World Tree MUSH

Chimera Trouble

Character Pose
Iota Assistant
The area is buslting with people milling about and stalls are set up trying to sell there wares. At this open air market you can pretty well find anything to by, from food to clothing to other things that might get you arrested. People can be heard shouting try to hawk there wears and making deals. Thought one odd looking girl wearing bandages and a hat that looks like a halloween pumkin is pushing her way thought the crowd, she glaces backwards once and a while while she tries to make her way throught the crowd.
Mirage Mouse
Mouse had only been around Eden a few times--generally she wasn't too terribly interested with the place. She had seen that little green-haired girl there before, she was cute--but otherwise, the tech-level of the place didn't exactly impress her. It would probably be nice as a place to head to when the heat was on, course--which was why she had generally avoided causing trouble there.

One benefit of it however is that while hanging around she didn't need to use a disguise, really--but it was sort of cold, so she was wearing a longcoat over her regular jumpsuit and boots. Her tail could be seen lilting about from beneath the back hem of the long jacket. She reached up and flicked her visor up and off, allowing it to rest over her brow and hair. She got a few stares for the big ears and fur, likely--but eh, it was a small price.

"It's like no one's ever seen a mouse person before," she grinned.
    It's been a while since a certain gabumon wandered around other worlds, and it was due time for him to just explore!. He is usually curious about other areas, even if they might not be impressive in general. The fox pelt wearing creature tries to avoid drawing much attention, , clinging to his coat for warmth, and peeking around the various stands, doing his best to seem friendly and harmless.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko has never seen a mouse person before, but he has seen some weird things lately, so Mirage gets no panic. Just a little curious, really. He's rubbing his arms as he walks, but his kimono is surprisingly warm for some reason. It surprises even him.

    Spotting Bewul makes him relax a little in this bustling area, and the boy perks up and makes his way toward Bewul, trying to take note of anything unusual like... well, awesome hats.
Iota Assistant
"oopps. paron me. I'm just coming through. Don't mind me..", the banage wearing girl says as she makes her way throught the crowd. Suddenly a loud inhuman roar echo across the marketplace, overhead of all the voices in the marketplace. Something is coming. 

"Ohh. It's caught up.. Not good."
Mirage Mouse
Someone else with a fur coat is not too hard to miss putzing around the Eden marketplace, it would appear--as Bewul has already gotten Mirage's attention.

"Oh hey there, sorry about the last time hon--I kind of blew you off at Miwa's concert, I realize--what're you doing here?" she strides up to Bewul, after having noticed the vulpine pelt wearing digimon.

"I see you've found a friend here, I'm Mirage," she bows her head to Yahiko.

It is at this point he loud inhuman roar is heard--Mirage at first thinks it's some kind of pack animal or the like that's gotten out of hand, perhaps--though she's suspicious--raising her hands to her temples to begin scouting out via psychic probe to the people nearer to the sound--trying to figure out what it is!
Bewul somehow manages to make the ears of hsi fox pelt 'perk up' when he spots someone approaching, the lizard raising one arm and wagging his tail. He is always happy to meet people!. He seems to perk up further when he spots Mirage as well!, seemingly feeling a bit less nervous around the psychic mouse, and wanting to offer a friendly greeting as well. "I was just exploring!" he says softly, "It's fine.. I was still a bit nervous about... what happened with Ash." That friendly walk and conversation pauses as the roar echoes around the busy marketplace, his fur standing on end, "That can't be a good sign." he mumbles outloud. Yahiko seems to be a warrior type, and he knows MIrage can defend herself, so he is quickly to finish his approach, "Did you hear that?" he asks outloud to either of them, before glancing around for signs of the source of that noise. For a moment, Yahiko and Mirage might swear the russet fox fur turned blue, before returning to normal.
Yahiko Myojin
    In truth, Yahiko doesn't know Bewul well /at all/, but any familiar face is better than none. "Well, an acquaintance, really," he admits, waving to Bewul as he approaches. Or at least, he lifts his hand. It's probably a wave. His other hand is behind his head, rubbing sheepishly because he doesn't know Bewul's name. "Hey, I-"

    Then the roar. Oh dear. "No, that doesn't sound good at all..." he admits. "I'd better see what's going on." Reasonable enough. The boy is already weaving through the crowd, trying to put his experience as a pickpocket to good use in not bumping into too many.
Iota Assistant
The roar is heard again much closer this time as one of stalls at the far end of the market is knocked over! This animal if you call it that a larger than a bear, with a head a lion or some other type of wild cat, a long tail with a pointed tip on the end. Peice of metal can be seen exposed throught it striped skin. It let out another loud roar and start lumbering foward mowing down anyone anything that get it way. Everyone is panking and running away trying not to get caught up in the creatures path.
Mirage Mouse
<It's okay, I'm a psionic, don't you know--and when you go into people's heads you can see some weird things, so be prepared!> Mirage shoots back to Bewul via telepathy, which is handy since she's not even facing the Digimon now, she's actually facing toward the crowd and concentrating with her fingers pressed into her temples, trying to pick up on information from the people in it.

