World Tree MUSH

The Hunt Begins

Character Pose
    It's getting colder lately. It's the middle of September, and therefore almost a third of the way into autumn. People are finally starting to wear jackets when they go outside!

    This is a city like any other. Somewhat lower tech than some are used to, but also higher tech than others are used to - approximately the thurn of the millenium on most Earth-analogue worlds would be the right ballpark.

    In one of the city's parks, there's a vine. The park has turned into something of a welcome area for newcomers as a result, with food stands and information booths. At the center of the park is a large statue dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis.

    And this is where we find our heroes...
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku is here in the park! He's... exercising. He's in green sweatpants and a sweatshirt, with the UA logo on it, and he's jogging around the park. He's got all the sweatbands he could ever need, and he's got a bottle of water in one of his hands. His red shoes thump against the paved path as he makes a circuit constantly around the park. He picked this spot because there's access to a Vine, a portal to other worlds, allowing him to get back home quickly if he really, really needs to. He doesn't want to get caught too off-guard here.

    He seems to be enjoying his day.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Deku is here, in some exercise clothing. He's jogging!
Anna Freeman
Anna decided to drop by this world because it's a lot like her home city of Brighton except that she and Spiral don't need to hide the whole "magical girl" business. Right now, Anna is sitting under a tree, concentrating on infusing herself with her own magical power, and her body flickers with pale blue light.

Spiral is sitting on the ground nearby, watching her intently. "You're doing pretty good!" the golden small catlike creature says.

Anna smiles, and the glow vanishes. "What's my maximum?" she says, in that somewhat androgynous voice of hers.

Spiral says, "I think you're up to ... what, seventy-five percent saturation? You might even be done!" Technically, this isn't Spiral's job. But again, they aren't in Brighton.

Anna nods, and the glow resumes again.
Anna Freeman
>> SUMMARY[Anna Freeman] >> Anna is sitting under a tree, practicing magic with Spiral watching.
Temulin Dotharl
Out from the vine comes a bird. Not a little bird, no a predatory bird big enough to be flying around with a fully armoured knight and packs on its back. It takes off as Temulin looks around, trying to figure out what kind of place she's reached now. She's going especially high, just trying to get a good look at the surrounding environment.
Justine Lawson
    Justine doesn't mind going out and socializing, and that is what she has done. She's found herself in a little bit of a pickle though, because she looks overdressed for the part! Wearing a blouse, a long skirt, and a nice jacket over it, her head is covered with a short-brimmed hat with a set of decorative flowers on it. This has her looking really formal...

    Even though she's dressed for a teenager's night out in her homeworld.

    At least the jacket and the thin pair of gloves hide the cybernetic arms, but it does make her wary of the kinds of food the carts are offering, giving plenty of reason to be watching Deku jog, or Anna practice... sorcery? That's interesting enough even without the large bird coming through.

    Okay, this might be entertaining. The girl adjusts her hat and steps back toward a few trees in the park.
Ash did not know the natural flow of seasons both because of how often he was on terraformed worlds, and just how diffrent the earth of his home was from normal. Why was he here? He had promised Raven he would return at some stage 'soon' but he had to take care of business. Here happened to be part of that business involving a short and yet rather boring bit of courier owrk. For all the talk of how important the thing was in the briefcase he carried there was an amazingly small amount of fuss during the transfer. As it turns out a giant off world unknown factor seemed to scare off most professional thieves.

So with that job done, contacts made, contract fulfilled, and all that? Ash decided to take his warframe for a run, hopping from building to lamp post, to whatever, as he made a game of how long he could stay off the ground.

Eventually he would make his way to the park, perhaps scaring locals, perhaps not. He was obviously armed with bow and sword and obviously... non-standard. However he made no agressive motions as he perched in a tree to watch people doing their normal day to day things. This is something he needed to get better at, being patiant and just watch what went on as opposed to snapping into action.

This was a good tree.
    It is... really oddly cold today.

