World Tree MUSH

Dorn by Day

Character Pose
    Mau wasn't kidding when she said the City of Dorn was built into and around the roots of an utterly gigantic tree. The tree itself is visible from miles away on approach to the city, and the ten feet tall walls built around the outer reaches of the city protect it from invaders like the local orc population.
    The elven caravan from the day before entered the city through the eastern gate into what is now called the old beast quarter.
    The Beast Quarter would be an apt name for this section of the city though, due to the dense population of demi-humans living in it. People with all sorts of animal features abound. Dog ears, slitted eyes, scales, people with feathers for hair...
    And then there's Mau.
    The feline-featured adventurer is settled on the steps of a local inn and tavern by the name of The Cat's Meow... She's playing with a squad of children, the smallest of which is a catgirl that keeps batting at and trying to catch Mau's tail as it flicks out of the way, while she hoists a bird-girl onto her shoulders to fly, and several other children crowd around a real life adventurer.
    "What kind of monsters have you killed?"
    "Woooooow you're *Silver* rank...? That's so cool!"
    "Can I see your sword?"
Itana el-Zayl
There was an elven caravan? Itana didn't travel with it, at least. She's an odd arrival: A lone woman on a gigantic yellow terror-bird, saddle draped with white and blue caparisons and leather straps that match her outfit. The gate guards weren't necessarily accommodating, and it took her a quick bribe to get past them.

It's with an irritated frown and her hood back that Itana can be spotted riding down the way near to the local inn, the jingle of her spurs mixing in with the thump of chocobo feet and the general noise of the town. The sight of playing children, one riding a catgirl in "flight," prompts her to give her reins a light tug to bring the chocobo up short. Better not to flatten anyone.

The children seem to be having fun, at least. Itana smiles faintly to herself as she watches Mao hoist the wee winged one.

The brief pang of sadness in her heart is for her alone. Better not to show it.
    When the downtime came, Ghost was already back to loading magazines and checking his weapons. The way to the city was no excuse to be caught slacking. His eyes stayed focused on the treeline in the event of more orcs showing up, or bandits and brigands of other kinds. Maybe they'd get ambushed by gnolls, or something worse.

    Once they arrived to the city, Ghost faded into the crowd. He was going to gather some intel, get the lay of the land. The 141 operator had placed his weapons and plate carrier back into his rucksack, his mask pulled up to resemble a beanie. Sometimes, it was better to remain anonymous, and that skull mask drew way too many eyes.

    A shemagh was wrapped around the bottom of his face.

    He drew close to the Cat's Meow, sighing at the pun, before he noticed a familiar, scantily clad woman astride a giant...chicken?

    "'tana. You missed the fun before." He said, giving the desert nomad a nod as he slowly pulled his shemagh down. "Better keep that bird close, someone might mistake 'im for dinner."
    Whuff. Kids. Marceline is enjoying whatever shade she can find, which might also involve being out of reach of grabby over-curious children. She's reclined, on a window sill or maybe just under an awning. She'll hover if she has to, otherwise she'll keep her peace and remain useless while lurking and people watching. Now this place almost seems normal, giant tree besides.

    With her hat pulled down over her face it might seem like she's sleeping, though the bobbing of one foot suggests otherwise. Idle fidgeting to acompany whatever it is she's passing the time with. Or maybe she's just patiently waiting for something to happen! Usually, new places like this pop off pretty quick and leave plenty to do! Usually. Right now, well, whatever. At least everyone more or less seems to be chilling.

    Then, aside from Mau, some lady on a huge bird shows and she lifts the hat from her face to steal a peek, then when Ghost speaks up she actually notices him. Hnh. "Guess they weren't kidding about your name, dude."
    Considering the absolutely gigantic tree shrouding the whole city, there's plenty of shade for Marcy to chill in. Though the branches are devoid of leaves and blossoms, it still reaches proudly to the sky in silent majesty.
    But if anything cooler than a Silver ranked adventurer were to show up it just would happen to be a chocobo.
    The children all *immediately* shift their focus off Mau and start cautiously approaching Itana and her mount, eyes wide with wonder and interest.
    "I've seen a lot, and I can tell you this world doesn't have anything like riding birds." Mau says, tail deftly dodging the kitten-girl's grasp again as she sets a hand on her hip, commenting on it as she spies Ghost approach the new woman with clear familiarity.
    "I doubt anyone'll eat it though. We're demi-HUMAN. We understand and generally respect other people's property and mounts." She points out to Ghost before motioning to the bird. "There're stables in the back if you're headed for the inn. Or you can tie it up out front if it doesn't mind getting pet a lot by curious kittens and pups."
Itana el-Zayl
It takes Itana a couple of seconds to connect the dots on who this person in the shemagh actually is. Then she remembers, and her eyebrows come up shallowly. "Chocobos taste terrible."

