World Tree MUSH

A Criminal of Many Hats

    It looks like the ATM robberies in this shining cities were likely just a setup for a bigger heist... a convoy with an armored car full of cash! Someone needs to stop it, since it looks like the locals aren't up to the task...
Character Pose
Carmen Sandiego
    It doesn't get a ton of coverage, but it isn't hard to figure out where and roughly when this is happening. Most of the stories are about the debate over whether to move to a completely cashless society, credit only. Naturally the news coverage is really churning through that. But the idea that ATMs are being shut down through the city gets some headlines as well, and all that cash has to go somewhere! Of course, the local bank has more than enough space to handle just the ATMs, but it's a good excuse for a major reshuffling, since it's happening all over the region.

    Contrary to popular belief, an armored car convoy usually doesn't have a big production about it. That would just INVITE problems! They've done a good job making the transports look like typical trucks, but it only works if someone isn't looking for the details. And it really doesn't help when... well, there's such a commotion at the bank right now that anyone would notice the uniformed guards and drivers loading the truck now. Wonder if that was part of the criminal's plan, too? No sign of interference yet, though.
Arrienee Quickfoot
     Arrienee Quickfoot does not have a tv. Or a smart phone. Or really much of any means of accessing the news. But she does have /one/ thing. Well, two things. Pretty good vision, and big ears that are good at picking up sounds! ...Which is why when she had been rooting around in a dumpster relatively nearby, the commotion at the nearby bank drew her attention. 

Oh, score, an apple that was mostly still pretty okay. Arri comes out from an alleyway and walks vaguely in the direction of the group of people transporting stuff in and out of the bank, standing at a reasonable distance as she takes a large bite out of the apple. She pauses, looking at the apple after the bite. Oh. That's why it was thrown away. Bonus protein.

"So... wha's goin' on 'ere?" She asks towards another bystander. "A big commo'ion, innit?"
    Stelle's hanging around, across the street, just down an alleyway so she's not out in the obvious open... Only to find a goblin wandering past her after emerging from a dumpster... with /treasure/ in hand. Stelle's gold eyes shift from the armoured truck, to the dumpster, and gravitates toward it, lifting the lid... then diving straight in after barely a moment's hesitation.

    The Trash King cometh.
    When you live in a crapsack isekai world with low tech, lots of magic, and a bunch of Demon Lords, sometimes you need to get away. And for one person this is her first time away in... A very long time.
    As such, there was absolutely something she had to do as soon as she reached a world of this level of technology...
    So an armor clad catgirl with way too many swords walks into an electronics store and...
    "Look. I will pay you in GOLD for a smartphone, an MP3 player, and a subscription to like... ANY music service." Pause. "Extra bonus points if the smartphone is the MP3 player."
    Some time later...
    Mau is walking out of the electronics store, earbuds plugged into her feline ears, absolutely jamming to the opening theme from some anime from like 2 bajillion years ago.
    "Doo diidiidiidii~." We're talking like someone who hasn't listened to music in forever, she's humming brightly as she steps out of the store that is conveniently near a bank.
    "Ah man this is great... I was so sick of that medieval bardcore bullshit back home." She huffs as she crosses an an alleyway and encounters a goblin with an apple- and...
    "Stelle? What are you doing?"
    Well that's disappointing. Athena actually took the trouble to look up and research this, and was hoping they'd be more circumspect. Turns out that was a vain hope, huh? If Stelle wants to be in contact, she's fine with that, but physically she's pretty far from the action... on a small balcony. "Well... if they want to make a move, I guess knowing which car has the cash is pretty easy," she mutters, probably to herself. She's still keeping an eye on it though, and equipped with a slightly less conspicuous set of armor. The extending lance buckled to her hip is a bit of an eyecatcher though, and the slugthrowing under her jacket is probably not legal.
    It looks like Athena is talking to herself! Or is she? Because right as she's observing, there's a blip-flash. Despite it being a small balcony, Blues is right there next to her, in a precision teleport! Soon enough to overhear what she's saying, too!