    Clouds start to gather, slowly at first, before suddenly rolling in at almost unnatural speed - like a storm happening up in the cloud layer but not touching the ground. It's the middle of the day, but the sun barely peeks through the clouds, and the temperature drops considerably. Water in the air is condensing before our heroes' very eyes, causing a light mist to surround the park...

    Everyone but Izuku feels a slight pressure against their minds. An invitation. A blessing. And, should they accept it, they find their clothes transformed into appropriate cold weather gear.

    Many of the bystanders are reacting in obvious confusion and alarm at these strange events - clearly this is not normal.

    The hairs on the back of Deku's neck stand on end.

    "Death is near," comes a voice. A reverberating voice, that fills the entire park. A voice that Justine, at least, may recognise...

    A dark shape suddenly darts from the top of the statue and heads straight for Deku.
>> SUMMARY[Tirsiak] >> Death is near...
Ash tensed at the voice. "Ordis?" Ash twitched inside the somatic pod "What's going on?"

"Unknown," TOrdis shared Ash's concern. Neither knew if thsi was 'normal' for this world. They had seen strange places that were technological, yet infused with magic.

Yet Ash saw something heading for Deku and quickly drew his bow as he lept from the tree he had been relaxing in. Maybe the entity was warning rather than trying to harm, but something about the voice put Ash's hair on end, some primal thing. What he felt was bone deep genetic memory of when humanity was fr from the apex of the animal kingdom.

The bow he drew looked plain. Dark matt material with silver adornments. It was far from his fanciest or most powerful piece of hardware, yet even as he drew the wide headed arrow he enjoyed the feel of it in his hands. It was a good weapon. It was also now being fired at whatever was aiming at Deku.

Then, even before the shot had truely left his bow Ash turned invisible. Smoke billowed where he stood as he ade use of the short window of invisibility to reposition himself. If something out there wanted a fight, well. He had plenty to give.
>> SUMMARY[Ash] >> Ash spotted the thing headed for Deku and took a bow shot at itbefore turning invisible and running.
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku comes to a stop rather abruptly as something rolls over him like raw terror. On reflex, spiderwebbing lines of red form over his skin, and his hands ball up into fists, just in time for that voice to roll over the area. Sparks dance over his skin, and a strange shine comes to his eyes. He searches the area for threats immediately, and then--

    Deku leaps aside, reflexively trying to avoid the oncoming shadow. He moves quickly, much more so than the typical normal human does. He won't be easy prey, because he didn't just try to run away, but instead evade like he's going to engage the foe in combat instead, if he's forced to defend himself.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Deku tries to evade the shape coming at him using Full Cowl.
Temulin Dotharl
Now there are many reasons why someone might proclaim death is near. Temulin knows that much. She also figures that all of them worth caring about mean someone is at risk of death. She gets her bird to circle lower as she draws her blade, and embraces the darkness. She doesn't clad her blade in it yet, nor does it truly leak, but there's an energy around her that wasn't there before. She notices the movement of the dark shape, but doesn't have enough to know yet what to act upon.
Temulin Dotharl
>> SUMMARY[Temulin Dotharl] >> Preparing for trouble.
Justine Lawson
    Death is near, huh? And Justine at first starts to resist the little pressure, but then decides to acquiesce... gaining a heavier jacket and a toque instead of a hat. Goodness. "Now this is interesting. I wonder what he did to draw that attention?"

    Justine... does not leap to attack, but she observes. Observes and tries to get a feel for the emotions of those involved. For defense, all she does is tug a glove down slightly, letting a long, oversized sewing needle spring from under the sleeve, attached with shimmering thread. Now she's armed, but she hasn't made a move yet.
Justine Lawson
>> SUMMARY[Justine Lawson] >> Feeling about with Empathy, readying a needle, but not interfering.
Anna Freeman
Anna blinks a bit. "I think I got it! I got it!" And then ... she stares at her sudden winter clothing. "... This is not the magical costume change I expected," she says flatly.