The chocobo is drawing attention. The big yellow bird cocks its head with a 'WARK' and peers down at a couple of the children. Itana blinks a couple of times, hands coming to rest on her saddlebow, before she gives Mau an assessing look from tip to toe.

Itana does not know many catgirls. Now she does.

"They are somewhat common in my part of existence," she answers with a slow shrug, leaning shallowly forward and crossing her wrists. A pause, then, and she glances at the inn, momentarily tempted to opt for a tent outside the city.

"...I will stay, I think. The stables seem fine." A beat, then: "...Are most people here demi-humans?"
    Still gotta be careful of them sunny spots! Marceline does withdraw from the nook she'd tucked herself against. The bird is fun, she feels like she's seen them around but nothing springs to mind. Oh, well. At least the kids all seem to like it. 

    "So, we just happen to all catch up in the same place for no reason? Or was I not the only one just following the cat around to see what she gets up to?" She tries to force herself not to smile but, well. She's in a mood, it seems, and there's no keeping the corners of her mouth down. There is mischief in that idiot head of hers.
Matsu Shuzenji
    "It is a new city," comes a soft voice in reply to Marceline. "A new world. And those of us here are already the sort to give a new world at least cursory investigation. If anything, it would be more surprising if we didn't meet anyone we knew."

    The door of the Cat's Meow is open, and a girl in some ostentatious, Japanese-style clothing stands there. Silver hair, crimson eyes, the tiny figure of Matsu Shuzenji is unmistakable. She had been resting, but it looks like that's at an end. "I wouldn't be surprised if other people we know show themselves in the next few weeks."
    "I'll take your word for it." Ghost said with a curt nod. "'s good to see ya, Itana." He said as he pulled his shemagh down to reveal his face, bits of it anyways. The SAS operator regarded Mau, noticing the kids around her with an amused chuckle.

    It was a superhuman effort to not be a bit smug about being able to get the drop on Marceline. "Not complainin'. I was feelin' a bit lost here anyways." He turned to Mau, "So how's the beer in this place? I could use a drink."

    His cold gaze met Matsu's, narrowing his brows while giving the phoenix priestess a nod. "How're your patients holdin' up?"
    Marceline won't forget being not-exactly snuck up on, since it wasn't really directed at her, though she's going to have to come up with something later. Eventually. Just to zero the sum and take a little nip off of that smugness she can almost taste in the air. Hrnf.

    Matsu appearing in the door is addressed by the vampire simply inverting herself in the air, "Whassup, princess? Sleep good? Not that I was watching or anything." She almost certainly tried, at least. "Anyway, sure, exploring. I was absolutely following Meow around." Not weird at all.
    Oh no Marcy has mischief on the mind. That's never good. Thankfully there'll be a chance for her to work out that energy later.
    "Just here in the old beast quarter." Mau explains to Itana. "There's a fair share of elves, humans, dwarves, and dragonkin about. Others, too." She says, tail dodging the kitten-girl once more before she gives the girl a light ruffle.
    Let's head inside, there's something I need to discuss with you guys." This is mainly to those she knows; Ghost and Marcy. Matsu appearing IN the doorway is pretty helpful too, but there's nothing that says Itana can't follow along once she's stowed her bird in the stables.
    Once inside the tavern and inn, Mau settles in at the large communal table and plops into a seat.
    "Drinks are on me, the beer's pretty good." She replies to Ghost as the innkeep, a lanky and tall cat-man starts making the rounds for orders.
    Mau sips from her own beer mug and crosses her legs as she slaps down a piece of parchment on the table in front of her.
    It's a job posting from the local Adventurer's Guild branch.
    "Who's in the mood for some work?"
Mao Mao
     A light whoosh accompanies the red and black shadow dropping from the rooftop of the inn, landing nimbly among the gathered adventurers, children, and assorted others. It's Mao Mao! Shooting Mau a quick jealous glance that seems very apt for his green eyes, he adjusts his gloves and announces, with some pride, "Ahem. I've done a full circle of the city perimeter, and everything is safe. No monsters are getting in here, not so long as I, the GREAT HERO Mao Mao, unparalleled in safety, am around."