    He puts a hand over his eyes, zooming in with his vision and watching the transfer. "Looks like I came back just in time. I can't do lots of teleport hops, but I should be able to keep up. You think they'll try to hit the convoy in the city?"
Carmen Sandiego
    Being definitely outsiders in a city hostile to outsiders, Mau and Arrienee are both being given the stinkeye by some people nearby. Their clothes are a little TOO neat, and their carriage a bit too precise to be just wandering passerby. Maybe they have some undercover or plainsclothes cops around, just in case? Maybe they aren't /quite/ so inept?

    However, since the dumpster-divers aren't actually going after the transport, they just have eyes on them right now. Surprisingly, the loading is done without a hitch, the drivers tip their hats and climb in, and then the 'convoy' is on its way! Two cruisers, at least, are with the truck... one a few car lengths ahead, another several behind. Unless someone were watching from the very start, it'd be a lot harder to tell this was an important transport. With the doors closed it looks kind of like a regular box truck, if a bit beefier in places. But it's underway with... no problems?
Arrienee Quickfoot
     "Yeah 'here's some good malarkey in 'here, I 'hink Is some saw'a cafe aw some'hing's dumpster." Arri comments towards Stelle as she dives towards the dumpster. The trash king and the gobbamuffin, what a combo to be in the same area. Definitely the most graceful of heroes, right??? 
    Mau gets a bit of a lopsided grin from Arri. "She's ge
in lunch I reckon." The goblin comments towards the cat. Who looked to be of a similar tech level to her, good, she wasn't the only one kind of out of place in this city. Sorta. Probably.

Stinkeye from the guys wearing really nice clothes. "Oooh, I see, is like 'ha', 'uh? Too fancy an' clean 'o 'alk 'o 'he goblin ea'in a 'rash apple?" She takes another bite from the apple. "Fair hones'ly. Jus' curious, 'hough, 'ones'."

Aaaand then things seem to be all loaded up and moving. Okay. Well, that seems like everything is in order. The gobbomuffin turns towards Mau and Stelle somewhat. "So uh, you guys knah wha
s up?"
    Stelle vanishes entirely into the dumpster... then emerges a few moments later with a fish skeleton stuck in her hair, and an amazingly well preserved slice of watermelon in hand. She tilts her head at Mau, takes a bite of melon, then falls out of the dumpster as a raccoon chitters and shakes a fist at the Trailblazer, slamming the lid closed again. "... rude, I left something in exchange!"

    She stands, dusts herself off, but doesn't seem to notice the fish bones. "Oh, hey Mau... what're you doin' here?" she asks, munching absently on her prize.

    Then the truck trundles off. "Oh, right. Truck, full of cash. ATM bandits. Might hit the truck." she rattles off, taking off at a jog to try and keep up with the truck, or at least keep it in sight for a while.
    Athena jerks in surprise, startled by the appearance of Blues as usual. "I'll never get used to how easily you do that," she remarks. Then she frowns as everything... seems to be going just fine? She taps her ear. "I'll follow on the ground, on foot. I'll have Little Owl follow them so I know which route to take. Keep in touch and let me know if you see anything strange." She pauses. "It's good to see you around again."

    The reborn goddess lightly jumps off the balcony, falling a few stories to land with a loud THUMP on the ground. Back on the balcony, she's left the whirring hovering drone, which beeps at Blues and lifts off to track the truck.
    "Well, sorry I worried you for so long," Blues quips, also following with his eyes. The robot frowns, then does a quick leap over to the rooftop. He follows a different route, but gives a little wave to the drone. His comms synced up with Athena and Little Owl, he just tries to take a shortcut for now.