"Umm ... Anna," Spiral says, looking around worriedly.

And then the voice rings out, and Anna jumps to her feet. She looks around, sees the shadowy figure running towards Deku, and charges forward at superhuman speeds, legs glowing with a pale light like the kind that was surrounding her body a moment ago. Seeing Deku glowing, however, she comes to a screeching halt, nearly tripping over but managing to right herself, and she stays a little ways away, watching from a relatively safe distance.
Anna Freeman
>> SUMMARY[Anna Freeman] >> Unexpected costume change, followed by charging in! Wait no, he can handle himself.
    The shadowy figure launching itself at Deku is suddenly struck by an arrow. The force of the blow even clears some of the mist - that bow is ridiculous - to reveal... a wolf.

    A jet black wolf that appears to be made of shadows.

    There's a split second where it just hangs in the air for a moment... and then the shadowy wolf dissipates.

    "Run," comes a voice from behind Deku, suddenly, as something else lunges out of the mist! It's -actually- Tirsiak this time, the small wolf-deer spirit making a probing lunge for Deku's flank, hands curled in ways that really resemble claws.
>> SUMMARY[Tirsiak] >> Shadow Wolf Clone no Jutsu
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku doesn't run. He whips around, his shoes making a shuffling noise as his stance changes, and a determined frown features on his face... and he simply tries to swat the hand away from him, the force of such would cause quite an impact but not enough to do a ton of harm. Then he'd recoil backward in a quick, hopping step...!

    "Who are you!?" he barks at her, in a panic, because this is some high-level weirdness that he really doesn't want to be the focus of. He isn't nearly strong enough to deal with full-fledged villains, damn it!
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Parry!!!
Ash managed to make it to the cover of the Artemis statue when his invisibility faded. In that time he had slung his bow on hsi back and drew his sword, a long katana-like blade as he surveyed what Decu was doing. His muscles in the somatic pod tensed as he initiated a teleport. He hoped he wasn't blocking anyone's shots by appearing immediaely behind Tirsiak. No words, no one liners, just Pop. Suddenly a warframe was there swinging at what he thought was the wolf-deer-spirit-thing's head.
Temulin Dotharl
There's two conflicting emotions for Temulin. On one hand, there is someone attacking what looks to be a defenseless kid. On the other, she's not getting paid for this. Conclusion: treat this as an opportunity to advertise. The bird flies past and the dark knight leaps downwards, her blade clad in darkness as she lunges towards Tirsiak. "Temulin, of the Dotharl Tribe. Adventurer for hire." She yells.
Temulin Dotharl
>> SUMMARY[Temulin Dotharl] >> Special Dark Knight Technique: Advertizing Plunge
Anna Freeman
Anna gathers her magic into herself, but she still can't get enough of it going at once to transform. And it looks like a bunch of other people are already rushing in who have offensive powers of her own.

So what does Anna do? Rescue the target. She rushes over, and then ... bends forward. "Hey!" she calls out to Deku, her voice becoming a bit more androgynous than it was already. "Climb onto my back, I can get you out of here with my super-speed!"
Anna Freeman
>> SUMMARY[Anna Freeman] >> Anna offers Deku assistance with her Quirk. I mean, uh ...
Justine Lawson
    So it appears Tirsiak attacked Deku, and now some of the local heroes are leaping to his defense. This isn't any of Justine's business... except at how unfair the odds are. Tsk. The girl steps forward as well, but what she says is very different.

    "Interrupting a bit of sport now, are we?" She tugs her hat up enough to look curiously at the fight breaking out. "Awfully unfair of you..."
    The face Deku sees appearing out of the mist is not a murderous grimace or a sadistic smirk, but a wide-eyed grin of utter glee, even as Deku's quick reflexes bat Tirsiak's hand to the side. She swiftly twists her body to follow up with another...

