World Tree MUSH

In which Ash learns WHY Raven has a no-touching rule.

Character Pose
After the hunt had been stopped. After Temulin was carted away by paramedics Ash lay in his the somatic pod in the back of the habitable area of his ship. His body ached, his warframe was literally chewed up in rather important places while his mind was puppeting it about, which is the 'why' of him hurting. However unlike Temulin he physically was uninjured. He knew the dark knight was in bad shape. IN fact now that his mind had cleared he realized it was essentially spite and force of will keeping death from claiming its due.

"Ordis," Ash got out of the somatic chair. With his warframe down all it was to him was a comfortable chair. "Prep the landing craft. THose people can't really help Temulin."

Ordis caused the landing craft to detach from the ship proper as soon as Ash boarded it. The sensation of doing this as himself rather than via his warframe was quite odd in his estimation. "SHe's not human, they can't do more than make her comfortable and stitch her up." He stated, "Raven said she is a healer.... Maybe?"

As the craft entered the planet's atmosphere it homed in not on the park where the fight took place, but the hospitol Temulin had been taken. "It's worth trying." Ordis stated. One constant with all tenno, and multipul iterations of Ordis confirmed this amongst themselves when tenno squads formed for differing missions. They rarely if ever willingly left one of their own behind. Temulin fought with Ash against that nature spirit. THis apparently was good enough for Ash to feel compelled to help.

Convincing the hospitol staff to release the knight had been surprisingly easy once the initial confusion on who Ash was cleared. They literally could do no more for her than they already had without risking makign things worse. Nobody liked it as Ash wheeled the knight out, but nobody made fuss wehn Ash spoke of taking her somewhere that might be able to patch her up. Sure reports assumed Ash was a diffrent person from the warframe he piloted, but those accounts also stated Ash stayed with Temulin until she was with paramedics.

As Ash delt with all this Ordis called Anna's phone on the off chance she was still on this world. It would be a short call, but the cephelon would explain Ash would need a second pair of hands to help physically move Temulin, or in a worst case help restrain her during transport. She would be given an address and Ordis would update those directions as needed until Anna got to the parking lot of the hospitol Temulin had been admitted to where Ash stood beside the bed they wheeled the knight out on. While Ash didn't look as bad as last night, he was very obviously in a foul mood.
Anna Freeman
Anna is mentally kicking herself for forgetting that Raven had healing powers. She boosts over to the hospital at top speed, holding Spiral onto her shoulder with one hand, and stopping just short of committing a few traffic violations in the process. (She's not a 'rules' sort of person, but she is careful about rules which obviously exist for her own safety and that of others around her.)

In short order, she reaches the hospital parking lot, and slows down to a stop as she reaches Ash and Temulin. "Hi! Got there as soon as I could!" she says, letting go of Spiral. "We're gonna want to head to the Mushroom Kingdom, Raven's been staying there!"
Raven was probably meditating. Or doing some such thing, her legs crossed, her hands folded in her lap at a.... strange shape. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos... Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos..."

And then, maybe due to magic. Maybe just a bad feeling. Maybe just any number of things. Heck, maybe she remembered subconsciously that she left something on his ship. It was one of those things they would likely never know.

But when the wounded woman was carried onto the ship... Alarms would likely go off(then be silenced moments later), as the all too familiar caw filled the air.

Raven took only a moment to ascertain the situation... And realize Temulin was in horrible pain. She, as if she had done this a hundred times and knew what she was doing, stepped forward and motioned them to move. "Step aside," she said firmly. She knelt down besides Temulin. Sheesh. So bossy.

Her hands reached out to cup her face. "Azeroth... Metrion... Zinthos..." Raven began, her hands glowing with a light as a bond was formed between the two... It took seconds to form the bond... And they could hear the whimper, the low cry of... pain? From Raven as she started to take the pain from Temulin... the damage... onto herself. There was no physical signs, but the pain tore into her body like a knife and while she was incredibly durable(yay half demon and passive azarathian healing bonus!) it still HURT! A lot! And worst of all? She had to lower all of her shields between her and Temulin to do it... connecting them on a level she NEVER liked being connected to ANYONE.
Ash nodded at Anna, not bothering to tell her he already knew. This was mostly because his lander slowly shimmered into visibility as the access pannel he normally fitted into slide aside and energy beams pulled Temulin off the gurny slowly, followed by energy catching hold of Ash, "It's gonna be a bit cramped."

The ride to Ash's ship was indeed cramped, but otherwise uneventful.