    "Looks like we have a few offworlders around. They might just be a distraction, but it looks like Stelle knows one of them. Maybe allies?"
    Mau kind of stares owlishly at Arrienee for a good moment.
    First things first, goblins are an invasive and murderous pest species where she's from, so seeing one that's intelligent and blathering at her in a cockney accent kind of halts the isekai cat for a beat. She rallies quickly, though understanding that the rules of her world don't always apply to all other worlds and that the little raggamuffin is not a servant of the evil lord Dommon.
    "I have no idea what's going on." She admits to said aforementioned raggamuffin goblin. "I just know I walked into that electronics store and everyone was giving me the biggest stinkeye." She says, tail flicking lazily behind her.
    Then Stelle emerges from the dumpster.
    "Figured I'd get off my dumb world and see some others. Ghost said he had a job for me so I was heading to deal with that. ... And pick up a phone along the way." She says waggling her new STATE OF THE ART SAMSU-LG-Gubble Pixel IMotorola Macphone in display.
    It doubles as an MP3 player.
    And then there goes Stelle after the truck.
    Now Mau's dual nature kicks in here and she must make a choice.
    A) Be a lazy bones cat.
    B) Be a nosy snooping adventurer.
    "Eh. Doesn't involve me." She ultimately decides, folding her hands behind her head as she steps out of the alley looking SUS AS FUDGE and watching Stelle and roll off after the convoy, while Mau hums more anime tunes to herself.
    "Dii diidiidiidii~."
>> SUMMARY[Mau] >> Lazybones cat mode: Go
Carmen Sandiego
    Pretty Sus, Mau. That's getting a lot of eyes, especially with how... deliberately casual the cat is. Even Arrienee is getting less attention now, since she looks so inhuman and... well, kind of like a hobo that everyone assumes she's just some interdimensional scrounger. Which may not be that far off, really?

    Traffic being what it is in the city, keeping up with the truck isn't that hard. Stelle needs to move at a good pace and take some shortcuts, but she's fit enough she should manage it. Blues and Athena can take planned shortcuts, so have it even easier! Fortunately drones are not actually strange here... Little Owl would be an odd model but nobody could tell it was offworld without getting pretty close.

    So it looks like it was all a false alarm! Or... was it? Because the front cop car is suddenly cut off as there's a screeching squeal of tires, then the impact of a crash, and a large cat prances along blissfully unaware that it cause such a huge accident. This leaves the route blocked and only one police car, forcing the truck to take a detour.

    And at the same time, those following said truck may notice a figure in a red coat and hat along the rooftops, quickly bounding along to keep pace with the truck.
    "I'll give you my number after this." calls back the Trailblazer to Mau, as she turns a corner and down an alleyway to keep pace with the convoy.

    She is pretty fit, and only boosted by the Paths she Strides... when the crowd get too thick, the grey-haired woman leaps up to skip across light poles, or up onto rooftops.

    Aaaand then some actual bad luck happens. Like, this is too much coincidence to not be planned somehow. She drops down from her perch to check on the crashed vehicles. "Anyone hurt? Someone call emergency services!" she asks, then yells to get some people moving instead of gawking.
Arrienee Quickfoot
     Ooh. Calcium. Stelle got a /real/ haul from that dumpster. And a very good storage method, too! Arri will have to remember that for later. Fishbone hair-combs for storage of calcium. Yes. "Aaaah. I see. Some saw'a roguish 'ype 'hen." Arri responds, joining in the jogging to try and keep up with the trucks. This is definitely not suspicious after her standing there asking questions of what was going on with the trucks before. Nope. Not at all. 
     ...Not that she's particularly trustworthy looking, considering goblins don't tend to have the best of reputations even in areas where they're /not/ seen as murderous pests. As she joins in the jog, she continues eating her apple, core and all, licking off her fingers afterwards. "So like, we're 'alkin proper 'ricky 'ypes righ'?" She'll have to use the /fancy/ weaponry.
    Which means her slingshot. Today, going for the oldschool style sling instead of the rubbery kind. They last a little longer, even if this one already is a bit worn out. And appears to have been woven out of some sort of dried grasses of some sort. It's fine.

"Ugh yeah 'hey really like 'o give people nasty looks 'ere. Gave me 'he same kind ov butcher's hook when i was askin whas goin on. Can a girl jus' be curious abou' a big commo'ion?" The goblin shakes her head as if she wasn't used to it, righteous rage. It's because she's /small/ and /green/, isn't it. Hmph!