    And then swords. Two of them! She has absolutely no time to dodge Ash's blow, as the space-ninja simply appears directly behind her. Her ears suddenly perk up - and then she's hit on the side of the head with a sword. Rather than cleave her skull in twain, it 'merely' causes her to be lifted off her feet and thrown away several meters - just in time to barely graze Temulin's blade as the knight plunges at her. The darkness does catch her, however, causing her to let out a surprised yelp as it burns into her flesh - much more reaction than she gave Ash's attack!

    The wolf-deer skids across the snow - wait when did it start snowing? - and leaps up onto her feet. Unlike her early giddy grin, her face is now a mask of snarling hate... directed right at Ash and Tamulin. "Do not interfere!" she shrieks, suddenly closing the gap between herself and Ash in an instant and just barelling full bore into him with the speed of a car.

    Temulin meanwhile suddenly gets a face full of shadow-sparrows, which just seem to apparate out of the air spontaneously!
>> GAME >> Tirsiak uses a Free Edge for: I'm not outnumbered, I JUST HAVE MORE TARGETS
Ash had no time to dodge the charge. Inside the somatic pod Ash made a small surprised squeak as his frame attempted to leap over and instead took the attack straight on, getting carried by the spirit's momentum. Within the somatic pod Ash grunte as his chest was telling him something vaguely brick-like just slammed into his chest after being shot out of a cannon.

Yet he still tried swinging at the thing's face. "Murdering random people isn't OK!" He shouted, not knowing if the point would get across, and honstly rather doubting it.

Meanwhile Ordis was phoning local authorities in attempt to have them cordon off the park so nic e juicey potential hostages wouldn't wander into the area.
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku saw the look of glee. It was not comforting, spawning a terrified stare in response. But multiple people come to his rescue, to the point that Tirsiak has to focus on them just to keep up. He takes a few hopping steps back in retreat, and then turns his head to look toward Anna. Well... if she's offering.
    Deku smiles awkwardly, and climbs on Anna's back. His eyes glance aside and he blushes in boyish embarrassment.
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> Deku accepts Anna's offer of help.
Temulin Dotharl
"Do not interfere?" Temulin laughs, it's not a pleasant laugh. It's the laugh of someone who is confident they're about to sincerely enjoy beating someone up. The shadow sparrows in her face stop that laugh, but she begins to cut them down even as they tear away at her. Her armour is good, though not perfect, but she hadn't put down her visor.

So soon enough when she comes out of that mess, her face is not looking great. On the flipside however, there's more power now. Her heart is racing with pain and excitement and the aura of dark energy around her becomes a fine haze like air above a fire, "If you don't want people to interfere, attack people somewhere less crowded. It's stupid to attack prey in the middle of the pack."
Anna Freeman
Anna oofs under Deku's weight; she certainly doesn't have super-*strength*. She grabs onto his arms for balance. "Hi, I'm Anna," she says, managing to bring her voice's pitch back to normal. "I can't transform and fight yet. But with my Windrunner ability ..."

And with that, she runs off towards the nearest edge of the park, legs glowing! She's nowhere near her top speed, but she's definitely much faster than you'd reasonably expect a young woman to be able to run, encumbered by a teenage boy on her back or no. "... I'll just do what I can!"
Justine Lawson
    Oh... Tirsiak seems rather capable, which means Justine doesn't have to engage two heroic sorts with her. But it also means her quarry is getting away. Anna is running off, and Justine lifts her skirts to her knees with a dainty tug... and then dashes off after! Surprisingly fast. She's also tuned for speed, though her top speed is likely less than Anna's.

    But Justine isn't burdened like Anna is. "What did you do to get the attention of a spirit like that?"
    Deku didn't do anything to get Tirsiak's attention. Not really. He just seemed interesting. Young, but not incapable - a challenge but not an insurmountable one. Just the way Tirsiak likes it, really.

    How things are going right NOW is absolutely not how Tirsiak likes it. Humans aren't supposed to fight back! Not to protect each other! They should flee for their lives!