"What the devil is-" Ordis cut himself off as Raven manifested. "Oh," Annoyance was replaced by relief. "Good, that makes this simpler. Temulin is... fairly badly injured and she's far enough off from baseline for locals to do anything."

As soon as the lander docked Ash, with any help from Anna she could give, would carry Temulin into the rest of the ship proper. It's a cramped space, but there was room enough.

Then he watched what Raven was doing. Somehow Ash had gotten behind Raven and foolish or not he put his hands on her to steady the slender girl. He could tell what she was doing hurt, and wasn't thinking what contact might do, just that she needed to be steadied.
Temulin Dotharl
What perhaps aided the hospital's decision to let Ash cart Temulin off was the giant predatory bird watching her room, and insisting on coming with Temulin when they carted her off. Well-behaved, but definitely big. Once Raven gets to her, it may quickly become clear just how bad Temulin is doing. She took wounds that ought to be lethal, and while she's been stabilized, that's just not enough. Still teetering on the edge of death.

And then there's the dreams. Raven can glimpse into them, dreams of a little girl. Barely old enough to walk, leaving a yurt on the steppes, and well-armed warriors with the scars to prove their mettle practicing in the field stopping what they're doing and walking away. Children of varying ages ducking into their yurts. And the girl picking up a stick and swinging it at a pole just because she has no-one to play or practice with.
Anna Freeman
Anna has barely finished speaking when Raven materializes. "... Took the words right out of my mouth," she says in response to Ordis's 'simpler' comment.

And then she and Spiral stay to the side, close Temulin but out of the way. All they can do is wait for a moment, try to stop Temulin from thrashing around if necessary, and ...

Oh no. The instant Ash touches Raven, Anna jumps to her feet and hurries forward (without her super speed) with the intention of pulling him away. "She's an empath! Don't touch her --"
Raven was trying her best to heal the wounds from Temulin. Focusing. The visions were strong... powerful... She saw... The girl's childhood. The girl's care. The loneliness... It wasn't jsut that she saw it. She could feel it... Her healing, unfortunately, wasn't the 'Spend energy to make them go away' type. It was the 'self healing accelerated and draw the pain and suffering of others onto myself' type. Which revolved her lowering her shields for touch. And it was working, the fatal injuries were healing... Reduced to painful, but not fatal. And she smiled.

And then Ash touched her and all hell broke loose. Her mind was left bare and exposed to this new touch and she WASN'T expecting it. The white light shifted and turned black and her eyes went from white to black. And she screamed. She screamed with pain, overwhelmed and...

Erupted. From her body, a raven of darkness arose and exploded out, enveloping all wih the seismic force, likely sending them all flying and doing who knew how much damage to ordis... After a few moments, Raven... Was on the ground, unconscious and smoking slightly. Barely breath. Temulin was likely... Well, not fatally hurt. But still in pain, with new burns, and... who knew what else?

But hey. At least Ash likely learned something.
Ash learned something very important. DO. NOT. TOUCH. THINGS. YOU. DO. NOT. UNDER. STAND.

Ash got flung into the ship's foundery, pinballing off of it to land face first on the ground. his hands were scorched. His head was doing funny not nice things. His mind? Surprisingly he wasn't any dumber than he was before.Probably nto saying much given the present situation.

Ordis was screaming something. Ash couldn't hear. Anna might understand one word in five considering the glitched distortions.

THe ship, blessedly, wasn't actually on fire and ORdis had turned the alarms off the moment they threatenedto start. They seemed to be moving, which would have caught Ash as weird if he were coherent because normally the ship gave no sensation of motion.

Anna Freeman
Anna and Spiral have also been knocked around a bit! Anna pushes herself back into a sitting position, grimacing at new pain. "... ow ..."

Spiral stays flopped over, letting out a groan that sounds more annoyed than pained. Briefly, she turns into a pale starfish-like creature, before changing back into a golden not-a-cat. "Okay, so," she says, "I suddenly have a feeling that Ash is even more like Anna Freeman than I realized, in terms of absolute recklessness and trying to help in ways he probably shouldn't."

Anna grimaces, then looks over to see the status of everyone else. "... Ash? Ash!" She staggers to her feet and rushes over to him as fast as she can. "Ohhhhh crap. This is not good ..."
Temulin Dotharl
Well there is some good news. Temulin wakes up and looks around very carefully. "Thal's Balls." She manages to utter as she observes the chaos, and then lays her head back to rest. Whatever this is, she is in no position to do anything about it right now. "Pray tell me what's going on?" Her voice is weak, but she's refusing to let that stop her talk.
Raven just gave a whimper. That was all she could do. She was in that horrible state of trapped between so much pain she wanted to pass out, but juuuuuust enough pain to keep her conscious. So instead all she could do was whimper as tears went down her cheeks and she tried to get the raging, exploding headache that made her head want to implode under control.

