World Tree MUSH

Night City Snacks!

Character Pose

It was certainly a lot to get used to, and yet for Adora it was actually -nicer- than where she'd grown up. Being raised among the 'Evil Horde' didn't really tend to suggest wholesome upbringings. Still, the blonde was out seeing the sights as had been suggested to her, getting the lay of the well as anyone who didn't have an ounce of chrome in them cool anyway.

What did that mean? Well, after some walking and exploring she was making a beeline for one of the 'Joe's Diner' buildings.
Justina Thyme
    Beyond Lunar Orbit.

    "Captain, I believe I have sucessfully masked our signature from the locals sensors... They did ping us on the way in but I hopefully fed them enough false data that took us for an errant asteroid or other space debris." Minerva's voice rings clarion through the ship, as Justina herself preps to deploy a landing unit.

    "Set coordinates for the largest city on the facing side, and maintain position for emergency egress. I'm going down to take a look at this version of Centria." The half-elf says before triggering the astral projection rig as the teleport skips the robotic frame down to an alleyway in Night City.

    Surface, Night City back alley.

    Anyone taking a shortcut might run into a seemingly inactive Linear Frame. It's a small one, only about 6'5" tall and without any corporate logos or markings. It doesn't stay inactive for long as the optic set in the center of its head unit springs to life and cycles through magenta, to orange to a pale teal then settles on green as it starts to look around. It's motions are much more organic than one might expect from a robot.

    "Facinating/, I am detecting a large magical signature... it's moving and appears to be unique. Moving to investigate." The unit transmits to her ship then starts walking as if it belongs, its mass seemingly much less than its size might indicate, with the lack of ground shaking footfalls.
    Ah, Joe's Diner. A quaint and traditional little place that serves both tourists and the working class in Night City. Though the food in Night City, as a whole, leaves much to be... Desired... At least Joe's Diner does a good job of making what they work with somewhat palatable. It's a place where gang activity is actually highly discouraged by the regulars, who enjoy the peace and in typical Night City fashion are willing to get violent to preserve said peace.
    Rebecca is... Actually already in the diner, wolfing down pancakes. Now, regardless of what time it is and what these 'pancakes' are actually made of, does not matter. Any time is pancake time.
    It's when her enhanced eyes catch sight of motion out the window that she peers over.
    Oh hey it's..." Well Adora is a familiar face at least. Though she hasn't quite spotted the machine noticeably lacking any corpo logos on it just yet.
    Wandering Night City is always a trip. All kinds of weirdness to look down upon and catch a good laugh or deserving peeps to harass for fun or profit. Though even that quickly loses it's luster, especially under the glare of the evening sun. So, Marceline seeks some semblance of shelter to wait out the last while of sunlight.

    So, she by total accident stumbles upon Joe's! Right around the same time Adora is doing so as well.

    Dressed in a wide brimmed hat, sunglasses, a loose puff jacket and leggings with bright red Night City synthetic chucks.

    "Oh hey blondie. What's the rush?" She drops down to float alongside the girl, tipping her head to keep the shadow from her hat covering as much of her as possible.
 Adora was...Adora, even if Rebecca had been introduced to her as the giant sword-wielding amazon that is She-Ra. Still, she had been seen changing back, meaning that she should be recognizable to Rebecca who she lifts a hand lightly. 

"Adora," she offers in repeated introduction before blinking a little. She hadn't actually been properly been introduced to the gunslinger Gremlin.

The sudden thumping of the robotic steps however? That does make her blink and look over her shoulder. She'd spent plenty of her life getting suddenly ambushed by robots after all!

Oh! There's a Marcy, Adora blinks, stepping to let the vampire step through the door with her. "I was getting the lay of the land. The city is...Kinda big! Now I was kinda hungry."
Justina Thyme
    Whirr-ckunk, whirr-ckunk. The Doll comes walking up and stops a respectful distance from Adora, Marcy and the diner. It has no visible weapons, but that optic is locked onto Adora like a predators glare. The weird thing for the locals is this bot doesn't have /any/ wireless signal. No presense on the Net. It's like a Black Box. "Your sword... it is a magical artefact, yes? May I inspect it? the voice coming out of the frame is... young sounding, feminine and definitely not what one would install on a war-bot to intimidate an enemy.
    Scarfing the last of her pancakes and paying her bill, Rebecca scootches her way out of her seat and out to meet Adora and her quickly gathering entourage- of whom she recognizes Marceline.
    "Yo yo yo." She greets, folding her mechanical mitts together behind her head. "Didn't expect to run into you Bennies today." She says.
    "For the record the pancakes are to die for." She says, "Also keep your iron on a leash because Joe's crowd will end you if you so much as make a lick of trouble in there." She says jerking a big metal thumb at the diner.
    "I'm Rebecca. Just your local edgerunner and solo around these parts." That's her official introduction to Adora after the Maelstrom fiasco.
    "Marcy might like the big bottles of ketchup they've got in there, too." Pause. "They're. You know. Red."
    But then her attention is on Justina, the diminutive solo leeeeaaans to one side to curiously inspect the talking doll.
    "Yeah? I've had plenty of time to scope the scene her eand I still only know my way around from above. Kinda crazy how dense this place is, yeah." She could spent decades exploring and still end up lost from time to time, she thinks. Huh.