It takes a moment for him to realize everyone's started heading inside, and he clears his throat before following.
Itana el-Zayl
"I have no idea. I just got here." Itana shrugs at Marceline and pushes a hand through her hair, sending it spilling back over her shoulders.

And then... a door opens! Itana's just swung a leg over the saddle and is sliding out with a jingle of spurs when Matsu appears. The nomad gives the miko a brisk, recognizing nod. She hadn't crossed paths with her in awhile - not since the encounter with the mad father in the Shoshone wilds.

Mau explains things, and Itana nods as she hands off her reins to a porter. She's soon to follow the group inside, pulling out a seat at the edge of the table. The offer of drinks is met with raised eyebrows, but she nods nevertheless, ending up with a tankard in hand and one leg crossed over the other.

A paper is laid down. Itana narrows her eyes slightly, then shrugs and takes a drink. "Depends what the nature of it is...."


Itana just looks at him.

Like, for an uncomfortably long time.
    The SAS operator followed Mau inside, taking note of all the cat-people with some awe. Even Mao Mao got a look from Ghost. Someone seemed like a catman.

    Ghost will accept a beer mug when the innkeep provides orders. It was no Kentucky whiskey, but Ghost would make do where he could. He also might've been watching that kitten girl before he entered the tavern. "You seem fair popular here, Mau. That kid yours?" He wondered allowed as he took a sip.

    His brow arched. For all people knew here, Ghost was just some weird foreign mercenary with explodey bullet weapons. Sitting besides Itana, Ghost clinked mugs with hers.

    "What's the job?" He asked Mau curiously.
Matsu Shuzenji
    To Ghost, Matsu says simply, "They have been healed, My healing magics are very thorough. I could even restore a lost limb if I needed to. I did advise that they rest a while, however." Then Marceline calls her a... princess? Matsu's brow furrows. "I have already had to deal with becoming the head of a noble clan. I thank the kami every morning that becoming the Phoenix Maiden didn't make me a princess as well." The nod from Itana is returned by Matsu, though for the moment she gives little more than that. Most of her attention right now is reserved for Mau, who seems to have something for them. Matsu settles into her seat and asks only a glass of water. "As the Phoenix Maiden of Clan Shuzenji, I cannot accept pay for a bounty like a common mercenary," she observes; her tone is stiff and formal, making it clear that she's only speaking these words out of obligation. "However, if I were to lend my aid as a token of friendship, and you were to later demonstrate friendship with a gift in return, the Shuzenji would be most delighted." Sigh. Matsu's shoulder slump slightly, and she adds, "...what's the job?"
    Marceline has a bit of an open laugh at Matsu. "Ah, yeah. Titles are whatever but when they're handed to you. Whew! Best to take em or just let that bad biz miss." Itana gets an up-nod, then a single shoulder lifted in a half shrug as she swivels around. "Yeah, s'all good. I'm mostly just teasing yall and calling myself out for being a creep."

    Mau gets a thumbs-up in reply and she turns, pushing her way into the inn's, what is it, tap room? She re-orients herself to claim a chair though you bet your hide she flips that thing around so she can slouch onto it and rest her forearms on the upright. "So, work? Not my favorite four letter word but let's hear it, kitty cuz."
    The caravan ride was largely uneventful after the orc ambush. Stelle remained with the elf party until they hit the gates, and her unique nature had the guards grumbling about using the Beast Quarter gate instead.

    <I know I look like a raccoon, but this is getting ridiculous.> she thought to herself. Oh well, nothing for it.

    The dour Trailblazer traipses all the way around to the east gate, passes inside, and comes upon a troupe of familiar faces. Gold eyes trail from Ghost, to Itana to Matsu and Marceline, then finally fall onto Mau. And that's about when she notices the Inn's name, and rolls her eyes at the pun. She steps up to join the gathering, offering her most heartfelt greeting yet.


