World Tree MUSH

A real Potboiler!

A group of adventurers try to save secret agents in a national park--with explosive results!
Character Pose
Mirage Mouse
Word has gotten around about a supposed sinister plan being hatched by a certain nefarious group. Who? Well it doesn't really matter, at the moment--the thing that does is that all of the agents sent by the resident intelligence and secret agent squads haven't come back. That's why it's up to you guys. Unmarked trucks have been photographed by satellite moving a large shipment of /something/ into a local national park, on the downlow. Local police haven't seemed to notice--and if the rangers have they haven't come back to tell any tales.

What IS quite noticeable is the far-off sounds of saws and other mechanical devices, followed by the sound of trees falling. Except this time there IS someone around to hear it.

Is someone stealing trees...?

Otherwise--it seems like it's a rather normal midday afternoon out here in the national park--which also sports a game reserve. Families usually park their RVs and trucks nearby on a campsite that a stream runs along. Deer and other sorts of wildlife can be spotted from there, even. Insects are buzzing around, too--as the sun and heat persists--though the forest canopy offers a decent amount of shade here and there.
Yumi Tachibana
    If actual intelligence agents have failed at this, it's probably a bad idea for Yumi to be there.

    No, it's almost certainly a bad idea.

    She knows how to wield a baseball bat like a weapon. That's about it. For her to go running in where government intelligence operatives have completely disappeared? Utter madness. And yet, here she is. Unable to help herself. With a pocket GPS to make sure she doesn't get lost, wearing a pair of jeans and hiking shoes, carrying a small backpack of supplies (not her school backpack - something cheap and disposable, in case she needs to ditch it) and using her now-signature baseball bat as a walking stick of sorts. Yumi is here. Marching blithely into danger in a national park.
Demi on the other hand, has some advantages human intelligence agents doesn't as she scans the park. She's borrowed one of the missing ranger's trucks. She plans on to return it once she's done, hopefully the local authorities won't notice what looks like a young teenage girl driving a truck. Then again she's a sapient android and on some worlds it would be rather hard to believe that she existed.
Tsuyu Asui
    "Midoriya, I think we're lost."
    So that happened.
    UA decided to have a little field trip for the students of Hero Course 1-A to go see the national park, and two students accidentally veered off from the group, likely due to a Bakugo-related explosive incident, and the resultant chaos that ensued.
    Tsuyu Asui is one of those students. And having not come prepared for anything other than a simple field trip, is in the grey and black school uniform of UA Academy, backpack slung over her shoulders, and looking entirely unfazed in spite of the situation of being lost in a national park with another classmate.
    Needless to say, she is wholly clueless about nefarious plans and tree stealing, until she actually hears the sound of falling lumber. Crossing paths with ANOTHER highschool-aged girl armed with a baseball bat is just... An odd coincidence.
    This is why huge black eyes stare eerily at Yumi as Tsuyu steps out through some foliage and right into the girl's path.
    "... Were you on a field trip, too?"
Ash enjoyed this sort of work. Sure he wansn't as suited for long duration hide and seek like loki or even Octavia, but he could get the job done while scouting in and about. So here he was currently invisible using the scope of his sniper rifle to keep tabs on things.

For his part ORdis was tasked with patching communications between Ash and everyone else together.

"Curious... why all the fuss over trees?" Ash's voice sounded detatched in spite of his curiosity. "Maybe clearcutting to make space for construction. So far looks clear, no obvious armed presence yet. Proceeding further."

Ash holstered his rifle and as the warframe's invisibility ended he hopped from the tree he had been perched in and started running. HE wouldn't bother with another smoke bomb until he saw signe of his quarry.
Izuku Midoriya
    "You're right. Maybe we can find the main trail if we pick a good direction..."
    Izuku walked alongside Tsuyu, his face a vision of uncertain worry. The distant sound of trees violently crashing to the earth has his head turning to follow the sound. He knows he isn't meant to interfere, but it can just be read on his face and the tense way he walks that it's only the smallest excuse before he starts sprinting toward the noise to investigate.
    He hasn't be allowed outside of his world because of the intensive training he had to undergo for his Quirk, so this is actually his first time Elsewhere. As a result, he doesn't know what to expect, and it's making him pretty high-strung.
    "Oh!" He's so distracted when Tsuyu greets somehow that he turns his head to look at her. His eyes trail down to the bat immediately, and he notices the direction she's headed as well. He knows there's not really a good place to be playing baseball out here and she seems to be by herself... His nervousness just increases, and it makes his voice crack a little as he fights the urge to ask about it.
    "Hi, do you have a map...?" he awkwardly asks, rubbing the back of his head and ruffling his wild hair, smiling in a strange and forced manner.
Mirage Mouse
Somewhat more normal folks like Yumi Tachibana might not notice anything is essentially fowl afoot here--there is the sound of those saws in the background--but as they get closer they can begin to hear something else... mechanical tromping around and a... megaphone?

