World Tree MUSH

Questions in Cornwall

Character Pose
    Cornwall Connecticut is a small but thriving little town in the foothills o the Berkshire Mountains in Litchfield County... With a population of about 1,560 people it's definitely got that small town America vibe and proudly calls itself the 'Greenest Town in Connecticut'.
    Being a small town, the people are friendly and welcoming even to outsiders so long as they don't cause problems, and CASSANDRA NETHERLAND doesn't seem like the type to cause problems.
    The girl has found a small hole in the wall cafe and diner to meet in, and has picked herself the brightest window table facing the sun as she nurses a cup of tea and waits. People wanted to see her, so here she is.
Itana el-Zayl
Itana hasn't seen a single wall of corn since she got here. She has no idea why outworld people name places things that aren't true. At least they should've called this place Coldbody Woods or something.

Actually going into town changed things for her. She took a bit longer to join the group. When she does, she's switched out her usual light draperies. "I don't like this," she mutters as she plucks at the open blue and white zip-up hoodie she's wearing. It's draped over a short tank top that exposes her midriff and a pair of jeans.

The hood wasn't negotiable. Itana likes hoods.

The quiet girl by the window isn't hard to spot. Itana moves over with a simple nod before settling into a chair, immediately crossing a leg over the other and folding her hands. Quiet eyes search Cassandra's face and posture for any answers she might glean before the questions are even asked.

"How are you feeling?" she asks simply.
    The bright and sunny side of this place isn't so bad actually. Dante isn't one to question the names of things. Names often don't make a lot of sense. There's a town named Fucking, for pity's sake, and another called Hell.

    Surprisingly, Dante's never been to either place. No work there.

    He shows up with jeans and trainers, as well as a Nirvana tee that's seen better days and a red hoodie, looking rather presentable for a nice day out.

    It doesn't take long before Dante spies Cassandra and Itana, and strides on over. "Yo." He makes himself comfortable in a seat and orders up a coffee. "So what was with the secrecy about what you can do before?" He cuts right to it, then.
Justina Thyme
    A slender robotic frame walks into the cafe. It's far smaller than the combat frame from the previous day. It's also much quieter than the lumbering Doll.

    It makes its way through to where Cassandra is sitting. "The Captain couldn't attend. I am Minerva, her first officer and ship AI." comes an older, motherly feminine voice, with a clearly synthesized edge to it.

    The Ra-Doll nods to Dante, and keeps a respectful distance from Itana.
    Itana's arrival earns something of an owlish blink from the blonde by the window. Perhaps she had been expecting to see the woman in the outfit she had been in before; the light and fluttering garb of a deser nomad. But Cassandra clears her throat softly when Itana joins her, shortly followed by Dante's arrival and the robot that walks through the door.
    "Oh." She says at first, pursing her lips. "I should be the one asking you that question after the coyote attack." She points out. "You *are* unharmed, yes?" She asks, apparently wanting to be absolutely sure Itana wasn't harmed.
    But then Dante cuts to the quick and the girl coughs softly amid a sip of tea.
    "Hello, Minerva." She does say to the AI piloting the doll, giving it a bit of a quizzical look for a moment before she sighs.
    "I am under express orders to not reveal what I can do unless it is absolutely necessary." She explains. "Especially around locals from this world."
    "Okay, so you're working for someone. I think I can guess." Dante says with a crooked smile, pointing right up to the sky as he kicks back comfortably. Minerva gets a wave.

    "Ooh, Siri's joined the space navy. Fun."
Itana el-Zayl
The sunshine helps. It's at least not soul-cuttingly frigid, like it was amidst the foundation stones. Itana doesn't do well in the cold.

She nods to Dante simply. The Ra-Doll gets a glance but she can't figure out what an AI is or if it has a soul, so she just exhales slowly before turning her gaze back to Cassandra. "I'm fine," she assures, moving her hand up to her shoulder. "Thank you."

The girl is less than forthcoming about what she is and what she can do. Itana knits her brows slightly before glancing towards Dante, considering.