    "The kitten's not mine, I just happen to be pretty okay with kids." Mau replies to Ghost's question first and foremost. That is an important question after all. But no, the youthful-looking adventurer is not a mother.
    Mao Mao arrives.
    "Oh huh, well good. Dorn's defensive walls are pretty solid, but they could always use an inspection now and then."
    There's a moment though where she looks like she swallowed a toad at Matsu's response. Oh she knows that tone obligation well.
    "I'd owe you a favor, then." She replies. "I'm fine with that, you won't find anyone better with a blade."
    She doesn't expand on her skill much more than that as she glances down at the parchment on the table.
    "Eight years ago, back when I was a Steel rank adventurer, I killed the lich that was trying to take over this very city. His name was Thanatos and his political party the Deathdealers basically had all of Dorn in their grasp until I shattered his phylactery."
    Mau taps the parchment.
    "His curse still blights Dorn to this day though. Every year of the Blossom Festival-- which is coming up this year now- the dead rise from their graves in the graveyard and wander restlessly. No one's figured out the reason why and I wanted to look into it while I'm in the area."
Itana el-Zayl
Heroic cats. Itana has truly seen it all now.

Slowly, Itana turns away, back to the broader group. Mau has something for them, after all. Setting her mug down, she leans forward to listen. The parchment looks an awful lot like one she'd seen posted on a job board on the way in.

Itana passed right by it. Itana can't read. Mau is doing her a solid here.

The archer narrows her eyes slightly, then settles back and folds her hands atop her stomach. "Do they ever leave the graveyard and attack the townspeople, or do they simply stay near their resting places?"
    "A lich, huh..." Marceline frowns at that. The one thing she was warned to keep clear up no matter what; probably the only sound advice her dad ever gave her. There's one here too? "Oh, so... Yeah, curses can really lay around for a while like that. Could be they're there right now, waiting for someone to just say hey. Maybe one of your boy's death cult dudes are sneaking out, you know? Anyone tried, you know, asking?" 

    She wiggles in her seat, looking in turn to everyone gathered. "Back in Ooo, dead peeps hang around their leftover bits all the time. Or return to em if you call loud or dramatically enough. Might could give it a shot. Probz they just wanna check another festival out before they take off hand in hand with Death."

    Marceline rocks back in her seat, balancing the chair on two legs. Totally cheating by applying flight powers but whatever.
    "Fair 'nuff. Got a niece myself." Ghost nodded slowly. He also nodded to Matsu. "No casualties. You did good work, Matsu." He said, sipping his drink. Marceline calling Matsu a princess might've gotten an arched brow outta Ghost, as he smirks faintly. "Titles are what they are."

    He listened to Mau's briefing, tightening his jaw. So the bounty board wasn't just talking out its ass.

    "Zombies." He surmised. A few months ago and this would've sounded ridiculous to him. That was a recurring thing to Ghost now. "No arguments. I'm in. When are we goin'?"
Mao Mao
     "You're darn right they're solid. They've got my seal of approval for solidity!" Mao Mao declares, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding. Though as Mau remarks on her skill with a blade, he can't help but mutter under his breath, "Except for me, ahem..."

But more importantly, a new quest is made available! Liches, zombies, mysterious undead political factions! It's not his usual fare, but the short cat hero peruses the parchment intently nonetheless. "I see. If the vampire is right, perhaps we could throw a sweet party and tire them all out, then send them to bed with a teddy bear and warm milk."


"It's never that easy, though. Besides, that'd make for a pretty lame ending to a quest. I bet there's some big boss zombie waiting underground for us- but mainly me- to beat the crud out of." he adds while scratching his chin.
    "Zombies? Is this like some seasonal event in a video game or something?" asks Stelle. Probably the most she's said outside of battle in anyone's presence.

    She echos Ghost's question. "When do we do this?"
Matsu Shuzenji
    Marceline's comment draws a soft snort. "I had little choice but to take the title. I already had the power. At least as the head of the Shuzenji, I can make a difference in my homeland."