"Alright you guys get that stuff moving, come on lets go!" a female voice.

Demi doesn't seem to arouse that much suspicion--her human-like frame allows her to pass more or less unnoticed by anyone--though taking off with that truck might have gotten attention. The question is... is she tall enough to reach the pedals on such a vehicle? G'heh.

The members like Ash, Tsuyu, Itzuki ect that might be heading further in would likely come across a rather... interesting sight. There are several anthropomorphic members of some kind of team running about--guys in yellow jumpsuits and white dome-like helmets that... also seem to be humanoid ducks? Meanwhile, Mirage Mouse is yelling into a megaphone to give commends to those around her--especially what looks like a very large bear man that is piloting what looks like the Power Loader from Aliens--large utilitarian yellow exosuit with a roll cage around the driver's cockpit and a large chainsaw extending from one arm--which it's using to saw down large trees.

"C'mon move this shit, lets go--" Mirage Mouse turns her head, did she just hear something?
Ash hrmed thoughtfully as he looked around, taking advantage of the fact he hadn't been spotted to look about. So definitely construction going on, and for some reason Mirage was involved. This most definitely complicated things. However his contract was to investigate and if possible retrieve any missing persons related to the 'anomoly.' So this had a chance at not ending in a conflict of interests.

Plus he couldn't resist what he was about to do. This being dropping another smoke bombto turn invisible and run over to just behind Mirage with the intent on tapping her on the shoulder. IF successful? He'd whisper in her ear. "Tag." If not? Well it depended on hwo the locals took to a very artificial sort of person in their work site with a very large rifle strapped to his back and a sword at his hip.
Yumi Tachibana

    Well, you can say this for Yumi, at least she's on her toes. When Tsuyu steps out of the foliage, the redhead goes a half-step back and brings her baseball bat up into a wary guard immediately; there's a yelp of surprise, but her reflexes still put her ready to /respond/ to the possible threat, instead of flailing panic. "...huh?" Field trip? Blink blink. ", I'm here because I heard something was going on..." She blinks again when a boy emerges as well, peering at him; then she nods a little, and promptly gets the entirely wrong idea. "I've got some GPS. If you guys need to get back to camp, you can borrow it. Don't think you guys should head this way, though. Something weird's going down, it could be dangerous."

    Deku now has a GPS to hold on to.

    And then she goes right on past, moving briskly. She, too, intends to head further in, and it takes her not long before she emerges to see trees being cut down. Hastily, the girl dives into cover - she's not foolhardy enough to go marching right in when these people could kick her backside.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> @DEKU+FROPPY: 'Oh hey are you guys lost? Here's my GPS. Don't go this way, it's dangerous.' @MIRAGE: Diving into cover so she can figure out what's going on.
Demi notices several strange bio-monsters as she drives closer to where the deforesting is taking place. Noticing the gas gauge suddenly on E, she pulls the truck to a stop. It's likely best not to get too close anyway, she doesn't want to accidently run someone over. The front door of the truck opens and the short girl climbs out of the vehicle. Maybe she can blend in with Mirage's crew as she moves in to investigate further, as long as Mirage doesn't see her she should be fine right?
Izuku Midoriya
    "Thanks-- wait, danger!?"

    And she's already moving. Deku doesn't think. He just starts moving at a brisk pace, following after her. She's just some girl with a baseball bat, she doesn't even seem equipped for a fight. She doesn't have a costume, she's around his age. He is not letting some girl run in half-cocked and get herself killed.