The shaked around phone gets the goblins eye. Oh gosh it's so shiny and ... NO there's bigger things going on. Focus. Focus. Okay.

...Luckily, she is pretty quick. Not really 'can keep up with a car' quick, but her name isn't for nothing!

...Interdimensional scrounger is probably pretty right. ...Also hobo. Look she's lucky she gets to keep herself relatively clean alright?
    One of the cop cars is cut off. A huge accident. The truck is detouring. Aaaand there's a cat bounding off. Arri pauses. Looking between the crash and the convoy. See, stolen money is one thing, but like. What if someone just got hurt? She bites her lip as she looks between crash and leaving truck. Stelle's action draws Arri's, and she chooses to instead run off after the truck. Too distracted to notice flashes of red above.
    "Oh neat. My first contact. I wonder if we can FaceMinute each other if we have different model phones or if that's just a Macphone thing." Mau muses as Stelle runs off.
    She's about to sod off and wander away when the screech of tires makes her fuzzy ears flinch.
    "Geh... What now?"
    Sounded like it came from the direction Stelle went.
    Mau GUESSES she can go make sure the trailblazer is at least alright.
    Mau starts walking that-a-way to follow.
    When Athena catches up she might notice the red-clad person, but right this moment Little Owl is focused on the truck. Athena sighs, changing course at the last minute, and needing to hurry to make up for the unexpected detour! "Now this looks like something that would be a golden opportunity to steal it," she says into the comms.

    She's less concerned about the accident. Being a distraction is the POINT there, and presumably people would take care of them. She's not exactly the goddess of caring and gentleness. She's going to double time it so she can catch up with the truck, hopefully before anything happens.
    Blues doesn't have to stop. He isn't Three Laws compliant. He does get slowed down though, pausing just long enough to make sure there are no major injuries, or that someone is taking care of them. He does this because that's the kind of robot he is, not because of programming.

    So he has to rush to keep up, and that means... well at least he isn't out of breath? "That girl in red from earlier... she's following the truck too. Wonder which way she's leaning with this... best to watch out." She may be 'only' human but Blues has been on the Tree long enough to know that means little when measuring danger.
Carmen Sandiego
    While crowded, it looks like the accident was relatively minor. Mostly people are in shock, though it looks like someone broke their ankle. Not from being hit by a car, ironically, just from being startled and falling off the sidewalk. Still, some minor head injuries and bruises are enough that people are concerned, and in this case, even Arrienee isn't prevented from poking around to help out with the injuries. Stelle and Mau can probably help stabilize some people who are just rattled by the accident, because even if it was 'minor' in the amount of damage, it did involve several cars, so people are freaking out.

    Meanwhile... there's a loud BANG from the convoy! Not a gunshot, it just looks like the cop car blew a tire on something in the road. Suspicious. Especially when the armored car suddenly turns down a street it didn't need to. Sure, it's much less traffic there, but it's not headed in the right direction now...

    And that figure in red suddenly moves, leaping onto the back of the truck and clinging on, coat fluttering in the wind while the truck is accelerating. Little Owl can easily track this, at least, but it isn't clear WHERE the truck is heading.
Arrienee Quickfoot
    Okay, luckily, it seems like people are generally fine from the crash. Nothing life-threatening at least. Sure, someone broke an ankle, but a broken ankle has only killed a lot of people in the past when not properly taken care of! That was in the past though. Now people properly take care of wounds. Thankfully. Arri is not one of those people, she is instead running after the convoy still.
    Cop car blew a tire. Truck turning in suspicious directions. And now there was a lady in red atop the truck that had turned around the corner. Arri dashed towards the end of that street, dipping into a trash can briefly to grab whatever relatively hard thing she could find -- a crushed up can -- which she shoves into the pouch of her sling to begin to swing it. It wasn't the most aerodynamic of projectiles, even as it whistled as she began to spin it to build up momentum.