    She steeples her fingers, however, and listens quietly to the explanation of the job at hand. Her eyes close for a moment, the tiny miko lost in thought, before she opens them and says simply, "You are a very fortunate woman, Mau. My talents could not be more suited to this problem." She sits back a little, lifting up her glass of water. "Exorcism. Purification. Cursebreaking. Fire. I have been trained as a shrine maiden, and the purifying flames of Suzaku lend great strength to that sort of task."
    Mau just... Reaches over and pats Mao Mao on the head when he chimes in on being That Good in swordplay.
    "The lich is dead. I made sure of that." Mau points out to Marcy. "Like I mean dead dead. Super extra mega dead and can't come back." But then she nods. "My bet is with Mao Mao. There's probably something I missed under the roots in the cemetary yeah." But yes. Zombies. Seriously.
    "... I can't remember the last time I played a videogame." Mau mutters under her breath a little sulkily, but then recovers. "But yes. Zombies. They *try* to get out of the cemetery, but usually don't breach the walls between the well built gates and the city guard. But the guard's usually stretched thin around this time of year because of it." She explains while eyeing Itana's mug.
    She's eyeing that mug real hard while she talks.
    "I probably can't owe anyone better a favor then." She says to Matsu being absolutely suited for the job at hand. "I'd ask one of the local priests but..."
    Mau makes a face.
    "I'm not on great terms with the Temple of Light or its deity." Muttered irately.
    She says something about 'stupid basic Galatea' under her breath too.
    "Tomorrow night is when we go in." Mau finishes the briefing. ... As she reeeeeeeeaches over. And nudges Itana's mug off the table to fall harmlessly to the floor with a splash.
    "... Ah. I did it again..."
    Cat gonna cat.
Itana el-Zayl
"We could not ask for a better ally for this." Itana tilts her head towards Matsu, eyebrows coming up with muted but present appreciation. Far be it from her to disrespect the capabilities of one who can talk to the gods. It's a paradigm she understands better than things like laser beams and items that go beep and boop.

She raises her mug and sips as a thought occurs to her. "...I suppose one could say I am the leader of the tribe of Zayl now," she murmurs, more to herself than to anyone around her.

A tiny, unvoiced part of her psyche wishes for anything that Castiel were within hug's reach right about now.

Mau comes through with answers. Itana gives herself a slight shake and listens to the catgirl heroine explain herself. Hands folded, she rests her elbows on the table and nods. "They sound mindless, then. That may make things easier. Very well. I'll help you."

And there goes the mug. It hits the floor and sprays beer around Itana's feet. Itana jumps a little and blinks at Mau in actual surprise.

"...Do you always tip over your helpers' drinks?"
Matsu Shuzenji
    Matsu watches. She watches the entire time Mau speaks. She watches the entire time Mau reaches over, pushes at Itana's mug, and tips it right over off the table.

    Blink. Blink blink.

    "Did... she offend you?" Matsu asks, visibly and audibly confused.
    Stelle watches this entire thing, then asides to Itana. "Cats gonna cat." she says this with such authority and a firm nod, like she's an expert on this whole thing.
    Oh, Marcy's watching too. She watching those cat eyes. That distracted posture. She lets it all unfold without saying a word. Thunk-splash. Her chair thumps back to all fours and she lets out a whoop and full-on belly laughs. "Ho- Dang, dude. Haha!" 

    "Anyway, small cat-dude with the even smaller attitude. Just remember. Respect the dead. You'll be one too someday." Eyebrow waggle. She's not mad or anything. Just. Any chance to say something creepy and she's gonna git 'er.
Mao Mao
     Mao Mao blushes BRIGHT red at the headpats, his fur bristling as he immediately turns to face away from everyone. "Hrmph. Video games. The refuge of the lazy and unmotivated. Heroes have no time for games, only for training and vanquishing evil." he grumbles, until the talk of purification and priests and light and such gets his attention. "Geraldine- that is, my sword- is a legendary weapon passed down for generations through my family. Its traditional name is the Sword of Everlasting Light, which means it should be pretty useful against things like this. Probably."

He jumps at the sudden noise of the mug falling, whipping around and partly unsheathing the aforementioned golden blade, but places it back when he realizes there's no danger. Addressing Matsu and Itana, he shakes his head. "You'll never understand. Non-felines never do."

Marceline's comment causes him to laugh though, loud enough to echo through the whole room. "Bwahahahahah! Not for a darn long time, I can assure you of that!"
    Once Mau accidentally knocked the beer over, Ghost kept his drink veeeeery close to himself. Just to be safe. "Cats gonna cat." He echoed Stelle stoically.
    Cat is indeed gonna cat. And Mau takes a moment to clear her throat softly.
    "No. No she didn't offend me." She answers.
    "Demi-humans have to balance our human nature with our animal nature." She explains. "If you leave something on the edge of a table around a cat, well... We're gonna knock it over. It's what we do." It's as simple as that. "I'll get you another." That's for Itana's sake.
    It's when Mao Mao starts talking about his sword that Mau frowns.
    "I still haven't found my sword yet." She mutters thoughtfully before changing subjects:
    "Speaking of the dead, I have another problem I'm probably going to need help with." She says before pausing.
    "It's the Demon Lord."
Itana el-Zayl
Cats will indeed cat.