    The noise of a robot approaching doesn't really register until it speaks up. She turns to look and frowns at the thing, not really sure what to make of what she's seeing. A fully botted out person? She pushes her sunglasses into place and just hovers alongside Adora, mouth flat and expressionless and showing a slight fangy overbite. "Yo, what? How you gonna just roll up asking people for their stuff, dude?"

    Rebecca gets a quick glance and a nod and she drifts just a bit closer to the diner. "Ketchup? Wow, huh... Might give it a shot here. Last time I had any tomatoes I had mad lucid dreams. Not sure how I feel about it but hey. Anyway, you know this metal peep, Becca?"

    She briefly considsers adding her own name to the introductions but no, best wait. The robot needs attending to before she goes on with all that.
 Rebecca! Adora nods, commiting the name to memory before the robot approaches her, leaning forward a moment to squint for a second. Eerily familier after all, maybe it reminded her of Entrapta? Either way, the blonde woman straightens up and slowly waves a hand, the sword itself disappearing...and reappearing as a bracer wrapped around her left arm. 

She didn't want to draw the thing and immediately disregard the Solo's advice, but she does lift the limb out to the robot. "Uh...sure..."

Who knows if anyone could understand magic or 'First one's tech' around here.

Back to Becca and she frowns, tilting her head. "They don't look like cakes but...I'll try some?"

As for Marcy, Adora tilts her head. "So you just"
Justina Thyme
    Rebecca gets a 'glance' from that singular optic. Only discernable from the clear shift of its attention from Adora to the solo, then just as quickly back again. Nothing about the mechanical being changes, no visual shift. Just the 'feeling' of its attention shifting focus.

    When Adora holds up the now-bracer, a soft sound escapes the robotic form, and a 'scanning beam' emits from the optic. "Facinating... a near perfect melting of magical linework and technological circuitry, on par with if not more advanced than Alliance technology. Tell me, where did you get this device? Are there more like it?" Not quite as energetic as Entrapta, but the same earnest enthusiasm about technology is there in this 'girl's voice.

    Marceline, for her part gets a tilted head unit. "I did not ask for it. I asked to scan it. Taking other peoples belongings is not polite nor is it acceptable to the Contact code."
    Marceline pulls a face at that protest. "Yeah huh. Inspect, scan, take, confiscate. Heard it all before, dude." She's not all militantly up in arms about the query. Maybe the forwardness? Just rubs her the wrong way and she'd be hard pressed to explain herself.

    "So you just show up in places just to peep into people's biz? Man. Reminds me a lot of someone I know. Bet she'd love to take someone like you apart." Though she knows she'd never hear the end of it if she pulled a stunt like breaking someone's robot to haul off and- Yeah, nah. She's gonna just be cool and kick back, though at least the sun is sliding out of view thanks to the landscape of skyscrapers all about.

    "Later, Becca. Send me a note if anything spicy comes up!"

    Adora gets her focus now. "Uh... Well. I can drink blood too but, y'know. Not super socially acceptable most times and, really, I prefer not to bite into anything that can scream if it doesn't deserve it. Y'know?"
 "Oh...well that's nice..." Adora offers. What can really one say to the vampiress explaining her alternative feeding lifestyle. "I guess some people would be creeped out and...Oh, I should order!" 

Masterful dodge Adora! Still as she places her request Justina's question brings a blink and a nervous laugh. "That's uh...super complicated."
Justina Thyme
    "Matters of magitech often are." replies the spirit-in-a-tin-can. She remains outside, the locals giving her robotic frame wary looks. It does look like some kind of battle robot, and is probably getting air-scanned by Arasaka or Militech drones. "I am Captain Justina Thyme, Centrian Expeditionary Force." she offers by way of introduction.
    Marceline offers a laugh in response to Adora, "Nah man, anything red will do. Don't worry though; I'd only bite you if you said please! Though yeah, I guess it is a bit creepy huh?"

    "Yo, the robot's cool. She...? Is with us. Sorry if I got that wrong." She tosses a hand in an apologetic half-shrug to Justina's proxy bot, then pats at one of her cheeks. "Think I'll just get some fries. Like, so I can go ham on the ketchup and only seem a little weird." Saying nothing of the mess she'll leave.

    "Marceline the Vampire Queen. Marceline is fine, so's Marcy if I wind up likin' ya."
 "Queen? Wow..." Adora offers, her attention shifting back to the robot introducing herself as Justina. "Oh uh...Adora..." 

No titles, she wasn't quite declaring herself as She-Ra or the princess of power right this moment.

Besides, pancakes!