If she could think right now, she might have tried to kill Ash. So it was probably a good thing she was in so much pain right now she could only lay there and cry.
Ash has hurt worse, seeing as he felt everything his warframe felt, and it's been through a lot.

"Ordis?" Ash's voice was weak as he tried to sit up. "How beat up are you?"

"I-I-iiii-I'm FINE!" Ordis snapped. "Making way to the nearest V-v-vine and hping it leads somewhere w-e-ww-wee-e-e can la-and-and-aaand atttt." Well that didnt't sound good. Trueth be told ORdis was actually fine, but he didn't want Ash to know that just yet. So turning down the inertial dampeners and play up his fractured nature to try hammering it home just how stupic that was.

"Understood." Ash managed to look at Raven and drug himself to his feet before trying to pick her up under the armpits in a half carry half drag towards the one chair in the ship. "Complain later," His voice was weak. "You're getting the one soft place to sit til you can decide if you want to kill me or not."
Anna Freeman
Spiral settles next to Temulin. "Raven was trying to heal you, and Ash, in his infinite wisdom, recklessly tried to touch her, and she had a really bad reaction through her empathy," she says.

Anna just looks like she has no idea what to do, right until Ordis starts speaking again. She shakes her head. "We should try to make it to the Mushroom Kingdom, they have enough magic that Peach will probably be able to point us at a good healer!" she says, hurrying to Raven's other side. "Ash, no, don't try to move her like that!" She takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves, and very gently grasps Raven's hand.

She's ... relatively calm, at least. She's worried and concerned for Raven. And she's doing her best to be gentle, just to be a calming presence, not trying to clumsily force the issue or physically move her around.
Raven screamed in pain... And then the four glowing red eyes. "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" she screamed. And then dark energy would envelop both of them, tearing them off her...

And then she began to pinball them around the room. Slamming them like wrecking balls into all of that delicate machinery, likely causing untold damage to the it all. As she just screamed and then the two slammed into each other....

Darkness flowed around her as she screamed, swirling around her and then... in a few moments...

She was gone. Leaving nothing but smoke in her wake.

Whereever she was, she didn't know. But she was alone. She was isolated. And she was screaming as she clutched her head, trying to will the pain, the agony, the flesh tearing into her very SOUL that those stupid idiots had done to her! Her power erupted out, crushing and grinding up anything that dared to get close to her.
Ash was... apparently a very slow learner.

When it was all said and done he lay on the ship's floor. "Ordis?" His voice was muffled and he was very obviously in pain.

"Yes Operator?" Ordis's voice was calm.

"Get Anna in the somatic pod. Help Temulin to my quarters."

Small drones each the size of a dinner plate would attempt to use beams of energy on the two others. It wasn't a very strong sort of pull, but each person would be moved if they didn't resist. the somatic pod was in a room i nthe back of Ash's ship that had a floor covered in what alomost looked like crystaline tree roots surrounding a chair housed inside a shroud that would unfold so Anna could sit inside. Normally this is where Ash piloted his warframes from, but with the frame down for repairs it was just a chair... that happened to have gizmos and other bits and bobs that could tend to the needs of the human body. Ash's quarters had no bed, no sense this is where someone slept or worked at. IT seemed more a place to relaxe and lounge, but along the central display area that was now empty was a wraparound low backed sofa the dark knight would be lain on. It was a comfortable place ot sit as these things went, A similar drone moved to face Ash as he lay on the floor. "Operator?"

"PLease don't..." Ash wimpered."

"That was very stupid of you."

"Just get us to the mushroom kingdom if you can... Please." Ash wimpered in pain as he lay there on the ship's decking.
Anna Freeman
Anna ends up lying in a crumpled heap, letting out a soft groan. Which ... well, forget androgynous, it doesn't even sound feminine. No resistance whatsoever to the pods dragging her off!

Spiral sighs, looking up at the ceiling in the general direction of the sound of Ordis's voice. "They're like a couple of damn twins," she says to all and sundry. "Born from the same egg produced in the Recklessness Womb, and just ... offset by a few years due to World Tree time-shenanigans or whatever."

Which might not seem biologically possible, but most likely, the medical technology of the somatic pod will instantly discover that Anna is transgender, whoops.