Itana retains her first impulse for the simple reason that Mau is cute. The explanation evokes a blink, but she sinks back in her chair nevertheless and exhales.

"...I like cats," she concedes with a slight grimace, but nods Mau's way nevertheless. "Thank you."

But there's heavier conversation to come. The Demon Lord. Itana frowns and purses her lips. "Tell us about this Demon Lord."
    Stelle falls silent... not that anyone would really tell. She's listening intently though, but doesn't have much to add to the conversation.
    As much as Ghost wouldn't mention it out loud, he did like cats too. Better than dogs, anyway. Ghost nodded slowly to Itana. "Yeah. This demon lord connected to the lich?" He wondered. In his experience, there had to be a bigger fish with the strings, it was just a matter of connecting the dots finding out how.
    "Demon lord, huh. What, like, here in meatspace being all whack and evil? Dang. Dunno if I'm a fit for that. Something about conflicting interests? Whatever that means. More legal-sounding biz that I def don't even wanna try wrapping my head around." She rocks back in her chair again, kicking one foot out to hold herself from falling this time. "But if it's not going to cause any sort of underworld beefs maybe I'm good to go. Just, nnf. Don't really wanna ask the old man."
Matsu Shuzenji
    "'Demon Lord'," Matsu echoes, her tone thoughtful. Her brow furrows, and it takes a moment or two before she speaks. "That is the sort of title that carries great weight and great danger. I'm afraid I can't so easily assent to helping with someone called a Demon Lord. I must consider the risks to my clan, first and foremost. But..." A soft huff, eyes closed. "I can hear you out, at least."
Mao Mao
     "Just be thankful we've evolved past leaving dead things at your doorstep. Such uncivilized behavior is purely the domain of dogs now. Like Bao Bao, that traitorous little..." Mao Mao trails off into more grumbling with what almost sounds like a few unsavory comments unfit for young ears.

The mention of the Demon Lord gets his attention again though. "Aha! A Demon Lord, now that sounds like a worthy opponent. Our battle shall be legendary!" He draws his sword, holding it aloft as he imagines whatever fantastical duel is going on in his head. True to its name, the sword's blade is indeed glowing, and not just from reflected light.
    "Hearing me out is fine. I'm not going to twist arms for people to join me on what should be my job to handle, as it is."
    She does not explain what she means by that.
    Because she nods to Ghost.
    "Every Demon Lord has four top generals; their names usually change each time... Four generals, four horsemen, four heavenly kings- whatever. And you're right. Thanatos was one of them working directly under the Demon Lord. So far I've killed three out of the four. The fourth went into hiding when she heard I wanted her head on a pike."
    She pauses and motions for Mao Mao to put his sword away before facepalming. "Ugh dogs..." Muttered. "I wonder what Andy is up to, these days..."
    "The Demon Lord is a force of darkness incarnate. A servant of Dommon, the god of chaos and destruction. He's spent the last twenty four years amassing an army to take over the world and destroy all life under the sun. He's going to unleash that army on us all in the next year. I am one-hundred percent fairly certain this won't cause any underworld beef, because the god of death sided with the other gods against him in their war."
    Ghost clenched his fist. It's always in Fours. He leaned in with intent as he drank, "Who's the fourth then?" He asked. A target gone underground was just a challenge, and as a friend put it, vaqueros loved challenges. Ghost narrowed his eyes as he listened to Mau.

    Fighting gods was a bit above his pay grade, but in for a penny.
Itana el-Zayl
"Things do tend to come in fours," Itana murmurs. "I've heard stories about other demons with four Shitennou in their employ."

Itana makes a mental note to ride by Baron towne again. She hasn't found a way inside yet. She's not going to stop looking any time soon.

Itana crosses a leg over the other and clasps her hands, folding them under her chin as she listens to the catgirl heroine explain. Her lips curl a little before easing again. "It feels oddly familiar," she murmurs before shrugging slowly. "If it's something you need help with, say so. I will do what I can. No one deserves to face opponents who place no value on life."
    "Emanators come in more than four... but that's only what I've been told." remarks Stelle out of nowhere. "Can't really call Aeons the same as Demon Lords either... Nanook the Destruction might be close though."