"Oi! red lady! if you're 'ryin 'o 'elp i'm sawry in advance!"


The sound of a sling being released echoes down the street, a crack like a whip as that crushed up soda can is being launched faster than any soda can should, fairly accurately towards the center of the red-caped-wearing-woman's mass.

...Luckily Arri is mostly aimed to try to get her off the truck, more than aiming for something more dangerous. Slings can be pretty scary.

...By the time the can has hit, Arri has absolutely hidden in the trash can that she got the can out of.

Look she's not looking to be retaliated against alright?
Arrienee Quickfoot
>> SUMMARY[Arrienee Quickfoot] >> People seem fine, so Arri resumes her chase of the truck. When the truck turns and someone jumps on top of it, Arri makes some assumptions. And launches a crunched up can towards said person. And then takes cover inside of a trashcan. Because cowardice.
    Stelle checks on the drivers and passengers... And the one with the broken ankle. She winces, Then offers a rather mundane looking first-aid kit to someone nearby. "Follow the instructions inside, but don't try to move them until the EMTs arrive." she says, then turns to figure out where the truck went... It's long gone by the time she does, but she takes a look at her phone, and leaps up onto a roof to intercept the route, locking onto Blues and Athena's signal. <Fallen behind, no civilians hurt too badly in the crash. Catching up.> she quickly thumbs off a message to the others.
    Uh oh! Blues is not a big fan of what he is about to do. It'll probably make him look like a criminal. Oh well, not much to do about that... he never cared much about what other people thought of him.

    The telltale whistled tune is probably not loud enough for people in the truck to hear, but others might. Just before Blues dashes out into the middle of the road, coming to a halt and turning around to... point at the oncoming truck. Except instead of a finger, his arm ends in a large cannon. "Please halt so we can confirm your credentials!"

    Not that he has any way of doing that. But do they know that?
    Mau arrives just in time to see the remnants of the accident.
    Stelle has things in hand mostly, and that's all for the best.
    Mau does not have the skillset of a healer.
    Her skillset is 'I like swords'.
    This does however earn her a prime view of the little goblin ducking into a trash can and launching something via sling at the truck and its new passenger that Mau has not caught sign of yet, after the cop car blows out a tire.
    That's sus.
    "I walked in on a freaking heist didn't I?"
    With a hop up the nearest fire escape, Mau clambers to the rooftops to follow Stelle.
    "Guess I'm in."
    Not sure if the red-clad girl is friend or foe yet, Athena comes dashing around the corner to see the stranger riding atop the truck, and Blues trying to stop it. She thinks for a second, then realizes she should probably do something to help quicken the decision. Shooting with an energy weapon could cause injuries or explosions, and small slugthrowers would make it tough to damage anything but tires... which could, again, cause it to crash. So Athena is going to try something less risky, but which may not disable it!

    The lance snaps into full extension, and she hefts it up into a throwing position. As the truck comes toward Blues, she carefully assesses the speed... then launches it with all of her strength, trying to hurl it hard enough to pierce the radiator and penetrate the engine compartment, to hopefully make it sputter and die. Fortunately she has he tech sense to help this out.
Carmen Sandiego
    The truck sways a bit already, turning a corner sharply, causing the red-garbed figure to swing side to side. She clings on tenaciously though, slowly advancing toward the cab, climbing along and preparing to do... something. Or would, if a flying can didn't whiz toward her! "WOAH!"

    It doesn't hit. Carmen, for that is who this is, can dodge quite well! But as happens far too often, she tumbles, and ends up on the side of the truck, swaying dangerously and hanging by one hand. Because that seems to happen to her at least once a week.

    Fortunately a few more things happen. Carmen's grip is in danger, because as Stelle and Mau bound over to see the truck barreling down the street, they also see Blues threatening it with a cannon. And they thus see the dangling girl on the side, and that the truck is instead playing chicken with the robot, accelerating rapidly toward him!