    His following her has him lose track of her, and emerge from some thick bushes and underbrush into the clearing, his eyes suddenly squinting to adjust to the light, his hand going up to shield them. He then slowly takes in what's before him, and his hand slowly lowers down and pauses in the air in front of him, and a wide-eyed look of confusion glows on his face. A bunch of animal people appear to be cutting down all the trees here, for some reason. Animal people is normal, but did he just walk into an active construction zone...?

No, he realizes, this is a public park, there'd be signage up for that.

    He kind of dumbly stands there, turning his head as he seeks out where Yumi went. When he spots her behind cover, he realizes he's probably already been seen, and running to join her would be a clownishly stupid idea. Best to let her do the smart thing and stay safe, for now.

    He looks over his other shoulder, seeking Tsuyu. Now would be the time for a disapproving frog stare, he thinks, with an uneasy frown.
Tsuyu Asui
    SO, Yumi hands Deku a GPS. Naturally this means the two other teenagers will use it to find their way back to the group right?
    "If you give us this won't you get lost in the woods on your way out?" Tsuyu asks the question point blank as Yumi marches on and young Midoriya follows her in a fit of unthinking hot blood. As he does.
    But seeing the teams of animal men performing what clearly looks like illegal logging makes her exchange a look with her classmate.
    As Midoriya and Yumi press on... ... Where did Tsuyu go?
    One second she pressed herself against a tree and ducked into some brush, and then she just sort of blends in.
    Midoriya won't be able to see WHERE it's coming from... But yeah. He can probably feel the disapproving frog stare.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Become John Cena
Mirage Mouse
Unfortunately for Mirage, she does not have supernatural senses beyond her not being headblind, as she calls it--aka being psychic. She would be further distracted from Yumi diving and sneaking about by Ash sneaking behind her and tagging her on the shoulder. Mirage would jump and like give a bit of a squeaking shriek--before realizing who it was.

"Pfbbtt--what are you doing here?! Can't I do shenanigans in peace??"

As Yumi sneaks around, she'll likely be able to see a lot of wooden crates piled up and being unloaded from trucks--along with the trees being cut down--what is in the boxes, however?

Demi in the truck might not have been immediately noticed by Mirage's underlings, either--there were a lot of heavy machinery and other trucks in the area, after all. Not that Demi herself is included in that--she is pretty small, after all! The ducks in yellow jumpsuits however would notice she's not supposed to be there--moving to try and drive her off!

"Hey boss--we got a little girl over here in a headset--you think she's lost?" one calls out in a Jersey accent, referring to Demi.

Tsuyu to her credit--is quite a stealthy frog girl, able to avoid detection completely. What will she do??
Ash looked over the operation thoughtfully before pulling a manilla envelope out from... somewhere. Warframes didn't have pockets so how'd he hide that? At any rate he passed the folder to Mirage. "Actually a bunch of people have gone missing around these parts lately and i've been put under contract to both find their whereabouts and if need be stop whatever has been making with the disappearings."

If Mirage bothered opening the envelope she would see a sortof 'at a glance' of each of the missing persons; pictures, relevant details, last known locations, that sort of nonsense. Then below these she would see a photocopy of Ash's work contract.

"While I am fairly sure logging in parkland is illegal if your operation here is nothing to do with these missing persons I have no real need to bother you." In spite of Ash's best efforts, as Mirage was a friend, a slight threat crept into his tone. "If you have... well.. You are a friend so I'd rather try talking this over civil. Y'know? I get what I want, you get to keep doing this whatever it is. Everyone walks away happy ya?"
Demi's not exactly the most stealthy person, after all she wears a yellow cape most of the time. Which was great for blending into the desert but not other place. Then again the ducks are wearing yellow as well. She figures she can likely handle the ducks, but she's more here for information. "Please tell me where the local enforcement agents were taken and we can resolve this peacefully, I suggest not trying anything foolish." After all she was here to find the missing people she wasn't really concerned about the illegal deforesting.
Izuku Midoriya
    Being a highschool kid, Izuku isn't terribly threatening on the best of days. So his impotent protest as a bunch of duck men come over to try to detain him probably goes ignored. He doesn't actually fight them, though, partly because they're armed and partly because he's curious what they're up to. If they bring him closer to the situation, he will get an idea of what this is about. He can see over there that there's a man in a strange costume(?) that's also armed with some serious firepower. They seem to be discussing something.