    Stelle rolls her shoulder. "Either way, The Nameless will help you, if you need us."
Matsu Shuzenji
    "Four heavenly kings... appropriate," Matsu muses. She considers the entire story for a moment, thoughtfully. "...when the gods quarrel, the mortal realm suffers for it. Seems like that's true in any realm." She takes a drink of her water, then sets the glass down. "I'll... consider it. As the clan head, I must weigh the benefits of making allies of the nations of this world, against the cost of drawing this Demon Lord's gaze to my own. My clan doesn't have much to offer beyond myself, for that matter."
    "You know, it's weird. That seems to happen a lot, yeah. Fours. Wonder what the deal is. Four horsemen, four corners. Square." Marceline waves a dismissive hand and blows a raspberry. "Well, at least you done most of the work already. So, we drag whoever out of hiding, croak 'em and then bust up your demon lord? Is it gonna be some dweeb with gaudy castle shoulders on their armor? Or a bunch of snakes that turn into a dude? Or-" Someone's been watching a lot of corny movies, seems.
Mao Mao
     Mao Mao glances around, realizes he looks a bit silly, and sheathes his sword again. "Hm, very traditional. Four generals, usually a number seen as a sign of bad luck in some cultures. It's a lot more manageable than thirteen, at least." he remarks, rubbing his chin.
    "Consider it." Mau says. "Suvdaa and I could use a healer since our cleric friend returned to his temple."
    As for the four generals... "There were Thanatos, Osiris, Enma, and Ereshkigal." She explains further. "Ereshkigal is the one who got away."
    There is a pause.
    "I won't hold it against any of you who say no. It's my job to handle this, so I'm going to see it through. I'm just putting out feelers to see what kind of help I can get. ... Anyway, then there's the Demon Lord himself. A man by the name of Vile Darque. All I have on him to go by is a name. Scouts say he has a tower built way up in the frozen north, and I'll be setting out that way soon to deal with him."
    "That is the basic plan." She says to Marceline's summary.
Itana el-Zayl
Itana knits her brows slightly and compartmentalizes the names for later, idly realizing just how often evil generals come in groups of four.

"I'm not a white mage," she concedes. "But if you don't mind herbs, I can help you with that."

By now Itana has received a new beer. She keeps her hands on it this time, taking a sip and nodding across as Mau explains. "Vile Darque," she repeats with eyebrows shallowly curved. "Subtle one."

    'the frozen north'

Itana's expression visibly falls. She conceals it behind a slow sip of her beer.

Itana does not like snow. It's wet and slushy and it gets everywhere.
    Ghost couldn't really say anything. The terrorists he usually fought were named 'The Killers' but in Arabic. "Sounds familiar." He said dryly. Ghost however was pretty good with snow. Nothing like a hunt in the mountains, it reminded him of the old days.

    Laswell's orders were to make himself useful across the branches, do what he did best and slit throats for the good guys. So he didn't hesitate in saying, "I'm in. You'll have my backup whenever I can make it." He produced a card and slid it across the table to Mau. "If you need me, just gimme a call."
Mao Mao
     "Vile Darque, huh? A little cheesy, but I can work with it." Mao Mao muses, though the whole 'frozen north' thing causes him to visibly shiver. "Ugh. I don't do well with cold. I doubt a conveniently timed illness will give me a fever I can weaponize this time either."

He does not elaborate on that.

"Anyway, I can handle some snow. Just gotta head home and get my winter gear, it's about the only stuff I don't carry in me." Wait, in?
Marceline says, "Man. As far as names go that's pretty amazing. Is he like, one of those types that can hear when people say his name? Bet that'd be enough to make anyone evil." Marceline nudges whatever's in front of her, be it flatware, empty cups or anything towards the edge of the table. Also towards Mau.

    "Snow isn't really a problem but it really makes the sunlight suck, so I dunno. I'll have to come up with some duds for that kind of adventuring. Big hat ain't gonna cut it.""
    Yep. The frozen north.
    Sounds totally fun.
    "I'll take whatever help I can, at this point. If I can't find my sword, I'll be going in with a real disadvantage." Mau says as she leans back in her seat.
    She's eyeing Ghost's beer now, but quickly pinches the back of her own hand to stifle any wayward pushing thoughts.