours, or another life on this planet and you're just here by coincidence?" He asks her casually, even as a smack across the mouth from her fist sends some blood trickling into the swamp.
Cyber Frost
"Huh! Alrigth, so yer some kinna vampire/lich thingy. Noted!!" Cyber Frost kept up the convo with Valerian as he explained just why indeed did he drink that woman dry of her blood as if she were one of those flavored ice drinks- which the name escaped Frost at the moment but it was hardly the time to be thinking about such things. Particularly because she was grappling hard with the marsh woman and she was not making Frost's job easy! The cyborg was hardly a grappler to begin with and was only doing so because she hadn't really been given a choice in the matter when the woman all but ran up at her and tried to tackle her.

"AUGH! Oh, you're a pincher aren't ya!!?" Cyber Frost cried out as the woman gripped her arms hard, hard enough that she was actually able to rend her metallic limbs making the metal groan as it was being twisted asunder. Samus cam through though and blasted the woman clear through the center making her go limp, but Cyber Frost wasn't going to take any chances.

"You want em? Have em!!" She said as she pulled back and severed her own arms at the shoulder. Frost's arms kept locked in place around the woman's neck and froze solid before detonating themselves in a blast of frozen explosion. If Samus' blast hadn't killed the woman, the cryo explosion that shattered to icy bits surely would.

On way or another, Frost's arms regrew after using them as explsoive bait-- it looked like the swamp woman wasn't the only one that could regrow lost limbs.
Samus Aran
    Plasma seemed to handle things well enough, and with the copy of the woman handled, Samus begins charging up another beam as she stands undeterred in the boiling water.
    Her tactical scanner quickly flags the original woman as a target and she takes aim, while Valerian dukes it out with her and Frost finishes off the other one, but.
    "That's enough." The Hunter declares. She has her shot ready and primed.
    "Lyra Neannan, stand down or I will fire again."
    For the record if the Hydra-woman doesn't stand down Samus will take that shot.
    Arms are up, and the woman backs away slightly, steam rising from her body now. Samus makes that threat... and the copy collapses in pieces, with no sign of getting up. The original doesn't look too concerned, but does appear surprised. "You started this fight, why are you asking us to stop? We have no desire to fight."

    Which is a good point, isn't it?

    The woman peers at Samus and then Valerian. "That is our original host's name. We are surprised you know it if you are asking these questions. The Feeders are not our doing. We do not wish to share space with them either. The swamp is more comfortable to us anyway. If you wish to know more about them, ask the colonists who think they hide from us. We are no longer interested in them, but the Feeders are not ours. They are an infestation of this world, the natives, and stay beneath the earth."

    She looks about again. "You are enough of a threat the other heads will be brought next time. Leave us alone." Unless she's stopped, she starts wading toward the inner swamp again, leaving a wake of dead vegetation from her blood.