    "Hey, I'm just lost," he explains to the ducks as they likely escort him where they want. He holds up the GPS he was handed, flashing them a nervous smile. He glances over his shoulder, making sure Yumi isn't running in. His heart thunders in his chest. Guns. So many guns. This could go badly very fast.

    He tries to keep a brave face for the sake of recon.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Izuku plays it cool for Yumi's safety and to gather information. He is not happy about it.
Yumi Tachibana
    "I'll be alright, don't worry about me." To Yumi's mind, Tsuyu and Izuku both are bystanders who probably need to get out of her ASAP...

    ...until she realizes the boy's gone and followed her. 'Crap, he's gonna get himsel-' And the girl that was with him is there too. And she's- and... she's... surprisingly sneaky? Wow, okay, maybe they're not normal. She's clutching her bat and tensing to run to Izuku's aid, but maybe he can actually handle himself - so she spares herself just a moment to take a look at one of those crates. "Hmm. What's..." she murmurs softly to herself.

    She'll take a few looks around; if there's no one who's likely to see her, Yumi fully intends to sneak over to one of the nearest crates and try to take a look inside.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> Wow, apparently these people aren't just random kids after all. Okay, I'm gonna try and sneak over to a crate instead, if it's safe.
Tsuyu Asui
    To her credit, Tsuyu remains out of sight. Though now the others have gotten ahead of her, she intends to rectify that, before Midoriya can get himself into trouble, or something can go wrong for that other girl. The amphibian girl presses her hands onto the trunk of the nearest tree, and simply begins to climb. She makes climing look like a cakewalk, with no need to find actual hand holds she just pulls herself up into the branches, and jumps to the branch of another tree- and then another- and another, trailing after the others until...
    Men with guns start making motions of leading her classmate away. That's not good.
    And that's why, slowly, something long, and glistening, and pink, descends from the treetops slowly... Subtly, behind one of the armed men, it slithers to loop around his neck--
    And then silently YANK him up into the tree and clobber him against the underside of the branch. She'll just leave him up there and reposition herself.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Become Predator. Clickclickclickkerokeroclickclick.
Mirage Mouse
"Missing, huh? It's pretty easy to go missing when you're getting in the way of international criminal organizations, y'know," Mirage looks a little miffed she got snuck up on by Ash and is then alerted to Demi and Itzuku--who the jumpsuited ducks have apparently tried to detain.

"Oh snao--do-gooders! they found us!" there is an alarm that's sent out--not just verbally--but Mirage is able to transmit the alert mentally to everyone around the encampment, too. Busted.

Right now however, she is only aware of Ash and those two.

"Well well well, if it isn't our brave little toaster," Mirage approaches as the ducks pull their service pistols on Demi and Itzuku, trying to detain them all sinisterly-like.

"Oh those double-O dorks? They'll be sky high as soon as old reliable over there erupts," Mirage grinned and jerked her thumb back towards an area just visible around one of the trucks--several anthro folks, a fox a beaver and a dog are tied up and have been tied to a trifects of stakes around the bubbling guyser just in the distance.

"When they blows there won't be anymore secret agents," Mirage taps the megaphone in her hand.

"Now what to do with you two--you've been getting in my way for a while, Demi-Derp Bot! shall we try and rewire you as a home maker bot, maybe--something more useful?" she cackles, the henchmen grinning and nodding along with her suggestion.

"Is this your boyfriend here?" she remarks to Itzuku, pointing with the megaphone.

Yumi will discover inside the crates... large caches of weaponry. Bombs--especially, likely destined for sale on the black market to very disgruntled terrorist-types. Ruh roh. By the looks of a few hollowed out trees nearby--it seems clear their plan is hollowing out felled trees and then smuggling the hardware inside of them. Dastardly!

Meanwhile, Bruno Gryzlofski, the large power loader-driving Russian accented bear man, begins to saw down more trees even as the excitement is going on--perhaps right beneath Tsuyu, everyone's favorite frog girl?