    Ash takes a swing at her. She returns the favour, throwing her hands up to try to catch Ash's sword arm - despite how skinny her arms are there's some incredibly strength behind them - while she lunges her jaw for his neck. It's not... really shaped for biting, but her teeth are sharp, and she is STRONG.

    Temulin isn't given an answer. Tirsiak is far too angry to really make any coherent points.
>> SUMMARY[Tirsiak] >> Distracted by heroes. Run away, Deku Scrub!
Ash felt small girl biting his neck with the sort of strength you only get from grineer in full power armor. Given sensatiosn traveled both ways it felt like she was biting HIS neck, which caused no end of howling. IF Tirsiak could feel emotions she would feel a sort of weird duality from Ash. Two entities both in pain and enraged and yet for diffrent reasons.

Ash let his sword drop, acting as if the spirit-girl-wolf-thing was hurting his arm as he drew a throwing knife from a hip pouch to attempt to knife his attacker between the ribs from behind.
>> SUMMARY[Ash] >> This little hellion-girl is causing Ash enough pain he's wanting to share by violently hugging her with knives.
Izuku Midoriya
    "I don't know!!" Deku replies, "Do you know who the heck that person is!? Wait-- she's a spirit!?" His expression is that of utter befuddlement toward Justine. "I was just jogging out here!" he complains, in that animated way that teenagers are prone to doing, his arm waving about in a gesture to their surroundings. Just the one, so Anna doesn't lose her grip on him.

    "Are they gonna be okay!?"
Izuku Midoriya
>> SUMMARY[Izuku Midoriya] >> I DON'T KNOW D8
Temulin Dotharl
"Don't ignore me." Temulin snarls at Tirsiak, and throws an orb of darkness towards Deku's assailant, rushing in closer with the tip of her sword scraping past the ground before she raises it in an upwards slash, still clad in darkness, "Face me, hunter-child, or I will make you rue this day." She is yelling now, voice full of fury.
Anna Freeman
Anna is mildly startled that someone else is keeping up with her! But, well, there's many worlds, she's encumbered, and so on. "Uhh ..." She tries not to shrug, and keeps running for the edge of the park. "Let's hope so!" she says, in response to Deku's frantic question.

She can't help but smile, though, as she comes to a stop near the edge of the cordon, and gently sets him down. "So ... you have hero-itis like me, huh?" she says softly, watching the fight from a hopefully-safe distance.

Spiral is flying over to them as well, but she has no way to keep up with Anna.
Justine Lawson
    Oh good they're stopping. Justine can only keep up her speed for short bursts, and is actually getting out of breath now. Leaning over, Justine puts her hands on her knees, panting heavily for a few moments. She's an athletic girl, but she isn't like Anna's mystical Windrunner. "Mmf... hero-itis, hmm?" She flicks her head up, flushed, and looks at the both of them.

    "That's a dangerous occupation for the two of you. You're very young." Even though Anna is... older than Justine. "Are you sure you want to be going and doing that?"
    The knife goes into Tirsiak's side like a... like a knife into a little girl's side to be quite honest. It's a weapon of the Hunt. It's not a sword, which is a weapon for killing humans in honourable combat... it's a weapon for killing animals after you've wrestled them to the ground.

    Tirsiak is actually in quite serious danger here.

    She is also incredibly pissed off.

    She rears back, a murderous snarl contorting her face. Right right arm crosses over her chest as she aims an open-palmed strike at Ash's weapon arm - hard enough to potentially break his arm even through the armour - while she wrenches the knife out of her side with her left hand. She draws back her knife-wielding hand...

    And then there's Temulin. She looks up at her for a moment, then leaps off of Ash in a blur of speed to land several yards away. She's sagging slightly to one side, limping, one hand pressed against her wound. "You... magic-knight... you will run, or you will DIE!" She rises up off the ground. It's much easier to levitate than walk when she's injured like this. "I will teach you humility, mortal!"
>> SUMMARY[Tirsiak] >> Tirsiak is done holding back.
Pain. Ash's world was pain as his body was loudly insisting his shoulder had just shattered in spite of the fact he was nicely tucked away in his little climate controleld pod through this entire misadventure.

