World Tree MUSH

This Iota scene will get a better title later

Character Pose
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant says, "Gao!", a monster is rampaging in the city! Well it more like it walking down the street. It small for a monster a bit over 2 stories high most people are just moving out of the way taking pictures. Which his monster who is wearing a demon like mask that looks like it was bought at a store and a black cape with skull on it! Cause Skulls are cool! Thought the pumpkin style hat the 'monster' is wearing looks really familar! "Gao!"
The police in the town are going nope not dealing with this someone else can! This goes on any longer the monster might start trending!"
    Uni was enjoying a crepe, something she gets to do a bit more often without Noire constantly hovering over her shoulder. The 'roar' gets her attention, and the gunnergirl CPU turns red eyes to peek in that direction. "Uh... huh." she shoves the rest of her treat in her mouth, there wasn't that much left but she gets a look of amazement from some people standing nearby, before she sets off down the street to intercept the monster.

    "Stop this rampage this instant!" she shouts... probably not getting any points for intimidation because she doesn't have any voice projection abilities... she does have a big gun, though.
Serrah Delany
Serrah is not really one for going out during the day, but it means she's active when Vincent isn't, so she's braving the sun beating down on her. She can feel it draining her energy; the obviously-undead punk-girl with the red streak in her hair and the bag of baseballs is looking even more grouchy and irritable than usual.

She furrows her brow at the ... monster. Enunciating each word, she says, "You have got to be kidding me." She hangs back for the moment; she recognizes Uni, and she at the very least has a good track record with fighting things. But that familiarity is prickling at the back of her mind ...
Luke Gray
    Just happens that Luke and his pokemon were doing some sightseeing in the city!. The roar certainly gets his attention, as well as... well, news about a monster!. The young kid goes against hte crowd potentially running away, a young teen flanked by what looks like a guy in a tall pink and black bear costume, and a large, round 'tiger' creature!, the three of them dash to meet the supposed menace.
     A fuzzy red anthro jackal peeks from behind the giant monster, floating through the air with... not a banjo, but a trombone! Playing a tune that might be familiar, but probably not. Maybe.

"Heeeey, buddy. Whatcha doin', huh? Gonna wreck the city? This isn't Tokyo, but you do you, okay?" he calls down to the creature after a little bit, flying lazy circles in the air. Anyone who has ever met him before would easily recognize the scrawny furball as Damian, the half-demon son of Satan. He hasn't been popping up much lately, where's he been? Only he knows...
Diana Bp62412
In a nearby cheap hotel, the noise wakes up a sleepy Diana. She sighs and looks out the window, and notices the commotion. With a sigh, she gets dressed and puts on her kit, then sneaks out of the hotel and onto the street. The clearly futuristic getup likely marks her as an outsider, and she's about to take action when she spies Serrah and comes to a conclusion. "Call of your pet. Now." She sounds like she needed a few more hours of sleep to be properly awake, but is also dead serious.
Demi got word of a monster on the loose, it might be a bio-monster giving people trouble. The android looks up at the threat, it's not scanning as anything that she recognizes. Her attention towards Uni, "I'm not sure if it's capable of understand us, but it is humanoid..." She points her own gun at the creature. "I wonder if it's a natural being or an artifical creation?" Either way Seed would likely be interested in a sample.
Iota Assistant
The 'monster' spots Uni first. "Ah you must be Ranger Black!", the monster nods to herself with approval. "I knew this plan would work!", she totally not paying any attention to Demi right now. 
She hears some music in the backround. "ooh! I got a backround music now too! neat..", she looks at Damian. "I would have like to rampage in Toyko but there booked up for the next six months! ",she sighs. "and I coudn't even get on the waiting list!"
She ohs! "I better introduce myself!"
"I am the Deadly Mysterious Alter Kaiju Battler Doulbe XX!! DRAMATIC POSE!", and she poses dramatically. "I am here to umm... Eat all the ice cream! Yah that sound good!"
"Mwhahahaha! ha ha!"
    "Ranger w---, I'm Uni, the CPU Candidate of Lastation." replies Uni, finally lifting her rifle to sight down the scope at the 'giant' monster. She asides to Demi. "Looks like it can understand us." she says, then racks the slide on her gun to 'chamber' the next 'round'... a little pip on the side shifting from white to yellow. "If you're here to cause trouble, you'll have to get past me first." she lines up her shot, then squeezes the trigger.. A burst of lightning-aspected bolts fly out, aiming to strafe up the monster's center of mass.
     The trombone switches out for a violin, playing itself as it floats behind Damian, who by now is "laying" on his belly and resting his cheeks on his palms. "All the ice cream, huh? That's pretty ambitious, even for someone with a stomach as big as yours."

Then Uni starts shooting the monster, prompting the littlest Satanspawn to call down to her, "Hey! Come on, this guy's practically harmless! Even Japan didn't want him!"
Serrah Delany
Serrah waves. "Oh, Luke!" she says. "Uhh ... and ... oh. Freyna -- or, wait, Demi, right? Uhh ..." She resumes staring up at the monster incredulously.