"Damn mouse `suka--always shouting orders at Bruno, when I am out of this suit I'll--" the blade of the giant chainsaw arm on his loader is already sawing into the trunk of the tree Tsuyu had perched on--sending massive vibrations up through it. This is just as one of the ducks gets tongue-tied by Tsuyu and pulled up off his feet--legs kicking and gun firing blindly into the trees! He gets pulled up into the branch--with the branch going right between his legs! Ouch. That's gotta hoit.
Ash stood there watching all the commotion and buried hisface in his hands, not just his warframe, but within his transferrence pod Ash had hsi face in both hands. "Mirage... why?" His voice was small and easy to overlook.

He then quickly drew his sword with the intent on putting it at Mirage's throat. "I am here to retrieve those men." His voice suddenly was very hard and very uncaring of what's going on. "You are very stupid to just casually planning murdering people ding their jobs. So you will come with me to get those people AWAY from the death gyser. You know exactly how little flex I give when I am on a job, and those people are my job."
Yumi Tachibana
    Oh. Oh boy. That's... that's rather a lot of hardware. Yumi bites her lip, thinking. Think, think, how can she fix this... well, no. /She/ almost certainly can't. However, the intelligence agencies, that's another story.

    So she pulls out her cellphone, and starts taking photos. One of the crate. One of what's inside the crate. And as many of the trucks as she can get shots of - general appearance, absolutely, but she'll also try and get license plates in the shot where possible.

    Then her ears pick up something about the intelligence agents. Who are tied up. On a geyser.

    Oh that's not good.

    That's going to have to be enough photos, because now it's time for Yumi to start trying to sneak around to the geyser.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> Taking photos of the smugglers' goods and trucks, then starting to move in the general direction of geyser-wards.
Izuku Midoriya
    What? What!?

    Izuku is literally just a kid in a high school uniform with a GPS device. He glances between each of them, sweat beading on his forehead and rolling down. His eyes trail off toward the sight of... a bunch of people about to die. That's when all the stress snaps and the color washes out of his face. He stares that way as Mirage speaks, making assumptions about who he is and his purpose here. The boy begins to frown in that way people do just before they do something incredibly stupid.

    He glances around, to the foliage, to the trees, and to the dispersal of the ducks. His mind ticks like a tactician making on-the-fly calculations. He glances once to Mirage-- she probably has powers he hasn't accounted for. But there's no time to talk about it. He has to move.

    A red light spiderwebs over Izuku's body, his body turning, legs bending, and he kicks off the ground. He goes from normal highschool kid to sprinting mini superhero in an instant, his movements far beyond that of any normal human. He weaves through underbrush and around stumps and the remaining trees, kicking off of them with surprising agility, making him an unfeasible target to hit. And then he tries to just... land and grab one of the stakes and the prisoner on it, and rip it right out of the ground, then dash for the next, and the next. He isn't impossible to track by any means, but the sudden surprise of his absurd physical prowess might make dealing with him difficult.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Izuku, predictably, sees people about to die, and immediately rushes to try and save them as fast as he can.
"Go rescue the agents, I'll handle them!" Demi offers to be the distraction here after all. "You do realize cleaning is one of my many functions. And what is Derp? That word isn't in my vocabulary banks." She's 314 years, the android has likely been a maid some point. Still's she not familar with all terms used. Her chest opens up and twin beams fire from it the group. It wouldn't cause any last harm but stunning them should buy some time at least.
Tsuyu Asui
    One guard handled, a load more to go, some more animal-people tied over a geyser, and Midoriya... Being Midoriya.
    "Well. I guess that's as smooth as it was going to go." Tsuyu murmurs quietly to herself, remaining calm even as the power loader looking machine starts to take a chainsaw to her tree. To her credit she remains calm and cool as ice, her grip not faltering even as the limbs begin to shake. She holds on easily, but she adjusts her footing. She doesn't want the rumbling to throw her JUMP off.
    And jump she does, launching from the branch, to the branch of another tree, before she lets herself drop down.
    Her intent, is to HELP Demi be a distraction. She spotted Yumi trying to sneak on along farther and Izuku sprinting on ahead was... Pretty unsurprising for her.
    This is why Tsuyu tries to land herself on the back of the power loader and cling to it.
    And just start ripping at any wiring or delicate looking machinery she can find.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Become Dropbear. On the bear guy.
Mirage Mouse
"Uh, they paid me a lot of money to do it? Duh," Mouse responds to Ash, blinking as she looked down at the sword. "Well hey, if you want 'em, I'm sure we can make some kind of arrangement--" It's then that one of the henchmen are pulled up and receives some rather nasty damage--at least he's out of it for a bit thanks to the injury to his daddy parts. Ow.