And yet as soon as his attackerleft he rolled to his feet and the fingers of his warframe's unbroken arm curled around another knife and he started running after Tirsiak. He threw a knife, the another, and another from his hip ouches. He was in blinding agony and yet he continued in spite of his shattered arm and the spirit-girl-wolf-thing having a mouthfull of augmented flesh and blood from the side of his neck.

He wanted to shout something, but his warframe, in spite of having the will to continue, was gravely injured. Warnings flashed across his hud reminding him that he was bleeding out and there was no way to make it stop so long as he continued as he was.

This was dangerous precicely because Ash felt everything his warframe felt, and yet he continued.
Temulin Dotharl
"Try me, fool." Temulin answers Tirsiak, walking up straight towards the spirit and smiling a cruel smile. "I guess they do not know around here that we of the Dotharl tribe do not fear death or injury." She is laughing again, a similar cruel laugh. "But I will gladly make you suffer for the privilege of killing me, if you can even manage that much." In her hubris, she doesn't bother to do than attempt to kick Tirsiak like the spirit was a mangy old dog.
    Tirsiak is floating in the air. Snow is swirling under her, stirred by some ethereal wind. There's an eerie calm about her as she gently bobs up and down in place.

    Ash attacks! Tirsiak barely glances, as a shadowy bunny appears in the air to take the first knife - then a shadowy bear takes two, and a moose takes another three. As the shadowy constructs fade away, knives cluttering to the floor, she hurls the one knife she's holding at the ninja, at speeds comparable to a bullet, aimed right at his heart.

    She then floats slowly towards Temulin. "I am Tirsiak," she says, plainly, her voice reverberating still, all emotion apparently drained. "Die."

    She lunges quickly, claws slicing, while one foot comes up from below to attempt to hook around Temulin's leg. She's trying to get in close, to wrestle the knight to the ground. She's... she's much stronger now.
>> SUMMARY[Tirsiak] >>
Normally dodging such an attack or blocking it wouldn't be a problem. However Ash's warframe was bleeding heavily and suffering from a shattered limb, so Ash himself wasn't working with complete cohrence.

-Transferrence link Severed.-

Ordis killed the connection just before the moment of impact, when it was clear to the cephelon that Ash couldn't get out of the way in time.. "Begining retrieval process." Ordis calmly stated as ash pulled himself from the transferrene pod. Then, much to Ordis's dismay he managed to get into the landing craft just as the ramp raised and detatched.

"Operator Nooooo! Have you lost your mind?!" Ordis wailed in frustration as Ash rode the craft down to retrieve his frame.

The craft moved swiftly and didn't have far to go. As the acess hatch swung to accept the warframe as it was levetated from the ground others in the park could see the ghostly outline of a fighter-plane sized craft shaped much like a stingray. And s the frame lfited a slender teenager fell from the craft and hit the ground with bent nees before slowly walking towards the mess at hand. He carried himself as if he had already been hurt. His right arm hung uselessly and his breathing was erratic. Yet his eyes were focused. Even as Ordis screamed over his earpiece Ash advanced towards Tirsiak.
Temulin Dotharl
There's laughter at Tirsiak's emotionless insistence. That laughter dies when the claws dig through Temulin's armour and she's knocked to the ground. There's clearly pain there. But nonetheless she smirks at Tirsiak as power surges, as her armour and flesh alike become tougher in response to the pain. She lets some of the darkness swell forth, a blast of energy thrown towards Tirsiak while one of her hands lets go of her blade and reaches around to try to grab a hold on Tirsiak. She's bleeding, she's hurt, but she's not making this easy. "Bring it." Her voice is no longer quite as confident, rather than a cruel pride it now has a tone of stubborn defiance.
Anna Freeman
Anna frowns, watching the battle, as Tirsiak keeps *escalating*. "... Should we go in and help?" Once again, magical energy flickers around her. Once again, it has no discernible effect.