"I don't want to force you to do anything you do not want to do." Her voice is quieter as she turns her gaze to Castiel again, the sternness in her expression abating somewhat. "You can probably tell that I am not of this world. But if there is some sort of danger in that village that threatens these people, I would like to try and contain or prevent it. It is... easier for me to do that if I understand more about what is really going on here." She inclines her head. "About who you are. What caused the chill in those foundation stones. What evil force exists there."
Justina Thyme
    "We only need to know what we're up against." offers Minerva diplomatically. "Who you are, and who you work for is a secondary concern at best." The doll remains static. Clearly under control of a non-organic consciousness... though the question of if Minerva has a soul or not is one for the philosophers.
    Again Cassandra clears her throat as Dante goes and points up with that big doofy grin.
    "Ah... I'm... From the north." She eventually relents. "... The far north." She huffs, flustering for a beat as the others settle in.
    "Can I get you anything? I have some money." She notes- so it looks like she's willing to spot for Dante's coffee and anything that Itana might like. There is a quizzical look to the Minerva-piloted doll on that note. It would be interesting to see if the AI orders anything for herself.
    But then she sighs, head hanging.
    "The whole reason I am here is to make sure these people do not come to harm." She says at first before Itana and Minerva manage to suss more out of her.
    "I suppose I should be honest then. My name is not Cassandra Netherland." The girl says, brushing some hair out of her eyes. "We are up against likely a demon or devil, a powerful one that was sealed there long ago. A creature as cunning as it is brutal and cruel, and responsible for many deaths. And if it escaped, then the clear and present threat of danger means I- we will have to act soon and fast to capture and re-bind it or destroy it."
    "My name is Castiel. I was sent here with brother Ramiel and sister Zeruel to deal with this issue, but they disappeared within days of our arrival and I... I didn't know what to do all on my own and..." She trails off helplessly, fidgeting in her seat, clearly axious about the whole situation.
Itana el-Zayl
Itana does not grin.

Coffee invitations are made. "Black, please. With a shake of cardamom." Not usual around here, perhaps, but Itana likes coffee in particular ways.

The girl's name is not Cassandra. Itana is not that surprised, but it's not the first time someone has used an alias. The archer folds her hands together and purses her lips, nodding slowly in recognition. "...and you need help," she fills in the blank.

After a moment's pause, she reaches out, slowly. She moves to lay long-fingered hands over the back of one of the little blonde angel's.

"...Can your demons be defeated with human weapons?" she asks, voice quiet as she makes to give that hand a small squeeze. "If so, then I can help you. I do not know where your siblings are, but if time is against us, then I will not leave you to face this demon alone."
    Dante looks at Castiel for a long moment. Before he bursts into laughter. "An angel? You're kiddin' me. Oh man, I've met and killed a LOT of demons in my time, but I ain't heard anything from the Heavenly Host until today! It's weird, right? Bet you clocked me from the word go." Coffee is sipped, and he gives Castiel a huge grin.

    "My daddy was Sparda, THAT Sparda. The Legendary Dark Knight himself who fought his own kin because he believed in humanity that much. I'll tell you a secret; He did it for love."
Hyouka Kiyama
    A hand rests on Castiel's shoulder.

    A surprisingly warm hand - at least, surprisingly to anyone who knows how artificial it is.

    "And you have people willing to help you." The voice is equally warm; probably less of a surprise, to those who know Hyouka Kiyama.

    She's a former office worker; a burnout who turned to adventuring pretty much on a lark, after having a request for anything thrust in her lap. She's usually most concerned with how exciting or interesting an adventure she can go on. But she's always had an almost motherly soft spot, and Castiel's worries seem to have struck a particular chord with the cyborg; she gives the girl a gentle squeeze on the shoulder, then lets go.

    "I may not look like too terribly much. Other than a very attractive and mature elf, anyway," she adds, a touch of pride in her voice. "But my body's entirely artificial, and the power core is designed to mimic a dragon's heart. If you need a demon punched, I'm pretty sure I can help too."

    The faux elf grins, already pulling herself up a chair that nobody seems to have been using.
    Man if there's any way to make the poor girl fluster, it would be Dante; as Castiel brings a finger to her lips and looks pleading. "N-not so loud!" She hisses, flailing gently for a beat before she calms herself.
    "... Sparda? THAT Sparda? I knew you were a cambion from the moment I laid eyes on you but *that* Sparda, truly?"
    Seems like word gets around the Tree.
    But Itana's hand upon hers, and Hyouka's on her shoulder quell the girl's fears rapidly. Blue eyes squeeze closed tightly for a moment. Before her brow furrows.
    "But... You are an attractive elf?" She muses, stating the objective truth rather than personal feelings there.
    Nevertheless, she shifts in her seat somewhat.
    "If... If it has taken on a physical body it can be defeated. But we'll likely possibly be relying on the Dunwich witch to re-seal if if we can't destroy it completely." She explains before pausing.
    "I am not a fighter." Noted very honestly after that. "My skills are those of protection and healing. I will be relying heavily on you all for this."
Justina Thyme
    "Captain Thyme is a powerful battlemage, and our Doll frames are built for combat. You have our blades." states Minerva evenly.
Itana el-Zayl
Itana lifts her eyes to take stock of Hyouka. Her eyebrows come up ever so slightly as she explains what her body actually is. She draws a slow breath and then lets it out.