Yumi apparently is not noticed--thanks to all the distractions going on currently--the area around the geyser is hot--but she should be able to approach the men tied to the stakes--and start untying them!

"Hey--stop him!" Mirage shouts as the other henchmen begin to fire at Itzuku--who turns on the speedforce apparently and begins to extricate the mouse's prisoners!

"It's this!" Mirage spreads her own palm out and she directs an energy blast towards Demi as she herself fires--the two blasts hitting Demi's twin chest blaster there and Mouse finds herself having to throw herself down to avoid the incoming surge of heat energy! In the process she has to try and duck out from under Ash's sword, as well.

Cue intense swearing in Russian as Tsuyu drops on Bruno's exosuit--the large chainsaw going awry as it finishes cutting through the tree--sending it flying down into the midst of the group and SLAMMING into the ground--and onto one of the trucks--carrying crates and crates of explosives which now begin to spill out... right next to where Demi is firing her heat beams.

Uh oh.

There is already fire from the fighting--and it seems only a matter of time before it catches onto all the bombs!

"Get off, get off--" the bear swings the loader around, trying to extricate Tsuyu from the back of his machine--the chainsaw meanwhile flailing wildly!
"Mirage you're making my job hard!"

Ash decided to abandon Mirage in favor of running towards the bound agents. Mirage was at best a secondary objective. Mission fail state would be these people dying.

That said he was ANNOYED at Mirage enough that he had marked her for bladestorm, and waited, holding onto that mark as he ran for the agents. She'd expect a retaliatory attack at this moment. He'd trust that hs sit would track her until it became nessicary to act against her directly.
Yumi Tachibana
    And here he comes, here comes Speed Deku. He's headed for the same place she is, but he's doing it a lot faster... yeah, okay, he's definitely not normal. And he's brave besides. But if he's running towards them while he's being shot at... wait, no, there's a better way to do this. She's going to have to drop her 'stealth', but there's a better way to do this.

    "HEY, SPEED GUY!" Yumi is out of cover and running full tilt, though she does try to keep things between herself and the shooters where she can. "GO DISTRACT THE GUNNERS! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THE ROPES!" She brought along a survival knife in case she got lost - she can at least do that much while the guy with the powers puts them to better use.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> Deku, your new superhero name is 'Speed Guy'.
Demi notices the explosives and stops firing, it would be rather bad if those detonated. She grabs one of the crates using it as makeshift shield as she tries to load it back on the truck. It's heavier than it looks but at least she didn't have to worry about pulling anything. It would be best to get them somewhere that Mirage couldn't put them to use and away from the open gunfire.
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku gets grazed by at least one shot, but manages to narrowly avoid getting his dumb self killed in the middle of a hail of bullets. He grimaces but powers through the discomfort, pain that would've floored some kids from the surprise. He just treats it like an ache when he has something to do.

    And then the girl's just ordering him around. Yumi gets a glance of surprise, the perfectly normal girl's attitude getting him to look in her direction. He may have loosened the ropes in the middle of his attempt,and he replies, "It's 'Deku'!" as casual as can be, despite bleeding on his uniform a bit. 'Deku.' As in 'Useless' in Japanese. He can't be serious.

    He decides she's right. The gunmen are a problem. So, he breaks into that full sprint, those red shoes of his crunching dirt and blasting leaf litter aside as he cranks One for All to the maximum safe threshold. He moves in more weaving, but now he darts and launches toward the henchmen.