Spiral catches up and floats up next to her. "No!" she snaps.
Justine Lawson
    Justine ponders. "I don't think so, you don't seem to be..." She stops and doesn't go on, since how could she explain what she's feeling? "Neither of us are in a condition to interfere with that... and they brought it on themselves, attacking someone with no real reason beyond defending this one."

    She jerks her finger toward Deku. "No offense, but for all we know you could have murdered her parents or something."
    The dark energy actually manages to throw Tirsiak off. Even if she's not holding back any more, she's still TIRED... and as a nature spirit, Temulin's dark magic is actually fairly effective against her.

    She bounces against the ground, skidding to a halt in the snow before struggling back to her feet, then back into the air.

    Okay Tiri focus. Stop throwing yourselves bodily at them. The one with the knives also had a bow, didn't he? Grab it. Shoot her through the heart.

    She turns... and then she spies Ash limping towards her. She stares at him.

    "...What. Are you. Doing."

    She's completely lost now. These mortals are insane.

    "...Prey lost. Hunt over." she says after a few moments, in a disappointed tone. "Home."

    Then she dips down to the ground, placing her unharmed leg against it, before pushing off in a jump up to the head of the Artemis statue, then off of that into the nearby vine.

    The weather immediately begins to clear.
>> SUMMARY[Tirsiak] >> You people are insane screw this I'm going home
Temulin Dotharl
With Tirsiak gone, Temulin falls back and looks almost at Ash. "I need a healer." She says softly as she subdues most her darkness and falls back and unconscious. She's bleeding, and by any reasonable medical evaluation, it would seem like her body is defying death itself. She should not be alive.
Ash saw the girl-spirit of the hunt face him. As with other times he ws personally threatened he stared unflinchingly at the girl. "For once I'm doing the right thing." There was the brief sound of inhalation as hsi body suffused with Void energy as he continued his slow unsteady advance towards Tirsiak. THen beforeh e could do anything with it she fled..

He stood there shaking. His eyes closed as he forced that energy to ground out, to return to the wellspring from whence it cam before he continued towards Temulin. "Temulin!" His voice faltered, "How hurt are you?" He tried flexing the fingers of his right hand. The residual pain faided as hsi body grudgingly accepted the idea it in fact was not suffering from several shattered bones and chunks of his throat torn out.
Anna Freeman
Anna just ... *stares* at Justine. That sudden backpedal wasn't last on her, either.

Well, at least the baddie ran off. She sighs, and dashes over to the group. "Ash!" she says. "Wow, you both look like shit! You all right? Were you connected to that ..." She hesitates, not sure what word to use. She's obviously referring to the warframe.
Ash managed to focus his eyes on Temulin and he started running towards the knight. His own injuries, real or phantom he didn't care anymore, faded into the background. He'd hurt later as he attempted to support Temulin and heer armor. "You... Anna!" His voice rose as he tried to guide the injured knight to the ground. He didn't know much o first aid and the person hurt wasn't even human so he had no idea what to do. "I don't know what to do here... can you..." He swallowed as he forced himself to think. "Is there anything you can do?" 

He could feel the potential there. Somewhere in his bones he knew he could use the energy that coursed through him to mend this woman's injuries. The problem is he didn't know how and he didn't want to risk a blind gamble that as likely would incinerate Temulin or cause all of her wounds to sprout super-cancer or something.

"Notifying emergancy services," Ordis entoned calmly. Then, not so calmly, "You're *DUMBER THAN A SACK OF ROCKS* for dong that Operator... Don't DO that again! Please!"
Anna Freeman
Anna shakes her head. "I don't know, either!" she says. "I ... don't have healing powers. Beyond myself, I mean. And I don't even have those yet."

Spiral floats over. "Those who can heal others are rare enough, we really can't spare them for random offworlders." She looks towards the source of Ordis's voice. "... That said, it's nice to meet someone who feels the same way about their charge that I feel about Anna's antics. Local emergency services called? Excellent."