She gives Castiel's hand a little squeeze before dipping her head slightly. "The witch will do what she needs to do. You have others who are willing to aid you, too. You will not have to face this problem alone."

Drawing her hands away, the archer folds them atop the table. Her expression has eased noticeably, though she's not /quite/ smiling. "Do what you can. Leave the rest to those who support you."
Hyouka Kiyama
    The question actually draws some amusement from Hyouka. "Oh no, I'm quite human. But I look like an attractive elf. It's a long story." She settles into her chair a bit more comfortably. "What's important is, if this body's good for anything, it's good for combat. It runs on mana, and I've got plenty of that to use. I'm very sturdy, and pretty darned strong on top of that. Plus, I can equip myself to do elemental damage." She holds up her right hand, wiggling her fingers. "I currently have a fire crystal installed, since I thought I might be dealing with undead or spirits. But I can also do water, air, earth, lightning, or ice. As long as I know in advance, anyway."
    Dante does stop laughing, but he's still amused as he knocks back coffee. Ordering up some scones, he quirks an eyebrow. "Oho, you a fan then?" He will cop to being a cambion, Castiel isn't a fool. "Guilty as charged. My mom was a witch, and she made a deal with the devil that worked out pretty well. My old man and Mundus were old, old enemies. Hated each other, so he accepted in exchange for lordship of part of the world."

    Once scones were delivered, Dante munches on one and he glances up at Hyouka, unphased by her arrival. "And for the record, you make a smokin' hot elf." Wink.
    A robot piloting battlemage, an archer, a cyborg elf, and a legendary cambion.
    All in all, not a bad haul of a party the angel could have pulled.
    "I-I would not call myself a fan, I was just surprised was all." Castiel admits, but then heaves a sigh of relief.
    "... I am glad you are all so willing to help, though." She murmurs, eyes falling half-lidded for a beat.
    "I will do everything in my power to make sure no one comes to harm when we face this demon." She says.
    Before she kind of trails off again.
    "... Smoking hot?"
    Is Dante always like this?
    Yes. Yes he is.
    But she doesn't know that.
Itana el-Zayl
Itana el-Zayl, bog-standard human, picks up her coffee and conceals her expression behind a sip. Other worlds are weird.

"I see you rarely miss a chance," she murmurs with a sidelong glance at Dante.

Then it's back to the little blonde angel. Her expression is, for just a moment, broken by a small curve of a smile. It reaches her eyes more than her lips. It's an unusually gentle expression for her, and it lasts only a couple of seconds before fading, disappearing behind another sip of coffee.

"...Then it's decided. We will go when you are prepared for us."
Hyouka Kiyama
    Hyouka gives Dante a level stare, tinged with amusement. "Appreciated, but that would be an HR complaint at my old workplace, you know. Now, if you have a twin sister, maybe." She seems to have ordered a coffee as well, at some point, because it's placed before her, and she takes it up casually to drink.
    Dante matches that stare before he chuckles. "Ah, fair 'nuff but unfortunately no. All I got's a brother and he's a real pain in the ass. You'd haaaate him." He says as he takes another bite out of a scone.

    "Sometimes." Dante says to Itana with a cheeky grin. "Look, I'm a simple guy. I see pretty people, I notice, but look respectfully."

    He's not even staring at Itana's abs, even if they're AMAZING.

    As his attention turns to Castiel, Dante nods as his tone gets a bit more serious. "I know you got little reason to trust me, but we're on the same side. See bad guys, kill bad guys. Simple as that. Hell, I'll do it pro-bono unless Heaven's got a wicked war chest I can pinch from."
    "HR complaint?" Apparently the heavenly host doesn't have this kind of issue as Castiel boggles or a beat longer. But Itana's smile is heartening for other reasons.
    "It is not that I do not trust you I just..." Pause... "Well I don't have... That."
    Nope. She doesn't have access to a single dime beyond the small amount given to her to survive in the mortal realm for what was probably supposed to just be a short while. Oh dear.
    "Sunday. We will go back Sunday. At night, when it is most likely to be out hunting."