    His fists fly and kicks drop in quick dashes. He tries to hit as many of them as he can in fly-by strikes, tracking their positions and advancing from odd angles to make it hard for them to get a good shot on him. Each attack comes with a thunderous THUMP if they get purchase, duckmen likely to get laid flat, unconscious or at least in too much pain to continue fighting. He doesn't go for kill shots, mindful of the force he takes against his foes.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Izuku tries trimming the duckmen mooks ASAP, because they are freakin' shooting at him.
Tsuyu Asui
    The loader is flailing. Somehow... Tsuyu holds on.
    It's not EASY- even with her body's ability to grip nearly any surface, the force that's being enacted on her makes it hard for the girl to get anything done. How she remains so calm, even with a chainsaw swinging all around her is insane, but she focuses on holding on as she climbs the exosuit until she's face to face with the ursine pilot, staring him dead in the eyes while hanging on upside down from the top of the machine.
    "I am so sorry about this." She says in advance before taking a breath...
    Tsuyu Asui hocks the biggest loogie imaginable in the man's face. But she's not just being disgusting-- although it is totally disgusting- the girl's spit and mucus is completely made up of frog venom.
    It's weak, though, and shouldn't be more than a nuisance... But she is aiming it RIGHT FOR HIS EYES.
    With that out of her way she jumps off the exosuit, landing on all fours.
    "--Hey Midoriya, try to not get yourself killed."
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Become... Disgusting. Sorry. ._.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage is not able to track what Ash is doing with his weaponry trained on her at least--not for the moment--she's trying to avoid getting blasted and all the death that is suddenly quite present around her. Meecin' ain't easy!

Untying the ropes would take Yumi a hot minute, since she didn't have a knife to quickly free them--they try not to struggle to allow her to undo the knots--though the ground is beginning to shake--not just because of the large bear in the power loader--it seems like the geyser is going to erupt soon! Oh snap!

Mirage is able to crawl out from beneath where Demi had been laying fire down on her, pulling herself out. She cringes and is wideeyed as she realized that the containers have broken open and now they can get caught on fire. This is bad.

"Aw man, that rooster is gonna KILL me," Mirage then attempts to use her awesome telekinetic powers to begin moving the explosives away from the fire--and back onto the trucks--at least as much as they can.

"Shows ova boys--anyone that can still run lets hit the old dusty trail!" She's apparently opting to let the heroes try and rescue the bound agents while she escapes with the trucks! More of the henchmen begin hauling into the cabs of trucks to try and start their engines.

The gunmen are not able to track the speeding Itzuki as he bolts around--getting punched down left and right--those that had tried to get to the trucks have to try and avoid the speedster as well!

Bruno blinks for just a moment--but only has time to once--before the venom-laced frog loogie hits him in the eye. He begins to scream--like Wayne Knight in Jurassic Park after having been hit by the Dilophosaurus--accidentally tripping in the power loader and the massive chainsaw begins to rip into the earth as it sinks right down into it--muffling the noise of the saw. Oooh!
Ash saw someone else undoing the agen'ts ropes and nodded before moving in to help the restrained agents away from the death geyser of boiling doom. "Alright people we're leaving." He hoped hsi voice was calm as he looked the rescuees over.

Meanwhile he made a mental note to get in touch with Mirage to try figuring out hwo to help her out of the jam she got in because of all this. "Step lively if you can. If you can't I'll try carrying you." He looked everyoen over. "Who's injured worst?"
Yumi Tachibana
    ...'Deku'? He wants her to call him 'Deku'?

    "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself! You're a pretty good person!" Yumi calls out.

    But that's all she can spare for now. The knife makes quick work of the ropes, and she's careful not to hurt the operatives in the process; the sudden rumble does add some urgency to her movements, though. "Almost... got it... /there/, come on, let's go!" And with them all freed, the girl stands up and beckons them to step away as quickly as they (and she) can. However, as they go, she flips the knife around and passes it over to one of the operatives. "Here, I know it's not much, but at least you're armed now!" She's just giving her stuff away left and right, today. But that's okay, 'helping people not die' is a good cause.
Yumi Tachibana
>> SUMMARY[Yumi Tachibana] >> @DEKU: I am pretty much the anti-Bakugo. @MIRAGE: Cutting the operatives free, handing her knife to one as they run away.
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku focuses on the duck men in the midst of the chaos, and somehow manages to avoid getting shot in the face in the middle of all of this. And he has knocked out so many squawking duck people, but the sight of a fire gets him to pause behind cover to look in that direction. He doesn't have access to any sort of information about this situation beyond the most basic information. He sits in cover and breathes slowly to try and calm himself down, checking the bloody streak to make sure it's not bleeding much.