At least, until Diana makes herself known. Serrah gives her a look which is equal parts exasperated and exhausted. "What in the goddamn hell are you talking about?" she snaps; yeah, she isn't handling lack of sleep very well either. Even aside from the sunlight's energy-drain, she's feeling mildly as though she's getting all the negative parts of being drunk without any of the positive parts.

A pained expression crosses her face as the 'monster' speaks up. "This isn't ... I'm not even sure I can fight it," she says. "This, I mean, look, I hate playing the hero, and this is just ... making me feel it even less."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray manages to spot his 'vampire' friend, he remembers her!, and so does Dynamo, Bewear might not remember her, but since the others are friendly, joins in the waving, moving closer. "Wait... is that a costume?... icecream?" he mumbles staring at the 'small' kaiju. He can't quite react to Umi raising a gun and firing, at least not to try to stop the thunder bullets. "Hey!, don't shoot!." he tries calling, with his electric tiger growling at Umi as well. "Rangers?... like a tv show?" he turns to ask the giant monster.
Diana Bp62412
"That thing." Diana points at the 'monster.' "Isn't that your pet? If not, why else risk going outside during the day, you should be asleep." She theorizes, looking at the monster and its threat. "If you're going to eat all the ice cream, make sure you pay for it." She tries, helpfully. "If you won't, I'm gonna have to be mean about this."
Demi frowns a bit, wondering if Alter Kaiju can even see her. Being short is annoying sometimes. "Yes, most people call me Demi for short." She nods towards Serrah before having a bit concerned look on her face, "Are you ill Serrah, you look rather pale?" She then looks back at the monster, "Ice Cream, you mean the human frozen confectionery? I'm not sure where we would find a bowl that large." She doesn't seem to be a major threat but her size could certainly lead to some destruction.
Iota Assistant
Deadly Mysterious Alter Kaiju Battler Doulbe XX looks a dissapointed at Uni. "What a Uni or a last..", she doesn't get a chance to finish her sentence when she get shot! "ow! hey that stings!", she ahems. "uh. I mean your puny earth weapons don't hurt all all!", thought Double XX(it's too long to type out fully!) does look like the shots are hurting her! Ow.

She looks at Luke! Someone get it! "You know them??? Get them over here! I want to challenge them to a fight!"
Serrah Delany
Serrah shakes her head at Diana. "Because my sire is still looking for me so he can mind-control me with that stupid staff of his," she says, "and skipping ahead while he was asleep seemed like a brilliant idea at the time." She starts to yawn, and hurriedly covers her mouth so that her fangs don't set off the fight-or-flight of every civilian in the area.

She just snorts at Demi's comment. "Still exactly as dead as I was when we met," she says dryly. "The lighting's just better now that it's not raining ... I guess?" And, indeed, if Demi were to scan her again, her vital signs would read as 'dead within the past minutes', just as they had in July. She mostly seems to ignore the ongoing "fight" at the moment, but she does shoot the dollar-store kaiju an irritated look.
     "Sorry, are you a she? It's hard to tell with kaiju sometimes! Don't wanna be insensitive!" Damian returns his attention to the monster again, still playing theme music for it. It's gone from threatening and foreboding to whimsical now though, as the creature is clearly not a Godzilla-level threat. "Wait, I thought you wanted to eat all the ice cream. What's all this about fighting rangers now?"
Diana Bp62412
"You're lucky I'm too tired to be dealing with such a golden opportunity." Diana answers Serrah, glancing towards Demi curiously but not saying another thing. Instead, she pops a cylinder into her futuristic longarm and starts to aim for the monster. "If you want to challenge someone to a duel, do it the old fashioned way, by having your IDA contact theirs."
Luke Gray
Luke Gray just pauses as the 'monster' eagerly asks him about hte rangers, "I mean... I know there is a ranger tv show back at home... but I don't think they are the same rangers... I don't really know if there are actual rangers around." he says, "If you want a fight, you can battle my pokemon maybe?... but outside the city, no need to break anything if we can help it." he says. He seesm relieved the electric rounds didn't do much damage. As he speaks about fighting, the Bewear seems to crack it's knuckles, somehow.
If this version of Demi had met Zio yet, she would be panicing at what Serrah was saying. "You're still showing as recently deceased as you were several months ago, that must be some kind of error." Did she need to debug her systems? She had heard stories about the undead but those were thousands of years old. Iota didn't seem to be a major threat at the moment besides Uni and Diana looked to have it under control.
    Uni frowns a bit, but doesn't fire again. She shifts her stance, racking the slide to rechamber to a different ammo. The pip goes from yellow to red, little flames licking around the barrel opening.
Iota Assistant
Doulbe XX. "Well kaiju always have goals! It's a way to lure out the heroes!", she sighs at Damian. Don't you know anything??", she huhs at Diana. "What's an IDA? Wait I don't even have one of those!!! Do I need one to challenge the Rangers? Did they edit that out??", she sounds a bit confused. She shakes her head at Luke "Nooo I want to fight the Rangers!! I got to get revenge for all the mosnters they beaten up! ", she's starting to sound a bit frustated.
     "Okay, but your motivations are all over the place. Really, you should get an editor for your script." Damian says with a dismissive wave of his hand, tail lazily wagging about. "Don't just come out here with a first draft, you gotta /work/ on it until it's done, otherwise you're just a knockoff with no identity of your own."
Luke Gray
    Luke is not sure what else to say, he just tilts his head to one side, and looks back at Uni, then at Serrah and Diana, rubbing the back of his head, "I don't really know how to call them... don't even know if they are real or just a tv show... can't be sure lately." he says softly, looking around at Serrah, then likely at a person taking more pictures, "Are those... rangers actually... a thing?" he asks softly. It is dumb for him to maybe be unsure of this detail, but he certainly has seen weirder things.
Serrah Delany
Serrah just facepalms at Diana's nonsense. "Slayers," she mutters under her breath. This girl is even worse than Sonia. She just shakes her head at Demi. "I'm undead, remember?" she snaps. "Uggghhhh ..."