<Boy with the sword, you best keep it at the ready,> Mirage also speaks into Yahiko's mind, should she not meet resistance.

Mirage blinks as the sound is much, much closer--apparently some kind of rampaging animal. Despite her telepathic ability allowing her to speak to Bewul and Yahiko in far less time it would take to speak words normally--she's only able to grasp an image of a huge bear as it barrels out of the crowd toward them.

"Woah--" she attempts to roll out of the way, catching sight of the pumpkin-hatted girl in the process. Who the heck was that?! Did this place have Halloween? And did it come during summer??
Bewul is not surprised when Mirage speaks to his mind like that, instead focusing on Yahiko, and glancing in the direction of the conmotion, growling softly, "I hope we chat after this trouble is over." he tells Yahiko, watching him rush ahead, adn deciding to follow. There is a rather bright flash of light, as the small fox pelt wearing creature is replaced by a tall (taller than an adult)... fox might be the closest term, even if this creature had limbs that seem a bit too long, and seem fully covered in... leather belts? so weird. That and a very long snout, and claws!. The creature growls in the direction of the trouble and dashes after Yahiko, moving gracefully between the people, even just jumping around, and greeting the rushing hybrid with a loud snarl, his attention on the weird beast.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko flinches at the mental voice, but he isn't really resisting. Mouse can get through to him rather easily. "Yeah," he mutters, agreeing, but he doesn't draw the metal sword. It's the wooden shinai in his hands while he tries to figure out... why the weird girl is dashing past him.

    Well that is answered quick. "WOAH!" The strange beast tramples through, and Yahiko is forced to dive aside as well! He doesn't make that his only action, though. Whipping about, he jabs the beast in the flank, trying to catch its attention toward... himself. Oh, this might not be the best idea. Hopefully Bewul is rushing for backup, yeah?
Iota Assistant
The bear-thing doesn't pay any attention to Bewul as he get closer.
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant says, "Stay away you won't be able to stop it!", the pumkin hat wearing girl says. The bear creature turns it head to look at her. Her legs start to shake as she relizes she made a large mistake.. "t-that really wansn't a good idea..", The bear starts to rush at the pumkin-hatted girl.."
Mirage Mouse
Mirage can sense the flash of light as Bewul digivolves behind her--but she doesn't immediately look back--she's too busy not trying to get trampled and eaten by bear.

"Did someone let it free of a circus!?" Mirage realized she was probably asking a stupid question, there was wooded areas around here--maybe someone captured it and it got free, or maybe it got terrified after running into the town? Didn't this place have walls??

"Not sure it's scared of a fox or a little boy!" Mirage cautions to Bewul and Yahiko as she pulls herself up, looking over just in time to see it begin to rush toward pumpkin-head, there.

<Stop!> Mirage begins to try to telepathically communicate to the bear and issue it commands--trying to mentally wrestle with it's mind.
Yahiko Myojin
    Well this is already a mess, isn't it? At least it looks that way. "I don't know, but I don't think anyone else wants to ask it!" Yahiko shouts back at Mirage. For now he'll not ask about the mental voices. "Maybe we can drive it off? Or use fire?" Animals are often afraid of fire, right?

    Well if jabbing it with a stick isn't going to work, Yahiko will try the next best thing: running alongside it and leaping to try to grab onto the mane, and haul himself onto the back. That is always a good idea, right?
Bewul is certainly scary, as far as a fox taller than a person, it should at least get attention from the creature. It is certainly odd when the monster just seems to outright ignore him, or the attempt to stab it from Yahiko!. He growls loudly, black energy welling in his maw, when Yahiko decides that it might be smart to climb on the beast instead just as he was prepared to blast the monster. He barely manages to aim away from the pair, likely destroying an stand or two at least, and instead charging ahead, "Be careful!" he calls, even as he tries to claw at the chimera's side, making sure to avoid Yahiko.
Iota Assistant
Mirage's mental command make the bear stop! For a second, the only thing on it mind it is target the pumkin hat wearing girl. It seems to be ignoring Yahiko as he climbs onto it back, it really doesn't like that and start running around trying to shake Yahiko off. It roars mabye it pain hard to tell as Bewul claw strike and swat back at the fox person. 

"B-Be careful!", the pumkin wearing girl says. "I-I think it after me.."
Mirage Mouse
The situation has erupted into utter chaos as Bewul fires, apparently busting up a stall and people are still scrambling to get away from the combination of giant bear and giant fox. In lieu of being able to make the giant bear stop with her mental command--Mirage Mouse instead opts to telekinetically pull Iota to her--at least trying to drag her away from the giant beast so that it can't swink a giant paw down on her.

<I can't pacify it--we might need to give it more incentive!> she telepathically speaks to the others, broadcasting her voice.
Yahiko Myojin
    "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea!" Yahiko calls out, as he's now clinging to the beast's back and mostly trying to hang on tightly. He can't even bring his sword to bear easily! "I don't suppose you know of any good spots I can poke to move it! "Maybe the ears?" Climbing up to the ears seems to be a challenge, but tugging one might force it to move.

