Dillon (Dropped)

World: The Rolling Western-1
Role: Red Flash Ranger
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R78hvretdts


Dillon is what many would expect of a wild west cowboy, the strong silent type with a rugged exterior covering a good heart and tenacity. This Ranger just happens to also be an armadillo that dishes out his frontier justice with hefty claws and high speed rolls instead of guns. Physically strong and capable of moving at great speeds with his rolling charge or burrowing underground, the surprising swiftness of his otherwise stout build being what earned him the moniker of 'The Red Flash'. But that silent steely gaze also beholds a sharp wit that can adjust quickly in action. Dillon originally started out simply for the bounties, but in experience gained a growing respect for the hard work and determination of others, and dedicated himself to keeping the weak and innocent safe. In fact under that gruff demeanor is a kinder heart going more and more out of his way for the well-being of others and poking his nose where it probably didn't belong. Has a noted love for food and drink, probably due to how much energy his fighting style burns.


Brawler: A skilled close-combat fighter with strong claws and grinding spin attacks.
Dillon is primarily a physical close-quarters fighter, relying on his tough claws and swift striking power. Natural strength in combination with those claws lets him pound his way through tough defenses. His stout build and stubborness give him plenty of toughness to endure physical damage, as does the thick hide and armored shell.
The Red Flash: Can move extremely fast by rolling in an armored ball and charging enemies.
Dillon can spin at high speed while curled in a ball and move exceptionally fast because of it, while maintaining enough control to drift and turn tight corners. By spinning in place before ramming a target he can hit with enough force to produce small shockwaves at impact. He can also use the high speed spinning to grind against a target and let friction tear them down.
Digging In: Capable of chopping through tough rock and burrowing underground to ambush foes.
Dillon's claws and armor-spikes are tough enough to tear through heavy rock, which makes them as useful for digging as they are fighting. Even in a fight he can use this tactic to blindside an opponent by burrowing just under the ground's surface. He can also use them for basic mining, tearing apart nodes quickly to find the useful minerals hidden within.
Ranger Gear: Gear with light storage and to assist in rapid movements.
Dillon is naturally physically tough and stubborn, so most of his equipment is oriented more towards survival and protecting himself when using his abilities. What limited amout of clothing he wears is mainly to guard against the friction caused by the tremendous speed he can spin at. He wears reinforced gloves and boots to protect his hands and feet when fighting. The braces and spurs also help with traction for braking maneuvers. The bandana shields his neck from sun and heat as well as attacks aimed at his throat, and he wears a pair of gunslinger belts primarily for the storage space for other items. The hat is just stylish.
Explosives: For ranged attacks he can throw explosive crystals or sticks of dynamite.
These unusual crystals can be thrown and detonate on impact. Bomb and Wonder Bomb crystals produce small or large explosions, while Freeze ones temporarily trap the target in ice. Dillon can also throw dynamite sticks to knock over structures and clear obstructions.
Arma-Charge< Edge >: Powerful but draining technique that boosts his physical traits temporarily.
A special technique that temporarily supercharges Dillon's physical capabilities. When Arma-Charge is activated his physical striking power is increased, and he takes less direct damage from attacks. The speed at which he spins is also boosted, allowing him to make faster and more powerful charges, and hold his friction grind against a target longer. However the boost wears down after a limited time, and a considerable period has to pass before it can be activated again.


Strong Silent Type: The gruff attitude is good for fighting but not very approachable personally.
Dillon is the sort that would rather let his actions speak for him, and thus doesn't say much more than what is necessary to get a point across. The gruff demeanor and no-nonsense attitude is great for a wandering western hero and bounty hunter, but he tends to appear broody and even indifferent to matters when most likely he's just got nothing important to add. That said, Dillon doesn't cut no slack when it comes to excessive 'fancy talk' and can get easily irritated over it. Especially when it's someone using big words and obscure terms to try to mislead and manipulate others. You might get a gruff 'Get to the point'. Or Dillon trying to skip the talk and get to the fighting bad guys, or stomping off to take action as he sees fit without getting the entire story or important details.
The Drifter: Almost always on the move, looking for people to help and wrongs to right.
Not one to take to the quiet life, Dillon typically keeps moving from town to town (or world) as one problem is solved and others present themselves. Because of this he has a tendancy to pick up as many sidequests and oddjobs to help someone out as he is to get involved in halting big sinister schemes. Despite his gruff demeanor he has a good heart and a strong sense of justice, so he has a hard time saying no to helping others or taking up a challenge. This means he's often getting caught up meddling in affairs others would avoid, be it because someone asked for help or because he feels there's something unfair and injust going down that the locals may be trying to ignore, or cover up.
Frontier Justice: Taking matters into your own hands, even for good reasons, can cause problems.
Dillon may be fighting the good fight, but he puts more value in the spirit of justice and what needs to be done for a greater good than he does in what may be written on a sheet of paper somewhere. Words are just words, which the greedy and corrupt can twist to their own desires and bog down in red tape. Dillon acts on what he believes is right, even if it involves bending the rules a bit and putting himself on the bad side of the more literal minded.
Reputation: Well known as one of the last frontier Rangers, for what good or ill it brings.
The Red Flash. The Last Ranger. Dillon has over his adventures made quite a name for himself. Saving homesteads, defending frontier towns, convincing mercenaries to the side of justice and stopping mass Grock invasions does that for a fellow. Dillon isn't entirely comfortable with being so well-known and it is one of the reasons he tends to wander from town to town and even to other worlds. Reputations follow though, and it's not hard for other folks of ill intentions to find out about the Red Flash and prepare if they expect his intervention.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
590 What Do You Want on Your Tombstone? Oct 27 2019
446 Scardust (1) Mar 16 2019
355 Terror of the Swamp Nov 25 2018
287 A Declaration of Intent. Oct 11 2018
198 The Thunderjaw Hunter Jul 25 2018
153 The Missing Miwa Jun 13 2018
117 Takhamuns For Days May 19 2018
84 An afternoon in the digital world May 08 2018
79 Desert Mermaid Apr 16 2018
73 We Definitely Started the Fire Aug 30 2018
See All 12 Scenes


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