She pauses, looking sidelong at Damien at his comments, then peers at the monster, tapping her chin thoughtfully and trying to get her sleep-deprived brain into gear. She just shakes her head at Luke and shrugs. "Don't ask me, I wasn't there long enough to catch up on most pop culture."
Diana Bp62412
"Hunter. Not slayer." Diana corrects, boggling at the lack of knowledge about IDAs. "Your integrated digital assistant, you know, the AI who helps you navigate the web, keep in touch with your contacts, play your music, and so on." She seems completely unaware that this might not be a thing in this world. "Regardless, no rampaging on my watch. Ok. If you keep up with it, I'm going to have to shoot you."
    Uni looks at the others... literally noone else is attacking the big 'monster', so she's standing down... the flames die at the end of the weapon's barrel, and the pip goes white again. "If we find these Rangers for you to fight, will you leave the city in peace?"
"Sorry, I'm not that familar with the undead. It sounds like I should do more research on the subject." Demi's attention turns towards the others "Script? Wait, is this filming for a television program? I found old footage from a pre-Collapse show somewhat like this but it being hundreds of years old it wasn't in the best condition." Demi watches old programs sometimes when working in Nurvus, it was something to pass the time. "Though Rangers could also refer to the Hunter's Guild. They're often hired for various jobs on Motabia."
Iota Assistant
Battler XX oohs at Damian. "So I need to umm. pratice more?", she's not really sure what he's talking about! "Of course there a thing! There on tv all the time beating up monsters! They cheat a lot! They fake getting beaten up then pulls out the magical sword when the kaiju just about to beat them and SLASH BOOM!", she makes some slashing movents in the air. "They don't play fair at all!"
She umms a Diana. "I don't have one of those. I don't even have a Smart-phone.. Thought i don't think there very smart.. why do they keep themsevels in people pockets?"
She ohs and Uni. "Okay that works you find them i'll beat them up!"
     "It sounds like you know what they do, so plan around that. Write your script with the magical sword in mind, rehearse it until you feel ready, and then come out and challenge them. Easy peasy!" Damian nods, drifting along through the air. "Do that, and we'll get the Rangers to come fight you, and it'll be perfect."
Serrah Delany
Serrah shakes her head at Diana. "Some worlds are just, uh, too early in the tech development," she says. "Or they actually aren't universal constants. Like. Did you know that some inhabited worlds don't even have magic?" As if she was saying 'don't even have water'.

She yawns, and hurriedly covers her mouth again. She looks around at the others, then sighs. "Yeah, y'know what, I'm just gonna ... peace out for the rest of the day. G'night, folks!" She does an about-face and starts heading back the way she came.
Diana Bp62412
"I only fought a vampire mage once, it's not something I look forward to repeating. They're scary." Diana answers Serrah, still clearly convinced that how she understands vampires to work is a universal truth. "Anyway, I looked into this, by the early twenty first century primitive IDAs were in widespread availability." She shrugs and puts her gun away, "Anyway. I'm going to have to get some more shut-eye. Keep this from escalating folks." She heads back for her hotel.
Luke Gray
    Luke is a bit lost, it truly sounds like the 'giant' is just talking about a tv show, and no one seems to hint otherwise. He waves Serrah as the vampire decides to slip away, "Take care!" he says, his Bewear sending a wave as well. After his friend leaves, he approaches Uni, the only person around that seems willing to help, having listened to the suggestion. "Wait, how are we going to find them?" he says, thankfully, softly, not quite wanting to broadcast the conversation to the 'kaiju'.
Iota Assistant
Battler XX nods at Damian. "ooh I see. Okay!", she ahems! "I will reteat for now you may have won this time but next time I'll sure to defeat you! Dramtic pose!", she poses dramtically and then walks off the way she came. "mwhahahaha! haha!"

"I shall return!! Dun dun dun!"
    Uni asides to Luke. "I don't know, but we'll figure it out, somehow." she says, dismissing her weapon and folding her arms.
"Magic isn't common where I'm from." Demi is about to respond to Serrah but it seems like she's already left. "Put in job request possibly, do other worlds have places for that?" Demi hasn't had much of a chance to travel through the World Tree. "We would need to figure out when she's coming back though for that."