    "They're running... Okay." Izuku breathes a sigh of relief, and lingers in cover, trying to undo his panic. "On my first trip out of the world..." he complains, having been excited to visit another world, finally.

    "Sensei is going to be mad," he realizes, because he ran off and stumbled into trouble. He can already see Aizawa's glowering in his mind.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Izuku finishes CLOBBERING dudes, and finds cover to wind down from hero mode.
Tsuyu Asui
    That is one problem solved, when the exosuit hits the ground and the chainsaw gets gummed up in the dirt. Tsuyu watches, almost passively, for a moment as Yumi works to rescue the tied men and Midoriya throws himself into a brawl with a bunch of gunmen. But when Mirage gives the order to retreat, and the men begin to bail, Tsuyu picks herself up, dusts herself off, and wanders her way over to her classmate in a lazy pace, stopping herself slouched behind Izuku.
    "Yeah. He's going to be pretty mad at you for getting shot, Midoriya. But it could have been worse. I'm pretty sure they were seriously trying to kill us. We could have died-ribbit."
    She calls it as she sees it, without even the slightest inflection to her usual dull tone. Like. You know. It was just a terrifying situation, no sweat right? Right?
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Good job not dying, Midoriya. Our teacher is gonna kill us now.
Mirage Mouse
Yumi and Deku are able to extricate the agents--just as the geyser begins to go off--it is rumbling and pretty loud--the water tower rising high into the sky--thankfully also helping to put out the fires before the fires can catch to the trees or the explosives--of which a small amount remain as Mirage attempts to escape with the trucks!

The duck henchmen seem to be taken care of--the ones that haven't run off to speed away in the trucks, anyway--thanks to Itzuku. The area is now a soggy mess--with a darkening sky as the sun has progressed to setting and seems to have been covered further by the geyser--which is still showering the place. It feels like an area that has just rained, but less cool than perhaps it ought to have been if it just rained--thanks to the temperature involved in the geyser's water. It's kind of... humid, and swampy. Ew.

Bruno will try to extricate himself from the exo-suit and stumble off as well--since Tsuyu is apparently not minding him--how far he gets and if he'll ever have vision again however remains to be seen--he'll probably bump into some trees, at the very least. Ouch.

It would appear the day is saved--at least for the moment--as a rainbow begins to appear in the sky over the battlefield, thanks to the geyser.
Demi doesn't like helping Mirage, but she figures they're going to have more problems if those explosives go off. Too bad Mirage was watching or Demi just take the truck and set off the explosives somewhere they wouldn't cause any harm. Maybe she should download a bomb disfusal program for the future just in case? She grabs the explosives she left behind as well, wouldn't want civilians getting ahold of them.
Yumi Tachibana
    Everyone's getting the hell out of Dodge, so to speak. And with the government agents taken care of, she's going to turn and head straight for the person she's most concerned about - 'that guy who calls himself useless and got grazed by a bullet.

    It only takes her a handful of seconds to reach the duo; and upon doing so, the very first thing she does is to drop into a deep, formal bow towards Izuku. "Ah, sorry for being so abrupt and calling out orders earlier. It seemed like the smartest way to handle things. I'm not much use against guys with guns, but I can take care of the mundane stuff so you can focus on them." Straightening back up, the girl adds, "I'm Yumi, by the way. Tachibana Yumi."
Ash nodded as the agents were away from danger when thigns went pop. "Huh... You lot do this for a living?" He was genuinely curious as he surveyed the everything going on. As this happened withi the transferrence pod Ash's human meaty self was busy composing a text he hoped Mirage would recieve. 'OK, Job's effectivly done. Send Details so I can help get you out of the jam you're in.'

At the park he paced, thoughtfully looking about. "She said a rooster was going to kill her," He vocalized hsi thoughts to try at lest planting the idea that Mirage was doing this under duress to the others around her. Maybe hte agents would correct him and state it was her idea and so forth, but he had to try getting a bunch of naive wide eyed idealists from goign villain hunting. "Do you folk need help finding your way to civilization or should i leave?" He picked up the manilla envelope and handed it to one of the agents. "My contract appears to be completed. Contact information is included if there is a followup debriefing needed."

And with all that done he was off to try figuring out where Mirage had gotten off to.