    "How do people guide horses again? Bits?"
Bewul manages to duck under the swatting claw, getting only a graze of those sharp edges on one ear, adn retaliates with another attempt to slash at the thing, attacking the creature's forepaw with his own claws, hoping to at least distract it. "I don't know!" he replies to the question.
Iota Assistant
Whoooas, as she get pulled towards Mirage Mouse. She looks up at her. "um Hi. Are you one of those Jedi I've heard about??", the bear now is mostly trying it best to shake Yahiko off and roaring could be pain all the roars sounds alike, or it could be more mad now. It takes another swipe at Bewul but having a person on it's back it not helping it trying to hit the fox.
Mirage Mouse
Mirage at first doesn't know what Iota is talking about, blinking at her, though she seems to have pulled the girl to safety, ish. While it is distracted by Yahiko and Bewul, Mirage looks around--trying to find something to use as a weapon--locating a large wooden mallet from a butcher's stall nearby. The large wooden object flies up and attempts to clock the beast over the head--to knock it out. Mirage is of course manipulating the mallet telekinetically--trying to see if she can 'pacify' the bear in another way!
Yahiko Myojin
    That shaking and rough tossing about does finally succeed in forcing Yahiko to tumble off, and with a grunt he slides to his feet and eyes the creature. "Try not to hurt it too badly, we don't know why it's here!" Sure, to catch Iota, whomever that is, but that doesn't mean he wants to kill it!

    Stun it though? When the mallet heads toward it, Yahiko sees his chance. A dash forward heads right for the jaw, his shinai whipping out and jabbing upward to make the impact stronger from above, by jarring it from below.
Iota Assistant
Mirage's mental moving of the mallet mashes the bear in the head, Yahiko Shinai making the impact more forceful The bear roars once then quickly goes silent it bodly slumps falling to the ground. 

The pumkin-hatter girl looks at the creature. "Is it dead?"
Mirage Mouse
"I don't... think so, I think it's stunned," Mirage Mouse picks herself up from underneath a cart of fruit that had fallen over onto her--she grabs an able as it tumbles off into the dirt, and briefly shines it on the edge of her longcoat, before biting into it. This was sort of compulsive thievery the mouse had--though it doesn't seem likely anyone is going to notice it, exactly.

"Are you okay?" Mouse uses her TK to force the cart aside and pull Iota up and onto her feet, as well as walk closer to inspect the bear again.

"Why was it trying to attack you? Did someone... send it after you?" She peers over to Yahiko, and then to Bewul, though he seems to be knocked out too atm.
Iota Assistant
"I-I don't know..", Iota says meekly. "I'm Iota by the way. T-thanks.", she still a bit scared, looking at the bear. It's not moving, then it start to melt. Iota pauses looking at the now metling bear, the shakes her head. She looks over at unconious Bewul. "Is the fox going to be okay?"
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko wanders over, after checking on Bewul. "I think so... I'll make sure he's all right." At least, he starts to, but then the melting bear-creature makes him stare more. "Er..."

    Frowning in worry, he looks at Iota. "Are YOU all right? I'm um... Yahiko Myojin. Myojin is the family name." It's always awkward talking to foreigners, he can never know who is familiar with naming conventions of his homeland.
Mirage Mouse
"Charmed, dear, now how about we... try to do something about this bear before it wakes up?" Mirage then looks over, realizing the bear is melting. "Huh, I guess that bear was self-cleaning and or magical, neat," she blinks, eyes wide.

"Some kind of weird lab experiment, then--you sure you don't know anything about this?" Mirage Mouse looks back at Iota Assistant.

"How come you're dressed like you walked out of the Nightmare before Christmas, by the way?" the mouse grins, teasing Iota.
Iota Assistant
Iota starts to pat herself down checking. "Yes all my body parts are still intact Mister Myojin! I'm good!", she looks at Mirage. "Well sort I thought it might be The Profesor's work but he never made anything that big..", she look a bit confused at Mirage. "What wrong with the way I dress? Why would i have a nightmare at Christmas? ..and what's Christmas?"
Mirage Mouse
"Ehh.. don't worry about it," Mouse grins a little, her ivory buckteeth showing over her lower lip as she flicked her visor back down again. She had been distracted during the giant bear attack, otherwise she would have donned it for the fight.

"The Professor, huh? What kind of Professor is he? What is his field of study? Confectionary?" she peered back at the still melting bear. Gummi bear??

She cast a glance over at Yahiko. "Are you injured?"
Iota Assistant
"biology.", Iota says plainly. The bear has no melted into a pile of goo now. "He made me!", she says proudly and like it the most normal thing in the world, for her it proably is.
Yahiko Myojin
    Yahiko shakes his head. "Bruised and sore, but I think I'm intact..." He pats himself. "I'll be achy in the morning but should be fine. I'm just glad nobody was seriously injured... assuming the fox here is okay."