    Only for a long metal bar to hurtle from the edge of the street, piercing right into the radiator and out one side at an angle. The engine doesn't just stop... something in what it pierced causes the gearbox to sieze up as well, making horrible grinding noises and rapidly slowing it.

    The truck is a goner, and the two men inside it... well, actually, they're pretty smart. As Carmen drops over to the side, they both hurriedly kick the door open on the OTHER side, making a break for it with the truck between them and Carmen, Blues, and Athena. They probably aren't aware of Stelle, Arrienee, and Mau, who have a much clearer look at them.
>> GAME >> Stelle spends an Edge for: Rules are made to be BROKEN
    Stelle runs, leaps across gaps between buildings... and skids to a stop as the truck does. She sees the door kicked open, and the 'officers' piling out like they just got caught stealing something.

    They probably just did. She summons her bat, draws her other hand along the smooth metal, imbuing it with the power of Destruction. "Rules. Are Made to be Broken." she intones in an icy tone. She leaps off the building, lands in front of the pair of fleeing men, and swings her bat in a round-house strike.

    The bat tears a rift through the air, and that slams out, driven by a downward swipe on the rebound to drive them back against the truck.
Arrienee Quickfoot
Wait, no counter-attack. No fireballs flying her way in response? Arri pokes her head out of the trash can, peering at the situation. Okay, so the truck has suddenly stopped, there's two people in front of it, one of which seems to have... a cannon for a hand??? 
    Okay so. Maybe red girl /is/ helping???
     Arri slips out of the trash can, over towards the truck, and peering around it towards Athena and Blues. Now see, /those/ two look dangerous, the red lady mostly looked fashionable and suspicious, but /those/ two? Those look dangerous.
    She peeks around the corner at the red lady. "'Ey so you should probably run I don 'hink 'hose guys are good guys." She says with quiet urgency, as she starts to sneak around the side of the truck, intent on moving past Carmen Sandiego. Yes, she tried to attack this woman just moments ago, but like. Clearly she was wrong. Also the red lady seems fine, so clearly everything is fine. Don't mind the fact she was grabbing a piece of road from a convenient pothole and loading her sling.
    No, she wasn't going to try to attack Blues or Athena. Those two look terrifying. But she's also not /entirely/ a terrible person and she's getting ready to protect people.
    ...On the other hand that lance sticking through the side of the truck is a very good reason /not/ to attack.
    She does not know what Stelle is doing. Though she does hear a 'THUD'. Which causes her to start spinning that sling again, the subtle whistle of it spinning through the air. Her aim?
    ...The cannon arm, intending to get it aimed somewhere /other/ than the general direction of people.
    ...There's a very reasonable chance it could get dented if it isn't made of something really durable.
    Arri will regret that later probably.
Arrienee Quickfoot
>> SUMMARY[Arrienee Quickfoot] >> Arri, after moments ago slinging a can at Carmen Sandiego, warns her that she doesn't think Blues and Athena are good people and she should probably run. And then aims to launch a piece of asphalt towards Blues' cannon arm to try to get it aimed somewhere other than the vague direction of people. Yes, she is absolutely terrified.
    A lot happens.
    A robot boy appears and stands in front of the truck, arm-cannon raised. A spear comes from out of freaking nowhere and impales the hood and the truck rolls to a stop.
    There's a lady in red, Stelle subdues the drivers and Mau drops down from the roof.
    She holds up a finger as she turns to face...
    "... Are you the one behind this? Because if you are, I guess I'm the police and I have you surrounded."
    She doesn't have anyone surrounded at all.
    Fortunately, Blues is... probably the strongest person here, and very tough. So the thrown chunk from a little goblin isn't going to be much of a threat. Of course, it's a world-travelling goblin with a good throwing arm, so...

    "OW! Hey, what was that for!?" The asphalt pings off the cannon just before it vanishes, replaced by a normal arm. An arm he's rubbing as it seems the robot can feel pain, all right! "Relax, we're here to help, we just didn't want those guys stealing the truck to get away." That's more to Mau than anyone else, since she's threatening Athena.
    Athena shakes her head, "No, we thought the whole thing was suspicious and were following the truck. Then it started acting strangely." She pauses in approaching to retrieve her lance, since that will bring her near the red-coated woman. "What about you? Are you trying to steal the armored car? We'll have to stop you if so."
Carmen Sandiego
    When the two men took off, Carmen was quick to do an acrobatic tumble across the front of the truck... but not so quick that she got there before Stelle took care of them, the two men slamming hard into the truck and slumping down. Everyone converging and pointing fingers has her lifting an eyebrow, then tipping her hat. "I thought you were all working together."

    She glances at the men, then back, as sirens sound in the distance and a crowd starts to appear. This wasn't an abandoned street! "I'd love to chat longer, but the authorities here don't much like offworlders. These two are from a criminal organization that I like to keep under control." She looks again. "I guess they won't be going anywhere before the police get here, though. Carmen Sandiego, I'm from offworld too. I heard they were going to try something but I get the feeling there's more to it. Hopefully this is enough to stop them."
Arrienee Quickfoot
     What was supposed to be a relatively harmless 'PING' off of the cannon turns into someone going 'OW!'. Ah crap that was why she aimed for the big chunk of armor, to try to /avoid/ that. "I migh' be from one ov 'hose lah 'ech wawlds bu' I knah a weapon when I see one. Adjus'in' i's aim." ... ... 
    "Sawry, didn knah i' was your mit." Or that it could feel pain, she doesn't add that part though. ...Good thing it's armored. Whoops.

Wait that means probably the red lady /was/ actually suspicious and she was right in her instincts the first time. She turns back towards the Red Lady who had been behind her, that Athena was pressing now. "Yeah! Wha' abou' you? Are you 'he 'ricksy 'ype?!"
    ...Said Red Lady was now on the other side of the van and explaining that the two men were thieves from an organization. "...Huh." ...
    Nevermind. Apparently Arri was wrong all around.
    Well, doesn't she feel stupid now.
    Hmmmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmm. "..."
    She just tried to fling a can at her. And launched a piece of asphalt at the /other/ guy who was also helping capture them.
    Arri quietly decides to start sneaking back around back to the back of the van. To start sneaking away.
    Before consequences catch up to her.

Bravely run away away, oh brave lady Goblin.
    "Geeze I noticed." Mau says when Carmen points out that people here really don't like offworlders. "I just wanted to pick up a phone and people are looking at me like I'm the boogeyman." She huffs.
    "Well if this is handled, I'm gonna bounce." The catgirl in archaic clothes and armor says while motioning down the street, careless of the fact that her lingo doth not match her duds.
    She doesn't need to stick around to verify things or talk to the police. That's silly.
    Why do that when she can just go somewhere else and nap in a sunbeam?
    "..." Stelle blinks owlishly as she hears sirens approaching... she then grabs Mau's arm. "Cheese it, it's the fuzz!" she jabbers, dragging the cat away from the scene at a very rapid pace.

    Stelle has not had good interactions with 'Local Law Enforcement' wherever she's gone so far.
>> SUMMARY[Stelle] >> Damn your Cocolia!
    The sirens are approaching. "Might be a good idea. Maybe I'll run into you later, I have some questions!" Athena frowns, "Athena, as in the Greek." She whistles quickly, and the drone, Little Owl, lands on her shoulder to attach itself again. "But that's for later! I'd better run!"

    The goddess yanks her lance out of the truck, and turns around, starting to dash down the street... then skidding to a halt, so she can call over her shoulder. "Oh right, Blues! Call your sister, she was looking for you!" Then she dashes off.
    "Huh," Blues remarks, rubbing his arm. "Yeah probably a good idea. Well, I was going to drop them off at the police, but it looks like that's handled. We'd better get out of here now." He waves to the others. "Name's Blues, but don't expect me to swoop in and help you all the time. I was just passing through." He turns, and a shimmer surrounds him as he keys in a teleport code...

    And Athena drops that bomb. "Wait, wha-"
